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‫‪Third Year‬‬ ‫‪Hello English‬‬ ‫‪Booklet‬‬

‫هلل وحده‬

‫بوكلت امتحانات الصف الثالث الثانوي‬


‫صدقه جاريه عن امي وابي واختي وكل اموات المسلمبن‬

‫صدقه جاريه عن كل معلمي اللغه االنجليزيه‬
‫لقد قمت باعداد خمس امتحانات‬
‫والباقي من الكتب الخارجيه المختلفه ليحتوي علي افكار مختلفه‬
‫شكرا لالقتباس من كل الكتب تقريبا‬

‫‪1. Professional‬‬

‫‪2. Dr . Mahoud Fathy‬‬

‫‪3. Toppers‬‬

‫‪4.El Mister‬‬

‫‪5.New Trend‬‬

‫‪6.New Genius‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫‪7.‬‬ ‫‪Sun and Moon‬‬

‫مستر السباعي عطيه‬
‫‪Mr El Sebaei Atteya‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪Souvenir‬‬ ‫‪01228699122‬‬
Third Year Hello English Booklet

No. One
Choose the right answers
1- A/An ……………. newspaper is a formal one with large pages and a few photos.
a) tablet b) informative c) broadsheet d) tabloid
2.He ( said- told- asked- ordered ) me what he had bought the day before.
3. The (changes-dreams-profits-challenges ) we face are serious . We should prepare our
youth to be able to overcome them.
4-Those students ( learnt – have learnt – have been learning- learn) in this school for three
years now .
5.There was a problem in the engine , but the pilot was able to land ( save - safely - safe -
safety ) in the airport .
6. A lot of young people want working in big companies as (interns-candidates-sergeants-
7. Due to Mu Salah's achievements in football, he has become an (inspiration-graduation-
reputation-qualification) to a lot of players.
8. The children were evacuated from the school when the city ………….. .
a) has struck b) is being struk c) struck d) had been stuck.
9. The thief is said to ( escape- had escaped- have escaped-be escaped) from the prison
through a tunnel last week.
10. Parents should (cure-treat-operate -impress) their children equally to love each other.
11. I feel ashamed that I brought to you so much trouble. The antonym of “ashamed” is …… . a)
proud b) abashed c) embarrassed d) regretful
12. We ………… Cairo Tower next week. This is our plan.
a) are going to visit b) will visit c) have visited d) visit
13.In October War 73, Egypt was able to (reinvent-invent-explore-cover) itself beat Israel
and restored Sinai.
14. I suggest he …….. a first-aid kit. It can be of great help to him.
a) buy b) buys c) buying d) would buy .
15. I 've written my first story and I look for a company to ( publish- spread-punish-share) it .
16.The film was very boring and (little-many-much-every) people left before the end.
17. Which of the following sentences has the correct punctuation?
a. My daughter loves mobile games, my son likes football
b. My daughter loves mobile games; my son likes football.
c. My daughter loves mobile games my son likes football.
d. My daughter loves mobile games: my son likes football.
18. Which sentence is structurally correct ?
a) Ali lived in Cairo for 15 years. Now he lives in Zagazig.
b) Ali has lived in Cairo for 15 years. Now he lives in Zagazig.
c) Ali has been to Cairo. He will return tomorrow.
d) Ali has gone to Cairo. He returned yesterday.
19-There are ( one- two- three-five) topics should a paragraph cover?
20. My brother was cross when his friend laughed at him.
In the previous sentence, the underlined word “ cross “ is ( an adjective - a verb - a noun - a

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Third Year Hello English Booklet
A - Read the following passage, then answer the questions: ( 8 marks )
Telepathy is one of the extraordinary powers that are related to mind reading. Telepathy is
the communication or transformation of thoughts, feelings, or knowledge from one person to
another without the use of the senses of hearing, sight, smell, taste, or touch. Telepathy is one
of three kinds of the Extra Sensory Perception (ESP)’the perception beyond the senses’; the
other two are clairvoyance: the ability to visualize or perceive remote objects and events, and
precognition: the ability to foretell future events. Most scientists doubt the existence of
telepathy and other forms of ESP because rigorous tests have failed to produce any reliable
evidence for psychic phenomena. The existence of telepathy has been a controversial topic
for a very long period of time; some people still consider it as an illusion. Yet, there are those
who believe it exists and those who doubt it. Many scientists have come up with convincing
claims that support the existence of telepathy. Moreover, there are many real examples of
existed telepathy in real life that we encounter every day. Telepathy is created under vague
conditions. It might seem like a super natural phenomenon while it’s not. However, People
don’t want to accept it socially because they think that telepathy will violate their freedom
and privacy. Telepathy doesn't contradict with science. In fact, it expands our ideas, and
proves that the human mind is not just nothing but the activity of the brain. It's a mysterious
secret that no one until now is able to undercover. Finally, we hope one day, scientists will be
able to explain such strange phenomenon.
Choose the correct answer from a. b, c or d:
21. Telepathy is a human……………………
A organ B sense C feeling D disease
22. How many ordinary senses does the one have?
A Five senses. B Three senses. C Eight senses. D Two senses.
23. Which sense enables the one to know events before they happen?
A Sight B Smelling C Telepathy D Precognition
24. The underlined pronoun 'it' refers to………………..
A telepathy B knowledge C ESP D clairvoyance
25. Why do people refuse telepathy?
A Because they consider it fake. B Because it violates their privacy.
C Because they do not benefit from it. D Because they think it is real.
26. Telepathy………………….with science.
A goes B contradicts C opposes D disagrees
27. What are the three kinds of the extra sensory perception?
A Hearing, ouch and smelling.
B telepathy, tasting and seeing.
C precognition, seeing and telepathy.
D telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition.
28. The word 'privacy' means…………………….
A being able to be alone and not seen or heard by other people.
B being able to read the others' thoughts.
C being people to sleep alone. D being able to keep the others' secrets.
-. Read the following passage, then answer the questions: ( 8 marks )
Nowadays, a lot of people are using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instgram and so
on. Since the Internet has propagated rapidly, social media have progressed a lot. People are
almost using smart phones, I-phones or comfortable devices which can access to internet. It
helps contact friends, family, and other people even though they live far away. It could be,
however, abused, if 332 you don’t use properly. People can get mental and physical disorders
easily through using social media. People might bet think social media is not matter with the
disorders. They argued the social media is good for mental diseases because social media
help express their feelings or thought easily. Also, through social media, they can be
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Third Year Hello English Booklet
connected each other more. However, social media just offer limited meeting. They just meet
on websites, not physical meeting. Using social media disturbs make deep relationship with
others. When they are using social media they do not need to move a lot. We do not need to
active a lot. As a result, it leads naturally mental and physical disorders. Social media also
doesn’t help for their studies or talents. I did surveys about relationships between using
social media and studying last semester. Most students answered using social media is not
helpful to study. Also, students who got good grades spend just a little time to use social
media. Using social media steals your time to what really want to do easily. If you do not pay
attention, your time is gone very fast, and it cannot be returned.
Choose the correct answer from a. b, c or d:
29-Modern technology helped people to use social medial………….……
A more B less C limited D rarely
30. Using social medial is ………for students.
A beneficial B useful C important D useless
31. The word propagated means…………………
A developed B hurried C provided D spread
32. Social media help people……………………..
A study their lessons. B practice their favourite hobbies. C express their
feelings easily. D eat well.
33. The meeting on social media are………………..
A physical B mental C virtual D imaginative
34. What kind of diseases can using social media treat?
A mental diseases B physical diseases
C incurable diseases D simple diseases.
35. The underlined word 'physical' means……………………
A relating with physics. B relating to the mind
C relating to the body. D relating to psyche.
36. How can social media make people lazy?
A People are so active on using social media.
B People needn't move on using social media.
C People can phone their friends and relatives.
D People needn't eat on using social media.
-Choose the best translation:
37.‫و لذلك يجب االعتناء بها و الحفاظ عليها‬.‫ال تزال أثارنا القديمة من أهم العوامل التي تجذب السائحين‬

a) Our ancient monuments are still one of the main factors which attract tourists so we should
take care of them and protect them.
b) Our ancient monuments are still one of the main factors which attract tourists so we should
take to and protect them.
c) Our ancient mountains are still one of the main factors which attract tourists so we should
take care of them and protect them.
d) Our ancient monuments are still one of the main factories which attract tourists so we
should take care of them and protect them.
Choose the best English Translation
‫ إنهم يحددون طرًقا‬.‫ تؤيد العديد من البلدان اآلن وجهة النظر القائلة بضرورة اتخاذ إجراءات فورية‬.‫الغذاء هو قضية يتم التعامل معها‬38 .
.‫ حتى ال يجوع أحد‬، ‫لتصدير البضائع إلى المحتاجين‬
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Third Year Hello English Booklet
A- Food is also an issue to be dealt with. Many countries now share the view that immediate
action is needed. They determine ways to import goods to those in need, so that no one
will go hungry.
B- Food is an issue to be dealt with. Many countries now share the view that immediate
action is needed. They determine ways to export goods to those in need, so that no one
will go thirsty.
C- Food is an issue to be dealt with. Many countries now share the view that immediate
action is needed. They determine ways to export goods to those in need, so that no one
will go hungry.
D- Food is also an issue to be dealt with. Many countries now share the view that immediate
action is needed. They determine ways to import goods to those in need, so that no one
will go hungry.
Choose the best Arabic Translation
39. Overpopulation is a big problem in the world today. Too many people are crammed
into cities and towns around the globe. Earth’s population is over 7 billion people. This
number is growing every day.

‫ يبلغ عدد سكان‬.‫ يتكدس عدد قليل جًد ا من األشخاص في المدن والبلدات حول العالم‬.‫ الزيادة السكانية مشكلة كبيرة في العالم اليوم‬A-
.‫ هذا الرقم يتزايد كل يوم‬.‫ مليارات نسمة‬7 ‫األرض أكثر من‬
‫ يبلغ عدد سكان‬.‫ يتكدس عدد كبير جًد ا من األشخاص في المدن والبلدات حول العالم‬.‫ الزيادة السكانية مشكلة كبيرة في العالم اليوم‬B-
.‫ هذا الرقم يتزايد كل يوم‬.‫ مليون نسمة‬7 ‫األرض أكثر من‬
‫ يبلغ عدد سكان‬.‫ يتكدس عدد كبير جًد ا من األشخاص في المدن والبلدات حول العالم‬.‫ الزيادة السكانية مشكلة كبيرة في العالم اليوم‬C-
.‫ هذا الرقم يتزايد كل يوم‬.‫ مليارات نسمة‬7 ‫األرض أكثر من‬
‫ يبلغ عدد سكان‬.‫ يتكدس عدد كبير جًد ا من األشخاص في المدن والبلدات حول العالم‬.‫ الزيادة السكانية مشكلة كبيرة في العالم اليوم‬D-
.‫ هذا الرقم يتزايد كل يوم‬.‫ مليارات نسمة‬7 ‫الكوكب أكثر من‬

40-Choose the best translation:

It can be useful to do more than one job in your career because you can have new experiences
and learn new things.
.‫قد يكون من المفيد القيام بأكثر من وظيفة في حياتك العلمية ألنه يمكنك الحصول على خبرات جديدة وتعلم أشياء جديدة‬- 1
.‫ قد يكون من المفيد القيام بأكثر من وظيفة في حياتك العملية ألنه يمكنك الحصول على خبرات جديدة وتعلم أشياء جديدة‬- 2
.‫ قد يكون من المفيد القيام بأكثر من وظيفة في حياتك المهنية ألنه يمكنك الحصول على خبرات جديدة وتعلم أشياء جديدة‬- 3
.‫قد يكون من المفيد القيام بأكثر من وظيفة في حياتك المهنية ألنه يمكنك الحصول على خبرة جديدة وتعلم أشياء جديدة‬- 4

No. Two
1. He is expected to get a …………. soon for his hard work.
a) mentality b) improvement c) bahaviour d) promotion
2. The teacher …………. angrily at the noisy class.
a) altered b) frowned c) stressed d) promoted
3. Ali ( has owned – had owned – has been owning – will own ) this car for more than 5 years.
4. ………………. his car fixed, he started its engine and drove it away.
a) Having been b) Having had c) Being had d) Have got
5. The class remained …………. when the teacher asked a difficult question.
a) suited b) personal c) declined d) mute
6. The (candidates-employees- employers -managers) for the jobs should have the skills and
qualifications required for them.

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7- The criminal …………. as soon as he heard the police car.
a) looked after b) evacuated c) cleared off d) cried
8-This is a ( full time- apart time- part time- all time ) job and the hours are 8:00 am to 6: 00
pm for five days a week.
9. My mobile ( was disappeared- had been disappeared-had disappeared- has disappeared )in
the class before the teacher left the class, I asked for his help.
10 . Not being sure of the word, he …………. in the dictionary.
a) looked up it b) looked it up c) put it down d) put down it .
11. They got me ………. a form they didn’t say what it was for.
a) sign b) signed c) to signing d) to sign .
12- Using chemical fertilizers has made the Egyptian soil is of poor (quality-quantity-amount-
13. The government should support the (healthy-active-idle-disabled) children. They should
facilitate their lives and build special hospitals and schools.
14. Businessmen should follow the banking (routines-punishment-tellers-procedures) to get
the loans to support their projects.
15-We did the best thing. No one …………… better than we did.
a) can be doing b) could do c) should have done d) could have done
16- Yumna got ( a lot- a few-many- much )help from her grandmother last year when she was
having a tough time.
17– Which of the following is a good topic sentence for an essay about (The History of Paper)?
a) Among those who used paper were the ancient Phoenicians, and they used to make it from
dry plants and grass.
b) The paper that we see today is not the spur of the moment, but it passed through different
stages through the ages until it took its current form.
c) The ancient Egyptians invented paper, and you find this inscribed on the walls of their
ancient temples.
d) Paper does not exist in the current era, as it is a myth that has been passed down for
generations, and has been believed only by the narrow-minded.
18– Which of the following is a correct sentence?
a) Many of these ideas have neglected by modern historians.
b) Many of these ideas has been neglected by modern historians.
c) Many of these ideas have been neglected by modern historians.
d) Many of these ideas have been neglecting by modern historians.
19- Which of the following is a correct sentence?
a) Don’t call me unless its a real emergency.
b) Don’t call me unless it’s a real emergency.
c) Don’t call me but for it’s a real emergency.
d) Don’t call me in case of it’s a real emergency.
20. The topic sentence in the main paragraph aims to introduce its …………… idea.
a) minor b) mean c) concluding d) basic
Read the following passage, then answer the questions :
In the world of today we have things for which our past generations longed to gain or
have, but in vain. We have sources of heat and energy to protect us from cold. We know how
earth now brings forth different types of harvest completely unknown. There are many ways
Mr El Sebaei Atteya 6 Souvenir 01228699122
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of transport. We have made machines by which we fly through the air and see the whole
However, there remains a problem which still frightens man and threatens his security.
This problem is war. Everyone should make great efforts to stop war. Otherwise, new
discoveries will turn to weapons of destruction and new inventions that became a must to our
civilization, will not be found. But our civilization must be preserved and many human
discoveries must be used to bring happiness to mankind. We must live in peace with our
fellow-men and justice must be established so that peace may prevail.
Choose the correct answers from a, b, d or d :
21- We have new things which our forefathers ……………
a) wished to have b) tried not to have
c) enjoyed having d) always had
22- Man has been able to see and hear what is happening in the whole since ……………
a) very early times
b) the beginning of modern civilization
c) ancient times
d) he invented the machines which enabled him to do so
23- Man can fly through the air ……………
a) with the help of any machine b) with the help of flying machines
c) without the help of machines d) by using modern weapons
24- Recording our thoughts and inventions has ……………
a) recently been known to man b) always been known to people
c) never been known to people d) been known since early times
25- Earth brings forth harvests that ……………
a) were previously known b) are to be known in future
c) were completely unknown d) cause harm to humans
26- The problem which still frightens man is ……………
a) peace b) modern technology c) war d) inventions
27- The word “longed” in the passage line one means ……………
a) hate b) loathe c) hope d) despise
28- The antonym of “justice” in the passage in the last line is ……………
a) fairness b) oppression c) equity d) equality
- :Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d
Archaeologists working at the ancient site of Thonis-Heracleion have made a
remarkable new discovery. They have found baskets filled with fruit dating back to the
fourth century BCE! Before the city disappeared under the sea in the second century BCE,
hundreds of ships had been visiting Thonis- Heracleion every day and it was Egypt’s largest

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port on the Mediterranean. The city had been forgotten until it was explored by a French
archaeologist, Franck Goddio, in the year 2000 CE.
Although archaeologists had raised many large statues and metal objects from the sea
at Thonis-Heracleion before this, Goddio said that he thought the discovery of the basket
was incredible. This is because fruit does not usually last for very long at all. However,
although metal and stone statues are more valuable, everyday objects such as a fruit basket
can often teach archaeologists a lot more about people in history. For example, historians
learned what the Romans ate after finding bread dating back to 79 AD, when the volcano
Vesuvius erupted and covered the town of Herculaneum in rocks and ash. Similarly,
archaeologists learnt what people ate in Britain in around 2000 BCE after finding a spoon
that had been buried with food on it.
The basket at Thonis-Heracleion was filled with grape seeds and the fruit of a doum
palm tree. They probably survived because they had been kept in an underground room.
In the next ten years, a lot more of Thonis- Heracleion will have been discovered. In
fact, Goddio claimed that only 3% of thesite had been explored so far. Consequently,
achaeologists will probably be finding many more inspiring objects in the future.
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
29.From the text, find the expression that means ‘make it possible for someone’.
A. opened doors for
B. pursue her dream
C. overcome the difficulties
D. continue to encourage
30.What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Thonis-Heracleion was explored in the year 2000 CE.
B. An exciting discovery in Egypt.
C. Important ports on the Mediterranean.
D. 97% of the site of Thonis-Heracleion could be explored.
31.The underlined word “erupted” in the second paragraph is similar in meaning to ……….. .
A. exploded
B. blew
C. broke down
D. appeared
32.Thonis-Heracleion ……….. .
A. was a name of a famous archaeologist
B. is a modern Egyptian city
C. was an ancient Egyptian port city
D. was a French archaeologist
33.The baskets discovered in site of Thonis-Heracleion were filled with fruit dating back to
……….. .
A the year 2000 CE
B 79 AD
C the third century BCE
D the fourth century BCE
34.Historians learned what the Romans ate due to finding ……….. dating back to 79 AD.
A a spoon
B grape seeds
C baskets of fruit
D bread
35.According to the article, which of the following is incorrect?
A Achaeologists are likely to find many more inspiring objects in the future.
B There was bread in the basket at Thonis- Heracleion.
C Achaeologists could learn from everyday objects more than metal objects and statues.

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D Archaeologists lifted many large statues and metal objects from the sea at Thonis-
36.The underlined word this in the second paragraph refers to….. .
A the astonishing discovery of the basket of fruit.
B the remains inside the site.
C the site of Thonis-Heracleion.
D an expensive metal.

Choose the best Arabic Translation

37.You should be ambitious. You must always have some targets and a role model to motivate
you to do your best to accomplish all your dreams in life..
‫ يجب أن يكون لديك دائًم ا أهداف ومثال يحتذى به لتحفيزك على بذل قصارى جهدك لتحقيق كل أحالمك في‬.‫) يجب أن تكون طموحًا‬A(
‫ يجب أن يكون لديك دائًم ا أهداف ومثال يحتذى به لتحفيزك على بذل قصارى جهدك لتحقيق كل أحالمك في‬.‫) يجب أن تكون ناجحا‬B(
‫ يجب أن يكون لديك دائًم ا أهداف ومثال يحتذى به لتعجيلك على بذل قصارى جهدك لتحقيق كل أحالمك في‬. ‫) يجب أن تكون طموح‬C(
‫ يجب أن يكون لديك دائًم ا أهداف ومثال يحتذى به لتعجيزك على بذل قصارى جهدك لتحقيق كل أحالمك في‬. ‫) يجب أن تكون طموح‬D(
Teaching can be challenging at times, but as long as you really care about your students .38
.and really want help them, it can also be very rewarding
.‫ فقد يكون أيًض ا مجزًي ا للغاية‬، ‫ ولكن طالما أنك تهتم حًقا بطالبك وتريد حًقا مساعدتهم‬، ‫ التدريس يكون صعًب ا في بعض األحيان‬-a
.‫ فقد يكون أيًض ا مجزًي ا للغاية‬، ‫ ولكن اذا لم تهتم حًقا بطالبك وتريد حًقا مساعدتهم‬، ‫ قد يكون التدريس صعًب ا في بعض األحيان‬-b
.‫ فقد يكون أيًض ا مجزًي ا للغاية‬، ‫ ولكن طالما أنك تهتم حًقا بطالبك وتريد حًقا مساعدتهم‬، ‫ قد يكون التدريس صعًب ا في بعض األحيان‬-c
‫ فقد يكون أيًض ا مجزًي ا‬، ‫ ولكن طالما أنك تهتم في الحقيقة بطالبك وتريد حًقا مساعدتهم‬، ‫ قد يكون التدريس صعًب ا في بعض األحيان‬-d

Choose the best English Translation

..‫ وهذا بدوره يمّك ن وزارة التعليم لخلق مواطنين منتجين ومبدعين‬.‫التعليم من أهم أشكال االستثمار‬39.
(a) Education is one of the most important forms of investment. This in turn enables the
Ministry Education to create productive and creative citizens.
(b)Education is one of the most important forms of investment. This in turning enables the
Ministry Education to create productive and creative citizens
(c) Education is one of the most important forms of investment. This in turn enables the
Ministry Education to create produce and creative citizens.
(d)Education is one of the most important forms of investment. This in turn enables the
Ministry Education to create production and creative citizens.
‫ان احد اهداف الدولة هو توفير فرص عمل للخرجين الجدد وتحقيق االزدهار والرفاهية‬- .40.
1-One of the country's goals is to provide job opportunities for new graduates and to achieve
prosperity and well-being
2-One of the country's goals is to provided job opportunities for new graduates and to achieve
prosperity and welfare
3-One of the country's goals is to provide job opportunity for new graduates and to achieve
prosperity and well-being
4-One of the country's goals is to provide job opportunities to new graduated and to achieve
prosperity and welfare

No. Three – ( Modified)

Choose the correct answer:

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1. Doctors and nurses are responsible for the care and--------- of their patients.
a. well-born b. well-being c. self-harm d. self-denial
2. The manager ----------- the meeting because he was seriously ill.
a. had to postpone b. shouldn't have postponed
c. must postpone d. needn't have postponed
3. I am completely ----------- that buying this bag is a good decision.
a. agreed b. disagreed c. convinced d. forced
4. I was made --------- the composition again, as it was full of mistakes.
a. to revise b. revise c. revising d. to revising
5. He used to talk proudly about his possessions. He…. about how much money he had made.
a. complained b. told c. boasted d. beat
6. I recommend that you……... late anymore.
a. aren't late b. don't be c. not be d. not to be
7. She usually works hard; she -------------- herself in her work.
a. avoids b. immerses c. imagines d. frees
8. We will go for a trip as soon as our car---------------.
a. has repaired b. will be repaired c. has been repaired d. had repaired
9. Rami is very happy; he --------- a medal for writing poetry.
a. is winning b. won c. has won d. had won
10. The giant ship had broken down and -------- navigation in the Suez Canal for seven days.
a. allowed b. blocked c. refused d. eased
11. My brother ---------- short stories for three years before he published them.
a. will write b. had written c. had been writing d. has written
12. The ---- of the woman as a homemaker no longer exists; she now holds key positions
around the world.
a. stereo b. stereotype c. location d. site
13. A/An………. question is the one that you don’t expect to get a specific answer to.
a. amusing b. ordinary c. retelling d. rhetorical
14. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world economy ………. .
a. has greatly affected b. had been greatly affected
c. has been greatly affected d. had greatly affected
15. Hurricanes and tropical storms are different kinds of natural………. that threaten man.
a. disasters b. holidays c. celebrations d. festivals
16. After I returned home, I found that my clothes ……….. by my sister.
a. is being ironed b. was ironing c. had been ironed d. had ironed
17- What punctuation should end the following sentence?

