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1 Introduction
2 Carbon in Our Forest Ecosystems
8 Forest Management
for Carbon Benefits
16 Common Landowner Questions
About Carbon
18 Glossary
19 Resources
20 References


USDA Forest Service

Office of Sustainability and Climate
Todd Ontl (prior affiliation: Michigan Tech)

USDA Forest Service

Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science
USDA Northern Forests Climate Hub
Maria Janowiak

Mass Audubon
Josh Rapp
Andrew Randazzo

Massachusetts Department
of Conservations and Recreation
Jennifer Fish
Michael Downey
James Rassman
Alison Wright-Hunter


Foresters and natural resource development of forest management and The second section of this guide outlines
professionals are taking a greater stewardship plans that intentionally how foresters can integrate carbon
interest in forest management actions consider climate change impacts and management into forest management
for providing carbon benefits to mitigate informs the identification of management planning, including Forest Stewardship
a changing climate. Climate mitigation actions that support landowners’ carbon Plans, by assessing risks to carbon
actions work to reduce the atmospheric goals for their property. and evaluating opportunities to
carbon dioxide and other greenhouse enhance carbon within the context of
gases responsible for climate change. The first section of this guide introduces landowner goals and objectives. This
Inclusion of carbon-related goals in forest key carbon terminology as it relates to section presents overarching principles
management planning is becoming typical forestry practices and summarizes of carbon management, examples of
common with the increasing recognition carbon dynamics over different spatial carbon-beneficial actions that relate to
of the climate regulation benefits our and temporal scales. common management concerns, and
forests provide through their ability to considerations when communicating with
sequester and store carbon. This guide landowners about frequently asked topics
assists foresters who are interested in involving forestry and carbon.
integrating carbon management into
the plans they write and projects they
implement. The guide supports the


Any time you are working in the woods, Belowground biomass: all living root management on the carbon sequestered or
you are surrounded by carbon in its many biomass of trees or understory plants emitted to the atmosphere. However, carbon
different forms: from the organic matter (coarse roots). within wood products is considered carbon
in soils, roots, and the litter of the forest that has been removed from the forest
Dead wood: all dead woody biomass either
floor beneath your feet to the tree biomass ecosystem and so is not included as part of
standing, on the ground, or in the soil.
in the mid- and overstory above your the total forest ecosystem carbon stock.
head. These are some of the main types of Forest floor: the leaves, needles, twigs (less
The amount of carbon within a particular
biomass that contain carbon as it flows than 3 inches diameter), and all other dead
pool can be estimated by taking
through ecosystems, most of it to be biomass on the ground that has not yet
measurements or collecting samples, and
ultimately released back to the atmosphere. become part of the soil.
repeated measurements can be used to
To understand how carbon moves within
Soil: mineral and organic soils, including calculate the amount and rate of change
a forest, as well as make the process of
fine roots, to a depth of one meter. over time. Quantification of carbon pools
estimating the total amount of carbon in
requires intensive data collection, especially
a forest a feasible task, we group these
Several additional carbon pools occur when a high degree of accuracy is desired.
categories of carbon-containing materials
outside of the forest ecosystem and Permanent plots are often established and
into “pools”.
include harvested wood products in use remeasured to detect change over time.
According to the U.S EPA and international and harvested wood products in solid This level of detail is not strictly necessary
guidelines for carbon measurement and waste disposal sites. Like carbon within a for incorporation into forest management
reporting1, ecosystem carbon pools are forest, carbon has a residence time within plans, but understanding how different
defined as: these pools before it is released back to forest carbon pools are measured may be
the atmosphere either from combustion or helpful for foresters (see Box 1).
Aboveground biomass: living biomass decomposition. Carbon pools in harvested
above the soil, trees (> 1 inch diameter) wood are critical for accurate carbon
including bark, stumps, branches and accounting at a state or national scale
tops, and foliage. This pool also includes and for carbon offsets projects to give a
understory and ground layer vegetation. complete accounting of the effects of forest

BOX 1 | Measuring Forest Carbon Pools

Estimation of forest carbon pools often begins with delineating forest stands of similar
forest type and condition (e.g., age class, site productivity) to stratify data collection.

Procedures for measuring carbon pools include2,3:

Aboveground biomass: Forest inventory with one line intersect per plot, with the Sample collection is often to a fixed
data is collected using either a basal area diameter and decay or density class depth or the depth to refusal (e.g. the
prism or tree d.b.h. (diameter at breast of wood recorded. Standing dead wood depth at which the probe can no longer
height) and estimated heights from is typically recorded as part of the tree be inserted). Due to the high variability
fixed area plots are recorded. Allometric inventory, and an allometric equation in soil carbon levels at fine scales,
equations are then used to calculate is used to estimate the mass minus a many soil samples per plot are taken
the total aboveground biomass. Stand- percentage loss estimate based on the to estimate the size of this pool.
level carbon is estimated by scaling up degree of crown breakage.
Carbon pools that are most affected
from the plot to the entire forest stand.
Forest floor: Estimation of this pool is by forest management activities
Understory and ground layer vegetation
often through direct harvesting down include aboveground and belowground
is a small proportion of this pool and
to the upper surface of the mineral soil biomass and dead wood. Measurement
may not be quantified in carbon pool
within subplots. Live herbaceous biomass of these pools provides a snapshot of
is excluded from the sample. Samples how a particular forest stand or property
Belowground biomass: Direct are dried and weighed. A sample compares with other similar stands
measurement of this pool is not only of material is analyzed for carbon within Massachusetts. A method for
time- and labor-intensive, but can also concentration to determine the amount estimating these pools using basal
be destructive for forest soils, so this of carbon in the sample. area measurements can be found in
pool is typically estimated using Climate Forestry Assessment: A Guide
Soil: The amount of carbon in soil is a
regression models representing to Integrating Resilience and Carbon Data
function of the concentration of carbon,
belowground biomass as a proportion into a Massachusetts Forest Inventory.
the density of the soil, and the depth of
of aboveground biomass. These estimates, along with additional
measurement. Carbon concentrations are
information found within this guide,
measured through laboratory analysis
Dead wood: Dead wood volume is can help inform possible management
(e.g., dry-combustion, elemental analyzer,
measured within plots and then the actions with the potential to increase
or chemical oxidation methods). It
carbon content of dead wood is estimated carbon sequestration rates and
is important that sample volume is
based on its degree of decomposition. storage within forest carbon pools
accurately estimated to determine a
Down dead wood is typically sampled in the coming decades.
precise estimate of soil bulk density.

