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355 Route 46, Mt. Lakes, NJ 07046 c: 973-722-7655

Dear FringeNYC Staff,

Ponies at Law takes the FringeNYC Festival 2016! I am thrilled to submit the
application of Pony and Pony: Ponies at Law: The Musical to the FringeNYC. This
adult themed puppet show is packed with memorable songs, sex appeal, and lots of
laughs, perfect for audiences looking for something extraordinary. Ponies needs
FringeNYC’s unique location and opportunity to perform in front of audiences as the
largest multi-arts festival in North America to make our dream a reality.

Ponies is perfect for FringeNYC! Like Avenue Q, Ponies at Law began as a short film
intended as a television pilot. After dumping out some of the law and adding music
and scantily dressed women, Ponies has been re-imagined as a musical, and it goes
something like this:

Juan is a young, macho-man in need of legal assistance on a budget. Where does he

turn for help? The Law Office of Pony & Pony, Ponies at Law! Leaving his case
squarely in the hooves of pony attorneys Tristan and Pascal, the two puppet
attorneys struggle to help Juan find his legal solution while getting to the bottom of
their own personal problems. The Ponies’ adversary in court, Louise, is a woman on
the brink. Devastatingly brilliant, but rigid to a fault, Louise struggles to define
herself as a woman, and to be taken seriously in the legal community. No pony will
get in her way of legal domination. Whether having a runaway office love affair with
a sexy Muse of Art, or trying to assimilate into a world of people, or grappling with
modern feminism, the problems Ponies at Law tackle are universal to us all.

Ponies is appropriate for children of some ages (teens and above) and adults. A
proscenium theater would be ideal, but we can make anything work. We are ready,
willing, and able to do as many shows as feasible and excite as many audiences as
possible. Because, hey, people love puppet ponies!

Included in our online application is our script, recorded music, sheet music, short
film version of the original production, and sample media including graphics.

Without the support of FringeNYC, Ponies may never be produced.

The Ponies and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Cara Parmigiani
Creative Director
Near Enemy Creative LLC.

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