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The teacher asked if we were ready for the test
a- Period b- Question mark c- Exclamation point d- comma
18.In a hook sentence, you need to .........................................
.A sum up your essay by briefly revisiting the information covered
.B grab the reader’s attention to read the essay
C support, explain, illustrate, or provide evidence for the idea expressed in the topic
D analyze two points of view by either comparing them, contrasting them, or both

19-Choose the correct sentence that has the same meaning of……………….
( Peter didn't arrive in time to see her)
a. Peter was so late that I can't see her. b. Peter wasn't too early to see her.
c. Peter wasn't early enough to see her. d. Peter wasn't enough early to see her
20.I like reading short stories. Moreover, I am fond of writing poetry. This shows ......
A reason B cause C addition D contrast
Read the following passage and answer the questions:
In the long course of Egyptian history, few figures have been as powerful as Akhenaten. The
period surrounding this Egyptian king’s reign was characterized by social, political and
religious violent changes. Akhenaten came to power as the pharaoh of Egypt about 3,340
years ago and ruled for nearly eighteen years. When Akhenaten became pharaoh, he still had
his birth name of Amenhotep. His formal title was Pharaoh Amenhotep IV. However, around
the fifth year of his reign as pharaoh, he changed his name to Akhenaten. This new name
represented his belief in a new religion that worshiped the sun god Aten.
He was an unusual leader. He created a lot of anger and distrust among the priests, leaders,
and common people of his land. He was not like the other rulers before him. He did not spend
his time trying to please all of the many gods of his country’s religion. He was devoted only to
a less important god known as Aten, the sun god. The symbol of this god was a sun on a round
disk without a face. Akhenaten and his wife were determined to change the religion to
worship this one god instead of the many gods. They were very determined to change the
minds of their people. The pharaoh was the top religious leader in the land.
The priests of his time felt that he was putting the nation in danger by making all of the other
gods angry. However, the determined king built a new capital city dedicated to Aten.
How Akhenaten died is a mystery. Some historians think he may have been killed by enemies
who disliked his new city and new religion. Others think he may have died of illness or some
other natural cause. After his death, the next ruler and the priests quickly returned to the old
capital city and the old religious practices. Akhenaten was the father of King Tutankhamun,
who died at a young age.
Choose the correct answer:
21. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

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A The Pharaoh and new capital B Akhenaten and his son Tut
C The Pharaoh and the god Aten D The Mysterious Death of Akhenaten
22. In paragraph 3, who would most likely be referred to as devoted?
A a friend B a believer and follower C a religion D man of religion
23. What would a determined ruler be likely to do?
A do exactly what other pharaohs did B do things his own way, regardless of criticism
C look for fights D do what is expected of him
24. According to the passage, who was related to Akhenaten?
A King Tut B priests C a Greek queen D both a and b
25. According to the passage, Akhenaten was in power for nearly ……….. .
A two years B 3,340 years C two decades D eight years
26. Akhenaten decided to change his birth name ……………
A for religious reasons B because his birth name was related to the sun god
C because he built a new capital city D for the sake of his wife
27. We can infer from the passage that the priests of Akhenaten's time worshipped ………….. A
one god B the sun good C several gods D no goods
28. It's inferred from the passage that King Tutankhamun ……... .
A worshiped his father's god B believed in the priests' gods
C destroyed his father's city D followed his father's foot steps
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
How would you feel if you spent many months without seeing your friends and family?
Would you be happy to live in a very small space, with the same people for many weeks?
These are the conditions that astronauts have to face, so scientists are looking into the best
ways to help them with their mental health problems.
In 1982, a Russian astronaut called Valentin Lebedev had been travelling in space for
seven months when he started to become more and more depressed. This was the first time
that scientists realised that mental health could be a problem for astronauts, who need to
carry out important and often dangerous tasks.
Many astronauts face problems because time is so different in space. For example, on the
International Space Station (ISS), astronauts see the sun rise and set 16 times in one day. This
makes it very hard for them to sleep. Spacecrafts also use blue light, which is the same light
we use for computers and TV screens. Blue light also stops us from wanting to sleep, which is
why you should not look at screens before you go to bed!
Until scientists have done research on more astronauts, we won’t fully understand the
effects of space travel on their mental health. However, scientists claim that mental health
problems will be more likely when astronauts start to make journeys to planets such as Mars,
which might take 18 months or more. As a result, people who want to become astronauts
need special training on how to deal with stress.
The astronauts of the future will certainly have a lot more support than they did in the
past. Already on the ISS, astronauts spend a lot of time taking exercise, relaxing, eating
healthy food and talking to their families: all good ways to stay mentally healthy!
A) Choose the correct answer from a,b,c or d:
29.The main idea in the first paragraph is ............................. .
A different mental health problems

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B space exploration
C the situations astronauts have to face in space
D the depression the Russian astronaut had
30.Due to the different time in space, ............................. .
A many astronauts have heart diseases
B a lot of astronauts face problems
C all astronauts refuse to go to space D astronauts find it easy to sleep there
31.Those who want to work as astronauts have to ............................. .
A accompany their families to avoid loneliness
B make the time of the journey to planets such as Mars less
C forget all about mental heath
D learn how to cope with stress
32.The underlined word “conditions” in the first paragraph is a synonym of ..............
A terms
B results
C causes
D circumstances
33.The underlined word “This” in the third paragraph refers to ............ .
A International Space Station
B blue light
C the different time
D the light of the moon
34.The astronauts of the future will surely have a lot more ............ than they had in the past.
A difficulties
B facilities
C time difference
D problems
35.In the future, mental health problems that astronauts could face are likely to be ...........
A fewer
B more
C less
D the same
36.People who want to become astronauts should be trained to be ………
A stressed
B calm
C powerful
D angry
Choose the best answer
37.- We have to learn how to live with other people. Every individual differs from others in
many aspects.
.‫ إن كل فرد ال يختلف عن األخٌر ين فى عدة نواحى‬.‫علٌينا أال نتعلم ٌك يف نٌع يش مع ٌغ يرنا من الناس‬1-
.‫ إن كل فرد يختلف عن األخٌر ين فى عدة نواحى‬.‫علٌينا ان نتعلم ٌك يف ال نٌع يش مع ٌغ يرنا من الجيوانات‬2-
.‫ إن كل حيوتن يختلف عن األخٌر ين فى عدة نواحى‬.‫علٌينا ان نتعلم ٌك يف نٌع يش مع ٌغ يرنا من الناس‬3-
.‫ حيث ان كل فرد يختلف عن األخٌر ين فى عدة نواحى‬.‫علٌينا ان نتعلم ٌك يف نٌع يش مع ٌغ يرنا من الناس‬4-
38. Egypt has been always called the birthplace of civilization because of its long and rich
.‫اطلق عًلي مصر دائما مهد الحضارة بسبب تاٌر خها الطٌو يل الثري‬1-

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.‫دائما ما اطلق عًلي مصر انها مهد الحضارة بفضل تاٌر يخها الطٌو يل الثري‬2-
.‫لقد اطلق دائما عًلي مصر مهد الحضارة بفضل تاٌر يخها الطٌو يل الثري‬3-
.‫دائما ما منحت مصر لقب مهد الحضارة بسبب التاٌر يخ الطٌو يل الثري‬4-
Choose the best answer
.‫تأتي األمانه فى قمه الصفاث البارزة ألخالق االنسان الفاضل‬39-
a- Honesty comes at the top of the salient characteristics of a virtuous man.
b- Honesty doesn't come at the top of the salient character of a virtuous women.
c- Honesty comes at the bottom of the poor characteristics of a virtuous man.
d- Honesty comes at the top of the salient characteristics of a young man.
‫لقد قطعت مصر شوطا ا كٍبيرا ًفي حمٌايه الطفل المصري و تنميته ورعايته‬40-
a. Egypt has made great strides in protecting the Egypt child, developed and caring for him.
b. Egypt has made great strides in protecting the Egyptian child, developing and caring for
c. Egypt has made great strides in protecting the Egyptian child, developed and caring for him.
d. Egypt has made great restrict in protecting the Egyptian child, developing and caring for
No. Four
Choose the correct answer .
1. She warmly ………. her son, who was afraid of the passing dog in the street.
a. hit b. threw c. embraced d. raced
2. I suggest that Adel …. his father about the strange man he saw in the garden of the house.
a. informs b. would inform c. inform d. informing
3. Gamal made a silly mistake ……………. his friends criticised him.
a. which b. on which c. for which d. to which
4. It’s probable that he forgot to reply to my email. This means that he ….. have forgotten to
reply to my email.
a. might b. can’t c. must d. should
5. She ……………. at home; I have just seen her in the club.
a. might be b. had to be c. must have been d. can’t be
6. Hadeer said to us, “I ………… away for a few days”.
a. going to be b. has been c. would be d. will be
7. Could you tell me why ………... school suddenly yesterday?
a. did you leave b. you left c. would you leave d. you had left
8. You aren’t ……………. to lift this heavy box; I will help you.
a.strong enough b. such strong c. too strong d. such a strong
9. We should all take ………. in our cultural heritage and glorious civilisation.

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a. care b. place c. pride d. bird
10. I hope to take a five-………. holiday to have some rest and restore my energy.
a. days’ b. day’s c. day d. days
11. Some people believe that Cairo Tower is the most important ………. in Cairo.
a. landfall b. landmark c. landfill d. land bridge
12. It is very important to ………. money for charities to help the poor.
a. raise b. rise c. arise d. arose
13. The child was ……….in horror because of the terrifying nightmare he had seen.
a. saying b. laughing c. appearing d. screaming
14. It was ………. that we both bought the same T-shirt; we hadn’t planned to do so!
a. decided b. intended c. a plan d. a coincidence
15. Mohamed tells me that he ……………. the next weekend with his friends outside Cairo.
a. had spent b. spend c. was going to spend d. is going to spend
16. I hope that Arabic will be the………. language at international festivals, so that it will
spread more and more.
a. temporary b. dominant c. rare d. uncommon
17. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?
a. I said to Eman, Don’t waste your time watching too much television, Eman".
b. I said to Eman "Don’t waste your time watching too much television, Eman".
c. I said to Eman, "Don’t waste your time watching too much television, Eman".
d. I said to Eman, "Don t waste your time watching too much television, Eman.
18- I am very happy with my doctor. He always takes the time to listen to the details of my
complaints. When I was in the hospital, he came to visit me. He always makes sure I get the
medication I need ............. ! Choose the best closing sentence for the above-mentioned
a) Seeing a doctor has become very expensive.
b) Several of my friends now go to see him, and they like him as much as I do.
c) I am very happy with my doctor.
d) I love my father.
19- Which of the following has the correct ending punctuation ending?
a) Sally will go shopping tomorrow, won’t she!
b) Sally will go shopping tomorrow, won’t she.
c) Sally will go shopping tomorrow, won’t she?
d) Sally will go shopping tomorrow, “won’t she”
20- Which of the following sentences is not correct?
a) What do you enjoy most about your holiday?

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b) What do you like most about your holiday?
c) What most do you enjoy about your holiday?
d) What do you most enjoy about your holiday?
Read the following passage, then answer the questions
Long ago, when early humans discovered how to make fire, they told their friends. Then those
friends told others. Ideas spread from person to person, and in fact, they still do. However,
mass media is different. It brings news and knowledge to many people very quickly. Mass
media began around 1440, when Johannes Gutenberg changed the way
news traveled. He invented the printing press. Before the printing press, people had to make
copies of books by hand. Suddenly, this invention could make copies of books much more
easily. Then, about 150 years later, people printed the first newspapers in Europe. Today,
people around the world read newspapers every day. Television broadcasting started in the
1930s. Now, television is everywhere, bringing news and entertainment to people around the
world. Some stations now offer 24-hour news. Events are broadcast live, while they are
happening. Today, almost one third of the people in the world use the web and this number
will continue to grow. The web, or Internet, lets us read news, watch videos, and share
information through social networks and blogs. Many people think that the Web is now the
most important form of mass media. Also, smartphones give us Web service, so you
don't have to carry a computer to check the news.
Choose the correct answer .
21. The most suitable title for the passage could be ……………...
a- The history of fire. b- The printing press.
c- A new means of entertainment d- From Newspapers to Smartphones.
22. According to the passage, the printing press was invented around ………...........
a-1440 b-150 years e- 1600 d-1930
23. Despite the many different forms of mass media, people still…………………..
a- Read newspapers and watch TVs. b- Watch TV channels every 24 hours,
c- Spread ideas from one person to another, d- Download news apps on their smart phones.
24. Johannes Gutenberg is thought of as a ..................
a- blogger b- broadcaster c- copier d- pioneer
25. Which of the following is a synonym for manually?
a- by hand b- by heart c by accident d- by standard
26. Which of the following summarizes the third paragraph?
a- Watching TV is declining due to the internet,
b- The internet has affected the number of printed newspapers.
c- People prefer reading a newspaper to using their mobiles,

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d- TV provides around the clock news.
27. What thing does TV provide the newspaper doesn't?.......................
a- commercials b- entertainment c- reports d- 24 hour news
28. Which of the following mass media has the increasing numbers?
a- TV b- newspaper c- printing d- the internet Writing
Read the following passage, then choose the correct answers:
Are organically grown foods the best food choices? The advantages claimed for such
foods over conventionally grown and marketed food products are now being debated.
Advocates of organic foods – a term whose meaning varies greatly –frequently proclaim
that such products are safer and more nutritious than others. The growing interest of
consumers in the safety and more nutritional quality of the typical North American diet is a
welcome development. However, much of this interest has been sparked by sweeping
claims that the food supply is unsafe or in adequate in meeting nutritional needs. Although
most of these claims are not supported by scientific evidence, the preponderance of written
material advancing such claims makes it difficult for the general public to separate fact from
fiction. As a result, claims that eating a diet consisting entirely of organically grown foods
prevents or cures disease or provides other benefits to health have become widely publicized
and form the basis for folklore. Almost daily the public is besieged by claims for "no-aging"
diets, new vitamins, and other wonder foods.
There are numerous unsubstantiated reports that natural vitamins are superior to
synthetic ones, that fertilized eggs are nutritionally superior to unfertilized eggs, that
untreated grains are better than fumigated grains and the like. One thing that most
organically grown food products seem to have in common is that they cost more than
conventionally grown foods. But in many cases consumers are misled if they believe
organic foods can maintain health and provide better nutritional quality than conventionally
grown foods. So there is real cause for concern if consumers, particularly those with limited
incomes, distrust the regular food and buy and buy only expensive organic foods instead.
29.The word "advocates" is closest in meaning to which of the following?
a) proponents b) merchants c) inspectors d) consumers
30.The underlined word "others" refers to…………
a) advantages b) advocates c) organic foods d) products
31. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the term organic foods?
a) It is accepted by most nutritionists. b) It has been used only in recent years.
c) It has no fixed meaning. d) It is seldom used by consumers.
32.The word "maintain" means…………
a) improve b) monitor c) preserve d) restore

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‫‪33.According to the passage, consumers who believe that organic foods are better than‬‬
‫…………‪conventionally grown foods are often‬‬
‫‪a) careless‬‬ ‫‪b) mistaken‬‬ ‫‪c) thrifty‬‬ ‫‪d) wealthy‬‬
‫?‪34.What is the author's attitude toward the claims made by advocates of health food‬‬
‫‪a) very enthusiastic‬‬ ‫‪b) somewhat favorable‬‬ ‫‪c) neutral‬‬ ‫‪d) skeptical‬‬
‫………… ‪35.The "welcome development" is an increase in‬‬
‫‪a) interest in food safety and nutritional quality of the typical North American diet‬‬
‫‪b) the nutritional quality of the typical North American diet‬‬
‫‪c) the amount of healthy food grown in North America‬‬
‫‪d) the number of consumers in North America‬‬
‫…………‪36.The word "unsubstantiated" is closest in meaning to‬‬
‫‪a) unbelievable‬‬ ‫‪b) uncontested‬‬ ‫‪c) unpopular‬‬ ‫‪d) Translation‬‬
‫‪Choose the correct translation :‬‬
‫‪One’s well-being is high priority to maintain health and social care. Therefore, we should -37‬‬
‫‪.pay more attention to our well-being, so we can have an influential role in life‬‬
‫‪1-‬تعد الرعايه الصحيه اولوبه قصوي في الحفظ علي الرعايه االجتماعيه ومن ثم يحب ان نولي دلك العنايه الواجبه ليكون لنا دور مؤثر‬
‫في الحياه‬
‫‪2-‬تعد الرعايه االجتماعيه اولوبه قصوي في الحفظ علي الرعايه الصحيه و لهدا السبب يحب ان نولي دلك العنايه الواجبه ليكون لنا دور‬
‫مؤثر في الحياه‬
‫‪3-‬تعد الرعايه الصحيه اولوبه عاليه في الحفظ علي الرعايه النفسيه ومن ثم يحب ان نولي دلك العنايه الواجبه ليكون لنا دور مؤثر في‬
‫‪4-‬يعد االهتمام بالنفس اولويه عاليه في الحفاظ علي الرعايه الصحيه واالجتماعيه ومن ثم يحب ان نولي دلك العنايه الواجبه ليكون لنا دور‬
‫مؤثر في الحياه‬
‫‪Encouraging people to work from home is very useful in times of epidemics. This, in turn, -38‬‬
‫‪helps us to save time and effort and keeps us away from infection‬‬
‫ا‪ -‬ان تشجيع الناس علي االقامه في المنزل شيء مفيد في وقت انتشار االوبثه وهذا بدوره يساعدنا علي توفير الوقت واالبتعاد عن‬
‫ب ‪ -‬ان تشجيع الناس علي العمل من المنزل شيء مالثم في وقت انتشار االوبثه وهذا بدوره يساعدنا علي توفير الوقت واالبتعاد عن‬
‫ج‪ -‬ان تشجيع الناس علي العمل في المنزل شيء مفيد في وقت انتشار االوبثه وهذا بدوره يساعدنا علي توفير الوقت واالبتعاد عن العدوي‬
‫د‪ -‬تشجع الحكومه الناس علي العمل في المنزل شيء مفيد في وقت عالج االوبثه وهذا بدوره يساعدنا علي توفير الوقت واالبتعاد عن‬
‫‪Choose the correct translation :‬‬
‫‪.39 .‬الماء أساس حياة اإلنسان والحيوان والنبات‪ ،‬واستخدامه ال يقتصر على الشرب فقط‪ ،‬بل هو أساس األمن الغذائي بالنسبة لإلنسان‬
‫والحيوان‪،‬ذلك البد من استخدامة بعناية كبيرة‪.‬‬

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1-Water is the basis of human, animal and planet life, and its use is not limited to drinking
only, but is the basis of food security for humans and animals. Therefore, it must be used with
great care.
2-Water is the basis of human, animal and plant life, and its use is not limited to drinking only,
but it is also the basis of food security for humans and animals. Therefore, it must be used
with great care.
3-Water is the basis of humane, animal and plant life, and its use is not limited to drinking
only, but is the basis of food safety for humans and animals. Therefore, it must be used with
great care.
4-Water is the basis of human, animal and plant life, and its use is not limited to cooking only,
but is the basis of food security for humans and animals. However, it must be used with great
40..‫تقوم مصر بانشاء مفاعال نوويا لألغراض السلمية حتى تتمكن من تحقيق النهضة االقتصادية‬.
1-Egypt is setting up a nuclear reactive for peaceful proposes so as to be able to achieve the
economic renaissance.
2-Egypt is sitting up a nuclear reactor for peaceful purposes so as to be able to achieve the
economic renaissance.
3-Egypt is setting up a nuclear reactor for peaceful purposes so as to be able to achieve the
economic renaissance.
4-Egypt is setting up a nuclear reaction for peaceful purposes so as to be able to achieve the
economic renaissance.
No. Five
Choose the correct answer from a, b ,c or d:
1) The accused waited the judge's decree ……………………bated breath.
a)by b)for c)with d) at
2) It's difficult to persuade a ……………….daughter to wear feminine clothes.
a) girlfriend b) bar boy c)ball boy d)tomboy
3) The doctor advised me to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . my arm in cold water to relieve the swelling.
a) appear b) float c) inverse d) immerse
4) When the teacher refused to give him a permit to leave school early, he ………….
a)laughed b)pulled c)pouted d)paled
5) ……stops students from being productive or carrying out high school achievement
a)Hard work b)Procrastination c)Determination d)Insistence
6) It is really important that children grow…the values of honesty and loyalty to their country.
a)with b)in c)up d) up with
7) Since being a child, he has showed a ………… singing and playing music.

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a)placement b)bias c)omission d)genre
8) All multinational companies have a ….department to provide training course for their staff.
a)human being b)humanity c) human sciences d)human resources
9) He never looks at the dark side of life; he is really ……………….
a)pessimistic b)pessimist c)optimal d)optimistic
10)Most of the novels ......... by Taha Hussein were translated to different languages.
a) which written b) were written c) written d) writing
11)Last year he sold the car that he ……………………since 2010.
a)has had b) was having c)had d)had had
12)She feels hungry ……….she has eaten nothing for 8 hours
a) for b) before c) so d) since
13)I have got two mobiles. One is Oppo and the ................. is Samsung .
a) late b) later c) latest d) latter
14)By 2030, many factories and corporations …………………………………
a) will have erected b)will have to be erected
c) will have been erected d)would be erected
15)Smoking has a serious effect on our health. However, the numbers of smokers are
increasing. This shows …………………
a) addition b) contrast c) possibility d) reason
16)She ………………………………………. on her way to school yesterday.
a) had her money stolen b)got her money stolen
c) made her money steal c)let her money be stealing
17)The writer leaves out certain facts or information. This is bias by …………….
a) placement b) spin c) force d) omission
18)He suggested that we ………………………. our holiday in Alex.
a) spent b) spending c) should spend d)had spent
19)The policeman asked me ………………………….at that time.
a) what I was doing b)what was I doing
c) what I am doing d) what I had done
20)Manal speaks French so ................ that we all believed she was brought in France .
a) fluency b) much fluent c) fluently d) fluent
17- In the reflective essay , the author ……………
a) looks at the similarities and differences.
b) forms a position and defends it.
c) thinks back on his or her experiences and how they created personal change.
d) describes a key idea.

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18-The target of the persuasive writing is to ……………
a) inform the reader to do b) convince the reader of something
c) tell a story d) tell ―how-to‖
19) To …….is to express the meaning of using different word to make them clearer.
a) summarise b) paraphrase c) conclude d) punctuate
20) Reports should be written using ............. language.
a)Informal b)persuasive d)formal d)descriptive

Read the following passage, then answer the questions

What is an ideal holiday for one person may be a very unpleasant one for another. The
sportsman likes a kind of holiday which his lazy friend would find worse than his daily work;
while the lazy man‘s ideal holiday would leave the sportsman quite unsatisfied. If I were
allowed to choose my own holiday, I would go on a voyage in a modern passenger ship with a
swimming pool. Even if sportsman friend and my lazy friend came with me, they would both
be happy; one would have plenty of games and swimming; the other could sit in a comfortable
chair all day, looking at the sea and drinking lemonade. On a ship, one can do as one likes,
when one likes. If one day I find an interesting book in the ship‘s library, I can spend the
whole day reading it, and nobody will stop me. Perhaps the next day I shall want some
exercise. Well, then I can play games with passengers until I am hot and sweating and ready
for a bath. I can go and sleep in my cabin at any time of the day or night, I can get cheap drinks
during most of the day, and I can eat as I like, choosing among a variety of foods. But perhaps
the greatest pleasure of a sea holiday is coming to new ports in strange lands, and going
ashore for a few hours to see strange places, eat strange foods and hear a strange language
talked around us. Whenever I think of my ideal holiday, it is the picture of a mysterious
foreign city that comes to my mind.
21- A sportsman won‘t be happy with a lazy man as ……………………
a) they have the same interests b) both like outdoors activities
c) both are on the opposite sides d) both don‘t like each other
22- A modern passenger ship is suitable for the sports man and the lazy one as it …………..
a) is very giant b) has all the suitable facilities
c) has a swimming pool d) has a library
23- The synonym of the word' voyage' is ………………………….
a) a long journey by sea b) a short journey by car c) a flight d) a picnic
24- A sports man is fond of …………
a) playing games b) reading books c) eating much food d) sleeping early
25- The utmost pleasure of a sea holiday is ……….

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a) coming to new states b) coming to new harbours
c) meeting people d) going shopping
26- The underlined word (one) refers to ……….
a) the lazy man b) the passenger c) the sportsman d) anyone
27- The best title to this text is ……..
a) Sportsmen b) Lazy people c) A passenger ship d) An ideal holiday
28 – The ideal holiday, as the author thinks, is ………………………
a) going to a mysterious place b) taking a passenger ship
c) a sea holiday d) reading a book in the library on a passenger ship
Read the following passage, then answer the questions
People differ physically from the moment of conception, but it is only after birth that an
individual can be observed. Family traits and characteristics are noted by adoring parents
who think the baby looks like another family member or definitely takes after the mother's
side or, without a doubt, has his father's nose. Eye colour, skin colour and the texture of our
hair are all different and depend on our inherited genes. A baby born with ginger hair may in
a few months‘ time have fair hair as the birth hair falls out and is replaced. Hair can be fine,
thick, straight or curly, and as we grow older it gets thinner. Some hair loss is experienced at
quite an early age whilst others have a full head of hair throughout their lives. People with
dark hair may find that it turns to grey or white even before they reach their 40's. European
people in general have paler skin than if your ancestors come from Africa or Asia. Skin
can change colour if exposed to sunlight, but the tan does not last unless it is regularly topped
up. The rate at which we develop and grow is variable. Boys and girls of the same age show
big differences in growth spurts especially when puberty is reached. At the age of 12, girls are
much taller than boys of the same age, but at 16 years of age, boys shoot up and overtake the
girls in height and body strength. The way the body develops is not just a result of physical
changes, as our mental processes have a large part to play in what we want to achieve. A
desire to become a skilful footballer, a long distance runner or a strong swimmer require
stamina and years of practise to try and attain the top level. Even with hours of body building
activities and work-outs in the gym, a person will not be able
to compete in a Strong Man competition if they have a small frame and fragile bones.
The food we eat will, to a certain extent, determine how we grow and gives us strong bones. A
lack of activity and eating too much sweet sugary food can result in people gaining excessive
amounts of weight. It seems unfair that one person can eat all sorts of fattening food and not
put on weight whilst others just 'looking at a cream cake' can put on pounds or kilos.
29) What changes take place a few weeks after birth?
a)The noise the baby makes. b)The skin colour.

