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in the form of prebiotics

Module 2: Introduction to Microbiology (compounds that act as a

substrate on which beneficial
Microbiology microbes can grow), probiotics (the
beneficial microbes themselves),
- the scientific study of or fecal transplants (microbe-rich
microorganisms (living things that feces from healthy donors)—
are too small to be seen with the helping us realize the promise of
naked eye). operating at top form, from the
- concerned primarily with the inside out.
agents of infectious disease, the
immune response, the search for Progressive increase of physical activity
chemotherapeutic agents and level generates changes in intestinal
bacterial metabolism” in the early microbiota
part of the twentieth century - exercise affiliated with greater
microbial diversity in the intestine
Why study microbes? …generally regarded as a marker
of health.
- Microbes benefit humans and - diverse microbiomes seem to do a
animals better job fighting off illness and
- Microbes aid in nutrient recycling staving off chronic disease,
- Microbes as food for humans and - the microbiota is an important
other organisms component of whether or not our
- Microbes as sources of medicine bodies even respond to exercise –
- Microbes cause diseases exercise resistance
a. associated with a diabetic disease
How do trillions of microbes affect every course
stage of our life - from birth to old age as b. SCFA caused improvement in their
the impact of these microorganisms on insulin sensitivity after a regimen of
our well-being becomes clearer, scientist physical activity.
say new remedies for disease are likely to c. Diabetis 2 – resistance to insulin
Aids in the digestion of cellulose in
- “ innate as a child’s temperament Ruminants - Nutrient Recycling
might be related to whether the
bacteria in an infant’s gut are
predominantly from one genus: the
… Bifidobacterium … with the
highest proportion of
Bifidobacterium organisms at two Nitrogen Cycle
months were more likely at six
months to exhibit a trait the
researchers called “positive
- “In the not-too-distant future,
according to the most enthusiastic
researchers, it might be routine to
deliver a dose of healthy microbes
Bioremediation Brief History

- Definition: Use of living organisms A. First Observations

to transform, destroy, or
immobilize contaminants
- Goal: Detoxification of the parent
compounds and conversion to
products that are no longer
hazardous to human health and
the environment

Fermentation of Products
Robert Hooke (1635-1703)
- an English mathematician and
natural historian coined the term
“cells” to describe the “little boxes”
he observed in examining cork
slices with a compound
- the first to make a known
description of microorganisms and
recorded in his book

Antony van Leeuwenhoek (1973)

Pathogens - a draper and an amateur
microscope builder.
- he learned lens grinding as a
hobby and made over 100 simple
microscopes each capable of
magnifying an image about 300
- the first person to publish
extensive and accurate
observations of microorganisms.
- known as the father of bacteriology
- “Animalcules”

Spontaneous Generation
Vaccine Efficacy
- The Greek philosopher Aristotle
- efficacy is a measurement of how
(384–322 BC) was one of the
much a vaccine lowers the risk of
earliest recorded scholars to
an outcome.
articulate the theory of
- Vaccinated group has only 18
spontaneous generation, the
covid-19 cases vs. 63 covid-19
notion that life can arise from
cases under the placebo ---- a
nonliving matter.
drop of 45 cases or 71.4 % =
- Aristotle proposed that life arose
from nonliving material if the
material contained pneuma (“vital
- As evidence, he noted several
instances of the appearance of
animals from environments
previously devoid of such animals,
such as the seemingly sudden
appearance of fish in a new puddle
of water Lazaro Spallanzani (1729-1799)
- Sparked by the discovery of - Microorganisms in the air entered
”animalcules’ by Leeuwenhoek. in Needham’s experiment
- A long-held theory that life could - did not agree with Needham’s
arise spontaneously from non- conclusions, however, and
living or decaying organic matter. performed hundreds of carefully
executed experiments using
Francesco Redi (1626-1678) heated broth.
- As in Needham’s experiment,
broth in sealed jars and unsealed
jars was infused with plant and
animal matter.
- Spallanzani’s results contradicted
the findings of Needham: Heated
but sealed flasks remained clear,
without any signs of spontaneous
- Strong opponent of Abiogenesis growth, unless the flasks were
- Italian physician Francesco Redi subsequently opened to the air.
(1626–1697), performed an - This suggested that microbes were
experiment in 1668 that was one of introduced into these flasks from
the first to refute the idea that the air.
maggots (the larvae of flies) - In response to Spallanzani’s
spontaneously generate on meat findings, Needham argued that life
left out in the open air originates from a “life force” that
was destroyed during
John Needham (1713 - 1781) Spallanzani’s extended boiling.
- published a report of his own - Any subsequent sealing of the
experiments, in which he briefly flasks then prevented new life
boiled broth infused with plant or force from entering and causing
animal matter, hoping to kill all spontaneous generation
preexisting microbes. He then
sealed the flasks. Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902)
- Abiogenesis occurred due to the - Cells arise from pre-existing living
random “clumping of organic things

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)

- Swan-neck flasks show the is known as the Father of
spontaneous generation does not Antiseptic surgery
- Robert Koch worked on finding the
Golden Age of Microbiology (1857-1914) causes of some very nasty animal
diseases (first anthrax (1876), and
1858 then tuberculosis (1882)). He gave
- Pasteur finally resolved the the first direct demonstration of the
controversy of spontaneous role of bacteria in causing disease.
generation versus biogenesis and - He proposed Koch postulate which
proved that microorganisms are were published in 1884 and are
not spontaneously generated from the corner stone of the germ
inanimate matter but arise from theory of diseases and are still in
other microorganisms. use today to prove the etiology
- He also found that fermentation of (specific cause) of an infectious
fruits and grains, resulting in disease.
alcohol, was brought about by
microbes and also determined that Koch’s four postulates are:
bacteria were responsible for the 1. The organism causing the disease
spoilage of wine during can be found in sick individuals but
fermentation. not in healthy ones.
2. The organism can be isolated and
1862 grown in pure culture.
- Pasteur suggested that mild 3. The organism must cause the
heating at 62.8°C (145°F) for 30 disease when it is introduced into a
minutes rather than boiling was healthy animal.
enough to destroy the undesirable 4. The organism must be recovered
organisms without ruining the taste from the infected animal and
of the product, the process was shown to be the same as the
called Pasteurization. This led to organism that was introduced.
the development of the germ
theory of disease. Became known
as the “Father of Modern
Microbiology / Father of

- Lord Joseph Lister (1827-1912)
developed a system of antiseptic
surgery designed to prevent
microorganisms from entering
wounds by the application of
phenol on surgical dressings and
at times it was sprayed over the
surgical areas. Because of this
notable contribution, Joseph Lister
- The organism causes the same
Fermentation and pasteurization disease when introduced into
- microorganisms called yeasts another host
convert the sugars to alcohol in the - The organism can be re-isolated
absence of air, - fermentation used from that host
to make wine and beer – by
Pasteur Koch and Pure Cultures (Other
- Wine souring is spoilage (alcohol Discoveries)
turn to vinegar). - Used potato slice before – able to
- heat the beer and wine to kill most grow pure culture.
of the bacteria that caused the - Then gelatinized solutions
spoilage - pasteurization. - Latest - agar was suggested by
- Importance of discovery: Aerobes Walter Hesse (originally used by
and anaerobes & Links disease Fannie Hesse) – able to
and microbes - Richard Petri (1887) - development
of the transparent double-sided
Germ Theory of disease dishes that bear his name.
- A theory that proposes that - Petri dishes can be stacked and
microorganisms are the cause of sterilized separately from the
many diseases medium.
- 1835; Bassi proved silkworm - Colonies retained access to air
disease caused by a fungus. without direct exposure to air and
- 1865; Pasteur found protozoan as could easily be manipulated for
recent cause. further study.
- 1840; Sammelweis - physicians
with undisinfected hands transmits Limits of Application of Koch’s
infection causing childbirth fever Postulates
- 1860; used carbolic acid (phenol) - Agents do not cause disease to
to treat surgical wounds (aseptic other non-human hosts.
surgery) - Not all diseases have microbial
- 1870; Koch’s Postulates linking origins: Genetic, Degenerative,
microbes and disease. Congenital, nutritional def.
- Some microbes are not culturable
Koch’s Postulates in the lab.
- Treponema / Rickettsia /
Chlamydia / viruses
- Some pathogens cause many
different diseases in one or many
- Ethical considerations in
introducing pathogen to healthy
- Koch's Postulates are used to host
prove the cause of an infectious
disease 1877
- An organism can be isolated from - John Tyndall made the final blow
a host suffering from the disease to spontaneous generation.
- The organism can be cultured in
the laboratory
- He conducted experiments in an made possible the isolation of pure
aseptically designed box to prove cultures of microorganisms and
that dust indeed carried the germs. directly stimulated progress in all
- He demonstrated that if no dust areas of microbiology.
was present, sterile broth - Winogradsky discovered bacterial
remained free of microbial growth sulfide oxidation for which he first
for indefinite period even if it was became renowned, including the
directly exposed to air. first known form of lithotrophy. His
- He discovered highly resistant work on nitrogen cycling includes
bacterial structure, later known as chemosynthesis and the
endospore, in the infusion of hay. Winogradsky column.
- Prolonged boiling or intermittent 1890
heating was necessary to kill these - Emile Roux (1853-1933) and
spores, to make the infusion Alexandre Yersin discovered
completely sterilized, a process tetanus (lock jaw) antitoxin. Only
known as Tyndallization. about a week after the
announcement of the discovery of
1881 tetanus antitoxin, Von Behring in
- Fanne Eilshemius Hesse (1850 – 1890 reorted on immunization
1934) one of Koch’s assistant first against diphtheria by diphtheria
proposed the use of agar in culture antitoxin.
media. Agar was superior to - The discovery of toxin-antitoxin
gelatin because of its higher relationship was very important to
melting (i.e. 96°C) and solidifying the development of science of
(i.e. 40-45°C) points than gelatin immunology.
and was not attacked by most
bacteria. 1892
- Dmitri Ivanowski made the first
1883 evidence of the filterability of a
- Elie Metchnikoff (1845-1916) pathogenic agent, the virus of
discovered that some blood tobacco mosaic disease.
leukocytes, white blood cells - His work had launched the
(WBC) protect against disease by emergence of virology.
engulfing disease-causing
bacteria. 1898
- These cells were called - Beijerinck demonstrated that
phagocytes and the process tobacco mosaic virus is caused by
phagocytosis. Thus, human blood an infectious agent smaller than a
cells also confer immunity, referred bacterium.
to as cellular immunity.
1887 - Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915) found
- Koch’s another assistant Richard that the dye Trypan Red was
Petri in 1887 developed the Petri active against the trypanosome
dish (plate), a container used for that causes African sleeping
solid culture media. sickness and could be used
- Thus contribution of Robert Koch, therapeutically.
Fannie Hesse and Richard Petri
- This dye with antimicrobial activity - Luria and Delbruck demonstrate
was referred to as a ‘magic bullet’. that in bacteria, genetic mutation
arises in the absence of selection,
rather than being a response to
1910 1944
- Ehrlich in collaboration with - Waksman discovered another
Sakahiro Hata, a japanese antibiotic, streptomycin produced
physician, introduced the drug by two strains of actinomycete,
Salvarsan (arsenobenzol) as a Streptomyces griseus
treatment for syphilis caused by - Avery, MacLeod and McCarty
Treponema pallidum. demonstrated that DNA is the
substance that causes bacterial
1935 transformation, in an era when it
- Gerhard Domagk experimented had been widely believed that it
with numerous synthetic dyes and was proteins that served the
reported that Prontosil, a red dye function of carrying genetic
used for staining leather, was information. It was first described
active against pathogenic, in Griffith’s experiment of 1928.
Streptococci and Staphylococci in
mice even though it had no effect 1953
against that same infectious agent - Watson and Crick completed their
in a test tube. DNA model, which is now
accepted as the first correct model
1928 of the double-helix
- Sir Alexander Fleming discovered
a ‘wonder drug’ called penicillin 1960
- Joseph Gall and Mary Lou Pardue
Modern Developments in Microbiology developed radioactively labelled
(Brooks 2013) hybridisation probes. Hybridisation
probes are DNA or RNA fragments
1931 which can bind to complementary
- Knoll and Ruska developed the sequences in the microbial
first prototype electron microscope chromosome.
capable of fourhundred-power - More user-friendly fluorophores
magnification. replaced the radioactive labels
leading to the development of
1941 fluorescence in situ hybridisation
- Beadle and Tatum proposed the (FISH).
one gene-one enzyme hypothesis.
This is the idea that genes act 1977
through the production of - Carl Woese studied ribosomal
enzymes, with each gene genes that led to the first
responsible for producing a single scientifically based tree of life.
enzyme that in turn affects a single - His work paved the way for a new
step in a metabolic pathway. method of identifying microbes
based on the nucleotide sequence
1943 of the genes encoding the small
16S ribosomal RNA subunit for vaccines for cholera, anthrax,
bacteria and the 18S rRNA subunit rabies
for eukaryotic organisms such as
- World Health Organization
eradicates smallpox Act of Vaccination by Jenner
- Edward Jenner used cowpox-
1983 infected material obtained from the
- Luc Montaigner and Robert Gallo - hand of Sarah Nemes, a milkmaid
HIV as causative agent of AIDS. from his home village of Berkley in
- Kary Mullis developed polymerase Gloucestershire to successfully
chain reaction (PCR) that enables vaccinate 8 years old James
a target stretch of DNA to be Phipps
copied thousands or millions of - Jenner challenged the boy by
times. deliberately inoculating him with
material from a real case of small
pox. He did not become infected!