Carbon Flux Through Forests • When the leaves fall to the ground determine not only the amount of carbon
in October, much of their carbon within each pool of the forest ecosystem,
Most carbon enters the forest ecosystem
may be released into the atmosphere but also the longevity of carbon within the
through the process of photosynthesis,
through decomposition within weeks ecosystem.
where plants use sunlight to turn carbon
to a few years.
dioxide into sugars which are then Disturbances often shape forest ecosystem
• Carbon that was turned into stem wood
used for plant growth and metabolism. structure and composition, and in doing
can last as long as a tree’s life span,
This process of forming biomass from so can have a large impact on carbon:
which can range from decades to
atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) is known from losses of carbon to the atmosphere,
hundreds of years, or be dropped to the
as sequestration. Unlike carbon pools, transfers of carbon from one pool to
forest floor within a branch broken in a
which are often visible and easily apparent, another, and effects on post-disturbance
March nor’easter. Once the tree or branch
sequestration is a process where the carbon sequestration rates. Natural
dies, the carbon in dead wood may remain
accumulation (or uptake) of carbon in the disturbance events such as windstorms
in that form for years to decades or more
ecosystem is only apparent over time. The and ice loading cause tree mortality that
before eventually being decomposed and
rate of CO2 conversion into forest biomass transfers carbon to dead wood, while tree
emitted back to the atmosphere as CO2.
is controlled by many environmental factors damage that can reduce sequestration
• Carbon finds its way into soils through
such as temperature, moisture, and soil capacity from reduced leaf area for a period
many routes, including root growth and
nutrient status, but is typically limited by of years or longer. Chronic stressors such
death and leaf litterfall. The residence
the amount of leaf area that is present in as invasive plants, insect pests, and tree
time of carbon within the soil is highly
the forest: the greater the leaf area, the diseases can also cause tree mortality,
variable: plant roots release carbon
higher the potential sequestration rate often over the course of years. Disturbance
compounds into the surrounding
if all other environmental factors are the from forest harvest removes carbon from
soil (called the rhizosphere) and are
same. As forests mature and competition the ecosystem by transferring carbon from
consumed by soil bacteria and fungi
for available resources such as water merchantable stems into wood products
within hours to days. Fine roots may
and nutrients change, leaf area becomes while tops and branches are often left as
die and decompose over the course of
only one of many factors that influence slash, going into the dead wood carbon
months to years. Many trees have
sequestration rates. As forests age, species pool. Disturbances can result in carbon
symbiotic relationships with specialized
composition or forest health may play a loss from the soil pool as roots decompose
fungi called mycorrhizal fungi, where the
larger role in determining the rate of carbon and the carbon inputs from root growth
plants provide carbon in the form of
accumulation in a stand. dramatically decline in the years following
sugars in exchange for the fungal-derived
cutting. The magnitude of impacts to
Although many people think of carbon nutrients. Regardless of where they
live tree biomass and soil carbon pools
being “locked away” in trees and soils, the originate, carbon-containing materials
directly relate to the size and intensity of
carbon contained within forest pools is far in soil are digested by microbes, and
the disturbance. Following a disturbance,
from static, but rather flows through the some carbon is emitted back to the
carbon sequestration rates may be reduced
ecosystem over time. Carbon dioxide fixed atmosphere as CO2 while some carbon
until leaf area recovers, which depends on
into sugars through photosynthesis can be becomes chemically bound to soil
rates of tree recovery. In other instances,
used to power a plant cell and be released particles and can persist anywhere from
sequestration rates may increase if enough
back into the air over the course of days, or decades to thousands of years.
advanced regeneration is present and able
be turned into leaf tissue, wood, or roots.
These are some of the various ways that to respond quickly to the available light.
The allocation of carbon to these different
carbon is transferred from one pool to the
parts of the plant can have an important
next within the forest ecosystem, ultimately
influence on the expected residence time
returning to the atmosphere as a result of
of that carbon in the ecosystem before it
these ecological processes. These processes
returns to the atmosphere:
are affected by climate, disturbance,
human activities, and other factors which

Carbon Dynamics Over Time

The total amount of carbon in a stand, .05


Carbon stock exchange (tons C/ acre/ yr)

as well as in individual pools within the
forest, is the result of many interacting
factors, most importantly: stand age, tree -0.5 INTO FOREST Total ecosytem

density, disturbance history, forest type, Live tree

-1 Dead wood
and site quality. Carbon stock changes
Forest floor
over time are primarily influenced by the -1.5 Soil organic
rate of tree growth since this is the main
source of carbon input into the system. -2

Following a disturbance such as a clearcut

harvest, there is an initial period during 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
stand re-initiation when live tree carbon Stand age (yr)

does not show much accumulation in Figure 1. Carbon stock change by pool over 110 years following
the first 1-5 years, after which the live tree clear-cut harvest in Northeast Oak-hickory stands.4
pool begins accumulating carbon more
quickly as young trees grow (10-40 years).
During this time of initially slow and
then increasing sequestration, trees are
Carbon density (tons C/ acre)

creating the branches, foliage, and roots 70 Soil

needed to capture light, compete for soil 60 Live Aboveground
nutrients, and sequester carbon dioxide. 50 Forest floor
During the stem exclusion or self-thinning 40 Dead Wood
30 Live Belowground
phase, the rate of stand-level sequestration
begins to slow down as individual trees
increasingly compete for limited resources
in the forest. As trees grow larger, they use Oak-Hickory Northern Pine Oak-Pine Bottomland Spruce-Fir
a greater percentage of their carbon fixed Hardwoods Hardwoods

through photosynthesis to maintain their Figure 2. Carbon pool by forest type group in MA. (Data source: USDA
biomass (beyond 50 years). Throughout the Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis)
development from young to mature forest,
the other carbon pools, such as dead wood
and the forest floor, are slowly increasing
as carbon is transferred from live trees to
these pools (Fig. 1). Although the amount
of carbon in dead wood and forest floor
increases over time, most of the carbon
within a typical forest in Massachusetts is
found in live tree biomass and soil. Across
all forest types, live trees and soil constitute
74% (44% and 31%, respectively) of the
total forest carbon (Fig. 2). Additionally,
a typical 80-year-old forest stand in the
Commonwealth sequesters carbon at a rate
of 0.5 tons of carbon per acre annually.

