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SQL command are the instruction it is used to communicate it is also
used to perform specific task function and dta sql can perform various task
creating the table

there are five type of command

1 dql -data query language
ddl-data definetion language
dhl-data language
this is the same as projectinal operation
it used to select the attributes based on the condition described by the air clob

ddl changes the sturcture of the table like creating droping and altering of the
the tableall the common of ddl are auto comoted that means it premanently changes
inths data base its connsist of following command.
create- it used to create new table in the database.
drop-it usedto delete the both struct and record in the database
alter-it used to alter structure of the database this change could
rename-it is simply used to change the name of the entity
trencate-it is usedto delete all the rows from the table and free the space
containing the table
comment-it is used to comment on the linein the database

it is responsible foer all form of changes in the database . this command of dml is
it cannot commited all the changes in the database
insert statement is used delete one or more row on the table

it is usedgrand and take back authority

grand-it is used to give order to the databasethe second command is revock,it is
used to takeback permission from the user.
transtion control language -tcl command can be used with dml command
there are three command
1 commit it is usedto save all the transtion
rollback-it is used toundo the transtion
savepoint-it is used to roll the transtion at a certain point without the transtion

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