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Table of Contens


by Ghani Akhdan ................................................................................................1



By Karimah Nurlatifah………………………………………………….……….12




by Leni Fitria Nurjannah ....................................................................................22



by Linda Alfionita ...............................................................................................33


by Linda Nurzannah ...........................................................................................44

by Marsza Nurul Azmi........................................................................................55



by Marwah ..........................................................................................................66


by Maya Aspia Azzahra.......................................................................................78



by Meilani Asrina Sri Lestari ..............................................................................89



By Melisa Betha ............................................................................................. 100



by Mila Jamilatussarifah ................................................................................ 112




by Moch Alif Yasin M .................................................................................... 124


By Mochamad ramdhan ............................................................................... 137



by Muhammad Mauda Putra ......................................................................... 149



by Muhammad Abdel Akbar.......................................................................... 161



by Muhammad Bayu Aji Munggaran ............................................................ 174



by Muhammad Bukhari M. H. ...................................................................... 184



by Muhammad Fajar Ismail .......................................................................... 196


by Muhammad Guntur Aghni ...................................................................... 206


by Muhammad IchsanShaefulloh .................................................................. 218



by Muhammad Ilham Akbar ......................................................................... 231



by Mutiah ....................................................................................................... 244



by Nabila Fahrunnisa .................................................................................... 254


by Nabilla Fitriani ......................................................................................... 266


by Nabillah Farah .......................................................................................... 279



by Nafila Su’da Alsa Mabrukah ..................................................................... 293


Analysis - Entrok’sNovel by OkkyMaddasari

by Naida Rahma Tania.................................................................................. 305



by Nari Suryani Aghnyanawati ...................................................................... 314



by Natasya Mega Putri .................................................................................. 326


by Nazlah Khadijah Salim ............................................................................. 337



by Nilam Salsabila Surya ............................................................................... 347



by Nina Fitria Sumartini ................................................................................ 357



by Nirwana Bentang Nopember ................................................................... 366



by Nisa Nurjannah ........................................................................................ 377



by Nisrina Azmil Muna ................................................................................. 390



by Nizar Asy Syauqi ....................................................................................... 400



by Nizar Ulhaq…………………………………………………………………413



by Novia Dwi Alviana .................................................................................... 424



by Novita wahidah ......................................................................................... 436

- Less focus analysis

65 = C
- Too many introductory paragraphs with unnecessary statements
- Almost all narratives quoted and the analysis on them are irrelevant with the the theory
- Having jumped-up ideas Ghani Akhdan
- Lack of relevant critical arguments
- lack of relevant theoretical supports/justifications 1195030089
- Having inconsistent references V-D
- Be aware of some mechanic errors esp paragraphs


Literature is often used as learning material for everyday life.

Literature is an imaginative work written in the form of poetry and prose

such as novels and short stories. Literary writers use several elements that

exist in themselves such as their imagination, feelings, emotions, and

beautiful words to make their work sound pleasing and aesthetic. One

example is that there is advice about the life we live in different packaging

and then sent to literary connoisseurs. The word "literature" is often used

in a variety of different contexts. This implies that literature is not a term

that can be used to refer to simple phenomena, but literature is a term

that has a broad meaning and includes different activities (Rahmanto,

1988: 10).As for the function of literature, the classical opinion regarding

the function of literature, according to Horace, the Greek philosopher, is

that literature has the function of utile et dulce (to teach and to delight)

(Ali Imron Al-Ma'ruf, 2017).

Meanwhile, in the expression of other figures, such as Edgar Allan Poe in

(Ali Imron Al-Ma'ruf, 2017, p. 32) states that the function of literature is
didactic heresy: entertaining and teaching something. It is necessary to

deepen this literature in order to know what is meant by literature and the

function of literature by using literary criticism. (Efendi, 2020) To convey

that the essence of literary criticism is to assess, interpret, analyze and

evaluate literary works. In Indonesia, the term literary criticism and its use

only took place in the early twentieth century. The use of the term cannot

be separated from the colonial role in teaching the education system to

writers or Indonesians. (Semi, 1989, p. 11) reveals that literary criticism is

an attempt to explore a literary work by praising, conveying

shortcomings, recommending through appropriate interpretation. There

is a significant function to date in the development of literary criticism.

(Semi, 1989) said that literary criticism has three functions, including: (1)

To foster and develop literature. (2) To foster and appreciate culture. (3)

To bolster literature.

The novel Entrok tells the story of the lives of two women named

Sumarni or fondly called Marni and their biological child, Rahayu. As two

people who have blood ties, but there are differences found in each of

them. Marni is told as a woman who does not have the skills to read and

write and adheres to animistic beliefs (ancestor worship) while Rahayu is

told as a woman who is educated, intelligent, and believes in the religion

she adheres to. The title of this novel attracts the attention of novelist

enthusiasts because it creates a foreign word. Entrok means women's

underwear. The beginning of this novel opens with the story of Marni

who has a simple desire, namely wanting to have Entrok because she has

grown up so that breasts also grow on her chest, besides that Entrok is

also used by her peers. However, in reality, the financial situation of her

family does not support Marni's wishes and she still tries to fulfill her

desires by doing various ways. As time goes by, Rahayu has grown up and

at that time she also realized that her mother was a moneylender and

worshiped her ancestors, so Rahayu rebelled against her own mother

because in her belief this was considered idolatrous. It seems that there

are several dominant themes that characterize the story of Marni and

Rahayu such as feminism, social-political themes and pluralism. The story

telling in this novel feels local or beautiful because local sentences are

inserted in the dialogues. The setting in this novel is described by a story

that happened decades ago and there are several social situations that

were revealed at that time and are still happening today. This is as if a

concern about the future picture that will or will still happen if in the past

there were issues such as politics and the arbitrariness of the rulers and it

was described in the past.

After reading and understanding the novel Entrok, The theory of literary

criticism that is the reference in this essay is Literary Decorum and The

Function of Literature to Teach and to Delight (Utile et Dulce). Utile

means utility, while Dulce means delight or in Indonesian it means

enjoyment. This theory says that every lierary work must provide benefits

or a lesson after the literary work is read because it will provide values.

Utile et Dulce which means that a good literary work is a literary work

that contains elements of entertaining as well as providing benefits. Said

Horace in (Badrun, 1983). According to Abrams (1953; 1999) in

(Nurrachman, 2017, p. 6) there are four basic approaches, which

determine the method of literary criticism, by which emerged as a form of

the total situatuin of the work. One of which is written in (Nurrachman,

2017, p. 7) Prgamatic, is the approach that views literary work as

something which is consturcted in order to achieve certain effects on the

audience (effects such as aesthethic pleasurem insturction, or kinds od

emotion), and tends to judge the value of the work according to its succes

in achieving that aim. The pragmatic approach of the reader plays the role

of the reader as the main role accompanied by appreciation in judging

good or bad, worthy or not worthy, or not worthy. The work produced

by the author is fully the responsibility of the reader, while the author

does not have the authority. It is the reader who determines every thing

written by the writer in conveying the message, values, and elements in it

by (Selden, 1991: 106-107; Aminuddin, 1987: 94) in (Efendi, 2020).

In the beginning recognition, the writer identified there is

atmosfered that built by Madasri which is affecting the feel of the reader.

―Ibu menangis dengan suara keras. Perdebatan tentang ke- yakinan kami selalu

berakhir seperti ini. Tangisan Ibu dan kebencianku yang makin bertambah.

Aku dan Ibu seperti makin menjauh. Bukan raga, karena aku dan Ibu bukan


yang betah marah berlama-lama. Ibu memaki dengan suara tinggi saat marah, dan

diakhiri de- ngan tangisan. Aku tak mau kalah. Tapi pertengkaran kami tidak

berlanjut dengan tak saling bertegur sapa selama ber- hari-hari. Kami berbicara lagi,

layaknya pertengkaran itu tidak pernah ada‖ (Madasari, 2010, p. 59)

In the quotes above, the author describes a touching atmosphere because

it creates a fight between a daughter and her mother. This has more or

less effect on every reader who reads. Including the writer who was

affected by the atmosphere built by Madasari in the previous quote. This

is also argued by Horace in (Nurrachman, 2017, p. 75) they must be

affecting, and must lead the heart of the hearer as they will. And the

writer feels that the two paragraphs above have succeeded in manifesting

what Horace wrote in his work. This quote has been able to affect and

the quote above can take the heart of the reader.

The next influence from the novel are informative and

entertaining, where the writer put as the perspective as the reader.

‖Lha, Yuk, kamu ikut ke sini juga,‖ kata Ibu.

‖Lha Bapak sama Ibu katanya mau ke pasar, kok malah ke sini?‖

‖Tadi dicegat pak tentara, katanya yang nggak ke sini ber- arti nggak patuh sama

negara. Ya sudah to... daripada dipen- jara, kami ke sini saja. Nyoblos, terus

bakulan di sini.‖

Sepertinya, pemilu memang memberi rezeki buat Ibu. Da- gangannya banyak yang

dibeli orang. Memang benar kata Bu Lastri. Pemilu memberi ketenteraman buat

semua orang. (Madasari, 2010, p. 62)

As like the narration previously stated, it is true that when elections are

held, almost all activities carried out by local people who carry out

elections are temporarily suspended. But not for Marni and her husband.

For them this was an unplanned event, he took advantage of every

opportunity in carrying out the business he was carrying out. With

Madasari's creative writing style, she made the above incident an

opportunity to sell. We can imitate this to optimize all circumstances to

become an opportunity. However, what Madasari wrote, said that the

general election provides peace for everyone, which is comforting.

Because in reality, during elections there is no peace for the people

involved. Sometimes during elections it is also not uncommon for lies

during the campaigns of prospective candidates to even play victim

between parties and their voters with the aim of making one party

become one of the elected parties. The writer considers the above as one

of the entertainments when he positions himself as a reader. Horace also

argued in (Nurrachman, 2017, p. 81) the aim of the poet is to inform or

delight, or to combine together, in what he says, both pleasure and

applicability to life.

The further impact in Entrok's novel is the effect of the novel on

the reader if we maintain good manners. This depiction also illustrates

that when we are not polite, we will suffer the consequences.

‖Malam itu saya tidak pulang. Sambil ngisi waktu main kartu sama teman-teman

yang juga lagi mangkal. Ada enam orang. Mainnya di pangkalan pasar, tidak pakai

duit, wong kami nggak punya duit. Terus tiba-tiba mobil patroli datang. Empat

orang berjaket hijau turun dari mobil. Kami semua disuruh naik ke mobil. Saya

gemetaran, terpeleset, eh, kaki saya ditendang. Di tengah jalan, saat mau ke markas,

mobil itu macet kehabisan bensin. Kami berenam disuruh mendorong sampai markas.

Di markas kami diberi pengarahan. Kami dilarang main kartu di pinggir jalan,

sekalipun tak pakai uang. Katanya itu mengganggu pemandangan. Setelah dapat

wejangan itu saya diizinkan pulang. Tapi pas mau pulang tiba-tiba... saya... mmm...

kentut. Tapi sumpah mati... saya tidak sengaja. Sudah saya tahan tapi nggak bisa.

Saya bukan mau menghina...‖ Mehong menangis lagi. Kentut itu begitu membekas

dalam hatinya. Sepertinya ia sangat menyesalinya. Kami semua diam, menunggunya

tenang lalu melanjutkan ceritanya lagi. ‖Lalu... petugas itu marah. Kami dibawa ke

Kali Manggis. Di pinggir kali kami dihajar... dipukul, ditendang... lalu disuruh

nyebur ke sungai... Saya kedinginan... Rasanya seperti masuk es... Wong tengah

malam seperti itu.. (Madasari, 2010, p. 154)

As like the narration above, at that time, the author wants to maximize

the word "kentut" as a familiar word as well as a new thing. This word

resulted where when a villager who was caught peeing while being

interrogated by the army because he was caught playing cards ended up

being sentenced to soak in the river overnight. The writer puts his

position as a reader and considers that although the author may intend to

describe the army's arbitrariness, this is also ridiculous and entertaining.

However, in that case this is a bit too much, because if only the case was

replaced with a slightly more complex one, it would seem more realistic.

Horace may also judge this description as the author's authority to give

effect as Horace stated, that "In addition to using taste and care in

arranging words, you will express yourself most effectively if you give

novelty to a familiar word by means of a skilled settings." (Nurrachman,

2017, p. 73)

As the final effect and message of the novel, the writer can feel

what they feel when he see this case in perspective as a reader, namely

when they are carried away by the sad atmosphere built by the author of

the novel Entrok, as narrated below.

―Duka ini begitu mendalam. Jauh lebih dalam dibandingkan kematian

Teja. Duka atas kematian Teja adalah duka atas hilangnya kebersamaan di hari-

hari yang telah lalu. Duka untuk Rahayu saat ini adalah duka atas hari-hari

panjang di masa yang akan datang. Kesedihanku kehilangan Teja adalah kesedihan

perempuan yang ditinggal mati suaminya. Dan kesedihanku kali ini adalah

kepedihan hati ibu yang akan melihat anak kandungnya sengsara sampai di akhir

hidupnya. Bukan hanya Rahayu yang telah mati sebelum kematian itu datang. Aku

pun demikian.‖ (Madasari, 2010, p. 276)

With the narration above, the reader can be influenced by touching

dictions about how it feels to lose someone dear to her, and how

everyone will face the end of her life. The author is able to create an

emotional atmosphere. As Horace's opinion is relevant to the previous

quote, "Only then, O Telephus or Peleus, will your misfortune affect me.

If your words are not appropriate, I shall laugh or go to sleep. Sad words

are appropriate to a sorrowful face; furious words are fitting to the angry;

gay jests to the marry; serious words to the solemn. (Nurrachman, 2017,

p. 75)

The writer concludes that there are certain effects and messages in

the Entrok Novel that follow Horace's rules: Utile et Dulce (to Teach and

to Delight), there is an atmosphere building on the development of the

atmosphere in the tension between a daughters and her mothers, the

author provides inspiration to be able to become entrepreneurs in

conditions of election and crisis, the politeness can save yourself, and the

beauty of the atmosphere as a reminder that we love our loved ones while

they are still alive.


Ali Imron Al-Ma'ruf, F. N. (2017). PENGKAJIAN SASTRA Teori dan

Aplikasi. Surakarta: CV. Djiwa Amarta Press.
Badrun, A. (1983). Pengantar Sebuah Sastra. Surabaya: Usaha Nasional.
Efendi, A. N. (2020). KRITIK SASTRAPengantar Teori, Kriitik, &
Pembelajarannya. Malang: Madza Media.
Madasari, O. (2010). Entrok. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
Nurrachman, D. (2017). INTRODUCTION TO CRITISM Critical Theroy
from Ancient Greece to Victorian England. Bandung: Pustaka Aura
Rahmanto. (1988). Metode Pengajaran Sastra, Pegangan guru Pengajar Sastra.
Yogyakarta: Kanisius.
Semi, A. (1989). Kritik Sastra. Bandung: Angkasa Bandung.

- What's this...???
- Misleading Karimah Nurlatifah
- There's no real analysis even one
- All of this only retelling 1195030124
- Learn more how to write an essay

50 = D



1. The Contain of The Story of “Entok Novel”

In the entrok novel, It tells about the history of marni‘s family and

their social life in the society wit others. Marni has a husban and two

children. Marni is a good wife, she take after her children untul they got

mature and to be good person. Marni has good relationship with others

she tried to communicate with other well. She is the humble wife and

harwork person. Marni is a wife who can not read and always adore the

ancestors. In each night, she carried out her habitual adore under the tree

to worship on Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapak Kuasa as her God. Not only she

carried out the ritual worship every night but also she tried to give some

ritual offerings to find out some idols through her praying under the tree.

She never knows and sees God everywhere but she believes that God and

idol already listen on her hope and praying. She carried out her action and

adore on Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapak Kuasa as the Great God who always

help and listen her praying and hope. By her adore and her ritual habit,

she tried to keep her family and live together with her family. She is the

hardwork wife to sell some foods and lends much money and property

including gold to people in her home town with certain interest based on

engagements with borrowers. This habit is hands in hands with her to

get a lot of money even lending with interest is a bad habit and prohibited

deeds by Islamic law but she carried out her bad habit because of her lack

of understanding on Islam even she did know the Islam she only knew

Mabah Ibu Bumi Bapak Kuasa as a God who answer her hope and

praying. In her social life, she alway communicate with people around her

hause well, She never did the bad action or evil action on her life she is a

good adore altough she adored on Mabah Ibu Bumi Bapak Kuasa as a

God who answer her hope and praying she did not believe and worship

in Allah because during her life she did not know Allah.

Every night, marni always wakes and invites Rahayu as her

daughter to adore on idol or God under the tree. Rahayu as her daughter

follows her invitation to adore and pray on Mbah Ibu Bumi bapak Kuasa

as a God who answer her praying and hope in her family life. Marni is the

traditional person who did not know the improvement era. When rahayu

join with her study at elemntary school, she studied religion to Pak Wiji as

her religious teacher. Mr. Wiji teaches religion teaching on students

including to Rahayu. Her teacher teaches the characters of ally action

―Musrik‖ in lifes. Such as adore to an idol, tree and giving ritual offerings

on God or idol. Rahayu focuses on Mr. Wiji speech about ally on Allah.

She remembers on her mother whom always carries out the ally worship

on diffrent God to Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapak Kuasa. She thinks that

mother‘s habit is a sin action and deed on Allah. She feels shame on her

friends because her mother always carries out the ritual offerings ong idol

or Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapak Kuasa as a God. After going back from her

school, without thinking over, she throws out the ritual offerings foods

from special mother‘s room because her mother deeds are sin deeds on

Islam law. It is prohibited by Islam, when Rahayu throws the ritual

offering foods outside, Tonah as the old sisters sees her deed, Tonah tries

to remember and advises Rahayu not to throw some ritual offerings

foods from mother‘s room because it ritual symbol on God and their

mother will be angry to Rahayu. But Rahayu does not listen her advises

because her carrying out is a right deed on Islam. When their mother

comes to her house, she saw some terrible ritual offering foods to out of

hause. She feels angry when those foods out site. She asks to Rahayu

about this situation, then Rahayu answer it has been done by her because

mother habit is a sin deed on Allah. Allah will be angry on her mother

about her bad habit to adore on different God. Suddantly, Her mother

cries and asks to Rahayu who is Allah because when Marni was born

introduced by her parents from right now till today to adore on Mbah

Ibu Bumi Bapak Kuasa as her God and Idol to answer her hope, praying

and problem of life. Rahayu also cries because Rahayu‘s action is the right

deed to remember her mother about deviated deed on Allah.

Rahayu is the new generation which created by school and some

easy life. Rahayu is the obey person and uses logical understanding on

every problem who resists the deviated deed on Allah and prohibited on

ancestor worship on God or Idols although her mother is one of adore

person who obey on Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapak Kuasa as mother‘s God and

Idols. Rahayu is the new generation who think every think logically. This

hands in hands with Nurachman saement, ―woman is subjected by

ignorance to their sensation and only taught to look for happiness in love,

refine on sensual feelings and adopt metaphysical notion respecting that

passion which lead them shamefully to neglect the duties of life basen on

logical perseption.‖ (Nurachman, 2017) Marni believes in her faith on

Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapak Kuasa as mother‘s God and Idols while Rahayu

believe that mother deeds to adore on Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapak Kuasa as

the sin deeds on Allah. Both faith characters on God are different, this

influence Rahayu and Marni as her mother seldom to communicate even

when Rahayu continue to study to certain collage, she never went home

because she will not see the bad behavior carried out by her mother to

adore Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapak Kuasa as one God and Idol every night and

putting ritual offering foods on mother‘s room and under the tree. Both

beliefs are different they did not communicate well even her mother tried

to communicate with Rahayu well but Rahayu did not see her mother.