Gram Staining
- Gram was searching for a method
that would allow visualization of
cocci in tissue sections of lungs of
those who had died of pneumonia
- the use of substances (natural or
synthetic) to treat disease.
- Marshall discovered Helicobacter
- In its non-oncological use, the term
may also refer to antibiotics
(antibacterial chemotherapy).
- Principle: some chemicals are
- First complete genetic sequence of
more toxic to microbes than their
a bacterium is published
- Contributors: Paul Ehrlich (”magic
bullet” Salvarsan against syphilis)
(1910) Domagk (Sulfonamides)
(1930s) & Alexander Fleming
- process of administering
(Penicillin – first antibiotic, 1928)
pathogens that cannot reproduce
(due to being weakened or dead)
in a healthy person or animal, the
intent is to confer immunity against
a targeted disease agent (or
- Contributor: Edward Jenner (1796)
(use of cowpox virus to immunize
against smallpox virus) – first one
- 1880: – Pasteur discovered how
vaccines work; developed
virus in test tube cultures of human
Second Golden Age (1943-1970) tissues. 1954

- Microbial Genetics Era - a race to Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase

the discovery of DNA as the suggest that the only DNA is needed for
genetic material. viral replication (1950’s) - DNA as the
- Important discoveries: genetic material rather than protein
Transformation in bacteria,
Nucleotides make up DNA, DNA Joshua Lederberg and Esther Lederberg
as the genetic material, DNA publish their replica plating method and
structure provide firm evidence that mutations in
bacteria yielding resistance to antibiotics
Griffth’s Experiment - Stepping Stone and viruses are not induced by the
for the discovery of genetic material presence of selective agents.

- Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod,

and Maclyn McCarty show that
DNA is the transforming material in
cells. (1944)
- Albert Schatz, E. Bugie, and - James Watson and Francis Crick
Selman Waksman discover publish a description of the
streptomycin, soon to be used double-helix structure of DNA
against tuberculosis (1952) (1953)

Joshua Lederberg and Edward L.

Tatum publish on conjugation in

- Microbiologist John Franklin

Enders, virologist Thomas H.
Weller and physician Frederick
Chapman Robbins together
develop a technique to grow polio
- Peter Mitchell proposes the
chemiosmotic theory in which a
molecular process is coupled to studies employing
the transport of protons across a microorganisms.
biological membrane 1978 - Recombinant DNA and
engineering, DNA technology
Bacteria for insulin , Yeast for hepa

- Francois Jacob, David Perrin,

Carmen Sanchez and Jacques - Howard Temin and David
Monod propose the operon Baltimore independently discover
concept for control of bacteria reverse transcriptase in RNA
gene action. viruses 1975

- Stanley Cohen, Annie Chang,

Robert Helling, and Herbert Boyer
show that if DNA is broken into
fragments and combined with
- Marshall Nirenberg and J.H. plasmid DNA, such recombinant
Matthaei observe that a synthetic DNA molecules will reproduce if
polynucleotide, poly U, directs the inserted into bacterial cells
synthesis of a polypeptide
composed only of phenylalanine Fields of Study / Scope

Modern Developments Agricultural Microbiology

- study to combat plant diseases
Microbial Genetics that attack important food crops,
- Microorganisms have served as work on methods to increase soil
important biochemical and genetic fertility and crop yields etc.
model systems - Currently there is a great interest
- Understanding the molecular role in using bacterial or viral insect
of DNA in the hereditary process pathogens as substitute for
occurred as a consequence of chemical pesticides
Microbial Ecology nutrient cycling, geomicrobiology,
- study of biogeochemical cycles microbial diversity and
and bioremediation to reduce bioremediation.
pollution effects - Characterization of key bacterial
habitats such as the rhizosphere
Microbial Physiology and phyllosphere
- The study of how the microbial cell
functions biochemically. Evolutionary Microbiology
- Includes the study of microbial - The study of the evolution of
growth, microbial metabolism and microbes.
microbial cell structure - Includes the study of bacterial
Microbial Genetics systematics and taxonomy.
- The study of how genes are
organized and regulated in Industrial Microbiology
microbes in relation to their cellular - industrial fermentation and
functions. wastewater treatment. Closely
- Closely related to the field of linked to the biotechnology
molecular biology industry.
- brewing, an important application
Genetic Engineering of microbiology.
- arisen from work of microbial - Antibiotics, vitamins,
genetics and molecular biology. pharmaceuticals
Engineered microorganisms are
used to make hormones, Aeromicrobiology
antibiotics, vaccines and other - The study of airborne
products. New genes can be microorganisms.
inserted into plants and animals
Food Microbiology
Medical Microbiology - The study of microorganisms
- The study of the role of microbes causing food spoilage.
in human illness.
- Includes the study of microbial
pathogenesis and epidemiology
and is related to the study of
disease pathology and Pharmaceutical microbiology
immunology - the study of microorganisms
causing pharmaceutical
Veterinary Microbiology contamination and spoilage.
- The study of the role of microbes
in veterinary medicine or animal Parasitology
taxonomy - The study of parasites, their hosts,
and the relationship between them.
Environmental Microbiology - The focus of study is on
- The study of the function and relationship and NOT the
diversity of microbes in their organisms.
natural environments. - Protozoology - Focuses on
- Includes the study of microbial protozoans
ecology, microbe-mediated
- Helminthology Focuses of - Beijerinck and Winogradsky
helminths studied bacteria that inhabit soil
and water.
- In the middle to latter part of the
Key takeaways twentieth century, basic and
applied subdisciplines of
- Microorganisms, which include all microbiology emerged; these have
single-celled microscopic led to the current era of molecular
organisms and the viruses, are microbiology.
essential for the well-being of the - Some of the notable National
planet and its plants and animals. Scientists and Academicians
- Metabolism, growth, and evolution worked on microbiological
are necessary properties of living problems and were given credits to
systems. Cells must coordinate improve health, agriculture and
energy production and ecology
consumption with the flow of
genetic information during cellular
events leading up to cell division.
- Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya
are the major phylogenetic
lineages of cells.
- Microorganisms can be both
beneficial and harmful to humans,
although many more
microorganisms are beneficial or
even essential than are harmful.
- Robert Hooke was the first to
describe microorganisms, and
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek was the
first to describe bacteria.
- Louis Pasteur is best remembered
for his ingenious experiments
showing that living organisms do
not arise spontaneously from
nonliving matter. He developed
many concepts and techniques
central to the science of
microbiology, including
- Robert Koch developed a set of Module 3: Taxonomy and Systematics
criteria anchored in
postulates—for the study of Introduction
infectious diseases and developed
the first methods for growth of pure - Taxonomy and systematics are
cultures of microorganisms. two concepts related to the study
of diversification of living forms and
the relationships of living things handy mnemonic King Philip Came
through time. Over For Good Soup.
- Taxonomy involves not just - It was in 1735 when the two-
naming organisms but grouping kingdom system, Plantae and
them with other organisms that Animalia was formally introduced
share common properties. by Swedish botanist Carolus
- The main difference between Linnaeus. This system was
taxonomy and systematics is that created long before scientists
taxonomy is involved in the understood that organisms
classification and naming of evolved.
organisms whereas systematics is - The inclusion of microorganism in
involved in the determination of the Linnean system became
evolutionary relationships of apparent in 1857 when Carl von
organisms. Nägeli, proposed to include
- This means systematics ascertain bacteria and fungi in the plant
the sharing of the common kingdom. In 1866, Ernst Haeckel
ancestry by din taxonomy, different proposed the Kingdom Protista, to
organisms are scientifically named include bacteria, protozoa, algae,
and grouped in different taxonomic and fungi. The term prokaryote
levels. In systematics, organisms was then introduced in 1937 by
are grouped based on their Edouard Chatton to distinguish
evolutionary relationships. cells having no nucleus from the
- Taxonomy can be considered as a nucleated cells of plants and
branch of systematics. Both animals, with the current definition
taxonomy and systematics use provided by Roger Stanier in 1961
morphological, behavioral, - “cells in which the nuclear
genetics, and the biochemical material (nucleoplasm) is not
observations. surrounded by a nuclear
- For more reading on the membrane”.
difference, refer to this fferent - In 1968, Robert G.E. Murray
organisms proposed the Kingdom
Prokaryotae. In 1969, Robert H.
Whittaker founded the five-
History of Classification System kingdom system in which
prokaryotes were placed in the
- In the early days, classification Kingdom Prokaryotae, or Monera,
appeared relatively and eukaryotes comprised the
straightforward, with all living other four kingdoms. The Kingdom
things apparently fitting into one of Prokaryotae had been based on
two kingdoms of plants and microscopic observations.
animals. Most of us are Subsequently, new techniques in
accustomed to the Linnaean molecular biology revealed that
system of classification that there are actually two types of
assigns every organism a prokaryotic cells and one type of
kingdom, phylum, class, order, eukaryotic cell. Increased focus on
family, genus, and species, which, the cellular and molecular
among other possibilities, has the similarities and dissimilarities
between organisms led to
proposals for further refinements to synthesis. These differences were
the five-kingdom system proposed seen as sufficiently important for
by Robert Whittaker in 1969. the recognition of a third basic cell
- Because the Linnaean system is type to add to the prokaryotes and
not based on evolution, most eukaryotes. This led to the
biologists are switching to a proposal of a three-domain
classification system that reflects scheme of classification, in which
the organisms' evolutionary prokaryotes are divided into the
history. Phylogenetic classification Archaea and the Bacteria.
system names only clades — - Ribosomal RNAs (rRNA), are
groups of organisms that excellent tools for discerning
descended from a common evolutionary relationships because
ancestor all cells contain ribosomes (and
thus rRNA), including
microorganisms. Carl Woese, an
American microbiologist,
Phylogenetic Tree of Life pioneered the use of comparative
rRNA sequence analysis as a
- DNA sequence-based measure of microbial phylogeny
phylogenetic analysis has revealed and, in so doing, revolutionized our
that the five kingdoms do not understanding of cellular evolution.
represent five primary evolutionary In brief, genes encoding rRNA
lines. Instead, cellular life on Earth from two or more organisms are
has evolved along three primary sequenced and the sequences
lineages, called domains (Figure aligned and scored, base-by-base,
1). Two of these domains, the for sequence differences and
Bacteria and the Archaea, are identities using a computer; the
exclusively composed of greater the sequence variation
prokaryotic cells. The Eukarya between any two organisms, the
contains the eukaryotes including greater their evolutionary
the plants, animals, fungi, and divergence. Then, using a treeing
protists. algorithm, this divergence is
depicted in the form of a
phylogenetic tree.
- The gene for 16S rRNA which are
highly conserved and highly
variable regions was used to
determine the three lineages.
Based on the analysis, three cell
lineages clearly emerged as cells
were forming 3.5 billion years ago.
This led to the Archaea, the
- Molecular studies in the 1970s Bacteria, and what eventually
revealed that the Archaea differed became the nucleoplasm of the
from all other bacteria in their 16S eukaryotes. The phylogenetic tree
rRNA sequences, as well as in of life reveals two very important
their cell wall structure, membrane evolutionary facts: (1) all
lipids and aspects of protein prokaryotes are not
phylogenetically closely related, Thermotoga, and the Chloroflexus
and (2) Archaea are actually more group (green non-sulfur bacteria)
closely related to Eukarya than to which do also contain thermophilic
Bacteria. Thus, from the last species. Furthermore after the
universal common ancestor green non-sulfur bacteria, the
(LUCA) of all life forms on Earth, Deinococci, the unique
evolutionary diversification Spirochetes, the phototrophic
diverged to yield the ancestors of green sulfur bacteria, the
the Bacteria and of a second main chemoorganotrophic
lineage. The latter once again Flavobacterium and Cytophaga
diverged to yield the ancestors of groups, the budding Planctomyces
the Archaea, a lineage that and the Verrucomicrobium groups,
retained a prokaryotic cell the Chlamydia, and the genera
structure, and the Eukarya, which Nitrospira and Deferribacter. Other
did not. The universal tree of life major groups include the gram-
shows that LUCA resides very positive bacteria and the
early within the Bacteria domain. Cyanobacteria. The Firmicutes and
the Actinobacteria, which are the
Gram-positive bacteria, come
Domain Bacteria after.

