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PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Déc quyén va duy nhat tai: TAI LIEU LIVESTREAM DQC QUYEN ff MUC DO 8+: BO CAU HOI TU VUNG BAM SAT SGK (BUOI 1) Danh riéng cho khéa hoc: On tap co ban, tong hep C6 Vii Thi Mai Phuong etic dang cu héi trong dé thi Question 1. When there are areas of | parts of the country. h unemployment, workers tend to to other wealthier A. exchange B. migrate C. look D. express. Question 2. When the pandemic hit the country last year, a lot of hospitals were » with doctors and nurses struggling to save sick patients. A. fulfilled B. preserved C. overloaded D. saved Question 3. A crowd of more than 40,000 to Crystal Street to see the new fountain on a Wednesday afternoon and several workshops had to close down, A. collected B. flocked C. inereased D. prevented Question 4, It is in south Texas that the destruction of the elephant’s has been the most alarming. A. habitat B. camp C. castle garden Question 5. The conditions which gave rise to the epidemic included poor anda lack of safe water sources in the region, A. division B. sanitation C. promotion D. reservation Question 6. Steve was enough to admit that others could probably do this kind of job better than he does. A. satisfactory B. loyal C. excited D. humble Question 7. Shortages of food and poor transportation mean that the stores are not able to their shelves as often as they would like to, A. choose B. recycle C. replenish D. rise Question 8. Kelly Road, is a wonderful place for travelers, offering and distinctive restaurants, hotels, and activities. A. unique C. tedious D. gloomy Question 9, There isa that banks buy at the top of the market and sell at the bottom. A. identity B. generation C. attitude D. custom Question 10, Helping people out of poverty involves ensuring they have the right skills to compete in the labor market, as well as dealing with A. reputation B. unemployment C. encouragement D. agreement Question 11. The two government will work together on solutions for environmental problems based on principles of environmentally development. A. sustainable B. strict CC. carefull D. determined Question 12, Tony, who was a tall man with a pleasantly look, has spent most of his time going on adventures. A. well-established long-lasting C. interest-free D. weather-beaten Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cita chinh cdc em. TUYET 861 KHONG chia sé tai liu DOC QUYEN nay cho nguai khdc! PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Déc quyén va duy nhat tai: Question 13. Emperor Kanmu is said to have constructed a hall to promote spirit and encourage warriors. A. natural B. sociable C. marti . friendly Question 14, People’s toward US foreign policy has become increasingly critical over the last ten years. A. attitude B. choice C. advantage D. preference Question 15. Eric tried to give up smoking several times before he realized that he was A. overwhelmed B. exhausted C. confused D. addicted Question 16. I hardly think that jeans are appropriate for a special occasion like that. A. attire B. expression C. equipment D. reference Question 17. Each of the three boats was then treated with a special liquid to remove mold and A. cure B. mildew C. disease D. epidemic Question 18. Thanks to a large gift from a(n) donor, the charity was able to continue its works. A. massive B. expensive C. anonymous D, official Question 19. It is a(n) network that allows people, especially music artists, to reach out to millions of others. A. productive B. social C. interesting D. effective Question 20. Christian always hopes to influence thousands of children and young people to healthy lifestyle. A. contribute B. express C. expand D. adopt Question 21. Freeing your mind from the constant ___ of what you are dealing with will enable you to ‘come to a solution that you wouldn’t have. A. display B. show C. mindset D. voice Question 22. Captain Benzema praised his men’s courage and in dealing with a very dangerous situation, A. experiment B. perseverance C. truth D. explanation Question 23. Last night Bob suddenly disappeared into the house and a few seconds later carrying a suitcase. A. emerged B. failed C. chose D. explained Question 24. Ho Chi Minh City is a(n) populated area, with thousands of new arrivals to study and work every year. A. effectively B. narrowly C. popularly D. densely Question 25. As coal continues to , scientists and researchers have found ways to hamess renewable sources of energy to provide electricity to people all over the world. A. break B. solve C. deplete D. pollute Question 26. Despite living in different states, the two families have a close friendship. A. decreased B. maintained C. minimized D. wavered Question 27. Kelly teaches the students to have respect for different races and appreciate the of other cultures. A. diversity B. comparison C. opportunity D. expectation Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cita chinh cdc em. TUYET 861 KHONG chia sé tai liu DOC QUYEN nay cho nguai khdc! PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Déc quyén va duy nhat tai: Question 28. James will work in partnership with a range of organizations to help eliminate against disabled