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za Casall, ied by PLLEN LOUISE HART ond MARTHA NIELL SMITH EMILY DICKINSON'S INTIMATE LETTERS TO SUSAN HUNTINGTON DICKINSON PARIS. saya, sa oscar M enter ot a 1885 ‘Sans Mil Ls y a Noe Di, ls her es ‘hen dn po ne Sg oa, by ny nasi y Mal Ls Bt i Si Ha: Pr fig, Mote Eanes Warrines, SECTION “Why Susie! ° N E FUMING THN EARLY AND MiD=18505, Eily’s core “oondence co Sus ceive and fled with puns an refer eet othe a8 oF wring Theft eer thes posed ron Ely to Swan ie dted 850, Win i not crein how Emily and Sosa set tis Wey da hey ere Ready 1847 or 148. a 1850 t= ter to Stan, Enis brother Austin remark of the previous “Thanksgiving and expres his happiness when Enily and dhe ser Lavinia (Vani) asked Sess "nly into the eee whieh Bad For wo for three yeare boon graullyfonning”* The letters fom Emily to Ssan and dats of ltrs ro Asin indicate dit Stan i the object of pasion stachont fr both brother nd ster “The boandsriet ofthe comspondence Fons Eni 1 Sunn ate de= fined by what Sos saves rather dan by what Enily write, andi ie likely dat Enuly'sends ewes to Swan tha have ot srvived. Perhaps Susan begins to keep eters rom Esl following the 1450 death of hor sir Many, incl. Or Susan aay sive Eni’ eters when she bens ep eters from Austin In ee carly yea of the conespondence, betes 1851 and 1852, Susan moves co Bknore to teach at Raber Archer's schoo! for gis, Her deciion co go away is sudden, and she wets to her brother DDivighe,delrng ha she as let her “ood fiends in Amherst act ally saring with asonishient"? Susan is independent, ouspoken, copy eng ged with pital concerns, and ike Baily she scot ted to paring inter growth without benefit of contnving eduction, Eniy's and Sans npatience ad resent of hounhold dates sre meni tn ter “Tver com enced dhe Spring se of sewing, and sich ani aren onl art, Sts sy oF ements at Fbelows, eo be made, trecching away before my ‘crooked neil, Iam quit in despair, and contnlly wondering and fettng that we are no hth ike the His, without ay pong and tein — 1 find no sme ro rea o think, ad bu Hideto walk — but seg revolving spol of "Con cotton” a were the and te of eed a snore — "> ‘While Finis Sra psionte and pyfil lees, Actin for nally cours San, and Emily scredy deliver hie leer to er “Dating Se” bv 1853, humor safes an edge of envy for Austin Uightened states sn the Eaily a a0 ambidous and “lene” pero: Sli. Alhough Fay “loves the opportunity to eve dose who are ‘nse writs Sia in arly shaky Iaoorting densi ‘with Mis Js Mats sn David Capel, whom Dickens deserves as morse in other” loves, her wih” “The inlet iincy btw Ey and Sas begins inthe cen yes of hin alaonshp. In Ber Kter te Susan, Enily fe- “nly ei tothe novo she is reading and wes arous characters 3 Tesoro codes to relate her festngs abou hen ad Swan, and “coment abou Fond, relatives, and herary and political Inninares oven In early 1853, Suan mavel to Manchester, New Hampi, co is Maryan Samo Baer, her itr Marys ins. On the reur tallip from Mancheer on Wedncuay, Mare 28, Sisanacives in Boson fr tpt with Austin atthe Revere Hotel andthe couple be comes engaged. When Susi esto Are, se share dhe news ‘vith Einly who then erie t0 Aussi: “OW any dear ‘Ove hove chiper you uns be since any of wt have sen yor2" and “I ope you Inve Been made happy. Inds ster, dhe nies fn because Sts seems distract a absent, and Enily devises pnighnent "You de Serve, lt me see you deserve hot ro, and Chine Tatty...” She ‘hen remind hot how often seis seeing Susan while he it aay tw school and closes wich: "Dear Avi, Tam Kes, but you ae good ea Kent, at something ofa fo, but you ae more of hound! 1 ese are very good fend tho! and gues we bod Tove [Sie jint a wel as we ea Atte brackets indicate Ely’ reference 6 “Sue” have been altered or ered, In another eter writin sever ‘weeks ler beginning, “Do you want ro hea row me, Austin?” alee tionaetefernces ro Sur are crsed a wel chough Kindly eeerences to Lavinis romain seouched. Emu aks Austin, “How long iene you've en in this ste of complscence towands God and ovr flow te?” She the fllows with °Tdhink it mut be sdden Fast she recommends eigons texts to guide Austin in mediating on sl Alscipline and eubiision of hi will She hopes thi he has “enjored™ satay privileges” tn April 1954, Austin, Lavinia, and their mother vide Washington, DG, whore Gdwnrd Dickinson i sorving a¢ a member of Congres They arrive om Api 7, a sy’ for several eck. At thie He, Sas liver with Bly, inthe company of Jobn Graves cousin fom wear by Sunderland whois tending Amherst Colleen mid-Apyi Susan woes c Mary Baer eying, “I am Keeping howe with Eni. hile the family are an Wsington — We frighten cach other t0 Aesth sealy everynight — with eat exsepion, se have ery inde= pede ies” “ince months ner, San becomes serouly ill with “nervous fever?” Describing Sun's condition to a find, Emily writes dat “every hour possible T have taken aay to he” Suen recovers im ‘Agu nd eaves 29 Genova and Aurora, New York, where she says ‘with family for neatly thnee months. Austin, now granted fom Harvard Lave School and anit tothe bar prepares to eck hi fr cue inthe West, ‘From Arora, New York, Swan ave to Grind Haven, Michigan, where she ways with her brother Dwight ehrough the cay winter In 3 lence mapping her travel plans Sas tel hr brother, have ale ‘ways Fes ike a eld the idea of ely being marie sees asad ‘enough and if dhe event ever occu | think {shall experince fling oF ed sare — = ‘When Sisan acne Antin of inex wit her comespondence with nly, tn writes: “As to your deprivation of Spr con va aware hat you had en in caresponence for some Gn, but had neve ha a inciaion esc wih my sizer — [Know Nothing hat the comeapondence wat ata ed. So yOu will ot soe Me of having interfered with your epistolary intercourse with he” the esters that fallow, Ely an Sos are in their ely ewen- ts, Thou Emily felings oF lve, dere, and longing fF Sus Ive fen hen dies a ichoolegi ea” the leer rexoee wih inteligenee, humor, an intimacy eat cannot be rednced to ao escent fry ‘Thay noon, ‘Were i ot forthe weather Sue mye, wmweeome Bee ‘von come peering in today ~ I shoul steal a Kis fom the sie ~ che dating Rover rexumed ~ Thank the wine wind ty de ne ~ that pars sch daring icon De Suse ~ Inppy Susie ~ I ejoie in al our Joy ~ sustained by tha dear ster you will never again be lonely, Dawe forge ll dhe Hie fiends who have ted x hard tobe ster, when indeed you. swe lo! ‘You donot hea the wind baw on this incewent dy, when the wold x shrugging i shoulders = your ile "Colunbaram is tined with warmth and sofies.” dere sno “silence” dere = you ifr om bonnie “Alice” Lis ane ange fein the lie word of ses ~ der Mary ~ inte Mary ~ Remember lonely ane tho, dhe eames Ho ow, sto een 0 her! My love to bog your ses —and want sermch ro we Many Very aff yours Enily Iver Ey for Seas Mary, wo di on Jay 14, 18S. ta December, Sma sae Maths CMR") ce on Misha and ee Gite fy wp reco a de At te of thle ‘hoc sner Hart The also “Ake” to Ale Archer of Longo’ Kang (13 wh aot the clrn tine with wanna ‘ofp and lence” Tyne emp a lan before Ss ‘etal er sitercini, Ey hows Sam Sie Ey 2 “Tsay evening Iveta tar ere, Susie~ om purpase Fr you~ boca this “acer sver moon” isn 8 mean ini, and hen 0s w Garber get to you~ an hen you never old me i ehere 8 oo i Ecnore~ ad Nv do {know Susie that you ce her sect ie a al? Sh look ke ny tong sailing round the sky i ile ver gona widh srs fa ono. Usk hor ole eid ke wile so ~-d tk! ir 1 woul! gut out when se goa ir 3s alimre, bur she ony shied eo heme ae wen ling 1 eink she wae te ugonctous~ buf have ee the lesa shan ever ak her agin. Td ised at home — sometines it anc 0 hard the cid you could per puter, pater a6 Fl pon he Hens ~ and te ey Plead me so, hat Tat and tener nd watched it ‘earnest: Did you hoa Susie or watt ly fney? Dye and bye the sa eam out ~ jt ne to bi gong, and ae ol you sometine, the moon shining 11 esta evening Susi 2s you and 1 woud walk and have seh pean sings if you wens only here perhaps we would ave 3 "Reverie fer the fon of Ik Marve” inde 1 do net know why twos be just chiming a of that lonely Schelo, smoking hie cigar and ie woul be ir ore profile as "Mel" only marveled, ad you an | would ty to rake tle dessin t have Fr our ow, Da you knoe hac charming man is deaming agai, and wil wake prey Soon ~$0 the popes ay with anther Revere more oil tha dhe rs? Done you hope he wil ive a long as you nd 40 — and keep fom hong dant and writing dem to we — what chaning old an el be snd how I envy his grandee, he ‘el dP! We wil be wing ode Sue — when such a he have gone oF dere wl be non fo nerpst these ives oF on Lngillow's “golden Lege” ar com town fear ~ and ry be age i tate om Me. Adana’ bookshelves Ie always