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Mirak POLY-Technic College

Competency : Developing System Infrastructure Design Plan

LO3: Conduct Walk-through and Compare/Contrast Expected Performance

Break down the process of conducting a walk-through and comparing/contrasting

expected performance for the specified sections:

3.1. Comparing Requirement Model:

3.1.1. Compare Technical Specifications and Acceptance Criteria:
Technical Specifications:
Expected Performance: Review the technical specifications outlined in the requirement
model and compare them against the expected performance metrics. Ensure that
hardware and software specifications meet the defined standards.
Actual Performance Assessment: Evaluate the actual performance of the selected
hardware and software solutions. Use testing tools to measure factors like processing
speed, bandwidth, and response times.
Discrepancy Identification: Identify any discrepancies between the expected and
actual technical specifications. Document any areas where the performance falls short or
exceeds expectations.
Acceptance Criteria:
Stated Criteria: Compare the acceptance criteria defined in the requirement model with
the actual functionalities of the implemented solutions. Ensure that each acceptance
criterion is met.
User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Conduct UAT with end-users to validate that the
system meets their acceptance criteria. Gather feedback on usability, functionality, and
overall satisfaction.
Feedback and Adjustments: Incorporate user feedback into the assessment. Make
adjustments to address any shortcomings or improve areas identified during the UAT.
3.1.2. Compare Proposed Vendors Offering:
Vendor Capabilities:

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Vendor Evaluation: Compare the capabilities of different vendors based on their

product offerings. Evaluate factors such as performance, scalability, security features,
and support services.
Vendor Scorecard: Create a scorecard to systematically compare each vendor's
offerings. Consider not only technical capabilities but also factors like vendor reputation,
reliability, and customer support.
Decision Criteria: Use the comparison results to inform the decision-making process.
Select the vendor whose offerings best align with the technical and business

3.2. Benchmarking Requirement Model:

3.2.1. Current Industry Standards and IT Blueprint:
Research Industry Standards:
Benchmarking against Industry Standards: Assess the requirement model against
current industry standards. Ensure that the proposed architecture aligns with the latest
best practices and complies with relevant standards.
Performance Metrics: Benchmark performance metrics against industry benchmarks.
Identify areas where the architecture meets or exceeds industry standards and areas for
potential improvement.
Documentation and Compliance: Verify that the network architecture is well-
documented and complies with any industry-specific regulations or compliance
3.2.2. Expect Future Organizational Requirements:
Scalability Assessment: Evaluate how well the network architecture can accommodate
future growth and technological advancements. Ensure that it is scalable and adaptable
to emerging requirements.
Technology Roadmap Alignment: Verify that the proposed solutions align with the
organization's technology roadmap. Confirm that the architecture supports anticipated
changes in technology over time.
Strategic Planning: Collaborate with stakeholders to align the architecture with the
strategic goals of the organization. Ensure that it can evolve to meet future
organizational needs.
Documentation and Communication:
Documentation Review: Review documentation related to future organizational
requirements. Ensure that the architecture is well-documented, making it easier to adapt
to changes in the future.
Communication Plan: Develop a communication plan to keep stakeholders informed
about the alignment of the architecture with future organizational requirements. Foster
a continuous feedback loop.

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By systematically comparing technical specifications, acceptance criteria, vendor

offerings, industry standards, and future organizational requirements, you can ensure
that the network architecture not only meets current expectations but also positions the
organization for future success. Regular reviews and adjustments based on these
comparisons contribute to a robust and adaptive network infrastructure.

