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Name: Aarnav Shrivastava

Date: 12/07/23
Teacher’s name: Ms. Binning

I am the lion

I am the lion, Regal

And golden, With a prese-
nce that commands attent-
-ion.My roar echoes with strength,
my mane, a crown of power. I am fie-
-rce, majestic, and bold. With graceful strides,I
navigate navigate my realm, Paws treading with purpose, silently stalking my go-
- -als I am the lion, confident and courageous, leading with a heart full of pride
pride . In the face of challenges, I stand tall, whiskers twitching with anticipation, r-
r -eady to pounce on opportunities. With fiery eyes, I survey the horizo -n, C
u -urly mane flowing in the wind, fearlessly hunting my dreams. I am
the lion, loyal and protective, defending what I hold dear. With a
heart that beats fiercely, I love fiercely, guarding my pride with u-
nwavering devotion. In the pursuit of greatness, I sprint tow-
ards my as pirations, swiftly and boldly, never looking
back. I am t he lion, fearless and bold, embo
dyin g stre- -ngth and re- -silience.
With every st -ep, I leave my ma -rk, leave
ng behi -nd a legacy, roaring through
life with purpose. In this jungle of
e existence, I embra -ce my inner lion,
embracing my true, untamed self. So let my spirit roar, let my presence be known, for I am the lion, and I am unstoppable.

By: Aarnav Shrivastava

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