She studies and lives in certain collage and city to avoid from her mother

ritual offering habit till she find the comfortable heart in certain place and

situation. Marni and Rahayu, two people who have real bond between

mother and daughter but both of them becomes the strange people each

other for every year. In Marni‘s site, Rahayu is the person who has no

soul and spirit, but Rahayu said Marni as her mother is a sinner person

who carries out the bad ritual offering habits to adore on Mbah Ibu Bumi

Bapak Kuasa as her God and Idol. In each theri thought, there is no same

perception on their beliefs each other.

In the other situation, Rahayu met with Kiayi Hasby, he tought

her the be good moslem and to be good person who associate and

communicate with diversities background including ifferent beliefers well.

Kiayi Hasby tought her manay benefit matters on her life. Rahayu

realized that if she forced to be admited her thinking and belief by others

incuding by her mother it will separate and make bad relationsship with

others including with her mother. She met with someone till got maied

with him and found good neighbour and friends but unfortunately her

friends got has been killed by the soldier from govermants becuase of the

false prediction that her friends is PKI. In this reason, some soldiers

executed her friends to shot them although her friends are not the

members of PKI. It is the firts reason to fight some soldiers by her

paradigm and her efforts but Kiayi Hasby forbids her to keep silent and

tries to cooperate with state soldiers and join with them because if they

tried to resist state soldiers the society around them will be killed by

them. The same case is faced by Marni as her mother to face some state

soldiers who comes to her mother to ask a lot of money. The

complicated situation which has been faced by Rahayu is the teaching

matters for her to be good person wheather on her spiritual or her social

life to face and communicate well. Kiayi Hasby is the humble person and

tolerant person always teaches her to be better person to the future and

to be good citizenship and good believer. The situation becomes terrible,

Kiayi Hasby suggests her to go home to live with her mother athough

between she and her mother have the different belief but he advises her

to live together and rescpect each other.

At that time, she intended to go home because the situation in live

with Kiayi hasby is not condusive condition even some states soldiers

thinks that Rahayu indicated as the Indonesian Communist Members

―PKI‖ members. So that why, she tried to go home and hurry up to meet

her mother because for some years she never met and communicated

with her mother. When she arrived in her villiage, she met her family

including her beloved mother. Marni as her mother is very happy to meet

Rahayu as beloved daughter both of them did not tell about different

believes even they respect and tolerant each other. In certain situation,

because Rahayu lost her citizenship identity card ―KTP‖, she tried to

make her citizenship identity card to her leader in their jome town. But

when Rahayu got her citizenship identity card ―KTP‖ she saw the

identity name of her citizenship identity card as an Indonesian

communist member ―PKI‖ although she is not as an Indonesian

communist member ―PKI‖. She just aware on her society about the

wrong policy and action which have been given to her friends from

certain town. But Rahayu and Marni acepted this condition. They think

that they can live together and develop and respect each other as a good


2. The Critique on The Story of “Entrok Novel”

a. The advantages of the story of the novel

The author presents this story well. It has spiritual and moral

dimension on creating good person in individual and social

structure on social life globally. In the spiritual dimension, this

story created Rahayu to be a good Muslim and good person on

social life with others. The process of good person on Rahayu was

taught by Kiayi Hasby as her teacher who guided her on each

activity incuding how to be a good Muslim and person. Kiayi

Hasbi taugh her indirectly. From his teaching, she know how to

communicate with people well, how to respect different

background well and how to be religious person in social life well.

The second, from moral dimesion, Rahayu learned how to be

tolerant with others, she learned about diversities thought and

learned about respecting on people around her including

respecting on her mother. In her life era, there two different

ideologies such as the Indonesian Communist members ―PKI‖

and state soldiers who fight each other. Rahayu and Kiayi Hasby

as the moderator on social structures to communicate both of

them to be hand in hands and live together in one state. In the

other side, state soldier forced society and PKI to obey them

totally by their violence while Kiayi Hasby tried to mediate

Indonesian communst members ―PKI‖ by his moderate

approaches as the method to invite them to join with state soldier

to be good citizenship including Rahayu follow him to face the

complicated problem oh their societies.

This story invites us to be a good person and invites us to respect

and tolerant to others even others have different backgrounds and

the story of this novel tried to communicate us as readers to be a

good people on our spiritual and moral dimension well in real

social. ―As result of the study, this employs a mimetic method in

which literary works of the novel are viewed as a product of reality

and reflection of the society and culture.‖ (Abrahams, 1999)

b. The lack of the story of the novel

This novel does not tell clearly becuse the ending of the story

needs the continued story to make the story complitelly. The

outhor presented does not tell the description of Indonesian

Communist memebers ―PKI‖ clearly because this organization

need to be undertood by readers. The author should tell why

the state soldiers tried to fight even kill the indonesian

Communist members ―PKI‖. It needs to be explained more in

oreder we are as readers understand the logicl reason whih has

been given by aurthor.


Abrahams, H. a. (1999). A Glossary of Literary Terms. Boston.

Nurachman, D. (2017). Introduction to Criticism. Bandung: Pustaka Aura


- Less focus analysis
- Too many introductory paragraphs with unnecessary statements Leni Fitria Nurjannah
- Having jumped-up ideas
- Some narratives and the analysis are relevant with the theory used, some
others not
- Lack of theoretical supports/justifications
- Lack of sources cited V- D

60 = C
- Poor composition/mechanics: paragraphing, capitalization, punctuation,
citations, etc
- Learn more how to write references




Literacy in English literacy comes from Latin, namely litera

(letters), often interpreted as literacy. When viewed from the meaning of

literacy means a person's ability to read and write. Often people who can

read and write are called literates, while people who cannot read and write

are called iliterates or illiteracy. (kern k. , 2000)

It describes literacy as the ability to read and write. In addition,

literacy also has similar meanings with learning and understanding the

source of reading. (romdhoni, 2013)

Literacy is a social event involving certain skills, which are necessary to

convey and obtain information in the form of writing. Women

desperately need it as Mary Wollstonecraft says in introduction to

criticism book.

― Were woman more rationally educated could they take a more

comprehensive view of things. ― (Nurrachman, p. 138)

Related to women, we need to know that the thing that discusses the

perception of women can be called feminism.

Feminism, which has the meaning of the femina, has the meaning

of female nature, so feminism is initiated by a perception of the

inequality of women's positions compared to men in society. As a

result of this perception, various efforts arise to examine the

causes of inequality to eliminate and find a formula for equalizing

the rights of women and men in all fields, in accordance with their

potential as human beings. (aida, 2019)

Over time, feminism is not just a discourse but an ideology that is

essentially resistance, anti, and free from oppression, domination,

hegemony, injustice, and violence experienced by women. Understood

from the ideology of resistance, this indicates that in feminism there must

be action to free women from all injustice, so that feminism also has the

meaning of intellectual movements that emerge and grow academically as

well as forms of women's political and social efforts to end oppression.

Likewise Wollstonecraft who strongly upholds the dignity of

women because she does not want the dignity of women under the

auspices of men she also does not want women to rule over men, as she

said in the book 'A Vindication of the Rights of Woman' which is now

considered a classic history of feminist and feminist theory,

Wollstonecraft primarily debated the right of women to be educated. She

believed that through education would come emancipation.

"Fighting for women's rights, my main argument is built on this

simple principle, that if she is not prepared by education to be a

male companion, she will stop the advance of science, because the

truth must be common to all, or will become ineffective with

respect to its influence on general practice." (greelane, 2019)

Entrok is one of the novels by An Indonesian writer born in

Magetan, Okky Madasari. The first printed novel was published in April

2010, which contains stories about various feminism and activities

opposed by Wollstonecraft.

Wollstonecraft strongly opposed the uneducated and literary

woman in her life, marni's illiterate and uneducated figure in an entrok

novel that was in stark contrast to her theory. Since a woman will become

a mother, the mother is the first school for her children. If a woman is

literary and uneducated, what would be the fate of the children of future

generations if a mother were. It turns out that illiteracy not only exists in

the real world, but in the fictional world is even more cruel and more


―…….. Apa yang masih dipikirkan seorang perempuan kere buta huruf

dengan tanggungan seorang anak selain hanya makan? Suaminya, yang

konon adalah bapakku, minggat entah ke mana. Sejak kapan dia pergi aku

juga tak ingat. Samar-samar aku hanya ingat Bapak meninggalkan kami

waktu aku pertama kali bisa mengangkat panci yang airnya mendidih dari

pawon. ― (Madasari, p. 18)

The reason, what marni does has to do with lack of education. As

a result of illiteracy itself, marni lives on ignorance with the truth that

actually occurs, the truth of speech and writing.

Lack of education has serious effects on everyone, not only people

who are under-educated. People who lack education have trouble getting

ahead in life, have worse health and are poorer than the well-educated.

(foor, 2013)

― Apa yang dikatakan Bu Lastri kukatakan pada Ibu dan Bapak.

Mereka berdua, orang buta huruf yang hanya tahu pasar, harus tahu pemilu.

Mereka harus ikut, dan tidak salah pilih. Kalau bukan aku yang orang

sekolahan, siapa lagi yang akan memberitahu mereka ? ― (Madasari, p.


On the other hand, marni figure who has desires or ambitions in

him, but at the same time does not get a school that causes him to be

uneducated, therefore there is no literacy in his life caused by the scope

of the surroundings.

This led to excessive oppression and extortion of marni because she was

uneducated and only agreed to everything without knowing the point.

‖Tadi dicegat pak tentara, katanya yang nggak ke sini ber-arti nggak patuh

sama negara. Ya sudah to... daripada dipenjara, kami ke sini saja. Nyoblos,

terus bakulan di sini.‖ (Madasari, p. 62)

It starts by following a path that aims "so that there are no

problems" but vice versa. As the saying goes, "master's weapon of

eating", sheltering under the protection of a brainless walking is not a

thing that brings happiness, but rather blackmail on the basis of

protracted fooling.

― Bertahun-tahun aku melihat mereka datang ke rumah hanya untuk

meminta jatah. Uang keamanan, katanya. Semua dituruti begitu saja.

Ibuku yang buta huruf dan aku yang anak sekolahan, semuanya seperti

kerbau dungu yang tak pernah tahu arah. Dan aku baru menyadarinya

sekarang. ― (Madasari, p. 136)

I‘m as a reader who follows the instincts of the author drifts away

and greget sees the figure of marni who is fooled easily, fooled with long-

term illiteracy that becomes a guarantee of the misery of his life.

― Dia mengeluarkan selembar kertas yang aku tak mengerti sama sekali apa

isinya. Lalu dia menyodorkan kotak berisi tinta, memasukkan jempolku ke

sana, lalu menempelkannya di kertas. ‖Sudah beres semua. Sekarang tinggal

sertifikatnya saja. ― (Madasari, p. 184)

"I earnestly want to show what is made up of true dignity and

human happiness. I want to persuade women to strive for

strength, both mind and body, and to convince them that gentle

expression, vulnerability of heart, tenderness of sentiment, and

subtlety of taste, almost synonymous with the epithet of weakness,

and that the creature is merely the object of mercy, and the kind

of love her sister calls her, will soon become the object of

humiliation. ― (greelane, 2019)

Mary Wollstonecraft struggled to fight for women's happiness, but

it was the woman herself who did not fight over her. He must be very sad

that his struggles have been wasted. I as a woman who fought to fight for

myself to be educated and literate was very disappointed, why the figure

of Marni in the novel entrok did not want to struggle in terms of literacy

even though the situation at that time was not like now that can be

literate anywhere and anytime. "Entrok" alone he can fight, why he just

keep quiet over his illiteracy.

― Anakku Rahayu sekarang sudah lulus SMA. Matur nuwun, Gusti, aku

yang buta huruf ini punya anak yang sekolahnya tinggi. Sama tingginya

dengan anak Pak Lurah atau anak priyayi-priyayi guru itu. Anakku, yang

orangtuanya buta huruf semua, malah lebih pintar dibanding anak-anak

orang-orang pintar itu. Ini semua karena berkatmu, Gusti, Mbah Ibu Bumi

Bapa Kuasa. ― (Madasari, p. 123)

That's the importance, and this is the benefit. Side effects in terms

of literacy, which will save us from the fooling of the world. Not

necessarily in the realm of school, the figure of Marni who has a highly

educated child can be used as an effort in literacy. Asking his son to teach

him to learn to read is not something that should put prestige forward.

― Aku naik kelas dengan nilai paling bagus. Ibu tak pernah tahu angka,

apalagi nilai. Dia hanya mendengarnya dari Bu Lastri, guruku yang sering

mengkredit barang pada Ibu. Ibu berkata doa-doanya setiap malam

dikabulkan oleh Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapa Kuasa. Ibu mengucapkan syukur.

Dia menyembelih lima ayam untuk panggan. ― (Madasari, p. 58)

Whether it's just in fiction, or in the real world there are people

who don't know numbers but he understands the amount of money he

gets from his defaults and loans to those around him. I think it's stupid,

every time he makes friends with money that his own brain doesn't see.

The long term of the fruit of initeration is vast, in addition to being

fooled by the world and all its contents, it will also be fooled by itself.

― Rezekiku juga kubagi-bagi untuk tentara-tentara itu, setoran buat RT

dan Kelurahan, sampai setoran untuk Partai. Aku juga nyumbang setiap

ada perbaikan masjid dan pembangunan langgar baru. Lha kok masih saja

aku disalah-salahkan. Sekarang ini saja, aku sudah ditagih sumbangan

untuk kampanye. Mereka minta 250.000. ― (Madasari, p. 101)

Fooled that drags on without end, I don't know when it will all

end. In palak subtly with very seducing language. The risk of becoming a

mother who lacks of education not only affects her child but has a greater

impact on her as the owner of her physical soul.

‖Ya buat keamanan di sini. Kowe bisa enak dagang di sini karena kami

semua yang mengatur. Kami semua yang meng-amankan. Kowe bisa dapat

untung, kami dapat apa?‖ tentara yang baru datang ikut-ikutan berbicara.

‖Iya, Pak. Maaf. Istri saya ini tidak paham. Maklum, kami orang buta

huruf. Jadi kami harus membayar uang keamanan berapa, Pak?‖

‖Sama-sama enak saja, uang keamanan diganti daganganmu yang masih

sisa itu. Malah enak, to? Kalian nggak perlu ke- luar duit.‖

Tentara-tentara itu mengambil dagangan Ibu. Masih ada empat ember dan

enam panci, semuanya ludes. Mereka juga mengambil setengah karung beras.

Bapak dan Ibu hanya diam tak berbuat apa-apa. ― (Madasari, p. 50)

Give up for the sake of the powerful because they want to take

refuge under the auspices of power with their illiteracy, pursued without

any fault. The picture of life without knowledge is greatly denigrated,

even though they deserve to be happy.

Literacy is important to want men or women, so as not to be

fooled by the cruelness of the world and its contents. Especially the

woman who will be the first school for the next generation. To be

educated not only in the realm of school, for today can access anywhere

and anytime we need it.

Mary Wollstonecraft reveals that :

― were woman more rationally educated could they take a more

comprehensive view of things. ― (Nurrachman, 2017)

The woman who can be more rational in terms of Education,

Wollstonecraft who greatly increases the position of women, lest we

disappoint her struggle and degrade women by being uneducated. But

don't think we're changing for Wollstonecraft's sake, change the mindset

for the future of all of us.

Discussing women, we need to know that the thing that discusses

the perception of women can be called feminism.

Feminism, which has the meaning of the femina, has the meaning of

female nature, so feminism is initiated by a perception of the inequality of

women's positions compared to men in society.

Feminism in the novel is opposed by Wollstonecraft with a marni

figure who lacks literacy and education which results in blackmail

indirectly without realizing it gradually. Not to imitate the events that

happened to marni, but make a life lesson so that we do not feel and do

not experience what Marni did.


aida, i. (2019). Mary Wollstonecraft said. Wollstonecraft , 2.

foor, p. (2013). lack of education. education, 4.

greelane, l. (2019). gathering of wollstonecraft said. wollstonecraft, 3.

kern, k. (2000). literacy analysis. literate, 3.

kern, k. (2000). literacy analysis. literate literacy, 3.

Madasari, O. (2010). Entrok. indonesia : media.

Nurrachman. (2017). Introduction to Literary Analysis. bandung: pustaka aura


romdhoni, e. (2013). literacy. analysis, 90.

- Supposed to be a good one reading the title, but it's mistaken
- Less focus analysis
- Too many introductory paragraphs
- Having jumped-up ideas Linda Alfionita
- Some still retelling
- Some narratives and analysis are relevant with the theory, some others not
- Lack of critical-analytical arguments
- Lack of theoretical supports/justification
- Lack of sources cited
- Be aware of some mechanic errors 65 = C 5D




A literary works must be containing at least one of the author‘s

beliefs and thought. It could be in the form of the plot, the characters

action or the way they choose the words or the narration. And more than

that, a good literary works should not only good at entertaining or at its

contextual quality, but also has to be good on the moral and social value

(Carr, 2005) not only pouring a bunch of human life experiences, but also

has to make the story good enough to affect the reader to feel, to

understand and to follow what they beliefs and thought with their words.

As Horace interprets in (Nurachman, 2017) Horace‘s ―Art of Poetry‖

poem that: ―It is not enough for poems to be beautiful; they must be

affecting, and must lead the heart of the hearer as they will..‖ as his

thought that the poets should be able to keep the reader‘s mind all the


And to fulfil that mandate, a poet should also be able to pour their

thoughts, beliefs and imagination that could be from what they saw in

reality or how they think the story supposed to be resolve whether

through the characters, plot, or the words that was narrated on the story.

As C.S. Lewis, a British scholar and novelist said :

―Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the

necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect,

it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become.‖

In that way, they can share how they beliefs and feeling as the purpose of

their writing to the reader. But since there is no single ‗correct‘ or ‗true‘ in

reading a literature works, It‘s basic to think that people can always found

more than one value in one literary works, since they can approach from

different aspect and perspective (Nurachman, 2017) or for more further,

the author itself can have more than one values or thought on the list.

Because they can put a lot of thoughts and wrap it into one form, named

literary works. In literature itself, the poet‘s thought and what they beliefs

were also often showed on the way the characters act. They can show it

by how they make decision, think or their social behavior.

Talk about the poet‘s thought in their works, Entrok is quite

representative for the works that has strong aspect of values and thought.

What we can see clearly in the first glance was perhaps it‘s feminism

element. But in the other hand, if we penetrate it using ‗beliefs‘ or

‗thought perspective, we can see some evidence of transcendentalist

thought on it. Indonesia that has a various culture and beliefs (at the

background time of entrok). Where some spirituality and also various

religious culture are frequently found, whether on their behavior or

thought. With that thought we should can easily saw some

transcendentalist elements such as Living Simplicity, Self-Reliance,

Importance of Nature and their Spirituality through the novel.

