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Definition, Characteristics, Examples


• An algorithm is a finite step-by-step procedure

for solving a particular problem

• It is a finite sequence of steps which when

followed will give desired result
The following are the features or characteristics of an algorithm

• Finiteness : An algorithm terminates after a fixed number of


• Definiteness : Each step of the algorithm is precisely defined.

It should be clear and unambiguous

• Effectiveness : All the operations used in the algorithm can be

performed exactly in a fixed duration of time.
Every step should be basic and essential

• Input : An algorithm may have 0 or more inputs

• Output : An algorithm must have one or more outputs

Write an algorithm to find the sum of two numbers

Step 1: Read two numbers n1 and n2

Step 2: Add n1 and n2 and store the result in
Step 3: write sum
Step 4: Stop

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