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Third Year Hello English Booklet
c)The baby's hair. d)The shape of the nose.
30) What causes pale skin to become brown or tanned?
a)Exposure to the sun. b)Staying indoors.
c)Covering the body with sun cream lotion. d)Spending time on a sun bed.
31) Roughly, at what stage in their development do girls start to grow in height?
a)When they start learning to swim. b)When they start primary school.
c)When they eat raw vegetables. d)When they reach puberty at the age of 12 or 13.
32) What do we need to succeed in sport at the top level?
a)A strong body and a determination to keep persisting. b)Extra tuition.
c)Lots of work in the gym. d)Good food.
33) What happens to our bodies if we eat too much and do not take enough exercise?
a)We feel happy. b)We get fat and overweight.
c)Our muscles get flabby. d)We do not have any energy.
34) What does the underlined word "takes after" mean?
a)cares for b)runs after c)counts d)resembles
35) The word "pounds" in the last line is a unit of …………………..
a) money b) weight c) measurement d)length
36)The main idea of the 5th paragraph is ……………………..
a)The food we eat affects how the body develops.
b)The mental processes influence how the body develops.
c)Heredity affects our body .
d)The rate of the body development is not stable.
Choose the correct Arabic translation :
37.Sustainable development has become the first path towards a society that preserves its
environment and natural resources.
.‫ التنمية المستدامة اصبحت المسار الول نحو مجتمع محافظ على بيئته وموارده الطبيعية‬-1
.‫ التنمية المؤقتة اصبحت المسار الول نحو مجتمع محافظ على بيئته وموارده الطبيعية‬-2
.‫ التنمية المستدامة اصبحت المسار الول نحو مجتمع محافظ على حكومته وموارده الطبيعية‬-3
.‫ التنمية المستدامة اصبحت المسار الول نحو مجتمع مدمر لبيئته وموارده الطبيعية‬-4
38-Our society is no longer a male society in which women occupy a low status but have an
active role that cannot be ignored.
.‫مازال مجتمعنا مجتمعا ذكوريا تحتل فيه المرأة مكانة متدنية ولكن تلعب دورا فاعل ل يمكن تجاهله‬1-
‫لم يعد مجتمعنا مجتمعا ذكوريا تحتل المرأة فيه مكانة متدنية بل أصبح لها دورا فاعل ل يمكن تجاهله‬2-
.‫ لم يعد مجتمعنا مجتمعا ذكوريا تحتل المرأة فيه مكانة راقية بل أصبح لها دورا فاعل ل يمكن تجاهله‬-4
‫ مازال مجتمعنا مجتمعا ذكوريا تحتل فيه المرأة مكانة رفيعة ولكن تلعب دورا فاعل ل يمكن تجاهله‬-4
. Choose the correct English translation:

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‫تؤثرعلي المجتمعات خصوصا الناميه منها‬.‫ عماله االطفال مشكله اجتماعيه خطره‬- 39.
a) Child labour is a dangerous sociable problem that affects the societies especially the
developing ones.
b) Child labour is a dangerous social problem that effects the societies especially the
developing ones.
c) Child labour is a dangerous social problem that affects the societies especially the
developed ones.
d) Child labour is a dangerous social problem that affects the societies especially the
developing ones.
‫تحثنا االديان السماويه علي القيام بالعمل الخيري النه مفيد للفرد والمحتمع‬.40.
a) The heavenly religions urge us to do charitable work as it is useless for the individual and
the society.
b) The heavenly religions urge us to do charitable work as it is useful for the individual and
the society.
c) The heavenly religions urge us do charitable work as it is useful for the individual and the
d) The heavenly religions urge us to do charitable work as it is useful for the individual and
the sociable .
No. Six
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1) Articles in a/an………newspapers are factual and the sentences are long
a)tabloid b)broadsheet c)magazine d)comic
2) When someone illegally copies and sells others' work, they are punished for………..
a)theft b)robbing c)forging d)piracy
3) …….is an unfair or unreasonable opinion because you do not have enough knowledge.
a)Pride b)Prejudice c)Stereotype d) Determination
4) The people sitting next to me on the plane were nervous. They …………………before
a)haven‘t flown b)didn‘t fly c)had flown d)hadn‘t flown
5) Omar's sisters are both very …………... They are always friendly and smiling.
a)bad natured b)worse natured c)good natured d)moody
6) Of the three students, Wael is ................................
a) tall b)taller c)tallest d. the tallest
7) People won‗t buy electric cars until they ……….a way for them to go longer distances
without being charged.
a)have discovered b)discovered c)will discover d)had discovered
8) AI is a/ an …………………………for artificial intelligence.

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a)abbreviation b)slogan c)antonym d)synonym
9) He doesn't have the time to do everything he wants to do. He is not very good at………
a)manage time b)time management b)well-being b)self-care
10)The teacher scolded her for making noise. The verb "scolded" is very close in meaning to..
a)praised b)angrily crticized c)complimented d)blamed
11)You walked all the way from the station! You ………..for a lift.
a) could phone b)could have phoned
a)might have phoned d)shouldn't have phoned
12)Just as I was sitting in the armchair , I…………………………. I was really tired.
a)picked up b)dropped out c)turned down d) dropped off
13)As a result of war, the international trade has ……………greatly .
a)raised b)risen c)arisen d)declined
14)They will be getting the system ……………………… as quickly as they can.
a)to be repaired b)to repair c)repaired d)being repaired
15)My friend is a member of the city council. He is a /an . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .
a)councillor b)assistant c)apprentice d)employee
16) I grew up in a small town where there were……any facilities for people with disabilities.
a)hardly b)hard c)easily d)fast
17)Maher ……………… very bad since last Monday as he has caught a very bad cold.
a) is feeling b) has been feeling c) will feel d) had felt
18)Egypt was the first country to host this …………………event.
a)sporting b)sports c)sporty d)all of the above
19)Cairo Tower is the most famous ……………………….in Cairo.
a)landfill b)landslide c)landmine d) landmark
20)Oh, good! We've got milk. Omar ………………………………some yesterday.
a)should have brought b)must have bought
c)must bring d)shouldn‘t have brought
17) The speaker uses the signposting words and phrases to …………….
a)amuse the listener b) to guide the reader through the essay
c) to sum up the essay d) to mention the major points
18) To begin the official presentation you have to …………….
a)introduce yourself b)introduce your audience
c)close the presentation d)start with the topic.
19) Resume is a synonym of the word ……………………
a)qualification b)CV c)education d)interest
20) The introductory paragraph of an essay requires………………..

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a) The topic, thesis, and main ideas
b) The topic, thesis, and supporting details
c) The reason for the essay, the topic, and thesis
d) a& b
Read the following passage, then answer the questions
An ‗Extreme‘ weather is an unusual weather event such as rainfall, a drought, or a heat wave
in the wrong place or at the wrong time. In theory, they are very rare. But these days, TV
screens are constantly showing such extreme weather events. The effects of the rainfall are
dramatic and lethal. In Brazil, landslides followed, burying hundreds of people. Meanwhile,
other parts of the world suffer devastating droughts. Australia, Russia and East Africa have
been hit in the last ten years. And then there are unexpected heat waves, such as in 2003 in
Europe. That summer, 35,000 deaths were said to be heat-related. Are these extreme events
part of a natural cycle? Or are they caused by human activity and its
effects on the Earth‘s climate? Peter Miller says it‘s a mixture of both of these things. On the
one hand, the most important influences on weather events are natural cycles in the climate.
Two of the most famous weather cycles, El Niño and La Niña, originate in the Pacific Ocean.
The heat from the warm ocean rises high into the atmosphere and affects weather all around
the world. On the other hand, the temperature of the Earth‘s oceans is slowly but steadily
going up. And this is a result of human activity. We are producing greenhouse gases that trap
heat in the Earth‘s atmosphere. This heat warms up the atmosphere, land and oceans.
Warmer oceans produce more water vapour.
Satellite data tells us that the water vapour in the atmosphere has gone up by four percent in
25 years. This warm, wet air turns into the rain, storms, hurricanes and typhoons that we are
increasingly experiencing. A climate scientist, Michael Oppenheimer, says that we need to
face the reality of climate change. And we also need to act now to save lives and money in the
21. The article says extreme weather is …………...
a) becoming more common. b) not a natural occurrence.
c) difficult for scientists to understand. d) rare nowadays
22. According to the passage, extreme weather is a problem as ….
a)we can't predict it. b)it affects places where lots of people live.
c)it‘s often very destructive. d)it can be useful for the living things
23. Extreme weather can by caused by ...
a) satellites above the Earth. b) water vapour in the atmosphere.
c) very hot summers. d) very freezing winters
24. What happened after the extreme rain in Brazil?

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a)There were major floods. b)There were many deaths.
c)Millions of people were affected. d)landslides and many deaths
25. What caused many deaths in 2003?
a) period of hot weather b) floods that followed a bad summer
c) a long drought d) period of cold weather
26. The word "these" refer to ………………………….
a) human activity b) natural cycle c)a & b d)weather cycles
27. Which of these things is the basis of normal weather patterns?
a) greenhouse gases b) human activity c) El Niño and La Niña d) all the above
28. Where does atmospheric water vapour come from?
a) the land b) the ocean c)greenhouse gases d) the rivers and seas
Read the following passage, then answer the questions
Choosing which university fits your interests and academic background is an important
decision that will greatly influence the success of your university study. In the UK alone, there
are hundreds of choices and therefore you need to be strategic in making a shortlist of
universities and narrowing down your choices into second and first choice. This involves
weighing some factors such as your motivation and aspiration, your personality, your
location, and your budget. People attend university for different reasons, so ask yourself
what you want from your target university and what you want to do after you graduate. Many
people attend top universities because of the prestige without considering their choice of
future career. If you have interest in a particular career, you should find universities with a
better reputation for your career choice than others. With a degree from a university that is
most respected in the profession you want to enter, it will be easy for you to get
your dream job and you will be able to climb the career ladder fast. Your personality types
also play an important role in your success as a university student. A scholarly type student
usually has self-motivation to work hard in order to ace exams and achieve high grades.
This type of person will find comfort in a highly academic environment offered by top world
universities such as Oxford or Cambridge. On the contrary, if you are not a type of person who
can study for hours and getting top grades is not your main priority, you better go to a
university with a more laid-back academic environment so that you will not be stressful all
the time and can enjoy your life at university. Coming home could be a good escape during
your hard time at university, so think about the distance between your home and the target
university. If you get homesick easily, you should not consider choosing a university outside
your hometown or which takes more than a day to travel by land or water. However, if
distance is not a problem for you, you might want to consider studying abroad, especially at

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a university whose reputation is better than the universities in your home country. Last but
not least, calculate your financial ability, which should cover tuition fees and cost of living.
Both vary across the country and different universities, so do your homework by doing some
research in order to find out which one fits your bills. If you cannot afford to go to the
university of your choice, you can search for financial aid in the forms of student loans, grant,
or scholarship. Do remember that if you decide to obtain a loan, you have to pay for it after
you finish your study.
29) Why do you need to choose the right university?
a)Because it will make you happy.
b)Because it has an impact on your success at university.
c)Because life at university is difficult.
d)Because the right university is difficult to find.
30) Which university should you go to if you already have a career choice?
a)One with the lowest tuition fees.
b)One that offers you a scholarship.
c)One that has the highest prestige.
d) One that has a good reputation in your future profession.
31) What type of student will enjoy a highly academic environment?
a)A student who has self-motivation to work hard.
b)A smart student who does not need to study hard for exams.
c)A student who puts the highest priority on student societies.
d)A student who does not have a part-time job.
32) Where should you study if you are prone to homesickness?
a)abroad. B )outside your hometown. c) at your local university. d) at home.
33) What can you do if you do not have enough money to fund your study?
a)Wait for a year to collect money. b)Find a full-time job.
c)Choose to study online. d) Find a student loan or scholarship.
34) The best title of the text is ……………………………
a)How to Choose the Right University b)How to succeed in your career .
c)How to be successful in work. d)How to be a successful student.
35) The underlined phrase "laid-back" means ………………………
a)easy-going b)tensed c)strict d)uptight
36) The tone of the text is ……………………………..
a)reflective b)argumentative c)narrative d)instructive
Choose the correct Arabic translation:

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‫‪Third Year‬‬ ‫‪Hello English‬‬ ‫‪Booklet‬‬
‫‪It’s healthy to eat fruits and vegetables regularly every day and to reduce eating sweets -37‬‬
‫‪.and chocolates because they are harmful to our health‬‬
‫ا‪ -‬من الصحى تناول الخضروات والفاكهة بشكل غير منتظم كل يوم‪ ،‬وأال نقلل من تناول الحلويات والشيكوالته ألنهما ضارين بصحتنا‪.‬‬
‫ب‪ -‬من الصحى عدم تناول الخضروات والفاكهة بشكل منتظم كل يوم‪ ،‬وأن نقلل من تناول الحلويات والشيكوالته ألنهما ضارين بصحتنا‪.‬‬
‫ج‪ -‬من الصحى تناول الخضروات والفاكهة بشكل منتظم كل يوم‪ ،‬وأن نقلل من تناول الحلويات والشيكوالته ألنهما ضارين بصحتنا‪.‬‬
‫د‪ -‬من الصحى تناول الخضروات والفاكهة بشكل منتظم كل يوم‪ ،‬وأال نقلل من تناول الحلويات والشيكوالته ألنهما ضارين بصحتنا‬
‫‪38- Our national income has many resources. Some are stable resources and others are‬‬
‫‪unstable. But tourism, oil, the Suez Canal and the taxes are the most important.‬‬
‫ا‪ -‬لدخلنا القومى العديد من المصادر بعضها ثابت والبعض األخر غير ثابت‪ ،‬ولكن تبقى السياحة والبترول وقناة السويس والضرائب األكثر‬
‫ب‪ -‬لدخلنا القومى العديد من المصادر بعضها غير ثابت والبعض األخر غير ثابت‪ ،‬ولكن تبقى السياحة والبترول وقناة السويس والضرائب‬
‫‪.‬األكثر أهمية‬
‫ج‪ -‬لدخلنا القومى العديد من المصادر بعضها ثابت والبعض األخر غير ثابت‪ ،‬ولكى تبقى السياحة والبترول وقناة السويس والضرائب األكثر‬
‫د‪ -‬لدخلنا القومى العديد من المصادر بعضها ثابت والبعض األخر غير ثابت‪ ،‬ولكن تبقى السياحة والبترول وقناة الس^^ويس والض^^رائب األق^^ل‬
‫‪:Choose the correct English translation‬‬
‫‪39-‬تعتبر السياحة البيئية أحد أهم أنواع السياحة اآلن ‪ ،‬لذلك تشجع مصر السياحة البيئية لحماية البيئات المختلفة فى جميع أنحاء البالد‬
‫وخاصة على ساحل البحر األحمر‬
‫‪a) Ecotourism is one of the least important kinds of tourism nowadays, so Egypt discourages‬‬
‫‪ecotourism to protect the different environments all over the country especially along the‬‬
‫‪Red Sea coast.‬‬
‫‪b) Ecotourism is one of the most important kinds of tourism nowadays, so Egypt encourages‬‬
‫‪ecotourism to destroy the different environments all over the country especially along the‬‬
‫‪Red Sea coast.‬‬
‫‪c) Ecotourism is one of the most important kinds of tourism last years, so Egypt encourages‬‬
‫‪ecotourism to prevent the different environments all over the country especially along the‬‬
‫‪Red Sea coast.‬‬
‫‪d) Ecotourism is one of the most important kinds of tourism nowadays, so Egypt encourages‬‬
‫‪ecotourism to protect the different environments all over the country especially along the‬‬
‫‪Red Sea coast.‬‬

‫‪40-‬أشياء غريبة نالحظها فى مجتمعاتنا فى الفترة األخيرة ‪ ،‬فهناك من األباء واألمهات من ال يعتنون بأطفالهم كما ينبغى ألنهم أشخاص ال‬
‫يتحملوا المسئولية‪ .‬ونتيجة ذلك هو أطفال الشوارع‪.‬‬

‫‪Mr El Sebaei Atteya‬‬ ‫‪29‬‬ ‫‪Souvenir‬‬ ‫‪01228699122‬‬

Third Year Hello English Booklet
a) Strange things can be noticed in our societies recently. Some parents look after their
children well
because they aren’t irresponsible people. The result of this is homeless children.
b) Strange things can be noticed in our societies recently. Some parents don’t look for their
children well
because they aren’t responsible people. The result of this is homeless children.
c) Strange things can notice in our societies recently. Some parents don’t look after their
children well
because they are irresponsible people. The result of this is homeless children.
d) Strange things can be noticed in our societies recently. Some parents don’t look after their
children well
because they are irresponsible peop

Test Eight
Choose the correct answer from a, b ,c or d:
1) It …………………six months since I last met her.
a)was b)is c)had been d)will be
2) Which of the following is structurally correct?
a)Once I met him, I will tell him what has happened.
b)Once I met, I told him what will happen.
c)Once I was meeting him, I told him what would happen.
d)Once I met him, I told him what had happened.
3) The patient waited the report of the his case with …………………breath.
a)bated b)baited c)bided d)bitten
4) Only after I'd seen her flat ……………………..why she wanted to live there.
a) I understood b)did I understand c)I had understood d)had I understood
5) A ….is an audio file that can be downloaded and listened to on a computer or MP3 player.
a)broadcast b)podcast c)transmit d)program
6) If such measures were…………………, the problems could be overcome in twelve months.
a)implied b)replied c) implemented d)immersed
7) Sorry, I can't meet you at eleven o'clock. I ……………… work.
a)will have done b)will be doing c)will not do d)would do
8) He ……………..when he was criticized for his last novel .His eyebrows moved together.
a)frowned b)screamed c)laughed d)smiled
9) You should have consulted a doctor. You ………………………….a lot.

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a)could have suffered b)can't have suffered
c) would not have suffered d)might have suffered
10)He is a real innovator ; he always …………………….with new fruitful idea
a) comes up b)goes up c)gets along d)gets on
11)All his friends were …………………..with his boasting about how rich he is.
a)made up b)brought up c)fed up d)got up
12)He had ……………………………………that he had to share a bedroom.
a)such many brothers b) too many brothers c) many brothers d) so many brothers
13)He speaks three languages ; he is ………………………..
a)monolingual b)bilingual c)trilingual d)lingual
14)It was the first time she ........... to the opera.
a-went b-had been c-has been d-has gone
15)I chose this bank because it has the best interest ......
a-percentage b-rate c-level d-range
16)I can't stand the .......... of blood.
a-view b-show c-look d-sight
17)Call me the second you ........ anything.
a-hear b-will have heard c-will be hearing d-will hear
18) ………until he had finished homework , did he go to bed.
a -Not b- Didn‘t c- Wasn‘t d- Won‘t
19) Hardly………….. It‘s his habit.
a-has he smoked b-had he smoked c-he had smoked d-does he smoke
20) Some machines had better not………
a-replaced b-to be replaced c-been replaced d-be replaced
D) Writing
17.Which of the following has the correct ending punctuation mark?
a. Were Ali to have a lot of money. he'd invest it ? b. Were Ali to have a lot of money, he‘d
invest it:
c. Were Ali to have a lot of money, he‘d invest it. d. Were Ali to have a lot of money, he'd invest
18. The reflective essay is an essay in which ……………………………………………………..
a. The writer looks at the similarities and differences between two or more people, places, or
b. The writer establishes a position and defends it.
c. The writer thinks back on his or her experiences and how they created personal change.
d. The writer describes a key idea.

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19. All the following sentences ask for clarification except ………………….
a. If I haven‘t understood, feel free to let me know how I should be doing it.
b. I‘m afraid I don‘t understand what you mean
c. I have understood everything, but I‘d just like to check.
d. If I have any more questions, do you mind me emailing you again for help?
20. The writer must give examples and reasons in the ………………..essay , .
a)descriptive b)narrative c)expository d)opinion

Read the following passage, then answer the questions

What‘s wrong? You can‘t sleep—or perhaps you sleep all the time. You withdraw from family
and friends. You feel that you‘re worthless, not good enough. What‘s going on? You may be
under too much stress. Everyone should watch out for symptoms of stress. Here are a few
more telltale signs: You might lose interest in things you usually enjoy. Perhaps you can‘t
concentrate. Maybe you have mood swings. (A mood swing is a sudden, big change in the way
you feel. In the morning you feel great, for example. But by evening, your emotions have
crashed, and you feel that life isn‘t worth living.) There are many causes of stress. A few of
them are a divorce or death in the family, a move to a new home, or peer pressure. Other
causes might be the birth of a sibling, doing poorly in school, or doing something you know is
wrong. The best way to deal with stress is to get to the heart of the problem. Figure out what‘s
really bothering you, and then take steps to solve the problem. For example, suppose you feel
pressure from your friends. Maybe they want you to do something you don‘t want to do. As
hard as it may be, the best solution is to tell them ―no. You may need to find friends who don‘t
push you in the wrong direction. You can‘t, of course, avoid all stress. But you can take a break
from it. Playing video games, watching a movie, or listening to music can ease your tension.
Physical activities such as dancing or sports can help, too. Sometimes, taking a break can clear
your mind. If you think about your problems later, maybe you can come up with answers.
Talking to a trusted friend can help. Even if he or she doesn‘t have the answers, it helps to
express what‘s bothering you. Avoid drugs and alcohol, though. They may seem to offer an
easy escape from problems. But sooner or later, they become problems, too.
21) All the following are symptoms of stress except …………………..
a)losing interest b)being moody c)too much sleep d)Working hard
22) The underlined word "sibling" means …………………………..
a)a twin b)a brother or sister c) cousin d)a pet
23) The main idea of the third paragraph is …………………………….
a) The causes of stress b) The results of stress
c) How to deal with stress d) Avoiding all stress

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24) The writer of the text may work as a …………………………………..
a)trainer b)psychologist c) physiologist d)psychological
25) All the following sentences about how to solve the problem of stress are true except …….
a) Drugs and alcohol b) talking with friends c) doing sports d)taking breaks
26) The writer's tone in the text is ………………………………
a)Aggressive b)sarcastic c)informative d)cooperative
27) Your friends urge you to do something dangerous. This is……………………………..
a) worth a try. b) peer pressure. c) reasonable advice. D) not mentioned
28) Every little thing seems to make you angry. Maybe you‘re………………..
a) stressed about something. b) not eating well.
c) just like everyone else. d)a normal person
Read the following passage, then answer the questions
It is known that naval accidents are caused by engine breakdowns, problems with electronic
systems, and other types of equipment failure. Sometimes equipment failure is a result of
natural phenomena such as bad weather or heavy seas, but in many instances, there are other
causal factors that come into play. Some economists said that the Suez Canal container ship
accident was a worstcase scenario for global trade. High winds have been blamed for the
container ship blocking the narrow channel, which serves as a trade artery that connects the
Mediterranean and the Red Sea. The Suez Canal is the gateway for the movement of goods
between Europe and Asia, and it was responsible for the transit of over 19,000 ships in 2019.
This is thought to represent around 13% of world trade so any blockage is likely to have a
significant impact. The Ever Given is 400 metres long, 59 metres at its widest point and 16
metres deep below the waterline. This makes it one of the largest container ships in the
world, capable of carrying over 18,000 containers. Depending on the severity of the
grounding, the rescue and re-floating of this type of ship is a complex operation, requiring
specialist equipment and potentially a lot of time. Fortunately, the container ship has been
freed and is now floating after blocking the Suez Canal for almost a week. Marine traffic
websites showed images of the ship away from the banks of the Suez Canal for the first time in
seven days following an around-the-clock international effort
to reopen the global shipping lane. The successful refloating was met with triumph and relief,
as hundreds of trapped vessels prepare to restart their journeys.
29. What caused the ship to ground?
a. the shallow water b. high winds c. equipment failure d. human fault
30. Why does any accident in Suez canal affect the whole world trade?
a. it is a trade artery between Asia and Europe
b. One eighth of the world trade pass through the canal

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c. it links the Red Sea and the Mediterranean
d. all of the above
31. How long did the Ever Given container ship block the Canal ?
a-six days b. five days c. seven days d. four days
32. What did the refloating of the ship result in?
a-grief b. triumph and relief c. surprise d. shock
33. The underlined word "vessels" is the equivalent to ……………….
a. Ships b. utensils c. can d. canyons
34. The main idea in the third paragraph is ………………………….
a. the cause of the blocking the canal b. why the canal is important
c. The container ship is too huge d. The efforts to refloat the ship
35. The main idea in the first paragraph is ……………………….
a. Why naval accidents happen b. How to deal with the accidents of ships
c. Naval accidents are a natural phenomenon d. Man is to be blamed for naval accidents
36. The underlined word 'impact' means …………………….
a-affect b- affection c- effectiveness d- effect
Choose the correct Arabic translation :
‫ يجب أن يجدوا المساندة فى‬.‫ وفى النوادى‬،‫ فى المطاعم‬،‫ فى المدارس‬،‫ فى الشوارع‬: ‫إنها مسئوليتنا أن نساعد المعاقين فى كل مكان‬37-
.‫كل مكان‬
a) It’s our irresponsibility to helped disabled people everywhere in the streets, at schools, in
restaurants and in clubs. They should find support nowhere.
b) It’s not our responsibility to help disabled people anywhere in the streets, at schools, in
restaurants and in clubs. They should find support somewhere.
c) It’s our responsibility to help abled people everywhere: in the streets, at schools, in
restaurants and in clubs. They shouldn’t find support everywhere.
d) It’s our responsibility to help disabled people everywhere: in the streets, at schools, in
restaurants and in clubs. They should find support everywhere
‫ ولكن يجب أن نعلم أنها كما تسهم فى تقدم‬.‫جميعنا يعلم أهمية التكنولوجيا الحديثة وأنها تلعب دو را فعاال فى حياتنا المعاصرة‬-38
.‫ فمن الممكن أن تدمرها‬،‫المجتمعات‬
a) We all knew the importance of modern technology. It played an effective role in our
modern life, but we should know that as it contributes the progress to the societies, it can
destroy them.
b) We all know the importance of modern technology. It play effective roles in our modern
life, but we should know that as it contributes the progress to the societies, it can destroy

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c) We all know the importance of modern technology. It plays an effective rule in our modern
life, but we should know that as it prevents the progress to the societies, it can destroy them.
d) We all know the importance of modern technology. It plays an effective role in our modern
life, but we should know that as it contributes to the progress of societies, it can destroy them.
39- Global trade leads to a big economic growth in different regions all over the world. So, all
the world countries aim to develop it greatly.

