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Sonya Baker, a soprano who sang in Carnegie Hall, crossed paths with Michael Fazio, a
tollbooth collector, at Exit 19 of the New York State Thruway. Their initial encounter led
to three months of brief conversations during toll transactions, where they discovered
shared interests. However, their connection was disrupted when Michael changed his
working hours. Eventually, Michael placed a traffic cone in front of his lane as a signal,
reigniting their romance. They went on dates to watch movies, attend an opera, and
enjoy a Yankees game. They are now married and residing in Kentucky, with Sonya as a
voice and music professor and Michael running an activity center at a nursing home.
Their story is a testament to the unpredictability of love and the importance of seizing


I was a frequent commuter from my suburban home to New York City. One day, I
stopped at the tollbooth where Michael Fazio was working at Exit 19 of the New York
State Thruway. I found him cute and struck up conversations during toll transactions for
the next three months. We shared tidbits about our lives, like my love for Puccini and
Verdi and his passion for the New York Yankees. However, our conversations abruptly
ended when Michael switched to night shifts. We didn't see each other for six months
until he returned to the day shift and placed a traffic cone in front of his lane as a signal.
I was thrilled to see it and our romance reignited. Despite the challenges of crossing
lanes to get to his exit, we finally connected again. Our first date was watching the
movie Cool Runnings, followed by an opera and a Yankees game. Now, we are happily
married and living in Kentucky, where I am a voice and music professor, and Michael
runs an activity center at a nursing home. It's amazing how our paths crossed and how
fortunate I was to give him my number just in time. If I hadn't moved to New Jersey
shortly after, we might have never seen each other again.

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