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Diabetes Ther (2022) 13:1715–1722


Diabetic Mononeuropathies and Diabetic

David S. H. Bell

Received: June 20, 2022 / Accepted: July 27, 2022 / Published online: August 15, 2022
Ó The Author(s) 2022

This brief review describes the etiology, patho- Keywords: Diabetic mononeuropathy; Cranial
physiology, clinical features, therapy and prog- neuropathy; Entrapment neuropathy; Pressure
nosis of the diabetic mononeuropathies and neuropathy; Radiculopathy; Diabetic
diabetic amyotrophy and neuropathic cachexia. amyotrophy
Mononeuropathies include cranial neu-
ropathies, of which the oculomotor nerve is Key Summary Points
most commonly affected, and are thought to be
due to microvascular occlusion. Peripherally, The most common diabetic
entrapment neuropathies occur in both the mononeuropathies involve the cranial
upper and lower limbs and are due to com- nerves with the third nerve being the
pression of an already damaged nerve in most commonly affected.
anatomically restricted channels. Diabetic
radiculopathies occur in the dermatones of the Entrapment neuropathies due to diabetes
thorax and abdomen, mimicking intraabdomi- in the upper and lower limbs may need
nal or intrathoracic pathology. I also describe surgical decompression to relieve muscle
the features of the rare but very distinctive weakness.
diabetic amyotrophy and neuropathic cachexia. Diabetic radiculopathies occur in the
Overall, the prognosis from these conditions is dermatomes of the chest and abdomen,
excellent with residual pain or muscle weakness never cross the midline and mimic
being rare with the exception of diabetic amy- intraabdominal and intrathoracic
otrophy where the prognosis is dependent upon pathologies.
cooperation with intensive rehabilitation.
Therapies include ‘‘watchful waiting,’’ physical Diabetic amyotrophy is due to
therapy and rarely surgical intervention, which involvement of the upper and lower
may be urgently needed for nerve decompres- lumbar plexi and is a rare condition that
sion and reversal of motor defects. presents with severe pain, muscle
weakness and atrophy of the muscles of
the upper thigh accompanied by severe
D. S. H. Bell (&) weight loss.
Southside Endocrinology, 1900 Crestwood Blvd,
Suite 201, Irondale, AL 35210, USA
1716 Diabetes Ther (2022) 13:1715–1722

Cranial mononeuropathy is the most com-

INTRODUCTION mon form of diabetic mononeuropathy, and
though any cranial nerve may be affected, the
The term diabetic neuropathy describes a group
nerves, particularly the oculomotor nerve, to
of syndromes caused by degeneration of the
the extraocular muscles are the nerves that are
peripheral and autonomic nerves in association
most effected.
with hyperglycemia and/or insulin resistance
[1]. Diabetic neuropathy was described long
before the discovery of insulin. Painful neu- Third Cranial Nerve (Oculomotor)
ropathy was described in 1883, loss of deep Mononeuropathy
tendon reflexes and nocturnal hyperesthesia in
1884 with cranial mononeuropathy being first The onset of ophthalmoplegia is abrupt and in
described in 1905 [2]. Much later in 1945 dia- approximately 50% of cases is preceded by sev-
betic autonomic neuropathy was described [3]. eral days of unilateral pain above and below the
This brief review describes the diabetic affected eye. On examination there is unilateral
mononeuropathies, which, unlike the distal external deviation of the affected eye accom-
symmetrical and autonomic neuropathies, panied by ptosis and an inability to move the
occur less commonly, are not related to long- eye medially and superiorly. A distinguishing
term glycemic control and almost invariably feature of a diabetic third nerve palsy, when
resolve usually with minimal, if any, residual compared with a non-diabetic third nerve palsy,
damage. Diabetic mononeuropathies include is that the pupillary response to light is main-
cranial neuropathies, entrapment and pressure tained. This is thought to be due to sparing of
neuropathies and radiculopathies. In addition, the peripheral nerve fibers which supply the
the syndrome of diabetic amyotrophy and pupil with only the central area of the nerve
neuropathic cachexia, which is rare and char- being affected by the infarction [7, 8].
acterized by painful weakness of the thigh With a history of diabetes and the preserva-
muscles accompanied by weight loss, is tion of the pupillary reflex and lack of any other
described. CNS signs or symptoms further investigation
This article is based on previously conducted may not be necessary, and ‘‘watchful waiting’’
studies and does not contain any new studies with or without anti-platelet therapy to hasten
with human participants or animals performed reopening of the vasa nervorum may be justi-
by the author. fied [9, 10].