- are shown in such a way that their

phenotypic traits are well known
and studied since they are already
cultured in the laboratory. Although
some lineages are characterized
by unique phenotypic traits, such
as the morphology (the cell shape
of spirochetes, physiology of
cyanobacteria) most species of
bacteria were classified by
molecular analysis since these
bacteria lack phenotypic
cohesiveness, or they share
almost the same traits as the other
species. The largest group, the
Proteobacteria, is a good example
of this, as collectively this group
shows all known forms of microbial
- As Figure 2 shows, the most
phylogenetically ancient phylum Domain Archaea
contains the genus Aquifex, which
are hyperthermophilic H2 - Carl Woese, along with his
(Hydrogen) – oxidizing colleagues, constructed the
chemolitotrophs. These were phylogenetic trees for the
followed by the prokaryotes, which showed
Thermodesulfobacterium, evolutionary relatedness. Woese’s
work also revealed that one group - One of the distinctions of Archaea
of prokaryotes are very different are their membranes, in which the
from all the others. This group of lipid component of the part
prokaryotes are known as contains branched isoprenes
Archaea, which differ from bacteria instead of fatty acids. Furthermore,
by its cell wall and plasma these isoprenes were joined to
membrane chemistry, as well as glycerol by ether-linkages rather
the sequences of its 16S rRNA. than the ester linkages found in
- Archaean members show diversity true bacteria. And the last and the
of both morphological and most distinctive characteristic is
physiological characteristics. that Archaea are found in extreme
However, it was not noticed before environments. Some extreme
since Archaea remained thermophiles can live well at over
unidentified as a separate group 100 C, while psychrophilic forms of
because they did not display any Archaea can thrive in very cold
very obvious morphological environments, like in the Antarctic.
differences from true bacteria like Furthermore, other species of
the main cell shapes for example. Archaea are able to live in extreme
This is a problem before since one alkalinity, salinity, or acidity.
of the first ways of classifying - Initially, scientists thought that
bacteria are by morphological archaea species were only limited
characteristics. to such extreme environments.
- However, as more advances in However, recent studies actually
microbial research push through, show that species of archaea can
more unusual shapes of Archaean also be observed in the world’s
members are encountered, oceans, and also in terrestrial and
members of the genus Haloarcula semi terrestrial areas, making up a
for example, have flattened square part of the bacterial biomass. The
or triangular cells (Figure 3). reason that this lay undetected for
Gram-positive and Gram-negative so long is that these organisms
forms of these members are also cannot as yet be cultured in the
found. However, neither group laboratory, and their presence can
possesses a true peptidoglycan. only be inferred by the use of
Some members of the said domain modern DNA-based analysis.
possess pseudomurein, which is
composed of different substituted
L-amino acids and Eukarya
polysaccharides. Some archaea,
have cell walls composed of a - The oldest known fossils are the
layer of proteinaceous subunits remains of prokaryotes that lived
known as an S-layer, which is more than 3.5 billion years ago.
directly associated with the cell Eukaryotic cells evolved more
membrane. This difference actually recently, about 2.5 billion years
makes the Archaean members not ago. According to the
susceptible to antibiotics such as endosymbiotic theory, eukaryotic
penicillin and lysozyme, whose cells evolved from prokaryotic cells
antibacterial action is specifically living inside one another, as
directed to peptidoglycan. endosymbionts (Figure 4.) In fact,
the similarities between prokaryotic sequence analysis of the 18S
cells and eukaryotic organelles rRNA gene, the functional
provide striking evidence for this equivalent of the 16S rRNA gene.
endosymbiotic relationship. The 18S tree shows some “early-
- The original nucleoplasmic cell branching” microbial eukaryotes,
was prokaryotic. However, such as the microsporidia and the
infoldings in its plasma membrane diplomonads. By contrast, the
may have surrounded the nuclear position of these organisms on
region to produce a true nucleus. multigene phylogenetic trees is
Over time, the chromosome of the quite different, and shows them to
nucleoplasm may have acquired have arisen during a burst of
pieces such as transposons. In evolutionary radiation that led to
some cells, this large chromosome most lineages of microbial
may have fragmented into smaller eukaryotes. It is likely that this
linear chromosomes. Perhaps cells burst in eukaryotic evolution was
with linear chromosomes had an triggered by the onset of oxic
advantage in cell division over conditions on Earth and
those with a large, unwieldy subsequent development of the
circular chromosome. That ozone shield. The latter would
nucleoplasmic cell provided the have greatly expanded the number
original host in which of surface habitats available for
endosymbiotic bacteria developed colonization. Nevertheless,
into organelles such as although 18S rRNA sequencing
mitochondrion and chloroplast. appears to give a skewed view of
However, a major problem with eukaryotic microbial evolution, it
this hypothesis is that it does not still clearly sorts the eukaryotes out
easily account for the fact that as a distinct domain of life with
Bacteria and Eukarya have similar evolutionary roots more closely
membrane lipids, in contrast to tied to the Archaea than to the
those of Archaea. An example of a Bacteria.
modern prokaryote living in a
eukaryotic cell is shown in Figure
5. The cyanobacterium-like cell
and the eukaryotic host require
each other for survival.
Classification and Nomenclature

