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Pros and Cons of Owning a Franchise

Business Franchise is trend in the business industry today. But there are pros and cons when
becoming a franchisee.


1. It a ready-to-do business. It is already served in front of you. The business plan is already there
and all you need to do is to run it.
2. Having the name. What they got is what you get. If the franchise is already an established
business, you don’t have to do more on the marketing side.
3. Help from one another. You can always seek for the help of another franchisee about the


1. Expensive. Franchises can have high start-up costs.

2. Less flexibility. If you are really a business- minded person, you would want to do more than
what you are handling now. Having a franchise have rules you have to abide and follow.
3. Royalty costs. Some franchises have other taxes paid to the owners. And in time, it could rise up.

Bottom Line

Before deciding to franchise a business, you would want to think and evaluate yourself because
this business is not for all. Some might succeed and some might fail.

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