Severe impacts from disturbances or invasive plants, such as tree girdling from
oriental bittersweet, can reduce a forest stand’s carbon sequestration rate.
Sequestration & Storage Taken together, the abundance of small, also carbon stocks. As long as these
in Forest Stands light-limited trees that are growing disturbances are minor in severity,
slowly, few healthy large trees sustaining short in duration, and do not result in
The dynamics of carbon over time
high sequestration, and some large stand mortality, the forest will remain
from young to older forest stands do
trees in declining health with low a carbon sink or quickly recover to one
not necessarily describe how carbon
rates of sequestration, results in lower after the disturbance. As forests age
sequestration rates of an individual tree
sequestration rates on a per-acre basis. and sequestration rates slow, low- to
might change over time. This presents what
Similarly, large-diameter trees can also moderate-severity disturbances create
often seems to be conflicting information
account disproportionately for stand-scale opportunities for tree regeneration that
on sequestration rates reported in mature
carbon storage in uneven-aged stands. are important for sustaining the system
stands compared to rates observed 7
One global dataset suggests that trees as a net sink while also maintaining high
in mature trees. Understanding the
approximately 24 inches d.b.h. account for carbon storage9. When carbon emissions
importance of spatial scale in measuring
41% of the carbon stored within a forest, from the forest (e.g., release of CO2 from
and describing sequestration rates is
while a study from the Pacific Northwest8 plants, decomposers, and fire) are greater
key to the apparent contradiction.
showed that trees > 21 inches d.b.h. or larger than inputs from plant productivity, the
In young regenerating stands, trees are held 42% of total aboveground carbon system becomes a net carbon source. For
generally similar in size and competition for despite representing 3% of the stems. In example, hemlock stands at Harvard Forest
light is low, so stand-scale sequestration contrast, young stands with many small- began to show declines in annual carbon
may be close to the sum of the growth rates diameter trees have lower biomass and so sequestration from hemlock woolly adelgid
of all the trees within that stand. Under store less carbon relative to older stands. in 2013. Tree growth declined to the point
these conditions, sequestrations rates (e.g. While the significance of large-diameter that carbon emissions were greater than
metric tons of carbon per acre per year) are trees on sustaining sequestration and inputs, and these stands became a carbon
at their highest point in stand development. maintaining stored carbon highlights their source to the atmosphere by 201510. Forest
In older closed-canopy forests there is importance to forest stand carbon, these health impacts from insect pests are just
strong competition for light, soil moisture, benefits to climate mitigation are often one example of how natural disturbances
and nutrients, especially where there is countered by processes that impact older can affect carbon balance in a forest and
vertical layering of the tree canopy. This trees that result in greater carbon loss turn a once healthy, mature stand from a
competition results in decreasing stand- from stands. carbon sink into a carbon source.
scale sequestration, despite individual
large trees potentially sustaining high rates Carbon Balance and Climate Change Impacts on Carbon
of carbon sequestration5. For example, Forest Disturbance
Changing climatic conditions are
several eastern white pines in western The amount of carbon coming into a forest increasingly impacting forests in
Massachusetts were found to gain the relative to the amount being lost is known New England, and many of the impacts
greatest biomass volume between 100-150 as the carbon balance. If not impacted by are anticipated to have negative
years old6. The simple explanation for this stressors or disturbances, healthy forests consequences for forest carbon stocks
apparent paradox between the high rates of can remain carbon sinks for long periods and carbon sink capacity into the
sequestration in some older, large-diameter of time, typically well beyond the age of future. These impacts include increased
trees and the relatively slower rates of older their maximum economic value. In reality, frequency and severity of disturbance and
forest stands is due to the decrease in most forest stands experience some level of greater impacts of existing stressors
tree density of large trees in a stand over periodic disturbance from events like high in addition to the arrival of new stressors.
time from mortality. As a stand matures winds or insect pest outbreaks which can Refer to Managing Forests for Climate
and uneven-aged conditions develop, the reduce carbon sequestration rates, if not Change in Massachusetts for a summary
stand has fewer large trees that can support of climate impacts to forests in
higher sequestration rates, and a greater Massachusetts and management
number of smaller-diameter trees in the options to reduce climate risks.
understory whose growth are suppressed.

Climate Impact Effects Carbon connection

Longer growing season • Longer period for tree growth • Increased net carbon sequestration
• Longer period for decomposer activity from enhanced growth

Shorter, warmer winters; reduced • Increased freeze-thaw cycles, frost • Reduced sequestration from tree mortality
snowpack depth and duration heaving/soil freezing damage to tree roots • Soil carbon loss from erosion
• Greater potential for damage or soil disturbance
to sensitive soils during forest
harvest operations
• Expanding populations of insect pests

More frequent and intense weather • Increased flooding and soil erosion • Soil carbon loss from erosion
events (e.g., extreme precipitation events) • More frequent wind damage • Reduced sequestration from tree mortality
• Enhanced disturbance frequency
and intensity

Greater risk of growing season • Reduced tree productivity and • Greater risk of carbon loss from wildfire
drought conditions forest health • Reduced sequestration from tree mortality
• More damage to trees from insects • Decreased rate of tree growth
• Enhanced risk of wildfire

Increased insect pest and pathogen • Reduced forest health • Reduced sequestration from tree mortality
outbreaks • More damage to trees from insects • Decreased rate of tree growth

Increases in non-native invasive • Reduced tree regeneration • Lower carbon stocks from reduced
plant species • Enhanced tree mortality regeneration or stocking
• Reduced sequestration from tree mortality