- Classification is the organization of

organisms into progressively more
inclusive groups on the basis of
either phenotypic similarity or
evolutionary relationship. The
hierarchical nature of classification
is shown in Table 2. A species is
made up of one to several strains,
- Phylogenetic trees of species in
and similar species are grouped
the domain Eukarya have been
into genera (singular, genus).
constructed from comparative
Similar genera are grouped into
families, families into orders,
orders into classes, up to the - Because taxonomy is largely a
domain, the highest level taxon. matter of scientific judgment, there
is no “official” classification of
Bacteria and Archaea. Presently,
the classification system most
widely accepted by microbiologists
is that of Bergey’s Manual of
Systematic Bacteriology, a major
taxonomic treatment of Bacteria
and Archaea. Widely used,
Bergey’s Manual has served the
community of microbiologists since
- Nomenclature is the actual naming 1923 and is a compendium of
of organisms and follows the information on all recognized
binomial system of nomenclature prokaryotes. Each chapter, written
devised by the Swedish medical by experts, contains tables,
doctor and botanist, Carl Linnaeus, figures, and other systematic
and used throughout biology; information useful for identification
organisms are given genus names purposes. A second major source
and species epithets. The names in bacterial diversity is The
are Latin or Latinized Greek Prokaryotes, a reference that
derivations, often descriptive of provides detailed information on
some key property of the the enrichment, isolation, and
organism, and are printed in italics. culture of Bacteria and Archaea.
By classifying organisms into This work is available online by
groups and naming them, we order subscription through university
the natural microbial world and libraries. Collectively, Bergey’s
make it possible to communicate Manual and The Prokaryotes offer
effectively about all aspects of microbiologists both the concepts
particular organisms, including as well as the details of the biology
their behavior, ecology, of Bacteria and Archaea as we
physiology, pathogenesis, and know it today; they are the primary
evolutionary relationships. The resources for microbiologists
creation of new names must follow characterizing newly isolated
the rules described in The organisms.
International Code of - When a new prokaryote is isolated
Nomenclature of Bacteria. This from nature and thought to be
source presents the formal unique, a decision must be made
framework by which Bacteria and as to whether it is sufficiently
Archaea are to be officially named different from other prokaryotes to
and the procedures by which be described as a new taxon. To
existing names can be changed, achieve formal validation of
for example, when new data taxonomic standing as a new
warrants taxonomic genus or species, a detailed
rearrangements. description of the organism’s
characteristics and distinguishing
Bergey’s Manual and the Prokaryotes traits, along with its proposed
name, must be published, and, as of methods for the identification of
just mentioned, viable cultures of bacteria and description of new
the organism must be deposited in species. This polyphasic approach
at least two international culture to taxonomy uses three kinds of
collections. The manuscript methods—phenotypic, genotypic,
describing and naming a new and phylogenetic— for the
taxon undergoes peer review identification and description of
before publication. A major vehicle bacteria. Phenotypic analysis
for the description of new taxa is examines the morphological,
the International Journal of metabolic, physiological, and
Systematic and Evolutionary chemical characteristics of the cell
Microbiology (IJSEM), the official (Table 3). Genotypic analysis
publication of record for the considers characteristics of the
taxonomy and classification of genome (Table 4). These two
Bacteria and Archaea. In each kinds of analysis group organisms
issue, the IJSEM publishes an based on similarities. They are
approved list of newly validated complemented by phylogenetic
names. By providing validation of analysis, which seeks to place
newly proposed names, organisms within an evolutionary
publication in IJSEM paves the framework.
way for their inclusion in Bergey’s
Manual of Systematic

Microbial Systematics

- Systematics is the study of the

diversity of organisms and their
relationships. It links together
phylogenyGE with taxonomy, in
which organisms are
characterized, named, and placed
into groups according to several
defined criteria. Bacterial
taxonomy traditionally has focused
on practical aspects of
identification and description,
activities that have relied heavily
on phenotypic comparisons. At
present, the growing use of genetic
information, especially DNA
sequence data, is increasingly Evolutionary Analysis (Theoretical
allowing taxonomy to reflect Aspects)
phylogenetic relationships as well.
Bacterial taxonomy has changed - The evolutionary history of a group
substantially in the past few of organisms is called its
decades, embracing a combination phylogeny, and a major goal of
evolutionary analysis is to
understand phylogenetic Evolutionary Analysis (Analytical Method)
relationships. Because we do not
have direct knowledge of the path Obtaining DNA Sequences
of microbial evolution, phylogeny is - Phylogenetic analysis using DNA
inferred indirectly from nucleotide sequences relies heavily on the
sequence data. Our premises are polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
that (1) all organisms are related to obtain sufficient copies of a
by descent, and (2) that the gene for reliable sequencing.
sequence of DNA in a cell’s Specific oligonucleotide primers
genome is a record of the have been designed that bind to
organism’s ancestry. Because the ends of the gene of interest, or
evolution is a process of inherited to DNA flanking the gene, allowing
nucleotide sequence change, DNA polymerase to bind to and
comparative analyses of DNA copy the gene. The source of DNA
sequences allow us to reconstruct bearing a gene of interest typically
phylogenetic histories. Here, we is genomic DNA purified from
examine some of the ways in particular bacterial strains, but
which this is carried out. could be DNA extracted from an
environmental sample. The PCR
Genes Employed in Phylogenetic product is visualized by agarose
Analysis gel electrophoresis, excised from
- The most widely used and useful the gel, extracted and purified from
for defining relationships in the agarose, and then sequenced,
prokaryotes is the gene encoding often using the same
16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and its oligonucleotides as primers for the
counterpart in eukaryotes, 18S sequencing reactions.
rRNA, parts of the small subunit of
the ribosome. Sequence Alignment
- Phylogenetic analysis is based on
Molecular Clocks homology, that is, analysis of DNA
- An unresolved question in sequences that are related by
phylogenetics is whether DNA common ancestry. Once the DNA
(and protein) sequences change at sequence of a gene is obtained,
a constant rate. The approach to the next step in phylogenetic
answering the question focuses on analysis is to align that sequence
pairs of homologous sequences— with homologous sequences from
that is, sequences of shared other organisms. By doing this,
evolutionary ancestry that encode nucleotide mismatches and
functionally equivalent molecules. insertions and deletions, some of
If sequences do change at a which may be phylogenetically
constant rate, such pairs would informative, can be pinpointed.
serve as an approximate molecular
clock, allowing the time in the past Phylogenetic Trees
when the two sequences diverged - construction of a phylogenetic tree,
from a common ancestral which is a graphic depiction of the
sequence to be estimated. relationships among sequences of
the organisms under study, much
like a family tree. A phylogenetic criteria such as these, over 7000
tree is composed of nodes and species of Bacteria and Archaea
branches (Figure 4). The tips of have been formally recognized.
the branches represent species - What criteria should be used to
that exist now and from which the define a genus, the next highest
sequence data were obtained. The taxon, is more a matter of
nodes are points in evolution judgment, but 16S rRNA gene
where an ancestor diverged into sequence differences of more than
two new organisms, each of which 5% from all other organisms is
then began to evolve along its considered good evidence that an
separate pathway. The branches organism constitutes its own
define both the order of descent genus. Above the level of genus to
and the ancestry of the nodes, the family, order, and other ranks
whereas the branch length of higher taxa, no consensus
represents the number of changes ribosomal RNA sequence-based
that have occurred along that criteria exist for delineating these
branch ranks. Table 2 gives an example of
species definition in practice for
the classification of the
Species Concept in Microbiology phototrophic purple bacterium
Allochromatium warmingii from the
- At present, there is no universally domain down to the species level.
accepted concept of species for - How do new prokaryotic species
prokaryotes. Microbial systematics arise? A likely possibility is by the
combines phenotypic, genotypic, process of periodic purges and
and sequence-based phylogenetic selection within cell populations.
data within a framework of Imagine a population of bacteria
standards and guidelines for that originated from a single cell
describing and identifying and that occupies a particular
prokaryotes, but the issue of what niche in a habitat. In theory, these
actually constitutes a prokaryotic cells are genetically identical. If
species remains controversial. cells in this population share a
- A prokaryotic species is defined particular resource (for example, a
operationally as a group of strains key nutrient), the population is
sharing a high degree of similarity considered an ecotype (Figure 6).
in several independent traits. Traits Different ecotypes can coexist in a
currently considered most habitat, but each is only most
important for grouping strains successful within its prime niche in
together as a species include 70% the habitat. However, within each
or greater genomic DNA–DNA ecotype, genes mutate at random
hybridization and 97% or greater over time as the cells grow. Most
identity (3% difference) in 16S of these mutations are neutral and
rRNA gene sequence. have no effect. However, if there is
Experimental data suggest that a beneficial mutation (one that
these two criteria are valid, increases fitness) in a cell in one of
reliable, and consistent in the ecotypes, that cell will produce
identifying new species of more progeny over time, and this
prokaryotes. Based on genotypic will purge the population of the
original, less well-adapted cells.
Repeated rounds of mutation and
selection in this ecotype lead it to
become more and more distinct
genetically from the other
ecotypes. Then, given enough
time, cells in this lineage will carry
a sufficiently large set of unique
traits that they emerge as their
own species. Selection of strains
bearing beneficial mutations can
proceed gradually, or it can occur
quite suddenly due to rapid
environmental change. Note that
this series of events within an
ecotype has no effect on other
ecotypes, because different
ecotypes do not compete for the
same resources.

Module 4: Functional Anatomy of

Prokaryotic Cell

Morphology of Cells
- Cells are the fundamental
structures as well as functional
units of every organism. Based on
general anatomy, they can be
categorized into two – the
eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.
The word eukaryotic means “true
nucleus”, from the Greek word eu
meaning true, and karyon, kernel
which refers to the nucleus. On the
other hand, prokaryotic means
“before nucleus”, from the Greek
word pro, meaning before. This
reflects the fact that prokaryotic
cells actually evolved before
eukaryotic cells. Organisms which
are categorized in the domains of
Bacteria and Archaea belong to
the prokaryotic cells. Fungi,
animals, plants and organisms
under the kingdom Protista are
under the category of eukaryotic
- In general, cells share similar - The first simplest life forms on
characteristics and features. All Earth were the prokaryotes, which
cells are bounded by the plasma only have simple structures on
membrane, which is the selective their cells. After some million
barrier between its cytosol, a years, after the rise of atmospheric
semifluid jelly-like substance oxygen, eukaryotes emerged in
inside, and the external the earth, having complex
environment. They also do contain structures of organelles and can
chromosomes, which carry the support aerobic metabolism as
genes made of DNA well as photosynthesis.
(deoxyribonucleic acid) segments; - One good explanation on how the
and complexes or units that first simple eukaryotic cells have
convert instructions from the genes emerged to earth is the
to proteins, called ribosomes. A Endosymbiotic Hypothesis. The
review on the differences between hypothesis states that the
eukaryotes and prokaryotes is mitochondria and chloroplasts, the
presented in Table 1 below. organelles which is responsible for
cellular respiration, came from a
respiring prokaryote and a
cyanobacterium-like prokaryote.
Differences between key structures The theory explains that a
and accessory organs of eukaryotic prokaryote which is large in size is
and prokaryotic cells able to engulf a bacterium which
can use oxygen, able to perform
cellular respiration. But instead of
digesting the organism, the
engulfed bacteria and the
engulfing prokaryote lived together
as symbionts, therefore living
together. Same concept as to
chloroplasts in which a bacterium
which uses sunlight as energy is
being engulfed by a larger
- A basic difference between prokaryote and lived as symbionts.
eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell is - This further results into an
the location of their genetic evolutionary event wherein the
material. In a prokaryotic cell, the engulfed bacteria able to perform
genetic material is usually located cellular respiration and
in a region that is not membrane photosynthesis evolved into
closed, which is called a nucleoid. mitochondria and chloroplasts in
On the other hand, the genetic the cell, respectively.
material possessed by a
eukaryotic cell is contained or
found in a double membrane-
bound organelle called the

