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re] SO TECHNICAL >> PRACTICES OF SERVICENOW Crit lel rutedate Col Make Code Easy to Read Ensure code is always easy to read and understand.Writing out comments for complicated sections of code might help everyone in future while debugging. Do Not Use Hard-Coded WENT Avoid using hard-coded values in scripts.Instead, we can look up a value by reference or by creating a property and retrieving the value with gs.getProperty(). sD Construct Reusable Functions mele ere eee Ra) rR RWC ER Lor.) UUM eC RR Cae CM SR Rr amc] Re RL ee eRe mere Cnn Rea nur cokes Ct Coe RC UT IC LYN Tele Rg Simple Record Counting GlideAggregate gets result from built-in database functionality, which is much quicker and doesn't suffer from the scalability issues that getRowCount() (oll oe “e Avoid Dot-Walking to the sys_id of a Reference Field When you dot-walk to the sys_id, the system does an additional database query to retrieve the caller_id record, then retrieves the sys_id. This can lead to performance issues. Instead, using .getValue(). “>

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