Entrok in some perspective tells more about feminism, tragedy of

injustice and social discrimination. At the time of 1950 - 1990 with a

young girl named Marni that has a wish to having Entrok1 but struggling

with her family poverty. That with a lot of efforts she finally make it, but

then she start to be greedy and want to having a lot of money. She keep

work hard and praying to ‗Nature‘ as most of what people believe in their

society to fight and change their social class, until finally she got her first

whises. In this part of the story, the character‘s thought seems to be

regional language (Javanese) for women's underwear (bra)

against any elements of transcendentalism. To be greedier and

materialistic which is highlighted in this novel. Human urgency to having

more than what they already have as the contradictive side:

―Pagi itu aku terbangun dengan kecewa. Segala keindahan dan kebahagiaan

itu kenapa hanya ada dalam mimpi? Aku ingin punya entrok berenda.

Entrok sutra bertatahkan intan dan permata. Aku ingin semua orang

kagum, menatapku dengan iri. Aku juga ingin ada orang yang membuatku

merasa begitu bahagia. Mengantarkanku ke kerajaan yang indah.‖

(Madasari, 2010a)

The quotation above shows how Marni being the opposite of the

transcendentalist, especially the thought of living in simplicity. At first she

only need at least one Entrok but then start to think one is not enough

which is as a representative of not having life with essential need. She

start to think about what people say (as representation of society) toward


In another pages of the novel, at the peak climax of her problem‘s

life, she seems to realized what we call as the essential fact of life. After

suffering a lot of problem, about what she really need and what the most

important thing in the form of her love to her daughter:

―Pikap itu sudah menjadi duit. Aku punya modal lagi untuk bakulan. Aku

tahu, delapan persen sudah tidak akan laku lagi. Biarlah, aku tidak akan

mencari untung banyak-banyak. Yang penting bagiku duit itu tetap bisa

berjalan. Aku mulai datang lagi ke Pasar Ngranget. Kutawarkan utangan

lima persenan. Tentu saja tidak ada yang menolaknya. Kini aku kembali

mendapat tempat di pasar yang telah membesarkanku ini. Setiap pagi aku

datang kembali untuk mengambil cicilan orang-orang. Dua minggu sekali pada

hari Jumat, aku berangkat ke Semarang. Lalu kembali ke Pasar Ngranget

pada hari Senin. Semuanya berjalan begitu membahagiakan bagiku. Biarlah

aku tak punya pikap. Biarlah tebu-tebu itu hanya bisa dijual tak jauh lebih

mahal daripada singkong. Biarlah uangku hanya memberi untung lima persen.

Yang penting bagiku, selalu ada uang setiap aku ingin berangkat ke

Semarang. Yang penting bagiku, setiap hari aku punya sesuatu yang

diharapkan. Harapan agar bisa segera bertemu anakku lagi.‖(Madasari,


The quotation above fits the thought of having life in simplicity, as

the thought that only need the essential facts of life. In this case, Marni

whose known as materialistic person on the previous chapter,

unpredictably after suffering a lot of problem, gradually start to think

about what essential thing for life. It is her family, her one and only

happiness, Rahayu her daughter. She start to think in way simpler, there is

no ‗become the richest‘ or ‗change people impression about me‘ anymore.

What really matters is the true happiness. Something that you can not

gain with any materialistic and luxury stuff. It is the happiness from the

one you loved, to be by your side. She naturally think about her life in

different way, instead of being overcome with the mundane and chaotic

choices of her former life, she instead are given the opportunity to think

about what really matters in life. In living simplicity, we begin to

appreciate the things that we may not have noticed before. The trivial

things in life become the big things because they create some biggest

joys.(Alexander, 2014)

If we seek for the value of the story, as for some people living simplicity

in these days are sort of the important and necessary thing. From the

poet‘s perspective, Okky Madasari seems like putting that thought on her

works as an agreement. By creating the character such as Marni and

Simbok. In the first chapter, Simbok appears a lot. I noticed, that at first

Simbok was like the representative of how the way living in simplicity

goes. She believe in thought that living in simple way with her poverty

was not a big deal. Not in ‗give up‘ way. But more like as long as we still

live, we can eat and drink and health, that‘s enough. Proved by she‘s

response when Marni tell her that she want to have entrok:

―Oalah, Nduk, seumur-umur tidak pernah aku punya entrok. Bentuknya

kayak apa aku juga tidak tahu. Tidak pakai entrok juga tidak apa-apa.

Susuku tetap bisa diperas to. Sudah, nggak usah neko-neko. Kita bisa makan

saja syukur,‖ kata Simbok.

From the dialog above, it proved how simple the way Simbok‘s life. and

also shows that she has been living in that condition for a long time, but

what she really do is just doing her best for life, be grateful for what she

already have and keep her soul to be close with nature and God:

―Nduk, terserah apa penginmu. Yang penting, coba nyuwun sama Mbah Ibu

Bumi Bapa Kuasa. Semua kejadian hanya terjadi kalau Dia yang

menginginkan.‖ Simbok menyuruhku memejamkan mata, lalu mengucapkan

permintaanku dalam hati. Simbok sendiri juga memejamkan mata. Dengan

mata saling terpejam, kami diam beberapa saat. Saat itu angin seolah berhenti

berembus, jangkrik dan katak menghentikan semua ocehannya. (Mandasari,


Entrok using multi perspective, with the creative and expressive word,

Okky Madasari can shows each character‘s thought clearly. Even it easy

to tell that each characters has their own thought and beliefs. But how the

way the story lead us to the ending, tells us how the story end in a way so

that we can see the moral value on it. If we analyze it by that perspective,

we can see how at first Marni was so obsessed with worldly affairs,

thought that what society think about her is something we have to deal

with seriously. Or perhaps we can tell that Marni was a good

representative for the opposite type of living in simplicity and

transcendentalist. What I think about the thought of living simplicity.

What interesting about Entrok was, they can show more than one moral

value at once. In this analysis, the story tells us about living in simplicity,

about how living with only essential facts and need, and to be grateful

with it will be better than having a lot of extravagant things but has a lot

of consequence behind it. But in the other hand, the story also shows the

thought of ‗not to surrender on your life and dream‘. Living simplicity in

Entrok was not exactly has the same implementation as the real

transcendentalist like living far from the metropolitan life or live closer to

the nature. But there is an essential element as a representative of living

simplicity. Just like was interpret by Marni thought in page 268:

―Semuanya berjalan begitu membahagiakan bagiku. Biarlah aku tak punya

pikap. Biarlah tebu-tebu itu hanya bisa dijual tak jauh lebih mahal daripada

singkong. Biarlah uangku hanya memberi untung lima persen. Yang penting

bagiku, selalu ada uang setiap aku ingin berangkat ke Semarang. Yang

penting bagiku, setiap hari aku punya sesuatu yang diharapkan. Harapan

agar bisa segera bertemu anakku lagi.‖

When Marni says ―semuanya berjalan membahagiakan bagiku..‖ that part

which is refer to the return of Rahayu, was obviously shows how Marni

feel so grateful for the return of her daughter more than anything else.

She feels grateful for something that she never can tell it could be the

biggest joys in her life. More than all the luxury, social class and all her

achievements in the past. But of course, to finally having that kind of

thought, she has pass through a lot of struggle and problem. Which is

quite has the same process of how the way transcendentalist make up

their mind. When you have to see clearly what you really feel, what you

really need and found your answer as something that you thought as the

truth by your own mind and heart. If we analyze, we can see that Marni

did not make up her mind with any logical way. She just gave up all she

have to bring her daughter back by her side. She decide to do so as the

answer of what her heart and feeling say. As Emerson and Thoreau

interprets :

―Transcendentalism took an individualistic approach that stressed

that people ought to be self-reliant and that truth can be found

intuitively. This movement emphasized living a simple life and

having a oneness with nature.‖

In the end, Entrok as the novel that shows the power (in woman

perspective) that give all her have to fought poverty, discrimination and

injustice with ‗that‘ way cannot be judged as the whole incorrect thing,

just as we cannot considered surrender to your life as the thought of

living in simplicity. More than that, all the transcendentalist element

taught, not to live as people pleasure, not to letting society decide about

our life and decisions, to think clearly about our need and desire. More

specific, with the thought of living simplicity: to be closer with the God,

to be grateful for the thing we already have, not to live as machine to

fulfil ‗materialist stuff‘, but instead to live in a life that concern about the

most essential thing of life and to be happy even about simplest thing as

your biggest joys. That is the transcendentalist element, the moral value

of living simplicity in this literary work.


Alexander, S. (2014). Degworth (1st ed.).



Carr, D. (2005). On the contribution of literature and the arts to the educational

cultivation of moral virtue, feeling and emotion, Journal of Moral Education.


Mandasari, O. (2010a). Entrok. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Mandasari, O. (2010b). Entrok (2nd ed.). PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Nurachman, D. (2017). Introduction to Criticism (D. Nurachman (ed.); 2nd


50 = D
- Truly an inconsistent discussion
- Such a misleading one; applying Aristotle's theory on plot should meet his
own standards
- Truly lack of critical analysis Linda Nurzannah
- There's no sources cited even one
- Poor composition: paragraphing, capitalization, punctuation, citation, 1195030129
references, etc.
- There's no real references at all
- Some paragraphs are plagiarism suspected

In criticism there must be criticism in a work. Whether it's literary

works such as poetry, novels, short stories, prose, and drama. This is one

of the lessons in criticism because it will find out more about what

literature is. Literature is a writing, and writing must use a pattern, in the

pattern there must be a text. Literature is also a word from the Sanskrit

word "shaastra", which means "text containing instructions" or

"guidelines". Shastra comes from the basic words sas- or shas- which

means directing, teaching, giving instructions or instructions and tra

which means tools or means. The characteristics of literature, namely

literature is a creation, not imitation or imitation. This creation is caused

by artists creating a new world, literature is autonomous and not

communicative, and literature has an element of cohesion in which there

is harmony between form and content. And Criticism is trying to awaken

the reader to enter into a story, criticism begins with innocent discipline,

then natural existence, and ideological instruments and ideological

encounters occur which have textual and contextual aspects. By using a

variety of worldliness (which is unusual in the literary world), in criticism

there are three interrelated Terms: the first Theory, Approach, and

Criticism. In literature there are also 3 studies, namely literary theory,

literary critics, and literary history. Theory is where this is usually done to

understand theory in the analysis of literary works, then Approach is a set

of beliefs which is a point of view (it is not solitary because approach is

only a foothold where it only sees how theory in literature occurs), the

last one is Criticism, which is a criticism. In literature and criticism will

keep returning to a theory.

In criticism, one of the literary works here uses a literary work from

Okky Madasari, namely Entrok, one of these literary works is a good

literary work starting from the storyline, plot, theme, linguistic rules to

the genre. Okky Madasari's novel, entitled Entrok, describes the struggle

of a woman. Starting from Marni's desire to have an entropy which is

now better known as a bra or bra, she tried to boost the existing social

order. According to Simbok, from quotation above we can see "Perempuan yaa

kerjaannya mengupas singkong dan mengupah singkong". Of course, this made

Marni rebel. He believes that women also have the right to be paid

money like men. Paying no heed to Simbok's words, Marni stopped

peeling the cassava and joined him. Little by little, Marni's money was

collected. Until finally, Marni was able to buy the entrok she wanted.

After that, Marni realized that if she didn't develop her business, she

would still be poor. Because of that, Marni took the initiative to start

basket ling. Every day, he buys some goods in the market, then sells them

by going around the village. In the end, Marni has managed to change her

life. He was also known as a wealthy skipper. Thus, Entrok tells how

Marni struggles as a woman. He tries to break the assumption that

women are just weak creatures. The proof, Marni managed to collect

money from work identified with the Adam nguli. In the end, Okky

managed to raise one side that women in Indonesia can struggle. Even

though as individuals, women like Marni try to break the patriarchal

culture. And here, I will try to criticize deeper into what is Reaction and

the Classification or categorization of literary genres contained in the

novel Entrok by Okky Madasari with the theory of a literary scientist,

namely Aristotle.

Theory poetry Aristoteles earlier works by him, for example physic and

metaphysics, contains important statement about art and nature that bear

on literature and rhetoric written after Poetics, distinguishes rhetoric as a

practical art involving ―doing‖ from productive arts, including poetic, that

involve ―making‖. Aristoteles Rhetoric has had a strong influence on

criticism, for many later writers have blurred or obliterated the distinction

even to the extent that in some cases poetic seems to have become a

branch of rhetoric (or the art of persuasion). Aristoteles in poetics he

approaches literature to some extent as if he were a classical biologist. He

intends to classify and categorize systematically the kinds of literature art,

beginning with epic and tragic drama. Our sense of Aristoteles method is

established, he is the first critic to attempt a systematic discussion of

literary genres. He believe that change is a fundamental reality, a process

of nature, which is a creative force with teleological direction. In this

respect, the argument of Poetics serves an important purpose in

Aristoteles philosophy as a whole. The poet is thus an imitator and a

maker, and imitation is, in fact, a kind of making. In imitation the poet

discovers the ultimate from of an action. This is why, for Aristoteles the

plot of a tragedy is of prime importance over char. Actor, thought,

diction, song, and spectacle, though these are all elements of tragic drama.

Literary art, along with the fine arts (all the productive arts), is thus an

improvement on nature in that the poet has brought to completion what

nature, operating with its own principles, is still developing. Aristoteles

emphasized either his theory of imitation or the analytic procedures in his

discussion of tragedy. Aristoteles attention to the poem as an object that

can be discussed in term of its normal nature is probably his greatest

contribution to literary theory, though his treatment of tragedy as

bringing about a catharsis or purgation of pity and fear has been of great

interest and much debated.

In the novel Entrok by Okky Madasari, there are genres, plots and

tragedies. Just like Aristotle's theory in Poetry, there are genres,

classifications, plots, tragedies, as well as comedy. In the Entrok novel,

there are many tragedies that occur in each subtitle, the tragedies

contained in the Entrok novel are many, such as social conflicts, human

rights tragedies or so-called tolerance, psychological tragedies, even

conflicts that occur in oneself and one's family. All conflicts or tragedies

that occur in the Entrok novel begin with an analysis of the storyline so

that it is easier for us to get what will be discussed in this analysis. Plot or

plot is a literary term used to describe the events that make up a story, or

the main part of a story. These events relate to each other in a pattern or

sequence. The structure of the novel depends on the organization of

events in the storyline. Plot is known as the basis of a novel or story, on

which the characters and setting are built. It is intended to organize

information and events in a logical manner. There are several types of

plots in a novel, namely forward plots, backward plots and forward and

backward plots. And in the novel Entrok there is a forward plot in the


The forward plot in the entrok novel has three stages such as the early

stage, the middle stage and the final stage. These three stages have stories

and conflicts that connect from one story to another, even though the

Entrok novel has subtitles which in my opinion are quite confusing, but

the neat writing and clear plot shows that the story in the novel is good.

In the early stages there is also from quotation above us can see ―Aku sudah

tidak lagi membagi waktu dengan bekerja di tempat Nyai Dimah. Simbok

diam saja, tak menanyakan atau melarang. Saat bersama, kami tidak

pernah menyinggung urusan nguli. Simbok juga tidak pernah bertanya

tentang upah yang kudapatkan dari nguli‖ In the quote above, it can be

seen that Marni is no longer working, so she said that she does not need

to divide her work time. Even though Marni used to be a cassava peeler

with Simbok as a market coolie. This is the initial stage of the forward

plot which in this Entrok novel is the story of the initial stage of the

conflict starting.

Still in the early stages of the forward plot in the Entrok novel, there is

a story. Where in this story is concerned with the relationship in the early

stages when Marni stopped working, where in the story began to

introduce a new character, this character is a character concerned with the

main character, namely Marni where she is Marni's favorite daughter

named Rahayu. Rahayu is the son of Marni in the story then continues

with the point of view of Rahayu, Marni's son. This is one of the quotes

that really introduces Rahayu to the main character in the Entrok novel,

Marni, the mother of Rahayu. In the story, Rahayu is still young but has

different views from her mother. From quotation above us can see ―Aku

masih tidak mengerti bagaimana Ibu masih saja telaten mengurusi receh-receh itu.

Sama tidak mengertinya, bagaimana Ibu tetap percaya pada arwah leluhur-

leluhurnya dan memberi mereka makan setiap hari kelahiran Ibu. Ah... kenapa

kami begitu berbeda?‖ In the quote above there is an explanation of what

his mother, Marni, knows very well, Rahayu's son, who very clearly feels,

thinks and even says to his mother, what are the differences between him

and Marni's mother. Some of the differences he felt started from

differences in perspective and Rahayu also said very clearly to his mother

what they believed was very different. And in the early stages of this

forward flow, several small conflicts began to arise which could trigger

other conflicts, even the biggest conflicts because of differences in


Forward Path In the middle stage there are conflicts. In addition to the

debate between Rahayu and Marni which is not getting better, there are

also conflicts in society that are getting worse. The conflict occurred

between the people whose houses were to be evicted to make reservoirs

and the soldiers who were in power there as shown in the following

quotation above us can see. ―Mun, sekarang semuanya terserah kowe.

Yang jelas, minggu depan ini giliran desamu yang dikeruk. Mesin-mesin

keruk akan mengangkat tubuh kalian semua. Kowe akan mati tertimbun

tanah sendiri. Atau kalau untung, bisa saja kalian selamat. Tapi tiap hari

itu seluruh pasukan akan ada di daerah ini. Kalian semua akan tertangkap.

Seumur hidup masuk penjara bersama orang-orang PKI itu. Kalian semua

sudah jadi PKI.‖ The quote above shows that community conflicts are

getting worse and worse. Starting from the community or local residents

with soldiers who threatened one of the community, named Wagimun, to

tell other communities that they still had to leave the land that would be

used as a reservoir. They seriously threatened that by threatening life or

imprisonment with the PKI stamp. It becomes part of the conflict or

tragedy that occurs in the novel Entrok where in the novel the people

who remain firm with their stance will defend the land they occupy

despite the many threats that come with them. The people who remained

strong with their stance even when they were threatened they continued

to defend the land they occupied, even though one of the people was

threatened by the soldiers that these residents would be imprisoned and

labeled PKI. Until the soldiers would threaten residents who refused to

build reservoirs in their place and were labeled by the PKI, at that time

the PKI was the biggest enemy among the Indonesian people but they

still defended their land until they really made the soldiers angry and

furious because the people who very hard to set up. This is one of the

middle stages of conflict in the novel Entrok which makes a big tragedy

in the story and makes the story more interesting and becomes more

fearful when reading the novel.

According to Aristotle, Tragedy will be in the middle of the story or the

end of the story, but in Okky Madasari's Entrok novel, I think it is

nearing the end of the story. Where in the plot or the end of this story the

tragedy occurs completely as in this quote where Marni's mother who just

married after the birth of the daughter Rahayu. From quotation above us

can see ―Mereka akan menikah pada hari kelahiran Rahayu. Menurut

tanggalan, itu tanggal 15 Januari 1994. Aku akan membuat selamatan

besarbesaran. Ada gambyong sampai pagi. Aku benar-benar mau mantu.

Orangtua belum lengkap hidupnya kalau belum mantu untuk anaknya. Ini

sekaligus membayar kekecawaan saat dulu Rahayu menolak

pernikahannya dengan Arab itu diramaikan. Lha ya iya, wong cuma jadi

istri simpanan. Tapi sekarang beda. Rahayu yang sekarang akan menikah

dengan jejaka. Dia akan jadi istri sah. Istri pertama" This is a tradition

expressed by Aristotle in the quote above that it is Rahayu who will marry

one of the carriage drivers' children as the first wife. It was also stated

that Rahayu began to obey her mother, following her mother's wishes.