Fourth and Sixth (Trochlear

DIABETIC CRANIAL and Abducens) Cranial Mononeuropathies
Next to the third cranial nerve the most com-
These mononeuropathies involve discrete cra- monly involved cranial nerve is the sixth fol-
nial nerves, usually occur in an older patient lowed by the fourth. In an analysis of 811 cases
and are due to occlusion of the vasa nervorum of oculomotor palsies, diabetes was present in
causing a central infarction of the cranial nerve 2.6% of the third nerve palsies, 1.9% of the
[4]. Cranial mononeuropathies were first sixth nerve palsies and 0.6% of fourth nerve
described in 1905 by Dieakufoy who described palsies [11]. In another series of 24 subjects with
58 personal cases in which he described the diabetes with a cranial mononeuropathy, 17
clinical features of diabetic ophthalmoplegia had a third nerve palsy (2 bilateral), 7 had a
and later in 1935 by Waite who compared the sixth nerve palsy, and there were no fourth
occurrence of oculomotor palsy in 2002 diabetic nerve palsies [12].
patients compared with 4577 non-diabetic These fourth and sixth nerve palsies most
subjects and observed a difference in the often occur in patients above the age of 50, but
pupillary response to light [5, 6]. in this group the prodromal pain is less frequent
Diabetes Ther (2022) 13:1715–1722 1717

and less severe than with a third nerve palsy. due to denervation and subsequent hypotonia
Once again, recovery is almost complete within may be observed [16]. Similarly, with chest
3 months. Unlike a third nerve palsy, because of pain, hyperesthesia or hypoesthesia can be
the long intracranial courses of the fourth and detected in the relevant dermatone and does
sixth cranial nerves it is difficult to eliminate an not cross the midline.
intracranial cause without appropriate investi- When faced with chest or abdominal pain
gation and/or neurological consultation. even when the clinical findings support this
Therefore, watchful waiting is not an option. diagnosis of a diabetic radiculopathy, investi-
Within 6–12 weeks resolution, which is almost gations to eliminate intrathoracic and intraab-
always complete, occurs. dominal pathology and electrophysiological
studies to confirm the diagnosis of diabetic
Seventh (Facial) Cranial Mononeuropathy radiculopathy should be preformed [17].
Therapy for diabetic radiculopathy is symp-
There is also an increase in the incidence of tomatic with if appropriate the addition of anti-
Bell’s palsy in patients with diabetes. The pre- platelet therapy. In severe cases a local anes-
sentation is the classic ipsilateral facial weak- thetic block can be utilized. The patient should
ness including the muscles of the forehead, be reassured that the pain will disappear in 6–-
which indicates that this is a lower cranial nerve 12 weeks. However, the patient should also be
lesion. In addition, the absence of ageusia (loss alerted that another radiculopathy may occur in
of taste) suggests that the infarction of the facial the same or another dermatome [18].
nerve is distal to where the chorda tympani
leaves the facial nerve [13]. ENTRAPMENT AND PRESSURE
With diabetes peripheral nerves are more prone
Diabetic radiculopathy is a mononeuropathy to damage from external pressure. In addition,
involving a single nerve root. On occasion with glycosylation of protein leading to cross-
multiple nerve roots are involved, and while the linking of collagen, a less elastic, stiffer and
condition is self-limited, recurrences in the more voluminous form of connective tissue
same or other dermatomes may occur [14]. forms, which in anatomically restricted chan-
The patient with diabetic radiculopathy nels exerts pressure on a nerve that may already
presents with a rapid onset of unilateral and be damaged because of the presence of diabetes
often severe pain in the thorax or abdomen, [19, 20].
which is often worse at night [15]. The distri-
bution of the pain is in a single or multiple Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Median Nerve
dermatomes and does not cross the midline. Mononeuropathy)
On examination there is abdominal tender-
ness that is not lessened by contracting the The most common entrapment neuropathy is
abdominal wall muscles, which distinguishes carpal tunnel syndrome where the median
abdominal wall tenderness from intraabdomi- nerve is trapped between the transverse liga-
nal tenderness because of an intrabdominal ment below and the carpal bones above [21, 22].
etiology where the tenderness will usually Initially, pain and parathesis involving the
decrease with abdominal wall contraction. medial portion of the palm of the hand, which
Similarly, in assessing abdominal wall sensa- are aggravated by the utilization of the hand,
tion, hyperparasthesia or occasionally hypoes- occur. The symptoms are usually worse at night
thesia is detected in the affected dermatome of and may be relieved by ‘‘dangling’’ the hand
the chest or abdomen and does not cross the over the side of the bed [9]. The dominant hand
midline. In severe cases, on attaining the is more commonly affected, and there is a
upright posture, bulging of the abdominal wall
1718 Diabetes Ther (2022) 13:1715–1722

