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Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana FR-08-03 / RO

Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana

Naskah Ujian

 UTS UAS  Susulan UTS / UAS Ganjil/ Genap 2022 / 2023

Program Studi : Sastra Inggris NIM :71202

Kode - Mata Kuliah : EN1WP004-Introduction to Literature
: 2391-Tan Michael Chandra, S.S., M.Hum. Nama
NID - Nama Dosen Mahasiswa :Hizkia
Jethro Christian
Hari / Tanggal : Rabu 9 November 2022
Waktu Ujian : 13:30 - 15:30 Tanda Tangan :
Sifat Ujian : Take Home Paper
Lembar Jawaban : Ya / tidak
Kalkulator : Ya / tidak
Naskah ujian dikumpulkan bersama kertas jawaban ujian !
Perhatian : 1. Taatilah segala peraturan ujian yang telah ditetapkan
2. Pelanggaran terhadap peraturan ujian dikenakan Sanksi Akademik

Answer the questions below according to your knowledge and using your own words. Be analytical and
mindful of the grammar and word choice, typos and untidy document will cost you a mark. Plagiarism
will not be tolerated at any cost.
1. Explain why Beowulf is considered as one of the greatest literary works in the Old English era!
(10 points)
: because in Beowulf era made a history and culture in old era
2. Similar with question number one, why Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales is considered
greatest literary works in Middle English era? Explain your answer thoroughly! (10 Points)
: in that era there was a change in literature and language
3. Renaissance and Reformation era has two sides: The Renaissance and The Reformation,
explain why it is so and discuss what each terms means! (15 points)
: Reformation: a change that occurs to improve the structure in terms of political, religion in the society
of a country
Renaissance: a period of great change in Europe that occurred after the middle age era
The different reformation is more focus to changes in religion and politics and renaissance is focus on
structures in civilization
4. William Shakespeare is considered the greatest writer in the Renaissance era, explain what
makes him different with other authors in his era and give one example of his work that we
haven’t discuss in class! (15 points)
: he has his own way to make the readers fell touched and carried away by his work and his writing
have sense value of human life, he also has a very broad insight into feelings, motives,characters,etc
example his work “ venus and adonis”
5. Are British Romantic movement and American Transcendentalism the same? Or different?
Discuss the similarity and/or the differences! (10 points)
: in romantic does not really explain about god, but in transcendentalism explain that god is in
6. Choose one work by Victorian author that is considered famous at its time and give reasons of
its fame! (10 Points)
: Charles dickens. Because he is the best author in Victorian era
7. Who is Edgar Alan Poe? What kind of story he wrote? Discuss on why he becomes household
name in American Gothic Literature. (15 points)
: Edgar Alan poe is an American writer, editor, and literacy critic
8. What era of literature that you like and why? Give one example of the literary work that you
like most from that era and explain why you like it. (15 points)
: old literature, one of the example is BEOWULF, why I like this story because it’s the famous literature
of this time the meaning of history for the first time and there is religious philosophy in it

Type your answer and submit it via UVC in word document format using Calibri 11 font and 1,5 Space,
Justified. Name your file with Student Number_Name_MidIntro

Submit it to UVC before Friday 11 November 2022 at 15.00. System will be auto-locked if you submit
after 15.01 and your submission will be considered late. Late submission will not be entertained.
Good luck for your Mid-Test.

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