However, at the end of the story, Rahayu does not marry Sutomo

because the future Rahayu finds out that Rahayu has been labeled a PKI.

The groom decided not to continue the wedding when all the

preparations were ready, the D-day had come. This made Marni very

shocked and ended up with mental stress. And this is a big tragedy for

Rahayu who has to take care of her mother who has a mental illness

because of the events experienced by her child Rahayu which makes her

very sad.

The conclusion of the essay above is that in a novel or literary work

there must be a plot or plot that makes the story more interesting for the

public to read. As in Aristotle's theory, if a story has a connected plot or

plot, we will get a tragedy in the story. The tragedy contained in the

Entrok story is very successive so that those who read it easily

understand, indeed when reading the novel we will be confused because it

is told that Marni has a mental disorder because of the behavior Rahayu

did, but until the end of the story everything is explained by the story and

it is thanks to a very neat plot in the story Entrok.




- This is nice actually if you could be consistent with the discussion moreover
- Needs a real specific topic to guide the analysis
- Some still having retelling more than the real analysis Marsza Nurul Azmi
- Some narratives and analysis are relevant with the theory, some others not
- Needs more critical-analytical arguments 1195030131
- Still lack of theoretical supports/justifications
- Lack of other supporting sources
- Be aware of some mechanic errors: paragraphing, citation, punctuation,
capitalization, etc. 70 = B 5D


Literature is an expression of the problems of life, philosophy, and

psychology. Literature can be called a work of art in writing, besides that

literary work is also a creative work that brings an entertaining impression

as well as intellectual and emotional supply for the reader. Literary works

created by the author are expected to deliver aesthetic and intellectual

values for the readers (Siswanto, 2008: 67). Through literary works, the

authors can express their creative ideas to captivate reader's curiosity to

continue follow the storyline they conduct. One of the ideas is feminism.

In daily practice, feminism is often misunderstood as a demand for

women's emancipation, even though what is meant by this term refers to

social movements that can be carried out by both men and women

(Hidayati, 2019). Men and women must have the same position in society,

equal, the only difference is the biological aspect that is owned by men

and women.

Readers can find a story with feminism tone in Entrok. Entrok is

Okky Madasari's first novel which was published in April 21st, 2010, as

Indonesian we must notice that April 21st is the day when we celebrate

Kartini Day. This novel centred the life of Marni, a woman who always

wants to break 'the limit' of women concept at that time in her

neighbourhood. Most male writers, however, effectively render woman

―useless members of society‖ (Nurrachman, 2017: 133). In this novel,

women are seen weak, in their work they can only peel cassava and are

paid again with cassava or another common job they can do is bakulan

(Madasari, 2010: 34). The character of Marni will be analysed using Mary

Wollstonecraft Theory about early feminism with mimetic approach.

Mimetic as stated by M. H Abrams (1953; 1999) is the approach that

views literary works as the imitation or representation of the world and

human life.

―Education thus only supplies the man of genius with knowledge to give

variety and contrast to his associations; but there is a habitual association

of ideas that develops along with us, and has a great effect on the moral

character of mankind. Such associations give the mind a slant that

commonly remains throughout life. So ductile is the understanding, and

yet so stubborn, that the associations that depend on chance happenings

before the body arrives at maturity can seldom be disentangled by reason

(Wollstonecraft, 1792: 72).‖

In the idea above, it is said that a person's maturity can be determined by

circumstances that force them to become wiser than their age.

―Samar-samar dalam ingatanku, terbayang Bapak memukul Simbok yang sedang

sakit panas dan tidak bisa ke pasar. Kalau Simbok tidak ke pasar, kami tidak

akan punya makanan. Dan laki-laki itu dengan seenaknya hanya menunggu

makanan. Dia seperti anjing gila yang marah saat kelaparan. Iya, dia memang

anjing gila. Hanya anjing gila kan yang menggigit istrinya yang sedang sakit. Saat itu

aku sangat ketakutan. Menyembunyikan diri di balik pintu sambil menangis

sesenggukan. Laki-laki itu pergi setelah menghajar istrinya dan tak pernah kembali


Sejak itu aku hidup berdua dengan Simbok. Di gubuk reyot yang hanya berisi

pawon dan tikar pandan ini kami

menghabiskan hari. Simbok pergi ke pasar setiap hari masih gelap dan pulang ke

rumah saat siang sambil membawa bahan makanan. Akulah yang kemudian

memasaknya. (Madasari, 2010: 18)

Little Marni when she saw her abusive father, she could only stay silent

but as she grew older, she grew into a strong woman in living her life

together with simbok. This is in a same boat with what Wollstonecraft said

that associations about habits that occur can affect our morals and ideas,

so Marni's habit of living in a harsh environment makes her a strong and

independent woman. In Madasari, 2010: She also seems has trust issue on

man because of her father as she said,

―Aku hanya dengarkan suatu hari nanti akan kualami. Takut kalau anakku

nanti mengalami seperti apa yang kualami, punya bapak tapi minggat. Punya ibu

tapi bodoh dan melarat.‖

Similar issue above does not only happen in novels or in other fictional

world, it is not uncommon case that there are of people who are afraid to

get married because of unpleasant experiences in their family.

―I must be allowed to explain myself. The generality of people cannot see

or feel poetically, they want fancy, and therefore fly from solitude in

search of sensible objects; but when an author lends them his eyes, they

can see as he saw, and be amused by images they could not select, though

lying before them. (Wollstonecraft, 1792: 72)‖

Wollstonecraft stated that women should be allowed to do what they

want for themselves. No one knows what their heart wants for their

good. They should have known what they did not know.

‖Kamu mau ngangkat apa, Ni?‖

‖Bukan, Kang. Bukan minta dibantu ngangkat. Aku mau ditolong, aku mau ikut

nguli kayak Kakang.‖

Teja terbahak-bahak mendengar permintaanku. Sungguh bukan jawaban seperti itu

yang kuinginkan. Aku menunggu agak lama untuk mendapatkan jawaban yang


‖Ni, kamu ada-ada saja. Nggak ada perempuan nguli. Nggak akan kuat. Sudah,

perempuan itu kerja yang ringan-ringan aja. Ngupas singkong.‖

‖Aku kuat, Kang. Biasanya aku juga nggendong tenggok, nggendong goni. Bakul-

bakul itu juga banyak yang mengangkat sendiri dagangannya dari rumah ke pasar.

Hanya priyayi-priyayi saja yang nggak kuat ngangkat goni.‖

‖Tapi tetap nggak umum, Ni. Di pasar ini, nggak ada perempuan nguli.‖

‖Tapi aku mau, Kang. Aku butuh duit, Kang. Nggak mau lagi diupahi singkong.‖

‖Ya terserah. Kalau mau nguli ya monggo,‖ Kata Teja lirih (Madasari, 2010: 33-


In the narration above, Marni intends to nguli so that she can get money

to buy entrok but her desire is broken by Teja who seems to

underestimate the physical strength of women. With a strong willing in

the end, Marni keep nguli. Here again, Marni succeeded in breaking the

concept of women prevailing in her environment, where women are seen

as weak and unable to do men's work. Whereas men and women should

have the same position and job, the only difference is the biological

concept they have. In Nurrachman, 2017: 133 Wollstonecraft says "A

long tradition of writers has contributed to this degradation of women

into "artificial, weak characters." The attitude of this writer is slightly

represented by Teja because he had underestimated Marni even though in

the end, he let her nguli. Marni represents the expectations of

Wollstonecraft that women have the right to do what they want to get

what they dream of.

"Where love is duty on the female side, On theirs mere sensual gust, and

sought with surly pride."

But one grand truth women have yet to learn, though much it imports

them to act accordingly. In the choice of a husband they should not be

led astray by the qualities of a lover--for a lover the husband, even

supposing him to be wise and virtuous, cannot long remain

(Wollstonecraft, 1792: 74).

Here Wollstonecraft stated that in a relationship women should not

only think about love. We cannot be careless in selecting a 'partner' who

will later become a husband because women should also think about

what their future will be, and we must not determine the nature of a

husband when he still being a lover that we may not see all his bad things

that might be the cause of the end of a relationship.

―Tapi cerita-cerita itu juga menimbulkan ketakutan. Takut pada laki-laki,

takut kawin. Lha buat apa kawin, kalau jadinya cuma sengsara. Inilah yang

kukatakan pada Teja waktu dia memintaku jadi istrinya. Dia melamarku di depan

pasar, saat matahari baru mengintip malu-malu, saat aku menunggu kedatangan

petani yang membawa berbagai sayur-sayuran.

‖Aku belum mau kawin, Kang.‖

‖Kenapa, Ni? Kita saling cocok. Apa kamu tidak pengin punya suami, punya

anak seperti Tinah?‖

Punya anak? Bagaimana jika aku punya anak nanti? Mau jadi apa anakku

nanti? Tukang kupas singkong atau bakulan keliling desa kalau perempuan? Anak

laki-laki ikut bapaknya nguli? Pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu hanya tersimpan dalam

hati. Tak tega kusampaikan pada Teja, karena aku memang menyukainya. Aku

hanya dengarkan suatu hari nanti akan kualami. Takut kalau anakku nanti

mengalami seperti apa yang kualami, punya bapak tapi minggat. Punya ibu tapi

bodoh dan melarat.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 48).

According to Wollstonecraft view about a woman should be, the

narrative above Marni represents as the woman that Wollstonecraft

expect. Marni indirectly has a thought like Wollstonecraft. She was still

young but when she got proposed she does not accept it immediately, she

thinks about it deeply even though she is truly loves Teja. In her early

teens she has thought about how her life would be if she married with

Teja, she worries about her future child, will they have the same fate with

their parents? she does not want it happens. Marni is a traditional woman

with modern thought, she is wise enough in her age. She is a visionary

and dependent woman.

―Men, for whom we are told women are made,

have too much occupied the thoughts of women;

and this association has so entangled love, with all

their motives of action; and, to harp a little on an

old string, having been solely employed either to

prepare themselves to excite love, or actually

putting their lessons in practice, they cannot live

without love. But, when a sense of duty, or fear of

shame, obliges them to restrain this pampered

desire of pleasing beyond certain lengths, too far

for delicacy, it is true, though far from criminality,

they obstinately determine to love, I speak of their

passion, their husbands to the end of the

Chapter--and then acting the part which they foolishly exacted from their

lovers, they become abject wooers, and fond slaves. (Wollstonecraft in

Nurrachman, 2017: 138-139)‖

Here Wollstonecraft states that men have more power to rule over

women where they have the advantage to be reckless to women because

they feel more powerful.

―‖Dasar Teja, lanangan nggak tahu diuntung. Susah payah aku cari duit, dia

malah enak-enakan kelonan17 sama kledek.‖

Ibu sudah tidak lagi memaki Tonah. Kini dia mengumpat Bapak. Padahal orang

yang dimaki entah sedang di mana. Teja yang pemalas. Teja yang tidurnya seperti

kerbau. Teja yang hanya mau enaknya sendiri. Teja yang sekarang sedang gandrung

dengan kledek.. (Madasari, 2010: 53)‖

If Wollstonecraft argues that men are superior and they can give variety

and contrast of his association (Wollstonecraft in Nurrachman 2017: 134)

because of the education they earn, in Entrok men are seen as superior

because the concept of men that happen in their neighbourhood and they

are known as stronger than woman in physic and more powerful. Marni

lives in a patriarchal environment where women must always obey men.

So, no matter how strong Marni to fight against the stigma or gender

concept that exists in her living, she still has no desire to break loose

from Teja even though he has recklessly treated Marni. Marni could only

neglect her feelings towards Teja because she was too busy to only think

about that matter. He seemed to be a slave who just obeyed the

behaviour of her master who could not live without love and pleasure.

In conclusion, from this analysis is that Marni's character adequately

represents the female character expectations that Wollstonecraft expects.

First, She is a brave woman when actually she is afraid that what she feels

in her family will happen in her new family but she continues to live her

life with Teja as husband and wife. Furthermore, Wollstonecraft expects

women should have the opportunity to do and get what they expect and

Marni has the same thoughts with Wollstonecraft. In terms of love, the

woman should not be arbitrarily concerned with only love, they must still

think about the future of their family. From here, Marni impresses the

figure of an independent woman with a strong belief in her heart.


Iswanto, W. (2008). Pengantar Teori sastra. Grasindo.

Hidayati, N. (2019). Teori feminisme: Sejarah, Perkembangan Dan

relevansinya dengan Kajian Keislaman Kontemporer. Jurnal Harkat : Media

Komunikasi Gender, 14(1), 21–29.

Abrams, M.H. (1953). The Mirror and The Lamp: Romantic

theory and Critical Tradition. London: Oxford University Press.

Wollstonecraft, Mary, 1759-1797. (1792). A vindication of the rights of

woman: with strictures on political and moral subjects. London :Printed

for J. Johnson,

Nurrachman, D. (2017). Introduction to Criticism. Bandung: Pustaka

Aura Semesta.

Madasari, O. (2010). Entrok. Jakarta. Gramedia Pustaka Utama

- Nice yet still having jumped-up ideas MARWAH
- Needs a truly specific topic to discuss
- Some also still having retelling than real analysis
- Needs more critical-analytical arguments 1195030132
- Some narratives and analysis are relevant with the theory, some others not
- Needs more relevant theoretical supports/justifications
- Needs more supporting sources 70 = B 5D




Literary work is the product of a process of thinking, imagining, or

environmental awareness, it is seen as an intimate medium between an

author and his idea. The idea that the author presents cannot be

separated from the representation of social life. Feminism is a topic that

is frequently addressed in a literary work. Marry Wollstonecraft, one of

initiators of feminism, interpreted feminism as a movement for the

emancipation of women, a movement that focuses on improving the

rights and standing of women and strongly rejects inequality between

men and women (Nurrachman, 2017, p. 133). Feminism is still frequently

mentioned in novels because the old tradition of women's position still

intimidates woman in various areas and due to Indonesia's traditional

norms, social values, religion, and patriarchal ideology, gender equality

between men and women cannot balance. Justice in gender equality is still

less used in Indonesia. (Haryanti & Suwana, 2014, p. 237)

In a book called 'A Vindication of the Rights of Woman with Strictures

on Political and Moral Subjects', Marry Wollstonecraft also discuss issues

of feminism. It was written in the hopes of achieving gender equality for

women. In this book, Wollstonecraft also wrote that she wishes women

to have power over themselves, not over men (Wollstonecraft, 2017, p.

43). Entrok, written by Okky Madasari, offer some insight towards how

women can stand over themselves through Marni's ambition and how

society is not support her. Marni does have a lot of ambition, but she also

has a weakness, which will be addressed below.

Entrok is a story about a women's struggle. Marni and Rahayu, the two

major characters, have a mother-daughter relation. Marni and Rahayu

fight for different things: Marni fights for her own wellbeing, while

Rahayu fights for the wellbeing of others (in this case the villagers whose

citizens will be evicted by the government). Regarding Marni, her struggle

started with her desire to have an entrok or bra, in addition to boosting

the social order that occurred when Marni was born. Marni was told that

it was the work of women to peel cassava and that they were paid for it.

Wollstonecraft also says that a long tradition of male writers has

contributed to this degradation into "weak characters" of women.

(Nurrachman, 2017, p. 133).

"Ni, Kamu ada-ada saja. Nggak ada perempuan nguli. Nggak akan kuat.

Sudah, perempuan itu kerjanya yang ringan-ringan aja. Ngupas singkong."

(Madasari, 2010, p. 34)

‗Waktu kuceritakan rencanaku pada Simbok, dia langsung menolaknya.

―Nduk, semua itu sudah ada jatahnya. Orang kayak kita bagiannya

ngoncek telo. Nguli itu berat. Sudah jatang orang lain.‖‘ (Madasari, 2010,

p. 34)

This narration refers to Teja, a male market coolie who is startled by

Marni's willingness to work as a coolie to garner money. Teja views

women as weak beings capable of only light labour. Furthermore, her

mother who is called Simbok breaks Marni's ambitions and perceives her

wishes as weak. Simbok thinks they work as women is just to peel

cassava, or ngoncek telo in Javanese terms.

Despite this, Marni decides to pursue her dream, working as a coolie to

purchase an entrok, until she is able to purchase an entrok with the money

she has saved.

"Hingga suatu hari, aku ingat aku belum membeli entrok. Kubuka

bumbung itu dan kuambil lima keping uang sepuluhan rupiah." (Madasari,

2010, p. 39)

"Pedagang itu memilihkan ukuran paling kecil, dan menyuruhku

mengembalikan lagi kalau ternyata tidak pas. Aku menurutinya dan

memilih warna hitam." (Madasari, 2010, p. 39)

At the time, it was extremely rare for women to be able and motivated to

pursue their ambitions, much less even succeed in doing so. I don‘t want

women to have power over men; I want them to have power over

themselves (Wollstonecraft, 2017, p. 43). Women at the time often had

dreams, but they couldn't achieve them, or even just talk about them and

feel no right, because they were still enslaved to a culture that applied

unspoken rules that have been indirectly formed by society, such as

women whose only job was peeling cassava, and women should stay at

home. However, Marni is one of Wollstonecraft's representations of the

woman in her book, a figure of a woman who is capable of standing

alone and pursuing her dreams without relying on others, including men.

Marni's desires and dreams remained until she was an adult, even after

she married and had more than enough money to live comfortably.

―Aku juga kerja keras, memeras keringat, mengelilingi Pasar Ngranget dan

dari rumah ke rumah di desa-desa. Semua kulakukan hanya agar aku dan

keluargaku bisa makan, tidak merepotkan orang lain, dan punya kemuliaan

dalam hidup.‖ (Madasari, 2010, p. 99)

More than that, Marni has a desire to free other women for herself, she

wants women to be treated equally and paid the right amount without

discriminating against women or men.

"Sayangnya tidak ada buruh perempuan di sini. Betapapun aku ingin

mengupahi mereka dengan uang sebesar buruh laki-laki. Upah yang

besarnya sama, tidak lebih kecil hanya karena dia perempuan, lebih-lebih

hanya diupahi dengan telo. Tapi tak ada perempuan yang menebang tebu.

Tebu hanya menjadi jatah buruh laki-laki. Bagian buruh perempuan hanya

ndarep atau mbethot kacang. Tapi coba tanya ke perempuan-perempuan itu

berapa uapah yang ia dapat. Paling-paling tak lebih dari tiga ratus sehari.

Sayangnya aku tidak menanam padi atau kacang. Kalau Mbak Ibu Bapak

Bumi Kuasa mengizinkan, semoga rezekiku dilancarkan, aku punya duit

untuk membeli tanah lagi yang akan kutanami padi dan kacang. Akan

kupekerjakan perempuan-perempuan itu dan kuberi upah tak kurang

daripada yang diterima suami-suami mereka." (Madasari, 2010, p. 103)

Despite all of Marni's hard work, she was eventually underestimated by

others in her own environment, and she was criticized for her hard-won


"Ha ha ha…! Mau sedikit, mau banyak, namanya tetap pontang. Sampean

itu rentenir, lintah darat! Orang-orang seperti kalian ini yang bikin susah

orang banyak." (Madasari, 2010, p. 70)

Yu Marni, Kang teja, kami mendengar dari banyak orang, katanya

sampean ngreteni duit. Itu dilarang agama. Kalian bikin sengsara banyak

orang." (Madasari, 2010, p. 75)

Ya sudahlah, Yu. Duitmu di orang lain kan masih banyak. Tagih saja

mereka. Daripada anakmu malu nanti, semua temannya tahu ibunya

rentenir. Lintah Darat. Orang yang jelas-jelas dikutuk agama." (Madasari,

2010, p. 84)

Marni has received the following critiques. Money lenders, the source of

difficult people, the source of many people's sorrows, individuals cursed

by religion, and many other hate speeches that she receives. Her aim here

is to help those who are in financial trouble by lending money which by

concerned had previously agreed on the agreement, but when she

requested for and/or refused to provide money, people shifty denounced

the acts that she made. Even though previously they themselves begged

to lend money.