res me think of “Pag he pound "when nd gracious autho ing side by side wih "Murry" and “Welk” axl "Walk i hat owned tore = ad ike in alt expect 0 ear dey have "flown" some mening and in eer tive ther revel he day ~ bu or ou sks ear Susie, ‘who pee nels withthe fincy that wear she ony poste and every one ke pros, et ws hope they wil yet bre willing to sare ur nsble wold an fed spon sch afiment awe consent to da ‘You thank me forthe Rice cake — you tll me Sse you have nme been eng cand how happy Lane ea you ‘myting you love — how hungry you mt grow before cit noon there ~ ad then you mus be fin from eching these sup chobs | ncy you very offen descending the ‘ehoolzoor wth a plmp Bion Thre stalin in your hand which you must disect and exhibit your ncomprehending ones ~ I hope you whip then Susie~ for ty ake ~ whip thon hard whenever they done shave ja se you wane ro have don! {know they are wry dll ~ sometimes ~ fo what Mattie sy bu preime you encourage them and forgive al dhe sake, Iwi teach your ostience Susie you may bese of that. Al Mate el me 00 of yer evening cron =a! the fn gh you give in peonatiog he Maser = js ike you Sse ~ ke you for all he world how Mr Payson would lag if ould only fel, en tow ae dark eyes — ve chey won ance al pare! Se ~ have al the nh? you powsly (Gn and lag offen and sng fo ears ne plenty ha miley inthis ie work of ours — only a eo happy Jee Matic al me grow diner sn nuns ad Finally ide say a mre than we ie in ur vaca pice? Sci you think thie 1 woul never ree you when you ‘were go way what de you? Fa ste you know my rons Br too wel Firth and had | never i 3 — should be comand to wnite~ for what al separate we re any who love ~ noe “high no dept") Oar 9, 1851 ‘Sen now techie Usk am Ei we har Reg Mat (has Cel) Rms le UB) ons era ‘Se by ny, Sal Ain se Ln Caen La oe hooks calcite romantic pasion and eons ata Lilly Moray. Willan Harvey Wek, and Jobe Waller ww leicogaphen al Fry forenoon — Wil you cms come deat Susie — looking, my ro soled worn, my gan old apron, and my bar~ Ob ‘Sess si would il met enumerate my appEAANES, Yok love you ea sly ai I a ers fin, 0 you wane re, ill you? Ia so gad dear Susie ~ dae our hears are always clas, and always seats lovely so not be asad have been Bard a work hit oming, and ought toe working now ~but {cannot deny mye dhe usury of 3 inate or 40 with you. “The des may wat der Susie and che uneeared ble sean them ave aay ith ne, but you, Ihave “noe hays” why Si, Chi ath sis mae — and 1 hae ew, bot thee ~ dhe ange dant have Sexe — Ho~ no no ‘Vinnie sewing aay bikes tous seanneres and halt espoc sone ight wil anv dhe door, cons hin hothing in presence of er loveliness and prosnt hi heat ad Ina asthe only vente of im worthy co be refed ‘Vine and Ihave bes king abou growing ole. ‘Vic thinks ewenty mist be 2 eri potion for one ‘ccapy = lt ir I don cre am young or nt, Rad eh tb thins, ad you, anos ayeing ee. Vie express er sympathy a my “Sere nd yellow Tea” and resumes her work, ea Si, ell me haw you el = chee day in ons He sven to be old dawt sen thing so sad = 1 do fe pay and gsm, hie oring and Fae would be a comfort have piping voice, ad a broken back, and scare Hil hire, Dont you rm, Ss der, fr# ont do ny han, ad 1 do Jove you desl the! Ido fel 0 fight ‘Ob my ding one, how long you wander Fam me, how sven | row of writing and looking, and eng for yu: somesines sh yy, and shu my heat towards you a try had forget you becuse you rive me 9, bt youl evar gosta. Oh You never will =e, Sue, promise me gain, and lee nly ~and ake up any Hee ers drain of ad =a sopra, Haw vin ie soe o ns, when ‘one kos how wo fel — how sich more ner ad det i beside you alk with you, hea the cones of your vice ~50 Ir ro "deny-ehysl and ake up thy eros, ane flow me" J, Susie, wie me of hope an ove and oF sve mesren Inara ered, a ew their evar of "Or Father ‘who atin Heaven” I dane know how Il Beart when the gente pring cones fe sould come ands me and tao eof yn, Oe ould sel il ne! Wie he fos lings tthe windows, and ehe Weld ester avd eae this absence caer = the Earth mount, fall herbi bids wha hel conte Bc gsi, a he sng al 0 merry pny, what will come oF 22 Si, Fg me, Faget al whit ay, gt some sweet lite scolar to read ee ann, shout Betcem an! Mary, and yu wl seep on _sveudy snl Lave peace dea, nd neve rien you all bee uly hing. Nevermind de eter Suse, wont Thang wich you if you done give me any at all =r | Know how bay you ae, ad hove ie of eat dea reg reine wn teeing, wit hich o think nd we. Only wane te serie mee cman igh tht you ate Fr ae me the il do, Susi! Done you tisk we ate good and patent, et you yo long: and dont we think ye a ating el beutiflher, co lor people, and teach ‘hem, atl leave your own dear home? Because we pe and vepin, cone think we foe the precious paso at wae in ‘other eh! Nove be mourfil Ssie~be spy aid ave cr fer hove many ofthe long ays awe gone aay since | ‘ote yu —and tale noon, snd seon the ight il ‘con, a den there one es day of the long pisinage Mac very sna. of you mich, my daring st eave yor now ~“one ine hour of Heaven” thank who dd ive ee, and wl he ako grane me one longer and more ‘when t shal phase his love ~ bring Sod hom i! Love sways aid ever, nd tre! Eaily = “Thou Ey’ ets Sion, se combine ne of cal ove ‘wih sn of sa devotion. 91S, Smo ger Maa Di tanh sce er Aan Ely a the Ae Moly," devodon tothe sh lov wat of igh or sy = 4 Wednesday mom es sorrel morn See — te wand blows and sam ine each sora nus and aed now shih fi fst he rain vidhout, oF widhin = Oh Susie, Lou sree le vo your wart bert, ad never hea the wind blow, oF the stor Bt, gin, eer ny rom there for me ‘orl 1 yonder ay al homes snd ale? Thank you for Toving ms, iting, nd wil you “love me more if ever you ‘came hone Fe exon, de Sasi, [know Esa be sitio, whe can I do vowards you? ~ date you cannot ‘be, fr love you soslteady, that it almost breaks my heart = perhaps ca ove you ane, every dy of my he every ‘morning and evening ~ Oh if you wil ler, how happy 1 nl be! The prions bile, Ss, Lam wearing the paper out, reading ieover ad oer, butthe deat dhougs ean went out if hey fry Thanks to Our Father, Sase! Vinnie al aed of you alll evening ong, and went to sleep mourning for you, nd prery son | kod up saying Precious tea thou at in,” here you wer ail ight, my Susie and Thay Abe 0 ssp kt some ome sel you aay, Never ind the ler Stic you ve saan todo as write me every ‘week ne ins, s lett be, "Emily, ove yu.” and Twill be sated! Yow own Enily Upside Vic foe = Mothers tu ona i pg Love to Hot fion ual, Dear Mase ale wel slo mary 12 Thana" ME omen ms if Lal's The Rainy yap ea Ey at Sean sed wh he a 5 Sunday mering— “Thank hed ile sow aks, boca they Bl eday eather Ahan woe won eke, when the world ad the aes ofthe ‘work! woul! ry oar to kexp ae om my dep i hank you, 00, dear Sai, dat you never weary of me fornever tl ne 4, and that wn dhe Worl! olathe storm sid er w pitsoudy, Lam sue of one ect seker, ‘on covet nthe ston The belle are gg, Sai, north unl ee, ant south, and your owe llge ball andl dhe people who love God, ar expecting too to ncting: done you go Sis, ott thei meeting but coe with ms ie morning th church witht our bens where dhe bel ae alaye ringing. andthe preacher whoxe mane i Love shall iercede here For “They wil all go bt me, tothe waa meebighoute, eo ear ‘hc wal sermon the neetneney of the tors 36 kindy etining me: anes tere Sti, alone wit dhe winds and you~ ave the old king Feng even more dan Before for ow not even th cicker man wil invade eis solace, eis swt Sibbith of our, And shank you Fr my dea ete hich came om Sitary igh, whew alee wold wa stil thnk you fordhelove ore me, and or’ golden Hough, and felng ike gers that was ue tered then in ‘whole bakes of pe Umum his morning, Sc, tL have no set sete ll a page for yo, nor any by $0 luc ~not even alte chamber way up i desk, 8 ro" to give me thongs of heaven, which | would give ro you. ‘You kno how ne tte you, down, down, in the tenet ~ no sunct her, no star; not eve abit of evlighe which T may pote ~and send you! Ye Susie, there wil be romance in the laters ie co you~ think ofthe hill and the ies, and the ives wil pat over an the divers aed conductors who will hurry icon t you: and wont that make oem sich a¢ canner be sete? 1 ehink of you dea Suse, now, I dont know how or why, bac more dels evry by goes by, and thatswect month of promise eas nearer and reser and vie Jy iferenty rom wha Teo — ‘onc it seemed patched, and dry ~ ad {hardly loved any om secoune of i hs and dts but now Sas, mos ofall the yest he bet {ip the volts and de dew, snd ce ely Rowe andthe Resins | will exchange them all for chatangry sau hot noonday when Lean oune the hours and ee inate Uefore you come~ Oh Soi, Ioffe think tae {will yt tel you how very