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Present continuous (future arrangements) We often use the present continuous to tak about the future, especialy about future plans when we have decided a ime and a place with other people. We normaly use a flue time expression, eg, tomorrow, next week, at 7, ee, + Tm meeting Sally at 7. (=| have talked to her and we have arranged to meet.) ‘+ Tim fying to New York tomorrow morning. (=\ have the ticket.) *+ Wore geting married next July (-We have decided it and we have probably ready made reservations forthe restaurant, et.) ‘The present continuous for future arrangements is very common with verbs of traveling, and when we are meeting people. + 'm leaving very early tomorrow. I'm taking the 7.90 train, ‘+ I'm playing gol with Jack next Saturday. Would you lke to come? + Im seeing the dentist ater class. Present continuous vs be going to ‘We can normally use the present continuous or be going toto tak about future plans, ‘+ I'm leaving very early tomorrow. + Tm going to leave very early tomorrow. ‘But we prefer using the present continuous when we have made arrangements (.c. decided a place and time with somebody else). When Use be going to, we put the emphasis on our intention to do something. + I'm going to study for the exams tomorrow. (i's my intention) + Tm leaving at 8 tomorrow. (= an arrangement) + "Your cari dirty‘! know. 'm going to wash it tomorrow. (=it's my intention, bt | haven't arranged to doit) will for decisions Use wil for decisions that you take at the moment of speaking (instant decisions). + ‘Oh, we don’ have sugar:"‘Don' worry, Il buy some.” be going to or will for predictions ‘We use be going to or wll (NOT the present continuous) to make predictions about the future. (-» See Grammar points » A2 Grammar » \WilLws be going fo = Future) + [think ho win the election. ‘+ The doctor said I'm going to have a gi.

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