The criticisms she received put her in an unfair position. It is an injustice

that she suffers, even though she merely wants to be an independent and

self-sufficient lady who wants to help others. She sets her dreams and

ambitions in motion because she does not want to be reliant on others.

Wollstonecraft said that what the world is short of is not charity but

justice! (Wollstonecraft, 2017, p. 49). Marni gets injustice, not only as a

woman but also as a human being who in fact is looking for money to

make a living.

―Duh, Gusti, apa salah kalau aku mau cari rezeki, punya harta biar tidak

dihinahina orang? Aku kan tidak membunuh orang, tidak mencuri, tidak

merampok. Aku hanya bakulan, menyediakan apa yang dibutuhkan orang,

mengambil upah buat tenaga dan modalku. Lha kok malah semua orang

ngrasani. Malah anakku sendiri, anakku satu-satunya, ikut-ikutan

menyalahkanku.‖ (Madasari, 2010, p. 100)1

―Lha kok yo masih ada saja yang bilang aku dosa. Yang dosa itu ya orang

kayak Mali itu, seharian tidur di langgar, istri dan empat anaknya tiap hari

kelaparan. Aku sering melihat istri dan anak Mali makan aking dicampur

garam yang ditampah. Mereka duduk mengelilingi tampah dan makan

bersama-sama. Dulu sekali, zaman aku kecil, makan aking dicampur

garam itu sudah luar biasa enaknya. Tapi inikan dulu. Zaman perang.

Zaman orang-orang bajunya dari goni dan mencari tikus sawah untuk

dimakan‖ (Madasari, 2010, p. 99)

Okky Madasari describes Marni's character as a woman who can stand on

her own and be able to survive despite the numerous insults she suffers.

However, each character has their own set of pluses and minuses. Marni's

lack is of education is one of her most significant problems. Were women

more rationally educated, could they take a more comprehensive view of

things (Wollstonecraft, 2017, p. 74). Educated women tend to be able to

see things from all sides. And this also applies to Marni, Marni, who

incidentally did not receive a proper education, looked ―stupid‖ in some

ways because she could not see things from all sides.

"Bejo mati gara-gara sampeyan. Bejo memang dibikin mati, to?"

Duh, Dusti, dia bilang aku yang membuat anaknya mati.

Dari mana dia punya pikiran seperti itu? Bagaimana bisa dia berpikir aku

yang membuat anaknya mati? (Madasari, 2010, p. 121)

―Sajen, pesugihan, tuyul, Gunung Kawi, selama bertahun-tahun orang-orang

Singget telah menjadikan itu semua sebagai cerita yang disebarkan dari

mulut ke mulut. Menjadi hiburan dan kesenangan di anatara berbagai

kesulitan, dan sekarang semuanya menjadi lengkap dengan kematian Bejo.

Duh, Gusti… Mbah Ibu Bumi bapa Kuasa…‖ (Madasari, 2010, p.


―Tak masalah kalau semua orang omong aku memelihara tuyul atau cari

pesugihan, tapi aku selalu sakit ketika yang omong seperti itu anakku

sendiri. Dan ini telah berulang keali terjadi. Hanya karena rasa kasih,

ikatan ibu dan anak, yang membuat rasa sakit dan benci ini selalu kembali

mengendap.‖ (Madasari, 2010, p. 124)

Marni has been accused of maintaining tuyul and pesugihan for years, and

even her own child says the same thing to her. Marni is fully aware of

what she is doing; tuyul has no idea what she is doing, so how can she

keep tuyul? Marni has the right to speak up, to explain why something

isn't true, why something that has been talked about for years isn't true.

However, it was the lack of education upon her that made her unable to

defend her own rights in front of the community. In fact, even if he

defends himself, he will lose again because of the ignorance he has. Only

that education deserves emphatically to be termed cultivation of the mind

which teaches young people how to begin to think (Wollstonecraft, 2004,

p. 202). Education is an important component of life; it also teaches

young people how to think for themselves. Unfortunately, Marni's lack of

knowledge and lack of education rendered her unable of even defending


Corresponding to what Wollstonecraft stated about a long tradition of

men is contributed to make women‘s "weak-characters". Women are still

considered weak in character and incapable of doing what men can do in

today's culture, largely by men and women. Also, in Okky Madasari's

literature, people divide into two classes: women who peel cassava and

males who chill it. In truth, both men and women are entitled to the same

chances. Marni's character in this novel succeeds in overturning the social

order of the period, despite having to deal with numerous challenges, and

the most of which were resisted by those around her itself. On the other

hand, contradictory, Marni's character has a weakness that is opposite to

what Wollstonecraft said that men and women must be educated, in a

great degree, by opinions and manners of the society they live in. Marni's

lack of education has made her exploited by irresponsible persons which

resulted in Marni experiencing material losses.

As a result, we, particularly women, must be able to stand alone and

pursue a suitable education in order to ensure the wellbeing of future



Haryanti, A., & Suwana, F. (2014). The Construction of Feminism in

Indonesian Film: Arisan 2! Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences,

155(October), 236–241.

Madasari, O. (2010). ENTROK. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Nurrachman, D. (2017). Introduction to Criticism: Critical Theory from Ancient

Greece to Victorian England (I). Pustaka Aura Semesta.

Wollstonecraft, M. (2004). A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. Penguin


Wollstonecraft, M. (2017). From a vindication of the rights of woman

with strictures on political and moral subjects (1792). In Documenting

First Wave Feminisms Volume I: Transnational Collaborations and

Crosscurrents. Jonathan Bennett.

- This is good. I like it.
- Yet this still having some inconsistencies 1195030133
- Be more focus on one aspect; violence or educational lack?
- Needs more critical-analytical arguments
- Needs more relevant supporting sources 80 = A 5D



Literary works can represent many things, including cultural, religious and

social. One of the social issues that is always relevant to the times is the

issue of women or feminism. Feminism itself is a movement for equality

between men and women in all fields, either in political, economic,

educational, social and organized activities that defend women's rights

and interests (Utami, 2016, p. 2).

A question then appear, Why did the feminist movement exist?

According to Wollstonecraft, men tend to consider women as ―useless

members of society‖ (Nurrachman, 2017, p. 133). So, the position of

women since long time ago has been being underestimated in many

fields. Women, didn‘t get the rights they deserve. Instead they get unfair

and arbitrary treatment from men for instance the act of violence. That's

why the feminist movement exist, to get women's rights to be equal to


Even though the feminist movement has spread all over the world, but

the acts of violence against women is still happening around us in our

environment until today. Not only in the real world, the issue of violence

against women is also appear in the novel by Oky Madasari; Entrok ,

which will be used as the object of study in this essay.

The act of violence against women in this novel is being presented by 3

supporting characters, Simbok, Bu Jujuk and Ndari.

Yes it is indeed that the main theme of the Entrok novel, is not about

them, it is about Marni and Rahayu. The title itself; Entrok is a symbol of

the struggle of the illiterate Marni in reaching her dream of becoming an

independent woman. But it seems to me that the violence act which is

captured in this novel can be an interesting topic to discuss using Mary

Wollstonecraft Theory.

It is clearly written in Mary Wollstonecraft‘s book 'A Vindication of the

Rights of Woman.' which she wrote as a movement for women to

achieve a level of gender equality, that the cause of women's foolishness

is the tyranny of men :

―From the tyranny of man, I firmly believe, the greater number of female follies

proceed; and the cunning, which I allow makes at present a part of their

character, I likewise have repeatedly endeavoured to prove, is produced by

oppression‖ (Wollstonecraft:, p 160)

Those three people that i mention above is a proof of how the tyranny of

man can make women weak. The word weak here means that they

receive an unfair, rude and arbitrary treatment from men but they can‘t

fight the man back. In this case, Wollstonecraft stated that the long

tradition of men contributed in making women an artificial weak

character. (Nurrachman: 2017, p. 133)

"Samar-samar dalam ingatanku, terbayang Bapak memukul Simbok yang

sedang sakit panas dan tidak bisa ke pasar. Kalau Simbok tidak ke pasar,

kami tidak akan punya makanan. Dan laki-laki itu dengan seenaknya

hanya menunggu makanan. Dia seperti anjing gila yang marah saat

kelaparan. Iya, dia memang anjing gila. Hanya anjing gila kan yang

menggigit istrinya yang sedang sakit. Saat itu aku sangat ketakutan.

Menyembunyikan diri di balik pintu sambil menangis sesenggukan. Laki-

laki itu pergi setelah menghajar istrinya dan tak pernah kembali lagi."

(Madasari, 2010: p. 18)

The narration above is an example of the violence experienced by

Simbok; Mother of Marni, which is the main character in this novel. How

the father character hit and beats his wife confirms Wollstonecraft's

opinion that not only through feeling that women is being humiliated,

they also get humiliated through brutal indulgences and violence by their

husband/lovers. A loving man can transform into a tyrant if he can't

control his desire and emotion. In this case, the father character prove

that the statement above is right cause he turned into an "anjing gila" and

‗attack‘ his wife when he was hungry, when his wife can't fulfil his desire.

―The virtues of a husband are thus thrown by love into the background, and

gay hopes, or lively emotions, banish reflection till the day of reckoning comes;

and come it surely will, to turn the sprightly lover into a surly suspicious

tyrant, who contemptuously insults the very weakness he fostered. Or,

supposing the rake reformed, he cannot quickly get rid of old habits. When a

man of abilities is first carried away by his passions, it is necessary that

sentiment and taste varnish the enormities of vice, and give a zest to brutal

indulgences; but when the gloss of novelty is worn off, and pleasure palls upon

the sense, lasciviousness becomes barefaced, and enjoyment only the desperate

effort of weakness flying from reflection as from a legion of devils. Oh! virtue,

thou art not an empty name! All that life can give- thou givest!‖

(Wollstonecraft in Nurrachman 2017, p. 139)

If we examine more closely using Wollstonecraft's theory, why Simbok

gets harsh treatment from her husband but does not fight back and tend

to be weak, it could be because of the lack of education she has.

―Punya ibu tapi bodoh dan melarat.‖ (Madasari, 2010, p. 48)

According to Wollstonecraft, lack of education is the root cause of the

weakness of women in front of men.

―The severest sarcasms have been levelled against the sex, and they have been

ridiculed for repeating ‗a set of phrases learnt by rote,‘ when nothing could be

more natural, considering the education they receive,‖ (Wollstonecraft in

Nurrachman 2017: 136)

Furthermore, to make women not being looked down by men is by

reaching good education. Wollstonecraft stated that if women are given

the same rights as men, especially in the field of education, they will

certainly be able to develop their mindset and not being a foolish

anymore who enjoys their own stupidity. By reaching good education,

women will not be willing to accept for granted harsh treatment from

men because if women is being educatedly well, it will be imprinted in

their mind that men and women are equal. Regarding my analysis above, I

rely on the following wollstonecaft theory:

―Were women more rationally educated, could they take a more comprehensive

view of things‖ (Nurrachman, 2017, p. 138).

Beside lack of education, the cause of women being treated unjustly by

men is because patriarchal environment. Women in such environment are

not having a chance to grow in society and they claimed that women are

weaker than men, so their role is only to please the men.

―….and that their ‗highest praise is to obey, unargued‘- the will of man…..‖

(Wollstonecraft in Nurrachman 2017, p. 136)

The reflection of the statement above can be seen from the narration

below, the character shown is bu Jujuk a wife of a sub-district employee

who is so afraid of her abusive and cheating husband.

"Suatu hari, suami Bu Jujuk pulang saat Bu Jujuk untuk kesekian kalinya

menceritakan lakon Pak Jujuk dan kledek gendakan-nya. Bu Jujuk yang

tak menyadari kehadiran suaminya terus menumpahkan perasaan sambil

menangis. Semuanya langsung berhenti saat terdengar teriakan suaminya. Bu

Jujuk langsung menghapus air matanya, lalu buru-buru masuk rumah. Dari

luar kudengar umpatan-umpatan suami Bu Jujuk. ‖Istri nggak tahu diri!

Kerjaannya rasan-rasan terus!

Tak ada jawaban dari mulut Bu Jujuk. Lenyap semua umpatan yang

sebelumnya dikatakan padaku. Bu Jujuk kembali ke dunianya, dunia yang

penuh kepatuhan dan ketakutan." (Madasari, 2010: 46-47)

Yes Indeed, there is no physical violence shown in the scene above, but

the rude attitude and harsh words of Pak Jujuk attacked the wife's psyche

and it could also be called as violence cause it shows the very poor

attitude of male superiority over women. Moreover, as I mentioned

earlier, it seems to me that the absence of resistance by Bu Jujuk is a

reflection of Wollstonecraft's opinion that the initiator and trigger of

women's folly comes from the tyranny of men (Wollstonecraft, 1792, p.


Besides juju and simbok, there were actually several unnamed women

who were also victims of male tyranny. How they are treated rudely, do

not get love, and cheated on by their husbands.

―Jika kubandingkan cerita Bu Jujuk dengan pelanggan-pelangganku yang

lain, ternyata tak jauh berbeda,…‖ (Madasari, 2010, p. 47)

If we look at the setting of the place, both simbok, bu jujuk and the other

unnamed women mentioned above is living in the same neighborhood,

namely the village. The village environment itself is an environment

where the patriarchal tradition is still thick (Irma Sakina & Hasanah,

2016), and according to Wollstonecraft, environmental factors are very

capable of making women form a weak character.

―That woman is naturally weak, or degraded by a concurrence of

circumstances, is, I think, clear.‖ (Wollstonecraft, 1792: 45)

Lastly, the character who get violence act that is shown in this novel is

Ndari. She‘s just an innocent 12 year old girl who was being made as the

object of sexuality by her own uncle. Not only once Paklik force his will

on his niece (the first time was when she was told to massage his back)

but he still forced his will every time he wants.

―Lalu kejadian itu terus berulang. Dua hari sekali atau kadang setiap hari.

Ndari tidak hanya dirogoh-rogoh. Di harihari berikutnya dia juga disuruh

mengisap-isap burung pakliknya itu. Lalu laki-laki itu memaksa

memasukkan burungnya yang besar ke lubang kewanitaan Ndari. Ndari

yang masih berumur dua belas tahun itu meringis kesakitan. Paklik-nya

mengambil bantal untuk menutup mulut keponakannya. Hingga tadi

malam. Laki-laki itu kembali melakukannya di saat darah haid deras

mengucur dari lubang yang biasa dimasukinya. Ndari menangis kesakitan.

Laki-laki itu tak peduli.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 238)

I'm sure the narration above can make anyone who reads got a

goosebumps, cause violence act as described above is very condemnable

and more than heinous. It is so clear that Ndari is seen as the mean of

gratification and pleasure which in any norm is harmful. Here, paklik

character sees women as an object to satisfy his sexual desire whenever

he wants without thinking that he already has a wife, without thinking

that she is his niece, without thinking that she's just an innocent little girl.

This act of violence in form of rape is disgusting and against human right

and it is fully condemned by all of the human in this world especially by

the feminists.

In conclusion, female characters that I've mention above in Okky

Madasri's Entrok are victims of male dominance that involves violence

act where women are constantly being viewed as lesser than men, and

those acts are the reason that causes the feminism movement raise with a

hope that someday the patriarch can be erased so women can get their

right and can be seen equally to men.

As plato stated in his mimetic approach that literary work is an imitation

or representation of the world and human life (Nurrachman, 2017, p. 6).

so those acts shown in this novel could be really happened in real life.

As a closing, I think that‘s why feminism deserves to exist so that later

Mary Wollstonecraft's noble ideals will be achieved.

―But, we shall not see women affectionate till more equality be established in

society, till ranks are confounded and women freed, neither shall we see that

dignified domestic happiness, the simple grandeur of which cannot be relished

by ignorant or vitiated minds; nor will the important task of education ever be

properly begun till the person of a woman is no longer preferred to her mind.

For it would be as wise to expect corn from tares, or figs from thistles, as that

a foolish ignorant woman should be a good mother.‖ (Wollstonecraft, 1792, p.




NOL KARYA NAWAL EL-SAADAWI. Dirasah, 2(3), 15–16.

Wollstonecraft, M. (1870). A Vindication of the Rights of Woman with

Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects [1792].

Nurrachman, D. (2017). Introduction To Criticism. Bandung: Pustaka

Aura Semesta.

Madasary, Okky. (2010). Entrok. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Irma Sakina, A., & Dessy Hasanah Siti, dan A. (2016). MENYOROTI


WORK JURNAL, 7(1), 1–129.

- Nice and could be better if you are just consistent with one topic to Meilani Asrina Sri Lestari
- This still shows some jumped-up ideas
- Some narratives and analysis are relevant with the theory used, some

80 = A
others not
- Needs more critical-analytical statements 5D
- Still lack of relevant theoretical supports


In social life there are always forms of agreement embedded in the social

environment regarding the roles, rights, and obligations for each

individual, both male and female, until gradually it becomes a belief,

habit, and even more than that it becomes a rule.

This is not born just like that but develops over time even though all

social agreements that are born of course start from the dominance

power in it, so that the agreement that is present can be called a winning

product in that environment into a collective idea held by the community.

Departing from this opinion, there is a potential gap that is built up due

to the dominance of one party in it and without realizing it becomes the

forerunner of gender subordination. Gender subordination is when there

is a gender being seconded in terms of roles and rights that can be

obtained such as an agreement on who should earn a living and who

should take care of the household and in this case it often happens to

women or commonly called patriarchal culture, even more so the ideas of

subordinating women often appears not only in society but also in a

literary work, it should also be realized that cultural or literary texts are

media that provide a space to internalize a value and understanding to

society, silently or even unconsciously.

One example of inculcating ideas about such phenomena in literary

works is that when the researcher found out after carefully and

thoroughly reading the novel Entrok by Okky Madasari. A novel that tells

the story of the struggle of Sumarni's life, a woman who dreams of

having an 'entrok' or bra after seeing one of her friends who uses it, but

because of her family's poor condition, her dreams must be put aside for

more important things, although this did not dampen Sumarni's intention

to have it, so that she joined the market with her mother only to find out

another fact that in the market women who work are not paid with

money, the story continues until finally Sumarni can fight for her fate to

live, marry, and have a child which also takes the reader on another series

of events.

