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vocabulary u1

- academic life: scholarly existence, educational journey, intellectual pursuits, scholastic experience.
- advice: guidance, recommendation, counsel.
- attitudes: perspectives, viewpoints, outlooks.
- challenges: obstacles, di culties, trials.
- comfort: ease, solace, contentment.
- community: society, group, collective.
- cultural background: heritage, upbringing, traditions.
- debt: liabilities, obligations, indebtedness.
- decision: choice, determination, resolution.
- excuses: justi cations, explanations, apologies.
- expenses: costs, expenditures, outlays.
- features: characteristics, attributes, traits.
- habits: routines, behaviors, practices.
- harm: damage, injury, detriment.
- interests: hobbies, passions, pursuits.
- lifestyles: ways of life, living standards, routines.
- luxury: opulence, extravagance, indulgence.
- major (area of study): specialization, eld, discipline.
- opportunities: prospects, chances, possibilities.
- personalities: individuals, characters, identities.
- privacy: con dentiality, seclusion, secrecy.
- rules: regulations, guidelines, policies.
- safety: security, protection, well-being.
- security: safety, protection, defense.
- strangers: unknowns, unfamiliar individuals, outsiders.
- variety: diversity, assortment, range.
- attend: participate, join, be present.
- care: concern, look after, attend to.
- get along: cooperate, bond, harmonize.
- get through: overcome, endure, survive.
- miss: overlook, neglect, fail to attend.
- stay out: remain outside, avoid, not enter.
- relate: connect, associate, communicate.
- rent: lease, hire, occupy.
- survive: endure, persist, make it through.
- take chances: risk, gamble, venture.
- waste: squander, misuse, expend.

◦ Adjectives:
- common: ordinary, typical, usual.
- considerate: thoughtful, kind, mindful.
- crowded: packed, congested, busy.
- furnished: equipped, provided, supplied.
- homesick: nostalgic, longing, yearning for home.
- impossible: unattainable, impractical, out of reach.
- insecure: uncertain, unsure, unsafe.
- lonely: solitary, isolated, alone.
- miserable: unhappy, wretched, distressed.
- private: con dential, personal, secluded.
- shared: communal, collective, mutual.
- similar: alike, comparable, resembling.
- terrible: awful, dreadful, horrendous.
- unsafe: hazardous, perilous, dangerous.
- valuable: precious, priceless, esteemed.
- .high-paying :lucrative, well-paid, well-compensated, highly remunerative.
- academically: scholastically, intellectually, educationally.
- away from home: absent, distant, not at home.
vocabulary u2

- amounts: quantities, measures, totals.
- asthma: respiratory condition, bronchial condition, breathing disorder.
- atmosphere: air, environment, surroundings.
- biometeorologists : climatologists, weather scientists, atmospheric researchers.
- blizzards: snowstorms, snow squalls, blustering storms.
- carbon dioxide (CO2): carbonic acid gas, greenhouse gas, carbon emissions.
- damage: harm, destruction, injury.
- desert: arid region, wasteland, barren land.
- disease: illness, ailment, sickness.
- disorder: condition, syndrome, irregularity.
- e ects: impacts, consequences, repercussions.
- oods: deluges, inundations, water over ows.
- u (in uenza): viral infection, respiratory illness, u virus.
- headaches: migraines, head pain, cephalalgia.
- heart attacks: cardiac arrests, myocardial infarctions, coronary events.
- humidity: moisture, dampness, mugginess.
- hurricanes: typhoons, cyclones, tropical storms.
- increase: rise, growth, escalation.
- meteorologists: weather forecasters, weather experts, atmospheric scientists.
- moods: emotions, feelings, temperaments.
- pneumonia: lung infection, respiratory infection, pneumonic condition.
- rain: precipitation, downpour, rainfall.
- scientists: researchers, scholars, experts.
- storms: tempests, squalls, gales.
- strokes: cerebral accidents, brain attacks, apoplexy.
- temperatures: heat, degrees, thermal readings.
- weather: climate, meteorological conditions, atmospheric state.
- a ect: impact, in uence, alter.
- increase: raise, enhance, boost.
- in uence: sway, a ect, shape.

- depressed: downcast, despondent, dejected.
- extreme: severe, intense, radical.
- forceful: powerful, strong, vigorous.
- moody: temperamental, volatile, changeable.
- nervous: anxious, tense, jumpy.
- powerful: strong, mighty, potent.
- temperature: thermal, climatic, heat-related.
- typical: standard, usual, normal.
- worse: deteriorated, aggravated, worsened.

