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Drama: Tales from Shakespeare

Ls:1. As You Like It.

Open Book Test:

Read the extract and answer the following:


‘We can't travel in our fine clothes,' she said. ‘We would be robbed and set upon. Let’s dress like two
country girls, then we will escape notice.’

1.What is the context of the above extract?

Celia and Rosalind discussed the grim situation when Rosalind was banished by Duke Frederick. Celia
decided to go along with Rosalind. They wanted to go to the forest of Arden in search of the old Duke.
Celia began to make plans for the journey and suggested that they must dress up like two country girls
and escape because she feared that they would be attacked and robbed if they travelled in their royal

2.Why did Duke Frederick order Rosalind to go away from his court?

Duke Frederick was unhappy with Rosalind because people loved and praised her. Her presence in the
court reminded the people of the old Duke and pitied her. Duke Frederick grew furious when he came to
know about young Orlando, the young wrestler’s parentage. His displeasure with Orlando extended
towards his niece and ordered to leave the court at once.


‘Dress in your best clothes tomorrow and invite your friends to the feast, for if you really wish to
marry Rosalind it shall be so.’

1.How did Orlando take care of his faithful servant Adam in the forest of Arden?

Adam’s valiant efforts to keep pace with his young master exhausted him. He laid down on the ground
unable to move. Orlando picked him up and propped him against a tree in the shade. He was desperate
with hunger and went in search of food. He found the old Duke and his followers ready to take their
food, threatened them not to eat. Then, the Duke invited Orlando but he brought Adam, tenderly fed
him and ate only after the old man's hunger and thirst had been satisfied.

2.Who was responsible for spoiling the forest and how? What caused him to do so?

Orlando was responsible for spoiling the forest by carving a lady’s name on the trees and attaching love
sonnets as he was deeply in love with Rosalind whom he had met at the wrestling match and was
missing her.

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