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Smart Contracts:


Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into

They automatically enforce and execute contract clauses when predefined conditions are met.

Key Characteristics:

Code as Law:

Smart contracts operate on the principle of "code as law," meaning the code defines and enforces
the terms of the contract.

Once deployed on the blockchain, the code is immutable.


Smart contracts run on decentralized networks, removing the need for a central authority to oversee
the contract.

This enhances trust and transparency in transactions.


Smart contracts automate the execution of contractual obligations, reducing the need for
intermediaries and minimizing the potential for disputes.

Components of a Smart Contract:


Smart contracts contain conditions or rules that must be met for the contract to execute.

These conditions are written in code and can include time-based triggers, specific events, or input
from external sources (oracles).

Code Execution:

The code is executed automatically when the specified conditions are met.
This execution often involves the transfer of assets (cryptocurrencies, tokens) or the triggering of
other actions on the blockchain.


Once deployed on the blockchain, smart contracts are typically immutable, meaning their code
cannot be changed.

Immutability ensures that the terms of the contract cannot be altered after deployment.

Use Cases:

Financial Instruments:

Smart contracts can automate the execution of financial agreements such as loans, insurance, and

Supply Chain Management:

Automating and ensuring compliance with contractual agreements at different stages of the supply

Real Estate:

Facilitating property transactions, automating the transfer of ownership, and managing rental

Tokenization of Assets:

Representing physical assets (real estate, art) as digital tokens on the blockchain, making them
divisible and tradable.


Security Risks:

Vulnerabilities in smart contract code can lead to exploits and financial losses.

As the number of smart contracts increases, scalability becomes a challenge for some blockchain

Legal Recognition:

Legal frameworks are still catching up to the concept of smart contracts, and their enforceability
varies across jurisdictions.

Future Developments:

Cross-Chain Compatibility:

Efforts to enable smart contracts to operate seamlessly across different blockchain networks.

Oracles and External Data:

Improvements in integrating real-world data into smart contracts through oracles for more complex
and versatile applications.

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