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the finer things in life - кращі речі у житті

stone's throw from - кидати камінь від чогось, дуже близько

sightseeing - оглядова екскурсія
extensive - обширний
fully equipped - повністю обладнаний
sample - зразок, проба
to date back - датуватися
roaring - шалений
award-winning - нагороджений призом
archery - стрільба з лука
scenic - мальовничий, живописний
waterfront - берегова лінія, набережна
unspoiled beaches - непорушені пляжі
to wander - блукати, стрибати з одного місця на інше
restored - відновлений
modern conveniences - сучасні зручності
to appeal to - привертати увагу, сподобатися
aspiring - починаючий
alike - подібний, схожий
The finer things in life

The best and most enjoyable aspects of

life, often associated with luxury and
Stone's throw from

A very short distance, close enough that

one could throw a stone to reach it.

The activity of visiting and exploring

interesting or famous places, usually as a

Covering a large area; having a wide range

or scope.
Fully equipped

Having all the necessary tools, resources,

or amenities needed for a particular

A small portion or example that is

representative of a larger whole; a test or
To date back:

To have origins or to have existed since a

specific earlier time.

Extremely lively, noisy, or full of energy.


Having received recognition and

accolades, often in the form of awards or

The sport or skill of shooting arrows with

a bow.

Having beautiful and picturesque views,

often related to natural landscapes.

The area of land directly along a body of

water, such as a river or ocean.
Unspoiled beaches

Beaches that remain in their natural,

untouched state without human
interference or development.
To wander

To move about with no specific

destination, often in a leisurely or
exploratory manner.

Brought back to its original or former

condition, often through renovation or
Modern conveniences

Contemporary amenities and facilities

that make life easier and more
To appeal to

To attract or interest someone; to be

pleasing or attractive to a particular

Striving towards a goal or aspiring to

achieve something, especially in one's
career or ambitions.

Similar or having resemblances; sharing

common characteristics.
1. Don't miss the ______________ tour when you visit the
historical city.
2. The ancient castle ______________ to the 12th century.
3. The art exhibition is designed to ______________ a diverse
1. modern
4. It's always refreshing to ______________ through the
charming streets of the old town.
2. wander
5. Our hotel is just a ______________ the famous landmarks in 3. archery
the city. 4. dates back
6. During the summer camp, the kids practiced ______________ 5. sightseeing
and other outdoor activities. 6. stone's throw from
7. Explore the ______________ of the island, where you'll find 7. award-winning
pristine and untouched shores. 8. scenic
8. The movie received several accolades and is now an 9. appeal to
______________ film.
9. The apartment is equipped with all ______________,
including high-speed internet and a modern kitchen.
p 39 +ex 3c

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