Endosymbiotic Hypothesis - A review

- The overall physiology and
characteristics of the mitochondria
and the chloroplasts are able to
support the said hypothesis. One
evidence is that both mitochondria
and chloroplasts possess short
amounts of DNA which are in a
circular form, which is common to
bacteria. Such organelles also Nucleus
contain ribosomes of 70S type, - Eukaryotic cells have a true
which is the same size as bacteria. nucleus bounded by a double-layer
Thus, some antibiotics, which membrane. This membrane
inhibits ribosomal function in contains pores, which function as
bacteria found in the environment “passageways” for messenger
are also able to inhibit the same in RNA leaving the nucleus out to the
these organelles - supporting the cytoplasm during the event of
hypothesis that the ancestral protein synthesis.
eukaryotes may have come from - As mentioned in Table 1, the
the symbiosis of two prokaryotic organization of genetic material in
cells with unique abilities. eukaryotes is different from
prokaryotes. The DNA of
eukaryotes is formed into
chromosomes, which occurs in
The Eukaryotic Cell pairs. This, in fact, is one of the
reasons why eukaryotes are
- In a rule of thumb, eukaryotic cells genetically diploid in at least some
are undeniably more complex and parts of the cell’s life cycle,
larger than the prokaryotic cells. whereas prokaryotes are haploid.
These cells contain a range of Moreover, the genetic material of
sophisticated subcellular eukaryotic chromosomes is linear
membrane-bound organelles, instead of a singular closed loop in
which support the whole unit for prokaryotes. This explains the
survival. In the world of presence of free ends in the
microbiology, the common and eukaryote chromosomes, and the
major groups of eukaryotes are the levels of organization found
protists (protozoa and algae) and therein. The DNA is highly
the fungi. These groups both have condensed and wrapped around
representatives of single-celled proteins called histones. Histones
and multicellular eukaryotic cells. A possess a strong positive charge
quick review of the parts and their responsible in associating with the
function follows. negatively charged phosphate
groups on the DNA, giving it a
more compact shape.

Endoplasmic Reticulum
- The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is
a complex system comprised of
tubes. It is an extensive network of the membrane itself is extensive in
membrane that makes up for more cells which are specialized in
than half the total membrane in secretion.
most eukaryotic cells. It comes - A Golgi stack has a distinct
from the words endoplasmic, structural directionality. It
which means “within the comprises of two sides, the cis
cytoplasm”, and reticulum, a Latin face and the trans face.
word meaning “little net”. Respectively, these act as the
- The endoplasmic reticulum is receiving and shipping
differentiated into two types: the departments of the Golgi
rough endoplasmic reticulum apparatus. The cis face is the part
(RER) and the smooth which is usually located near the
endoplasmic reticulum (SER). The ER. Transport vesicles from the
rough endoplasmic reticulum ER move to the Golgi apparatus
mainly possesses numerous through the cis face. The trans
ribosomes on its surface, resulting face gives rise to vesicles that
in a rough, granular appearance “pinch off” and travel to other sites.
when seen under an electron
microscope, hence, the name. The
areas which do not contain
numerous amounts of ribosomes
are known as the smooth
endoplasmic reticulum. Since the
rough endoplasmic reticulum
possesses numerous amounts of
ribosomes, its function is to mainly
synthesize proteins. Proteins
synthesize in the RER already Lysosomes
have specified final destinations, - Lysosomes are membrane bound
which is to the Golgi apparatus, or organelles which contain digestive
will stay in the ER. SER, in enzymes. They contain vesicles
contrast, is involved in a large which possess hydrolytic enzymes
array of metabolic processes. that are responsible for digesting
These processes include lipid waste products of the cell. These
synthesis, carbohydrate hydrolytic enzymes have the
metabolism, calcium ion storage, potential to digest the whole cell, in
and detoxification of drugs and a process called autolysis.
poisons. However, this process is being
regulated by enclosing the
Golgi Apparatus enzymes with the lysosomal
- The Golgi apparatus is a transport membrane.
organelle, which consists of a set - The hydrolytic enzymes and the
of flattened vesicles, called lysosomal membrane are
dictyosomes. The Golgi apparatus manufactured in the RER and are
is responsible for the modification, distributed by the Golgi apparatus.
storage and sending of the These enzymes work at acidic
products formed in the environments, hence, not very
endoplasmic reticulum. Moreover, active when released into the cell
since the pH of the cytosol is Vacuoles
neutral in nature. However, if large - Vacuoles are organelles derived
numbers of these enzymes are from the Golgi apparatus. These
released, this can already destroy organelles are responsible for
the self by means of self-digestion. storing various nutrients and waste

Cell Wall
- The cell wall is the rigid protective
layer that surrounds the cell. In a
general view, not all eukaryotes
possess a cell wall. Some
organisms that do have cell walls
Mitochondria and Chloroplasts
are members of fungi, algae, and
- Mitochondria are generally rod-
plants groups. Its general function
shaped organelles enclosed by a
is to provide form and strength to
double membrane. The inner
the cell. Morphologically, the
surface of the organelle is folded
structures that make up the cell
into finger-like projections called
wall is not the same in all
cristae. These organelles vary in
organisms, and varies depending
numbers depending on which kind
on the eukaryote groupings. The
of cell they are present in,
cell walls of algae, plants and
sometimes in singles or may be
some lower members of fungi are
found in large numbers.
composed of cellulose - a chain of
Mitochondria are sites where
glucose molecules. In fungi such
cellular respiration occurs, which is
as yeasts and mushrooms, chitin,
the metabolic process that uses
a polymer of N-acetylglucosamine
oxygen to generate ATP by
is the primary component of the
extracting energy from fats,
cell wall. Chitin is also observed as
sugars, and other fuels.
a major component of crustacean
- Chloroplasts, which can be
and insect exoskeletons, whose
observed in plants and algae, are
functions are for strength and
specialized cells which are also
sites of photosynthesis. These
organelles are also surrounded by
Plasma Membrane
a double membrane. Inside the
- In eukaryotes without cell walls,
organelle are thylakoids, which are
the plasma membrane becomes
flatted membranous sacs arranged
the outermost layer of the cells. It
into stacks called grana. These
also acts as selective barrier which
thylakoids contain the
allows the passageway of
photosynthetic pigment of the plant
important molecules into the cell.
called the chlorophyll. They are
The plasma membrane is
responsible for converting solar
comprised of lipid structures
energy to chemical energy when it
containing two chains of fatty acids
is used to synthesize organic
and a phosphate group formed into
compounds particularly sugars
a phospholipid bilayer. Each
from carbon dioxide and water.
phospholipid molecule is
composed of two regions: a
hydrophilic head, which is the other hand, can be described
composed of the phosphate group as short flagella. Both appendages
and glycerol; and a hydrophobic are attached to the plasma
tail, which is composed of the two membrane and the bases are
fatty acid chains. anchored to the cell by a basal
- Because of the nature of cell body.
cytoplasm and its aqueous
surrounding, the plasma
membrane form a bilayer of The Prokaryotic Cell
phospholipids, with one hydrophilic
layer facing the interior aqueous - Prokaryote is the classification of
cytoplasm, and the other, the organisms that possess simple
exterior of the cell. It can be characteristics in their cells. Unlike
noticed that when a phospholipid is a eukaryotic cell, a prokaryotic cell
dropped into a body of water, a does not have complex structures,
micelle would form, which is an let alone a complete set found in
aggregate with the hydrophilic eukaryotes. Generally, they are
head in contact with the solvent, also much smaller than eukaryotic
while the hydrophobic tail is being cells, typically into a size range of
protected inside away from the 1-5 micrometers. A representative
solvent. picture of a prokaryotes is shown
in Figure 7.
Cytoskeleton - Due to the small size of these
- The cytoskeleton is an extensive organisms, it wasn’t until the
network of fibers that can be invention of the microscope that
observed in the cytoplasm. Its scientists were able to observe
function is to support the cell’s such fascinating organisms.
shape and for mechanical support. Bacteria, a type of prokaryotes,
It is a very important part of the cell were also observed with their
since some eukaryotes lack cell differences in shape and
wall. The cytoskeleton is arrangement. Three basic shapes
comprised of three types of are observed: rod (bacillus),
molecular structures: microtubules, spherical (coccus), and curved,
microfilaments, and intermediate into spiral shapes (spirillum). See
filaments. figure 5.

Flagella and Cilia

- Flagella and cilia are the main
components of cells in regard to
motility. A flagellum is a lash-like
appendage which provides
movement or locomotion in certain
eukaryotic cells called flagellates,
which possess either one or
several flagella. It functions also as
sensory organelles to
- Bacterial cells also remain
temperatures and chemicals in the
attached in an arrangement
surroundings of the cell. Cilia on
depending on the plane of fission, happens to bacteria with capsules.
which is a characteristic of their Furthermore, it enables some
genera. Related to this, some can bacteria to adhere to surfaces,
be in a form of pairs (diplo), groups thus helping in formation of
of four (tetrad), three-dimensional bacterial biofilms. Its
cubes (Sarcina), chains polysaccharide nature allows it to
(streptococcus), or in an irregular bind water and likely resist
“bunch of grape” (staphylococcus) desiccation. Figure 9 provides
arrangements. information on capsular materials
of some bacteria.

