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Sayyada Omera Pirzada

COMM 1715
Christine Conacher
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Receiving my diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) several years ago

changed my life by influencing my physical health, emotional well-being, and outlook on my

future. Initially, when the doctor gave me my diagnosis, the changes in my physical health

finally made sense. I was told my hormones were unbalanced, and my body could not regulate

hormones on its own. The weight gain, the excess facial hair, and the loss of sleep I was

experiencing finally had a cause. However, figuring out how to cope with these changes was a

challenge. Furthermore, the doctor also stated PCOS symptoms were directly related to insulin

resistance making me prone to Type 2 diabetes and infertility. Finally understanding what was

happening to my body kickstarted my journey to find what my body needed from me to stay

healthy. Next, the doctor explained that PCOS would also affect my emotions, due to the

hormonal imbalance. Unfortunately, I already felt this as those around me would point out my

outbursts of aggression and mood swings. Now, every day is still a battle working with my

self-esteem issues being triggered by my fluctuating weight, and not feeling like myself in my

own body. Further burdening my emotional well-being daily is the stress of potentially not

being able to reproduce. Finally, knowing that if I do not take care of my body properly, I

could cause myself to be infertile is a burden that is hard to bear. However, going through the

physical and emotional changes caused by PCOS, I have come to the realization that I cannot

control everything happening to me, but I can change how it affects me. Being able to change

my outlook is a privilege, and I push myself every day to make sure I keep my outlook

positive. If I decide to let my diagnosis affect me negatively then I will not take care of myself,
further creating more stress. To conclude, my PCOS diagnosis years ago has been a

transformative journey, shaping my physical health, emotional well-being, and outlook on the


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