Projected decline in suitable habitat • Reduced tree regeneration • Lower carbon stocks from reduced
for many northern tree species • Enhanced tree mortality regeneration and stocking
• Reduced sequestration from tree mortality

Conditions may become more favorable • Enhanced tree growth or regeneration • Higher carbon sequestration
for some southern tree species of climate-adapted species • Reduced risk of disturbance-induced
carbon loss where climate-adapted
species are abundant

Climate change and its impacts will can alter the vulnerability of a species or The greater the vulnerability to climate
affect different parts of the landscape forest type on a particular site to these impacts, the more climate change is
in unique ways. Tree species may vary in various climate impacts. More information anticipated to threaten the carbon stored
their responses to warming temperatures, on the vulnerability of common forest on those sites, or the capacity of the forest
changing precipitation, or greater pressure types to climate impacts is summarized in in those locations to sequester carbon in
from insect pests, while different sites may the New England and Northern New York the coming decades. Greater vulnerability
vary in how drought-prone their soils are Forest Ecosystem Vulnerability Assessment to climate impacts that threaten a forest’s
or their susceptibility to extreme weather and Synthesis and the Climate Change and capacity to be a carbon sink may signal a
events such as windthrow, flooding, or Massachusetts Fish and Wildlife reports (see need to integrate an assessment of climate
ice damage. Species composition, as well Resources). risks to maintaining carbon benefits, as
as site characteristics such as soil type, well to a landowner’s other goals, into
elevation, aspect, and landscape position management plans.

Effective management of natural and Just as the site conditions and Principles for Managing
working lands for carbon benefits is often management goals and objectives Forest Carbon
included in planning for climate mitigation. differ between forest stands, so do the
Carbon dynamics in forest ecosystems
These actions, often called “natural climate considerations and options for integrating
are complex and may feel overwhelming
solutions”, begin with considering carbon carbon into forest management or
to landowners, foresters, and scientists
goals in land management planning11. While stewardship plans. Key considerations
alike. The following principles can serve
there is no silver bullet or one-size-fits-all include how carbon goals might align or
as a starting point for integrating
strategy for the management of forests for conflict with other landowner goals, how
carbon and climate change into forest
carbon benefits, carbon mitigation options actions might impact all carbon pools
management plans:
generally fall into three categories: within the ecosystem (not just the live
tree carbon pool), and how management— Keep forests healthy
• Avoid forest loss through conversion
including harvesting trees or reducing Foresters routinely consider the risks that
to other land uses, such as residential
harvests, or the many other activities disturbances and forest health issues
or commercial development or
that fit into forest management—might pose to the production of timber,
agriculture, or failure to regenerate
impact carbon sequestration into the enhancement of wildlife habitat, and
after severe disturbances.
future. Ideally, management options and other management goals. Responding
• Reduce forest ecosystem carbon
implications for carbon sequestration, to disturbance and forest health threats,
emissions from wildfire, drought, pests
storage, and other management goals which create an unintended loss of
and pathogens, tree mortality caused
are discussed with landowners over carbon storage or carbon sequestration
by disturbance or other climate-related
a range of timescales from short-term capacity in a stand, is often a starting point
stressors, and unsustainable forest
(<10 to 20 years) to long-term (20+ years), for carbon management. Best management
harvesting practices that reduce tree
in order to identify how co-benefits and practices to protect soils and waterways
growth or increase tree mortality.
tradeoffs might emerge over time. may not only reduce negative impacts to
• Enhance forest carbon sequestration
forest growth and aquatic ecosystems,
rates through actions that increase tree
but can also help retain soil carbon.
growth or the transfer of carbon into
Recognizing that soils accumulate carbon
long-term stable forest carbon pools.
very slowly over time yet play a critical role
• Ensure prompt and successful
in carbon storage within the ecosystem
regeneration to a diverse and fully
highlights the importance of protecting
stocked stand.
soils from disturbance such as erosion
and compaction.

Address climate risks and Recognize tradeoffs between Anticipate the timing of carbon benefits
forest vulnerabilities management goals Practices such as regeneration harvests,
A changing climate is increasing the risks Landowners often have many goals for thinnings, or allowing a stand to continue
to forests from many existing stressors, their forests, and it is not always possible to grow without intervention may all have
such as increased pressure from insect to achieve every goal on every acre. carbon benefits, but these benefits may
pests, invasive species, and storm damage Considering carbon goals often requires an be realized over different timescales.
to trees. Climate change is also changing understanding of where and how carbon Depending on the prescription or
patterns of precipitation, often increasing management actions can support other management action implemented, the
the intensity and frequency of both floods goals, and where tradeoffs may exist. For benefits for carbon may occur in the relative
and drought. These climate change impacts example, creating areas of young or early near-term or be realized in the decades
are beyond the natural range of variation successional forests may be important following treatments. For example, allowing
experienced by present-day northeastern for landowners with goals for enhancing for longer rotations can provide immediate
forests and may result in the decline of wildlife diversity by creating habitat for carbon benefits as carbon loss from harvest
health and productivity of some tree species species that require more open canopy is delayed and stored carbon continues to
and forest types into the future. Identifying conditions. Harvests to meet these accrue. In contrast, thinning treatments can
which climate impacts are most important objectives reduce carbon storage in the provide near-term (~20-30 years) benefits
for a particular site as part of an adaptation impacted areas and likely result in carbon to carbon as tree growth is enhanced from
planning process can inform effective emissions. Although the young forest will reduced competition, although at the
actions for maintaining or increasing likely sequester carbon quickly if trees cost of an immediate (0-20 years) loss
its carbon storage or sequestration. For regenerate, the overall impact may be less in carbon storage. Adaptation-focused
example, if drought-related tree mortality carbon than if the management did not actions such as regeneration harvests are
is an impact of concern, thinning occur. The recognition of these potential intended to shift species composition to
overly-dense stands might be a priority tradeoffs helps landowners understand the better align with future climate conditions
management action for reducing carbon consequences of their management like hotter and drier summers. It might take
carbon loss on a property. Refer to decisions, to enable prioritizing their goals many more decades before carbon benefits
Managing Forests for Climate Change in for their forest. become apparent following this type of
Massachusetts for additional information treatment, but ultimately the abundance
on climate impacts, forest vulnerability, of better-adapted tree species will
and adaptation planning. sustain growth rates that can provide for
greater carbon sequestration and storage
compared to the existing trees. Long-term
carbon benefits from adaptation actions are
most often due to anticipated mortality or
reduced growth of the existing trees when
those species are expected to be at greater
risk of impacts into the future.