der you ate, and how wari for ‘yo eke word wont ame, tho! the vas wil and Ist own dpsed ~ yet ding, you know ie all= dhe why to Teck ov ll you? I ot Kn inking of hone Tove my reson ll gone fo ea do a soncines ta I usc a hospital for dhe hope sane, and hain tc ap thew tn, 0 women you “Atays wha he sain, ad aby when seo, and lays als Sts, we ae emcnbering you, ad what che Dass rerebering shall noe wl You, Beate You Know! Were tm fr dae Matic, | dont now what we would do, but shelves you so dearly, andi ovor Hed oF eng sou yo al we al ge other and tal it oral oer ad it rakes sore resid, da wo mourn for you alone leony yesrony, tt Lett see deat Mate, nein in ye to sey ale while, only very ide one, boca _oFa good many emands wih I wae gig 0 do, and wall you Tlie Sy 1a there a wana sr, a ale ai how bide and wouldnt have suppose i hl been nines ny and wha do you gus we eed about, ll thos hos ag what woul you give wo Raw ~ ve ne ‘on ie inp of your sweet ee, der Susie, and willl you alle di alk of sateen, and we dial of ings = br the die wt ill ul and when the te wae li he ke door cloned, why, Si, teed 3 never I i bore, ov ich 3 sgl cotage held tat was {kar oan, Reece a ke home, at Matic’, but ifs 60) ~ and comes ite eno, an paints = and pins aon pina the tangs thing of al her canvas isever fal nlf er where elit very ne come — inl who ise pining Al, Sie, ina choose ell” but itt Me Ctr, so ie Dail Boon, aT shane el you any nore = Sue wht wl you sy if you hat Hemy Root i comingeo sce me, some evening of di weok, sd 1 have promis to hin sone art fal your lters ow you wont crs, da Suse, or he wae so nih thea, and I shan read him aything which | know you would noe be willing just some plas, which wal pene hin 2 hve see him several mes ely, and adie hi, Suse, becaue he als of yo so regent nd Beaty ad 1 now ie ts ee to yu, when you ae fay = Wet ‘more of you, dae Sasi, han of any oter thing heels me how wondkafl you area lll hint how re you are, and hi big eyes beam, ane sens so delighted ~ I know you woul ne care, Suse if you knew how much joy it ade ~ Ax 1 eo im dhe oxherevning ofall you Teer wo me, he looked wp very longing, and 1 ew hate woul swore he enough acquainted —1o answered he question hie hat woe toa, sel when vm pleat eveing, before this week i gone, you remember home ad Aes, then know, Loved One~ dar dey are renembering yu, and dae “wo or tice” ae ered in your nae, loving, ad speaking of you ~and will you be there nthe midst of thew? ‘The Ive foun a beauties, fend ad ve told hin hour dear Susie, si rom et him know you 9 900 25 you shill come. De Ses, ial your letter Bere ae things sweet and many about which I woul peak, bu the time sys no~ yet done think I forge them ~ Ob no ~ they ae safe he litle chen which elle no secrets nor the moth, ‘aoe de rast can reach Bem ~ bu he the tm we dca of comes then Sass, al ring them, and we wil pend hours chatting and chang of dhem ~ those precious hough ‘of ends how flow hem, ad how I lve then no “nothing bu Suse erlshalfs0 dea. Si, Have not ake ‘you if you were chee and well~and Ica think why, ‘except that der’ somhing perenne we deaty ove, inmorel ie and vigor why ie scene ef any sckne, cor han, would feaeay, would no date do thes rome, tn Sus, while you reek fron me, Hes you wi he {ges and you know dhe Bie tll sehen sick thr” Bt dea Sane, te you wel an peel for ¥eont make you ery by syn ate you happy? Dont ae the bt, Ss. Ws Boe Hoke the Sabbath! pie dno i pe Ss hat al | do = there roo enough ne halt ‘sgh tld what Fae gig 0 say. Won you tl the ‘nan wh make shes of paper, a hawt dhe slightest espet for hin mein Fi pe ‘And when sl have eter~ whens convenient, Suse ‘no hon ie ine ever? 1 ayn 0 ad pe Emin sts well slowy; poor Henny ues be inks rue love's cour das tn wery sth agi i page Mu love fon Mothers Vin, nd dhen dere ate some cahers wh dont de send rg of a ‘Who loves you on, sd over you es ad think of you nor se? Te Ene sto ry 1852 Proce anc ad yl ow ches and Sia hl eel ct pare of nigy cons ono Ely poe lanes Phe he hn ves sist t gd ar you" my et to ay’ bit owe deed seaponey to ake of rw Me Cer the Amhore acta, Willan Cater, whe ared Sa sit Ham 142 In she magnon te ssa up, Ely fs Eine Kelle a mie eon fring "Se Monday morning [Wil yu be Kind me, Sui? Fam aya ero his ‘moming, nd nobady loves me here; nor would you love me, if yow should see me frown and hear how lou he door ange whenever go doughs and yer ie eager dene Ialiove i, for when nobody 0, bh aay big ere ith the comer of ty son, and then go working on — biter tare, Sse soot that they burn my cheeks, and slot scorch ny eyeball, bo you have wept sch, and you know they ate les of ange than rr An do lve ofa bide sway fom dem allshere in der See's Born, know i ove a oan I ever woul go avy, dl oe te big worl all me, arid beat me for oe working Lie Ener Mack i washing can ea he warm eh splat, [jum give her my packer handkerchief ~ 0 | ennet ey ay more. Ane Vii sweeps ~soexps, pom the chaber sets: and Mothers hurying oud i he iin 3 ik pocker handkerehis, on account of dust Oh Susie. ei Asn and da eno" ~and the sa dont shine, and the ‘loud look col and ay, an the wind on low, ba pips ce sills roundly, and che in don ing but ‘iter ad there's nobody to wife! Do I psn insta Sess you think haw look? Yer dant you care For t wont En aways aw hve you jute tll an hike oF you, deal, a were not 0. Your precio eter, Sis isthe now dsl x0 Kindly 3 ae, snc ch woot thoughts af the dear write. When you come home, ding, sha ave your leer sal bu shal have yours wih nore = Oh nore ad beer, tha a ‘ve shih! there with mye whip, excking te ne yl ot a Rout oF = then you te here And Joy Fs here jy now and forevermore! Tv only fw dys, Sis, twill a0 go away, tT Hy, 20 ‘th ery omen, Ted her T nest hve her, Ob Mace sea and ere, Hove her very deaty~ and Ely Fowler, too, # very det 19 me~ and Tempe and Abby, and En’ Fam wre Have then alla hope they love ms, but, Sie here's peat comer tll lc with thats gone, "hover und ound ad eal it ding names, an bid isp an, ad an it Sie, and wer, Ny, Lid, Sse ston ay Do opine, tall murmuring, oF am Ian Tone, and “annot,sanr elp #2 Somesines when Ido fel, Tink tay be wom, ad that God wil punch me by abn your vay Fr he wry in 0 ee mi te fo yous, ao ve te your seekers, but ny er wants nore Have yo ever though of Sie, andy now you hve, how rch those ears lis why 1 dont blovei the whole, wie word are sc hard Hae exeditors~ sch ve ier you and ery wid 59 our bosons every. [cant help chinkng Sometimes, when Fee abe ‘he ungenerous, Heat, keep very atl ~ or somcone wil fad {am going out on the doors, to gst you se new se ges [sal pick ie down i the comer, where you ad 1 te ot, an ve lng ince. And pois the da ie graves were growing al the while ~ and perhap they heart ‘hae we si, bur dey cane el have come i now, dea Sexe, and here what found ~ nt ie so aad ges 38 shen we ed fo ther, hue sai pomive grase _ouming oer hopes. No doube some spre, young Planain Jexf won its young heart away, an hen proved ike ae or yu wish none proved so, but de Psi? 1 4o think sone, Si, ha heats do bk sty dy, when Ethno al the whiskers, and al the gallo ste, butt gues ade with nothing be ed arf sone fo it done esky, and dea Sate AF mie ton, yours estone, upon sone, for you never yl any, where! seam quite below. Are we going to esi slap. Suse ~ hw wilt be? When I ee ehe Ropes ad the Pollok andthe Joh-Milon Browns, eink wear ble, but tone know! fn ghd here ig ioe wnt forme ad you, You ‘would love to ow wha ead ~ hardly kone wet 9 os, my eaaloge eso sal "ave just ead eves ite books, not pet, nt ein but seta te, “The Ligh inde Vay." "Only" and a “Hoa upon + Rock” ow yon woul ave een all yet hey don beste me ay. There are no walks the Jove, but pure lite ves loving God and ther patents, and obeying the laws of the land ye ted f you nee hen, Sse fr they will do oe good {have the prose of “Akon Lock” ~ a erin bok, elle Oliv” athe “Head of a Fay.” whi was whae Matic a 0 yo, Vie a had Bleak House” sent tous the fete y= i i ho ote it~ dt al ea Dea Ss, you wens 4 apy when you verte ro me Be anyon you willbe apy ose Fr all sy des, wont yo? eat forgive ne eve, FL ave made you wd, oF ine your eye for me. Ft om the Land of Viole ‘int rn he La of Sprig ani ie woul become mer Camry yo nog but errs. remeber you, Sie lays Heep yo ever hers and whe yu ae os, eho gone ata were “neath one wil we. He ly thank ‘he Father” Fr giving ne ach you, ean only pay cen, he wil Bs my Lowe One, and bing her Bacto mes t0 "go no ore oe forever Herein is Love” ‘chat was Heaven ~ this bt Bah, yt Bath so ike co heave, et | would hese, shoul ehe te one eal aay Dest Sie ade! Ee ~ peso fi pas Farr serie ded, ad Mother weats black on her bonnet, a va collar of rape. a ag ot pe {A get