‫ لذلك تسعى دول العالم لتنميتها بشكل كبير‬.‫ التجارة العالمية تؤدى إلى نمو إقتصادى كبير فى أقاليم مختلفة فى كل أنحاء العالم‬-‫ا‬.
‫ لذلك ال تسعى دول العالم لتنميتها بشكل كبير‬.‫ التجارة العالمية تؤدى إلى نمو إقتصادى كبير فى أقاليم مختلفة فى كل أنحاء العالم‬-‫ب‬.
‫ لذلك تسعى دول العالم لتنميتها بشكل كبير‬.‫ التجارة العالمية تؤدى إلى نمو إقتصادى محلى فى أقاليم مختلفة فى كل أنحاء العالم‬-‫ج‬.
‫ لذلك تسعى دول العالم لتنميتها بشكل ضعيف‬.‫ التجارة العالمية تؤدى إلى نمو إقتصادى كبير فى أقاليم مختلفة فى كل أنحاء العالم‬-‫د‬
40- I like living in open places and fresh air and spending much time in parks among the trees
and flowers. I don’t like closed or crowded places with people.
‫ وال أحب األماكن المغلقة أو‬،‫ وقضاء وقًت ا قليالفى الحدائق بين األشجار والورود‬،‫ أحب الحياة فى األماكن المفتوحة و الهواء الطلق‬-‫ا‬
‫المزدحمة بالناس‬.
‫ وال أحب األماكن المغلقة أو‬،‫ وقضاء وقت كبير فى الحدائق بين األشجار والورود‬،‫ ال أحب الحياة فى األماكن المفتوحة و الهواء الطلق‬-‫ب‬
‫المزدحمة بالناس‬.
‫ وأحب األماكن المغلقة أو‬،‫ وقضاء وقًت ا كبيرا فى الحدائق بين األشجار والورود‬،‫ أحب الحياة فى األماكن المفتوحة و الهواء الطلق‬-‫ج‬
‫المزدحمة بالناس‬.
‫ وال أحب األماكن المغلقة أو‬،‫ وقضاء وقًت ا كبيرا فى الحدائق بين األشجار والورود‬،‫ أحب الحياة فى األماكن المفتوحة والهواء الطلق‬-‫د‬
‫المزدحمة بالناس‬
No. Nine ( Modified)
1 He has an assignment to do today. He has to finish this …….. on time.
a recipe b draft c mission d purpose
2 No sooner ………… the medicine than he felt better.
a has he taken b he took c had he taken d he had taken
3 Not only ………… the reports, but he also leaked them to the press.
a does he steal b did he steal c he has stolen d he had stolen
4 The government aims at setting up ……. European university in the new capital.
aa b an c the d no article
5 The money …………. in the robbery was never found.
a are stolen b stolen c stealing d which stole
6 It ………. that Sara will break the record.
a is believed b believed c believes d has believed
7 The dogs barked on seeing ……….. on the water.
a themselves b herself c himself d itself

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8 Mr Hassan asked his students to ….. creative suggestions to prevent pollution.
a put b make c give d do
9 She estimated the ………… of building a new villa.
a coast b boast c cost d toast
10 …………. his own company, he took on many workers.
a Finding b Founded c Found d Founding
11 You should ......... your foot in ice-cold water to reduce the swelling.
a) appear b) float c) inverse d) immerse
12 We really need to increase our ...... if we want to meet our objectives.
a) identity b) facility c) equality d) productivity
13 Let’s look ....... new ways of working.
a) on b) into c) to d) back
14 Sara is the best ......... for the job. She has more experience than anyone else.
a) intern b) candidate c) interview d) direction
15 All our valuable things are locked in a safe in our bedroom . The antonym of
valuable is …………. .
a unavailable b precious c worthwhile d worthless
16 I got a plumber ……… the pipe.
a fixes b fix c fixed d to fix
17 The following line can be put in the ....... of a CV.
"I enjoy meeting people from other countries. I have travel to Europe and Australia."
a education b hard skills c interests d work experience
18 Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
a Be quiet ,please. b Be quiet please c Be quiet please. d be quiet ,please
19 Which sentence is structured correctly?
a Amir, who’s the half defender, score the winning goal.
b Amir, whose the half defender, scored the winning goal.
c Amir, who is the half defender, score the winning goal.
d Amir, who’s the half defender, scored the winning goal.
20 Last but not least we should do our best to spread awareness concerning the
importance of this topic to achieve progress and welfare to our dear country:
Egypt. This sentence can be considered a – an ……………………
a start b introduction c conclusion d body
Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
What sort of food are we likely to be eating in the year 2030? Most people, when you ask them
a question like that, either say: "There won't be any left." or "Whatever it is, there won't be

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much taste in it." Of course there are good reasons for being pessimistic about the world's
food supplies in the future. Nevertheless, not all experts share the general despondency. For
one thing, although the world's population is rising fast, food production is keeping pace with
it, even in developing countries. It is therefore argued that the main reason why people are
hungry is not that there is a food shortage, but that methods of cultivation are not sufficiently
advanced in some areas and the food is not fairly distributed to all those that need it.
Moreover in most industrialized countries, one important cause of trouble is our conservative
preference for meat. After all, we are already in a situation where we feed animals with grain
to produce high-quality beef, even though the grain would feed the human population By the
time our grandchildren have grown up, it seems likely that many of these problems will have
resolved. Scientists are already capable of constructing steaks from vegetable ingredients like
Soya beans. However, skeptical we may be about their claim that they can produce the
substance, taste and colour of meat by these means, the fact is that the most common
complaint about such "steaks" is that we will no doubt have discovered a way of including
artificial bones, skin and fat!
21 There won't be food shortage in the future if the food is ……….. .
a fairly distributed b unfairly distributed c of high quality d of low quality
22 The main idea of the passage is………… .
a the advantages of eating soya beans
b the causes of food shortage and its solutions
c the distribution of food
d population increasing all over the world
23 The problem of food can be solved if we ………… .
a use the internet and mass media b use advanced methods of cultivation
c use more water from the sea d purify the river water
24 We feed animals on grain to produce ………….. .
a high quantity beef b fat and food supplies
c skin and vegetables d high quality beef
25 Which sentence of the following can best summarise the last paragraph?
a Soya beans can change the taste of meat
b Soya beans, steak and food ingredients
c Beans, fats and skin
d Soya beans as a replacement of meat
26 According to the passage, using vegetable ingredients is one of the methods to overcome
the shortage of………… .
a protein b fats c vitamins d calcium

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27 According to the passage, food production is growing………… the population.
a as slow as b as fast as c faster than d slower than
28 According to the passage, our diet may be………… in the future.
a the same b difficult c different d traditional
Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
Basel Rashid, who was a famous detective, working for businessmen to protect them and
solve mysteries related to their work, had finished working on a crime in Aswan and was out
to go home on the Spanish Train. When Basel got on the Train, he noticed that it was
unusually full for the time of year. Soon after the train had left Aswan, a wealthy businessman.
Mr. Mourad asked Basel to protect him because he believed his life was in danger. Although
Mourad offered Basel a lot of money to do this, the detective did not believe the man’s story
and refused to help him. During the night the train had to stop because of heavy rain. The next
Morning, Mourad found dead: he had been murdered. Had someone got on the train and
killed him? Now Basel believed Mourad's story and, together With a doctor, who was also on
the train, he started work to solve the Crime. The two men soon discovered that Mourad had a
secret identity. He was not a businessman, but a criminal who was hated by many People.
After examining the train and Mourad's body, Basel realised that the man had almost
certainly been murdered by one of the 13 people from the same part of the train as Mourad.
This meant that there were 13 suspects. One by one, Basel discovered that these 13 people all
had a good reason to hate Mourad. Together, they had carefully planned what they were going
to do and had all taken part in the murder. This was why the Spanish Train had been so full on
that journey.
29 Basel found out there were 13 suspects because………… .
a Mourad told him while dying b he checked their identities
c he knew they hated Mourad d the doctor told him so
30 The central idea of the story is "…………".
a Crimianals would help to protect each other
b Crime would be committed by the help of the police
c Criminals always face their fears of death
d The Spanish Train mysterious crime
31 Mourad thought he was certainly in danger so ………… .
a he was suffering from heart problems b he asked Basel for help
c the detective warned him not to take that train
d the doctor had examined him the day before
32 The sentence that can summarise the fourth paragraph is ……….. .
a identifying who Mr Mourad really was and his real job

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b protecting the other passengers from the murders
c discovering Mourad's secret passport and his work as a spy
d finding out Mourad was wrong when he asked the detective's help
33 Basel did not want to help Mr Mourad ………….. .
a to take part in his murder b as he was the murderer
c to kill the other criminals d as he thought he was a liar
34 Basel was in Aswan.
a because he worked as a policeman b because he was on a secret mission
c to investigate Mourad's murder d to arrest people who killed Mourad
35 Although Basel refused to help Mr Mourad, he………… .
a was right not to help Mr Mourad b helped the doctor to reach the truth
c suspected few of the passengers d regretted helping Mr Mourad
36 According to the passage, one must ……….the others when they ask.
a help b ignore c encourage d defeat
Choose the best answer
37. A civilized Society should treat its elderly members well even if it is multicultural.
‫معامله جيده حتي لو كان مجتمع متعدد الثقافات المجتمع المتحضر ينبغي عليه ان يعامل كبار السن‬. a
‫حتي لو كان مجتمع متعدد الثقافات المجتمع المتحضر يحب ان يراعي في تعامله االعضاء القدماء ينبغي عليه‬. b
‫الثقافات يحب علي المجتمع المتحضر ان يعاج كبار السن جيدا بالرغم من تعدد‬. c
‫معامله جيده حتي لو كان مجتمع متعدد الثقافات المجتمع المتحضر ينبغي عليه ان يعامل صغار السن‬. d
38 One of the current reform programmes is to stimulate investment in the industrial sector.
‫احد برامح االصالح الحاليه تحفيز االستثمار في القطاع الصناعي‬a
‫ احد برامح التغير الحاليه تحفيز االستثمار في مدال الصناعي‬b
‫ احد برامح التغير الحاليه زياده االستثمار في مدال الصناعي‬c
‫ احد برامح التغير الحاليه زياده االستثمار في االنتاج الصناعي‬d

39 .‫يرتكب البعض خطا كبيرا ببحثهم عن الشهره العتقادهم انها سبب السعاده‬
a Some people make a big mistake by looking for fame because they think that it
is the cause of happiness.
b Some people commit a big mistake by looking up fame, thinking that it is the
cause of happiness.
c Some people made a big mistake by looking for fame because they think that it
is the cause of happiness.
d Some people commit big mistake by looking for fame thinking that it is the
cause of happiness.
40 .‫انها مسيوليه الوالين ان يقوموا بتنوير الشباب باالثار المدمره لتناول المخدرات القاتله‬

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a Parents are responsible for making the youth unaware of the destructive
effects of eating killing drugs.
b It’s the parents’ responsibility to make the youth aware of the destructive
effects of taking killing drugs.
c It’s the parents’ irresponsibility to lighten the youth of the destructive effects of
taking killing drugs.
d Parents are responsible for making their children unaware of the destructive
effects of eating killing drugs.
No.Ten ( Modified)
1- The first time I ……………… her was at my brother‘s wedding.
a) met b) have met c) had met d) was meeting
2- The company took ……………… several new employees to cope with the extra demand.
a) in b) up c) on d) off
3- It is important to find out ……………… she is actually allergic to.
a) how b) where c) what d) which
4- ……………… of medical equipment makes the hospital unable to deal with the pandemic.
a) Lock b) Leak c) Lake d) Lack
5- The event was organised by two people ……………… of them is a professional.
a) Every b) All c) Neither d) Half
6- The government now has to take on the ……………… of reconstruction of the country.
a) position b) task c) profession d) work
7- If it is freezing outside, we say that it is ………………
a) cold enough for going out b) too cold for going out
c) not cold enough to go out d) too cold to go out
8- People were ……………… to see how quickly the opportunity infection took hold.
a) qualified b) relaxed c) horrified d) astonishing
9- Drug addiction is the ……………… of most societies.
a) operation b) process c) signal d) cancer
11- Can you phone the hairdresser and arrange a/an ……………… ?
a) application b) appointment c) interview d) meeting
12- At the ceremony, the honoured scientist said ……………… the best day of his life.
a) that day had b) that day was c) yesterday had d) today was
13- Drivers ……………… carry a valid driving licence when operating a motorbike.
a) need to b) must c) don‘t need to d) have to
14- The statue was ……………… in the park where many people could see it.

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a) taken b) transported c) positioned d) stayed
15- Why did you tell your friends about the secret ? You ……………… nothing about it.
a) should have said b) shouldn‘t have said c) must have said d) can‘t have said
16- The evidence was not …………… enough for the judge to condemn the accused man.
a) affecting b) impressive c) persuasive d) moving
17- Nora has just asked me how long ……………… to finish my work.
a) will I take b) I had taken c) did I take d) I will take
18- Which of the following has the correct punctuation ?
a) He is a tall sporty player. b) He is a tall, sporty, player.
c) He is a tall sporty, man. d) He is a tall, sporty player.
19- The princess has many proposal for marriage. She is …… beautiful …… rich.
a) both / and b) either / nor c) either / or d) not / but
20- We can sign off an informal email with ―………………‖.
a) Yours sincerely, b) Yours faithfully. c) Best wishes d) Bye
-Read the following passage ,then answer the questions:
When you imagine the desert, you probably think of a very hot place covered with sand.
Although this is a good description for many deserts, Earth’s largest desert is actually a very
cold place covered with ice: Antarctica. In order for an area to be considered a desert, it must
receive very little rainfall. More specifically, it must receive an average of less than ten inches
of precipitation—which can be rain, sleet, hail, or snow—on the ground every year.
Antarctica, the coldest place on earth, has an average temperature that usually falls below the
freezing point. And because cold air holds less moisture than warm air, the air in Antarctica
does not hold much moisture at all. This is evident in the low precipitation statistics recorded
for Antarctica. For example, the central part of Antarctica receives an average of less than 2
inches of snow every year. The coastline of Antarctica receives a little bit more—between
seven and eight inches a year. Because Antarctica gets so little precipitation every year, it is
considered a desert. When precipitation falls in hot deserts, it quickly evaporates back into
the atmosphere. The air over Antarctica is too cold to hold water vapour, so there is very
little evaporation. Due to this low rate of evaporation, most of the snow that falls to the
ground remains there permanently, eventually building up into thick ice sheets. Any snow
that does not freeze into ice sheets becomes caught up in the strong winds that constantly
blow over Antarctica. These snow-filled winds can make it look as if it is snowing. Even
though snowfall is very rare there, blizzards are actually very common on Antarctica.
21) The main purpose of paragraph 1 is to…………………………
a. accept a conclusion b. introduce an argument
c. provide a brief history d. deny a common belief

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22) The best title for this passage would be ……………………..
a. Earth‘s Many Deserts b. Antarctica: The Coldest Place on Earth
c. A Desert of Ice d. Unusual Blizzards
23) Africa‘s Sahara Desert is the second-largest desert on earth. Based on the information
in the passage, what characteristic must the Sahara share with Antarctica?
a. low temperatures b. high temperatures
c. frequent blizzards d. low precipitation
24) As used in paragraph 2, which is the best definition for precipitation?
a. moisture in the air that falls to the ground b. any type of weather event
c. weather events that only happen in very cold areas
d. a blizzard that occurs in areas with limited snowfall
25) In paragraph 2 the author writes, "And because cold air holds less moisture than warm
air, the air in Antarctica does not hold much moisture at all." Using this information, it can
be understood that
a. air in Africa holds more moisture than the air in Antarctica
b. air surrounding a tropical island holds less moisture than the air in Antarctica
c. air in the second floor of a house is typically warmer than air on the first floor
d. air at the mountains is typically colder than the air at the beach
26) According to the final paragraph, any snow that falls over Antarctica ………………………
a. becomes part of the Antarctic ice sheet b. is blown around by strong winds
c. evaporates back into the atmosphere d–a&b
27) Based on the information in the final paragraph, it can be understood that blizzards in
Antarctica are mainly the result of …………………………………
a. freezing cold temperatures b. large amounts of snowfall
c. low amounts of precipitation d. strong winds
28) Antarctica is regarded as a desert………………………
a- as it is too cold b- as it has too little water
c- as it too much snow d- as it has so little precipitation

- :Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d
When people retire, they will probably have been working for 40 years or more. But how
productive will they have been in that time? We have been studying productivity, and the
results are very interesting.
Working hours around the world vary, but people in Egypt work an average of 40 hours a
week and no more than 48 hours a week, which is similar to most other countries. In the USA,
however, many people working in technology and banking often work over 60 hours a week.
This could be because phones and laptops mean that people can work even when they are not
in the office.
However, a study by Professor Pencavel, from Stanford University in the USA, concluded
that these extra hours do not mean a person gets more things done. Professor Pencavel

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reported that a person’s productivity declined very quickly after they had worked 50 hours a
week. In fact, a person doing 70 hours a week did the same amount of work as a person doing
55 hours.
There have been several studies into the effects of work on health. The economist, Nolan
Pope, studied how the time of day affects productivity, and he found that people are naturally
more productive at certain times of the day: in particular, before around 1pm. There have
been many other studies into workplace stress, and these indicate that long work hours are
linked to exhaustion, burnout and poor health.
In conclusion, to aid our health, it is important that we work around the hours of the day
when we are most productive and this should help make us happier.
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
29.29 The best title for the passage is ............................. .
A Mental health B The effects of work on health
C Work and productivity D Creativity and productivity
30.According to the passage, we should ............................. .
A increase productivity according to the money we get
B do extra work however tired we are
C work even when we are exhausted to earn more and feel happier
D work when we aren’t exhausted to be productive and feel happier
31.The economist, Nolan Pope, ............................. .
A considered the relation between working hours and pay
B stated that a person doing 70 hours a week could do the same amount of work as a
person doing 55 hours
C studied the relation between the time of day and productivity
D concluded that extra working hours do not increase productivity
32.People in Egypt work an average of nearly .............. hours a day, six days a week.
A five B seven
C nine D eleven
33.Extra working hours do not ............................. .
A necessarily mean increasing productivity
B mean getting extra pay
C cause burnout
D happen all over the world
34.According to the passage, working hours in Egypt are ……… most other countries.
A nearly the same as
B a lot fewer than
C different from
D aren’t like
35.A. People’s productivity could decline after they work 50 hours a week. Decline is an
antonym of ………....
A remove
B decrease
C increase
D agree
36.B. The underlined word these in the fourth paragraph refers to ………….
A effects of work B other studies
C certain times D working hours
Choose the best Arabic Translation
37.Modern inventions are a double-edged weapon, so civil society organizations and
educational institutions, in addition to the family, must spread awareness among young
people and how to use these inventions in a beneficial way.
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‫ تعتبر االختراعات الحديثة سالح حاد ويجب على منظمات المجتمع المدني والمؤسسات التعليمية باالضافة الى االسرة ان تنشر الوعي‬A-
..‫بين الشبابى وكيفية استخدام هذه االختراعات بطريقة مفيدة‬
‫ تعتبر االختراعات الحديثة سالح ذو حدين ويجب على منظمات المجتمع المدني والمؤسسات التعليمية باالضافة الى االسرة ان تنشر‬B-
.‫الوعي بين الشبابى وكيفية استخدام هذه االختراعات بطريقة مفيدة‬
‫ تعتبر االختراعات الحديثة سالح ذو حدين ويجب على منظمات المجتمع الريفي والمؤسسات التعليمية باالضافة الى االسرة ان تنشر‬C-
.‫الوعي بين الشبابى وكيفية استخدام هذه االختراعات بطريقة مفيدة‬
‫ تعتبر االختراعات الحديثة سالح ذو حدين ويجب على منظمات المجتمع المدني والمؤسسات التعليمية باالضافة الى االسرة ان تنشر‬D-
.‫الوعي بين الشبابى وكيفية استخدام هذه االختراعات بطريقة ضارة‬
38-Many of my students don’t understand the value of education because they have never
seen the benefits education can offer them.
.‫ ال يفهم الكثير من الطالب قيمة التعليم ألنهم لم يروا أبًد ا الفوائد التي يمكن أن يقدمها لهم التعليم‬.1
.‫ ال يفهم الكثير من طالبي قيمة التعليم ألنهم لم يروا أبًد ا الفوائد التي يمكن أن يقدمها لهم التعليم‬.2
.‫ ال يفهم الكثير من طالبي قيمة التدريس ألنهم لم يروا أبًد ا الفوائد التي يمكن أن يقدمها لهم التعليم‬.3
4.‫ال يفهم الكثير من طالبي قيمة التعليم ألنهم لم يروا أبًد ا النتائج التي يمكن أن يقدمها لهم التعليم‬

Choose the best English Translation

‫ ال ينكر احد ان عادة التدخين عادة سيئة ويجب التوقف فورا عن التدخين لما ثبت عن طريق العلم من اضرار فادحة تصل الى درجة‬39 . .1
..‫التسبب في الوفاة‬
(a) None denies that smoking is a bad habit, and smoking must be stopped immediately, as it
has been proven by science of severe damage that reaches the point of causing death.
(b)Every one denies that smoking is a bad habit, and smoking must be stopped immediately,
as it has been proven by science of severe damage that reaches the point of causing life.
(c) No one denies that smoking is a bad habit, and smoking must be stopped immediately, as it
has been proven by science of severe damage that reaches the point of causing death.
(d)No one denies that smoking is a bad habit. Smoking must be stopped immediately, as it has
been proven by science of severe damage that reaches the point of causing death.
. ‫وذلك من الضروري للنجاح في الحياة‬. ‫التفكير اإلبداعي هو العملية التي عن طريقها يأتى األفراد بأفكار جديدة‬-40
a. Creative thinks is the process by which individuals come up with new ideas. This is
necessary for success in life.
b. Creativity thinking is the process by which individuals come up with new ideas. This is
necessary for success in life.
c. Creative thinking is the process by which individuals come up with new ideas. This is
necessary for success in life.
d. Creative thinking is the process by which individuals come up with new ideas. This is
necessity for success in life.

No. Eleven
Choose the correct answer:
1. Doctors and nurses are responsible for the care and--------- of their patients.
a. well-born b. well-being c. self-harm d. self-denial
2. The manager ----------- the meeting because he was seriously ill.
a. had to postpone b. shouldn't have postponed
c. must postpone d. needn't have postponed
3. I am completely ----------- that buying this bag is a good decision.
a. agreed b. disagreed c. convinced d. forced
4. I was made --------- the composition again, as it was full of mistakes.
a. to revise b. revise c. revising d. to revising
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5. He used to talk proudly about his possessions. He…… about how much money he had made.
a. complained b. told c. boasted d. beat
6. I recommend that you……... late anymore.
a. aren't late b. don't be c. not be d. not to be
7. She usually works hard; she -------------- herself in her work.
a. avoids b. immerses c. imagines d. frees
8. We will go for a trip as soon as our car---------------.
a. has repaired b. will be repaired c. has been repaired d. had repaired
9. Rami is very happy; he --------- a medal for writing poetry.
a. is winning b. won c. has won d. had won
10. The giant ship had broken down and -------- navigation in the Suez Canal for seven days.
a. allowed b. blocked c. refused d. eased
11. My brother ---------- short stories for three years before he published them.
a. will write b. had written c. had been writing d. has written
12. The ---- of the woman as a homemaker no longer exists; she now holds key positions
around the world.
a. stereo b. stereotype c. location d. site
13. A/An………. question is the one that you don’t expect to get a specific answer to.
a. amusing b. ordinary c. retelling d. rhetorical
14. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world economy ………. .
a. has greatly affected b. had been greatly affected
c. has been greatly affected d. had greatly affected
15. Hurricanes and tropical storms are different kinds of natural………. that threaten man.
a. disasters b. holidays c. celebrations d. festivals
16. After I returned home, I found that my clothes ……….. by my sister.
a. is being ironed b. was ironing c. had been ironed d. had ironed
17- Which of the following has the correct ending punctuation mark ?
a) Had she enough money, she' d buy a villa!
b) Had she enough money, she' d buy a villa.
c) Had she enough money, she' d buy a villa;
d) Had she enough money, she' d buy a villa?
18. "I'm coming back to my home town tomorrow," Mai said . this sentences means……
a. Mai said that she is coming back to her home town the next day
b. Mai said that she was coming back to her home town the following day
c. Mai said that she was coming back to her home town tomorrow
d. Mai said that I am coming back to my home town tomorrow

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19. Which of the following can be used to show reason?
A As a result B Regardless of C Due to D Moreover
20. In an essay about “The importance of keeping cultural heritage”, which of the following
sentences can be a topic sentence?
A On the other hand, schools should spread national awareness to keep our cultural heritage.
B However, a lot of people are still unaware of the importance of keeping our cultural
C It is taken for granted that cultural heritage is the backbone of the civilisation of every
nation all over the world.
D Therefore, it is highly recommended to show our children how to keep the country’s
cultural heritage by all means.
Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
I'm sure, like me, you have goals you would like to reach some time in the future. In this
blog post I want to share the research I have done to find the secrets to achieving my goals.
First of all I identified my weaknesses by reflecting carefully and asking friends and
family. I should have done this many years earlier as I discovered that I was disorganised,
scared of failing, and that I get distracted easily. Were there too many problems to solve at
once? Well, I started with one at a time and here's what I learnt.
I read a book about organising my room. The author, Sheila Chandra, suggested starting
at one place in the room and when you pick things up not to put them down until you find the
perfect location for them. Then, the next time you use it, always return it to its home so you'll
know where to find it next time, just like you do with your toothbrush!
The next issue was my fear of failing. Mark H. McCormack was the author of a book which
advised me to divide my objectives into smaller steps and then set a time limit for each of
these steps. He said that if we look at the top of a huge mountain we will be put off climbing it,
but if we focus on reaching different points in the mountain, it is less scary. Breaking down
bigger goals into smaller objectives with specific time limits helped me focus for short
periods of time with greater concentration too.
As you can see, I started by identifying the problems and researching possible solutions,
then I put the ideas into practice. I hope the secrets to my success help you as much as they
have helped me.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :-

2. 21.The article is about …….....…
A the most influential books the writer has ever read.
B the importance of being a reflective learner.
C how the writer progressed towards his goals.
D how to decide on the best research methods.
3. 22.The author says …………..…
A he asked the people he knew for advice.
B he asked the authors of the books for help.
C he did not need to ask anyone for help.
D he will read more self-help books.
4. 23.The author says that ………..…
A Sheila Chandra taught him about toothbrushes.
B cleaning your room makes you feel more positive.
C the toothbrush principle helped him become organised.

