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NAME: _______________________________
SURNAME: ____________________________

1. Answer all questions
2. Write your details in the spaces provided
3. If the question is difficult for you do not spend more time on it, go to the next question
and come back for it later to save time.
1)Which area of France had Germany taken control of after 1871, and why was it so important to
both nations? [4]
2) The German Kaiser said his country wanted its place in the sun . What do you think he meant
by this statement? [5]
3)Briefly explain the German war plan [6]
4)Why did Bismarck introduce the system of alliances. Explain any two reasons [10]
b) List the following:
i) Two members of the Dreikaiserbund
ii)One member of the Dual Alliance
iii) The two members of the Secret Reinsurance Treaty

5.Study the source below and answer the questions that follow.
Long long ago in the time of Lowe, when the rocks were still soft ,our ancestor, the one -legged
giant Matsieng, lived below the ground with his people ,cattle and the wild animals. One day, he
heard a bird calling above him and looking up he saw the sky through the hole. He climbed up
through the hole and was followed by his people ,cattle and wild animals. He left his footprints in
the rocks, and these can still be seen near Rasesa.

a] What does the source suggest about Tswana belief on the origins of humankind?[4]

6. Explain any 3 weaknesses of the cultural explanation [6]

7.Describe one cultural myth on the origins of humankind. [4]
8.Explain how the increases brain size affected the development of Homo Erectus[6]

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