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EXERCISE 1. Write a different suitable ADVERB OF MANNER for each case.

1. When my teacher speaks too quickly, it’s difficult to understand him.

2. I always study hard for a big test.
3. My dad used to shout loudly when he was angry.
4. Please try to behave normally when you meet my family.
5. She did well in her tennis match last week. She won.
6. Please close the door gently when you enter my room.
7. I’m feeling confortably so I don’t want to move.
8. My husband sings enthisiastically when he’s in the shower. Even neighbours cab hear
9. She laughs happily at my jokes.
10. I won the competition! The other contestants were running too slowly

EXERCISE 2. Rewrite the following sentences in the future forms: 2 with WANT TO, 2 with
HOPE TO, 4 with WOULD LIKE TO and 2 with GOING TO.


1. It rains
She wants to put her boots it rains
2. They eat stew.
They would like to eat stew
3. I wear blue shoes.
I would like to wear blue shoes
4. We don’t help you.
We wouldn´t like to help you
5. Jack doesn’t walk home.
Jack wouldn´t like to walk home
6. Do you cook dinner?
Are you going to cook dinner?
7. Sue doesn’t share her biscuits.
Sue wouldn´t like to share biscuits
8. Do the leave the house?
I hope to leave the house

9. Does she take part in the contest?

She hopes to take part in the contest

10. I don’t spend my holiday abroad.

I don´t want to spend my holiday abroad

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