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Blog date #4

I don't think i got too much done since the last blog due to IA’s, i thought i’d be done collecting
data already for my Chemistry IA but it turns out my data was insanely inconsistent due to the
amount of errors it had for example, temperature immediately going down due to losing its heat
losing to its surroundings basically immediately taking it out so i might need this week to collect
data and do the IA, perhaps i will have time in between each day to try to focus on the capstone
and finish it in time but i dont think modelling is a choice now so i will just leave the program to
be a simple typer instead of an actual game similar to monkeytype. I will most likely be done by
the end of the week. I think i got everything within the python programming language, i don't
think i mentioned which language i would be using yet and i've ultimately decided it will be
python mostly due to its simplicity where something like print(“hello world”) is just that but in java
you would have to set up void and than type out system.out.println(“hello world”) which is just
really tedious. If I don't know what's wrong with a line, I can just ask the programming teacher to
show me how to fix errors. As stated in the last blog update, I have all the tools and materials I
need so I think I'm fine with that part. I’ll probably focus my time on completing the user input
part so the game can actually be played. The main obstacle as stated above is definitely the IA,
i still need to finish the Physics IA data collection part as well as the math IA and then write out
the rest of it which will take up a lot of my time in considering the capstone. Other than those,
there really is no obstacle anymore other than cloud errors but the odds of that should not be
high. This capstone should take a lot of creative and critical thinking to implement that much I
believe. In conclusion, all I really want to finish is the user input part and that will basically
complete my project and then project the code into a separate window so it “simulates” an
application like program and then I pretty much done the capstone.

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