dl oF love fom Vin, ad she wane at de aio od pe ‘Astin cons home on Wedneay,ba he Ags 0 Fey we shane wagon hid pa so ping awe didn yea” Lae years gone, Sued yom ever dink of eae ag pe Jowph tot south somewhere, 3 very eat way yt we Isr fom bi Are 51852 rene to Ener digas Mee Mack eh won vo “york nth: Dud howchad, om seen of he fay of Descon avid Mack. Emly met er Fin ly Fw, on he mang she Ie so oh yn sf of Eas and Lavin a En eo SF nde clebn she ceef p om he nas Of Aleander Thpe anda marconemponiny Scot dine The bokeh ae mentned ere Ti Li ial» mor of Mary Elbe Sein, Oa and 2 Hae jon Re by Maca Rone Macaig, An Lae by Cree ins. Ha of andl by Dinh Morn Ci ond Ba Hae oe {Corks Pike nde mong itr Ely so fete Man 3, 52, hr se Mary Nw, Easel iene Sunday sFemoon So sweet nd sil. and Thee, Oh Sis, what need Lore, make my heaven whole? ‘yor back xo me, lng enough fo satch ome ki, al whisper Good bye, again. [have tout of al dy, Sis, and 1a of bu i i aa whe Is om eo acetingi ile my ind ofl could not ia chink to put the worthy pastor: whe he i ‘Our Heavenly Fate” Hid “Ol Daring Sve" when he rex he 10H Ps, Kop ying your prion te al nade you lye her on ie voice, piping tothe kparta. nade up word an kept singing how ved yon, and you hia woe, whi al the et of the choir were singing Halle. tpresine nobudy heard me, Because Tg sl ur ie mas kind of ena think gh thems outs of you. 1 hee this afiernaon, he, becase | ster tomy dea Se, a Ua very happy. chin oF ten wesks = Dest One, and I tink of love, seu yu, ably bere ow il nd wan and ny read stone all Tae doc shine a ll, be 1 Fel» shine ste it my so nd mk el une, and every dha, re, And pay tat such sme sm shine ‘on my Absere Onc and ese herbed 2 ing! You hove sen happy, Susie, and now ae sad ~ a he whole wor seems one; bute wont beso always, "Some days mse lhe dark a ety You won ry any oe, wl you, Si, for my Ghee will be your ft, and my hone wil be your hone, andl where you go, wl go ad we wil esd by Sie inthe Rtkyard "have parent on earth, ee Sanic,bt yours ane in thesis, sind have neatly fireside, but you have one above, and you havea “Father in Heaven” where have noe = and 2 sino ava aoe hove ys ly an ih you every ‘Oh 1 wish a al 0 many de ria you in heaven = oul ne gure them noe = ut to kow they had got ees ‘sy, and sould slr nevernore~ Dea Sie! now at wry ugh to writ ch Gti hing, and Seno could have helped i if Lad wed hard enough, bat ‘ough my heat woul break, and I knew of nabod here ‘hc anything abou it~ 50 Ui oye, “We wlll Susie shoves.” You dont know what a comfort wa aa ‘yu wont know sl he big cup of biaerne i ile Lin il, ind they sy, "Sie, drink Then Dating, kt ne be there dol let eink te al and you will al 1am gad you have rested, Si. Li the weck ha bec tors, whole sears of dys aj for you. yet ag, hai bated longer, th ld you ot come so soon ad Thal been lonelier, ight itt Tem weeks, hey wil ae shor to you~ for are wl dhe, bur co Martie and me ong, We ‘hal grow dis wstng and our eye wil ache with boking for you, a with now and then a tat, And yee we ae hope ei, and we sill ap her by, chering aay the tte, Only ‘ink Si i weston now dere shal be no mow sacation unl tn wecks have gone, atid no moe snows and hor very ite while ic wll be nov, before you and Tare siting out on dhe broad sone tp, mingling our tives {ogethe! cane kof ie now the, or i maker me logan yea 0, hit aot ep tonight, or hiking oF and you “Yes we did go spring and remembered who was gene — and win wea here Ist yer, and love and vecollecionbrosghe th then Lite Regret, and set her inthe mi of Dov Si, Dea Jor why ake th bert and dears, and leave our are behind? Whe dhe Lovers sighed: an wind oak eaves, adden enamored ate sue, ad crackers, in {he howe, went 1 $ce what Lou ind. Only think of i Ss; had tay appetite, nor any Lover, either «0 |sade ‘oe best of fie, an there age ones, ant your le Aves of sit apened thee hp ad spoke te, 01 was OreM WE CAREFULLY sot lone and bye ad bye Mate and me might ave been seen siting roger upon a high ~ ary roek, and we might fave eo herd aking, were anyone very nea And cid ont of tha a Seo wich as ot the rock, a it tre "oveen ws Swain? Loved One, tho knowest! | gather someting For you, basse you were noe thers, com, al some me awa, and a shel ofa il 0 ‘white by the son you woul hk ea cunning act fad carved it fom alae ~ then ted ee all yp in Hea ‘wih soe ls anc gr oud by a brooks and ping dn al or you {aye Matic at church today, tho! could noe peak he. Friday evening Isa he, and eked wih he besides. Oh 1 do love ber= and when you come if we ll ve dil hen ie will be precious, Sie. You speak toe of srr, of hat you hve “los and lowe” say rth, of wha you have loved and won, frst esac, dear Soi; I cin count dhe big tse ears by chs, il oF blow, and loos amarante, boca essa Ee — may of page 1 eae to thi! want you to et it Bound ~ at my expense = ‘Sites hee aks you fon met ie i is new home, fn have sone of you Lam sincere I mang sed pe Mother send her bw love to you, It kesh ook 0 apy _sh {give your her, Send eas, Ste, ad ed your resect to ithe! 1 ari id pe ‘And uch rm Vinnie. She was happy at her noe, Aer sh ihc reading, she ad, “done now but is wrong, br Hove Sue beer I angi pgs shan ane, it Tow her ad Mattie tir tha all he ends 1 eer in sy hf” Vinnie hopes tobe ike you, and to do ss you do, Upside do, ow “Lad One a anesthe Het se it 1852 Stoo spending dys OF ber ping sen wit er ond Hace ina, they are ving Hare ser in Have de Grace, Mey “Dear Jp” spn resto ene Ly, who ei Aes ose ‘fv he Sth ly ks San Joh Bsc eye BoB faraway. Shao fn oer fd fe Hap. Ashe oe de pre vou eer, ily ce npn ques Longo "The fainy Day” "Same {hyp tebe lh ae dy In fing to sare all nm wth Si iy coe Ra words Noon om the Bao Rh pledge ht Frc iden wng enone "Enea not avec oF to mom fom following afer tes for hor thou ges. go an vbr hog lady opel ey pple, and hy dy {Gs eto i, el ele le bad the Lod 30 tncrand mae aoa bth pr dice ad ne (ah FC=17) Wednseay ~ Prion St ~ Precious Matic! AIL desi is Be— al pray or or hope Forint log, Iie to come! Dear Matic je lf me, an tad jt where we tod sang and chasing togethers moment ago, Our bie work swore of you, ad id Dear Suse, the oie pews vam, al ou peop pred eaves, a the Robins snsete Susie, and! the big hil ef bir Wonk, and ecoed Siwieand fo dhe ning Fe, and fn ee gant meadows ame 1009s oF fy Suse, and yked “Is ite"? No, Like One, "Bye hath not seen, nor ear head nor ean de he + caceive™ my Sie, whoa ave ‘These day of heaven bing you nearer ad mearer and evry ‘i et sng and every bud thar bloons, does bu remind ne oe oF dha a ance, ating the hand hall Dea Sic, whe you come, how many bounds blossoms song those bed! How I do conn the daye= how 1 long for de tse when I ty coun the hour without inca the change of Femina ania! Yad up the Lain — Sse fr | could think how ent secon co Std and Andrew! 1 ato tly joy, thaw hala mint pup one oF these dea lie abit Tol, Sie, di I hink he woul ive co ge her nd ing Visti sons. in ead i singing 20 you. Leno | shall keep everything singing tho, il Dear Chil gets hone ~ and shan lt anything boson il then ~ eter [hve goto out inthe gen now, and whip a Crown esp for prewsning to bold is ead up, anil you have come home, so Brewel, Sue = shall eink of you ase, tue ac suse, again and ae noon, ad Foren, ed afternoon, and always, and evermore, il his ile heat py besing and esi, Ente shou Ay 1852 Emly ts othe New Totanen: “Eye hah ot sce, nora hear, er Fe etre in the he an the Os hiya prepared So that veh ‘Stand and Ethan Allen Ares he ahora fae La En Shs al Clie "(Corinthians 29 “Sel al Ade” re Salome Friday moming ~ “They are cleaning howe ty, Sie, and Ive made a ying retreat co my ow ltl chamber, wherewith section, and you, {wl pend thi prosious hur, moe previo of all ‘the hours which dot my ying ys, and dhe one x0 dea, dat forte bane everything, and asm 3 sgn, Lam sighing Foric agin "anor believe, dea Susi, hat Ihave syed without you sho whole yea long; series the ine cen shor, and ‘the thought of you as warn a if yo ad gon but yesterday, ind asin f yea nd yea ad edt les pathy, the ‘ime would seem les log And now how sco Esl have you, hal bald you i ses you il Foe the teats, Suse, hey ares gl to cone home dou know why ies = behets something in our tame, now you ee tke ron ne, which ily he Fal a ny eyt00, Ris Ho hat ee mention grieve ms, tue ehink of ech “sunnyside” where we have xt so, Si rogpthor ad lt there Beno mor, Hes ish makes he tear come, Matte wear here teeing, ad we 8 othe frou door some an talked about fe and ote, and whspesed fur eid fc sbout sch lif ehings~ ee evening ssi gone so s,s walked hone ih Mate ones he “Men oon, and wished ar you, and Heaven, You dl not ome, Darling bt a it of Heaven did, oro see 20 ts ar we waked de