In looking at women's subordination through collective ideas in this

novel, the researcher will use an expressive approach. This approach was

taken to assist researchers in finding deeper forms of thought and the

author's outpouring of the theme of this research. Abrams also stated


―Expressive criticism treats a literary work primarily in

relation to its author. It defines poetry as an expression, or
overflow, or utterance of feelings, or as the product of the
poet's imagination operating on his or her perceptions,
thoughts, and feelings; it tends to judge the work by its
sincerity, or its adequacy to the poet's individual vision or
state of mind; and it often seeks in the work evidences of
the particular temperament and experiences of the author
who, consciously or unconsciously, has revealed himself or
herself in it.‖ (Abrams, 1999:52)
First of all, this novel opens with the character of Sumarni who is very

eager to buy 'entrok' so that his body feels comfortable,

―‖Ini entrok,‖ kata Tinah. Di Kali Singget, saat kami mandi, Tinah menunjukkan

entrok-nya. Ada dua segitiga yang bisa menutup gumpalan dada. Ukurannya pas

dan agak menekan. Entrok itu menekan dada Tinah sehingga tetap kencang, tidak

nglawer-nglawer, meskipun dia berlari kencang atau melompat. Aku juga ingin

memilikinya. Pada Simbok, kukatakan keinginanku‖. (Madasari, 2021: 17)

but just as she said this to the Simbok character, he was immediately hit

by a sense of inferiority from herself when faced with the fact that she

was a woman and was in a poor family.

―Entrok memang terlalu mewah untuk aku dan Simbok. Apa yang
masih dipikirkan seorang perempuan kere buta huruf dengan
tanggungan seorang anak selain hanya makan? Suaminya, yang
konon adalah bapakku, minggat entah ke mana. Sejak kapan dia
pergi aku juga tak ingat. Samar samar aku hanya ingat Bapak
meninggalkan kami waktu aku pertama kali bisa mengangkat panci
yang airnya mendidih dari pawon.‖ (Madasari, 2021: 18)
Sumarni's sense of inferiority is so strong, even the researchers see that

her desire to buy entrok is a form of subordination of women themselves

because it shows that women's goals or dreams are so low due to their

education that they are afraid to dream of others or because only from

there she can get happiness

―Kumainkan uang-uang itu dengan kedua tanganku, sementara pikiranku

berkelana. Apa lagi kalau bukan ke mimpiku. Aku harus punya banyak uang

untuk membeli banyak entrok, yang berenda dan yang berhiaskan emas permata.‖

(Madasari, 2021: 42)

The behavior shown by Sumarni is an illustration and a concrete form of

Mary Wollstonecraft's words, namely the subordination of women in

making their own choices due to lack of education, stated in Nurrachman


―For instance, the severest sarcasms have been levelled

against the sex, and they have been ridiculed for repeating
'a set of phrases learned by rote. , when nothing could be
more natural, considering the education they receive, and
that their 'highest praise is to obey, unargued the will‘ -of
man. If they be not allowed to have reason sufficient to
govern their own conduct-why, all they learn-must be
learned by rote!‖ (Wollstonecraft in Nurrachman,
The idea that Sumarni had is not just coming like that, as discussed at the

beginning that one of the reasons for women's feelings of inferiority is

the collective idea that society has so that it can be internalized to them.

―Teja terbahak-bahak mendengar permintaanku. Sungguh bukan jawaban seperti itu

yang kuinginkan. Aku menunggu agak lama untuk mendapatkan jawaban yang

sebenarnya. ‖Ni, kamu ada-ada saja. Nggak ada perempuan nguli. Nggak akan

kuat. Sudah, perempuan itu kerja yang ringan-ringan aja. Ngupas singkong.‖

(Madasari, 2021: 34)

Similar things to what Teja's character said to Sumarni's character was

also expressed by another character that women's duties are nothing but

light work such as peeling cassava, cooking, and selling. It can be seen

that women's understanding of being 'weak' has become commonplace

and is agreed upon by the audience to the point that their position is

weakened not only in terms of job restrictions but more than that in

terms of wages given because in this novel there are no women who are

given money but with food ingredients, patriarchal culture is clearly

displayed in these phenomena.

On the other hand, the phenomenon of women's subordination does not

only occur in the economic sphere as happens in the market, but in the

household realm there is an incident where the wife is forced to obey her


――Suamiku itu lho, Ni. Dia gendakan sama kledek. Sudah lama, Ni. Tapi aku

diam saja. Aku nggak mau ribut, nggak mau cari masalah. Tapi aku nggak kuat,

Ni. Hatiku diiris-iris.‖Tangis Bu Juju meledak. Hanya kami berdua yang ada di

rumah itu.‖ (Madasari, 2021: 42)

There was also an incident at the Ngranget market where there was a

verbal and physical fight between Yu Parti and Yu Yem because Yu Parti

knew that her husband had married Yu Yem who was as old as her first

child, and one of Yu Yem's words was quite interesting to show the

normalizing of men‘s madness in this novel that is

―Yu Yem, yang terlihat takut, terpancing dan mulai marah. Dengan suara tak

kalah kencang, dia membalas kata-kata Yu Parti. ‖Enak saja, nyebut aku sundal.

Sampeyan sendiri yang tidak bisa ngladeni suami. Bukan salahku kalau suami

sampeyan mau kawin sama aku.‖‖ (Madasari, 2021: 28)

And before that incident Yu Parti had said something that both

normalized male madness, namely

―Yu Parti bukan tidak mengetahui hal itu. Kata Nyai Dimah, Yu Parti pernah

berkata, ‖Namanya juga laki-laki. Asal mbaliknya tetap ke kandang ya nggak


(Madasari, 2021: 31)

Then, after the fight at the market stall, Yu Parti was brought home by

his husband without resistance and without anger, even though in truth

the cheating party was the guilty party, but in this case Yu Parti more

blamed and cursed Yu Yem as his mistress. The behavior shown by the

two women is indeed irrational and even makes it natural for men to have

an affair, without questioning or fighting them, they must obey the

madness of any man here.

―It seems a little absurd to expect women to be more

reasonable than men in their likings. And still to deny them
the uncontrolled use of reason. When do men /all-in-love

with sense? When do they, with their superior powers and
advantages, turn from the person to the mind? And how
can they then expect women, who are only taught to
observe behaviour, and acquire manners rather than
morals, to despise what they have been all their lives
labouring to attain?‖ (Wollstonecraft on Nurrachman,
In addition, the powerlessness of women in making their own choices is

also experienced by Sumarni's character when she is married without her

knowledge, even though the person she marries is the man she loves, but

she herself said that she was not ready to advance to marriage due to

hearing stories of household problems of their raw customers.

―Ternyata tanpa sepengetahuanku, Mbah Noto menyampaikan

keinginan Teja untuk mengawiniku pada Simbok. Malam itu, di
belakang rumah, saat kuulangi permintaanku pada Mbah Ibu Bumi
Bapa Kuasa, Simbok berbisik pelan, ‖Nduk, anak perempuan itu
harus punya suami, punya anak. Kalau sudah ada yang melamar
tidak boleh ditolak, bisa kualat, jadi perawan tua.‖ Aku tak
membantah omongan Simbok. Tak mengiakannya. Tapi hanya tiga
hari setelah itu, kami telah berada di rumah Kamituwo. Kamituwo
menyuruh Teja menirukan ucapannya. Paklik berada di samping
Kamituwo. Aku sendiri duduk di dapur, bersama Simbok, Bulik,
dan istri Kamituwo.‖ (Madasari, 2021: 48)
Departing from this quote, patriarchal culture is so embedded in every

side, the irony is that this culture is no longer questioned or even resisted

but has been taken for granted by women, as revealed by Johnson (2004).

―To demonstrate that gender oppressions exists, we don't

have to show that men are villains, that women are good-
hearted victims, that women don't participate in their own

opinion, or that men never oppose it. If a society is
oppressiv, then people who grow up and live in it will tend
to accept, identify with, and participate in it as "normal"
and unremarkable life. that's the path of least resistance
‖(Johnson, 2004:26)
When this culture of patriarchy and subordination is continuously

legitimized by society, the opportunity for women to rise up and seek

gender equality is getting smaller, because every time women carry out

the slightest resistance, they are immediately denied and turned off, even

oppression will come not from the side of men but also from other

women who have been brainwashed to obey the agreements that has

been made, such as when Simbok's character talks about what is

appropriate and inappropriate for a woman when Sumarni's character

says she wants to be a labourer in the market, that kind of thinking will

make it difficult for women to rise up to fight her rights.

―This cruel association of ideas, which everything conspires

to twist into all their habits of thinking, or, to speak with
more precision, of feeling, receives new force when they
begin to act a little for themselves; for they then perceive
that it is only through their address to excite emotions in
men, that pleasure and power are to be obtained‖
(Wollstonecraft on Nurrachman, 2017:135)
The phenomena mentioned have been able to describe the position of

women in the social environment, how women are placed second in

society through debilitating agreements that also limit them from claiming

their own rights and choices, especially without realizing that the female

character in this novel is only formed to be a wife for take care of the

kitchen and children as expressed by Betty Friedan in her essay on

Feminine Mystique (1964) "for women, in all the columns, books and

articles by experts telling women their role was to seek fulfillment as

wives and mothers." (Friedan, 1964:15)

It is true that women's rights can be fought for through a series of

movements from each individual, but in the end when faced with a large

audience who stems it completely, the journey will be very difficult, and

such patterns are instilled by Okky Madasari in this Entrok novel, she

internalizes patriarchal values through collective ideas that are present in

the community and elements of women's subordination either

intentionally or unintentionally by the author, but these patriarchal values

are present and are hidden in this novel.


Abrams, M. H., & Harpham, G. (2014). A glossary of literary terms. Nelson


Friedan, B. (1964). The feminine mystique (Vol. 2498).

Johnson, A. G. (2004). Patriarchy, the system. Women‘s lives: Multicultural

perspectives, 3, 25-32.

Madasari, O. (2021). Entrok. Jakarta. PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Nurrachman, D. (2017). Introduction to Criticism. Bandung. Pustaka Aura


- Nice and could better if you consistent with one topic to discuss
- Some still having retelling than real analysis
- Still having some jumped-up ideas Melisa Betha
- Some narratives and analysis are relevant with the topic, some others not
- Needs more critical-analytical arguments
- Still lack of theoretical justifications

70 = B
- Still lack of relevant sources to cite, esp in supporting the arguments
- You can do your favor to write the title freely, but just remember that the title 5-D
also should represent the content of the discussion


The problem upon woman in society we live in is not simply in within from

the woman itself. More and beyond the iceberg it was structured and

systematically by the power relation of patriarchy. Following the thought of

Guo that “patriarchy is a social structure in which males are the primary

authority figures in charge of social organization, property ownership, moral

authority, political leadership, and other aspects of life. where males in the

family have power over women and children household” (Guo, 2018) which

substitutes in culture which hold the power to create what woman or how

woman is and must be to live in society. Moreover, in signification of this

proposal statement can be seen in every product of its such as symbol, norm,

stereotype, even government policy, and so on. In vivid instance such as the

prohibition where woman cannot go outside alone in night, it is unnatural

where woman do difficult manually labor, the RUU PKS in Indonesia which

is hanged and is still being debated even though it is critical needed, and the
disgusting jargon where woman only live at bed (kasur), kitchen (dapur),

and well (sumur).

This patriarchy is so rejoiced and flourished in current situation especially,

and very detrimental for woman, if there is no movement and people who

fight for the equality. As considered for the fundamental gender problem in

feminism by Amelia Valcárcel

“The sexes were not equal; they were complementary. That was the way of

Nature, and the new socio-political order should not go against its will.

Feminism claimed that male domination was a political construct”

(Valcárcel, 2002).

This chain of statement is emerged by Wollstonecraft on her powerful essay

about woman and regarded as the birth intellectual foundation of feminism

which the title is A Vindication of The Rights of Woman “This, habitual

slavery, to first impressions, has a more beneful effect on the female than the

male character, because bossiness and other dry employments of the

understanding, tend to deaden the feelings and break associations that do

violence to reason” (Nurachman, 2017). The contribution of Mary

Wollstonecraft has provoked the consciousness about the woman in fighting

for equality in society which in the end of the day it is called as feminism as

the theoretical foundation and movement.

Following this issue upon woman, a novel by Okky Madasari has certainly

developed in portraying the systematically persecution on woman in every

form, regardless the main character is two-woman Marni and Rahayu as

mother and daughter who has conflict of belief. The story also remains the

strugle of Marni and other woman in gaining her equality starting from the

symbol of buying “entrok” independently, wealth, power, etc. Experiencing

the violence, abuse, raped onto their subjectivity.

Thus, to criticize the woman persecution through this novel, this study will

acknowledge trough mimetic approach which treats and emphasizes

judgment in the perspective of the reflection from real life, based on the

sincerity of imitation. As followed the argument of Abrams who stated that

“Mimetic criticism views the literary work as an imitation, or reflection, or

representation of the world and human life, and the primary criterion applied

to a work is the "truth" of its representation to the subject matter that it

represents, or should represent” (Abrams, 1999). Thus, this study will

analysis every systematically type of persecution in the struggle of woman to

have the right of her equality.

As the first glance the narration which representing of persecution is started

from the narrative of Marni since a young girl who has will to buy entrok, as

quoted below.

“Teja terbahak-bahak mendengar permintaanku. Sungguh bukan jawaban

seperti itu yang kuinginkan. Aku menunggu agak lama untuk mendapatkan

jawaban yang sebenarnya.”Ni, kamu ada-ada saja. Nggak ada perempuan


Nggak akan kuat. Sudah, perempuan itu kerja yang ringan-ringan aja.

Ngupas singkong.”

”Aku kuat, Kang. Biasanya aku juga nggendong tenggok,

nggendong goni. Bakul-bakul itu juga banyak yang mengangkat

sendiri dagangannya dari rumah ke pasar. Hanya priyayi-priyayi saja yang

nggak kuat ngangkat goni.”.” (Madasari, 2010)

This portrayal imitation showing of Okky Madasari intension which showing

the unfair system of work that woman was persecuted by irrelevant opinion,

fictive, and untrue where woman is already domesticated by its form to only

work in light work and most importantly it was said by Teja as a young man.

Moreover, this can be signified as a type where woman needs to struggle

even to do basic right of human to work is limited which is fundamental to

fulfilling the needs of life from being paid. This is corelates with

Wollstonecraft thought that “this cruel association of ideas, which everything

conspires to twist into all their habits of thinking, or, to speak with more

precission, of feeling, receives new force to begin to act a little for

themselves” (Nurachman, 2017). Thus, in act a little for the right of herself

as human being Marni as young girl was precluded sharply by its fact as girl.

In second representation is more severe where this was not only the main

character yet has vivid violence upon woman for having partner in unfair

way, as down here.

“ Sedulur-sedulur, si Iyem ini sundal. Suami orang direbut juga,” teriak Yu

Parti dengan penuh amarah.

Yu Yem, yang terlihat takut, terpancing dan mulai marah.

Dengan suara tak kalah kencang, dia membalas kata-kata Yu Parti. ”Enak

saja, nyebut aku sundal. Sampeyan sendiri yang tidak bisa ngladeni suami.

Bukan salahku kalua suami sampeyan mau kawin sama aku.”

”Dasar sundal, perebut suami orang.” Yu Parti mulai kehilangan

kesabaran” (Madasari, 2010)

Yet the representation of man namely Pak Suyat and womans Yu Parti and

Yu Yem privilege is very turn upside down here just like nothing to do, or in

other word has no certain impact to the man while in fact each character has

its own fair error if it determined as error.

“Yu Parti bukan tidak mengetahui hal itu. Kata Nyai Dimah, Yu Parti

pernah berkata, ”Namanya juga laki-laki. Asal mbaliknya tetap ke kandang

ya nggak apa-apa.” Pak Suyat memang tetap kembali ke kandang. Tapi

tidak lagi setiap hari. Entah ke kandang mana dia pulang saat tak bersama

Yu Parti. Belakangan, Yu Parti tahu Pak Suyat selalu pulang ke rumah Yu

Yem. Pak Suyat menggilir mereka. Jika hari ini bersama Yu Parti, besoknya

pasti pulang ke rumah Yu Yem. Kabar Yu Yem telah menjadi gendakan Pak

Suyat menjadi omongan di mana-mana. Yu Parti akhirnya marah dan

melabrak Yu Yem.” (Madasari, 2010)

This is fundamentally as an intentional imitation from Okky Madasari where

woman is constructed socially to cannot have a choice her will and wish in

having partner. The acceptance of Yu parti which driven by a man is the

systematically a genuine loss of her subject in bargain to say no to her

husband. This regarded by Wollstonecraft that “But one grand truth woman

have yet to learn, though much it imports them to act accordingly. In the

choice of husband, they should not be astray by the qualities of a lover-for a

lover the husband, even supposing him to be wise and virtuous, cannot long

remain. Were woman rationally educated, could they take a more

comprehensive view” (Nurachman, 2017). Yet here, Yu Parti and Yu Yem

was constructed to be blind to see in comprehensive view to all this partner

stuffs. Pre assumption is because they have not enough education and the

man Pak Suyat take the advantage.

Moreover, in the next quotation of Entrok is a vivid a persecution by the

imitation of irrational projection where woman has no chance to say no, in

other words the provided answer only for woman in dealing something is


“Ternyata tanpa sepengetahuanku, Mbah Noto menyampaikan keinginan

Teja untuk mengawiniku pada Simbok. Malam itu, di belakang rumah, saat

kuulangi permintaanku pada Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapa Kuasa, Simbok berbisik

pelan,”Nduk, anak perempuan itu harus punya suami, punya anak. Kalau

sudah ada yang melamar tidak boleh ditolak, bisa kualat, jadi perawan tua.”

(Madasari, 2010).

This can be seen and justified clarification where Okky Madasari is very

highlighting the reality of woman in choice is being persecuted even between

woman and woman itself. the answer has no room to say the opposite

request. As regarded Wollstonecraft consideration that “in the fact the female

mind has been totally neglected” (Nurachman, 2017) Therefore, in radical

point of view, the free will as woman is die, stolen, and raped, woman here

by the narration of “Kalau sudah ada yang melamar tidak boleh ditolak, bisa

kualat, jadi perawan” (Madasari, 2010), it is also show that woman pride is

determined by the virginity, not her quality of self like thinking, emotion or

even skill to answer the challenge of life.

The next persecution comes up from the state apparatus role which has the

norm to be wise and can be relied on to solve the conflict fair. Yet here is

just word to do so, especially to be fair in gender equality. As served below.

”Semua yang terkumpul selama jadi suami-istri ya berarti yang punya

berdua, to. Dan namanya laki-laki kan biasanya yang mencari semuanya.

Lagi pula kalau sudah untuk anak kan sudah tidak ada masalah. Wong kita

hidup memang mau bikin mulia anak-anak kita,” Pak Lurah masih

melanjutkan ceramahnya. ”Penyelesaian ini diterima saja. Daripada nanti

diurus negara malah jadi repot semuanya,” kata Pak Lurah mengakhiri

pembicaraan.” (Madasari, 2010)

This reflection is showing persecution upon woman was done state apparatus

which is officially as the government face to serve and help people as the

subject of service. Okky Maddasari reveals two persecutions at once, first

Marni as woman was forced and abused to be subtle on her financial

independent with the accusing that all wealth is only come from man hands,

second persecution is Marni as the people of the state was abused to accept

all the unfair offers. This is the most broken hearted of woman where all

hopes are gone even officially. This presentation is also emerging the

thought that the world only spinning around man, as Wollstonecraft

consideration that “for they then perceive that is only through their address to

excite emotions in men, that pleasure and power are to be obtained”

(Nurachman, 2017). The rejection of Marni to this persecution from state

apparatus was double damaged by the cultural reference of Jawa which state

by Pak Lurah as the inevitable culture and must be obeyed no matter what

about the ultimate role of men.