For more information on how to consider forest health, climate impacts,

trade-offs, and timing of carbon responses interact for individual management
actions, see Healthy Forests for Our Future: A Management Guide to Increase
Carbon Storage in Northeast Forests.

BOX 2 | Carbon Benefits of Wood After Forest Harvest

Carbon is removed from a forest when trees are harvested, but this does not
necessarily mean that this carbon is emitted back to the atmosphere. Wood products
and bioenergy provide additional ways carbon can be stored or emissions from
burning fossil fuels can be reduced.

Wood Products - The carbon storage Bioenergy – Wood can be used to produce
value of any given wood product electricity, heat, and even transportation
depends on how the product is made, fuels. Sources of bioenergy can include
the useful lifetime of the product, and harvesting firewood, utilization of harvest
what happens to the wood after the residues, wood chips from sawmills,
product has reached the end of its life. municipal solid waste, or by-products
Carbon storage in products is maximized from pulp production. While firewood
when the amount of waste produced and harvest residues can offset the
during processing is minimized and burning of fossil fuels for energy
when products have a long lifespan. For production, these practices could also
example, wood that goes into single- reduce carbon in dead wood pools in
family home construction has a duration the ecosystem and the many benefits
of 80-100 years compared to an average that snags or down woody material can
6-year lifespan for paper products . provide. Sites where excessive fuel loads
In order to fully understand the carbon present an elevated concern for wildfire
storage value of a product, understanding risk could be targeted for utilization
the full lifecycle of a product is needed. of harvest residues. The use of small
This means knowing what happens to diameter or low-grade wood for bioenergy
the product after its lifespan has ended can provide opportunities for improving
(such as recycling compared to landfill forest health, such as removing diseased
disposal). Wood products take less or vulnerable species that can provide
energy to produce than energy-intensive future carbon benefits for the ecosystem.
materials such as concrete or steel, Like the use of harvest residues, these
so there are carbon benefits when wood actions present a tradeoff with the
is used instead of these products, loss of carbon from the ecosystem and
plus the additional benefit of the the greatest benefit for carbon may be
carbon stored in the wood itself. Forest realized in sites where there are concerns
management that emphasizes the for forest health, such as overstocked,
production of long-lived, durable wood vulnerable, or degraded stands.
products, such as silvicultural practices
that influence the species or size of trees
available for timber production, can
increase the carbon mitigation benefits
of wood products.

Integrating Carbon Goals Having the necessary resources and Management Impacts
into Forest Management knowledge helps foresters to not only on Carbon Dynamics
recognize actions that reduce the risk
Many forest management actions that of carbon loss in the future or identify Forest management involves a range of
help landowners manage their property opportunities to enhance carbon practices that can influence carbon storage
for healthy forests, diverse habitats that sequestration, but also to feel comfortable and sequestration in forests, from short
support wildlife, or stands that grow wood talking to landowners about integrating to long timeframes. Specific management
quickly also align with goals for carbon. carbon into management plans. A first decisions and actions influence the
Common sustainable forestry practices, step in planning for carbon goals includes amount of carbon removed from the
such as removing populations of invasive ensuring a forest is healthy and is not at ecosystem, which can alter the trajectory
species and protecting soil and water risk of carbon losses. A climate-informed of future carbon storage. Management
resources during management, provide forest management plan that intentionally also influences stand structure and
both immediate and long-term carbon considers climate change impacts on composition, which can alter the potential
benefits. At the same time, there can be carbon storage and sequestration, as well for climate change impacts and stressors
times where goals are not compatible. as associated management actions, as that could impact carbon sequestration or
For example, creating areas of early- described in the Managing Forests for storage in the decades to follow. Climate-
successional habitat for certain wildlife13 Climate Change in Massachusetts guide, related disturbance and stressors are
may be at odds with a landowner’s goals is a great place to start. When integrating anticipated to increase in the future, but the
of maintaining large carbon stocks in carbon goals into forest management vulnerability of stands to these impacts is
mature, well-stocked stands. As with the and stewardship plans, it is helpful to not the same in every forest. The decision on
creation of any forest management plan, discuss the various management concerns whether to actively manage to reduce risks
working with a landowner to clearly identify that could impact forest health and the of undesirable climate impacts, where to
the goals for their property is important. ability to maintain carbon stocks and implement management, and the specific
Refer to Caring For Your Woods: Setting sequestration capacity, or options for actions taken will likely influence the
Goals for helping landowners identify and potentially enhancing carbon stocks or risks to carbon mitigation capacity or the
prioritize goals for their woodlands that increasing sequestration rates in their ability to achieve carbon-related goals. The
reflect their interests and enable well- stands. A “menu” of potential climate following scenarios provide some examples
informed management decisions. change adaptation actions for a variety of of how climate change vulnerability and
topics, including forest carbon , can be management choices may influence forest
browsed online at carbon in Massachusetts forests.

Low Vulnerability | Passive Management


Passively managed stands that have low Species composition may shift to include in carbon is primarily in the live
risk from disturbance and stressors will more shade-tolerant species in the mid- aboveground and belowground biomass
continue to age and accumulate carbon in canopy or understory. Over time, most pools as trees grow larger; dead wood
the absence of harvest. Stand complexity carbon pools increase: the increase pools often increase as well.
often increases as trees grow larger and the
forest develops more structural complexity.

