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Human Eye and the Colourful World

1. Draw a simple diagram of Human Eye and label the

Cornea, Iris, Pupil, Ciliary muscles, Eye lens, Retina, Optic
nerve and Blind spot.
2. Describe the Working of the Human Eye with the help of
3. How does the Eye adjust itself to deal with light of varying
4. Explain the functions of the following part of the Eye: (a)
Cornea (b)Iris (c)Pupil (d)Ciliary Muscles
(e)Retina (f) Eye lens (g) Optic nerve.
5. If you walk from a dark room into the Sunlight and
back again into dark room, how would your pupil alter in
size? What makes this happen?
6. How is the amount of light entering the eye controlled?
7. What are the two most common defects of vision? How
they are corrected?
8. Differentiate between Myopia and Hypermetropia. What
type of spectacles should be worn by a person having the
defects of myopia as well as hypermetropia? How does it
9. Name the defect which can be corrected by a converging
lens. Show clearly by a ray diagram how the lens corrects
the defect.
10. Name the defect which can be corrected by using
Diverging lens. Show clearly by a ray diagram how the lens
corrects the defect.
11. A person suffering from Myopia can see clearly only
up to a distance of 2 meters. What is the nature and
power of lens required?
12. The far point of Myopic person is 80cm in front of
the eye. What is the nature and power of the lens required
to correct the problem.
13. Explain Presbyopia and Cataract briefly and also its
14. Why do we have two eyes for vision and not just one
give reasons.
15. What is the role of ciliary muscles?
16. What is meant by Power of Accommodation of
human eye?
17. Draw a diagram to show the dispersion of white light
by a glass prism.
18. What is a Rainbow? What are the two conditions
necessary for the formation of a rainbow in the sky? What
acts as tiny prisms in the formation of a rainbow? Name
the process which is involved in the formation of a
rainbow and what are the seven colours of the rainbow.
19. Name and explain any two effects produced by the
atmospheric refraction.
20. Why do stars seem higher than they actually are?
Illustrate your answer with the help of a diagram.
21. What is Atmospheric Refraction and what are the
causes of Atmospheric Refraction?
22. Why do stars twinkle at night and planets do not?
Give reasons for both.
23. Explain why if we look at the objects through the hot
air over a fire, the objects appear to be moving slightly.
24. Explain why a sun can be seen about two minutes
before actual sunrise. Draw a diagram to illustrate your
25. What is Tyndall Effect? Explain with the help of an
26. Why the sky does appears blue on the clear day?
27. Why does the sky appear black to an astronaut
instead of blue?
28. Why does the sky appear red at the time of sunrise
and sunset?
29. Why the DANGER signal signs do are red in colour?
30. Make a diagram to show how Myopia ,
Hypermetropia is corrected and also show the diagram of
defected eye.

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