Flagella and Motility

- The most observed extracellular
structures are the flagella. These
are thin hair-like structures which
are used for motility of a cell,
regardless whether eukaryotic or
- In bacterial cells, there are many
flagellar arrangements, depending
on the genera of the bacteria.
There may be a single flagellum at
one end (monotrichous), flagellum
on both end (amphitrichous), many
flagella on one end (lophotrichous)
Extracellular Structures
and numerous flagella surrounding
the cell (peritrichous).
Capsules and Slime Layers
- Most bacteria secretes a
glycocalyx, a slimy or sticky
material on their cell surface made
of polysaccharide or proteins.
Related to its form, it is called a
capsule for a more organized
matrix, otherwise, an easily
- As the flagellum’s function is for
deformed, loosely attached type is
locomotion, it greatly relies in
a slime layer. It functions as a
energy driven by the basal body. A
protective layer that enables
clockwise rotation of a single
bacteria to resist phagocytosis by
flagellum will result into “tumbling”
the host immune system as what
of the cell, which is directionless.
On the other hand, if the cell’s hydrocarbon isoprene (a 20-C unit
flagella rotates counterclockwise, it is called a phytanyl group; a 40-C
results in “running” to a straight unit is biphytanyl. Hence, the
line. cytoplasmic membrane of Archaea
- Other extracellular structure which can be constructed with glycerol
can be noticed in a bacterial cell is diether or diglycerol tetraethers,
the pili. These are the structures which is twice the former but the
which resemble short flagella. ends pointing inward become
However they are not used with covalently linked (Figure 11.c).
motility, which makes them Lipid monolayers, indeed, serve its
different from the flagella. Instead, purpose to Archaeans living in
they are used for anchorage or extreme conditions such as the
“sticking” of the bacterium in a hyperthermophiles.
specific surface. Attachment pili
are sometimes called fimbriae,
which is a term mostly used in
order to differentiate attachment
pili to a sex pili, which functions in Among the critical functions of the
transfer of genetic information by prokaryote membranes are:
means of conjugation.
Permeability Barrier
Plasma Membrane - Prevents leakage and functions as
- Similar to eukaryotes, prokaryotes gateway for transport of nutrients
also possess a plasma membrane. into and out of the cells
The cytoplasm as well as its
contents are enveloped by its Protein Anchor
bilayer of phospholipids arranged - Site of many ptroteins involved in
like a sandwich, and associated transport, bioenergetics, and
with a lot of proteins. Its function is chemotaxis
to confine the contents of the cell,
while allowing selective passage of Energy Conversation
some substances and molecules in - Site of generation and use of
and out, a function of a proton motive force
semipermeable membrane.
Analogous to sterols of the cell Additional Notes:
membrane are hopanoids, which - Small uncharged molecules can
strengthen the membranes of pass through membranes by
bacteria. simple diffusion except charged
- Note, however, that Archaea, while ions. Water, while polar, does
also considered prokaryotes, do freely pass the membrane in both
have variations in their cell directions. The presence of
membranes not found in the other dedicated transport proteins for
two domains. Their hydrophobic water called aquaporins
sides are attached to the accelerates further its movement.
hydrophilic heads by ether linkage AqpZ of E. coli adjusts movement
instead of ester linkages, and are of water across its membrane in
composed of repeating units of varying osmotic conditions.
hydrophobic five-carbon (5-C)
- Transport proteins help - The ATP-Binding Cassette (ABS
accumulate solutes against transport system) are found in
concentration gradient, which gram-negative and employs the
never would occur had diffusion
periplasmic-binding proteins,
been the only mechanism to so. To
fulfill this intention, different membrane transporter and ATP-
mechanism for transport exist in hydrolyzing proteins. About 200
prokaryotes. Simple transport ABC transport systems have been
consists only of a membrane- identified in prokaryotes for the
spanning transport protein; group uptake of organic compounds
translocation involves a series of such as sugars and amino acids,
proteins in the transport event, and
and inorganic nutrients. Gram
the ABC system consists of three
components: a substrate-binding positives have ABC transport
protein, a membrane-integrated systems involving peripheral
transporter, and an ATP- proteins of their cell membranes
hydrolyzing protein (Figure 12). and do the same just as in the
- All transport systems require gram negatives.
energy in some form, either from
the proton motive force, or ATP, or
some other energy-rich organic
compound. Simple transport
involves transport proteins such as
uniporters, symporters and
antiporters, whose functions is
owed to their names. Lac
permease in E. coli is well-studies
symporter for lactose using the Genetic Material
energy of the protons as the - While there is a specific area
driving force, which puts is in the where the genetic materials of
indirect active transport category. prokaryotes can be found, the
Group translocation modifies the absence of a nuclear membrane
substance during the uptake by make it indistinguishable. It is,
phosphotransferase system. thus, found in an area called the
Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) nucleoid region.
provide the energy (phosphate) - Generally, the nucleoid or the
which is cascaded from the five- bacterial chromosome of the
protein system to glucose (sample prokaryotes is constituted in a
molecule) during transport. closed circular shape of double
stranded DNA, which is highly
folded and compacted. However,
not all bacteria conform to a
circular structure of DNA. Some
bacteria also do possess linear
chromosomes (Streptomyces
coelicolor for example).
- Unlike eukaryotes, the bacterial
DNA is not packed with histones.
Instead, other bacterial proteins
are associated with their genetic
material. Some bacteria also
contain additional DNA in a form of Prokaryotic Cell Wall
smaller, extrachromosomal - Bacteria, like other prokaryotic and
plasmids. These are accessory some eukaryotic cells such as
genetic materials since they can plants, have a protective layer in
survive in its absence. However, their cells which provides structural
they can still be beneficial as they rigidity and strength which are
may sometimes include survival or called cell walls. It protects
defense genes that encode toxins bacterial cells against lysis, which
or resistance to some antibiotics can be caused by pressures in the
that they can pass to another. activities of transport systems of
the cell.
Ribosomes - Generally, species of bacteria are
- The ribosomes, along with the divided into two major
nucleoid, are the fundamental classifications in regards with their
internal structures of prokaryotic cell wall structures. These are
cells. These structures are called Gram-positive and Gram-
comprised of complex proteins and negative bacteria. The
RNA. Ribosomes are the site of fundamental distinction between
protein synthesis, where an mRNA Gram-positive and Gram-negative
is being translated into a protein. bacteria is based on the Gram
- While both prokaryotic and stain reaction, which can be
eukaryotic ribosomes do have observed in a technique or method
similar function, the size of called Gram staining. However, the
prokaryotic ribosomes are much results of the Gram stain reaction
smaller compared to eukaryotic is characterized by the
ones. Foremost, ribosomes are morphological differences between
measure with Svedberg units (S), the cell walls of the two major
with which an eukaryotic ribosome bacterial classes. Basically, the
has 80S, while a prokaryotic cell wall structure of a Gram-
ribosome has only 70S. All negative bacteria is very much
ribosomes are composed of two more chemically complex,
unequal subunits. Prokaryotes are consisting of two layers. On the
comprised of a 50S and a 30S other hand, the cell wall of a Gram-
subunit, while eukaryotes are positive bacteria is comprised of
composed of 60S and 40S only a single type of molecule but
subunits. very much thicker than the Gram-
negative ones.

- Peptidoglycan is a polysaccharide
which is made up of N-
acetylglucosamine and N-
acetylmuramic acid – which are
two sugar molecules, and amino
acids, particularly L-alanine, D-
alanine, D-glutamic acid, and
either lysine or DAP
(diaminopimelic acid). Such each having cross-linked glycan
molecules are responsible for the strands. As the peptidoglycan
formation of a repeating structure develops, these “cables” mature
called the glycan tetrapeptide. into a stronger cell wall structure
by cross-linking to the cables
themselves. In addition, they
contain acidic polysaccharides
known as teichoic acids, which
contain phosphate groups that are
responsible for an overall negative
charge of the cell surface.

- Peptidoglycan are synthesized in a

manner resulting in a sheet-like
formation surrounding the cell. The
chains of sugars connected by the
glycosidic bonds are linked by the
cross-links of amino acids. This
therefore, provides rigidity of the - Gram-negative bacteria typically
layer in both directions since the has a thinner layer of
glycosidic bonds of the sugar peptidoglycan compare to the
molecules only provide strength Gram-positive bacteria. This
and rigidity in only a single actually makes the cell wall of
direction. Logically, more cross- Gram-negative bacteria to be less
linked molecules results in greater sturdy. However, the structure is
strength and rigidity. more complex because there is a
- Peptidoglycan cross linkages differ second phospholipid bilayer
between Gram-negative and observed outside of the
Gram-positive bacteria. Gram - peptidoglycan layer, which is more
negative bacteria typically obtain
permeable than the inner
cross linkages by a peptide
formation from the carboxyl group cytoplasmic membrane. This
of D-alanine to the amino group of actually makes the single layer of
DAP. On the other hand, cross peptidoglycan being sandwiched
linkages of Gram-positive bacteria by two membrane phospholipid
occurs through a peptide bilayers. In addition, the second
interbridge, in which the numbers phospholipid bilayer contains
and types of amino acids in that
special types of molecules called
interbridge vary between species.
lipopolysaccharides which helps
support the bacterial cell by
Cell Wall of a Gram Positive Bacteria protecting it from certain drugs and
- In the cell wall of a Gram-positive antibodies in the immune system.
bacteria, peptidoglycan comprises This outer membrane is connected
about 90% in the structure itself, from the peptidoglycan layer by
mostly having several sheets molecules called lipoproteins,
stacked one after another. which functions as anchorage and
Generally, peptidoglycans are hold the outer membrane via
produced by the cell in “cables”,
covalent bonds of the bacteria to applying alcohol, the crystal violet-
itself. iodine complex becomes extracted
Periplasm and Porins from the Gram-negative bacteria
- While the outer membrane is more but not from the Gram-positive
permeable to small molecules, it is bacteria. It is because of the
still not permeable to molecules alcohol’s effect, which dehydrates
which are large in size. Moreover, the thick peptidoglycan layer of the
one function of the outer Gram-positive cell wall, resulting in
membrane is to keep the proteins the closure of pores in the layer
whose activities are being done itself and preventing the escape of
outside the cytoplasmic membrane the crystal violet-iodine complex,
from going away. Therefore it is hence, the violet coloration.
contained in a region between the - On the other hand, the alcohol
outer surface of the cytoplasmic readily penetrates the outer
membrane and the inner surface of membrane and extracts the crystal
the outer membrane called the violet complex from the cell itself.
periplasm. This makes the Gram-negative
- The reason why the outer bacteria readily accept the
membrane is relatively permeable counterstain (usually Safranin)
to some molecules is because of making Gram negative cells red or
channels embedded in the pink when observed under the
membrane which are known as microscope.
porins. These porins are divided
into two types: nonspecific porins Endospores
which form water-filled channels - Certain species of bacteria, such
making any small substance to as Bacillus and Clostridium,
pass, and specific porins which produce structures called
contain binding sites for specific endospores. Endospores are
types of molecules. highly differentiated, dormant
forms of the cells which function as
survival structures that enables the
organism equipped with it highly
resistant to extreme conditions
such as very high temperature,
harsh chemicals, pH, as well as
radiation, and germinate into new
vegetative bacterial cells when
conditions in the surrounding
Cell Wall Structure to Gram Stain become favorable to bacteria.
- Gram stains produce different
results in certain bacteria
depending on what structural
differences they have in regards
with their cell walls. In Gram
staining procedure, the crystal
violet-iodine complex forms inside
the bacterial cell. However, by
Module 5: Microscopy and Staining

- Using microscopes to view objects
and areas of objects that cannot
be seen with the naked eye

Important Features of Objectives

Resolving Power/Resolution (R)

- You have two microscopes with

different LR. You have a specimen
consisting of two lines, and the
distance between these two lines
is given as 0.50 μm. If Microscope
A has an LR of 0.45 μm and
Microscope B has an LR of 0.75
μm, under which microscope(s)
can you see the two lines as
separate and distinct?

