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Marketing 1 | Graded Assignment | Going to Market

Name: Date:

Graded Assignment
Going to Market
Total Score: 40 points

1. Submit a copy of your investment proposal presentation for grading and instructor feedback. Your
presentation should
a. introduce the company you’ve chosen as an investment opportunity
b. provide key information regarding the company’s industry, product(s), and purpose
c. describe the company’s scope, and how its scope relates to its growth potential
d. hypothesize about the company’s future financial growth
e. describe how Echo Investments might help grow the company
f. clearly articulate an investment recommendation
g. use credible, reliable, and relevant data to support key points of your analysis
2. Add the citations for the sources you used to complete this project to this document. Only include sources that
are credible and relevant to your submission.
3. Attach any associated project files to turn in along with this document.
4. To submit an online document or product, copy and paste the link in this document.
5. Submit this document with your citations and your project for grading.

Insert your citations and/or link here.

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