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Problem set 3

1. Consider a manager who hires labor and capital to produce output. Production
technology is strictly convex (this means, that labor and capital are to some extent
substitutable). Wage rate is 120 CZK/hour and the rental price is 100 CZK/hour. Marginal
product of labor and capital are MPL = MPK = 1. Is the given combination of labor and
capital cost-minimizing? Explain. If the combination does not minimize the cost, what
should the manager do? Should she hire more or less labor? More or less capital?

2. Consider a manager who hires labor and capital to produce output. Production
technology is strictly convex (this means, that labor and capital are to some extent
substitutable). Wage rate is 200 CZK/hour and the rental price is 100 CZK/hour. Planned
total cost is 800,000 CZK.
a) What is the maximum amount of capital that the manager can hire with given cost? What
is the maximum amount of capital that the manager can hire?
b) Can it ever be optimal to hire more labor than capital given that a unit of labor is
more expensive than a unit of capital? Explain.

3. Fill in the blanks in the following table. Assume that w = 250, r = 200, and P = 40. Find Q
and L for which the profit is maximal.


20 0 0
20 1 50
20 2 150
20 3 300
20 4 400
20 5 450
20 6 475
20 7 475
20 8 450
20 9 400
20 10 300
20 11 150

4. Assume that the short-run technology of the firm Alfa can be described with the
following production function: Q = 72L + 15L2 - 2 L3.
a) Calculate the marginal product of labor and the average product of labor.
b) Show that marginal product of labor is equal to the average product of labor at the
point where the average of product of labor is maximal.
5. Let LTC = 2y3 – 30y2 + 150y be a long run cost function. Determine whether there are
economies or diseconomies of scale.

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