higher prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome in conductor studies are essential prior to surgery
females. The prevalence of carpal tunnel syn- [26, 27].
drome also increases with age and obesity
[23, 24]. Radial Neuropathy
On physical examination in more advanced
cases there is wasting of the thenar eminence, The radial nerve may occasionally be com-
and opponation of the thumb to the little finger pressed in the axilla (Saturday night palsy) or on
is weakened. Sensation is decreased over the the mid-humerus (honeymoon palsy) or at the
palmar distribution of the median nerve (all but wrist (handcuff palsy). Pressure on the radial
the lateral 1‘ fingers and the lateral palm). nerve will result in pain and parasthesias in the
Pressure over the median nerve, usually induced medial dorsal portion of the hand with minimal
with a patella hammer, worsens the parasthesias motor involvement. Therefore, therapy is usu-
(Tinels sign) [25]. ally conservative, and removing pressure from
When the symptoms of carpal tunnel syn- the affected site will usually avoid the need for
drome interfere with the quality of life or cause surgical decompression.
hand weakness, surgical intervention to
decompress the medial nerve is recommended.
Lower Limb Entrapment Neuropathies
Prior to surgery, night splinting and hand
physical therapy may be helpful in controlling
symptoms. Since the median nerve is also sus- Compression of the lateral cutaneous nerve of
ceptible to compression in the upper forearm by the thigh below the inguinal ligament is the
pressure from the pronator teres muscle, local- most common mononeuropathy in the lower
ization of nerve compression to the wrist limb. Compression of this nerve causes pain,
through nerve conductive studies must be pre- numbness and parathesis in the antero-lateral
formed to avoid unnecessary and futile surgery thigh (meralgia paresthetica or Bernhardt-Roth
[25]. syndrome). Surgical therapy is needed occa-
sionally, but should and can be avoided by
reducing or eliminating the cause of the pres-
Ulnar Entrapment Neuropathy
sure [28, 29].
Involvement of the femoral nerve leads to
The next most commonly affected peripheral pain, numbness and loss of sensation over the
nerve damaged from external pressure is the anterior thigh. Motor involvement leads to
ulnar nerve, which is particularly susceptible to quadriceps weakness and wasting and unilateral
pressure at the elbow in the pisohamate tunnel loss of the patellar reflex. Therapy is again
and presents with paresthesias and numbness of symptomatic with aggressive physical therapy
the lateral palm and 1‘ fingers. However, of to maintain and improve quadriceps strength
more concern is that severe muscle weakness [30].
accompanied by wasting of the interossei may Peroneal nerve compression at the head of
occur with ulnar nerve entrapment since almost the fibula not only causes pain, paresthesias and
all the muscles of the hand, with the exception numbness over the dorsum of the foot but can
of the opponens policies and abductor pollicus in advanced cases lead to unilateral foot drop,
brevis, are innervated by the ulnar nerve. As a which in turn may cause tripping and falls that
result of this severe muscle wasting there is an may be associated with life-threatening injuries
imbalance of power between the flexor and [31]. On occasion the foot drop can be bilateral.
extensor muscles of the hand so that the hand Treatment for this ‘‘cross leg palsy’’ is again to
may ‘‘claw.’’ With severe muscle wasting, sur- remove pressure from the nerve and physical
gery to decompress the ulnar nerve is essential therapy to avoid decompression surgery
and may need to be preformed in an emergency [32, 33].
to preserve hand strength. Since the ulnar nerve Even more rarely compression of the poste-
may also be entrapped at the wrist, nerve rior tibia nerve in the tarsal tunnel leads to pain,
Diabetes Ther (2022) 13:1715–1722 1719

