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It may come as no surprise that accurate accounts of Ork history are hard to nail down, as they

have little patience for writing things down and few greenskins live long enough to pass on
what stories and legends exist. Some tales, however, strike such a chord with the more
traditionalist Snakebite clan that they spread like wildfire across the galaxy, from Waaagh! to
Waaagh! The legend of the Great White Squig is one of these.

Known by many names before it came into the possession of its current rider, the Great
White Squig is widely regarded as the most belligerent, vicious, and savage squigosaur
to ever crawl from the spawning grounds. Utterly untameable and responsible for a
breathtaking number of missing Boyz, it wasn’t until the squigosaur met its match in an
equally stubborn Beast Snagga named Mozrog Skragbad that any hope of controlling
the monster could be found.

Mozrog, for his part, was already well known among the Snakebite clan as a particularly
tough and surly hunter, albeit one who’d probably spent a little too much time away
from his fellow Boyz. Legend has it that all it took was one piercing gaze to bring the
rampaging squigosaur to heel, although in reality Mozrog scrapped, chased, and
bludgeoned for three days before the alpha squig deigned to be ridden.

Newly christened ‘Big Chompa’, the Great White Squig is only kept in line by the sheer
ornery belligerence of its long-suffering master, routinely returning to its usual
destructive ways the moment Mozrog takes his eyes off it. As such, the two are rarely
seen apart, and so the continued legend of steed and rider grows to this day.

Speaking of rumours and legends, some of you with the eyes of skilled Tanith
marksmen noted something unusual on the new Gaunt’s Ghosts box at the weekend.
Are those new Ork Boyz pictures fighting the Cadian Shock Troops on the back of the
box? Yes, they are! We’ll save you squinting at a grainy pic, here is one of da new Boyz
in all their glory. First Beast Snaggas and now new Boyz – 2021 looks like the year to
be green…

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