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D it is important to put your toothbrush in the same place.
5. 24.The message in the second book was that …
A big goals are always easy to achieve.
B many smaller objectives are lots of fun.
C mountain climbing can be very scary.
D you should divide bigger goals into smaller ones.
6. 25.The message from the second book helped the author to …
A reduce the fear of failing and find a new hobby.
B stay organised and reach their goals more quickly.
C reduce the fear of failing and improve concentration.
D improve the writer's time management problems.
7. 26. The process the writer uses to help him become more successful can be summarised as:
A Identify the problems, research the solutions and implement them.
B Identify the problems, talk to friends and family and ask for solutions.
C Identify the problems, go to the library and find useful books to help.
D Identify the friends and family that can help you and ask lots of questions
8. 27.What is the best title for this passage?
A The secret of my success.
B The secrets of my marraige.
C The secret of my friend’s life.
D The secrets of my failure.
9. 28.The word put off in paragraph {4} is closest in meaning to ……….
A turn off. B see off. C cut off. D postpone.
:Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d
The neighbours closest to my house are my favourite people. The man is a retired
army officer and his wife is still working for the nearby university. They are very hospitable
and usually invite friends to lunch. It's particularly enjoyable to wake up on a Friday morning
to the sound of their music playing which are really quite artistic. However, I also love to hear
them laughing when they make a mistake in their music playing. Besides music, carpentry is
still the man's main interest and most days he is outside in his work space in the garden,
making an artistic piece of furniture.
My neighbours are ideal to live next door to, because they can be very helpful if I need
them. I respect them as they never interfere in my private life and I behave with them in the
same way. We have helped each other with numerous emergencies such as fire and a car
accident. We also co-operate with each other in little ways such as bringing in the mail when
one of us is away. We sometimes meet when they invite me over for coffee with some of their
friends who are usually very interesting people: poets, painters, professors and other lively
persons whom I enjoy meeting. Sometimes, we go out together to share some special
occasions such as the 6th October, when we watch the fireworks display. Apart from this, we
simply live next door to each other peacefully, side by side.
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
29.The neighbour's two hobbies are …………… and …………… .
a. photography and playing music b. running and carpentry
c. playing music and swimming d. carpentry and playing music
30. The underlined words " little ways " refer to …………………………
a. sort roads b. not long streets
c. personal business d. simple services offered
31. The main idea of the passage is " ………………………………………"
a. The writer's neighbours interfere in his affairs.
b. The writer's friends are interesting people.
c. The writer's neighbours are unreliable ones.
d. The writer's neighbours are perfect to live next door to.
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‫‪32. "……………" is a synonym of " respect " .‬‬
‫‪a. Appreciate‬‬ ‫‪b. Associate‬‬
‫‪c. Negociate‬‬ ‫‪d. facilitate‬‬
‫………… ‪33. The word " numerous " means‬‬
‫‪a. much‬‬ ‫‪b. a little‬‬
‫‪c. many‬‬ ‫‪d. a few‬‬
‫‪34.From the passage, find out the word that means " friendly “ welcoming and generous to‬‬
‫" ‪visitors.‬‬
‫‪a. private‬‬ ‫‪b. hospitable‬‬
‫‪c. retired‬‬ ‫‪d. artistic‬‬
‫‪35. The underlined " usually " means ……………………………… .‬‬
‫‪a. always‬‬ ‫‪b. never‬‬
‫‪c. seldom‬‬ ‫‪d. many times‬‬
‫‪36.The neighbour……………………… great interest in carpentry and playing music.‬‬
‫‪a. is‬‬ ‫‪b. has‬‬
‫‪c. was‬‬ ‫‪d. having‬‬
‫‪Choose the best answer‬‬
‫‪37- Global trade leads to a big economic growth in different regions all over the world. So, all‬‬
‫‪the world countries aim to develop it greatly.‬‬
‫‪.‬ا‪ -‬التجارة العالمية تؤدى إلى نمو إقتصادى كبير فى أقاليم مختلفة فى كل أنحاء العالم‪ .‬لذلك تسعى دول العالم لتنميتها بشكل كبير‬
‫‪.‬ب‪ -‬التجارة العالمية تؤدى إلى نمو إقتصادى كبير فى أقاليم مختلفة فى كل أنحاء العالم‪ .‬لذلك ال تسعى دول العالم لتنميتها بشكل كبير‬
‫‪.‬ج‪ -‬التجارة العالمية تؤدى إلى نمو إقتصادى محلى فى أقاليم مختلفة فى كل أنحاء العالم‪ .‬لذلك تسعى دول العالم لتنميتها بشكل كبير‬
‫‪.‬د‪ -‬التجارة العالمية تؤدى إلى نمو إقتصادى كبير فى أقاليم مختلفة فى كل أنحاء العالم‪ .‬لذلك تسعى دول العالم لتنميتها بشكل ضعيف‬
‫‪38- I like living in open places and fresh air and spending much time in parks among the trees‬‬
‫‪and flowers. I don’t like closed or crowded places with people.‬‬

‫ا‪ -‬أحب الحياة فى األماكن المفتوحة و الهواء الطلق‪ ،‬وقضاء وقًت ا قلي ً ًل فى الحدائق بين األشجار والورود‪ ،‬وال أحب األماكن المغلقة أو‬
‫‪.‬المزدحمة بالناس‬
‫ب‪ -‬ال أحب الحياة فى األماكن المفتوحة و الهواء الطلق‪ ،‬وقضاء وقت كبير فى الحدائق بين األشجار والورود‪ ،‬وال أحب األماكن المغلقة أو‬
‫المزدحمة بالناس‬
‫ج‪ -‬أحب الحياة فى األماكن المفتوحة و الهواء الطلق‪ ،‬وقضاء وقًت ا كبي ً را فى الحدائق بين األشجار والورود‪ ،‬وأحب األماكن المغلقة أو‬
‫‪.‬المزدحمة بالناس‬
‫د‪ -‬أحب الحياة فى األماكن المفتوحة والهواء الطلق‪ ،‬وقضاء وقًت ا كبي ً را فى الحدائق بين األشجار والورود‪ ،‬وال أحب األماكن المغلقة أو‬
‫المزدحمة بالناس‬
‫‪.39.‬تعتبر السياحة البيئية أحد أهم أنواع السياحة اآلن ‪ ،‬لذلك تشجع مصر السياحة البيئية لحماية البيئات المختلفة فى جميع أنحاء البالد‬
‫وخاصة على ساحل البحر األحمر‪.‬‬
‫‪a) Ecotourism is one of the least important kinds of tourism nowadays, so Egypt discourages‬‬
‫‪ecotourism to‬‬
‫‪protect the different environments all over the country especially along the Red Sea coast.‬‬

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b) Ecotourism is one of the most important kinds of tourism nowadays, so Egypt encourages
ecotourism to
destroy the different environments all over the country especially along the Red Sea coast.
c) Ecotourism is one of the most important kinds of tourism last years, so Egypt encourages
ecotourism to
prevent the different environments all over the country especially along the Red Sea coast.
d) Ecotourism is one of the most important kinds of tourism nowadays, so Egypt encourages
ecotourism to
protect the different environments all over the country especially along the Red Sea coast.
‫ فهناك من األباء واألمهات من ال يعتنون بأطفالهم كما ينبغى ألنهم أشخاص ال‬، ‫أشياء غريبة نالحظها فى مجتمعاتنا فى الفترة األخيرة‬40-
.‫ ونتيجة ذلك هو أطفال الشوارع‬.‫يتحملوا المسئولية‬
a) Strange things can be noticed in our societies recently. Some parents look after their
children well
because they aren’t irresponsible people. The result of this is homeless children.
b) Strange things can be noticed in our societies recently. Some parents don’t look for their
children well
because they aren’t responsible people. The result of this is homeless children.
c) Strange things can notice in our societies recently. Some parents don’t look after their
children well
because they are irresponsible people. The result of this is homeless children.
d) Strange things can be noticed in our societies recently. Some parents don’t look after their
children well because they are irresponsible people. The result of this is homeless children.

No . Twelve
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. Carry on that good work! The antonym of carry on is …………
a) go on b) continue c) remain d) stop
2. Our armed forces are our…………that defends the borders against any foreign attack.
a) tumour b) humour c) rumour d) armour
3. Other industries have had to sack managers to reduce ………… costs.
a) innovative b) creative c) administrative d) agricultural
4. You must…………the good points against the bad points and make your decision.
a) balance b) add c) multiply d) subtract
5. She claimed that she could beat anyone, but it was an empty ………...
a) roast b) toast c) boast d) boost
6. She's made one or two slips - only spelling errors - but it's ………… well written.

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a) imperfectly b) basically c) wrongly d) falsely
7. You can only humbug those who are not …………of your tricks.
a) aware b) weary c) drowsy d) dreamy
8. It would be inappropriate for me to comment on what your ………… said.
a) reactor b) couch c) tutor d) lecture
9.Did you see Nireen yesterday? – No, but I …………her this evening.
a) 'd see b) 'll probably see c) will have seen d) going to see
10.This is a personal envelope. Noone ………… open it.
a) mustn't b) can't c) allowed d) can
11.Can't you shout any louder than that? Is that …………you can shout?
a) so loud b) loud c) the loudest d) loudest
12.''Don't move!'' said the police officer. The police officer ordered them …………
a) not move b) not to move c) not moving d) mustn't move
13. She spoke to her guests rudely …………was wrong of her.
a) that b) which c) what d) these
14. The whole of Cairo ………… from the Cairo Tower.
a) can be seen b) can see c) is being seen d) is to see
15. I don’t like these trousers, mum. Could you iron me the black …………?
a) one b) ones c) one's d) ones'
16. Have you had the flat painted already? This question means the speaker is …………
a) suspicious b) annoyed c) surprised d) doubtful
17. Choose the correctly structured sentence.
a) I go to school on the foot every day.
b) I go to school on the feet every day.
c) I go to school on foot every day.
d) I go to school on feet every day.
18. Choose the correctly punctuated sentence.
a) I'm human. I'm not made of stones!
b) I'm human. I'm not made of stones
c) I m human; I'm not made of stones!
d) I'm human. I'm not made of stones,
19. Choose what can be used to explain cause and effect: …………
a) accordingly, then b) consequently, as a result
c) hence, thus, therefore d) all mentioned
20. When we want to give an example, we may use: …………
a) to sum up b) meanwhile c) for instance d) on the whole

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Read the following passage, then choose the right answers:
Basic to any understanding of Canada in 20 years after the Second World War is the
country's impressive population growth. For every three Canadians in 1945, there were over
five in 1996. In September 1966 Canada's population passed the 20 million mark. Most of
this surging growth came from natural increase. The depression of the 1930's and the war
had held back marriages and the catching – up process began after 1945. The baby boom
continued through the decade of the 1950's, producing a population increase of nearly
fifteen percent in the five years from 1951 to 1956. This rate of increase had been exceeded
only once before in Canada's history, in the decade before 1911, when the prairies were
being settled.
Undoubtedly, the good economic conditions of the 1950's supported a growth in the
population, but the expansion also derived from a trend toward earlier marriages and an
increase in the average size of families. In 1957 the Canadian birth rate stood at 28 per
thousand, one of the highest in the world. After the peak year of 1957, the birth rate in
Canada began to decline. It continued falling until in 1966 it stood at the lowest level in 25
years. Partly this decline reflected the low level of births during the depression and the war,
but it was also caused by changes in Canadian society. Young people were staying at school
longer more women were working, young married couples were buying automobiles or
houses before starting families, rising living standards were cutting down the size of
families. It appeared that Canada was once more falling in step with the trend toward smaller
families that had occurred all through the Western world since the time of the Industrial
Revolution. Although the growth in Canada's population has slowed down by 1966(the
increase in the first half of the 1960's was only nine percent). Another large population
wave was coming over the horizon. It would be composed of the children of the children
who were born during the period of the high birth rate prior to 1957.
21. What does the passage mainly discuss? ............
a) Educational changes in Canada
b) Canada during the Second World War
c) Population trends in postwar Canada
d) Standards of living in Canada
22. According to the passage, when did Canada's baby boom begin? ............
a) in the decade after 1911 b) After 1945
c) During the depression of the 1930s d) in 1966
23. The underlined word "five" refers to…………
a) Canadians b) Years c) Decades d) Marriages
24. The word "surging" is closest in meaning to…………

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a) new b) extra c) surprising d) accelerating
25.The writer suggests that in Canada during the 1950s …………
a) the urban population decreased rapidly
b) fewer people married
c) economic conditions were poor
d) the birth rate was very high
26. The word "trend" gives equal meaning to…………
a) tendency b) aim c) growth d) direct
27. When was the birth rate in Canada at its lowest postwar level? ............
a) 1966 b) 1957 c) 1956 d) 1951
28. It can be inferred from the passage that before the industrial Revolution………....
a) families were larger b) population statistic were unreliable
c) the population grew steadily d) economic conditions were bad
Read the following passage, then choose the right answers:
Aside from perpetuating itself, the sole purpose of the American Academy and Institute
of Arts and Letters is to "foster, assist and sustain an interest" in literature, music, and art.
This it does by enthusiastically handing out money. Annual cash awards are given to
deserving artists in various categories of creativity: architecture, musical composition,
theater, novels, serious poetry, light verse, painting, sculpture. One award subsidizes a
promising American writer's visit to Rome. There is even an award for a very good work of
fiction that failed commercially—once won by the young John Updike for The Poorhouse
Fair and, more recently, by Alice Walker for In Love and Trouble. The awards and prizes
total about $750,000 a year, but most of them range in size from $5,000 to $12,500, a
welcome sum to many young practitioners whose work may not bring in that much money
in a year.
One of the advantages of the awards is that many go to the struggling artists, rather than
to those who are already successful. Members of the Academy and Institute are not eligible
for any cash prizes. Another advantage is that, unlike the National Endowment for the Arts
or similar institutions throughout the world, there is no government money involved.
Awards are made by committee. Each of the three departments—Literature (120 members),
Art (83), Music (47)—has a committee dealing with its own field. Committee membership
rotates every year, so that new voices and opinions are constantly heard.
The most financially rewarding of all the Academy-Institute awards are the Mildred and
Harold Strauss Livings. Harold Strauss, a devoted editor at Alfred A. Knopf, the New York
publishing house, and Mildred Strauss, his wife, were wealthy and childless. They left the
Academy-Institute a unique bequest: for five consecutive years, two distinguished (and

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financially needy) writers would receive enough money so they could devote themselves
entirely to "prose literature" (no plays, no poetry, and no paying job that might distract). In
1983, the first Strauss Livings of $35,000 a year went to short-story writer Raymond Carver
and novelist-essayist Cynthia Ozick. By 1988, the fund had grown enough so that two
winners, novelists Diane Johnson and Robert Stone, each got $50,000 a year for five years.
29. What does the passage mainly discuss?
a) award-winning works of literature b) an organization that supports the arts
c) the life of an artist d) individual patrons of the arts
30. The word "sole" is closest in meaning to…………
a) only b) honorable c) common d) official
31. Which can be inferred about Alice Walker's book in Love and Trouble?
a) It sold more copies than The Poorhouse Fair.
b) It described the author's visit to Rome.
c) It was commercial success.
d) It was published after The Poorhouse Fair.
32. The underlined word "many" refers to…………
a) practitioners b) advantages c) awards d) strugglers
33. What is one of the advantages of the Academy-Institute awards mentioned in the
a) They are subsidized by the government.
b) They are often given to unknown artists.
c) They are also given to Academy-Institute members.
d) They influence how the National Endowment for the Arts makes its award decisions.
34. The word "rotates" means…………
a) alternates b) participates c) decides d) meets
35. Each year the awards and prizes offered by the Academy-Institute total approximately …
a) 12.500$ b) 35,000 $ c) 50,000 $ d) 750,000 $
36. The underlined word "they" refers to…………
a) Mildred and Harold Strauss b) years c) writers d) plays
 Choose the correct translation:
‫هل تصذق أن أكثز من ثلث اثار العالم في األقصر بمفردها؟‬37.
a) Are you believe that more than a third of the world's monuments is in Luxor alone?
b) Do you believe that more than a third of the world's moments is in Luxor alone?
c) Do you believe that more than a third of the world's monuments is in Luxor alone?
d) Do you believe that more than a third of the world's monuments is in Luxor lonely?
.‫البد من تقديم العون لكل الالجئين والمشزدين نتيجه الحروب المدمره‬.

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a) All destructive wars refugees and the homeless must be given a hand.
b) All destructive wars refugees and the homeless must give a hand.
c) All destroyed wars refugees and the homeless must be given a hand.
d) All destructive wars refugees and the homeless must be giving a hand.
39. Olympic games support world peace as they are a good opportunity to communicate with
people with different cultures.
39. Olympic games support world peace as they are a good opportunity to communicate with
.people with different cultures
.‫ان االنعاب االولمبيه تدعم السالم العالمي َألنها فرصه جيده للتواصل مع أشخاص ذوي ثقافات مختلفه‬a(
.‫ ان االنعاب االولمبيه تدعم السالم العالمي َألنها فرصه جيده للتواصل مع أشخاص ذوي ثقافات محدوده‬b(
.‫ ان االنعاب االولمبيه تدعم السالم العالمي َألنها فرصه جيده للتواصل مع أشخاص ذوي جنسيات مختلفه‬c(
.‫ان االنعاب البارالمبيه تدعم السالم العالمي َألنها فرصه جيده للتواصل مع أشخاص ذوي ثقافات مختلفه‬d(
40. Corona is not mere an epidemic in Egypt, but a world pandemic that made us reconsider
a lot of ourd daily activities.
.‫ٌا ن كورونا ليست وباء في مصر فقط ولُك نها جائحه محليه جعلتنا نعيد النظر في كثير من االنشطه المحليه‬a(
.‫اٌا ن كورونا ليست وباء في مصر فقط ولُك نها جائحه عالميه جعلتنا نعيد النظر في كثير من االنشطه المحليه‬b(
.‫ٌا ن كورونا ليست وباء في مصر فقط ولُك نها جائحه محليه جعلتنا نعيد النظر في كثير من االنشطه السنويه‬c(
‫ ٌا ن كورونا ليست وباء في مصر فقط ولُك نها جائحه اقليميه جعلتنا نعيد النظر في كثير من االنشطه المحليه‬d(
No . Thirteen
- Choose the correct answer :
1- Our instructor........................... to know why the students were all late.
a. wandered b. demanded c. forced d. told
2- He couldn't attend the official ceremony………his injury.
a. since b. inspite c. due to d. owing
3- Many animals couldn't survive the extreme heat of global warming.The
word "extreme" is a synonym of "………….".
a. mild b. severe c. regular d. low
4- …… a newspaper which has small pages and easy to explain.
a. broadsheet b. tabloid c. media d. comic
5- Moo salah became a global………who is admired by all people.
a. celebrated b. celebrity c. creative d. innovater
6- I ……..a great interest in literature when I was a student.
a. used to taking b. would take c. took d. had taken
7- Maha and Mona are friends.They ……each other for decades.
a. knew b. know c. have known d. have been knowing
8- Having………….. , he was able to receive his luggage.
a. checked b. had checked c. been checked d. checking
9.Do you know where ……………………………..the previous day.

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a. Ali went b. did Ali go c. Ali had gone d. had Ali gone
10. The bride ………………..her happiness in her marriage. After all, she married a cook.
a) ignored b) exploded c) cried d) exaggerated
11-A………is the person who studies the planets ang stars.
a. astrologer b. astronaut c. astronomer d. astronomy
12-Will you recognize him the moment you …..him?
a. see b. are seeing c. will see d. saw
13-The ministry has….. a new plan for reforming process.
a. precised b. implemented c. implanted d. inspected
14- Our boss ……us Firmly because we couldn't meet the dead line.
a. thanked b. praised c. respected d. scolded
15- I regret………..that he has not een selected.
a. say b. to say c. saying d. being said
16. I don’t like people ...................... never stop talking.
a) who b) which c) whom d) whose
17- Choose the correct answer :{ Writing Skills }
1. I wish I had taken my father‟s advice not to buy that old car. This means……
a) I regret taking my father‟s advice not to buy that old car.
b) I regret not taking my father‟s advice to not buy that old car.
c) I hope I will take my father‟s advice not to buy that old car.
d) I hope my father does not advise me to buy that old car.
18. Which of the following sentences is structurally INCORRECT?
a) I got her to tidy my room. b) I made my sister tidy my room.
c) She was made tidy my room. d) She was supposed to tidy my room.
19. Which of the following sentences can be used to introduce a piece of
information that adds to, or supports the previous statement?
a) To sum up, distance learning is suitable most for those who can‟t attend
lessons or lecturesface to face.
b) It is taken for granted that distance learning is a type of learning that is
mostly used during apandemic.
c) However, some students can‟t interact effectively in that type of learning
d) Moreover, distance learning saves time and effort, which is most useful to
those who work while they are learning or stay in far places.
20. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
a) Wael did you understand why I had travelled to luxor alone?
b) Wael, did you understand why I had travelled to Luxor alone
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c) Wael, did you understand why I had travelled to Luxor alone?
d) Wael, did you understand Why I had travelled to Luxor alone?

:Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d
The sea is full of treasures. Some are from pirate’s ships that sank a long time ago, and
some are natural. Of the natural kinds is the pearl. The pearl is a small round white object
that forms inside an oyster and is a very valuable jewel. Writers have always written about
sea treasures. One of these stories is The Pearl, by John Steinbeck; a story about greed. The
story is about Kino, a Mexican pearl diver, and his wife Juana who live a happy life until, one
morning, their son Tito is stung by a scorpion. They escort him to the local doctor, but he will
not treat the boy because the family is too poor. Juana treats the boy herself. The same day,
Kino goes diving and finds an enormous pearl, which means he is now a wealthy man.
However, when other people hear about the pearl, they plan to steal it. When the doctor
hears about Kino’s pearl, he offers to treat Tito, even though Juana’s treatment has already
cured him. That night, someone tries to steal the pearl, so the next day Kino goes into town to
sell it. The merchants say the pearl is not very valuable because it is too big. Kino knows this
is a trick and so he decides to go to another town to sell the pearl. Juana wishes Kino would
throw it away because she believes it is evil and fears that it will destroy the family, but Kino
refuses. He wants to pay for his son’s education. On their way to the other town, the family
are followed by thieves who want the pearl. Juana and Tito hide in a mountain cave, but Tito
cries out. When the thieves hear this noise, they fire their guns at what they think is a wild
animal. Kino attacks the thieves, but by now it is too late – Tito is dead. Kino and Juana wish
they had never found the pearl. Deciding it’s evil, they return to their home town and throw
it into the sea.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

21.The story is about greed which means ………..
a) a strong desire to dive in the sea.
b) a strong desire for more money.
c) wanting something that is expensive.
d) being satisfied with what you’ve got
22.Tito was very sick because ………………
a) he had a fever due to the hot sun.
b) a poisonous insect stung him.
c) a wild animal attacked him in the cave.
d) the local doctor refused to treat him
23.The local doctor refused to treat Tito because ………..
a) Tito was stung badly by a scorpion.
b) Tito was about to die.
c) the doctor did not have the right medicine.
d) Tito’s family wouldn’t be able to pay him
24.They escort him to the local doctor. The verb ESCORT means …………
a) take b) carry c) treat d) go
25.On hearing the news about the pearl, the doctor …………….
a) offers to treat Tito. b) refuses to treat Tito.
c) tries to steal it. d) treats Tito and cures him.
26.The merchants in the town ……………
a) try to deceive Kino and steal the pearl.
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b) try to trick Kino to buy the pearl at a low price.
c) buy the pearl at a cheap price.
d) buy the pearl at a high price.
27.Because she thinks the pearl brings bad luck, Juana ……………
a) threw the pearl away.
b) gave the pearl to the thieves
c) tries to convince her husband to get rid of the pearl.
d) hid the pearl in the cave.
28.At the end of the story …………………..
a) the family sell the pearl and are rich.
b) Tito is okay and goes to school.
c) the pearl is stolen by a gang.
d) Tito is killed by the thieves at the cave.
:Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d
Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is
dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. The first Labor Day
holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882 in New York City in accordance with
the plans of the Central Labor Union. The idea for this day is attributed to a man named
McGuire, but there is some argument about which man named McGuire.
This celebration was repeated the following year, then in 1884, the first Monday in
September was selected and the Central Labor Union urged similar organizations in other
cities to follow the example of New York and celebrate a “workingmen’s holiday” on that date.
The idea spread with the growth of labor organizations, and in 1885 Labor Day was
celebrated in many industrial centers of the country. Throughout the years the nation gave
increasing emphasis to Labor Day.
The first government recognition came through municipal ordinances passed during
1885 and 1886, leading to a movement to secure State legislation. The first bill was
introduced into the New York legislature, but the first to become law was passed by Oregon
in 1887. During that year four more States also legislated for Labor Day. By 1894, 23 other
States had adopted the holiday, and in June of that year, Congress passed an Act, making the
first Monday in September of each year a legal holiday in the District of Columbia. On that
day, a street parade is to exhibit to the public followed by a festival for the amusement of
workers and their families. By resolution of the American Federation of Labor Convention in
1909, the Sunday preceding Labor Day was adopted as Labor Sunday, and dedicated to the
spiritual and educational aspects of the labor movement.
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
29.According to the passage, the first State to pass legislation for Labor Day was …………… .
a) New York b) Colorado
c) Columbia d) Oregon
30.The underlined word “this” refers to ……………… .
a) a man named McGuire,
b) the Labor Day
c) the first day in September
d) economic achievements
31.Which of the following is NOT true?
a) including families was an important part of Labor Day celebrations
b) the first legislative bill was introduced in New York
c) Labor Day had always been held on the first Monday in September
d) by 1894, twenty eight States had passed legislation for Labor Day
32.The underlined phrase “municipal ordinances” is closest in meaning to ……………… .
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a) city laws b) street festivals
c) social work d) labor day
33.Which statement is TRUE?
a) A certain man called McGuire thought of the Labor Day.
b) The first law was passed by New York legislature in 1887
c) The Labor Day involves only economic achievements in America.
d) The growth of labor unions had helped the idea of the Labor Day to spread.
34.The word “urged” is closet in meaning to …………….. .
a) speeded b) satisfied
c) devoted d) encouraged
35.The word “secure” is closest in meaning to …………… .
a) guarantee b) pass
c) gain d) implement
36.The best title to the passage is ……………. .
a) Labor Day: Worker’s Feast
b) How was the Labor Day celebrated.
c) Who invented the Labor Day.
d) The Laws and unions of the Labor Day.
-Translate from English into Arabic:
37-Egypt is the first country in the African continent to start manufacturing the
coronavirus vaccine, thanks to national companies that played a vital role in
the manufacture of vaccines.