Low Vulnerability | Active Management


Some forest stands can be actively creation of variable spacing among trees. biomass, such as regeneration harvests
managed to accelerate the development These are more likely to have intended using gaps, while potentially enhancing
of late-successional stand characteristics carbon benefits where risks of carbon sequestration rates more than passive
using practices that mimic low-severity losses are low. Application of a variety management18. The intentional increase
natural disturbances. These management of practices can allow for regeneration in stored carbon through greater stand
practices can include reduced harvest, while also releasing the crowns of the complexity may additionally enhance
enhancements of vertical structure, largest trees. These practices seek to the stability of stored carbon through
elevated quantities of dead wood (including balance carbon storage and sequestration, the further reduction in climate risk that
both snags and down dead wood), and the maintaining higher levels of stored carbon comes with greater forest diversity.
relative to practices that remove greater

High Vulnerability | Passive Management


Forest stands may be considered high due to elevated tree mortality. Carbon stocks than timber harvesting activities on highly
vulnerability due to many different stand may be reduced in live aboveground and vulnerable sites15. The types of disturbance,
conditions. These include the presence of belowground biomass, while more carbon including their severity and frequency, will
species susceptible to changes in climate may be present as dead wood, particularly affect how carbon is redistributed between
such as warmer/ drier conditions or forest snags and downed dead wood. Fewer large- live and dead wood pools in these vulnerable
health issues such as insect pests, or site diameter trees will remain, resulting in lower forests. Carbon transferred to dead wood
conditions that increase the exposure to carbon stocks compared to low-vulnerability pools is not immediately lost from the
climate impacts like drought or extreme forests allowed to grow without forest system but is typically emitted back to
weather. Passively managed stands that harvest. Carbon loss from increased natural the atmosphere slowly over time, while the
are at high risk of disturbance or impacts disturbance frequency and severity has the reductions in aboveground live tree biomass
from stressors may lose carbon over time potential to reduce carbon storage more lower the capacity for sequestration.

High Vulnerability | Active Management


Active management may reduce the age-class diversity, greater species diversity to adapt forests to changing conditions
vulnerability of forests to climate change, from regeneration of shade-intolerant removes carbon from a stand in the
thereby sustaining forest carbon storage species, and more structural heterogeneity. near-term, the carbon benefits result
and sequestration. Over time, high- Collectively, this can decrease carbon loss from reduced risk of severe disturbance
vulnerability stands actively managed for from natural disturbances16. Additional improves long-term, stable carbon storage
adaptation are likely to have greater carbon carbon benefits may come from higher and enhanced capacity for lasting carbon
stocks and sequestration rates compared growth rates of residual trees that are well- sequestration. Production of wood products
to high-vulnerability stands not managed adapted to changing climate conditions, as may provide an additional climate benefit
with a focus on adaptation. Management to well as enhanced regeneration, especially if products are long-lived or substitute for
reduce climate risks can result in enhanced if regeneration includes climate-adapted more carbon-intensive products.
species17,18. Although active management
Examples of carbon management actions that address common forestry concerns

Management Concern Potential Carbon Management Actions

Young forest stands (stand initiation - stem exclusion)

Stand stocking: Is the stand sufficiently • Enrichment planting with a variety of • Implement practices to increase
stocked with a diversity of species, native species that are expected to do protection of regeneration from
including low-risk or future-adapted well under future conditions herbivory, such as increasing hunting,
species? constructing deer exclosures, or using
tree tubes

Tree competition or mortality: Is the • Release of future-adapted species • Implement weeding or brush removal
stand at risk of excessive competition ordesired growing stock (such as to release desired growing stock from
that might increase risk from drought precommercial thinning) competition
or forest health issues?

Mature forest stands

Stand stocking: Is the overstory • Enrichment planting with a variety of • Implement practices to increase
sufficiently stocked, including low-risk native species that are expected to do protection from herbivory, such as
or future-adapted species? well under future conditions increasing hunting, constructing deer
exclosures, or using tree tubes

Tree health: Is there damage from insect • Consider prescriptions to increase • Thin around crop trees, retaining
pests or diseases, or excessive competition species diversity or regenerate future- existing healthy, full-crowned trees with
that might increase risk from drought or adapted species good form while improving sequestration
forest health issues? through enhanced growth. Carbon
benefits are enhanced by thinning from
below and retaining a diversity of future-
adapted species

Stand complexity: Is the development of • Implement practices that enhance • Designate reserves and/or legacy trees,
coarse woody debris or snags sufficient? structural complexity in living and dead such as trees in declining condition
wood, such as retaining low-quality (as long as no serious diseases or
timber on site for down dead wood pathogens are present), to retain as
(such as chop-and-drop) and retaining eventual snags or downed wood
slash, tree tops, and existing snags
when present

Soil functioning: Are there actions that • On wet sites, fell or redistribute residues • Broadcast residues, such as chipped
can help maintain or add to soil carbon? to areas prone to saturation where wood, on impacted sites such as
decomposition will be slow forwarder trails, decking and landing
areas, and haul roads

Carbon stocking: Is the stand considered • Increase the time between harvests • Create or enhance no-cut areas on or
low-vulnerability to impacts from climate by extending rotations (even-aged adjacent to sites where harvest may
and other stressors? stands) or delaying harvest entry impact soils (slopes, wet sites, sensitive
(multi-aged stands) to allow for soils), or other actions that increase the
additional tree growth amount of retention during harvest actions

Management Concern Potential Carbon Management Actions

All forest conditions

Maintaining soil carbon during active • Use slash mats, tracked or wide-tired • Minimize the footprint of skid trails used
management: Are there sites with soil machines, or minimize entries to reduce by machinery and conduct mechanized
conditions more prone to carbon loss mineral soil exposure, compaction, harvests during intermediate moisture,
such as wetlands and erodible soils? and rutting. frozen, or snow-covered conditions

Post-disturbance forest recovery: • Monitor for establishment of invasive • Create suitable conditions for
Are there risks to forest recovery species that may limit tree regeneration regeneration through site preparation
following disturbance? or impact remaining mature stems (e.g., or plant larger seedling sizes of future-
invasive vines) adapted species to help increase survival

Increasing the retention of healthy trees

and dead wood within the stand—while
not increasing stand vulnerability and
still meeting the intended silvicultural
objectives—is likely to provide the most
effective action for near-term carbon
benefits during active forest management.
Optimizing retention, especially of trees
expected to be aligned with future climate
conditions and with high crown ratios and
density, improves carbon benefits, since
the existing photosynthetic capacity drives
sequestration in the immediate future. As
noted previously, the decision to manage
for higher retention and near-term carbon
benefits is often determined by considering
the combination of landowner goals besides
carbon and the anticipated vulnerability of
the forest.


