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Year -2 Maths Practice Paper For Term 2

1. 22 is an ............ number.

2. 11 is an ............. number.

3. 19 is an .............. number.

4. 5 pairs of shoes =?

a. 12 shoes. b. 8 shoes. c. 10 shoes

5. Double 2. ............

6. What is 3 x 5 =? ..........

7. The double of .......... is 4.

8. The smallest 2-digit number is..........

9. The greatest 2-digit number is .........

10. What is 5 x 3 =? .............

11. The smallest 1-digit odd number is .........

12. The greatest 1-digit odd number is .........

13. The greatest 2-digit even number is.........

14. The smallest 2-digit even number is........

15. How many months are there in a year? .........

16. Write the odd number between 2 and 4 .........

17. I am .......... years old.

18. £1 = ...........

19. Write the even number between 1 and 3 ..........

20. Write down the next number

12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , .........

21. Fill in the blank with > , < or =

a . 10 x 1 ....... 10 x 2
b. 5 x 3 ....... 5 x 1

c. 2 x 6 ....... 6 x 2

22. 10 x 3 = ........

23. Which numbers complete the division

25 ÷ ........ = ..........

A. 25 and 5. B. 5 and 5 C. 5 and 10. D. 1 and 5

24. Half of 4 is ..........

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