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Third Company

Bodyweight Only Strength Training for Beginners

Always stop 1-2 reps short of failure

You can choose to do this program as many days per week as you’d like

Day 1:

• Bodyweight Squats: 3 sets / 10-20 reps (Slow & Controlled).

o If regular squats are too difficult try chair squats.
o If regular squats are too easy, add resistance by grabbing something heavy (like
dumbbell or heavy bookbag)
• Bodyweight push ups: 3 sets / 10-20 reps (Slow & Controlled).
o If regular push ups are too difficult, start with knee push ups or bench/incline push
o If regular push ups are too easy add resistance by doing decline push ups &/or add
weight (weighted backpack, vest, or put a weight plate on your back).
• Dumbbell Rows (using a heavy bookbag, gallon jug, etc): 3 sets / 10-20 reps.
• Crunches (Slow & controlled engage the core): 3 sets / 8-16 reps

Day 2:

• Forward & Reverse Lunges: 3 sets: 10-20 reps each leg.

o If regular lunges are too easy add resistance by grabbing something heavy.
• Good Mornings: 3 sets: 10-20 reps. (Grab something heavy – water jugs, heavy bag, etc.)
• Bodyweight Dips: 3 sets: 10-20 reps.
o If it’s too easy, put your feet up on a chair when doing the exercise and/or put some
extra weight on top of your thighs.
• Active Plank: 2 sets: 8-16 reps

Day 3:

• Bodyweight Bulgarian Single Leg Squats: 3 sets: 10-20 reps

o If that’s too difficult do Glute Bridges: 3 sets: 10-20 reps
• Romanian Single Leg Deadlifts: 3 sets: 10-20 reps
o Start with bodyweight & add resistance by holding something heavy as you get
stronger - water jugs, heavy bag, etc.
• Overhead Press: 3 sets: 10-20 reps
o Use two equally heavy objects (like gallon jugs)
• Leg raises: 3 sets: 10-20 reps
o If that’s too easy pause your leg at the middle portion of the movement for every rep
• Jumping Jacks: 3 sets: 20-60 reps OR Mountain Climbers: 3 sets: 20-60 reps
o Add more reps as you get stronger & your endurance improves.
Use this resourse if you’re not sure how to do an exercise:

- . Search any exercise under Mind

Pump TV.

It’s important to do exercises correctly to avoid injury. Seek help from a Personal Trainer or Physical
Therapist if needed.

DO NOT perform this program if you have any muscle, nerve or joint pain & seek help from a
professional to relieve those first.

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