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The image, which comes to mind, when mentioning the house of my dreams

would most likely be a moderately-sized cottage somewhere in a tranquil remote

European town, a place you could call a rural idyll, while still being adequately
civilized and accessible.
Garnished with greenery from both inside and outside, white chalky walls with
wooden beams covered by ivy barriers. This is what truly makes a plain stone
structure alive.
Stepping inside, visitors would be greeted by a spacious living room, its walls
painted in warm, easy on the eye hues. A squashy sofa and armchair would sit
right before a warming fireplace, creating the perfect atmosphere for friend and
family gatherings once in a while. Another eye-catching sight are the hand-picked
paintings placed around the house, all making a contribution to the overall
pleasing aesthetic of the interior.
As for the second story of the building, it’s an open space triangularly-shaped
bedroom. The archaic roof of the construction makes for a nice change in
comparison to regular, sometimes cramped, bedchambers.
The surrounding area is nothing to scoff at, too. The land hasn’t been seized by
the hectic humanity surge, so it’s a natural heaven on earth. The backyard is a
compact paradise, featuring a lush green lawn, a water fountain, and a hammock
swaying in the breeze.

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