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I was born in a aristocratic family

Everything was handed to me in a silver spoon, every clothing was comfortable and
rich to the touch. My family consisted of scholars, mathematicians and artists--
musical, poetry, all that stuff--my family was and still is regarded to be one of
the most sucessful ones. As for I, Myro Brontee, I went with literacy, I excelled
in poetry and in, in the ocassional times, video games. I rarely play, when I do, I
don't really have much of a presentation. I live a busy life, pure of acadamics and
rich in lavishes. My pass-time prefers are, as you might've foresaw when I
mentioned my lavish living: Shopping and styling--I like to purchase clothing and
novels, I find them to be a good pass time. I tend to be the more gifted one in
academics, although, not really efficient in any sort of way. That would be my
brother, Nura Brontee, he is a rare type of person, he is albino, rather than
getting bullied for being different, he is praised with facination from other
students and people. He finishes work faster than I could but I can make up for the
amount of corrects I have over his wrongs. My school is called the "Academics of
St. Aquinas", I study in a christian school, conversely, its Christian fate isn't
shoved down our throats every now and then but we do have to attend our once-a-
month masses. The school rests a-top of a hill, makes it a cold place during
winters. After school I like to go down to the city below my School to my favorite
Cafee, "Momo's Cafee", it's a creative little place, mixing library and coffee.
It's lovely, the doors are that of old, wooden frame with a window with 2
seperating points dividing the panes into 4 sides, I enter the door and was greeted
with the familiar noise of the chimes making their noise, alerting the staff of my
presence or others, I am no fuss but during these hours, it's most likely a
guarantee to be me. I was greeted with the lovely cat that the owners adopted,
she's cuddly and has a cute little collar with a bell on it, the cat rubs itself on
my pants, walking circles around it whilst sticking its body close to it. "You have
arrived here so many times, it is safe to assume she's comfortable with you. Ms.
Brontee." Says the barista I am so familiar with. "If this lovely little fellow
were to speak, I assure you she knows your order to the very letter. I'll get it
prepared now." Says Madame Murray, she is the only worker I know by name. She is
old, her hairs are gray and she has wrinkles on her eyes but what I like about her
are her wrinkles, I read in a book once that the most realest smiles gives wrinkles
on people's eyes, she is always smiling and her wrinkles makes her joy and
positivity contagious, knowing that it is genuine and the smile is true to the
soul. "Thank you, Ms. Murray." I thanked her. "Don't be a stranger, Ms. Brontee,
take a seat.." I sat down and exhaled everything away. "...I know that exhale and
tone, you are overworking yourself once more, Ms. Brontee." she asks, worried and
comforting like a mother "Well, aristrocatic families always has their everest-peak
standards." I say as I rests my head on the table I always sat at. I heard Ms.
Murray muttering something to the male worker that greeted me earlier and I heard
footsteps going away and soon towards me, I felt safe here so I paid no mind until
I felt a blanket, warm to the touch on my back, covering my neck and leaving my
head out, I felt the male employee gently lift my hair out of the blanket and lay
it gently on it "There you go, Ms. Brontee, by order of Ms. Murray." I raised and
stretched my arms outwards and held the blanket and wrapped my whole body in it, I
gazed a relaxed look to the benevolent Ms. Murray and asked "Thank you, Ms. Brontee
but why?" and she replied with a chuckle and then "I see you here often, you're
like paws over there..." she glanced at the cat that I handn't noticed was right
beside me on the couch, she was sat there licking her front feet, cleaning herself.
"She used to always come here and I take care of her, you always come here so might
as well take care of you too, I may not be able to replicate your home's luxury but
i'll make up for it in comfort, Ms. Brontee." I chuckle and I say in a joking
manner "Okay okay, you earned your tip." She laughed before handing the tray to the
male worker and I get served my usual: Lovely delgona coffee with the side of club
sandwiches. "Lovely as always, Ms. Murray" she chuckles and she said "It is and
always be my ple--" she was cut off by the sound of the chimes on her door, outcame
a man dressed in a thick coat, a vest, white undershirt and pants. His hair was
long, I couldn't tell how long but I know it to be long because he had it on a
pony-tail, his eyes are tired, they had eye-bags and in my opinion, it added to his
factor in appeal. His voice was soft, yet clear; he spoke in a formal manner and
despite his tired looks, he can still humor his way into conversations. He ordered
a black coffee, barely any sugar and no milk. I wonder if his heart-rate is okay. I
take a closer inspection of the man and he seemed to be wearing cheap clothes, he
doesn't seem like he is from the city and, Ms. Murray, being the grace-of-the-Gods
that she is asked "Are you a traveller? You aren't a familiar face here." she asks
with child-like curiosity and her contagious smile. He sipped his coffee and said
"Yes, I am not from here. I am from a town a fortnight's travel away. The journey
here was less perilous than I thought it to be, you can blame my anxiety for that,
after all, this is new grounds for me. From that previous question, I assume a "why
I came here and what got me so dedicated for 2 weeks" question will arise, well, I
came here to find meaning in life, to see if the rich had their meaning, to see if
it is cash. That gives life its purpose."

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