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Sure, here is a simple night time routine that you can try:

Start by washing your face and brushing your teeth to remove any makeup or bacteria
from your skin and mouth.
Take a few minutes to unwind and relax by doing some deep breathing or meditation.
This can help to clear your mind and prepare your body for sleep.
If you like, you can also do some gentle stretches or yoga poses to release tension
from your muscles and help you relax.
Once you're feeling relaxed and ready for bed, turn off any electronic devices and
dim the lights to signal to your body that it's time to sleep.
As you get into bed, focus on the present moment and try to let go of any worries
or stress from the day.
Take some slow, deep breaths and try to clear your mind. If you have trouble
falling asleep, try listening to some calming music or a guided meditation to help
you drift off.

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