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Equi-depth(frequency) binning The below steps show equi-depth binning in the KNIME.

Connect Dataset using CSV-Reader Node. STEP 2: Use Auto-Binner Node and connect
Dataset to Auto-Binner. STEP 3: Configure Auto-Binner with Bin size 12, Frequency in Equal,
and include columns DEPARTURE_TIME and ARRIVAL_TIME for binning. STEP 4: Execute
Auto_Binner STEP 5: Use Csv-Writer Node to Auto-Binner and execute to get CSV file as
output. STEP 3 12 b. Normalisation Techniques Normalisation is a database design approach
that eliminates undesired features like Insertion, Update, and Deletion Anomalies. Normalisation
rules break huge tables into smaller tables and use relationships to connect them. KNIME is
used for Normalisation 1. Min-Max Normalisation One of the most prevalent methods for
normalising data is min-max normalisation. For each feature, the minimum value is converted to
a 0, the highest value is converted to a 1, and all other values are converted to a decimal
between 0 and 1. To achieve Min-Max normalisation in KNIME steps are below. STEP 1:
Connect Dataset using CSV-Reader Node. STEP 2: Use Normalizer Node and connect Dataset
to Normalizer. STEP 3: Configure Normalizer with Min-Max normalisation as Min to 0 and Max
to 1 and include column DISTANCE for Normalisation. STEP 4: Execute Normalizer. STEP 5:
Connect Csv-Writer Node with Normalizer node and execute to get CSV file as output.

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