LO3: self-check

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the primary purpose of comparing technical specifications in the

requirement model?
a) Assess user satisfaction
b) Ensure compliance with industry regulations
c) Evaluate hardware and software capabilities
d) Determine project timelines
2. During the walk-through, what aspect is emphasized when comparing acceptance
a) Budget constraints
b) User interface design
c) Alignment with business goals
d) Compatibility with legacy systems
3. Why is it important to compare proposed vendors' offerings during the
assessment process?
a) To determine the cheapest option
b) To evaluate vendor capabilities and alignment with requirements
c) To follow organizational preferences
d) To expedite the decision-making process
4. What should be considered when comparing proposed vendors' offerings?
a) Shortest contract duration
b) Vendor's popularity on social media
c) Cost-effectiveness and compliance with technical requirements
d) Proximity to the organization's headquarters
5. What is the primary goal of benchmarking against current industry standards?
a) Achieving complete independence from industry norms
b) Identifying opportunities for innovation

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c) Ensuring compliance with the latest best practices

d) Reducing project timelines
6. How does benchmarking against the IT blueprint contribute to the assessment
a) By prioritizing cost over functionality
b) By ensuring alignment with organizational goals and standards
c) By minimizing collaboration with other departments
d) By accelerating the deployment of outdated technologies
7. What is the purpose of evaluating the system's adaptability to future
organizational requirements?
a) To avoid any changes in the system architecture
b) To maximize the use of legacy systems
c) To ensure the system can evolve with changing needs
d) To disregard technological advancements
8. How does considering future organizational requirements contribute to the
system's longevity?
a) By restricting technological advancements
b) By minimizing scalability
c) By ensuring the system remains relevant over time
d) By avoiding compatibility with emerging technologies

II. True or False

1. During the walk-through process, technical specifications outlined in the

requirement model are compared with the actual capabilities of the proposed
hardware and software solutions.
2. Acceptance criteria defined in the requirement model are solely for documentation
purposes and do not impact the actual selection of hardware and software solutions.
3. The goal of comparing technical specifications and acceptance criteria is to ensure that
the proposed solutions align with the expectations set during the planning phase.
4. When comparing proposed vendors' offerings, factors such as product capabilities,
pricing, and support services are considered in the evaluation process.
5. The cost-benefit analysis is not a relevant aspect when comparing proposed vendors'
offerings; only technical features should be considered.
6. Comparing proposed vendors' offerings is an optional step in the walk-through process
and may not significantly impact the final selection of solutions.
7. Benchmarking against current industry standards involves assessing the requirement
model to ensure alignment with the latest best practices in the field.

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8. The IT blueprint is irrelevant to benchmarking requirement models, as it primarily

focuses on the organization's business processes rather than technical standards.
9. The goal of benchmarking against industry standards is to identify areas where the
proposed architecture exceeds current best practices.
10. The process of benchmarking against future organizational requirements involves
assessing the scalability and adaptability of the proposed architecture.
11. Future-proofing the architecture is not a consideration in benchmarking against future
organizational requirements.
12. Evaluating the technology roadmap is essential when benchmarking against future
organizational requirements to ensure alignment with long-term goals.

III. Fill in the blanks

1. During the walk-through process, it is crucial to ______ the technical specifications

outlined in the requirement model with the actual capabilities of the proposed hardware
and software solutions.
2. The acceptance criteria defined in the requirement model should be ______ with the
features and functionalities of the proposed solutions during the walk-through.
3. The comparison of technical specifications and acceptance criteria helps ensure that the
proposed solutions meet or exceed the specified ______ for the system.
4. The walk-through should include a thorough assessment of different ______ based on
their product offerings to determine the best fit for the organization.
5. A critical step in the walk-through process is to ______ the capabilities of different
vendors and evaluate how well each aligns with the technical requirements outlined in
the requirement model.
6. The decision-making process involves a ______ analysis to consider factors like vendor
reputation, pricing, and support offerings during the walk-through.
7. ______ involves comparing the requirement model against current industry standards to
ensure alignment with the latest best practices in the field.
8. The benchmarking process assesses the requirement model in relation to the
organization's ______ to guarantee consistency with the overall IT strategy and standards.
9. ______ helps establish whether the proposed architecture complies with industry-specific
regulations and norms during the walk-through process.
10. The walk-through includes an assessment of how well the proposed architecture can
______ future organizational requirements, ensuring scalability and adaptability.
11. Evaluating the technology roadmap is crucial to ensure that the proposed solutions
align with the organization's ______ goals and anticipated technological advancements.
12. Benchmarking against future organizational requirements helps in ______ the
architecture for potential changes and advancements.

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