parasthesias and numbness of the plantar sur- depression, emotional lability and severe upper
face of the foot (tarsal tunnel syndrome) [31]. leg pain.
On examination, there is severe bilateral
Very Rare Mononeuropathies muscle weakness and wasting, which is most
marked in the pelvic muscle girdle and the
Very rarely mononeuropathies involving the anterior thigh muscles. Almost invariably the
phrenic, long thoracic and obturator nerves patella reflexes are absent, and there is objective
may occur in patients with diabetes. The theo- evidence of distal symmetrical polyneuropathy
retical etiologies are external pressure on the (loss of sensation and reflexes in the distal lower
nerve, infarction of the nerve or simply hyper- limb). The muscle weakness results in difficulty
glycemia [18, 34]. and/or an inability to climb stairs or rise from a
sitting position [9, 46]. The combination of
weight loss with severe neuropathic signs and
Diabetic Amyotrophy and Neuropathic
symptoms in an older patient raises the ques-
tion of an occult malignancy, which must be
ruled out.
Diabetic amyotrophy and neuropathic cachexia Resolution usually occurs in 1–3 years.
are a lower extremity neuropathy involving the However, recovery is not always complete and is
upper and lower lumbar plexi. Other names dependent on compliance with therapy. Gen-
that are used to describe this syndrome are erally, symptoms are severe for the first
diabetic lumbosacral radiculopathy, diabetic 6 months and gradually decrease following this.
myelopathy, proximal diabetic neuropathy, Weight loss generally resolves at around 1 year,
Bruns-Garland syndrome and femoral-sciatic and muscle strength may improve for up to 3
neuropathy [35–41]. years [9].
With diabetic amyotrophy a cutaneous nerve Therapy includes euglycemia, this is usually
biopsy shows multiple pathologies including easily obtained with insulin; this will also
ischemic nerve injury, multifocal fiber loss, increase appetite and facilitate weight gain.
perineural thickening and degeneration, neo- Abstinence from alcohol is essential, and a diet
vascularization, microfasiculations in addition high in protein and calories will facilitate
to swollen axons with accumulated organelles weight gain. The most important therapy is
and vasculitis [42]. physical therapy (the intensity of which is pro-
Nerve conduction studies and EMGs show portional to the degree of recovery) [47, 48].
that although the syndrome is predominantly a Rehabilitation can be more effective if the
motor neuropathy there are sensory and auto- accompanying depression and the neuropathic
nomic components [43]. Studies have also sug- pain are treated. Only in severe or recalcitrant
gested that there may be an immuno-mediated situations should opiates be utilized for pain
inflammatory vasculitis causing ischemic dam- control.
age. However, immunotherapy to date has not
been shown to be efficacious [44]. Cerebrospinal
fluid with diabetic amyotrophy is acellular but CONCLUSION
has raised protein levels, probably due to neu-
ronal damage and/or inflammation [45]. In this manuscript, I have described the etiol-
Diabetic amyotrophy is uncommon and ogy, presentation, diagnostic features, the
usually occurs in men over age 50 who also may therapy of and prognosis of the diabetic
have a history of significant alcohol intake and mononeuropathies, which include cranial
usually have very mild type 2 diabetes, which is nerve mononeuropathies entrapment/pressure
often of recent onset. Usually weight loss that mononeuropathies and diabetic radiculopathy.
can be as much as 40% of initial body weight In addition, I have described the features of the
occurs. Other accompanying symptoms are rare but very distinctive diabetic amyotrophy
1720 Diabetes Ther (2022) 13:1715–1722

and neuropathic cachexia along with its con- your intended use is not permitted by statutory
troversial etiology. regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you
Recognizing these distinctive neuropathies will need to obtain permission directly from the
will result in the ability to inform the diabetic copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence,
patient that the symptoms, though often sev- visit
ere, are self-limited and will usually resolve nc/4.0/.
without resulting in a permanent disability. The
patient’s concerns of underlying diseases, par-
ticularly a cancer, should also be alleviated.
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