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21 Powerful Symbols of Time and Their Origins

Dani Rhys
May 1, 2023


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The sun, the moon, and the seasons are only some of the things that people,
throughout history, have used to measure and represent time.

It’s only natural that this uncontrollable circumstance of our existence has led many
cultures to create symbols of time.

In this article, we’ve put together 21 powerful symbols of time and the meanings
behind them.

1. Sun

As mentioned earlier, the sun is an almost eternal symbol of time. This was also the
case back in Ancient Egypt, where sundials were used to keep track of time by using
an obelisk that would cast a shadow in certain directions depending on the time of
the day.

This is how Egyptians were able to divide the day into a set of hours, which allowed
them, and other cultures, to become more organized. The reason for this is that
tracking time with sundials helped them to schedule activities throughout the day.

2. Moon

All the early civilizations were able to use the moon and its different shapes as a
guide to know when a signiScant amount of time had passed, whether it was a month
or a whole season.

The tracking of the phases of the moon allowed people to create a lunar calendar
that helped ancient civilizations to know when seasonal changes would occur. So,
looking up at the sky and seeing the moon was one of the most accurate methods of
keeping time.

3. Seasons

The seasons symbolize that a signiScant amount of time has passed. It didn’t matter
if the region had tropical weather or the four seasons, many ancient civilizations all
around the world understood that the seasons were a symbol of the passage of time.

Interestingly enough, there’s evidence that civilizations from as far back as the ones
from the Neolithic period were aware of the seasons and developed strategies and
festivals to prepare for the changes that a season brought with it.


4. Orion’s Belt 2024 -

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Orion’s Belt is a symbol of time. See it here.

Orion’s Belt is a prominent asterism in the night sky, consisting of three bright stars
located in the constellation Orion. Throughout history, different cultures have
interpreted Orion’s Belt in various ways, including as a symbol of time.

One interpretation is that the alignment of the three stars represents the three stages
of life: birth, life, and death. Others see the Belt as a celestial clock, with the stars
marking the passage of time and the changing of the seasons.

The ancient Egyptians also associated Orion’s Belt with their god Osiris, who was
believed to have been resurrected after death, linking the Belt to themes of rebirth
and renewal.

5. Chronos

Chronos symbolises time. Source.

In Greek mythology, Chronos is the personiScation of time and is often depicted as

an old man with a long beard and a scythe or hourglass. He is the father of Zeus and
the other Olympian gods, and his name is the root of words such as “chronology” and

As a symbol of time, Chronos represents the unyielding and impartial nature of time,
which relentlessly moves forward without regard for individual lives or events. In art
and literature, he is often portrayed as a grim Sgure, underscoring the inevitability of
the passage of time and the Zeeting nature of human existence.

6. Sand

Sand can be interpreted as a symbol of time in several ways. One way is that the tiny
grains of sand represent the countless moments that make up the passage of time,
with each grain representing a single moment or event.

Additionally, sand can represent the impermanence of time, as sand dunes can be
formed and erased by the forces of wind and water, much like how memories and
moments can be lost over time.

The hourglass, a device used to measure time, also employs the use of sand, with the
amount of sand that Zows through the narrow opening representing the amount of
time that has passed.

7. Letter ‘T’

Scientists realized that knowing how to measure time was of utmost importance to
be able to make theories, equations, and experiments. In science, the letter ‘t’ is often
used to represent time as a variable or parameter in mathematical equations and

For example, in physics, the time variable ‘t’ is used in equations related to motion,
such as distance equals velocity times time (d=vt) or acceleration equals change in
velocity over time (a = Δv/Δt). In chemistry, the time variable ‘t’ can be used to
represent the rate of a chemical reaction or the time it takes for a reaction to occur.

8. Stonehenge

Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire, England, and is believed

to have been constructed around 2500 BCE. While its exact purpose is still unknown,
it is widely believed to have been used as a site for religious and ceremonial
activities, and many interpretations see it as a symbol of time.

The alignment of the stones with the movements of the sun and the moon suggests
that Stonehenge was used to mark important dates in the solar and lunar calendars,
such as the solstices and equinoxes. Therefore, it represents the human desire to
understand and measure the passage of time and the cycles of nature.

9. Calendars

Calendars are used to organize and measure the passage of time, with speciSc dates
marked to indicate days, weeks, months, and years. They are essential tools for
scheduling and planning events, and for tracking the passage of time.

Different cultures and civilizations have developed various calendar systems, each
with their own unique symbols and meanings. The Gregorian calendar, which is
widely used in the Western world, is based on the cycles of the sun and is used to
mark the passage of years.

10. Immortality

Immortality can be seen as a symbol of time in the sense that it represents an

attempt to escape or transcend the limitations of time and mortality.

Immortality refers to the state of living forever or never dying and has been a concept
explored in various cultures and mythologies throughout history.

In some cases, immortality is achieved through supernatural means, such as the

Greek gods who were believed to be immortal, or through the attainment of spiritual
enlightenment or transcendence.

Therefore, immortality represents a human desire to overcome the limitations of time

and achieve a state of existence that is not subject to the passage of time or the
inevitability of death.

11. The Wheel of Time

The Wheel of Time is a symbol used in many cultures and spiritual traditions to

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