‫مصر هي اول دوله في القارة اإلفريقية تبدأ في إستخدام لقاح فيرس كرونا بفضل الشركات الوطنية التي قامت بدور‬
‫هام في تصنيع اللقاحات‬.
‫مصر هي اول دوله في القارة اإلفريقية تبدأ في تصنيع لقاح فيرس كرونا بفضل الشركات الوطنية التي قامت بدور‬
‫هام في تصنيع اللقاحات‬.
‫مصر هي اول دوله في القارة اإلفريقية تبدأ في إستخدام لقاح فيرس كرونا بفضل الشركات الدولية التي قامت بدور‬
‫هام في تصنيع اللقاحات‬.
‫مصر هي اول دوله في القارة اإلفريقية تبدأ في إستخدام لقاح فيرس كرونا بفضل الشركات الوطنية التي قامت بدور‬
‫محدود في تصنيح اللقاحات‬.

38-Private schools are a parallel educational path that provides places for
thousands of students. However, many scholars believe that these schools
are not as efficient as governmental ones.

‫ يعتمد الكثير من العلماء أن هذه‬,‫ و مع ذلن‬.‫المدارس الخاصة هي مسار تعليمي مواز يوفر أماكن آلالف الطالب‬
‫المدارس ليست فعالة مثل المدارس الحكومية‬.
‫ يعتمد المليل من العلماء أن هذه‬,‫ و مع ذلن‬.‫المدارس الخاصة هي مسار تعليمي مواز يوفر أماكن آلالف الطالب‬
‫المدارس ليست فعالة مثل المدارس الحكومية‬.
‫ يعتمد الكثير من العلماء أن هذه‬,‫ و مع ذلن‬.‫المدارس الخاصة هي مسار تعليمي متمدم يوفر أماكن آلالف الطالب‬
‫المدارس ليست فعالة مثل المدارس اللغات‬.
‫ يعتمد الكثير من أولياء األمور أن هذه‬,‫ و مع ذلن‬.‫المدارس الخاصة هي مسار تعليمي مواز يوفر أماكن آلالف الطالب‬
‫المدارس ليست رخيصة مثل المدارس الحكومية‬

Translate From Arabic into English:

‫يفضل أصحاب العمل الموظفين المؤهلين المهرة الذين يجيدون مهارات الكمبيوتر و االنترنت باالضافة الي العمل تحت الضغوط‬39.

a) Employees prefer qualified, skilled employers who are proficient in

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computer and internet skills, and who are able to work under different forms of pressure.
b) Employers prefer qualified, skilled employees who are sufficient in computer and
internet skills, and who are able to work without pressure.
c) Employers prefer qualified, skilled employees who are proficient in
computer and internet skills, in addition to being able to work under different forms of
d) Employers prefer qualified, skilled employees who are proficient in
computer and internet skills, and who are unable to work under different forms of
‫تسير مصر بخطي ثابتة في مجال اإلصالح االلتصادي جنبًا الي جنب مع محاربة االرهاب و حماية الناس من فيروس‬40.
a) Egypt is moving at a steady pace in the field of economic reform, side by side with
fighting terrorism and infecting people with the Coronavirus.
b) Egypt is moving at a steady pace in the field of economic reform, alongside fighting
terrorism and protecting people from the Coronavirus.
c) Egypt is moving at a steady pace in the field of social reform, side by side with fighting
tourism and protecting people from the Coronavirus.
d) Egypt is moving at a steady peace in the field of economic return, alongside fighting
terrorism and protecting people from the Coronavirus.
N0. Fourteen-
Choose the right answers
1. By 1960s, most households had a TV.The noun"households” can be replaced
a) enemies b) rivals c) families d) foes
2. The psychologist told me that my son's problem was more………..than physical.
a) essential b) beneficial c) additional d) emotional
3. One of the………… of iron is that it conducts heat and electricity very well.
a) improvements b) expectations c) properties d) disadvantages
4. This substance……… any shape you want. It is very elastic.
a) stretches b) switches c) tears d) fetches
5. We will have to wait to see how…..this experience will be, how reliable the technology.
a) processed b) survivor c) immerse d) immersive
6. The high crime rate has its…………in unemployment and poverty.
a) ancestors b) shares c) roots d) qualifications
7. The journalist was there to…………an interview with The President.
a) make b) do c) give d) take
8. A…………is the woman who a man is engaged to be married to.
a) fiancé b) fiancée c) widower d) bachelor
9. She'll have difficulties…...used to the night shifts, but the extra pay will compensate.
a) get b) to get c) to getting d) getting

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10. He…………his wallet until the waiter brought the bill.
a) missed b) didn't miss c) is missing d) hasn't missed
11. I…………the sales position, but it would have involved working really long hours.
a) could accept b) could have accepted c) was able to accept d) ought have
12. As he has a good record, we shall let him off this time. This means we……….him.
a) shall punish b) shall reward c) shall not punish d) won't release
13. When Adam arrived, we …………dinner. He found nothing to eat.
a) had b) had had c) were having d) have had
14. Not since last summer,………..been to the beach.
a) have I b) I have c) did I d) was I
15. I need to………… before the interview.
a) get dry-cleaned my suit b) have my suit got dry-cleaned
c) get my suit dry-cleaned d) get my suit to dry-clean
16. “I had to drive your dogs out of my garden,” she said. –She said
my dogs out of her garden.
a) had to b) must c) had had to d) has had to
17. They waited outside for ages. The underlined words "outside" and "for ages" are……..
a) adverbials b) verbs c) adjuncts d) a and c
18. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
a) Wow, that would be exciting! b) Wow; that would be exciting!
c) wow, That would be exciting. d) Wow! That would be exciting?
19. The following is part of a/an…………essay.
I’ll never forget the day I photographed a bear. My brothers and I were visiting my
grandparents. They live near Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming.
a) persuasive b) narrative c) argumentative d) expository
20. Why do we use transitions?
a) To make us mess up b) To distract the reader
c) To make the writing flow d) To start the paragraph
Read the following passage then choose the right answers:
Hydroponics is the science of growing plants without soil. Although it sounds like a new
technology, it is not by any means a modern idea. Ancient Egyptian writings describe the
growing of plants in water. Early examples of hydroponic culture include the hanging gardens
of Babylon and the floating gardens built by the Aztecs in Mexico. Soil helps to anchor the
roots of plants, but it has been demonstrated that it is not absolutely necessary for their
growth. As long as it can obtain food from somewhere, a

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plant will grow. In hydroponics, nutrients are dissolved in water and the plant takes them in
through its roots. In the last 70 years, the technique has developed dramatically. It has
become extremely popular in Europe and is widely used to grow food crops. Holland leads the
world in
hydroponic food production, with Canada a close second. Hydroponics has been used to grow
vegetables in submarines and now astronauts are experimenting with it to produce food in
space. Many people see hydroponics as a solution to the world's growing food problems. As
populations grow and cities increase in size, there is less and less land available for
agriculture. Countries with limited space for crop cultivation can use hydroponics to produce
food. It can also be used in areas with poor soil such as deserts. Scientists are now looking at
ways of removing the salt from seawater and using it to mix the nutrient solution. Soon there
will be no areas of the world where food cannot be produced.
21. Which place produces the most hydroponic food?
a) Space b) Europe c) Holland d) Canada
22. Hydroponics is an answer to the problem of............ .
a) feeding astronauts in space. c) feeding crews of submarines.
b) lack of sea water. d) world food shortage.
23.The most suitable title for the first paragraph would be............
a) The current state of hydroponics. c) The future of hydroponics.
b) The history of hydroponics. d) How hydroponics takes place.
24. As cities grow bigger, the amount of land available to farming…………
a) is increased c) becomes cultivated b) is deserted d) becomes limited
25. What does the underlined word “it” refer to?
a) The plant b) The root c) The trunk d) The soil
26. What does the word “demonstrated” mean?
a) shown b) disproved c) excluded d) intruded
27. Hydroponics is the science of ............ .
a) removing salt from seawater b) reclaiming the desert
c) studying desert soil d) growing plants without soil.
28. In hydroponics, nutrients are dissolved in water and the plant takes them in…….
a) through its leaves b) through its branches c) through its roots d) through
its trunk
a) is increased b) is deserted c) becomes cultivated d) becomes limited
Read the following passage then choose the right answers:
Born in 1830 in rural Amherst, Massachusetts, Emily Dickinson spent her entire life in the
household of her parents. Between 1858 and 1862, it was later discovered, she wrote like a

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person possessed, often producing a poem a day. It was also during this period that her life
was transformed into the myth of Amherst. Withdrawing more and more, keeping to her
room sometimes even refusing to see visitors who called, she began to dress only in white-a
habit that added to her reputation as an eccentric. In their determination to read Dickinson's
life in terms of a traditional romantic plot biographers have missed the unique pattern of her
life-her struggle to create a female life not yet imagined by the culture in which she lived.
Dickinson was not the innocent, lovelorn and emotionally fragile girl sentimentalized by the
Dickinson myth and popularized by William
Luce‘s 1976 play, The BeIle of Amherst. Her decision to shut the door on Amherst society in
the 1950's transformed her house into a kind of magical realm in which she was free to
engage her poetic genius. Her seclusion was not the result of a failed love affairs but rather a
part of a more general pattern of
renunciation through which she, in her quest for self – sovereignty, carried on an argument
with the Puritan fathers, attacking with wit and irony their cheerless Calvinist doctrine, their
stern patriarchal God, and their rigid notions of "true womanhood."
29. What is the author's main purpose in the passage?
a) To interpret Emily Dickinson‘s eccentric behavior
b) To promote the popular myth of Emily Dickinson
c) To discuss Emily Dickinson's failed love affair
d) To describe the religious climate in Emily Dickinson's time
30. According to the passage, the period from 1858 to 1862 was for Emily Dickinson a
period of great
a) tragedy b) sociability c) productivity d) frivolity
31. What does the underlined word „their‟ refer to?
a) tragedy b) sociability c) productivity d) frivolity
32. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as being one of Emily Dickinson' s
a) Refusing to eat b) Avoiding visitors c) Wearing only write d) Staying in her
33. According to the passage, biographers of Emily Dickinson have traditionally
a) seen her life in romantic terms
b) ignored her innocence and emotional fragility
c) blamed her parents for restricting her activities
d) criticized most of her poems
34. Why does the author mention William Luce's play The Belle of Amherst?
a) To give an example of the sentimentalized Emily Dickinson myth

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b) To show how popular Emily Dickinson's poems have become
c) To show that Emily Dickinson was also an actress
d) To illustrate the theatrical quality of Emily Dickinson's poems
35. The author implies that many people attribute Emily Dickinson's seclusion to............
a) physical illness b) religious fervor c) a failed love affair d) her dislike of
36. The suitable title to the passage is............
a) Theatres and poems c) Emily Dickson‘s unusal life
b) The age of the Puritans d) William luce‘s play, The BeIle of Amherst
 Read the sentences then choose the correct translation from a, b, c or d:
.‫مصر إآلن تحتإج ا لى إلعمل الوطني المباشر اكثر بكثير من إحتياجها الي إألغاني الهابطة وإلخطب الرنانة‬37.
a) Egypt now needs direct national action a lot more than it needs high songs and resonant
b) Egypt now needs indirect national action a lot more than it needs low songs and resonant
c) Egypt now needs direct national action a lot more than it needs low songs and resonant
d) Egypt now needs direct national action a lot many than it need low songs and resonant

.‫ ستظل مصر داثما وابدا وواحة األمن واألمان وكنانة هللا في إألرض‬:‫ لمن أصابه الزهايمر أو فقد الذاكرة‬38.
a) For those who have suffered from Alzheimer or amnesia: Egypt will always and
.forever be an oases of security and safety and God's treasury on earth
b) For anyone who has suffered from Alzheimer's disease or amnesia: Egypt will always and
.forever be an oasis of insecurity and safety and God's quiver on earth
c) For those who has been struck by Alzheimer's disease or loss of memory: Egypt will
.always and never be an oasis of security and safety and ALLAH's container on earth
d) For those who have suffered from Alzheimer's disease or amnesia: Egypt will always and
.forever be an oasis of security and safety and the quiver of ALLAH on earth
It is natural for every new generation to rebel against the old, and to establish a new .39
.sensitivity and a different language and a different writing
.‫ من العادى لكل جيل جديد أن يقلد إلقديم وأن يؤسس حساسية جديدة ولغة مغايرة وكتابة مختلفة‬a(
.‫ من طبيعة كل جيل جديد أن يثور على القديم وأن ينشأ ذائقة جديدة ولغة مختلفة وكتابة متشابهة‬b(
.‫ ان كل جيل جديد من طبيعته إلتمرد على القديم وتأسيس حساسية جديدة ولغة مختلفة وكتابة مغايرة‬c(
.‫ من إلطبيعى لكل جيل جديد أن يحال إلقدماء وأن يبني حاسة جديدة ولغة مختلفة وكتابة مختلفة‬d(

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The Ahram Newspaper has occupied a high position in the Egyptian, Arab and .40
.international public life

.‫ لقد إحتلت جريدة " إألهرإم" وظيفة مرموقة ن ف الحيإة العامة إلمصرية والعربية والعإلمية‬a(
.‫ لقد تبوأت جريدة " إألهرإم" مكإنة عالية نف الحيإة العامة المصرية والعربية والعالمية‬b(
.‫ لقد حإزت جريدة " إألهرإم" على مكانة سامقة ن ف حياة العوام المصرية والعربية وإالقليمية‬c(
‫لقد شغلت جريدة " إألهرإم" مكاً نإ عاليا الحياة الخاصة المصرية والعربية والعالمية‬d(
No. Fifteen
Having a large income is one of the advantages of rank. The synonym of the word .1
. ............rank” here is“
a) investment b) decline c) award d) high position
.It's too early to………the long-term consequences of the new educational system .2
a) assess b) access c) vary d) produce
.It is estimated that China has an 82 % software…………rate .3
a) settings b) piracy c) cheating d) prejudice
.Tonight's performance has been cancelled due to circumstances…………our control .4
a) beyond b) under c) beneath d) behind
.He is…………when he has had a few drinks .5
a) nicest b) the nicest c) more nice d) the nicer
?you............tried to write your name and address with your left hand ............ .6
a) Had / ever b) Did / never c) Do / ever d) Have / ever
?..………I‟ve made some copies. Would you like me to .7
a) hand out them b) hand it out c) hand them out d) hand out it
.We are going to have...........down .8
a) knocked that wall b) that wall knocking
c) knocking that wall d) that wall knocked
...........He was proud of his achievements. The synonym of the word “proud” is .9
a) satisfied b) ashamed c) embarrassed d) shameful
.Love is something………..; the aspect may change, but not the essence .10
a) eternal b) temporary c) ceasing d) limited
.We are always eager to………..the latest technology .11
a) reject b) disbelieve c) embrace d) embark
.The exhibit is a …………for anyone interested in Egyptian art .12
a) must-read b) must-have c) must-seen d) must-see

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!I…………to learn this for hours and I still don't know it .13
a) have tried b) have been trying
c) tried d) had tried
.He was going to drink some lemonade but there was…………left. He was upset .14
a) a few b) much c) no one d) none
.Jane told me the news and then…………that she felt very happy about it .15
a) recommended b) added c) answered d) claimed
.The teacher spoke for………..long time that no one was listening in the end .16
a) too b) so c) such d) such a
?Which one of the following sentences uses an appositive correctly .17
.a) Samy came with us on our ski trip. Samy is my best friend
.b) Samy, who my best friend, came with us on our ski trip
.c) Samy, my best friend, came with us on our ski trip
.d) Samy, he is my best friend, came with us on our ski trip
?Which sentence is punctuated correctly .18
.a) They would probably title the article man: dog‘s worst friend
.b) They would probably title the article: Man, dog‘s worst friend
.c) They would probably title the article, Man: dog‘s worst friend
.d) They would probably title the article Man: Dog‘s Worst Friend
Decent Life initiative: A project for the 21st century. This kind of sentence can be seen .19
…………in a/an
a) letter b) advertisement c) newspaper headline d) book review
?Which of the following sentences is structurally correct .20
.a) We use encyclopedias because it contains good information
.b) We use encyclopedias because they contain good informations
.c) We use an encyclopedia because it contain good information
.d) We use encyclopedias because they contain good information
:Read the following passages, then choose the correct option from a, b, c or d
Polo is an unusual sport. It uses a ball and a mallet, which is used to hit the ball. It also
requires helmets to protect the player‘s heads, gloves for their hands and boots to guard their
legs. The players hit the ball into a goal to score. Nothing special, right? The game of polo
suddenly becomes very exciting when you discover the final piece of ―equipment‖ the
need: a horse. That‘s right; it is played entirely on horseback. How did this unique sport that
?combines the talents of humans with animals become popular
The game of polo was developed in Persia around 2,000 years ago, but the British made

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,modern polo world-famous. A mere 150 years ago, the British came in contact with the sport
in the Indian city of Silchar. There, the oldest existing polo club, the Calcutta Club, was
founded by the British in 1862. A polo club opened in England just ten years later, and
British soon began to travel and show others this great ―new‖ sport. Polo quickly grew
.worldwide. Twenty years later, clubs as far away as Argentina and Australia were founded
Today, 77 countries around the world have polo teams, including the UAE. Dubai, Abu
.Dhabi and Sharjah all have their own polo teams, made up of foreign and Emirati players
Matches are played all year round and included players at every level. So, if you enjoy
?playing sports and are a good horse rider, why not consider joining the polo team
?What is the topic of this text .21
a) Polo in the past and today c) Countries where polo is played
b) Games the British love d) How polo developed in Persia
?When was the first polo club founded in England .22
a) 2,000 years ago b) in 1872 c) in 1862 d) 150 years ago
?What is the topic of paragraph (1) .23
a) The popularity of polo c) Horses and the polo match
b) What players need for polo d) Strange and exciting sports
...........In the first paragraph, the underlined pronoun "it" refers to .24
b) ball b) polo c) goal d) mallet
...........Helmets” means something for the“ .25
a) hand b) leg c) boot d) head
...........To join a UAE polo team, you must .26
a) know how to ride a horse c) own many horses
b) come from the UAE d) be a very good player
?How was polo first spread all around the world .27
a) on horseback b) by polo teams c) by the Calcutta Club d) by British travellers
…………The underlined collocation "came in contact with" means .28
a) invented b) recognized c) reinvented d) neglected
:Read the following passages, then choose the correct option from a, b, c or d
Julius Caesar is one of the most famous tragedies in the world. William Shakespeare
.wrote it around 1599. There have been 5 thousands of performances in the 400 years since
.The story is about power. It is about people who use power well and people who use it badly
.Julius Caesar was a general in the Roman army. He won a big battle and returned to Rome
Most of the people loved him but some people envied him because he was powerful. They
.decided to kill him
Brutus was Caesar's friend. A man called Cassius asked Brutus to join the plot against

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,Caesar. 'It is for the good of Rome,' he said. The plotters decided not to kill Mark Antony
.another important Roman. It was a very bad decision
,The plotters decided to kill Caesar on 15th March. The night before, Caesar's wife
Calpurnia, had a dreadful dream about her husband. In her dream, Caesar died at work in
,the government building. She tried to stop him going to work. But he didn't listen to his wife
,and went. The plotters killed him. Caesar's friend hit him last of all. After Caesar‘s death
Mark Antony spoke at Caesar's funeral. He told the crowd about Caesar's good qualities and
.actions. The crowd got angry, and Cassius and Brutus had to leave the city
A war started between the supporters of Brutus and Cassius and the supporters of Mark
Antony. At first, Brutus and Cassius won some battles. However, Mark Antony finally won
the war, and the other two men died. When Mark Antony saw the body of Brutus, he was
very sad. 'He was the noblest Roman of them all,' he said. 'The other plotters killed Caesar
'.because they hated him. Brutus killed him for the good of Rome
…………The main idea in Paragraph 2 is .29
a) the king‘s wife dreadful dream
.b) the plot against Mark Antony
c) the conflict between the supporters of the king and the supporters of Mark Antony
.d) the plot against the king
…………The king‟s death was on the .30
a) 15th of March b) 15th of April c) 5th of March d) 25th of March
………… The main idea in this text is .31
a) respect among family members c) the conflict between good and bad desires
b) how to make fun of others d) the life of kings and queens
…………The underlined word “supporters” means .32
a) writers b) plotters c) planners d) followers
…………Brutus killed the king because .33
..a) he loved him. c) he wanted to marry the king‘s wife
.b) he hated him d) he loved Rome more than his friend
…………The underlined word “dreadful” means .34
a) noblest b) happy c) famous d) terrible
…………The pronoun “them” means .35
a) the supporters b) the crowd c) the plotters d) Shakespeare‘s plays
…………The plotters decided to kill Julius Caesar because .36
a) they envied him. c) he lost the war
b) he was a bad king d) all people loved him

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‫ أم واقعا سهل‬، ‫ فهل ستظل الرحالت بين إلنجوم حلما بعيدإلمنإل‬.‫ تضاعفت تطلعات االنسان الي المزيد‬، ‫ كلما تقدمت تكنولوجيا إلفضاء‬37.

a) As space technology advances, Man's aspirations for more multiply. Will interstellar
?journeys remain a distant dream, or easy-to-find reality
b) As space technology progressed, Man aspirations for more double. Will interstellar
?journeys remains a far dream, or a reality soon
c) As space technology advances, human aspirations for more multiply. Will interstellar
?journey remain a distant dream, or a reality soon
d) As space technology advances, human's aspirations for more multiplied. Will interstellar
?journeys remain distant dream, or easy-to-find reality
.‫ و جه إلعلمإء إهتمإمهم الى إلشمس وإلقمر وإلريإح كمصدر للطإقة ؛ ألن البترول سينضب في المستقبل إلقريب‬38 .
a) Scientists directed their intention to the sun, moon and wind as a source of energy; because
.oil will run out soon
b) Scientists turned their attention to the sun, moon and wind as a source of strength; because
.petrol will be gone in the near future
c) Scientists directed their attention to the sun, moon and wind as a source of energy;
.becauseoil will run out in the near future
d) Scientists directed their interests to the sun, moon and wind as a source of power; because
.oil will run out in the far future
History witnesses that Egypt is the land of civilization and our ancestors were the first .39
.teachers for humanity. The ancient Egyptian civilization is full of wonders

.‫ يشهد إلتاريــخ أن مصر أرض إلحضارة وأن أحفادنا كانوا أول من علم البشريه؛ فإلحضإرة إلمصرية إلقديمة زاخرة بإلمعجزإت‬a(
‫ يشهد إلتإريــخ أن مصر أرض إلحضإرة وأن أسالفنا كإنوإ المعلمين االواثل لالنسانيه ؛ فإلحضإرة إلمصرية إلقديمة مليئة بالخيرت‬b(
.‫ يشهد إلتإريــخ أن مصر أرض إلحضإرة وأن أجدإدنإ كإنوإ أول من علم إلبشريه ؛ فإلحضإرة إلمصرية إلقديمة زإخرة بإلعجإئب‬c(
.‫ يالحظ إلتإريــخ أن مصر أرض إلحضإرة وأن أجدإدنإ كإنوإ أول من علم إلبشريه ؛ فإلحضإرة إلمصرية إلقديمة مليثه بإلمنجزات‬d(

It‘s high time men seized to regard women as second-class citizens. Women are men's .40
.partners in all aspects of life. It‘s something undeniable

‫ هذإ أمر يمكن‬-‫ آن إآلوإن أن يتوقف إلرجل عن إعتبإر إلمرأة موإطنة من إلدرجة إلثإنية ؛ فإلمرأة هي شريكة إلرجل في كل مناحي إلحيإة‬a(
‫ هذإ أمر إل‬-‫ آن إآلوإن أن يتوقف إلرجل عن إعتبإر إلمرأة موإطنة من إلدرجة إلثإنية ؛ فإلمرأة هي شريكة إلرجل في كل مناحي إلحيإة‬b)
.‫يمكن انكإره‬

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‫ هذإ أمر إل يمكن‬-‫ حإن إلوقت أن يتوقف إلرجل عن إعتبإر إلمرأة موإطنة من إلدرجة إلثإنية ؛ فإلمرأة منإفسة للرجل في كل مجإإلت إلحيإة‬c)
‫ هذإ امرال‬-‫ آن إآلوإن أن يتوقف إلرجل عن إعتبإر إلمرأة موإطنة من إلدرجة إلثإنية ؛ فإلمرأة هى شريكة إلرجل في كل مناحي إلحيإة‬d(
‫يمكن انكاره‬