“Ini tidak adil, Pak. Aku yang mengumpulkan semua harta ini. Kok bisa-

bisanya dibagi dua begitu saja tanpa bertanya ke aku? Orang ini yang tidak

pernah ngerti susahnya mengumpulkan barang dari sedikit, enak sekali tiba-

tiba dapat jatah yang sama dengan anakku. Apanya yang adil, Pak Lurah?”

”Ya memang begini ini adatnya orang Jawa. Namanya suami-istri itu cuma

satu. Sampeyan tidak bisa bilang ini yang mencari sampeyan. Ini yang punya

kalian berdua. Lagi pula orangtua mencari harta itu kan buat anak. Jadi kalau

sudah buat anak ya sudah, to?” (Madasari, 2010).

This imitation constantly portraying the persecution upon woman was forced

by the narrative of culture and race. This indication of serials problem in

emerging culture and race, those are made woman is cursed even if they are

not born yet from the womb of Javanese woman as her mother and the

second insight of the problem is upon the problem where woman is not being

treat as human being yet merely as instrument, facility, and rudely as a tool.

“Dari hari ke hari, aku merasa kami semakin dekat. Bukan, bukan dekat

yang seperti itu. Ini kedekatan yang tak tampak, yang hanya diketahui kami

berdua. Saat aku memandangnya, sambil menyimak ceramahnya, aku selalu

merasa dia mengetahuinya. Lalu dia menoleh, membalas pandanganku, lalu

tersenyum. Lembut dan tipis. Hanya aku yang bisa mengetahuinya. Hanya

beberapa detik, namun selalu berulang. Dan aku merasa kian hari kami

kian terikat. Toh yang seperti ini bukan dosa”

The narrative representation here showed that woman in fact through Okky

Madasary imitation can be justified where woman thinking was neglected to

respect what is love and the nature of love itself and show as the expectation

Rahayu gross wishes, this can be more clarified following the causality of

how Rahayu admires Armi, as presented as the last quotation.

“Katanya dia memang keturunan Arab. Ratusan tahun lalu leluhurnya

berlayar untuk berdagang sampai ke Aceh. Dari Aceh mereka menyusuri

pantai barat Sumatra, lalu sampai di Padang. Mereka memilih tinggal di

Padang, turun-menurun, hingga generasi saat ini, yang entah sudah

keberapa. Ketampanannya sepadan dengan segala kelebihan otak dan

kesantunannya. Dia hafalkan setiap kata-kata Tuhan. Lalu dengan

bahasanya sendiri dia akan menerangkan maknanya kepada setiap orang.

Dengan santun menyentuh kesadaran setiap orang yang mendenga”

(Madasari, 2010).

This admiration from the eyes of Rahayu is preserving the blind spot where

woman cannot see the actual need of seeking real partner, this could be

neglected by the common assumption which substitute to persecuting the

unconsciousness of woman in the society. As following the comment of

Wollstonecraft to the woman situation in her era that “Could these girl have

been injured by the perusal of novels? Almost forgot the shade in the

character of one of them, she affected by a simplicity bordering on folly”

(Nurachman, 2017).

As a conclusion the study will remain insight to concluded that in Okky

Madasary imitation about type persecutions of woman are system of work,

genuine loss in bargaining to man, the subjectivity right to choose the

affirmative and opposite, state apparatus, traditional vogue of java, the right

to get her financial independent, and the unconsciousness in viewing man, all

those are dominated and constructed by man in every system of life. Yet here

as final words this study declare to all devil form domination in persecuting

woman, woman is human as its nature not a body which only waiting to die

in the hands of man. Woman will fight, all woman around the world

assemble to fight for equality.


Abrams, M. H. (1999). A Glossary of Literary Terms (7th ed). Boston:

Thomson Learning.

Guo, R. M. (2018). Brief Analysis of Feminist Literary Criticism. Beijing:

The Drama Publishing House of China.

Madasari, O. (2010). Entrok. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Nurachman, D. (2017). Introduction to Critica Theory. Bandung: Pustaka

Aura Semesta.

Valcárcel, A. (2002). The collective memory and. Santiago: United Nations


- Too many paragraphs Name : Mila Jamilatussarifah
- Too many unnecessary informations
- Such an irrelevant discussion NIM : 1195030136
- Such a misleading analysis
- Wordsworth's theory is hardly related to political view
- Learn more Wordsworthian theory of romanticism 60 = C Class : 5D



Literature can be understood as a sign of a social phenomenon. In general,

social impulses give birth to various kinds of life activities, such as social,

economic, political, ethical beliefs, and others. So, this social impulse

ultimately encourages the creation of literary works that inevitably fight for

these various forms of social activity. Authors or writers are the creators of

literary works. Authors create various literary works according to their

respective backgrounds. Both social background, cultural background

including the religion adopted by an author. Even a literary work is also

influenced by the background of the author's era. This is in accordance with

Saryono's opinion that “literature is not just an artifact (inanimate object),

but literature is a living figure. As a living figure, literature develops

dynamically accompanying other figures, such as politics, economy, art, and

culture. Literature is considered capable of being a guide to the path of truth

because good literature is literature that is written with full honesty, clarity,

sincerity, wisdom, and the nobility of human conscience. Good literature is

able to remind, awaken, and return humans to the proper path, namely the

path of truth in an effort to fulfill their life tasks” (Saryono,2009). Literature

can be seen as a social phenomenon (Luxemburg, 1984). This is because

literature is written in a certain period which is directly related to the norms

and customs of that era and literary authors are part of a society or place

themselves as members of that society.

The novel is a form of reflection of the author's mental awareness of the

values that live and develop in the midst of society because the novel is

never separated from the socio-cultural system that surrounds it. Thus, a

social phenomenon can be one of the elements of a novel. Every novel as a

literary creation generally has a certain mandate. That is, the author tries to

activate the reader to accept his ideas about various aspects of life. Likewise,

the way the author views female characters as a form of concretization of

aspirations, ideas, views and values about women themselves.

Talking about the author's position, the researcher in this essay will analyze a

novel entitled Entrok Kaya Okky Madasari. It is undeniable that the author

has certain aims and objectives in making literary works. Literary works are

made in such a way as to spread the values that the writer wants to spread.

For example, in this novel, Okky re-examines the situation in Indonesia in

1950. As we all know that at that time, Indonesia was not doing well. There

are countless conflicts scattered all over. The power that exists in this novel

is described as oppressive power to innocent people, the state misinterprets

the independence of its own nation because there are too many conflicts,

especially in this novel it raises the dark history in Indonesia, namely about

the PKI party.

This novel was published in 2010, it means the author has a certain intention

in creating the Entrok novel. There is something that Okky wants to convey

as a form of straightening the history that has occurred. The uniqueness of

literary works lies in that, consciously and unconsciously, the reader will be

made to think again about what has passed. In this case, the author has a kind

of principle in making a story. I don't know what the background behind the

author is, but what is certain is that the work created by the author is a social

phenomenon. This is in accordance with the view of Sugihastuti that

“literary works are the media used by authors to convey their ideas and

experience”s. As a medium, the role of literature is as a medium to connect

the author's thoughts to be conveyed to all readers in the world or in

agreement with Wordsworth that “man speaking to man”(Nurachman, 2017).

In addition, literary works can also reflect the author's views on various

problems observed in his environment. The social reality presented through

the text to the reader is a description of various social phenomena that have

occurred in society and are presented again by the author in different forms

and ways. In addition, literary works can entertain, increase knowledge and

enrich the reader's insight in a unique way, namely by writing them in

narrative form. So that the message is conveyed to the reader without the

impression of being patronizing.

But literature is complex. The meaning of the story in a work of fiction can

be more than one. This, according to Nurgiyantoro tha“it is difficult to

determine the main theme of the story or major theme (meaning: the main

meaning of the story which is the basis or general idea of the

work)(Nurgiyantoro, 2009). The main meaning of the story is implied in

most of the whole story, while the additional meaning contained in it is

called the additional theme or minor theme. Interpretation of it must be done

based on the facts that exist as a whole to build the story. Hill in Pradopp

states that “literary works are a complex structure, so to understand the need

for analysis, namely the decomposition of its elements”(Pradopo,1995).

Interpretation of literary works aims to clarify its meaning. In addition,

Pradopo reveals that “literary analysis is carried out to understand the

meaning of literary works as deeply as possible”(Pradopo,1995).

Furthermore, suggests that “literary research can function for the

advancement of literature itself and interests outside of

literature”(Endraswara,2008). The interest in literature is to improve the

quality of literary creation. While interests outside of literature are related to

aspects outside of literature, such as religion, philosophy, morals, and so on

which are strongly influenced by the content of literature as a document of

the times. So that literary research has pragmatic value that will be useful for

other relevant sciences. Literary research is not only a purely scientific or

academic task, but must also be able to provide enlightenment for the

development, selection, dissemination of literature and explain the things

related in it. So, the function of literary research will be a medium for readers

to understand the content of the story and the meaning in the text written by

the author.

Based on the opinion that has been mentioned above, the researcher in this

essay uses an expressive approach. The expressive approach views literary

works as expressions or overflows, expressions of feelings as a result of the

author's imagination, thoughts, and feelings, this tends to weigh literary

works with their authenticity, or the author's state of mind and

psychology(Pradopo,2013). Whereas the expressive approach is an approach

in literary studies that focuses on the study of the expression of the author's

feelings or temperament, in this approach the assessment of works of art, the

expression of the author's life. So that the basic assumption of this essay can

prove that Okky Madasari uses literary works as a tool in his political


Moreover, the author depicted its expression trough the power of describing,

portraying a complex scenery how politic event may leads such a massive

crowd. This also can be claimed that the author promotes the thought about

literacy and political attitudes in an Indonesian state are still low, it show

how sentiment to them who not take its right to vote in the election.

“Saat sepeda yang mereka tumpangi menghilang di ujung jalan, aku

mengikuti rombongan orang-orang yang menuju balai desa. Ingin melihat

keramaian yang ada di sana. Katanya pemilu itu sama ramainya dengan

pertunjukan wayang kulit. Di sana banyak orang yang menonton, ada

gambyong, juga banyak pedagang keliling. Balai desa sudah ramai. Ada

penjual arum manis, balon, bakso, dan cendol. Di halaman balai desa dibuat

tiga kamar dari tripleks. Orang-orang berdiri mengular di pintu tiap kamar.

Ada banyak petugas berseragam loreng-loreng. Mereka memegang pistol,

mengatur orang-orang. Meneriaki kalau ada yang nyolong antrean atau

pulang sebelum masuk ke kamar coblosan”(Madasari, 2010)

This thought and technique is related to Wordsworth who ever said

that“poem is to relate and describe the incident or emotion by the language

of men and to throw it with coloring imagination, simply ordinary thing

should be presented as an unusual and interesting”(Nurachman, 2017).

Following from this the author is simply wants to tell that election day can

be a party for people and warn that it can be so sentimental during the event.

Moreover, the author feeling is exposed to”Cik Lien” character that the

confusion about political ideology in such a way are very racist. It is

irrational where political ideology may leads on the oppression about

religion. As presented below.

“Aku tak tahu apa itu kelenteng. Cik Ellen sepertinya mengerti

kebingunganku. Katanya kelenteng itu tempat orang-orang Cina menyembah

leluhur. Mereka menyimpan abu nenek moyang dalam guci yang disimpan di

kelenteng, lalu berdoa di sana. Sejak goro-goro PKI, orang tidak boleh lagi

ke kelenteng. Kelenteng-kelenteng ditutup”(Madasari, 2010)

The author feeling in this narration is nothing but its interaction trough

reality and its creative skill to draw such confusion idea. This claim is

regarded to Wordsworth who said that“It means that literary woks the

process of creativity to response the interaction from the emotion and the

nature that made the feeling exist cause the object excites the feeling

strongly”(Nurachman, 2017).

There also a confusion where political ideology creating violence trough

freedom of speech and expression, this politic is very cruel. The author

seemingly criticized a system where government was taken by tyrant

whorules the state. This also contain the testimonial from the author which

can be claim as a developed feeling to makes this phenomenon important to

be discussed. Moreover, this is related with the consideration about the

author from Wordsworth that “feeling theirin developed gives the

importance of action and situation”(Nurachman, 2017)

“Tapi, ya siapa yang bisa menantang negara. Tentara-tentara itu

menyebutnya golongan PKI. Tikno masuk penjara dan tak pernah kembali

sampai sekarang. Istri dan anaknya sejak itu kere. Tak ada yang mau

memberi pekerjaan, karena mereka keluarga orang PKI. Istri Tikno, Yu Nah,

tak pernah bisa ikut nderep, padahal itulah satu-satunya yang bisa

dikerjakan. Semua orang yang punya sawah menolaknya. Pernah dia datang

ke rumah ini, minta bekerja membantu Tonah. Tapi aku tak mau, takut

membuat masalah. Urusanku sudah banyak”

The next author projection is quite unseen but in deep understanding, it can

be identified a natural order where human is can very easy to pick a side,

easy to belief, and easy to force their belief to other by promoting every day.

It just like how boring Bu Lastri telling her admiration about the army, and

Teja about Beringin Party.

“Di sekolahan, Bu Lastri selalu bercerita tentang kehebatan tentara. Mereka

selalu menjaga kita. Orang-orang yang selalu memberi kita rasa aman.

Bapak terus berbicara tentang pemilu pertama yang diikutinya dan

kehebatan Partai Beringin. Bapak tidak ada bedanya dengan tentara-tentara

itu. Kami tiba di rumah saat malam telah larut. Tak ada lagi orang lalu

lalang. Suara gamelan dan teriakan ”Cayo!” para penari gambyong

terdengar sayup-sayup. Mereka akan terus berpesta sampai terdengar kokok

ayam”(Madasari, 2010)

Moreover this show that the author may warn through its wise understanding

to stop, in other words the author tends the novel as a tool to tell about the

human is very political creature but once also withing is telling people to be

normal about it. This is very amazing of how the author namely Okky

Madasari promoting the natural order that human is political creature and the

truth that human is easy to belief. This is term is such an immortal pattern

which made this novel will durable because take the theme as intemporal

theme as Wordsworth stated that“And from the necessary character of rural

occupations are more easily comprehended; and are more durable; and lastly,

because in that situation the passions of men are incorporated with the

beautiful and permanent forms of nature”(Nurachman, 2017)

As a result , this essay claimed that author use this novel as a tool to convey

its political view which emerged from author’s experience, ideology, feeing,

and belief trough the scenery in the novel, characters and their experiences,

that author interest to dislike about tyrant, intolerance ideology, and forcing

ideology to other person.


Endaswara, Suwardi. 2008. Metodelogi Penelitan Sastra Epistemologi,


Teori, Dan Aplikasi. Yogyakarta: CAPS (Center for Academic



Nurgiyantoro, Burhan. 2009. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta: Gadjah

Mada University Press.

Pradopo, Rachmat Djoko. 2013. Beberapa Teori Sastra, Metode Kritik, dan

Penerapannya. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Ratna, Rachmat Kutha. 2015. Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra.


Pustaka Pelajar.

Saryono, Djoko. 2009. Dasar Apresiasi Sastra. Yogyakarta: Elmatera


Luxemburg, J.Et. All. 1984. Pengantar Ilmu Sastra. Jakarta: Gramedia.

Sugihastuti. 2007. Teori Apresiasi Sastra. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

60 = C
- Truly lack of focus
- What do you want to discuss actually?
- What theory do you want to use/apply actually?
- Too many introductory paragraphs Name: Moch Alif Yasin M
- Tooooooo many unnecessary informations
- Truly lack of real analysis
- There's no real analysis based on the theory of criticism learned in the class NIM: 1195030137
- Truly an inconsistent discussion
Class: 5D

The reality of religious life in the book Entrok by Okky Madasari

Linguistically, religion is the belief in and worship of a

superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. In

terms, religion is a social-cultural system of designated behaviors and

practices, morals, beliefs, worldviews, texts, sanctified places, prophecies,

ethics, or organizations, that relates humanity to supernatural,

transcendental, and spiritual elements; however, there is no scholarly

consensus over what precisely constitutes a religion.

Belief, or commonly called religion, has existed since the

beginning of human creation according to Islamic beliefs. Although

according to researchers belief emerged at 6 million years ago.

While scholars such as Ioan Couliano or Marija Gimbutas

assume that there is no actual proof of religious activity before 60,000 b.

C. 11 Mircea Eliade is convinced of the fact that even the first

hominids had a certain spiritual awareness. The commonly accepted

starting point for prehistorical religion is believed to have been

about 6 million years ago, when the common ancestor of modern

apes and human beings lived somewhere in the African bush.

(Wunn, 2000)

In today's era, having faith has become an obligation for every

individual, especially in Indonesia as stated in the first principle of

Pancasila which reads "ketuhanan yang maha esa" which indirectly obliges

every Indonesian citizen to worship the one God. Everyone's obligation

to embrace a religion or believe in the existence of a god is not arbitrarily

determined without any reason, because religion itself has a function for

each of its adherents.

The function of religion in society, among others: Educational

function, Rescuer, As of Atonement, As Social Control, As enricher

Sense of Solidarity, Transformative function, Creative function, and

Sublimatif function. (Mulyadi, 2016)

Religion according to Durkheim has three major functions in a

society. The first major function of religion is that it creates a united

society. It unites people through their shared values, beliefs and practices.

The second function is it promotes conformity. It creates a society with

many cultural norms. The third and last function of religion to the society

is it offers the people a comforting self. They find strength and comfort

through their religious beliefs.

From the various theories above, it can be seen that religion is

important for everyone, not only as self-identity so as not to be alienated

by society or just because it is a legacy from parents that we must adhere

to because we are their children. However, embracing a religion is not as

simple as just wanting to feel the benefits, many other factors are taken

into consideration in embracing a religion.

In practice, the functions of religion, especially in society,

including: Educational function, religion has an educational function

because in religious teachings its adherents are given knowledge about

good and bad things, usually containing orders about carrying out good

things and staying away from bad things. Then there are also guidelines

for living in personal and social life. On the basis of religion, many

schools were founded which were originally devoted to learning about

religion, but nowadays religious schools have included general lessons as


Rescuer, religion functions as a savior for people who carry out all

that is commanded by religion and stay away from all things that are

prohibited by religion. The savior function in religion is even very broad

in scope, covering two realms, namely during the world and in the

afterlife. Most people want to follow a religion because they are afraid for

their safety in this life after death, because humans tend to be afraid of

things they don't know.

As of atonement, inner peace can be obtained by humans if they

can carry out all that is commanded by religion and stay away from all

that is prohibited by religion. While peace in social life (relationships

between humans) can be obtained because every religion must teach

about living in harmony between fellow human beings.

As social control, the norms and rules that exist in religious

teachings are binding on their adherents. These norms and rules can be a

limitation, human control over how they behave in life.

As enricher sense of solidarity, due to the nature of humans who

often gather on the basis of similarities, adherents of the same religion

will become one on the basis of faith because they have the same way of

life. Even people of different faiths can have a sense of brotherhood as

when the companions of the Prophet Muhammad migrated to Habasyah

after being chased by the Quraish infidels. Based on Ibn Katsir's notes in

Bidayah wa al-Nihayah, Utsman bin Affan and his wife Ruqayyah were

among the first to migrate to Habasyah. Next followed by the group of

Ja'far bin Abu Talib and several other friends.