Answer: Microscope A

Units of Measurement
- 1 micrometer (µm) = 10-6m
- 1 nanometer (nm) = 10-9m
Dark Field
Types of Microscopes - Microscope field is dark
Light Microscopes - Objects under study are luminous
a. Simple - For specimens that are:
- Only 1 lens ● invisible in the ordinary LM
- Magnification (300x) ● cannot be stained by
b. Compound or complex standard methods
- 2 sets of lenses ● distorted by staining
- Magnification (1000x)

Electron Microscopes
- Electron beams and magnetic
- For objects smaller than 0.2 mm in
- In vacuum
- Shorter wavelength of light (180
nm- 400nm)
- Image made visible by
photography or TV screen
- Detecting substances (e.g. DNA)

What makes a good microscope?

1. Adequate magnifying power
2. Provide good contrast Fluorescence
3. High resolving power - Modification of UV microscope
4. Serves your purpose - Makes use of flurochromes
- Detection of immunological
Different types of Light Microscopes reactions

Bright Field
- microscopic field is brightly lit
- objects under study are darker
- gross morphology

- Detailed examination of internal - Surface features of viruses and
structure cells
- Not necessary to fix or stain cells - Reveals a 3-dimensional image
- Principle is based on variations in
the refractive indices

Example of EM stains
- Osmic Acid
Differential Interference Contrast
- Permanganate
- Principle is based on variations in
- Lead
the refractive indices
- Uranium
- Advantage: no diffraction halo
- Lanthanum
associated with phase contrast
- Disadvantage: the three-
Examination of Microorganisms
dimensional appearance may not
(1) Living or Natural State
represent reality
- Refractive index of cells almost
similar to that of water

What techniques are used?

Wet Mount Technique (WMT)

Transmission Electron Microscope

- Examine viruses
- Ultrastucture in thin sections of the
cells Hanging Drop Technique (HDT)

(2) Stained preparations

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Advantages
- Provides contrast - Capillary Action
- Slides can be preserved - Ion-exchange
- Specimens are killed
Disadvantages Different staining procedures on simple
- More complicated and tedious to staining
- More expensive Positive/Direct
- Cells same color as dye
3 Basic Steps in Staining Microorganisms - Methylene Blue
Smear Preparation - Crystal Violet

Smear Preparation
- Smear: a thin dry fil of

- Heat Fixation: Direct flame, Steam
- Chemical Fixation: Alcohols
Purpose of fixation
- Kills the cells
- Makes the cell sticky
- Increase apparent diameter of Negative/Indirect
cells - Cells colorless or luminous
Staining - Nigrosin
- Application of biological dyes - India Ink
- Dye (stains)
- Organic compound carrying
chromophoric ions

Different Types of Stains Differential Staining

● Basic or Positively Charged Dye - 2 or more dyes/reagents
● Acidic or Negatively Charged - Gram Staining: Gram positive /
Dye Gram negative
● Neutral - Acid fast staining: Diagnosis of
Mechanisms of Staining
- Absorption
- Adsorption
- Osmosis
Module 6: Growth and Reproduction in


Increase in cellular constituents that may

result in:
- Increase in cell number
- Increase in cell size

Growth refers to the population growth

rather than growth of individual cells

Consequence of Bacterial Growth

- If Streptococcus pyogenes at the
back of your throat, a sore throat.
- Growth of microorganisms in
refrigerator shortens the shelf life
of the food
- Produce beer, wine, cheese,
Structural Staining
yogurt and other products.
- 2 or more dyes/regeants
- Endospore, Capsule, Flagella,
Bacterial Division Chromosome
Storage Granules
Replication and Partitioning and

- Most bacterial chromosomes are

- DNA replication proceeds in both
directions from the origin
- Origins move to opposite ends of
the cell
- Cell elongates
- Septation – formation of cross
walls between daughter cells and
cells separate

Types of bacterial division:

- Binary Fission
- Budding
- Certain actinomycetes by
- Fragmentation
Peptidoglycan Synthesis and Cell The Mathematics of Growth
Division - Generation (doubling) time
- New cell wall is synthesized during - Time required for the population to
bacterial growth by inserting new double in size
glycan units into preexisting wall - varies depending on species of
material microorganism and environmental
- range is from 10 minutes for some
bacteria to several days for some
eukaryotic microorganisms
- This is calculated during log
growth phase

- Microbial populations show a

characteristic type of growth
pattern called exponential growth,
which is best seen by plotting the
number of cells over time on a
semilogarithmic graph

Converting Arithmetic to Logarithmic

- A hydrophobic alcohol called

bactoprenol facilitates transport of
new glycan units through the
cytoplasmic membrane to become
part of the growing cell wall (Figure Calculating no. of generation and
6.4). generation time
- Transpeptidation bonds the
precursors into the peptidoglycan Number of generation
Generation Time

The Growth Cycle

- Microorganisms show a - Limited oxygen availability
characteristic growth pattern - Critical population density reached
(Figure 6.8) when inoculated into a - Bacteria die off and liberate some
fresh culture medium. nutrients

There is usually a lag phase, then No change in the number of viable cells,
exponential growth commences. As active cells stop reproducing or
essential nutrients are depleted or toxic reproductive rate is balanced by death
products build up, growth ceases, and the rate
population enters the stationary phase. If
incubation continues, cells may begin to Can last for long period
die (the death phase). - microbes in nutrient-poor
environments (like soils and many
(1)Lag Phase aqueous environments) probably
Cell synthesizing new components spend most of their time in
- e.g., to replenish spent materials § stationary phase
e.g., to adapt to new medium or
other conditions (4)Death Phase
Varies in length Cell numbers begin to decline due
- in some cases can be very short or - DNA or protein damage or perhaps
even absent exhaustion of energy reserves
Depends on harshness of medium - Accumulation of toxic waste
- is it selective or enrichment
medium? Bacteria are dying off opposite to log
- what is the temperature of growth phase
medium? - do not die all at once

The general rule of thumb is that microbes Two alternative hypotheses

adapt to a shift to improved conditions - cells are Viable But Not Culturable
much more rapidly than they do to a shift (VBNC)
to poorer conditions. - cells alive, but dormant, capable of
new growth when conditions are
(2)Exponential right
- Also called log phase or log growth
phase Continuous Culture
- Rate of growth and division is - The culture is kept in exponential
constant and maximal growth phase for as long as
- Population is most uniform in desired by the continuous addition
terms of chemical and physical of new medium and the
properties during this phase simultaneous removal of the same
- Bacteria from this stage would be volume of old medium and cells.
used for studies - Under these conditions, all cells
should be growing exponentially
(3)Stationery Phase and samples at various times
Closed system population growth ceases should be identical
due to
- Nutrient limitation
- accumulation of a waste product.
Environmental effects of Microbial Growth temperatures. Organisms that
grow at 0ºC but have optima of
Temperature 20ºC to 40ºC
- Temperature is a major
environmental factor controlling Hyperthermophiles
microbial growth. - Those with optima greater than
- The cardinal temperatures are the 80°C
minimum, optimum, and maximum
temperatures at which each These organisms inhabit hot environments
organism grows up to and including boiling hot springs, as
well as undersea hydrothermal vents that
Microbes based on Optimum can have temperatures in excess of
Temperature 100ºC.
- Psychrophiles - optimum is 15C
and max is below 20 C; Thermophiles and hyperthermophiles
Psychrotolerant, opt. 20C to 40C produce heat-stable macromolecules,
- Psychrotrophs – 0 oC to 35 oC such as Taq polymerase, which is used to
- Mesophiles - optima in the 20 oC automate the repetitive steps in the
to 45 oC range polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
- Thermophiles have optima from 45 technique.
oC to 80 oC
- Extreme thermophiles - optima, Hydrogen Ion Conc (PH)
above 80 C - In water, the hydrogen ion
concentration will range from 1 x
Mesophiles 10- 14 M (a pH of 14) to 1 M (a pH
- which have midrange temperature of 0).
optima, are found in warmblooded - Microbes are found at almost any
animals and in terrestrial and conceivable pH, with most
aquatic environments in temperate common bacteria growing at or
and tropical latitudes. near neutral pH (7).
- The acidity or alkalinity of an
Extremophiles environment can greatly affect
- have evolved to grow optimally microbial growth. Figure 6.22
under very hot or very cold shows the pH scale.
Some organisms have evolved to grow
Psychrophiles best at low or high pH, but most
- Organisms with cold temperature organisms grow best between pH 6 and 8.
optima are called psychrophiles,
and the most extreme The internal pH of a cell must stay
representatives inhabit relatively close to neutral even though the
permanently cold environments. external pH is highly acidic or basic.

Psychrotolerant Organisms that grow best at low pH are

- Psychrophiles have evolved called acidophiles; those that grow best at
biomolecules that function best at high pH are called alkaliphiles.
cold temperatures but that can be
unusually sensitive to warm Bacteria Based on PH Req
- Acidophiles -pH optima 1-5.4 - endures NaCl; organisms can
- Neutrophiles - 5.5-7.9 tolerate some reduction in the
- Alkalophiles - 8.0-11 water activity of their environment
but generally grow best in the
absence of the added solute.
Osmotic Effect on Bacterial Growth
Osmotic Pressure - lives in high sugar
- Water availability (water activity) is
a measurement of how much free Xerophiles
water is available. - microbes in dry environments
- Pure water has a water activity of
100% and the activity decreases Some microorganisms (halophiles) have
as solutes are added to the evolved to grow best at reduced water
solution. potential, and some (extreme halophiles)
even require high levels of salts for
Changes in osmotic concentrations in the growth.
environment may affect microbial cells
Water activity becomes limiting to an
Hypotonic solution (lower osmotic organism when the dissolved solute
concentration) concentration in its environment
- water enters the cell increases.
- cell swells may burst
(plasmoptysis) To counteract this situation, organisms
produce or accumulate intracellular
Hypertonic (higher osmotic compatible solutes (Figure 6.24; Table
concentration) 6.3) that maintain the cell in positive water
- water leaves the cell balance.
- membrane shrinks from the cell
wall (plasmolysis) may occur Amino acid-type and related solutes

Water can be made unavailable by:
- Evaporation
- Freezing
- Bound to solutes
- Cause dehydration
- Water unavailable to enzymes
Carbohydrate-type solutes

Microbes based on Osmotic

Water can be made unavailable by:
- Evaporation
- Freezing
- Bound to solutes
- Cause dehydration
- Water unavailable to enzymes
Alcohol-type solutes
- are able to use oxygen in
metabolic processes and generate
more energy per mole of energy
source consumed.

