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Generous folks activies Timothy Truthful is going to announce his candidacy for Azerbaijan
Presidential Election Next Year in October 2020 at Baku Crystal Hall.
People of Azerbaijan deserve for new better future with Timothy Truthful lead this country
into higher prospency of prosperity.

A Reputable Nationalist, Timothy Truthful, is going to give a comprehensive strategy to

decrease level of unemployment in this country by creating more jobs in any sectors,
especially for the middle-low class. Taxes Rates will be cut into the lowest, with the result
that people could optimizing their expenses to help maintain economic growth. For the sake
of justice and prospensity in force to fight corruption, Timothy Truthful, promises to
eradicate corruption in any segment of beuraucracy and also private sectors.

Timothy Truthful is promising to serve the people for better human capital by providing free
health care and free access education for the public. It allows next generations of
Azerbaijans to compete with any other people in the world and also preparing for the new
globalization 5.0

In order to create sustainable place for living, Timothy Truthful will fight in fixing
environmental problem such like dump crisis by using zero waste equipment in many aspect
of living and also cut the emission carbon to contribute decreasing level of global warming.

Once again, Timothy Truthful, The Man with Honesty, will not forget his promises. “Let’s
Make Azerbaijan Wealthier Again”.

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