by sie and wondered of tha get Deedee which nay be our onesie, snd HO, 0 ‘ome. This ion ny dee Si, by which lve ar 6, this eet ad stage adopsion wherein wee bye Lk, sh ore not yo itd, bow ite Bde ear, ad ke ag willy beating, bow i wil ake us ome day and ake ws ‘Migs own, and we shall not rm ay on ig but ie land Ge hoppyt You an I have ban sang sen upon dice, Ss, ‘we have of toned pont sl quik fled a8, 6 lke shut ye hon then 90 righ Fr eh Tawe always hope to how if you had dear ey, inning al your i, noone oF who you sumed in ‘he fh ear of night ~ and twhowe se in finey, you walked the hvcong dy: and when you cone home, Sse, we sous speak oF eho eg How dil our ive st een tothe bride, an he plighed a, hone dis are with gol, nd who gather pene ‘every evening bu: othe wife, Sie, sometimes the wife dearer thal erin the fongoten, or lives pethap se word; you have seen wets at moms with the sand shoe sme vet Rowers at Hon ith hr ead bowed in angi boone de mighty stink you tse hint Boson wil owe need mtg bt = dew? No, they wiley Foraslight, and pine fr the burning no, eit scorches them, sees thems they have goeteoug with ce ~ they know die the a of noon, mightier dam the morning thei fe henceforth eo him. Oh, Susi, iis grou, ail to der, thee snp sing pis, inl the spr mightier, which we eno sil Rds x0 rend mie, Susi, the thought of whew tenes, eh tremble aa sometne If, at yielded wp, ‘Suse, you wil fongive me my matory sin ~it ha ben 2 very Tong on, ad if his saucy page dd nee hee bind and fet me, Light have had ei "have go the ler, Sse, dear te bad ~ad ll ~ and she ‘eas came spin, Use in eh big won, a nok gute lone. Such teat ate shoves end, tho! whic when sex Hesven ‘And now in four weks more you are ie al ine, excep end you a Mle occasionally to Hat ane Mai, they promise me oto oe yon, and eo bring yon bark very soon Tall nc count he di shall ot ill ny cups with die ‘expect happnes, for perhaps ft do the angel being ‘hist, il drink chem up~ Isl only hope my Suc, tid ‘hot semblingy, fr hone barges the Flt, stranded! pon the shoe? God in good, Susie, ust he wilsave you pray that in his 00d tne we once more meet eich other, but this ie ald nt another meeting for us, remember abo, Sie, eave has tv pring mors, wherever hae hour ia, fr whi we fave hoped slong, ve sll not he eprted, net dethy or theyre ea prt, that we only love! oer Eiie ai. fit pe Astin scone ad ons ie 0 il gins hy mee da gi on sod pe "have cen Root diem, ues Mattie and are not slit Fr bit argv hind ae ‘When wil you conte gin, in 2 week? Lee be 2 sie week! In magn fot pe ‘Vinnie se mc ove aid Mother and night 1 be 0 old to eneov a remenbrance? ly. 1852 Ey tone ssl sagas sat she wa tava of dhe iney Son skeay sar wt Aus J Tour se ier, Su fod st Austin 9 ‘Votemine ta tcl peas oke ering to mother young a OF ‘hess to Sans le se ad Pat a eget Soo the wd ‘Roent wtha Aca Dad Suan Gilbert reco and thes omen tir” Friday afernoon ~ have bat one thought Sexe, hit femoom of Jane, and eat “That you and 1 hand a we en doin hee, igh ame ssvay chien, among the woods an feds, and forget these any er, aid these sorrow cares, and each comme 3 chi gyi — 1 would were 2, Si, sd whe [lok round ine ad find ysl lone, igh fo you again ie Sigh and ain igh, which vl nor bring you howe 1 need you store and more, and the yee world grows wider, and dear ones fewer nd fewer, every dy hat you say aay — 1 nist my Biggest heat my own goes wandering round. and cele fo Sse ~ Fiend ar a0 deat to winder, Oh they ate Br too few, a howe xo they wil yo ay where you a not ind them, dat lt ogee dene igs, Fo hee remembrance now wll save us any a anguish when i 0 Let love thes! Sai, forgive me Dating, for every word sy ny heart ill of you, none her than you in my Bought yet when seek wo sy eo you someting no fo he ‘word, words fil mf you were here, and Oh ea you ‘were, my Ss, ened ne tk all, yer woul whisper for and your hand Sx in ine, we would nt ak for language yt bring you nearer [chase the weeks sy el dey ate gute departed, and fancy you have come, ‘nd Lam on ay way ehrough she green ne to mee yo, and ry heat goes eanperingso, dat | ave mach ado e bring back gin, nd ear tbe patient, il ne dee Suse comes, “Three weeks ~ they cnt alway, fr surely they nse go vith the ite others nd stereo thong home the west 1 fll row nord ote nate nl ha dear dy coms, for il ow, have only mourned fr yous now I Begin te hope fr you Dea Ss, ve edad ink whit you would ows, of omen night sead you Lat nese sy le Viole, they begged me 0 Te hen, 3 here hey area with ‘hea srctr, 2 i of Kags, who ao begged the Favor to aecompany tem ~ they are Duc all, Sse, nd I ea ‘Fre now, bu hey wil pak 9 you oF wa hee a Jao, aid of dhe someting til, which “never nes snr seeps" Keep dha eth yur pillow, Sti, chey il take you dea of Hoe si, ad home, a the “bleed counerie" Yu and Ll sea hour with “Edad” ad “Elen Midler”, seine when you get home = We Must find out i someching oneine therein te tue, a i hey ay wha you ad nc ncn! [Now firewall, Ste and Vinnie sink er love, and me her's ard Lada ks shyly, est here sone tere!! ont kt de es, il you Susie? Eni On fn pre Why came Ibe a Delegate to tho ret Whig Convention lone oe all about Daniel Weber, andthe Tai and he Law? Then, Sis, could ee you, ring» psi ee sesig~ but I dot ke this cour all, aid Isha tay ‘pen me erly te 11182 ys hor Eda Dickinson wo delat tothe natal Whig conven on whic et Joe 1,1, an He ee eo ee fae abou cing t cdhood, then copia wos ower pel nol etn inetet-cmry New Eng 2 hi Sundhy afernoon = My Swe lat requt ys, ing gran, dh! Few, and Fst he days eich eprate ws owe — bt mie any Aaj, bu si more igh evens, aed my lone ie reside, ny lene reside once more fal, "We ate seven, and oe in beaver.” we ate thee next Sunday, if hove mine and heaven has pone Do noe mistake, miy Sie, and rather han the er ideo the golden wing here you wil eer come back gsi = deo not Fong the Ine, and he ite eo hat stan by it when people From the clouds wil eckon you, and wile you, to ave you go with then» “Oh Sie, my eid. Iie ere by my window. and look each de while down coward cha golden stew beneath dhe western tes an fncy Le you ong, yu trip pon the gre ga, aT hear he crackling les snder your lise she: I hide behind the cha {think wll surprise you, row too eager 1 se you testo the ‘ery offen wh I ave waked ro se, oe quite waked, have been sire Is you, and your dik eye beamed on ne th sich look af tender that I ould only exp and les God for you Suse wll you indeed come home next Stoedy, ‘ov pin, al kis meas you used 1? nd bemy ‘Shall indeed bebo you no “darkly, but fice to ice” or am "Hanjin 0 and dreaming bleed dan om which he Ay vil ake me? hope for you sa much, an fel 0 exer foe you fc | canot wi, el thst now must have you thar the expectation once more ca see your ce agin, makes ‘ne fe hoc and feverish nd my ear bens 0 fst o 9 Sep ac igh. ad the isting know, am sting there ‘vide aks a clapng ny nigh, nd dink oF ext Satu, abd "hover Be” of yo Somimes Ione have Sst before tomorow comes, ad Loader if ie w'd make any diference with God og se tay, nd 1 et bin ive Monday, ro ake bi Suey; and chen I el so umily and wih he precious doy ‘woul come quite 0 000, il ould know howto es a et ny ehooghes ety fr Why Sue seme to me asf my absent Lover was coming hon oso ~and ay heat ut be 0 busy, aking eady forhins While minier tis morning was ving an acoun of he Ronn Catholic systen, and announcing ever fies which were ally srting wea eying to ake up my mind 7h of ‘th: two wit pretest oo and welome you in, my Bm colored dre, oy ble des, Js 6 did by al ‘men 0 wear the he, don came the minis fit with a tere rap on he counter, and Ste, cared new, Hae sooner ity, bu in laf eached 3 conchson! I walked on fom meeting with Mise, and incident, soning weil oF you~ ad I ehink one of wreaked thst you would be ete exe Sunday: well ~ Susie wha ie ‘92 dont pret to kno, but my ates seemed olave ead I seemed to move on Wings and I move on wings se, Sec, on wings 2 white as sow, anda right a the Sunmmersiine cate Lam ith you, and 0 ew short days, yo ate with mi at home, Be patente, my Site, for he hows wl ste aay, and Oh soon! Sse, [write mor hal, ad wary early too for ie sie Forme w get the spper, sr my moteris gone snd besides, sy dln, s0 near sem to you, tat I dsdin this pen, and swat Fora warmer ngage. With Vinne's love and my Tove, 14m oe more use 27, 1852 Eni soo th, wh ic in Hosa vig Ain an probably y= fig wit here's oy, te Norvone. San xpd to ave In ‘Nee incl Jal. and hn 3 er atthe mond end. Ely wt {fo Wordsworth post" Are Seve che ond pap cag ‘Hien neve tome The "theme Sty" wil Sc, Ey. ‘Vion, No won ond ac ben pres of Su homecoming om Baar on Jy 3, of En fens concen the ramon and ‘Act en to Athen on Jl 26, How Eni