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You are part of a market research team that is responsible for presenting research on one of the
following scenarios. You are seeking to present your analysis and any possible recommendations
based on your research.

 Scenario 1: You are marketing analysts for a consumer-focused company (pick any – i.e. Nike,
Kellogg’s, Nissan, etc.). Your company is looking to launch a new product (use an existing product
but you can pretend it hasn’t been launched yet) but wants to do some market research first. Your
analysis needs to look at the target market, current market behaviour (is the new product keeping
up with the trends?), what your competitors are doing, and so forth. Each group must choose a
different company. You are presenting results to your Marketing Director. The product must be
approved by the professor.

 Scenario 2: Your analytics team works for Toronto-based Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, a
Canadian-based, international luxury hotel chain. The company is looking to expand to a new
market (pick one), but wants to analyze whether or not this would be a logical and profitable
venture. Present your market analysis and recommendation to the Four Seasons. You will present
this to the leadership team of the Four Seasons.

 Scenario 3: You are a team of three or four marketing analysts that works for a not-for-profit (you
may select one that is based in the GTA) and management is looking for new fundraising
opportunities. As part of your analysis, you need to see how you can further raise funds from
current donors, what your competitors are doing and how you can expand your list of current
donors (what market segment remains untapped?). You will present this research to the
leadership team of the organization. Each group must present for a different not-for profit
organization and have it approved by the professor.

 Scenario 4: Make up your own marketing research scenario on a topic or company you are
interested in. Scenarios must be emailed to your instructor no later than November 29 th (during
class) for approval.

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