people. A. experience B. employment C. possibility Question 29, When Maria was a little girl, she lived with her 8-year-old sister in a outside New York. A. road B. slum C. crowd D. campaign Question 30. Workers all over the country went on strike to show their with the miners. ‘A. management B. society C. solidarity D. arrangement Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cita chinh cdc em. TUYET 861 KHONG chia sé tai liu DOC QUYEN nay cho nguai khdc! PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Déc quyén va duy nhat tai: BANG TU VUNG STT Tir vung Tir loai Phign am Nghia 1 exchange v Jiks'tfemd3/ trao doi 2 | migrate v Amar grett/ dicu 3__| fulfil v fol fill dap ing 4 | preserve v Ipr'73:v) git gin 5 | overload v /,90.v9' loud? Jam cho qua tai 6 | flock v ftok/ 5 x6 161 7__| habitat a Theeb..teet! ‘moi trudng song 8 _| division a Jar sur phan chia 9 | sanitation a [.seen.r terfon/ vé sinh 10 _| promotion a ipra'mao fon! sur thie day, quing ba 11__[ reservation a 7,107.0" vet,fonl surbio ton 12__| satisfactory adj / seetas fiek.tor.i/ théa man 13__| humble adj Tham.bal khiém ton) 14__| recycle v [ris sar kall tai ché 15 _| replenish v b6 sung 16 | unique adj dic dao 17__ | tedious adj ham chan 18 _ | gloomy adj im dam 19 _ | identity a Jat danh tinh, ban sic 20 | attitude a Faetatfud thai d6 21 | custom a T'kas.tom/ phong tye, thong I 22__| reputation n [rep je'tet fon! danh tiéng 23 | unemployment n /,'ploi.mont/ nan that ngl 24 | agreement a Ja'gri.mant/ su dong tinh 25 _| encouragement a ‘in’ sy khuyén khich 26 | sustainable adj /sa'sterna.bal/ ben ving 27_| strict adj strikt/ khat khe 28 | careful adj T'keo.fal/ ean than 29 | determined adj Jar'ta:.mind/ quyét tim 30__| well-established adj [wel rstacb Ly 6 vi thé ving chic, tir lau roi 31 |Tong-lasting adj [log la:.stuny Tau dai 32_| interest-fee adj T'in.trast fri:/ khong Iai suat 33__| weather-beaten adj Fweda, bitoni dai dau suong gid 34__| sociable adj ['sa0,fa.bal/ hoa don; 35__| martial adj Tma:,fal/ thude vé vo thud 36 _| preference a ['prefiar.ans/ swyéu thich hon, thj higu 37 | advantage n Jad’ va:n.tid3/ loi thé 38 | overwhelmed adj /,'welmd/ choang nggp 39 | exhausted adj fig z9..stid! kigt site 40 | confused adj kon’ fju:zd/ b6i roi Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cila chinh cdc em. TUYET 861 KHONG chia sé tai liu OC QUYEN nay cho nguai khac! PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Déc quyén va duy nhat tai: 41__ | addicted adj Ta dik.tid nghign 42 | attire a 7a'tararl trang phue 43 | equipment n ‘A’ kwip.mant/ thiét bi 44 | reference n Frefar.ans/ su dé cap, quy chiéu 45 | cure n Ikjvor/ sur chita tri 46 | mildew n Tmil.dgu:/ nam moc 47__| disease n iar'zi:z! bénh 48 | epidemic n Tepa’ dich bénh. 49 __| massive adj 586 50__| expensive adj Tik’spen.siv! dat a6 5i__| anonymous adj Jo'npn.t.mas! vo danh 52_| official adj ie fifall chin thite 53_| productive adj Ipra' nnling suat cao 34 __| effective adj Iv fek.tiw/ higu qua 55 _| contribute v Ikan’ trib just] ding 26p 56 _| express v ‘ik’ spres thé hién 57__| expand v ‘ik spaend/ mo rong 58 | adopt v Ja’ dopt! 4p dung, nhan nudi 59__| display n Jar splev/ sur biéu hign, man hinh 60 | mindset a Fmaind set tuduy Gi_| experiment a ‘ik sper.1.mant/ thi nghigm 62_| perseverance a vie.rans/ tinh kign tri, bén bi 63__| explanation n /,ek.spla'nerfan/ Ty do 64 | emerge v ivma.dg/ xuat hign 65 | narrow adj! hep 66 | popular adj T'pop.ja.lar/ pho bin 67__| dense adj idens/ diy dic 68 | deplete v fdr plist! can kigt 69 __| break v Toreik/ vo 70 | solve v isvlv/ gia quyét Ti__| pollute v Ipa'lust! Tam 6 nhigm 72__| maintain v /memn'tein/ duy ti 73___ [minimize v Tmmuna.marz/ gia thigu 74__ [waver v Twervar! do dyr 75__| diversity n Haar va: sa.ti/ sueda dang 76 | comparison a Tkom’ per.i.san/ sy so sanh 77__ | opportunity a Twp.’ 78 | expectation a 7,ek.spek’ ter fan! sw ky vong 79 _| experience n ‘Ak’ spro.ri.ons/ kinh nghiém 80 | employment n ‘am’ plot.mant/ vige lam 81__| possibility n /.pos.a'bil.a.ti/ kha ning 82__| discrimination n fdi,skrim.r'nerfon’ _ | sy phan bigt doi xir Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cila chinh cdc em. TUYET 861 KHONG chia sé tai liu OC QUYEN nay cho nguai khac! PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Déc quyén va duy nhat tai: 83 | road a Trovd duong 84 | slum a islam/ Khu 6 chudt 85 | crowd n Tkraod! dim dong 86 | campaign n Tkeem pein’ chign dich 87 | management n Fmeen.idg.mant! sue quan It 88 _| solidarity n [solr deer.a.ti/ tinh doan két 89 | arrangement n Ja'reindg.mant/ su sip xép BANG CAU TRUC STT Cau trie Nghia 1 | promote martial spirit thiic day tinh than thugng vo 2__| flock to somewhere 6 x6 t6i dau 3_| beable to do something cé kha nang Lim gi 4 _| there is a custom that + clause c6 mot théng Ié rang 5 _| be based on something dya trén ci gi 6 _| free something from something gidi phOng cai gi khdi cai gi 7_| have respect for something 16n trong, tran trong edi gi 8 aan Semana against xéa bo su phan biét d6i xir véi ai/cdi gi 9 | goon strike dinh céng Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cila chinh cdc em. TUYET 861 KHONG chia sé tai liu OC QUYEN nay cho nguai khac!

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