exec dhe eve oF tac sme ad wh Aan and Sion “conta eget uncer a 2 Friday noon Det Friend, 1 ogret inform you tht a3. aclock yeterday, my mind came to 2 nda sine then Been onary. Ere tis inligence teaches you, Isl probably bea sai By this untoward providence a mental and oa bing as been soveperthlesty Font her phere. Yer we shoal not repine = “God me na mysterio way, hie wonders to pero, be sit pon the eal is upon dhe stom and if ibe hin wil ha Become beara bie my fallow men ‘vl be fir the highs ood of ei fillen and porching wor 1 che gonna thei, wl pleat top drow ing sorta, Lay mest you again, here ee uncertain, My ponent ar prety well Gen Wl here ~ et ooking for Major Pts in the femoon stage We wore nue fice ysterdy by the supposed removal of ar Ca on ine to Exe. Sie resumed, however, bt evening, having ben deine by fhe som, beyond her expectations Ie by the Boston paps dhe Gin ip asin ~ hope u'll aang wih Corin, and have the North al righ Fine weather for edn have spoken for 52 cod Black sae ene ome pte ne way. sha You come ot swith the ta? Yours ll deth — jada cn Over 1852 Inthe wc raph Ely ns Wiliam Couper “Ligh hing Out finn on necry, etn nie, Eo Dik Bi pt Dt Slee Canon nde Whig eae, Ey kr Seo ser Geno Wake, whol warn a Que, td Mor Paro ‘ex tly wo ae Doe ih 4, ous el ing broke wth the Wags een the ory enor the agave lw Ls which Pst (Corin alin Satay of the Tesury ho opr ‘Thursday feroon — ‘The sun shins war, dear Sie, bu he ste sani’ pone, and in dat fF Machete, ll my le sy ssa ‘his wine's aflemoon, Vinnie and Tae ere ~ jos where you always find ue whien you cone inthe fernaon toi ile sole ~ We is you fice toy, snd Fl on ny work 3 Hike wie ago, x0 pu up my swing, and i owe to you. I had ther hve talked, dear Sse escent me 3 long while sieeve sen you mach —ie along while Sse, since we have been together eo long since wwe spent 2 twilight, and spoken of what we loved, bt you wil ene bac agin, and here al the ite Sic which as yet touched! ei the bright sain he fname of God, sin! Hook in e's Gee the finest. Tra co dhe door, dee Susie ~ Ian uti dhe in, wih nothing but my pps on, lle "Susie, Sui" Let you Aide look me then Ia othe ning oo window and ‘appeal with ty might upon the pane, bu you rede ight ct aed never heed me. Teamade me els lonely, dst (coun help the tars, when Teame back wo the able think I was esting reat, and you were riding vay ~ but bye nd bye I showght dic the ‘sme uy coach which ated you avay. would ave eo bring you Back sini bata he while, nd the spite pleted me 0 (hat | le ery ny more de tear el of shih | tl yo ‘And now, my absene One, Lam hoping the day awry, il stl se you home ~ am seting 3s Bs 3 Lan, Lam ening, the stems tomy Roser, am working with ll my might, 50 20 ps and lve you, 000 a you get home Hw ewe wl have oak then = cere wll be dhe firewall ite ~ and il the dys before, of which | have had ot, the will be your abe, and yur presncs, my Sse dear, wets, and bigest andl Bs of every anal the eo Si, with the whom {God ha vena, et we howl be alone — ss Ice al vented ad found very sco; even a gran Mowers, oer wi the bee Isnt ad Hinges, and es oe far the ingen 1 ft ic very ny, opr with one of ing, with mine ‘spevly, nd he days wl have more hours while yu ae te away. “Tey played the trick yesenay— they dupe me again ody. “Taeve hours sks one ince ~ Cll icewice wave, eee times elvan ad nd athe iy agin, ain we wl tl bout “nc Dower dls Gone Brown Ey ~ Good Cals Finch tin Davi Fryer ~ Ob Sie! Howe mel etape meme ‘wheter you ached her ly, whether you are a tanger ~ ora only jit gone Home - Whether you find the end as yo nce you shoul fn then, or dere than you expecta? AI this, aad mote, Suse, Tam eager 0 ko, an 1 ll now so, shan He ink hl (Oh Sis, Se, melt to you in the ol, old way mst ay howe tome to arte clack sel ck allehe hours sand being me not my 3 Pesaps you cane read it, Dain iis incoeren and blind: ‘butte recollection tae prompts ic is very dstinet and cae, aud read cay, Soi, they sed thi lowe ~ ny mache and nny str ~ ey moeher ad ey site, andthe Youth, the Lone Youth, Sasi, you know the ree! Eniie— “Tal me when you write Susie if T shal end my fore tothe Lady where you say! Fn 24, 1859. hve Coorg trown, Exe, / Gad Chrpher Fc ad Dave Pa Ines ges once ermine cn which yh Bt of every month the york a 14 Ssunday morning [now deat Sues buy. oF she would not forget er Hone lee Emile, who wrote her just 5 000 a she'd ore to Manchester an he waited 0 patiently se can wait no oral he eredlous le hea, fond even th Foran, wl gets ig black nkstan, and tl her once ain how well it loves et. Det Susi, avec so hard ct pty, noe eink tnkind thoughts, oF cher unkind daub conceming oe not he, {have watched ee sages come I hve ried to look indent, sd hun a smc of une when I eae Father ad ‘Asin contng and latew how soon they brings a deat eter fom you, orf should lok i the at and find ‘pay’ hee come Satenday, and tomorow the weed sed sid Lal have no message fiom my dear Suse! ‘Why dont you nvte mse, Dating? id Lin hat quik ener say anything wich grieve you, oF made hard or you {ake your wl en and rae alton for your bd, sd Pie “Then Sin, yor ss forge me before you sleep eonigh fo 1 osha oy eye at you have ised my check, nd told se you eld Love me (Oh ica Been ll since when you sone nay, nosing totus the ick of the wo cence clocks ~ sly he Lite matic one, no un ee a ee,” but dow and Solely the clock upon the mine — you remember a lock, Sis, Ihe the odo way of skin twelve he ‘ong and din the fers, jst 30002 you come. a ying teach ta fe oF dhe propeetis of hie now you fe pone away andthe poor thing does indeed sem quite ‘bedent, alge sow en, Bt sm a youre bade again, Sue, be these racels ne it ever weed ‘be, and only galap with accelerated sped to ake wp Fr Dew Si it iharder ove lone tha twas when you vere naire, and ee day wet slowly, den dey go en sower dan they dl while you were in the school = or ‘he | grow inition, and canoe brook 3 xs abrsnce rm the Love done kn which tit Fon ow tha when you sal conve ack agai, the Earth wl sets ore besa, tn bigger than does nos and he se sky rom the ‘window il ball dotted with gl ~ dhough it may nt be voting, or Hime for thes to come, lei plesane co tl of you with Austin ~ ae Vinnie and eo find how you ate living every ove of ei heats, and ‘making warm and bright here =i ie were aay and 2 set summers noon, Austin fas gone this morning ~ the st Jie thing dl for hi wa while they ere rake 0 _wrte on four envelopes or him to se to you~ Teoma me il, Stie, 0 think how Lith Arp wat chested afer ll and sed agai, a thinking oF vomething hoi of something from ee kis, come Eartha Dear Susie, dnt forget you a moment of the hour. and ‘wen ry woke inihed nd have go she te ip ho" he ile entry, ad ut 3 he Font door and ard and vote he Wes, nd remember ll oF mie ~ yet, Ste the golden ‘West, andthe genset Etemity, forever fldet there, nd bye and bye ie wil open i everating ens, ger all ~ all = Good bye, det Suse = they all seid you ilove Emilie Sexi will you give my love to Mi Bare, a el he the Soreigh it ov next Wednedsy, and thought she ke toknow! Son's ourahip wis Ain einen i die, an San esc i er ay wis Sus qty. On Mach Ain are CCambedge to anend Hara Law Schoo an Ely aero rele Fortine send o Sen. “Lide myc onc” my Bea alin 40 “The Ue Nonenon Cok I 18400 Thoe sae mpe ec, ? Re tomar oye hath sen, "Fat eeth op and beth rom mori sti a 15 Wie! Comrade ~ wie On tie wondrous en Sailing sen, Ho! Pl, Knoesthou the shore ‘Where no breaker roa ‘Where the tr i er? In te pence woe Many the cle at et — “The anchor fie ‘Thithe 1 plore Land Ho! Beem! ‘sore at lat Eailie~ Ma 155 “Fh the fins porm ht Eilon fo hive st oS, a 16 Dew Susie rm so anne ayn gy sae andy ow whit oy, oF how relat the tory of the wonder outespondent. Fist ative from Amherst, then comes Pndrous rome fon the eam Hal of Caine, and agin by stange metamorphosis m jst rom Michigan, and ‘a Mattie and Minis and Lase iw one wondering bret Why, dea Susie st must sare yu if om up om indoostan,o dap fom an Appenine, or pee at you suddenly fom te ollow of a tee, aling myself King Chas, Sancho Panza, or Hero, King af the Jews = supp ial he amt, in Mile" ig Mis Joi, never dean the depts of my candestiy, andi roped to shink of the figore Hwa using ie would be dhe tof axe sn you'd nove er agin from your poor Jeremy Bentians — Bot ty to my mind "ut, ee "Rock bye baby” ‘eonscence, zo I Keep ther il ‘Ads forthe palling of woo over the eyes of Manche, ‘ott the coutesy of the Recording Ang 0 ay noting of that: One thingic woe, Dating, dhe world wl be none the wiser or Emile’ omnipresence, and evo big hearts il bese outer, 2 tings from me come in. owe ehe opportunity t0 serve thre who ate mie, and to sft dhe let pity {he pth which er “an