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Muhammad Haris



Sunday April 23rd

Hercules Is A Hero

The hero's quest is common in literature and myth as a type of plot. Hercules is a

textbook example of what a hero is according to the hero’s qu est. Firstly, Hercules

shows himself to be a remarkable character. Secondly, Hercules had to face and

respond to challenges. Thirdly, Hercules has to face internal struggles. Theref ore,

Hercules would be considered a true hero based on the requirements of the Hero's


Firstly, Hercules is shown to be a remarkable character. At the start of the story,

the Muses tell of how Zeus was a mighty being who tamed the globe and ended the

chaos of the Titans. Then we see Zeus playing with Hercules as a baby. In the movie

Zeus says, "Look how cute he is...oh he's tall like his dad" (Hercules 3:04-3:15). This

shows how Hercules is born of one of the most noble births as son of Zeus. Also,

Hercules was taken as a baby by Hades shortly after birth and was raised among

humans. One day his parents decided to tell Hercules the truth about where he came

from. In the movie it is said, “Hercules, there's something your mother and I have been

meaning to tell you. ‘But if you found me then where did I come from?’...this was around

your neck when we found you. It's the symbol of the Gods" (18:24-18:46). This shows
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how prior to his parents telling him he was completely oblivious to his lineage. Since he

doesn’t know who he is he questions his parents about where he came from and finally

starts discovering who he is and his true lineage. Therefore, Hercules is shown to be a

remarkable character.

In conclusion, Hercules would be considered a true hero based on the

requirements of the Hero's Quest. Firstly, Hercules shows himself to be a remarkable

character. Secondly, Hercules had to face and respond to challenges. Thirdly, Hercules

has to face internal struggles. Just think, if Hercules wasn’t a hero, who would have

stopped Hades’s world domination?

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Works cited

Hercules. Directed by Ron Clements and John Musker, Walt Disney Pictures, Buena

Vista Pictures Distribution, 1997.

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