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Reset. Refocus. Revitalize.

31 Activities to Rev Up Your Speaking Career

Design © 2018 Karen R. Power

Cover Graphic from

Date Accessed: April 7, 2018

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in

any form or by any means, including but not limited to information storage
and retrieval systems, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, etc.
without written permission from the copyright holder.

© 2018 Karen R. Power 2

Table of Contents
About this Book .......................................................................................5
How to Use This Book .............................................................................6
Activity 1 .................................................................................................. 7
Activity 2 .................................................................................................. 8
Activity 3 .................................................................................................. 9
Activity 4 ................................................................................................ 10
Activity 5 ................................................................................................ 11
Activity 6 ................................................................................................ 12
Activity 7 ................................................................................................ 13
Activity 8 ................................................................................................ 14
Activity 9 ................................................................................................ 15
Activity 10 ..............................................................................................16
Activity 11 ..............................................................................................17
Activity 12 ..............................................................................................18
Activity 13 ..............................................................................................19
Activity 14 ..............................................................................................20
Activity 15 ..............................................................................................21
Activity 16 ..............................................................................................22
Activity 17 ..............................................................................................23
Activity 18 ..............................................................................................24
Activity 19 ..............................................................................................25
Activity 20 ..............................................................................................26
Activity 21 ..............................................................................................27
Activity 22 ..............................................................................................28
Activity 23 ..............................................................................................29
Reset. Refocus. Revitalize. 31 Activities to Rev Up Your Speaking Career

Activity 24 ..............................................................................................30
Activity 25 ..............................................................................................31
Activity 26 ..............................................................................................32
Activity 27 ..............................................................................................33
Activity 28 ..............................................................................................34
Activity 29 ..............................................................................................35
Activity 30 ..............................................................................................36
Activity 31 ..............................................................................................37
Your Next Steps ....................................................................................38
About the Author ...................................................................................39

© 2018 Karen R. Power 4

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About this Book

Karen Power has used her extensive years of experience from virtually
every side of events and the stage as a musician, songwriter, speaker,
author, event planner, concert promoter, coach, book promotion
manager, speaker bureau owner, and booking agent to intentionally
guide you through a proven process to help you have solid steps to
take your speaking career to the next level.

Activity journals, coloring books for adults, and planners are hot items
on the market right now. It appears they will be around for a long
time. As busy as we all are, finding a few quiet moments each day to
sit, imagine, and dream can make the difference in reaching one’s
goals or quitting. The first of its kind, this activity journal for speakers
combines helpful activities and journaling that speakers of any level
can find useful in taking their next steps toward what they imagine
their career to be and reaching their goals.

Creating a speaking business or ministry doesn’t just happen

overnight. It doesn’t just happen because you are able to stand on a
stage and make a great presentation.

It happens when planning, preparation and promotion are well thought

out. It takes dreaming, imagining, vision, and setting goals to achieve.
It also takes consistency, diligence, and not quitting when it gets

This book is structured with 31 activities. Each is designed to help you

imagine and dream what your speaking career can be as you write the
vision and implement the steps.

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How to Use This Book

Will you agree that stopping to imagine, dream and plan your next
steps toward your speaking goals—provided you have written goals—
doesn’t happen as often as you like?

I encourage you to schedule 15-30 minutes per day for the next 31
days to spend on each section of this book. Grab a pencil or pen and
find a quiet spot where you will be able to sit, think, imagine, and
listen to your heart.

You can flip through the book in any order and choose the section that
speaks to you that day. Or you can start with section one and work
systematically through the book. There’s no rule. Whatever works for
you is fine.

By the time you’ve completed the book, you will have a great list of
action items to help you achieve the dreams and goals you imagined.
Be sure to go back and refer to the information as you implement what
you’ve decided to do.

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Activity 1
As a child, what did you envision being when you grew up? Describe
what that looked like.

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Activity 2
Has your childhood dream come true? Why or why not?

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Activity 3
Describe what you see of your childhood dream today? Is it the same?
Has it changed? If so, how?

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Activity 4
What things (people, experiences, or education) have either helped
you achieve your dream or held you back from fulfilling it?

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Activity 5
Did the dream you have as a child relate to you being a speaker? If so,

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Activity 6
Make a list of the areas of expertise or topics in which you have
experience, education, or authority. What specific problem can you
solve for someone? What process can you lead someone through that
solves a problem?