anooth 3 dig ro me. So catch in deat or eink oF you aed Astin ~ and kn ie pleases you to have my tiny services. Dea Sie, yu are ine ~ One would har think Cad lt you to hear eis revelry, bue your absence insanes me so ~ do noe el x9 pet, when vow are gone from me = AIL Took derenly, anid he faces of my flows te not the same they west when you are with me. think tits, dear Susie you sketch my picture for ae, and "ie at their sect colorings. rir than hit el that 1m weds you se when you go away, the word look stingy sid Find 1 ace sore vil ~ Fran Pic thinks men bere a and makes spo pnt napor the “rice” but dese Se know what Tea, De you ever lok homeward, Suse an cou he Foely hours Vinnie and Lave pending became tie you are gone? “ex, Se, very lly a yer i vary soot 000 Kn” that you are happy, an te eink 0 yu in the moming, aed ae ‘event, ml noon, a hay x lng al looking wp for joy —1 ould noc spre you ee, de Sister, but wo be ute 0 ies wih sc asin, lps me wo chase he 1 ecw you would be hay, snl yo know now of something 1 ha to you, sHadow fe sang upon ine “Thor are iv, domttines, Sue ~ Best Gu hat we atch ‘ops of his right Praise Fon occsiona Heavens tl Say, Sie; yer nor say! Leannot spare your sweet Bice anes hour more, an yt | vant have you gather more heave of Jy ~for bleak, and waste, and bac, are mos ofthe ik Fun ers nl wae you eo il dhe gener. Then you my come, dea Susi aa ro our ale hone, Visi ad sl ret you. There smh to tll ou, Sai, but | eae ring the deed of the rough nd josting woud int dat sweet insure; they ate ater Fond, here bu Susie, do bing you 9 Ser ost lave ~ and goes rede it indo, but“ and 1 ow you il noe refine em, Pes remaher me to your fend, and write soon to your lovely ~ nile pie dao st page Vinnie dh you her ove ~ She woul write, but has hae her hand “Mosher ove tou = Oh Suse, Moc 12, 1853 ny ef to Ain athe plilosoper nd ja rey Dean i il Ite do fe of Dor peso Dan Cpe rss fon bref to "Se” cane in Ey een 0 Ain of his psd. Om March 2, Sent and Aan beame gl 7 les hard vo wait, dor Soe, though year hea, ai ae bon ince the sn, and knew you'd come should Inve gone right down, but Modher lad been a wos hard 3¢ ie as Sarda, and Artin hd pried to ake he eo Mis ‘Cobb's, ston at he got home rw Palner~ dhenshe waned 0, and se ovo a thee of he eighbow, and -vaned to goto you, but I hough it would be unbind = 19 ‘0€ tl eomtonow. Darling and al she stores Monday — «except shor sketches of them a meting tomorrow night Ive storie to tll very mst forme a gosta ings have happeied ~ Lowe fr you Darling Hw es I eep tonighe? Ever Eile — So pesos, my own Ser to ave you here ain Somebody loves you more o [ere ches di evening Mouth ses her love = She poke of ie hi ming, what a Ay Suse would have ~ ates Chr 1853, “Thorac ow exiting tes fo Ely co Sa the nee igh ot Baring th Ely wns ety oA in Cob ecg ine eH home adc corti on ie spent wh Suan Her foe Ie feral chs arses al the Bike woe So he = ip Ais re wd Emly Sean ec ach other ns eery a 18 Sbbath Day ~ rm jie on mcs, Sas, al Hoey eared ny HR wo tae icin” walked = tan ee — Feared preciniow conie One moment I was aot den soured la ike Phen, soon a the few by = he tito an enemy agin, my sie and drooping plamage ‘gh ave Ben en cine rm js hind eee, ‘aint ideavring fy once more roms hence. eached the step, da Ste ~ Lieto think of ae, ad my geometry, te wld lave puzaed Elid, and ies doubles, ve solesiized » Dy. ving the journey there Hove bi and brad dhe se seemed il ge erg before 2 Lake slowly up = and vtched yw at! tn ws so 0 ide bind your Fethre~ See ~ Fetes sin in had How, td there It and ighed, and wondered 1 assed 9, for sly he whole word wax odin tos to Fe ~ Yr thor dhe Phan a, and ehh 1 Rep resolving to be a rve tT, and bold 6 Pb Beas, help me ay. Ar the opening prayer T ventured to Lehr Corot imdb ¢ me Mr Sweeter temp 0.4050, but dgcovered orig, up in the sy somewhere, and zed ine 2, fr quite a Bal an hour, Daring ee exercise became more cl and gor out of church ite comfortably Several vated oud ad sont o devour nc, Bu | lam easy py to Mis Loin Dickinoa, bsing too mich eshasted ro make any Fee Se enrsined me with much sprightly remark, une our gate was eae and I need ne tell you Soe. show Fcrched the th, and whi he merry ke. ad fil danced for joy, to find self a home! How Id wth fr you = how for my own dear Vinnie ~ how for Goi, or Sanson ~ vo pull the whe ehureh down, equesing Me Dig o sep into ‘Mit Kingbuy’s, wn the das wa pa? Prof Axion Womer te propounder of Rhetoric to youth of Aner College, gave a the mong sermon. Now Suse, you a, aire Me Wane, so my fly, then e arose 10 preach, Iced not sy 0 you. | will ely rena eat I shall tbe much dicppointed ifthe Rev Horice Walpole docs e addres shi evening, ‘You cane ho things go eae Sie, when you are not at home f yu say anor Sandy at any doube thatthe “Secrtay of Wie” wil ake charge of the Sabbath Schoo! ~ yet would not alam you! “The singing remind mi of the Leg of Jack and sllowingthe Bass Vil co be eptid by Gil, who liteally tumbler, while ck ~ ie the cot, galloped ianely on, “nor veced, nor hes” him Der Sizer. i¢ pad aay, and you and may speak of dae ‘things ad litle things some of our rifles Sie = Thete's ‘Austin bea wile ~and wing st tat hes coming Monday imakes my hese fn ves le ister = ‘Viwic'sa tile coo ~ Ob how Love sch rifles, Susi, under tha blak po, echniallytermed lo, the word best ay be fain ~ My pn fll wn the Inde ~ ocesioning the ‘ame, but lies too shor to tacribe of apologie ~ I dont Joule Del Webster nde nay «Bot and Tein you, ety you made one, under circumstances quite ageing! Bat of ‘Austin andl Vinnie~ One with me tomorow noon, ad | “The one dat ret, Soi, deter than “ninety and hae dno go “To you all once more, coms vague aa doubt me, for ie would bes dau: Did you ever thik, Sui, uae der had Tew o grave hee? To me there teehee, now. The ons coe is Aca’ ns ple brave ce hee, or Ann wae ‘0 bave~ and Sie, for you and Vine tshll pnt each a rows a ha ill ke the bind come Sister, Law ako you got to Manchower fy, i al ie happy, and wll dyer nau ek —aF were ne, you ‘woul ve tld me, Sui, the days and hous ae ver ang sn, be you se ot cone Back ul cs be and win Plese remember mew your Rien, wid spect and Mein, leaving only lfction fr you~ from yur on Eiiy api of pe Remar the ine, Sse! ai ipa Moser as if ve ven her love wn veg No ster i-ws, Mary att Sa Lr, in -Mancheacr, Re pve, a Aen che Dae easy fo 2 ac week sy, Pron Avon Ver reed fom Ant Cll be “came the tno not gine bi the eppranity to rob crt oF Monday evening Sse —itea le thing os how lone ie — anyone cn do i but to wear the loneness sent your her for weeks, whe you exp, and when you wake, ever msn something, this, alleannot ay, and ibales me 1 could pines port which wold bring the tay had cam for ad he sen should be oli, and he Sgures solide ~ sl he High and shades, cach 2 oie 1 could ila chauberwidh landscapes Fone, nen sbould pe and weep there then haste graf home for loved ‘one ee. Tay ha wn ir ay, wry sil an Bc, Tonight, the crimson chien are paying inthe Wes, and tomorrow il be colder: Inall} number you. I wan to think of you ech hour dhe day. Wht you ae saying ~ doing ~ lane vo wale with you, ae sceing yet ueen. You sy you walle and sew sone. 1 walk and vw alan. dont se much of Vinnie ~ he’ my, dhusing is ‘We go ou very ie — once in nth orto, we bod set sil ines ouch tthe principal pons, and den pt into port gai ~ Vinnie cuss sbout some to tans the commeee, bac coming to anchor, is most that ean do, Mr ‘nd Mrs sight area sunlight 2 me, which no nigh ea shade, ant il porform wucky journeys eer, suc eo ‘vata dodge, ad ny siege, el Tey are swcet and loving anid one thing, det Sic, sway atk for you, Sona ARernoon 1 fe you a long eile Sse chan pen and ak = my here hep on. Iwas elle dye fn you to entrain some company — wen with a somy gate, fear, an ent feted with one. There fa all = le sow star aking erough she ils, and wing here, st my window ~ shan tthe fellow int 1 went to chur all dyin second des, ad Boot, We had sch precios sermons foun Mr Dwight, One about unbelief, “Thanksiving wat aber roughout the ie I wee elev we had 2 Tek, td eo bin of Dis, tere, 90 shane Father went Thanking bn, Asin goes ‘oorow, sles kept by stor, He will se you, Dating! ‘What | enwot do, Oh coud 1 Wedd not tend dhe “THanks vith ther= otc” ~ owing to ur sadness at jus parting ‘Your ser wil give pics by ier better rade honcback everyday wi he sre cae ad ge down street now jut ke other gls— boy see tore gel, more fleeiote, ha she has ine Kell wonders she does ot hear fon you gave your mesa co ler, and being you Back the sane, Ene iil with Henry, tho no outward bond he yet eid them [doar Hiscock and baby ~ and Mary, spent Thanking tse. lll upon Mary se appear ery sec, ad