No. Sixteen
.Books are treasure banks storing………..passed down from generation to generation .1
a) employment b) wisdom c) random d) procedure
.If you do………, you work for only some of the day or the week .2
a) part-time b) full-time c) permanent d) day and night
……Recent medical advances provide many opportunities to help people with Down's .3
a) order b) Syndrome c) combination d) bedroom
.That's the good thing about helping other people. It takes your.......your own problems .4
a) brain b) mind of c) head off d) brain off
.We ate a…………meal at the dinner yesterday .5
a) second rate b) secondrate c) second-rate d) seconds rate
.The research…………done by tomorrow .6
a) must b) must been c) has to be d) must have
.The holiday………..he was looking forward was cancelled .7
a) which b) to that c) for which d) to which
.Can I have a piece of cake, please?” she said. She…………have a piece ofcake “ .8
a) asked if could she b) said she could c) wondered if she will d) asked if she
. …………People doing yoga benefit from an increased feeling of .9
a) well-bred b) well-being c) exhausting d) scolding
.Local residents are asking for speed humps to be…………in their street .10
a) shared b) joined c) pirated d) installed
.Many of Charlie Chaplin's movies had been…………successful .11
a) regularly b) rarely c) spectacularly d) surgically
.She was…………of murdering her drunken and violent husband .12
a) employed b) convicted c) rewarded d) awarded
.Ali's spots from the measles…………by next week .13
a) will be disappearing b) will be disappeared c) will have disappeared d) is going to
.What a pity! He‟s bleeding terribly. He............ an accident .14
a) can‘t have had b) must have had c) may have had d) should not have had

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treat yourself to a meal at the McDonalds'? a) Why ………… .15
don't b) Why not c) How about d) Why we don't
…………The teacher accepted the student's apology and let him .16
a) up b) down c) off d) at
?Which of the following sentences is structurally correct .17
.a) The dress isn‘t suited by those shoes. b) My all family lives abroad
.c) We travelled throughout whole country
.d) She opens all the cupboard doors and doesn‘t close them after her
:Choose the best option to introduce the following topic .18
The Internet has provided great benefits, but at the same time, it has also created new
.problems and inequalities. It is possible to control some of these problems
a) Most people would like to access the Internet
b) The Internet has given both advantages and disadvantages to our society
c) On the other hand the Internet has created some problems
d) The Internet has changed our lives more than any other technology
?Which sentence is punctuated correctly .19
.a) Good. replied Adam: Wednesday works for me, too
.b) Good, replied Adam. wednesday works for me. too
.c) Good, replied Adam, Wednesday works for me, too
.d) Good, replied adam; Wednesday works for me, too
.………Leave your contact information. This kind of sentence can be seen in a/an .20
a) application form b) clinical case c) prose d) resume
2- Read the following passage, then answer the questions :
The neighbours closest to my house are my favourite people. The man is a retired
army officer and his wife is still working for the nearby university. They are very hospitable
and usually invite friends to lunch. It's particularly enjoyable to wake up on a Friday morning
to the sound of their music playing which are really quite artistic.
However, I also love to hear them laughing when they make a mistake in their music
playing. Besides music, carpentry is still the man's main interest and most days he is outside
in his work space in the garden, making an artistic piece of furniture.
My neighbours are ideal to live next door to, because they can be very helpful if I need
them. I respect them as they never interfere in my private life and I behave with them in the
same way. We have helped each other with numerous emergencies such as fire and a car
accident. We also co-operate with each other in little ways such as bringing in the mail when
one of us is away. We sometimes meet when they invite me over for coffee with some of their
friends who are usually very interesting people : poets, painters, professors and other lively

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persons whom I enjoy meeting. Sometimes, we go out together to share some special
occasions such as the 6th October, when we watch the fireworks display. Apart from this, we
simply live next door to each other peacefully, side by side.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

21- The neighbour's two hobbies are …………… and ……………
a) photography and playing music b) running and carpentry
c) playing music and swimming d) carpentry and playing music
22- The underlined words ‘little ways’ refer to ……………
a) sort roads b) not long streets
c) personal business d) simple services offered
23- The main idea of the passage is “……………”
a) The writer's neighbours interfere in his affairs.
b) The writer's friends are interesting people.
c) The writer's neighbours are unreliable ones.
d) The writer's neighbours are perfect to live next door to.
24- “……………” is a synonym of “respect”.
a) Appreciate b) Associate c) Negociate d) facilitate
25- The word “numerous” means ……………
a) much b) a little c) many d) a few
26- From the passage, find out the word that means “friendly, welcoming and generous to
a) private b) hospitable c) retired d) artistic
27- The underlined “usually” means ……………
a) always b)never c) seldom d) many times
28- The neighbour …………… great interest in carpentry and playing music.
a) is b) has c) was d) having

3- Read the following passage, then answer the questions : (8M)

Heba had worked in nursing for many years. She was in charge of four other nurses and
she was respected by each member of staff at the hospital. It was difficult and sometimes very
stressful work. She was responsible for the health of a lot of people. However, she always felt
happy when people recovered and finally went home again. She always found this very
She worked such long hours that it was sometimes difficult to be sociable after work.
She usually went home and watched a film on television with her family. She found this a good
way to unwind.
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It was a Tuesday morning. Heba had started work very early that day and she was
doing her regular check of the patients. She gave them their medicine and made sure that they
were comfortable. Then she went to check a new patient. He was in a private room, separate
from the other patients. He was a man who had been sent to the hospital the night before after
a bad traffic accident.
Heba looked at the man, who was unconscious when he first arrived. Heba had seen
him before. He was a famous actor who everybody in her family knew and liked. The doctor
said that he had suffered a bad head injury from the crash. He was so ill that he would have to
stay in hospital for many weeks. But something was very strange. Heba had seen him in a film
the week before. In the film, he had to go to hospital after an accident, and he had later died.
Heba didn't want that to happen in her hospital!

29- Why was the man who came to hospital unconscious ?

a) He had fallen asleep. b) He was not alive.
c) He had had a bad accident. d) The nurse did not know.
30- Why do you think that he was in a private room ?
a) He was very poor. b) He had a dangerous disease.
c) He didn't like other people. d) He was famous.
31- What was unusual about the actor coming to hospital ?
a) The same thing had happened to him in a film.
b) He had never been there before.
c) He was never usually ill.
d) He usually had private doctors.
32- Where does this text come from ?
a) a science magazine b) a newspaper article
c) a poem d) a story
33- What does the underlined word that refer to ?
a) the actor dying c) what the doctor told her
b) Heba's job as a nurse d) other strange things
34- What do you think the word unwind means!
a) go to sleep b) sit down c) make money d) relax
35- Heba was responsible for …………… nurses.
a) five b) four c) six d) two
36- The man had been sent to hospital on ……………
a) Thursday b) Friday c) Monday d) Sunday

. ‫ يجب أن تهتم مصر بإقامة معرض آلثارنا بالخارج ألنها وسيلة جيدة للدعاية للحضارة المصرية القديمة‬-37

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a) Egypt has to be interested in holding exhibitions for our monuments abroad
because it is a good means of making a propaganda for the ancient Egyptian
b) Egypt is interested in hold exhibits for our monuments abroad because it is a good
means of making a propaganda for old Egypt civilization.
c) Egypt must interest in setting exhibitions for our monuments aboard as it is a good
means of make a propaganda for ancient Egyptian civilization.
d) Egypt has to interested in building exhibitions for our monuments outside as it is a
good means of making a slogan for ancient Egyptian civilization.

. ‫ تعتبر اإلجازات وأشكال الترفيه المختلفة من األسباب الرئيسية لنجاح كل فرد سواء فى دراسته أوعمله‬-38
a) Holidays and different shapes of entertainment are consider some of the basic
cases of everybody's success whether in his studies or his work.
b) Holidays and different shapes of entertainment are considered some of the
basic causes of everybody's success whether in his studies or his work.
c) Tripes and different shapes of amusing are considered some of the basic
causes of everybody's development whether in his studies or his work.
d) Voyages and different kinds of entertainment are considering some of the basic
results of everybody's success whether in his studies or his work.

39- Sleep is nature’s best nurse and people usually sleep to renew their energy and look
. ‫أ) النوم هو ممرض جيد فى الطبيعة والناس عادة ينامون لكى يجددوا قوتهم ويبدون سعداء‬
. ‫ب) النوم هو أفضل ممرض فى الطبيعة والناس عادة ينامون لكى يجددوا طاقاتهم ويبدون سعداء‬
. ‫ج) النوم هو أفضل معالج فى الطبيعة والناس عادة ينامون لكى يجددوا نشاطهم ويبدون مرحين‬
. ‫د) النوم هو أفضل معالج فى الطبيعة والناس عادة ينامون لكى يقووا طاقاتهم ويبدون سعداء‬

40-Providing employment opportunities to those who are unemployed is very important as

lack of employments can lead to social disturbance.
. ‫أ) تقديم فرص عمل للعاطلين مهم جدا ألن نقص الوظائف يمكن أن يؤدى لمصاعب اجتماعية‬
. ‫ب) تقديم فرص االستخدام لهؤالء العاطلين مهم جدا ألن عدم وجود وظائف ممكن أن يؤدى إلى مشاكل اجتماعية‬
. ‫ج) توفير فرص عمل لهؤالء العاطلين مهم جدا ألن نقص الوظائف يمكن أن يؤدى إلى اضطرابات اجتماعية‬
. ‫د) تقديم فرص عمل للموظفين مهم جدا ألن نقص الوظائف يمكن أن يؤدى مشاحنات اجتماعية‬

No. Seventeen
1- Choose the right answers :

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1- Sharm el Shaikh has some …………… views that tourists like seeing.
a) picturesque b) fascinated c) picturing d) unpleasant
2- The Statue of Liberty is perhaps the most famous ….. in U.S.A and is known round the world.
a) landscape b) landslide c) landform d) landmark
3- My father’s watch …………… have cost a lot of money. It’s made of gold.
a) must b) might c) could d) can’t
4- Every weekend, I …………… take a long bike ride during summer vacation.
a) use to b) was used to c) got used to d) would
5- Are there jobs for …………… citizens in this company ?
a) Arabic-speaking b) Arabic spoken
c) Arabic speaking d) Arabic-spoken
6- We should never forget our cultural …………… and where we come from.
a) boots b) roots c) boats d) loads
7- The …………… society includes people with many different customs and beliefs.
a) national b) bilingual c) monolingual d) multicultural
8- …………… means that something is steadfast or firm in someone.
a) Deep-seated b) Clear-cut c) Well-known d) Balanced
9- …………… hard work, he could get a promotion in a bank.
a) Because b) Since c) Through d) Though
10- He told me that he …………… as a teacher for 10 years now.
a) had been working b) works c) was working d) is working
11- Their child is at the stage …………… she can say individual words but not full sentences.
a) where b) when c) which d) that
12- All great nations ……… their culture in a lot of different shapes like literature, cinemas etc.
a) retell b) restore c) reflect d) regain
13- My English teacher is very …………… although he is very fluent in English.
a) proud b) humble c) arrogant d) vain
14- He …………… what annoyed him was that his son had not passed the test.
a) said b) told c) asked d) inquired
15- Physics is a difficult subject and students …………… to understand it.
a) struggle b) conflict c) disagree d) argue
16- Yesterday, I played a long fame of tennis with my brother, ……… made me very tired.
a) which b) what c) where d) whom
17- Which of the following sentences has the correct punctuation ?
a) I read Treasure Island, my friend read King Lear.
b) I read Treasure Island; my friend read King Lear.

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c) I read treasure Island; my friend read King Lear.
d) I read Treasure Island ;my friend read King lear.
18- Which sentence is structurally correct ?
a) The tourists who stay in a hotel, enjoys his visit.
b) The tourists who is staying in a hotel, enjoy their visit.
c) The tourist whose stay has ended , must extend it.
d) The tourist who stay in a hotel, enjoys his visit.
19- Choose the supporting sentence(s) for this topic sentence :
Parents should not allow young children to cross this busy road on their own.
a) Cars are always speeding down that avenue.
b) Last year, two children were injured while crossing that street
c) There are many good restaurants on that street.
d) a & b
20- …………… writing explains things.
a) descriptive b) expository c) narrative d) persuasive
Read the following passage, then answer the questions :
Today, some 815 million people suffer chronically from hunger. And although this is
significantly fewer people than the numbers we saw a decade ago, hunger still kills more
people than AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria combined. On May 28th, we observe World
Hunger Day. It is an effort to focus attention on the fact that despite a sufficient availability of
food nearly everywhere, globally, some 21,000 people die every day from hunger or
malnutrition. People do not go hungry because the world does not produce enough food for
everyone. According to the world Hunger Education Service, over the past three decades,
significant growth in food production, along with improved access to food, helped reduce the
percentage of chronically undernourished people in developing countries from 34 percent to
15 percent. The principal problem is that many people in the world still do not have
resources to purchase or grow enough food. Conflict, governance systems that do not
encourage investment in agriculture, poor management of land and natural resources, lack of
educational opportunity, displacement of small farmers by natural disasters, and financial
and economic crises that eliminate jobs at the lowest levels, all contribute toward creating
conditions that push the poorest into hunger. Over the past decade, a global push to reduce
hunger and extreme poverty has marked some significant successes, thanks in part to the
efforts of numerous international and transnational institutions, foundations, NGOs and
Choose the correct answers from a, b, d or d :
21- The best title to this passage is :

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a) world crisis b) natural resources c) world hunger d) malnutrition
22- Despite significant growth in food production, many people in the world are still ………
a) rich b) healthy c) hungry d) ill
23- The underlined word “some” has almost the same meaning as ……………
a) about b) more than c) less than d) over
24- AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria kill …………… people than hunger does.
a) more b) the same number c) fewer d) smarter
25- International and transnational institutions, foundations, NGOs and governments need to
exert more effort to …………… the problem of hunger.
a) complicate b) continue c) overcome d) keep
26- One of the causes leading to the problem of hunger is ……………
a) lack of natural resources b) global warming
c) growth in food production d) lack of educational opportunity
27- How many people die of hunger every year ?
a) millions b) hundreds c) billions d) tens
28- Which governance systems contribute to the problem of hunger ?
a) complicate b) continue c) overcome d) keep
Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
Is Earth the only planet in our solar system with life? Are we really alone in the
universe? At one time people thought there was life on the moon and little green men on
Mars. For many years some people thought Venus was a natural garden because it’s green.
Some scientists thought there was life in the clouds of Jupiter. Today we know these things
are not true. Earth seems to be the only planet in our solar system with life as it has both
oxygen and water: the two elements necessary for life. Also Venus is too hot for life and Mars
is too cold. Recently scientists have found out more about life on planet Earth and now they
know better where to look for life in outer space. For a long time scientists believed that life
depended on sunlight for energy. Then, in 1978, a submarine dived to the bottom of the
Pacific Ocean and although there was no sunlight, they found tube worms, clams and other
life forms. These were living on the energy which is inside the Earth. This energy is called
‘geothermal heat.’ Since then, scientists have looked at life on Earth in other difficult
environments: dry, cold and hot, and have found that water is the key. Wherever there is
water, life can exist. So scientists began to search for water in the solar system.
Choose the correct answer from a,b,c or d:
29.The underlined word ‘universe’ can mean ……………….
a) world b) globe
c) university d) a & b

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30.There’s no life on Venus because ……..
a) it’s too cold b) it’s too hot
c) it’s frozen d) it is green
31.What is the key to life?
a) sunlight b) water
c) oxygen d) a & b
32.Jupiter and Venus are ……………..
a) stars b) planets
c) elements d) plants
33.The word ………. is related to the sun.
a) solar b) geothermal
c) submarine d) energy
34.The expression “geothermal heat’ means ………………………..
a) the energy from the sun.
b) the heat coming from Venus.
c) the energy inside the Earth.
d) geographical sites in the world.
35.Why did some people think Venus was a natural garden?
a) Because it’s green.
b) It has lots of rainforests.
c) Its sand is green.
d) It’s clean.
36.How do you think life forms could survive at the bottom of the oceans?
a) There was lots of sunlight down there.
b) Tube worms and clams existed.
c) There was oxygen at the bottom.
d) Due to the ‘geothermal heat’

Choose the best translation :

. ‫ إن مصر هى مهد الحضارة واألديان ولن تكون أبًد ا منبًع ا للعنف واإلرهاب والتطرف‬-37
a) Egypt is the place of civilization and religions, and it will never be a source of
violence, terrorism and extremism.
b) Egypt is the cradle of civilized and religions, and it will never be a source of
violence, terrorism and extremism.
c) Egypt is the cradle of civilization and religions, and it will never be a source of
violence, terrorism and extremism.

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d) Egypt is the cradle of civilization and religions, and it will never be a source of
violence, terrorism and extremism.
Choose the best English Translation
‫ عندما كان في‬.‫ كان يلعب لساعات في الشارع مع أصدقائه‬، ‫ عندما كان صبيا‬، ‫ إنه العب برازيلي‬.‫أشهر العب في التاريخ هو بيليه‬38 .
.‫ لعب لمنتخب بالده في كأس العالم‬، ‫السابعة عشرة من عمره‬
A- The most famous player in history is Pele . He is a Egyptian player .When he was a boy , he
used to play for hours in the street with his friends. When he was 17 , he played for his
country in the world cup.
B- The most famous player in history is Pele . He is a Brazilian player .When he was a boy , he
used to play for hours in the street with his friends. When he was 17 , he played for his
country in the world cup.
C- The least famous player in history is Pele . He is a Brazilian player .When he was a boy , he
used to play for hours in the street with his friends. When he was 17 , he played for his
country in the world cup.
D- The most famous player in history is Pele . He is a Brazilian player .When he was a man , he
used to play for hours in the club with his friends. When he was 17 , he played for his
country in the world cup.
39. Football is the most popular game in the world . Football was played in England for many
years , but there were no rules . In 1863, the first rules for football were written to make the
game safer.
، 1863 ‫ في ع^^ام‬.‫ لكن لم تكن هن^^اك قواع^^د‬، ‫ لعبت كرة القدم في إنجل^^ترا لس^^نوات عدي^^دة‬.‫ كرة القدم هي اللعبة األكثر شعبية في العالم‬A-
.‫تمت كتابة القواعد األولى لكرة القدم لجعل اللعبة أكثر أماًن ا‬
‫ تمت‬، 1863 ‫ في ع^^ام‬.‫ لكن لم تكن هناك قواعد‬، ‫ لعبت كرة القدم في إنجلترا لسنوات عديدة‬.‫ كرة اليد هي اللعبة االقل شعبية في العالم‬B-
‫كتابة القواعد األولى لكرة القدم لجعل اللعبة أكثر أماًن ا‬
‫ تمت‬، 1863 ‫ في عام‬.‫ لكن لم تكن هناك قواعد‬، ‫ لعبت كرة القدم في فرنسا لسنوات عديدة‬.‫ كرة القدم هي اللعبة األكثر شعبية في العالم‬C-
‫كتابة القواعد األولى لكرة القدم لجعل اللعبة أكثر أماًن ا‬
، 1863 ‫ في ع^^ام‬.‫ لكن لم تكن هن^^اك قواع^^د‬، ‫ لعبت كرة القدم في إنجل^^ترا لس^^نوات عدي^^دة‬.‫ كرة القدم هي اللعبة األكثر شعبية في العالم‬D-
‫تمت كتابة القواعد االخيرة لكرة القدم لجعل اللعبة أكثر أماًن ا‬

40- An effective writer is able to distill complex thoughts and ideas into simple, clear language
that’s quickly and easily understood by others.
.‫أ) الكتاب الفعال قادر على استخالص األفكار واألفكار المعقدة إلى لغة بسيطة وواضحة يفهمها اآلخرون بسرعة وسهولة‬
‫ب) الك^^اتب الفع^^ال ق^^ادر على اس^^تخالص األفك^^ار والمعتق^^دات المعق^^دة إلى لغ^^ة بس^^يطة وواض^^حة يفهمه^^ا اآلخ^^رون بس^^رعة‬
‫ج) الك^^اتب الفاع^^ل ق^^ادر على اس^^تخالص األفك^^ار والمعتق^^دات المعق^^دة إلى لغ^^ة بس^^يطة وواض^^حة يفهمه^^ا اآلخ^^رون بس^^رعة‬

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.‫د) الكاتب الفعال قادر على تبسيط األفكار والمعتقدات المعقدة إلى لغة بسيطة وواضحة يفهمها اآلخرون بسرعة وسهولة‬

No . Eighteen
1- Choose the right answers :
1- None of my family …………… coffee, but dad. He has more than ten cups a day.
a) drink a lot b) drink c) drinks many d) drink some
2- The 9 o'clock news presenter …………… the most important events in the world at the
beginning of the news.
a) advertise b) announce c)highlights d) comment
3- The meal is free today. You …………… You should save your money.
a) must pay b) didn't have paid c) needn't have paid d) needn't pay
4- False reports put a negative …………… on a story.
a) spill b) spelt c) spin d) spill
5- Not only …………… but he had an operation as well.
a) does he injure b) did he injure c) was he injured d) he injured
6- Each of us should have …………… which enables him to try a lot to achieve his goals.
a) determination b) supposition c) mission d) tastefulness
7- Yesterday, I withdrew the 500 pounds that …………… kept in the bank ever since I returned
from Italy.
a) was b) has been c) had been d) were
8- No one has used that door for twenty years. This sentence means :
a) That door has not been used for twenty years.
b) That door has been used for twenty years.
c) That door has been used by all of them for twenty years.
d) That door wasn't used for twenty years.
9- I came …………… some letters sent to my father by a friend from Italy.
a) apart b) across c) up d) on
10- I bought this car for a good price, it is really a ……………
a) myth b) heritage c) bargain d) remain
11- He wanted to know how much …………… for my car.
a) I pay b) had I paid c) I had paid d) I will pay
12- The water in the canal is …………… to drink.
a) too dirty b) dirty enough c) so dirty d) such dirty
13- Myths and legends help us understand the …………… of people from the past.
a) perspective b) persecution c) section d) tyranny
14- She asked me where I had been, …………… I replied, "I can 't tell you."
a) at which b) for which c) in which d) to which
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15- The police found …………… evidence that Ali was the criminal so they arrested him.
a) clear-cut b) a clear-cut c) clearly-cut d) clear cut
16- The synonym of benefits is ……………
a) disadvantages b) domination c) profits d) values
17- Our world is changing every day so we should keep our … not to lose our values.
a) character b) personality c) identity d) feature
18- Which sentence is structurally correct ?
a) No one has come on time, have they ?
b) Neither of the boys have succeeded.
c) I have got little tea, haven’t I ?
d) Lots of people have attend Ali's wedding party.
19- Choose the sentence that has the right punctuation :
a) Amani said “What a wonderful surprise. It’s nice to see you here, Adel.”
b) Amani said, “what a wonderful surprise! It’s nice to see you here, Adel.
c) Amani said, “What a wonderful surprise! It’s nice to see you here, Adel.”
d) Amani said, “What a wonderful surprise It s nice to see you here, Adel.
20- You can make your presentation more interesting if you ask ……………
a) a descriptive question b) a rhetorical question
c) a professional question d) a quick question
Read the following passage, then answer the questions :
A lot of people decide to move to the countryside nowadays. However, there are still
many people who prefer to stay in the town. So which place is better to live in? Living in such
a big city has a lot of advantages. There is a big offer how to spend free time. There is always a
lot to do and visit! In various shopping centres and galleries you can buy whatever you want.
What is more, there are a lot of working places in a city, so it is much easier to find a job in a
big city. Moreover, the public transport is developed quite well, so commuting to work isn't a
On the other hand, cities are very crowded. Everywhere there are crowds: on the
pavements and in the buses. In addition, noise is everywhere. What is more, the traffic is
heavy and city's car parks are always very full. Sometimes it is very difficult to get from a
place to another. It may take hours! Moreover, the other disadvantage is lack of safety. There
are many crimes in cities. So you have to be very careful at night when you leave your home.
There aren't so many people in the countryside and they usually know each other well. The
possibility of robbery or other crime is lower. Life in the countryside is more peaceful and
slower. What is more, it is less stressful. Traffic conditions are better. A lot of places you may
reach on foot.