- slowly: gradually, leisurely, sluggishly.
Vocabulary u3

- Breakfast: Morning meal, daybreak meal.
- Bugs: Insects, pests, creepy-crawlies.
- ComplexCarbohydrates: Polysaccharides.
- Customs: Traditions, practices, rituals.
- Dairy: Milk products, milk-based products.
- Desserts: Sweets, treats, confections.
- Diabetes: Sugar diabetes, high blood sugar.
- Diet: Eating plan, regimen, nutrition.
- Discussion: Conversation, dialogue, discourse.
- Dishes: Plates, cookware, tableware.
- Elements: Components, factors, constituents.
- Fast food: Quick food, convenience food.
- Fats: Oils, lipids, fatty acids.
- Grains: Cereals, seeds, kernels.
- Habits: Routines, behaviors, practices.
- Insects: Bugs, creepy-crawlies, critters.
- Low-carb diet: Low-carbohydrate eating plan, carb-restricted regimen.
- Meals: Food, repast, nourishment.
- Minerals: Elements, nutrients, substances.
- Nutritionists: Dietitians, food experts, dietary specialists.
- Preferences: Likes, inclinations, choices.
- Soy products: Soybean-based products, tofu-based products.
- Variety: Diversity, assortment, range.
- Diet: Regulate one's food intake, restrict, control.

- Frozen: Chilled, icy, frosty.
- Universal: Worldwide, global, ubiquitous.
- Worse: Inferior, poorer, more unfavorable.

- Probably: Likely, possibly, perhaps.
Vocabulary u4

- Applications: Apps, software, programs.
- Arrangement: Organization, con guration, setup.
- Comments: Remarks, feedback, commentary.
- Content: Substance, material, information.
- Dependence: Reliance, dependency, trust.
- Design: Blueprint, layout, plan.
- Harassment: Bullying, intimidation, persecution.
- Infrastructure: Facilities, systems, network.
- Level: Degree, stage, tier.
- Location: Place, site, position.
- Motivation: Drive, incentive, inspiration.
- Network: System, web, grid.
- Observers: Witnesses, spectators, onlookers.
- Organization: Institution, company, association.
- Reality: Truth, actuality, existence.
- Resources: Assets, supplies, resources.
- Responsibilities: Duties, obligations, tasks.
- Retirement: Withdrawal, departure, retreat.
- Risk: Danger, hazard, jeopardy.
- Sensors: Detectors, probes, instruments.
- Sites: Locations, areas, spots.
- Steps: Stages, phases, actions.
- Suburbs: Outskirts, residential areas, outskirts.
- Technology: Innovation, advancement, machinery.
- Transportation: Travel, commuting, conveyance.
- Connect: Link, join, integrate.
- Contribute: Contribute, add, provide.
- Exist: Be, occur, be present.
- Interact: Communicate, engage, interact.
- Monitor: Observe, supervise, watch.
- Observe: Watch, notice, perceive.
- Organize: Arrange, coordinate, manage.
- Participate: Engage, take part, join in.
- Recognize: Identify, acknowledge, realize.
- Tend (to): Lean, incline, gravitate.

- Committed: Dedicated, devoted, loyal.
- Compact: Small, condensed, compressed.
- Delayed: Postponed, deferred, overdue.
- Geographical: Spatial, geographic, territorial.
- Huge: Enormous, massive, gigantic.
- Informal: Casual, relaxed, laid-back.
- Intentional: Deliberate, purposeful, planned.
- Involved: Engaged, connected, implicated.
- Low-income: Poor, impoverished, disadvantaged.
- Organized: Structured, arranged, orderly.
- Physical: Corporeal, tangible, bodily.
- Real-life: Actual, genuine, authentic.
- Rural: Countryside, rustic, agricultural.
- Spiritual: Ethereal, transcendent, divine.
- Structured: Organized, systematic, well-ordered.
- Suburban: Residential, suburban, outlying.
- Urban: City, metropolitan, town.
- Virtual: Digital, online, simulated.
- Wireless: Wi-Fi, cordless, untethered.
- Forever: Permanently, eternally, inde nitely.
- However: Nevertheless, nonetheless, yet.
- Relatively: Comparatively, relatively, proportionately.
- Therefore: Consequently, hence, thus.

- Even so: However, nonetheless, still.
- General truth: Universal truth, common truth, prevailing truth.
- Socially acceptable: Culturally acceptable, socially approved, conventional.

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