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DB-WEAVE- Pattern information

Pattern: C:\Users\user\Documents\Tugas Dbweb\anyaman 1 db_22410057.dbw

Pattern name: anyaman 1 db_22410057.dbw
Pattern size: 100 x 100
Pattern repeat: 15 x 16
Number of shafts: 4
Number of treadles: 4
The pattern is balanced

Number of colors:
Total: 4
In warp: 4
In weft: 0

Warp colors:
Color 1: HSV=(0,1,0.671), RGB=(171,0,0), 7 warp threads (7%)
Color 2: HSV=(61.8,1,0.918), RGB=(227,234,0), 14 warp threads (14%)
Color 3: HSV=(61.7,1,0.835), RGB=(207,213,0), 14 warp threads (14%)
Color 4: HSV=(240,1,0.6), RGB=(0,0,153), 65 warp threads (65%)

Weft colors:
Color 1: HSV=(61.8,1,0.918), RGB=(227,234,0), 62 weft threads (62%)
Color 2: HSV=(61.7,1,0.835), RGB=(207,213,0), 38 weft threads (38%)

Weft floats:
Largest float: 4
Average float: 2.13
Distribution by float length:
Length 1: 200 floats (8.51%)
Length 2: 1825 floats (77.7%)
Length 3: 150 floats (6.38%)
Length 4: 175 floats (7.45%)

Warp floats:
Largest float: 3
Average float: 1.98
Distribution by float length:
Length 1: 322 floats (12.8%)
Length 2: 1916 floats (76%)
Length 3: 282 floats (11.2%)

Number of heddles: 100
Distribution on the shafts:
Shaft 1: 20 Heddles (20%)
Shaft 2: 26 Heddles (26%)
Shaft 3: 27 Heddles (27%)
Shaft 4: 27 Heddles (27%)

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