the ‘aby quite becoming tor They al adore the bby. Mary ingie foe you with great deal oF warmth, and wanted co se he love whe I wrote Save ~ hal ut been you well wel I mast top, Sie, Thins have weg cle Si, ae they're wagging 8 Link Chlden ove one ater” Noral of Bf five, sit ral of th 0 die a mg of pte Sic = we al ave you = Mother ~ Vine me, Dea! Upside do ft pag ‘have not hea fiom Ma for months, “They sy tha absence coger” es waned me magi sad pgs Your Sitr Hore our move innate en. margin 9 tied ge in mont eanty his 1 ag ft pe ‘THe at night ofthe term, John ent hi foe w you ‘Thanigvng gh, Edvord Dickman rout Washington for he cond ses of he shiy-trd Conon On Decor 4 fat departs for {Cheng nl Gra sve, Min is bre rte: He town go Aron st he Bagi fe ew yer 55, an Soa ea ‘Michi Ferry. Jn cals ein, Joba Grave, 8 kere aig ado Ts ke nine re to he neti 2 eta rm James Memon ym, “0 whe lf be found "Tie ae the ‘af Mos Nor al of deh a 20 Sst ay. 1am ok ody den Si, and have not bes ore. Thre ha been apes quit, in which eo think of you, and "ave wot bee ik eno that I eannor write w you. ove ‘yo a deal, Site, a wh ve ft began, de ep at fhe inne door. and under the Evergreen, andi beaks my ro sonctines, era oot he om you. Lot your any day go Fwont wy mtny seks, becuse it ill 10k ser, and the canoe rite ~ but Sac, robs me | ss you, mourn far you, and walk the Stee alone ~ofen 2 igh, bode, fl ep in tes for your dear Bie, yet not fone wont eames Bick com fon tase West 1 i Shed, ell ne, and I wile the he t0 my box of Phan a hy one sone love in; bu i Hes and ens sil sl iva bs forme, he ay me 40, ant Lill serie the sins to one move tain of appines Before die Why Sone think of it~ you ae my precios Ser, and wil bel you de, nd wl be il when Austin and Vinnie ae ‘Mat yo and are marble ad fee orgotn ‘Vinnie and ae going oon ~ cider di Weck or nese fer trac not dserined. Pm are Hart, ven thik dat yo are coming, and 1 would give the whole world if I cold sey, ned | cat blove you are comting~ bu whe | tisk of and tll pl 30,3 wondrous jy comer over me, and my old Fhione ie espera ina drm. Sue take the word oF that Soe Kate Sot, we never sen = andy it i t00 ‘sfaL" [never will be" busy” when you get back to me, 4 aed be, I get "my spinning done," for Sasi, ie sels ‘over te once na litle while, hao fingers By and a 30 bay, 3 Far more wondrous Shue ifs he ele thre, and when th’ web spn, inde! ny spinning wil be done. { Bink with you, dst Suse, and Mat by me again, Labal be il for joy. Ishll not fet or murmue=shall ot cate when the ‘wind blows, shall not observe the orm = "Such, td 0 precio” ae yo Austin tld te about you whe he cane Fo he West — ‘Bovgh way Be things fated mest co know, he "had not aticed” Ike him how you looked, and what you wore, an how your hr woe Fixed and wha you ud of me~ hie ansvers were quits lnited="you looked as you always did Ihe dt knoe what you wore — never dl know wit people sore — you si he mst all me everything” which by dhe sway deat Chile has ot done to ths dy, sd ay postion of whieh, would svor wih joy. mig I ba obtain i ‘Vinnie inquired with prompavess “if you wore a Basque” ~ "it secre to hi" he mid, “yo dl hve om ck thins ‘As Susie ~ you ast ein hin “wil ke fill many’ eson in the Ehion pte, before he will pct, and peak with proper eference ofthis majestic gament. 1 have some new eth, Susie presome I shal ppea lke an embarrased Peacock, bite unused oils, Dea Sie ~ yu il write to me ‘ven fam gone fom homie Aj, Ene — Upie dren fl page Mosher nd Vinnie ed muck love ~ they wil be delighted to se you. My dearest ove to Mat 1 arg pe 1 al Antin fe a any mnie — he rep he — be tna ne The you or woth Flow! I presame he wil 1s margin id ge fools Cap wih protons to you, a0 1 may ft pg eave the room Bu think Foses have no eyes~ Ha Hl Eni ony HS ker ks a how -commnigtBone or Satan show eamored Eni = oF Sas’ ppc Ens fasion ob et Ain scr pae a ac Sts whe he ees, Jere pean eae ain hl re. THe “scp tte rt dor I whch the Disko hed four 1M gr HS, Some eld te Mao thi hom ge ig cy a Wednestay morning Sweet ae sft ac summer, Daring. maple ees in loon and ss gen in the sun ples hardly seems ie possible hiss wir an ic makes the gras pring in his heart oF mine aud each Tine sng 0 ehok tha you favs come, eat Chien ~ Mate = Sue For one look t yo, Fr yor seme voces, exchange call The pomp ~ the eoure— the stiquette~ dey ate of te earth — wil no ater Heaven, ‘Will you wte to me why hawt you before? | Fl 0 sed looking or you al 8 you do no come. And you lowe me, come s90n~ ths is no forever, you know, di mort He oF ‘us Which hd you rather L wrote you wht Fam doing here, oF who an loving there? sap ll you both, bu the “hs al be fing a he fin i" loving you those ~ I caning every how eo ‘your chamber door. thinking when awake, how sweee ‘yo were with me, and alk with you x ill deep, would be sweeter il | dhink Ueno wat, when Eremember you and that is alvays, Children. al ove you more for eis acrifie Lae night [hear fom Asin and eink hence we are Josng sight oF dhe hing 2 home ~ Tell hi “ot 0" (Cider Austin i mistaken, He says we fogs "the Hose, ‘he Cats and the peraiams” — have not remembered Pat propose to sl he fran move wes with nother 0 ‘make boquet of my pln, a send them oi fends eo come 29 Washington i hit Desig gown and mort me and Vinnie. Should be delighted vo ste hi, even i “ail” ad wll promse ro nouce hun wienever ne wi come. Te 1 confess, have nots absovbed my atenin a hey ae apt at hoe, yet lo I il resember them with ender emotion and 2s for my sect flower, {hl know ech ea and every bud ‘hat buns, whe Iam ros home. Tell Asin, never Fee My ‘ought se Br Fam ile, eonceming sn the tis of the wold ac home, bull sos, here ~ scramble and confi, and sometinesn wring home [ean stop oe dtl, acy 1 woul lve. Vinnie met eh ater evening in the plo hee cousin. Vinnie ol hi jolly al she knew of you and nother evening 00k ve dow tn, ‘We wan dhe al ong whi, aking of you, my Caen, vicing with cach her i compliment to those we loved wel oi hit of you both, he seme wary happy tw hear nich of you. He lee Washingon yesterday morning lowe not been wel sine eae hers hele excel me fiom sme ze, tho! at et, gaye thas wa ef. Vii ask ths moming she hs been out walking wich ene acs ere sd is wer ee She sae mu (F yu wan meh tose yO, GIVE my Tove vo your scr ~ Kiss gcc for me = my To for Abbie al Ene, when you se thon, for daw Me & Mex Dwight. On up aor Tell Mosher al Austin dey ant ater ehemvels we ar angering Urn» ey Bnd thenselves smc ise before long We tink we sal yo to Mibdephis nowt week, the father hae decided. Elza vies mow every day, and sens magi sed pa ‘pat fo ws. ont know how Tang we hall ov ai id pag sty there soe ow lang in Newe York, Faker Bo ne de 1 mari forth pe ed. Shane you write, when this get to you? AB — B= king, ery 28, 1855 Swan cies tr os she rt 9 Athens Michigan Ey scl Lavin ain Wong fr de wk, form ie aay leat Mand ron shore they tava to Phinlte to va tr’ Cnn the Coleman Ey Coles ve yrs younger en Ely, ace ae whether thitcas "Daigo Ely st 1 he young i of Son's ter Har Ca, horn Sta Man esi iy TH55, Sian and Aun hd Ben eg or mre than 3 yr. Ye would be ater sion onthe bie they ast and ced the Evergsene Thee Sinan wold tne net owe Ely for he eat shy SECTION Ont NOTES Ink ead, enbosea “PARIS" (9) “Sie Gide” on weno a Real ~ No" pencil Suxs Ranting probly noch ar ‘hat win ay dete dion me fd i ir oh ot 2 jer er hose or ne ine thi ts hor Book [ys wes IH ISI, LFF Ink, oe see Fur pg, od of ter my be ming, Cle sian (Gg ong) eo tans, pom San eat eer rg his fit pened no. arf someue (cay Sn) ‘vee renga ark ps fret pups A liga Sin high” etn the rs at of de wor in the "see elo ii nan ia of Kir may be nisin Thom on si Tron the ef dhe al be net str” LS, LFF 285-0 Tok ne she, fur, ipl fk, es ers x." in dy hing demaly nein kes poseng tha, J ‘oe de aie" Ble kerb HLA. T3 FED. ipo Inks eset os led a Sse om eal Nn Shans nit Jobo res al gph fo di magi NL, U4 Ink, Bn paper: enone) Poe Seo / Ws le Spl ik "Chuck" or Chae” pc n Sens sinc "he jg. Here do ote ers "Chace that Sen Ia eta eter seo 0 a ole rok ils wring Thee #3 lof ik whe Ey en Da oe ‘he oe” Esclavo a atari” few den naga Invert eter rc Ain kit the sn a bi rin“ el wie wie sey ve ge to meting rc es 2 veers San, Jen ewan the Kt soto se reconh “ae hn de” Hen paar the gmk a ps are sire HL, 77. FF Ah rl Ink nbd “are” FHI), ine pen mks ct parses [iin tty cy ey ash x aga 2A Jen mae emerson S052 ere ec Dich nu ma Se Shomiear er Howie, HULSE. Snel in ube Sapo” FAD, ea the hid nd tect nn S's sin tv tbo “Micon of it mC “cht aa aOR an tw sana scam he wk“ om Sheet tne yeaa HL ULE twee Sasa pe Fa-28 pe Ise tain id tom hid om ow oo se ‘tam sence she hoe BI. 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