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There are a lot of lovely sceneries, and other amazing places. Moreover, people in the
countryside are quite different than people living in the city : They are relaxed, friendly and
family-oriented. People in the city are always in hurry, busy and out of time. In the country
people enjoy lives and take pleasure in their daily activities. People who stay in the
countryside often have to work in the nearest cities, so it may take a lot of time to get to it.
However, the living costs in the country are much lower, the variety of products in shops is

Choose the correct answer :

21- The number of people living in the cities is ……………
a) attractive b) peaceful c) increasing d) decreasing
22- …………… in the city is easier that it in the country.
a) Computing b) Commuting c) Relation d) Orientation
23- The best title for the passage can be ……………
a) advantages of living in the countryside
b) For and against living in a city and in the countryside
c) advantages of living in the city
d) disadvantage of living in the countryside
24- The underlined word "They" refers to ……………
a) places b) people in the countryside
c) people living in the city d) sceneries
25- The possibility of robbery in the countryside is lower because ……………
a) it is more peaceful b) traffic conditions are better
c) people may reach places on foot d) people know each other well
26- …………… is one of the advantages of living in the city.
a) Safety b) Finding a job easily
c) Heavy traffic d) Crowdedness
27- People in cities spend …………… money than in the countryside.
a) less b) more c) fewer d) little
28- The writer likes living in the ……………
a) countryside b) neither of them c) both of them d) city
Read the following passage, then answer the questions :
Every year about two million people visit Mount Rushmore, where the faces of four U.S.
presidents were carved in granite by sculptor Gutzon Borglum and his son, the late Lincoln
Borglum. The creation of Mount Rushmore monument took 14 years- from 1927 to 1941- and
nearly a million dollars. These were times when money was difficult to come by and many

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people were jobless. To move the more than 400, 000 tons of rock, Borglum hired laid-off
workers from the closed-down mines in the Black Hills area. He taught these men to
dynamite, drill, carve, and finish the granite as they were hanging in midair in his specially
devised chairs, which had many safety features. Borglum was proud of the fact that no
workers were killed or severely injured during the years of blasting and carving. During the
carving, many changes in the original design had to be made to keep the carved heads free of
large fissures that were uncovered. However, not all the cracks could be avoided, so Borglum
concocted a mixture of granite dust, white lead, and linseed oil to fill them.
Every winter, water from melting snows gets into the fissures and expands as it freezes,
making the fissures bigger. Consequently, every autumn maintenance work is done to refill
the cracks. The repairers swing out in space over a 500-foot drop and fix the monument with
the same mixture that Borglum used to preserve this national monument for future

29- This passage is mainly about ……………

a) the sculptor of the Mount Rushmore monument
b) the effect of weather on monuments
c) the creation of the Mount Rushmore monument.
d) the visitors to the Mount Rushmore monument
30- The word "these" in line 5 refers to ……………
a) faces b) dollars c) times d) people
31- According to the passage, Borgulm's son ……………
a) is dead b) was a president
c) did charitable work d) spent millions of dollars
32- The men who Borglum hired were ……………
a) trained sculptors b) Black Hills volunteers
c) unemployed miners d) expert artists
33- The word "devised" is closest in meaning to ……………
a) designed b) described c) elevated d) advised
34- It can be inferred from the passage that ……………
a) the heads are not as originally planned
b)The cracks caused injuries and deaths
c) the workers made mistakes when blasting
d) It was a great work from the 19th century
35- The mixture they used for filling the cracks was ……………
a) very expensive b) bought at the Black Hills miners

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c) invented by the sculptor himself d) made with natural materials
36- Mount Rushmore needs to be ……………
a) polished for tourists b) repaired periodically
c) restored during the winter d) made bigger than before
Choose the best translation :
. ‫ إن أحد أهداف الدولة هو توفير فرص عمل للخرجين الجدد وتحقيق االزدهار والرفاهية‬-37
a) One of the country's goals is to provide job opportunities for new graduates and to achieve
prosperity and well-being
b) One of the country's goals is to provided job opportunities for new graduates and to
achieve prosperity and welfare
c) One of the country's goals is to provide job opportunity for new graduates and to achieve
prosperity and well-being
d) One of the country's goals is to provide job opportunities to new graduated and to achieve
prosperity and welfare
. ‫ يجب أن يكون للحكومة دور كبير فى محاربة كل معوقات اإلنتاج‬-38
a) The government should has a great role in combating all obstacles to production.
b) The government should have a great role in combating all obstacles to production.
c) The government could have a great role in combating all obstacles to production.
d) The government should have a great role in combating all obstacles to product.
Choose the best translation :
39- Our Arab scientists have enriched scientific research. So, we should take pride in them
and follow the footsteps.
. ‫ لذلك يجب أن نفخر بهم ونتبع الخطى‬. ‫أ) أثرى علماء العرب البحث العلمى‬
. ‫ لذلك ال يجب أن نفخر بهم ونتبع الخطى‬. ‫ب) أثرى علماؤنا العرب البحث العلمى‬
. ‫ لذلك يجب أن نفخر بهم ونتبع الخطى‬. ‫ج) أثرى علماؤنا العرب البحث العلمى‬
. ‫ لذلك يجب أن نفخر بهم ونتبع الخطى‬. ‫د) اسرى علماؤنا العرب البحث العلمى‬
40- Reading develops the creative side of people. When reading to children, stop every once
in a while and ask them what they think is going to happen.
.‫ توقف بين الحين واآلخر وأسألهم عما يعتقدون أنه سيحدث‬،‫ عند القراءة لألطفال‬. ‫أ) القراءة تطور الجوانب اإلبداعية للناس‬
. ‫ توقف بين الحين واآلخر وال تسألهم عما يعتقدون أنه سيحدث‬،‫ عند القراءة لألطفال‬. ‫ب) القراءة تطور الجانب اإلبداعى للناس‬
.‫ توقف بين الحين واآلخر وأسألهم عما يعتقدون أنه قد حدث‬،‫ عند القراءة لألطفال‬. ‫ج) القراءة تطور الجانب اإلبداعى للناس‬
. ‫ توقف بين الحين واآلخر وأسألهم عما يعتقدون أنه سيحدث‬،‫ عند القراءة لألطفال‬. ‫د) القراءة تطور الجانب اإلبداعى للناس‬

No . Nineteen
1- Choose the right answers :
1- …………… is a strength sport that consists of three attempts to raise weights.

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a) Boxing b) Powerlifting c) Wrestling d) Parachuting
2- I've commuted to London every week for over ten years, and I actually enjoy it. This
a) He no longer commutes to London.
b) He used to commute to London.
c) Now, it's not his habit to go to London.
d) He still commutes to London.
3- Perhaps I looked happy today, but she looked ……………
a) happier b) the happiest c) more happy d) happily
4- A …………… job is a job that someone does for the whole of the working week.
a) part time b) complete c) a part time d) full time
5- This …………… provides opportunities to acquire new skills. It will last for a month.
a) internship b) friendship c) partnership d) cleverness
6- Every day I spend 30 minutes watering the flowers. This sentence means :
a) Every day it takes me 30 minutes water the flowers.
b) Every day it takes me 30 minutes to water the flowers.
c) Every day it took me 30 minutes water the flowers.
d) Every day it took me 30 minutes to water the flowers
7- In English, words can have the same sound, but …………… differently.
a) be spelt b) have spelt c) were spelt d) spelling
8- The police accused the tourist he didn't follow the right …………… to get the visa.
a) procedures b) stops c) measurements d) course
9- Egypt has some wonderful heritage …………… We should keep them
a) location b) positions c) sites d) situations
10- The cup of tea is empty. My father …………… the tea.
a) must drink b) can't have drunk
c) should have drunk d) must have drunk
11- Before being employed, she …………… have a lot of spare time.
a) got used to b) used to c) would d) b & c
12- Our world is changing every day so we should keep our …………… not to lose our values.
a) character b) personality c) identity d) feature
13- The company is …………… for its wonderful products and excellent services.
a) well-known b) a well-known c) well known d) none of the
14- The bookstore did not have the book ……………
a) wanting b) that wanted c) which wanted d) I wanted
15- …………… are stories that can't be believed but people like them.
a) Occasions b) Myths c) Fiction d) Accounts
16- Our national team will be able to …………… to the finals of the next world cup in Qatar.

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a) qualify b) quality c) qualification d) qualicative
17- The paragraphs where the main ideas are developed is called ……………
a) introductions b) body paragraphs c) key paragraphs d) conclusions
18- Which of the following is structurally correct ?
a) He is exhausted because he hadn't been working all day.
b) He was exhausted because he has been working all day.
c) He is exhausted because he has been working all day.
d) He is exhausted because he had worked all day.
19- Which of the following is punctuated correctly ?
a) Did you know that our neighbour s son had returned from London on Wednesday,
b) Did you know that our neighbour s son had returned from London on wednesday,
Dalia ?
c) Did you know that our neighbour’s son had returned from London on Wednesday,
Dalia ?
d) Did you know that our neighbour’s son had returned from London on wednesday
Dalia ?
20- Which of the following is used for an informal invitation ?
a) Let me know if you're coming to the party by tomorrow morning.
b) Please use the following RSVP form to indicate whether you are going to attend
the party or not.
c) It is our pleasure to invite you to our annual donation party.
d) We trust you will enjoy it.

2- Read the following passage, then answer the questions :

The stars are beautiful in the night sky. They are far away, farther away than most
people can imagine. Even though they are light years away, they can still light up the sky. For
thousands of years, people have been interested in stars. They have been used as
fortunetellers, calendars and maps. Travellers often used the stars to help them find their
Before there was electricity, the stars and moon were the brightest things in the night
sky. People spent hours staring up and wondering what the little, twinkling lights were. Back
then, the stars were easier to see because there weren’t any other lights at night. Not many
ancient people realised that the sun was a star. The sun and moon were thought of as father
and mother of earth in some ancient cultures. The stars were thought of as lesser gods or the
souls of people who had died.

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Greek philosophers, 2300 years ago, started to try and unravel the mystery. A man
named Anaxagoras thought that the sun was a giant ball of metal burning in the centre of our
universe. He was thrown in jail and sentenced to death because this idea conflicted with
people’s religious beliefs. Even though, people did not stop trying to understand the sun.
Scientists still study it today. Large telescopes take pictures of the sun almost every day as we
try and learn more about it.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

21- What would be the best title for the passage ?
a) The sun. b) Stars in the sky.
c) The exploration of space. d) A history of Greek thought
22- Why were stars useful to people ?
a) They kept people safe. b) They were beautiful.
c) They burned up dangerous gases. d) They showed people the way.
23- The underlined word “realised” is closest in meaning to ……………
a) found b) destroyed c) unearthed d) understood
24- The word “unravel” is closest in meaning to ……………
a) dream b) solve c) imagine d) look for
25- Why was Anaxagoras thrown in jail ?
a) He did not believe in God.
b) He was not a good philosopher.
c) His ideas were not the same as other people’s.
d) He found out that the sun was the same as all the other stars.
26- …………… ancient people realised that the sun was a star.
a) Little b) Less c) Few d) More
27- The underlined pronoun “They” refers to ……………
a) fortunetellers b) years c) stars d) people
28- The stars were thought of as ……………
a) spirits of people b) mothers of people
c) fathers of people d) close to people
3- Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer :
Should we work all the time without having rest or entertainment? The answer is that
we can’t go on working stopping. From time to time, we should stop to have some rest and
some recreation to have fun. If we didn’t, we could make mistakes and our work might get

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An overworked person may end up by losing their ability to think clearly and by having
no energy to go on working. Sleep is one way by which we can renew our energy. Sports and
games are also important for brainworkers, who stay in closed offices and don’t have a good
chance to exercise their muscles. Swimming, walking and other outdoor activities are
excellent and may very good for all people, so we shouldn’t waste our weekends. People make
full use of them by being in the open spaces. Having forgotten all about our work and the
worries of life, we can then enjoy ourselves to the full and return the next day to work with
our energy fully renewed. Change has a magic effect on man’s health and his work.
Only clever people are those who can make a balance between their work and their
personal lives. They are hardworking when they do their jobs and they live the happiest
moments when they aren’t working.
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
29- The best title for the passage is ……………
a) Happy Moments b) Magical Energy
c) Importance of Rest d) Importance of Games
30- The underlined word “recreation” in the first paragraph means ……………
a) effort b) health c) stress d) relaxation
31- The writer’s purpose in the last paragraph is to ……………
a) suggest doing our jobs in the open air
b) tell us the story of hardworking people
c) warn us of living happily without work
d) advise us to make a life-work balance
32- According to the second paragraph, we understand that man’s health improves by ………
a) changing our sleeping habits b) thinking of the worries of life
c) having a break every now and then d) working all the time without rest
33- All the following are examples of brainworkers except ……………
a) mathematicians b) cleaners c) surgeons d) engineers
34- According to the passage, change has ……………
a) a vital effect on health and work b) no effect on health or work
c) an essential effect on health only d) an important effect on work only
35- We can avoid making mistakes if we ……………
a) don’t have rest b) relax
c) go on hard work d) do our jobs lazily and carelessly
36- An overworked person has a …………… meaning.
a) positive b) violent c) aggressived) negative
Choose the best translation :
. ‫ يجب أن يكون للحكومة دور كبير فى محاربة زياده األسعار‬-37
a) The government should has a great role in combating increase prices.

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b) The government should have a great role in combating the rise in prices.
c) The government could have a great role in combating the price increase.
d) The government should have a great role in combating high prizes.

. ‫ سوف تتمتع المدارس بكافة الوسائل التعليمية والتكنولوجية الحديثة‬-38

a) Schools will enjoy all modern educational and technological means.
b) Schools will enjoy all modern education and technological means.
c) Schools will enjoy all modern educational and technology means.
d) Schools will enjoy all modern educational and technological mean.

39- It can be useful to do more than one job in your career because you can have new
experiences and learn new things.
‫أ) قد يكون من المفيد القيام بأكثر من وظيفة فى حياتك العلمية ألنه يمكنك الحصول على خبرات جديدة وتعلم أشياء‬
‫ب) قد يكون من المفيد القيام بأكثر من وظيفة فى حياتك العملية ألنه يمكنك الحصول على خبرات جديدة وتعلم أشياء‬
. ‫جديدة‬
‫ج) قد يكون من المفيد القيام بأكثر من وظيفة فى حياتك المهنية ألنه يمكنك الحصول على خبرات جديدة وتعلم أشياء‬
. ‫جديدة‬
. ‫د) قد يكون من المفيد القيام بأكثر من وظيفة فى حياتك المهنية ألنه يمكنك الحصول على خبرة جديدة وتعلم أشياء جديدة‬

40- As a teacher, you must have some qualities that may help you do well. You must be kind,
fatherly, wise, helpful and strict.
‫ يجب أن يكون لطيًفا وأبوًي ا وحكيًم ا‬. ‫أ) كمدرس يجب أن يكون لديه بعض الصفات التى قد تساعده على القيام بعمل جيد‬
. ‫ومساعًد ا وصارًم ا‬
‫ يجب أن تكون لطيًفا وأبوًي ا‬. ‫ب) كمدرس يجب أن يكون لديك بعض الصفات التى قد تساعدك على القيام بعمل جيد‬
. ‫وحكيًم ا ومساعًد ا وصارًم ا‬
‫ يجب أن يكون لطيًفا وأبوًي ا‬. ‫ج) كمدرس يجب أن يكون لديه بعض الصفات التى قد تساعدك على القيام بعمل جيد‬
. ‫وحكيًم ا ومساعًد ا وصارًم ا‬
. ‫ يجب أن يكون لطيًفا وأبوًي ا وحكيًم ا ومساعًد ا وليًن ا‬. ‫د) كمدرس يجب أن يكون لديك بعض الصفات التى قد تساعدك على القيام بعمل جيد‬
No. Twenty
.Choose the correct option from a, b, c or d
.He tried to bully her, so she ………… her lips and stared at him angrily .1
a) stepped b) shouted c) pouted d) doubted
.The teacher wants students ….……… to his class to behave themselves .2
a) to come b) coming c) came d) have come
.They couldn't meet due to the spread of Covid 19, so they had a ………. meeting .3
a) virtual b) factual c) real d) fictional
.The President made an important speech during …………. Madrid .4
a) a visit b) visiting c) was visiting d) his visit to

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. .………… He has worked a lot. He must be tired" The underlined words show" .5
a) necessity b) lack of necessity c) deduction d) possibility
.Students mustn't ……………. when it comes to studying for their exams .6
a) dominate b) procrastinate c) assassinate d) originate
Have you heard anything from Tom lately? Let me be the first to tell you ……. good news .7
.about him
a) some b) a c) any d) his
.I have had my wisdom tooth ............... . That is why I am in such a bad mood .8
a) remove b) to remove c) removed d) removing
.These problems are far more ……….. than you think. They need much time and effort .9
a) deep-seated b) clear-cut c) well-balanced d) well-known
.A ……….… question is asked in order to make a statement rather than to get an answer .10
a) mechanical b) rhetorical c) historical d) commercial
. ............... Good-bye, Ali and Mona. Please take good care of .11
a) yourself b) your c) you d) yourselves
.Mary has ………… herself since she started work at a big company .12
a) recharged b) repaired c) reinvented d) healed
.It‟s easier to talk about a problem …………… to solve it .13
a) that difficult b) one finds it difficult c) whom is difficult d) than
.Don‟t phone Samir now, he …………. dinner .14
a) will have b) ’ll be having c) will have had d) was having
.He had a fight at school and came home with a ………….. eye .15
a) black b) brown c) white d) red
She stopped to pick up a few groceries at the supermarket. The underlined words here .16
. .………… means
a) clean b) steal c) lift d) buy
?Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly .17
? "a) He smiled and said "Hi! How are you
".b) He smiled and said, "Hi! How are you
"?c) He smiled and said, "Hi! How are you
"?d) He smiled and said. "Hi! How are you
?Which sentence would be BEST to put at the start of the paragraph below .18
One thing you must consider is the quality of the university‟s educational . ……………………
program. You also need to think about the school‟s size and location. Finally, you must be
.sure to consider the university‟s tuition to make sure you can afford to go to university there

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.a) It is expensive to attend a university in the United States
.b) There are several factors to think of when you choose a university to attend
.c) You should consider getting a good education
.d) There are several drawbacks if you choose to study in the United States
?Which sentence has NO spelling mistake .19
.a) One is never to old to learn. b) One is never too old to learn
.c) One is never to old too learn. d) One is never too old too learn
?Which of the following sentences is correctly structured .20
?a) No one has found my bag, has he? b) No one has found my bag, haven't they
c) No one has found my bag, have they? d) No one has found my bag, do they
.Read the following passage, then choose the correct option from a, b, c or d
.Picture life as a small animal on the forest floor. Danger is everywhere for someone your size
.Footsteps of an elephant might mean certain death, if you don't drown in a puddle first
Predators like lions and tigers are also a constant threat. Well, if you can't run, you can always
hide. But sometimes, finding the perfect hiding spot can be a challenge. What if all the good
spots are taken? You can resort to camouflage. Some animals use camouflage to hide in their
environment. Camouflage is when a creature matches its color or shape to its environment.
Many animals use camouflage to hide from their enemies. Frogs are masters of the art of
camouflage. Frogs spend their time in lakes, rivers, ponds, or any other body of water. The
green and gray color of its skin helps it camouflage with the green algae, mud, and rocks in
the pools in which they live. Camouflage is also practiced widely by insects whose lives are
very short and they have many enemies, but they must survive long enough to breed and
conserve their kind. The stick caterpillar is well named. It is hardly distinguishable from a
brown or green twig (small branch). This caterpillar is quite common and can be found
almost anywhere in North America. When danger threatens, it stretches its body away from
the branch at an angle and remains rigid and still, like a twig, until the danger has passed.
Leaves also seem to be a favorite object for insects to imitate. Many butterflies can suddenly
disappear from view by folding their wings and sitting quietly among the leaves that they
. ..………According to the passage, the stick caterpillar makes itself look like a twig by .21
a) changing the color of its skin b) attacking its predators
c) folding their wings d) holding its body stiff and motionless
. ..……… We can infer from the passage that predators .22
a) are threatened by insects b) can hide when in danger
c) kill and eat other animals d) are preys of other animals
. .……… Animals usually resort to camouflage when they are .23

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a) weak b) strong c) able to face their enemies d) afraid of frogs and insects
. ....… Butterflies protect themselves from their enemies by making themselves .24
a) look like leaves b) resemble twigs c) in the shape of green algae d) dangerous predators
?What is the main idea of the passage .25
a) Caterpillars that live in trees b) Some creatures struggle to survive
c) The feeding habits of frogs d) Insects are threatened with extinction
. .............. The word "spot" in the first paragraph means .26
a) timing b) stain c) root d) place
...............The underlined word "it" refers to .27
a) danger b) North America c) the caterpillar d) camouflage
. …………… Camouflage can also be used in our lives by .28
a) armed forces in wars b) doctors and nurses in hospitals
c) workers in factories d) wives and husbands at home
.Read the following passage, then choose the correct option from a, b, c or d
I had a difficult geography project to finish by the end of the term. My teacher wanted it to be
typewritten, so I went to the school computer room. But when I got there, all the computers
.were turned off. Apparently there was a recent problem, and technicians were fixing it
I knew of some private study rooms downstairs. They were small and dark, and the
computers were very old, but I had no choice. At least the computers were operating
correctly. I typed and highlighted the assignment‟s title: “Evaluate the Government‟s
Response to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide.” But I didn‟t
know what to write in my essay. Finally I decided to find a book to help me. I went to the
library, checked the book indexes and eventually found a useful book. Then I returned to the
computer. When I looked at the screen, I saw something so weird that I nearly fainted! The
essay was complete! Had somebody in cyberspace written it? I didn‟t know, but I was very
”.happy. I printed it out and handed it in. I got an “A
After that, I used the computer for all my assignments. I‟d type the title, wait awhile, and the
computer would do it. Every assignment was perfect; I never had to edit anything. I stopped
paying attention to my teacher‟s lectures and spent my extra time in the gymnasium. And my
grades got better and better. A month later, I was walking into class when my friend said,
“Are you prepared for the test?” “What test?” I asked. “The geography test!” he replied. “I
hope you studied. It‟s worth seventy percent of our final grade!” I failed the test, of course. I
was completely ignorant about the subject. After that, I made a
.decision never to use the magic computer again
. .………… The moral of this story is that .29
a) Cheating can't be the used to solve global warming

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b) computers are the best for cheating
d) new technology can be used for research
.d) if you cheat at school, you won‟t learn anything
?How did the teacher want the project to be written .30
a) without an index b) Handwritten c) Typewritten d) In black ink
. .………… The project the teacher wanted was related to .31
a) Global warming b) Economics c) Weird computers d) Computer science
?What did the student NOT have to do in order to use the magic computer .32
a) Edit his paper b) Type in the essay title c) Plug it in d) get an A
?Where did the student spend his free time .33
a) In lectures b) In the gym c) In the library d) In cyberspace
. .……… In the third paragraph, The student got an "A" which means he .34
a) got a shock b) wrote the letter "A" c) failed the exam d) got the best marks
. ………… The underlined word "weird" is a antonym of .35
a) abnormal b) normal c) odd d) strange
. .………… The story proved that the student .36
a) was always hardworking b) liked to depend on himself
c) didn't learn a lesson from this experience d) learnt a lesson from this experience
.Read the sentences then choose the correct translation from a, b, c or d .37

‫يجب أن تملل دول العالم من االنفاق علي استكشاف الفضاء فهو ليس باألمر الضروري و بدال من ذلن يجب عليها أن تركز‬
.‫اهتمامها علي التعليم و الرعاية الصحية‬

.a) World countries should spend fewer money on exploring space because it is not urgent
.Instead, they have to concentrate their attention on education and health care
.b) World countries should spend less money on discovering space because it is not urgent
.Instead, they have to concentrate their attention on education and health care
.c) World countries should spend less money on exploring space because it is not urgent
.Instead, they have to concentrate their attention on education and healthy care
.d) World countries should spend less money on exploring space because it is not urgent
..Instead, they have to concentrate their attention on education and health care
‫ فإن ألسرهم‬,‫علي الرغم من أن المراهمين بامكانهم أن يحصدوا الكثير من الفوائد من تواصلهم مع أصدالئهم من نفس أعمارهم‬38 -
.‫دائما بالغ األثر علي حياتهم‬
a) Although teenagers may reap a lot of benefits from their communication with their friends
.of the same age, the most important influence to their life is always their families
b) Despite teenagers may reap a lot of benefits from their communication with their friends of

Mr El Sebaei Atteya 92 Souvenir 01228699122

‫‪Third Year‬‬ ‫‪Hello English‬‬ ‫‪Booklet‬‬
‫‪.the same age, the most important influence to their life is always their families‬‬
‫‪c) Although teenagers may reap a lot of benefits from their communication with their friends‬‬
‫‪.of the same age, the least important influence to their life is always their families‬‬
‫‪d) Although teenagers may reap a lot of benefits from their communication with their friends‬‬
‫‪.ofthe same old, the most important influential to their life is always their families‬‬
‫‪.Read the sentences then choose the correct translation from a, b, c or d‬‬
‫‪Reading newspaper not only enhances our knowledge about general information but it .39‬‬
‫‪.also improves our language skills and vocabulary‬‬

‫‪A.‬ال تزيد لراءة الصحف معرفتنا بالمعلومات العامة و لكنها تحسن مفرداتنا و مهاراتنا اللغوية‪.‬‬
‫‪B.‬ال تزيد لراءة الصحف معرفتنا بالمعلومات العامة فمط و لكنها أيضًا تحسن مفرداتنا و مهاراتنا اللغوية‪.‬‬
‫‪C.‬ال تزيد لراءة الصحف معرفتنا بالمعلومات العاملة فمط و لكنها أيضًا تحسن مفرداتنا و مهاراتنا اللغوية‪.‬‬
‫‪D.‬ال تزيد لراءة الصحف معرفتنا بالمعلومات العامة فمط و لكنها أيضًا تحسن مترادفاتنا و مهاراتنا اللغوية‪.‬‬

‫‪Drugs cannot bring happiness to one's life. If one thinks in that way, it is only an illusion. .40‬‬
‫‪.Soit is best to avoid the company of those who have recourse to drugs‬‬
‫‪A.‬ال تستطيع المخدرات أن تجلب السعادة لحياة اإلنسان‪ ,‬إذا فكر الفرد بهذه الطريمة فهذا مجرد حميمة‪ .‬ولذلن من األفضل أن‬
‫تتجنب صحبة من يلجأ الي المخدرات‪.‬‬
‫‪B.‬ال تستطيع المخدرات أن تجلب السعادة لحياة اإلنسان‪ ,‬إذا فكر الفرد بهذه الطريمة فهذا مجرد وهم‪ .‬ولذلن من األفضل أن تتجنب‬
‫شركة من يلجأ الي المخدرات‪.‬‬
‫‪C.‬ال تستطيع المخدرات أن تجلب السعادة لحياة اإلنسان‪ ,‬إذا فكر الفرد بهذه الطريمة فهذا مجرد وهم‪ .‬ولذلن من األفضل أن تتجنب‬
‫صحبة من لديهم كراهية للمخدرات‪.‬‬
‫‪D.‬ال تستطيع المخدرات أن تجلب السعادة لحياة اإلنسان‪ ,‬إذا فكر الفرد بهذه الطريمة فهذا مجرد وهم‪ .‬ولذلن من األفضل أن تتجنب‬
‫صحبة من يلجأ الي المخدرات‬

‫‪Mr El Sebaei Atteya‬‬ ‫‪93‬‬ ‫‪Souvenir‬‬ ‫‪01228699122‬‬

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