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- By Mridul Gupta
Btech VI Sem
Create - for creating a new record

Read - for displaying all records

Update - for updating an existing record

Delete - for deleting a record

Tech Used:

React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It's
the primary technology used for the frontend of the app

API: The backend technology that provides endpoints for the
app to perform CRUD operations on data

HTML/CSS: The markup and styling languages used for
creating the user interface.

JavaScript: The programming language used for the
frontend logic and for communicating with the API

Axios: A library used for making HTTP requests from the
client-side in JavaScript

Server: The technology used for running the API and
processing incoming requests from the React app

Database: The technology used for storing and managing
data used by the app.
Steps :

Create a new React app

Install necessary dependencies

Create components for each operation (Create, Read, Update, Delete)

Connect to the API

Create the User Interface

Test and Refine the App
Thank You

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