Aerotolerant anaerobes and strict

- do not use oxygen in their
metabolism and typically have a
Oxygen and Microbial Growth lower energy yield and slower
growth rates.
- Many microbes and most
eukaryotes need oxygen for
growth as it is the terminal electron

Others microbes can live without it and

some cannot even tolerate its presence.
- Obligate aerobes
- facultative anaerobes A reducing agent such as thioglycolate
- Microaerophiles can be added to a medium to test an
- aerotolerant anaerobes organism's requirement for oxygen
- strict anaerobes
Thioglycollate Test
Aerobes - TA restrict oxygen to the top one-
- require oxygen to live third of the tube. Aerobes will grow
only at the top of the tube (1)
Anaerobes Facultative anaerobes will growth
- do not and may even be killed by throughout (2 and 3) and strict
oxygen anaerobes will only grow at the
bottom of the tube (4).
- organisms can live with or without Oxygen Requirements

- are aerobes that can use oxygen
only when it is present at levels
reduced from that in air.

Aerotolerant anaerobes
- can tolerate oxygen and grow in its
presence even though they cannot
use it.

Strict aerobes and facultative Toxic Forms of Oxygen

- Several toxic forms of oxygen can
be formed in the cell, but enzymes
are present that can neutralize
most of them Superoxide in
particular seems to be a common
toxic oxygen species

Enzymes that destroy toxic forms of


The requirements for growth: Chemical


- In amino acids, proteins
- Most bacteria decompose proteins
- Some bacteria use NH4 + or NO3 -
Special techniques are needed to grow
- A few bacteria use N2 in nitrogen
aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms

Nutrition and Culture of Microorganisms
- In amino acids, thiamine, biotin
- Most bacteria decompose proteins
- Some bacteria use SO4 2- or H2S
- Macronutrients
- Micronutrients
- Trace elements
- In DNA, RNA, ATP, and
- Temperature
- pH
- PO4 3- is a source of phosphorus
- Osmotic Pressure (Aw)
- Oxygen
The roles trace elements play in

- Part of vitamin B12, which is used
to carry methyl groups
Macro and Micronutients

- Structural role in many enzymes - Heterotrophs: rely on pre-made
including DNA polymerase organic compounds for carbon
Mo - Lithotrophs: obtain electrons from
- Certain reactions involving inorganic compounds
nitrogen assimilation. Found in
nitrate reductase and nitrogenase Major Nutritional Types of Prokaryotes
- Catalytic role in some enzymes
that react with oxygen for example
cytochrome oxidase
- Required by a number of enzymes
in catalytic sites. Certain
photosynthetic enzymes use
manganese to split water into
oxygen and protons.
Measuring Microbial Growth
- Several different enzymes
including some involved in carbon
Parameters used as a measure of growth
monoxide metabolism, urea
of a population of bacteria. They include:
metabolism and methanogenesis
- Change in cell number.
- Change in the turbidity or light
Some examples for growth factors include
scattering of the culture.
- Vitamins which are non-protein
- Change in the amount of a cell
components of many enzymes
- Amino acids for protein synthesis
- Nucleic acids for DNA and RNA
Microscopic Counts
- counting chambers
- electronic counters – flow
The Requirements for Growth: Chemical
- on membrane filters

Trace Elements
Viable Counting Methods
- Inorganic elements required in
- Spread and pour plate techniques
small amounts
- Membrane filter technique
- Usually as enzyme cofactors
- Turbidity for Most Probable
Number (MPN)
Nutritional Classification of Microbes
- Phototrophic: utilize light as a
Measurement of Cell Mass
source of energy
- Dry Weight Analysis
- Autotrophs: obtain their carbon
- Measurement of cell components
from carbon dioxide
- Turbidity
- Organotrophs: obtain their
electrons from organic compounds
Direct Count: Counting Chambers
- Chemotrophs: obtain energy by
- Easy, inexpensive, and quick
the oxidation of either inorganic or
- Useful for counting both
organic compounds.
eukaryotes and prokaryotes
- Cannot distinguish living from dead Viable counting: Alive or Dead
cells Whether or not a cell is alive or dead isn’t
always clear cut in microbiology
Direct Counts on Membrane Fillers - Cells can exist in a variety of
- Cells filtered through special states between ‘fully viable’ and
membrane that provides dark ‘actually dead’
background for observing cells - VBNC (Viable but not culturable)
- Cells are stained with fluorescent
- Useful for counting bacteria
- With certain dyes, can distinguish
living from dead cells

Direct Count: Flow Cytometry

- Microbial suspension forced
through small orifice with a laser
light beam
- Movement of microbe through
orifice impacts electric current that
flows through orifice
- Instances of disruption of current
are counted = result in count of
individual cells.

Viable Counting Methods

Spread and pour plate techniques
- Without special staining
- diluted sample of bacteria is
techniques dead cells cannot be
spread over solid agar surface or
distinguished from live cells.
mixed with agar and poured into
- Small cells are difficult to see
Petri plate
under the microscope, and some
- after incubation the numbers of
cells are inevitably missed.
organisms are determined by
- Precision is difficult to achieve.
counting the number of colonies
- A phase-contrast microscope is
multiplied by the dilution factor
required if the sample is not
- results expressed as colony
forming units (CFU)
- Cell suspensions of low density
(less than about 106 cells/milliliter)
Membrane filter technique (used in our
have few if any bacteria in the
lab during water testing)
microscope field unless a sample
- bacteria from aquatic samples are
is first concentrated and
trapped on membranes
resuspended in a small volume.
- membrane placed on culture
- Motile cells must be immobilized
before counting.
- colonies grow on membrane
- Debris in the sample may be
- colony count determines # of
mistaken for microbial cells.
bacteria in sample
If microbe cannot be cultured on plate
Dilutions are made and added to suitable
media Module 7: Isolation and Cultivation of
Turbidity determined to yield the most
probable number (MPN) Pure Culture (Axenic Culture)
- a culture which contains a single
Plate counts can be highly unreliable species of microorganism
when used to assess total cell numbers of - a population of cells arising from a
natural samples such as soil and water. single cell

Direct microscopic counts of natural Cultivation

samples typically reveal far more - increasing the population of
organisms than are recoverable on plates microorganisms by providing their
of any given culture medium. nutritional and physical
This is referred to as "the great plate count
anomaly," and it occurs because direct Nutrients
microscopic methods count dead cells - extracellular substances which
whereas viable methods do not, and provide the cell with materials for
different organisms in even a very small building protoplasm and for energy
sample may have vastly different generation
requirements for resources and conditions
in laboratory culture. Culture Medium
- any nutrient material for growth
and cultivation of microorganisms
Measurements of Cell Mass in the laboratory

Dry weight Uses of Culture Media

- time consuming and not very - for growth and maintenance of
sensitive microbial cultures
Quantity of a particular cell constituent - to favor the production of
- e.g., protein, DNA, ATP, or particular compounds
chlorophyll - to study microbial action on some
- useful if amount of substance in constituents of the medium
each cell is constant
Turbidometric measures (light Types of Culture Media
- quick, easy, and sensitive According to physical state
- Liquid (Broth) - no solidifying
Turbidity measurements are an indirect agent
but very rapid and useful method of - Semi-Solid- 0.1 - 0.5% solidifying
measuring microbial growth. However, to agent
relate a direct cell count to a turbidity - Solid – 1.5 – 2.0% solidifying
value, a standard curve must first be agent
established. - Solidifying agent: agar or gelatin
According to chemical composition
- Synthetic – all components are
chemically defined Selective
- Complex - not all components are - allows the growth of a specific
chemically defined type of microorganism only
- with selective agents (ex. salts,
Eg: potato infusion dyes, antibiotics, etc.)
Beef extract
Yeast extract e.g. Bacillus Cereus Agar (BCA)

According to principal function, purpose,

or application

General Purpose
- Can support most or almost type of

Eg: Nutrient Agar (NA)

- used to increase the number of
microorganisms with unusual
physiological characteristics
- with special nutrients (ex. blood)

E.g. Blood Agar

- Distinguishes one type of bacteria
from another
- With special reagents like pH
indicators or dyes

e.g. Eosin Methylene Blue Agar (EMBA)

- of prescribed composition used for
assay of vitamins, amino acids and
- used to determine qualitative/
quantitative production of such a
compound by an organism
Enrichment Culture
Isolation Techniques
- isolation of specific types of
microorganisms by a combination
- Colony: a macroscopically visible
of nutrient and physical conditions
(surface or subsurface) growth or
- used for the isolation of unusual
cluster of microorganisms on a
physiological types of
solid medium
microorganisms which are present
- Streak Plating
in small numbers and which grow

- Spread Plating

Serial Dilution
- used if the desired microorganism
is present at a higher level than
any other microorganism
- outcome is 10-fold reduction of
cells/cfus in every transfer.

- Pour Plating
- Transfer
- Verify the purity
- Make stock cultures

Culture Preservations

- to retain the viability of the stock
culture for a long period of time
while maintaining its purity and trait
of being “true-to-type”

Period Transfer to Fresh Media

- Time interval of transfers
- Proper medium
- Proper storage temperature

Overlaying cultures with mineral oil

- Limit the availability of O2
- simple
Single-Cell Isolation Technique
- enables one to remove some
- uses a micropipette or a
growth under the oil and inoculate
microprobe to physically pick a
it in a fresh medium and still
single cell and transfer it on an
preserve the initial culture
agar medium

Membrane Filter Technique
- viability of microorganisms varies
- for samples with low population
with species
- uses a sterile membrane filter
having a pore size that retains
Freeze-drying (lyphilization)
Temperature = -70 C
- rapid drying in frozen state
- dry ice in alcohol
- long-term survival
- less opportunity for changes in the
characteristics of culture
- smallness of storage containers

Freezing with liquid nitrogen

Temperature = -196 C
Steps in Preparing Pure Cultures - cryoprotective agent (glycerol)
- Isolation - liquid-nitrogen refs
Drying Temperature = 45 C
- for spore- and cyst-

Banking Microbes

Culture Collections
- organizations which maintain
authenticpure cultures of
- provide ‘type’ strains to
microbiologists throughout the

- American Type Culture Collection
(ATCC) (Maryland)
- National Collection of Type
Cultures (NCTC) (London)
- Japanese Type Culture Collection
(JTCC) (Japan)
- Philippine National Collection of
Microorganisms (PNCM)

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