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Activity 7
What is your most powerful message? The one you could deliver
anywhere, day after day?

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Activity 8
Why are you the person to deliver this most powerful message?

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Activity 9
Describe your ideal audience/tribe member. Where do they live? What
do they do for a living? Are they single or married? What age group?
What is their gender? Do socio-economic status, race, or religion factor
into the equation?

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Activity 10
How will you reach your ideal audience member in groups or
individually? Will you connect with them online?

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Activity 11
What training do you need to help you deliver your message more
effectively and efficiently? Do you need to enroll in an online course?
Do you need to complete a college degree?

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Activity 12
Do you need some team members to help you reach your goals? If so,
what type of things should they be proficient at doing? Where will you
look to find them? Are you willing to pay them or will they need to
volunteer their time and services?

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Activity 13
Put a check mark for each of the following that causes you frustration
in getting your message out on a broader basis.

Having to do other things to make money to support yourself

and your family that take time away from working on your
speaking career.
Not being comfortable with marketing and promotion of your
It takes more time than you realized to build a speaking
Not knowing the most effective or efficient way to get your
message out there for people to hear it.
Having to do this, for the most part, alone.
Not knowing how to use all the technology needed.
Need a mentor, coach, or agent.
Not knowing how to get more speaking engagements.
Other: _______________________________ (fill in the blank)

What action steps can you take to overcome your frustrations?

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Activity 14
Make a list of groups or organizations that will most likely be
interested in having you as their guest speaker. Contact them to find
out the specific person in charge of booking speakers for their events.
Then follow up with that person.

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Activity 15
Write your professional speaker bio. Include information that is specific
to you as a speaker such as:
• Who you are trying to reach and why
• What qualifies you (life or work experience, specific education)
• What you have accomplished in this area (books written, video
teaching, interviews on TV or radio, or awards)
• What are some personal things that help connect you with
your audience (your family, where you live, maybe something
fun like a favorite thing)

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Activity 16
Write a brief description of the top 3 messages you can deliver to your
ideal group. For each, include what the listener or audience member
will be able to do after hearing this message. Write this in third

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Activity 17
What are the best methods to promote your message and spread the
word that you are available as a speaker? What do you need to help
you accomplish this? What can you feasibly start doing today?

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Activity 18
Make a list of the social media platforms you are currently using. Is
your idea audience member using the same ones? Are you getting the
results you want? If not, what can you do differently? Do you need to
add additional platforms? Do you need to find a course or coach to
help you?

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Activity 19
Make a list of goals you have already accomplished on your journey as
a speaker. Did you complete these goals in the time you expected? If
not, why not?

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Activity 20
SHORT-TERM GOALS: What is your vision for your speaking career in
the next 6 months to 3 years?

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Activity 21
What can you do in the next 6-12 months to help you achieve your

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Activity 22
MID-RANGE GOALS: What do you envision doing in 3-5 years from
now to achieve your speaking goals?

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Activity 23
LONG-TERM GOALS: What is your vision for your speaking career in
6-10 years? It's time to dream really BIG! Write down anything that
you would like to do within the next 10 years to grow your speaking
business. Do you want to write books, record a video series, do
podcasts, teach online courses, or have a TV show? Even if it
something doesn't seem realistic but it's in your heart, write it down.

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Activity 24
Do you want to write books? Make a list of the topics you would like to
write about and why. What genre would these topics be?

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Activity 25
Use to the Internet and to do a search for writers conferences.

Make a list of the ones you would like to attend. For each on your list,
write down at least one session that will help you reach a specific goal.
Learning with intentionality is a wise way to spend your limited time
and funds. If you are choosing a conference just because you like
where it is located or someone who will be on faculty, you’re merely
taking a vacation. Be prepared to leave a conference with action items
that will help you reach a goal and take you to the next level in your

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Activity 26
Do you want to do more interviews on radio, TV, magazines, podcasts,
or other online opportunities? Make a list of the topics that are
relevant today, things you see in the headlines, that you can talk

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Activity 27
Make a list of the radio, TV, magazines, podcasts, or online sites that
would be appropriate for you to contact about doing an interview. Who
would you need to contact there to set that up?

Set a goal to schedule one interview per week for the next four weeks.
Once you have accomplished that goal, schedule one per week for the
next eight weeks. Repeat.