This guide intends to provide information How could carbon management work Does eliminating harvest provide
to bolster natural resource professionals’ with other goals for my property? the biggest carbon benefit?
understanding and build confidence in There are many goals that often work well Among the many messages heard regarding
their existing knowledge of forest carbon. with maintaining high carbon stocks within forests as a natural climate solution, one
After all, much of carbon management stands, such as management for wildlife of the most prevalent messages relates
is about what foresters already know: habitat, aesthetics, and recreation. For to eliminating forest harvest and allowing
how forests grow. To help foresters offer example, goals centered around recreation, forests to grow old and maximize their
guidance on incorporating carbon into such as hunting or maple sugaring, typically climate mitigation potential. Reducing or
forest management, this section provides focus on actions that maintain a well- eliminating harvesting activities on many
information on questions landowners stocked and healthy forest that align with sites will increase forest carbon in the near
might be interested in discussing. An carbon goals. In these instances, tailoring term, however active management provides
overview of forest carbon in landowner- forest management planning for non- carbon benefits as well.
friendly language is provided in Caring for carbon objectives in ways that best support
• Sequestration and storage: the rate
Your Woods-Managing for Forest Carbon. the overall goal of managing carbon may
of sequestration of additional carbon
be the best option. Not all goals align with
diminishes as forests mature.
carbon goals. For example, maintaining
Maintaining low- to moderate-levels
high carbon stocks may not be compatible
of disturbance, either through natural
with large openings for birds, or creating
or intentional processes, can maintain
a viewshed. Landowners interested in
both high carbon stocks while sustaining
generating income from timber or creating
high rates of sequestration by creating
early successional habitat for wildlife
structurally complex forests20.
species that depend on those conditions
• Maintaining a healthy forest is important
may be able to align management plans
for preventing the release of CO2 back
with young forest conditions that sequester
to the atmosphere. Forests vulnerable
carbon quickly, recognizing that these
to climate impacts, disturbance, or forest
goals reduce forest carbon storage in the
health issues are at risk of carbon loss.
near term. For landowners who have a
Active management in these situations
diverse set of objectives for their properties,
can reduce risk, improving the longevity
carbon may align with some but not all
of carbon on the land and the ability to
goals. Foresters can assist landowners
sequester additional carbon.
in assessing trade-offs and optimizing
management plans by zoning management Old-growth forests (forests that were never
activities to alleviate potential conflicts, cleared following European settlement)
such as establishing open habitats in areas in the Northeast are rare and valued
of lower productivity and setting aside places that are protected for their unique
sites with more productive areas as either ecological value. It is important to recognize
reserves or stands emphasizing active that these systems developed over long
management for tree growth. This approach periods of time, largely under conditions
of balancing multiple objectives to optimize different from our current climate and the
carbon benefits based on the set of values climate of the future. Many of our current
a landowner has for their woods is likely to forests—even mature forests a century or
be more common than a single objective more old—are recovering from past clearing,
of maximizing carbon at the expense of agricultural abandonment, and multiple
everything else. harvests over the past century and a half.
This legacy often results in very different
stand conditions from an old growth forest.
These forests are often lacking in species
diversity and structural complexity, which
combined with climate and other stressors

make them more vulnerable to carbon loss. Can carbon benefits be maintained Are forest stewardship climate plans
Assuming all mature and old-growth forests given the impacts of insect pests such compatible with carbon offset projects?
will store additional carbon into the coming as emerald ash borer and hemlock The Massachusetts Forest Stewardship
decades (or longer) by eliminating harvest woolly adelgid? Program is compatible with the creation of
is not supported by our current scientific The benefits of proactive management carbon offset projects. In fact, many forest
understanding of climate vulnerability, so to reduce the risk of impacts from insect carbon programs require landowners to
assessing site vulnerability is critical. pests or pathogens are likely to be similar have a forest management plan and forest
whether your goals are for carbon benefits stewardship plans can often fulfill this
How do harvest and disturbance or something else, such as timber income need (it’s always wise to ask individual
affect forest carbon? or forest habitat for wildlife. Reducing stand programs about their requirements). A
The effects of harvest on ecosystem densities can decrease risks from drought, landowner sells carbon when enrolled
carbon storage are directly proportional and potentially improve the health of trees in a carbon offset program, which will
to the amount of biomass removed from vulnerable to certain insect pests such as likely limit the forest management
the system (refer to the description of hemlock woolly adelgid. Management such options available. Management practices
carbon benefits of wood products, BOX as thinning can also aim to shift species undertaken must generate additional
2). The impacts on future tree growth and composition by focusing on retaining stored forest carbon compared to the
sequestration are influenced by which trees tree species expected to do well into the regional baseline to generate carbon
are retained and how they are distributed. future, either because these species are credits. Selling carbon credits does not
For example, trees retained in aggregated anticipated to grow well under future invalidate a forest management plan,
reserves may grow more slowly due to climate conditions or because they currently although landowners should be encouraged
competition for light compared to retained have fewer pest and disease concerns. to assess compatibility of offset program
trees in a dispersed arrangement following These are a few examples of the many requirements with planned activities and
a thinning treatment. However, natural climate adaptation actions that can provide Chapter 61 programs if enrolled. More
disturbances impact forest carbon in other carbon benefits. See the Managing Forests information for landowners on forest carbon
ways. Disturbance from storm damage (e.g. for Climate Change in Massachusetts guide markets can be found at the Securing
wind and ice) or tree mortality from insect for more adaptation examples that can Northeast Forest Carbon Program, as well
pests or tree pathogens may not have an reduce risk of carbon loss from insect pests. as in the Carbon Resources section at the
immediate impact on carbon stocks, as end of this guide.
the biomass of damaged trees remain in
the ecosystem and only slowly decompose.
Generally, post-disturbance sequestration
rates are low for a period of time but
as tree cover increases, so does carbon
sequestration. However, sequestration rates
might not recover fully if remaining trees
are damaged and prone to further health
issues. Depending on the nature and scale
of impact, this recovery may take years to
many decades.

