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 Early in the Morning:

As you get up from the bed, start with chewing 10 leaves of tulsi along with a small piece of ginger.

Then consume fresh Coconut Water. Early in the morning, when the body cell receptors are most
active, the coconut water can help to restore the mineral balance in the body.

 Morning Breakfast:
Nitric Oxide (NO) breakfast Ingredients:
50 gms sprouts, 50 gms coconut, 20 gms almonds (soaked overnight), large tomato,
1 medium sized beetroot, 1 greem chili, few coriander leaves, lemon to taste.

Take beetroot, peel it off and cut it into bite size pieces. Now chop tomato, green
chilli and coriander finely. Now take a bowl add almonds, sprouts, tomato, beetroot,
green chilli. Add lemon to taste.

 Mid Morning Snacks:

After 2 to 3 hours of eating breakfast, you have to refill the body with soluble carbohydrates which
you will mostly get from fruits.

 The lunch:
The lunch can be Rainbow Vegetable Meal.
2 large sized tomatoes, 100 gms French beans, 2 large capsicum, 1 green chilli, lemon to taste,
coriander to taste, 50 gms chana-daal.

Take cucumber and peel it. Now cut tomatoes, cucumber, capsicum into bite size
pieces. Take soaked chana-daal and steam it for 20 minutes on a low flame. After
that take a bowl, add all vegetables, steamed daal, coriander, chilli and Iemon to
taste and mix well. It’s ready to eat with tomato dip.

Tomato Dip Ingredients:

1 tomato, 30 gms fresh coconut, green chili, garlic to taste, lemon to taste.

Take all the items and blend them well in a blender. For an average male it should
roughly be 1/2 kg.

 Post lunch/evening snacks:

You may have the similar fruit snacks, as you did in the mid morning snacks.

 The dinner:
You must consume dinner by 8:00 pm. The diet for the dinner can be the same as that of the lunch.

 Time to consume each meal must not be less than 30 mins (chew properly and eat slowly).
 Have food at the same time every day. Don't fluctuate the time beyond the bracket of 15 minutes.
 Patient must spend about 30 Minutes or more in some kind of physical exercise.
 Patient must expose to sunlight about 30 Minutes in order to get the natural Vitamin D.
 Check your blood sugar from time to time.

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