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Technology, The New Age Disease

Technology has reached to every house. This might seem

cheerful at first but the more we the more we are dependent on
it, the more dangerous it gets. There are several reason as why
we should be worried. First, children are more prone to the
negative impacts of technology since that mobile phones are so
handy and easy to use nowadays. It is consuming their time so
Second, apps like TikTok and YouTube are not good for
children and teenagers in terms of content as a lot of violence
and adult material are being displayed in front of their eyes
every second. This can damage them mentally and morally.
All in all, technology these days has more cons than pros as it’s
so easy for a child to just sit and relax wasting his time so
joyfully watching some videos that might not be good for him.
Done by : Hala Dahrouj

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