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Activity 28
Do you have products that you can sell at the back of the room for
your events and on your website?

Take an inventory of audio or video recordings you have of your

presentations. Did you know you can have these transcribed to create
books, ebooks, lead magnets, online courses, and more?

Make a list of your presentations that are either written or recorded.

Start repurposing them to use as free give away items or paid

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Activity 29
Do you have a website? If not, it’s time to start taking steps to either
create one yourself or find someone who can do it for you.

If you do have a website, are you clearly sharing your vision on your
website? Take inventory of what is on it. Compare that to what you’ve
written in this activity journal. The information here should be
reflected in what you have on your website in writing, pictures,
product, videos, books, and other content. Update as needed.

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Activity 30
Write out any scriptures, quotes, prayers, or other inspirational
thoughts that may help encourage you going forward. When you have
a tough day, pull these out and read through them.

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Activity 31
Do you have a prayer team, accountability team, encouragement
team, or mastermind group to which you belong to help you achieve
your dreams, vision, and goals?

If not, it’s important to have wise council around you to ensure you do
what you say you will do.

Write down the names of your team members, or potential team

members, and then connect with them and share the information
you’ve created in this journal. Ask them to hold you accountable.

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Your Next Steps

Within the pages of this activity journal, you have dreamed and
imagined what your speaking career can look like in the short-term, as
well as many years out. Is it possible to achieve your goals? Yes!

The activities you have completed give you solid action steps of where
to start next . . . starting today.

As you take your next steps, remember this:

Never start stopping.

Never stop starting.

Karen R. Power

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About the Author

“Karen Power is a gifted coach and speaker advocate. Her services have led to
a significant increase in the number of speaking engagements I secure yearly.
Her speaker training has covered everything from platform building to building
better talks, audience engagement, and how to make meeting planners love
you. I highly recommend her services to anyone serious about expanding their
ministry reach.” ~ Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, Physician, Speaker, and Author

Karen's passion and purpose are to help

Christ-centered communicators and
business owners share their messages and
products of hope and healing to change the
world by creating innovative solutions. She
has helped them connect with their
audience, grow their platform base, find
new speaking opportunities, raise the bar,
and increase their customers, paid
enrollees, products and book sales by using
various delivery methods and strategies.

Karen started booking speakers for

Classervices, Inc., Albuquerque, NM, in
November 2004. Then started her own agency, Christian Speakers Services, in
January 2007.

Karen has 40+ years experience in the Christian communication industry. She
started at the age of 11 as a drummer and later served as a bass guitar player
for Christian music bands and church praise teams. She has been on virtually
every side of events and the stage as a musician, songwriter, speaker, author,
event planner, concert promoter, coach, book tour manager, speaker bureau
owner, and booking agent. Her marketing, technology, and curriculum
development experience has helped her develop and launch a national support
group, develop and produce hundreds on live webinars, develop websites, and
design promotional and other support materials for internationally-known
Christian speakers, authors, and teachers.

While Karen has been focused on helping speakers and authors take their
messages to the world, she has also written several stories that appear in the

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following books: Your Spiritual Personality by Marita Littauer, Making the Blue
Plate Special by Florence Littauer, Marita Littauer, and Lauren Littauer Briggs,
and The Authentic You by Anita C. Lee. She has also managed virtual book
promotion tours for New York Times best-selling authors such as Francine
Rivers and Cecil Murphey and for other top authors in the CBA market such as
Carol Kent, Thelma Wells, Kathi Macias and more.

Training Programs & Modules

• Ready. Set. Grow.

• Speak & Get Paid
• Ready. Set. Promote!
• Ready. Set. Action!
• Ready. Set. Speak!
• Ready. Set. Grow.
• Ready. Set. Get Published!
• 25 Tips to Reach Your Audience with Facebook LIVE
• Ready. Set. Media Page
• 9 Tips for Looking Great on Stage
• The Professional Speaker Task List
• 10 Tips for Setting Your Speaking Fees
• Reset. Refocus. Revitalize. 31 Activities to Rev Up Your Speaking Career

Professional Services Available

• Graphic Design: Banners or headers for websites and social media, Event
Posters, Social Media Graphics, Infographics, Book Covers, Lead Magnets
• Website Development & Maintenance
• Speaker/Writer Conference Speaker
• Speaker Representation


© 2018 Karen R. Power 40

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