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Q1: In Linux, the priority of a running process can be changed using which command??

a passwd

b None

c ps -A

d None

e priority

f renice

Q2: Which tag inserts a line horizontally on your web page??

a None

b <line direction="horizontal">

c <hr>

d None

e <line>

f <tr>

Q3: Choose the example for block special file?

a None

b Serial modem

c Virtual terminal


e None

f Console terminal

Q4: Which artisan command would you use to create a new Laravel Migration??
a None

b php artisan make:migrations create_users_table

c php artisan create:migrations create_users_table

d php artisan make:migrations create_users_table

e php artisan make:migration create_users_table

f None

Q5: How does a WHILE loop start??

a while i = 1 to 10

b while (i <= 10; i++)

c None

d None

e None

f while (i <= 10)

Q6: What is the default size of a file set in upload_max_filesize??

a 300 MB

b 10 MB

c 2 MB

d None

e None

f 500 MB

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