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Hi Darling.

How are you doing and how was work and family? I hope everything went well
for you..I have being sick and unhappy , I have being bleeding since yesterday
Night , And i decieded to check the doctor Out these morning to go for medical
Checkup..During his checking up , He said its my Menstration time But i have went
through alot of stress which makes me me loss alot of blood during my menstration,
He checked me out and said i have lost so much blood and its very dangerous for my
health. He enlighten me about Bleeding and Menstruation Bleeding. He asked me to
get these drugs so i can get back on Feet..I have being feeling pain and my eyes
are read and am weak Now Baby., I know you would help me out..You are the only one
i have and i know you will never let me down I will always appreciate anything you
do for me,,Here are the Medical Drugs that he asked me to get ..
Clopidogre Medical Drugs Used for Pain
Headache Rele
Super Energertic Blood

Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs). Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

(NSAIDs) block prostaglandins, the substances that increase uterine contractions.
They are effective painkillers that also help control the inflammatory factors that
may be responsible for heavy menstrual bleeding...............170usd

Honey thats the total Amount needed for the Treatment..Am feeling pain and i know
you will help me out..First of all I just want to thank you for coming into my
life. You took me by surprise, I wouldn't ever think that I would be as lucky to
have you, but now that I have you I don't ever want to let go. You have brought so
much love, joy, and happiness that no other guy has ever shown me..I will
appreciate your help ..Please let me know your mind darling so i can Give you the
address and how to send me the Money Baby..Take care of yourself and have a blessed
day Honey.. Take care .

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