Staff with NIACS and the Forest Service talk about the impacts to carbon from forest
management and disturbance at a field tour on the Green Mountain National Forest.


Adaptation Carbon stocks and (e) regional diversity, referring to

Adjustments, both planned and unplanned, The quantity of carbon contained or stored the variety of species, communities,
in natural and human systems in response within various pools in an ecosystem. ecosystems, or landscapes within a
to climatic changes and subsequent effects. specific geographic region. 
Ecosystem-based adaptation activities use Carbon storage
a range of opportunities for sustainable Carbon that is retained long-term within Fluxes
management, conservation, and restoration. the forest, contained within various The amount of carbon exchanged between
“pools”, and quantified in “stocks” (see land, oceans, atmosphere, and individual
Biomass definitions above). carbon pools over a specified period of time.
The mass of living organic matter (plant
and animal) in an ecosystem. Biomass also Climate change Mitigation
refers to organic matter (living and dead) A change in the state of the climate that In the context of climate change, actions
available on a renewable basis for use as can be identified (such as by using that reduce the amount of heat-trapping
a fuel; biomass includes trees and plants statistical tests) by changes in the average greenhouse gases, such as CO2, in the
(both terrestrial and aquatic), agricultural and/or the variability of its properties, atmosphere to minimize changes in
crops and wastes, wood and wood wastes, and that persists for an extended period, the earth’s climate. Actions can include
forest and mill residues, animal wastes, typically decades or longer. Climate change avoiding or reducing emissions of
livestock operation residues, and some may be due to natural internal processes greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, as
municipal and industrial wastes. or external factors, or to persistent human- well as removing greenhouse gases that are
caused changes in the composition of already present in the atmosphere.
Carbon offset/carbon credit the atmosphere or in land use.
Standard, tradeable unit used to represent Resilience
the removal of one ton of carbon dioxide Disturbance In ecology, resilience is the capacity of an
from the atmosphere. 1 carbon offset/credit Stresses and destructive agents such ecosystem to respond to a perturbation
= the amount of carbon in 1 metric ton of as invasive species, diseases, and fire; or disturbance by resisting damage and
carbon dioxide. changes in climate and serious weather recovering quickly.
events such as hurricanes and ice storms;
Carbon pool pollution of the air, water, and soil; real Structural diversity
Different types of biomass found within estate development of forest lands; and The amount of three-dimensional variation
forests. The amount of carbon stored in timber harvest. Some of these are caused by within a forest stand. This is influenced by
pools changes over time and in response humans, in part or entirely; others are not. a combination of plant species diversity,
to various factors. Pools can be defined height classes (vertical structure), and
in several ways, but generally include the Diversity standing and downed dead wood, is often
following: live aboveground biomass (trees, The variety and abundance of life forms, used as an indicator for biodiversity of
shrubs, herbs, grasses), live belowground processes, functions, and structures of forest ecosystems.
biomass (roots), dead wood (standing dead plants, animals, and other living organisms,
trees, stumps, logs), forest floor (leaves, including the relative complexity of Vulnerability
small branches), and soil organic matter. species, communities, gene pools, and The degree to which a system is susceptible
ecosystems at spatial scales that range to, and unable to cope with, adverse effects
Carbon sequestration from local through regional to global. There of climate change, including climate
The process of plants using sunlight to are commonly five levels of diversity: (a) variability and extremes. Vulnerability
capture CO2 from the air and convert it genetic diversity, referring to the genetic is a function of the impacts and adaptive
into plant biomass, including wood, leaves, variation within a species; (b) species capacity of a system. A system may be
and roots. diversity, referring to the variety of species considered to be vulnerable if it is at
in an area; (c) community or ecosystem risk of a composition change leading to
diversity, referring to the variety of a new identity, or if the system is
communities or ecosystems in an area; (d) anticipated to suffer substantial declines
landscape diversity, referring to the variety in health or productivity.
of ecosystems across a landscape;


Massachusetts Department of Forest Carbon Resources • Securing Northeast Forest Carbon

Conservation and Recreation – Climate Program
• Massachusetts Department of
Conservation and Recreation: Caring For
forestry • MassWoods (UMassAmherst): Forest
Your Woods-Managing For Forest Carbon
Carbon: An Essential natural Solution
Climate Change Adaptation Resources to Climate Change
• Forest adaptation resources: Climate download
change tools and approaches for land
managers, 2nd edition. www.nrs.fs.usda. • USDA Forest Service: Considering
gov/pubs/52760 Forest and Grassland Carbon in Land
Management • MassWoods (UMassAmherst ): Restoring
• New England and northern New York research/publications/gtr/gtr_wo95.pdf Old-Growth Characteristics to New
forest ecosystem vulnerability England’s and New York’s Forests
assessment and synthesis www.nrs. • Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science: Forest Carbon Management files/pdf-doc-ppt/Restoring-Old-Growth- Characteristics.pdf
• Adaptation strategies and approaches carbon-management
for different topics www. • Society of American Foresters: • Mass Audubon and Massachusetts Addressing Proforestation on Public
Department of Conservation and Lands
• Resilient MA: Climate Change Recreation: Forest Carbon Market SAF_News/2022/SAF-Develops-Resource-
Clearinghouse for the Commonwealth Solutions: A Guide for Massachusetts on-Proforestation.aspx Municipalities
• Climate Change and Massachusetts Fish municipalities/download
and Wildlife:
• New England Forestry Foundation:
Volume 1-Introduction and Background Exemplary Forestry standards for Southern New England’s Central and
ma-fish-and-wildlife-vol1-introduction- Transition Hardwood forests
Volume 2-Habitat and Species page-metrics-and-standards-Final-v3.pdf
climate-change-and-ma-fish-and-wildlife- • The Nature Conservancy and Northern
vol2-habitat-and-species-vulnerability/ Institute of Applied Climate Science,
download Healthy Forests for our Future:
A management guide to increase carbon
Volume 3-Habitat Management storage in Northeast forests
Change%20and%20Massachusetts%20 • Pennsylvania State University Extension:
Fisheries%20and%20Wildlife%20 Forest Owner Carbon and Climate
Reports,%20Vol.%203%20April%20 Education (FOCCE)
2010.pdf focce/


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