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Business Case

Disney's renowned fireworks displays are iconic, but the shift towards shows with drone lights
aligns with environmental sustainability goals, reduces operational risks, and opens new
creative opportunities. The proposal suggests an innovative strategy for The Walt Disney
Company to replace traditional fireworks displays with drone light shows. This approach aims to
enhance the overall visitor experience, increase operational efficiency, and contribute to
Disney's commitment to sustainability.
Drones offer synchronized, choreographed light displays that can create immersive and
captivating visitor experiences, surpassing the traditional fireworks format. Reducing the
reliance on pyrotechnics aligns with Disney's commitment to environmental sustainability,
minimizing air and noise pollution, and decreasing the ecological Impact. Transitioning to drone
light shows positions Disney as an industry leader in entertainment innovation, reinforcing its
brand identity as a forward-thinking and environmentally responsible company.
Introducing cutting-edge drone shows will likely attract new and repeat visitors, contributing to
increased attendance and higher spending on merchandise, food, and other park offerings.
Disney can explore partnerships for live-streaming or licensing drone shows, creating new
revenue streams beyond traditional theme park attendance.
Transitioning from fireworks to drones may initially require investment. However, the long-
term operational savings, including reduced pyrotechnic costs, maintenance, and
environmental cleanup, will outweigh the initial expenses.
Replacing fireworks with drones mitigates safety risks associated with pyrotechnics, reducing
the likelihood of accidents and potential harm to visitors or employees. A robust WFH program
provides resilience in the face of unforeseen events, such as pandemics, ensuring business
continuity and minimizing disruptions to operations.

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