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December 2014 CPM 2015/01

Tenth Session

Rome, 16 - 20 March 2015

Provisional Agenda

1. Opening of the Session

2. Adoption of the Agenda
3. Election of the Rapporteur
4. Establishment of the Credentials Committee
5. Report by the Chairperson of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM)
6. Report by the Secretariat
7. Governance
8. International Standard Setting
9. Implementation
10. International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Strategic Framework and Resource Review
11. Capacity Development
12. National Reporting Obligations
13. Communications
14. Liaison and Partnership and Cooperation of the IPPC with relevant organizations
15. Recommendations
16. Dispute Settlement
17. Special Topics Session
18. Membership and potential replacements for CPM subsidiary bodies
19. Any other business
20. Date and venue of the next Session
21. Adoption of the Report

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