Transformative function, religious teachings can change a person's

life, change habits, customs, and even human culture to be better in

accordance with the teachings of that religion.

Creative function, religious teachings demand that its adherents be

creative in responding to all problems and also in living life. Religious

teachings cannot be carried out raw without being interpreted first. In

addition, humans are also required to be creative in fulfilling obligations

in carrying out what is ordered by religion, such as the obligation to

perform the pilgrimage for those who can afford it. In ancient times, the

people who were able to perform the pilgrimage were only those who

lived around the Arabian peninsula, while those who were far from

Mecca would not be able to perform the pilgrimage. For this reason,

humans have created a more sophisticated mode of transportation rather

than relying on animals such as camels to be able to perform the

pilgrimage no matter where they live.

Sublimatif function, in God's view through religious teachings, it is

taught that every thing that is done by humans if the intentions are good

will be worth worship even though it is a matter of the world. But in

Islam, if the work has good intentions and good practice, then it is worth


Research on the relationship between literature and religion was

started by the American literary critic, T.S. Eliot, in 1938. It relates literary

works to evangelical values and the practice of using literary works in the

religious practice of the people Christian. The study released by T.S. The

Eliot is growing with a number of variations, according to regional

characteristics and interests the reviewer. In Indonesia, the country with

the majority of citizens Muslims, has also developed a study that connects

literature with religion. (Surahmat, 2017, p. x)

The author also finds examples of the function of religion in the

Entrok novel by Okky Madasari, including:

Tapi aku tetap percaya, seberat-beratnya yang kualami, Mbah Ibu Bumi

Bapa Kuasa tetap akan memberi nikmat, sesuai apa yang selalu kuminta setiap

tengah malam. Memang salahku, tidak pernah meminta diberi ketenangan hidup,

dihargai, dan disenangi orang lain. Aku hanya minta diberi kemudahan rezeki, bisa

menyekolahkan anak setinggi-tingginya, menebus penyesalan orangtuanya yang

seumur hidup hanya menjadi orang bodoh, tak pernah kenal huruf. (Madasari,


The excerpt of the novel above is an example of the second

function of religion according to Mulyadi, namely the function of rescuer.

Marni feels safe, and can go through all the trials because Marni believes

Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapa Kuasa will still give her favors even though there is no

evidence that everything Marni can come from Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapa Kuasa.

Koh Cayadi menawari Ibu untuk ikut dalam ziarahnya pada Jumat Legi

yang jatuh minggu depan. Ibu langsung menyetujuinya. Mereka kini telah menjadi

kawan dan saling memercayai. (Madasari, 2010)

The similarity of trust between Marni and Koh Cayadi makes

them immediately close and trust each other. Koh Cayadi did not even

hesitate to take Marni on a pilgrimage to Gunung Kawi when they first

met. This incident illustrates one of the functions of religion, namely to

enrich a sense of solidarity.

Di sinilah aku sekarang. Tenggelam di antara orang-orang yang sedang

memasrahkan diri pada jalan kebenaran. Semuanya sama, tak ada yang ingkar, tak

ada yang berdosa. Kami semua belajar dan berlomba-lomba untuk mendapatkan

surga. Di tempat inilah, aku seperti tengah mencuci segala dosa masa laluku,

memohon ampun karena tak bisa membawa orangtuaku sendiri, orang-orang yang

ada di dekatku, menuju jalan yang seharusnya. (Madasari, 2010)

Rahayu who entered the boarding school felt a new environment

that was much different. Because Rahayu wants to learn about religion

here and with the support of the pesantren environment which is thick

with Islamic nuances, Rahayu also becomes a pious person. This rahayu

change is an example of one of the functions of religion, namely the

transformative function.

Based on the following fragment of the story the writer will look

for the form of reality of religious life in the novel which is the writer find

it related to the real life. The approach that will be used in analyzing

Entrok is Mimetic. According to Abrams (1953; 1999) Mimetic is the

approaches, that views literary work as an imitation, or reflection, or

representation of the world and human life, and the primary criterion

applied to a work is that of the ‗truth‘ of its representation to the subject

matter that it represents, or should represent. (Nurrachman, 2017, pp.


Because there are various religions in this world. Disputes over

religious differences are common all over the world. Especially in a

family, when there is one family member who does not follow in the

footsteps of his ancestors. Incidents like this are often interpreted as

resistance, betrayal, and humiliation for the extended family. From a

social perspective, he will be a disgrace to his family, who will continue to

be gossiped about by the big family. But from a religious perspective, his

family doesn't want him to be a lost person and then be punished by God

because basically all religions say that religion is right while other religions

are wrong.

Relating to Emerson statement ―For all men live by the truth and

stand in need of expression. In love, in art, in avarice in politics, in

politics, in labour, in games, we study to utter our painful secret. The man

is only half himself, the other half is his expression.‖ (Nurrachman, 2017)

According to Emerson, at the basis of feeling on character those

energy become kind of power to grab nature in its wholeness, and to

evoke in order of persons experience. Relating to Marni‘s character, her

expression on nature was implied through her ancestors worshipment.

In professing a religion, parents should not force their beliefs on

their children. Parents should give their children the opportunity to

choose their own religion, but because they are afraid of being punished,

parents should give a good understanding that the religion they profess is

true. Parents must seduce as best they can so that the child is lulled by the

beauty of the religion they profess, not by coercion because the religion

has been passed down from generation to generation. In the novel

―Entrok‖ by Okky Madasari the writer found the examples of cases of

religious differences in the family.

Aku masuk kamar, menunggu Ibu pulang dari pasar. Sampai kudengar

teriakan Ibu dari kamarnya. Dia memanggil Tonah, bertanya ke mana tumpeng dan

panggang di kamarnya. Aku keluar kamar. ‖Aku buang. Itu sirik, dosa. Ibu tidak

beragama,‖ kataku sambil menangis. ‖Kata siapa aku dosa?‖ ‖Kata Pak Waji,‖

jawabku sambil terus menangis. Ibu makin marah. ‖Nduk, Rahayu! Ibumu tidak

membunuh, tidak mencuri, tidak menipu orang. Aku memanggang ayamku sendiri.

Membuat tumpeng dari berasku sendiri. Apa dosaku?‖ (Madasari, 2010, p. 57)

The incident above is Rahayu's first rejection of her mother's

religion which is considered heretical by the teacher at Rahayu's school.

Everything Marni (Rahayu's mother) did, even though it was in the

context of good things, getting closer to God and not harming others,

was still wrong from the point of view of other religions, especially Islam

which Rahayu studied at school.

Disputes due to religious differences in this family also occur in

the real world. Because it is easy to access information today, especially

using the internet. Many of the spread of religion is done online.

Someone may be persuaded to embrace another religion because of

listening to beautiful presentations on the internet. Many do it openly like

rahayu, many also do it secretly for fear of a dispute.

In addition to religious differences, many people also embrace

religion for administrative purposes. Religion is only used as data so that

all his affairs are facilitated.

Tapi tak pernah kami membahas hal-hal yang berat seperti ini. Agama?

Apa agamaku? ‖Katanya ya Islam, Koh. Sama seperti orang-orang.‖ ‖Aku Kristen.

Ditulis di KTP. Sama seperti orang-orang.‖ Kami diam. Tak ada suara. Aku

masih tidak mengerti kenapa Koh Cayadi tiba-tiba menanyakan hal ini. ‖Tapi

sampeyan selamatan, Yu?‖ ‖Lha iya, Koh. Biar tercapai apa tujuannya. Biar

selamat.‖ ‖Aku juga ke kelenteng.‖ (Madasari, 2010)

Marni and Koh Cayadi don't even believe in the religion written

on their IDs. Marni and Koh Cayadi just go with the flow, have a clear

religion written on ID for the convenience of state administration.

In fact, many people even embrace a religion but do not practice

all the teachings of their religion. People whose IDs have a clear religion,

in fact, their attitude does not reflect that they are religious people.

Based on the above analysis, it can be concluded that in the Entrok

novel by Okky Madasari, many cases experienced by religious people are

described in this novel, especially in ancient times when there was no

information dissemination technology as it is today. There are also many

people who still worship nature and their ancestors because they really

trust their parents and there are also many parents who are disappointed

because their children have different beliefs from those they hold. This

novel gives an example of the wrong way of solving the case of religious

differences in the family.


Madasari, O. (2010). Entrok. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Nurrachman, D. (2017). Introduction to Criticism. Bandung: Pustaka Aura

Surahmat. (2017). Sastra Agama teks, spiritualitas, dan keindahan. Semarang:

Cipta Prima Nusantara.

Wunn, I. (2000). Beginning of Religion. Beginning of Religion , 26.

Mulyadi. (2016). Agama dan Pengaruhnya dalam Kehidupan.

65 = C Mochamad Ramdhan

- Lack of focus 1195030139

- Lack of consistency
- There's no specific topic to discuss
- What theory is actually wanted to use? Horace's decorum or Aristotle's tragedy? 5D
- Lack of real critical analysis
- Lack of relevant theoretical justification/support
- Be aware of some mechanic errors



Quintus Horatius Flaccus, well-known as Horace. Once, he asked in his

Art of Poetry, as he said,

―if a painter should decide to join the neck of a horse to a human head, and to lay

many-coloured feathers upon limbs taken from here to there, so that what is comely

woman above ended as a dark, grotesque fish below, could you, my friends, if you were

allowed to see it, keep from laughing?‖

Horace in his question was trying to redefine, what should an art or a

poety to be? Is it alright if a poet have their freedom on their works and

literally by real consciousness put everything on there even though it is a

contrary, different, or even quirky to be combined, then stated as a

literary works?

Talking about literature, for sure, it can not to be inextricable on the

values as its content. Furthermore, the values of a literary work is never

explained so far than the measurement of its imagination. As Wellek and

Warren (1963:22) stated that the term literature seems best if we limit it

to the art of literature, that is, to imaginative literature. Literature is also

produced by imagination of the author. Literature is not just a document

of facts, it is not just the collection of real events though it may happen in

the real life. Literature can create its own world as a product of the

unlimited imagination. As rhymed as Pickering, James .H, Hoeper

(1981:307) says that " literature is a uniquely human activity, born of man's

timeless desire to understand, express, and finally share experiences‖.

As it comes to experiences, in general it is including an element which

consciously teach something, while most of it comes in a form of failure

and problem, yet it is educational as the substance. Later, experience that

seasoned by an imaginative supports—especiallly in poetry—naturally

will evoke an art entity that consists the values as the prior statement. It is

consequently go straight with Edgar Allan Poe argument, that said the

function of literature is didactic heresy: entertaining as well as teaching

something (Al-Ma‘ruf, 2007: 31).

Consecutively, Horace by all his wisdom informed us the same theory as

we know today that the aim of literature is utile et dulce.

―the aim of the poet is to inform and delight, or to combine together, in

what he says, both pleasure and aaplicability to life. In instructing, be

brief in what you say in order that your readers may grasp it quickly and

retain it faithfully. Superfluous words simply spill out when the mind is

already full. Fiction invented in order to please should remain close to

reality.‖ (Horace in Nurrachman, 2017:82).

As we know that literary function is to teach and delight—utile et dulce,

than let solve the earlier question. As Horace said ‗to please should

remain close to reality‘, authors—writers, may consider that their works

should keep adhere to its nature. Decorum, as presented by Horace, is an

idea about propriety that fit the rendering of a character, idea, and speech,

or scene. The goal of Decorum is to retain its unity; as the story goes on,

a work of art must be consistent in every aspect. the subject or theme

must be dealt with in the proper diction, metre, form, and tone. Farcical

characters should speak in a manner befitting their social position; kings

should intone with the elegance and dignity commensurate with their

rank. For that purpose, as Horace said, the author must measure his

ability before it turns into a progression of literary works. Briefly, each

author must recall their responsibility.

―You who write, take a subject equal to your powers, and consider at

length how much your shoulders can bear. Neither proper words nor

lucid order will be lacking to the writer who chooses a subject within his

powers. The excellence and charm of the arrangement, I believe, consists

in the ability to say only what needs to be said at time, deffering or

omitting many points for the moment. The author of the long-promised

poem must accept and reject as he proceeds.‖ (Nurrachman, 2017: 73).

Okky Madasari's novel Entrok tells the story of a patriarch's life through

the eyes of Sumarni and her daughter Rahayu. They were impoverished at

the start of the story, and it happened when Rahayu was child, but

Sumarni was able to change her fortune for the better after a difficult life

battle, as proven by their next event, in which they had a huge amount of

money and were able to send Rahayu to education. Rahayu is a little girl

who dislikes her mother because they disagree on religious, economic,

and cultural issues. Sumarni was raised to worship the earth's mother and

father, not other gods, and despite not having studied, she possessed

rational reasoning. Rahayu, who was educated and taught Islam, has more

modern ideals, while her mother, Sumarni, had not known Islam since

she was a youngster.

As it comes to the synopsis, the writer has identified that presumably

despite of the contents and the theme that presented at its narration,

Entrok is considered as tragedy story. It described by Aristotle on how a

tragedy story may occurred in the hand of poet/author, he argued that;

―The tragic fear and pity may be aroused by the spectacle; but they may

also be aroused by the very structure and incidents of the play-which is

the better way and shows the better poet. The plot in fact should be so

framed that, even without seeing the things take place, he who simply

hears the account of them shall be filled with horror and pity at the

incidents; which is just the effect that the mere recital of story in Oedipus

would have on one.‖ (Aristotle on Nurrachman, 2017: 56).

Incidents, which according to Aristotle is the very mark of tragedy genre,

and how it should flow wade through the plot. Regarding to Madasari‘s

Entrok, the characteristics of tragedy might be seem at the early chapter,

as it quoted below;

―Lima tahun aku menunggu hari ini datang. Pagi-pagi aku sudah mandi lalu

berdandan. Hari ini aku akan lahir kembali. Aku akan kembali menjadi manusia

yang punya jiwa. Tidak hanya raga kosong yang menunggu kematian. Hari ini

sedikit dosaku akan tertebus. Utangku memang tak akan pernah impas. Tapi

setidaknya biarkan aku membuatmu sedikit saja bahagia.

Lima tahun ini, kulakukan segalanya untuk membuatmu kembali merasa berarti.

Setiap pagi aku mengajakmu menyusuri jalanan yang telah puluhan tahun

kaulewati. Agar kau kembali ingat kau adalah manusia hebat yang telah

mengalahkan kerasnya nasib.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 11).

as it opened by an unexpectedly and kind of undefined events as

illustrated above, the diction and how the regret afterthought was told

throughout the narration, the writer suggests that as Literary Decorum was

applied in it, considering the atmosphere and the tone of its manner of

telling, it may be judged as a tragedy event.

As in accordance of Aristotle,

―Tragedy, however, is an imitation not only of a complete action, but also

of incidents arousing pity and fear. Such incidents have the very greatest

effect on the mind when they occur unexpextedly and at the same time in

consequence of one another; there is more of the marvelous in them then

than if they happened of themselves or by mere chance.‖ (Nurrachman,

2017: 54).

―Entrok memang terlalu mewah untuk aku dan Simbok. Apa yang masih

dipikirkan seorang perempuan kere buta huruf dengan tanggungan seorang anak

selain hanya makan? Suaminya, yang konon adalah bapakku, minggat entah ke

mana. Sejak kapan dia pergi aku juga tak ingat. Samar-samar aku hanya ingat

Bapak meninggalkan kami waktu aku pertama kali bisa mengangkat panci yang

airnya mendidih dari pawon .

Samar-samar dalam ingatanku, terbayang Bapak memukul Simbok yang sedang

sakit panas dan tidak bisa ke pasar. Kalau Simbok tidak ke pasar, kami tidak

akan punya makanan. Dan laki-laki itu dengan seenaknya hanya menunggu

makanan. Dia seperti anjing gila yang marah saat kelaparan. Iya, dia memang

anjing gila. Hanya anjing gila kan yang menggigit istrinya yang sedang sakit. Saat itu

aku sangat ketakutan. Menyembunyikan diri di balik pintu sambil menangis

sesenggukan. Laki-laki itu pergi setelah menghajar istrinya dan tak pernah kembali

lagi.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 18).

As it continues, the element of tragedy comes out little by little. For

instance, not far from the first quoted narration, there are more ‗pity‘ that

showed to the readers. As Aristotle stated, tragedy has six main

elements: plot, character, diction, thought, spectacle (scenic effect), and

song (music), of which the first two are primary. Focusing on how

Madasari intend to twist the character‘s destiny, by impoverished her. As

it illustrated, our main figure—Sumarni, is desperate on purchasing

entrok, since it is a fancy matter, the baneful Marni that day was recalling

her memory on her father on old days. Where there is only suffering and

violence she may hear and see. By the detailed narration and how the plot

and the character‘s figure may earned the gaze of readers, it is a

necessary—and later it‘s an obligation, as Horace said, to keep consistent

of every aspects that story had even started from the first line of writing.

And if it does not done correctly, as he ask at the very first, ―could you, my

friends, if you were allowed to see it, keep from laughing? ―.

―if your words are not appropriate, I shall laugh or go to sleep. Sad words

are appropriate to a sorrowful face; furious words are fitting to angry; gay

jests to merry; serious words to the solemn.‖ (Horace on Nurrachman,

2017: 75).

As a finale, the writer had like to bring out the ultimate course of tragedy,

as it occurred throughout the story in Entrok. When Sumarni being face

to face with his daughter, with their own each ethical claims on what they

believed, then as Gellrich (2014) argued, social collision as a conceived on

of three tragedy plot in general, finally happened.

―Anakku Rahayu sekarang sudah lulus SMA. Matur nuwun, Gusti, aku yang

buta huruf ini punya anak yang sekolahnya tinggi. Sama tingginya dengan anak Pak

Lurah atau anak priyayi-priyayi guru itu. Anakku, yang orangtuanya buta huruf

semua, malah lebih pintar dibanding anak-anak orang-orang pintar itu. Ini semua

karena berkatmu, Gusti, Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapa Kuasa.

Lima ekor ayam telah disembelih. Tonah akan memasaknya menjadi panggang yang

enak. Dia juga akan membuat lima tumpeng dan kulupan. Malam ini aku mau

selamatan. Mengucapkan terima kasih atas kelulusan Rahayu, juga untuk kirim

doa agar setelah ini jalannya juga dilancarkan. Dia mau kuliah, mau jadi sarjana.

Pangestune, Gusti, biarkan aku yang pertama kali menyekolahkan anak sampai

sarjana di Singget ini. Tapi kenapa anakku itu semakin menjauh dariku?‖

(Madasari, 2010: 123).

as illustrated above, the pre-conflict has occurred, when it comes to

Sumarni intend to celebrate her daughter graduation by throwing

‗selametan‘ as a gesture of grateful to her ancestors revere. Nevertheless,

this is what she gained later,

‖Bu, kenapa harus ada selamatan untukku?‖

‖Lha ya nggak apa-apa to, wong namanya syukuran.‖

‖Apanya, Bu, yang disyukuri? Lulus SMA itu biasa. Nggak usahlah bikin

selamatan untuk mbah-mbah yang sudah mati. Bikin malu.‖

‖Yuk, jangan kurang ajar kowe! Ingat siapa yang membuat kamu seperti ini!‖

‖Siapa, Bu? Siapa? Bukan arwah-arwah itu yang membantuku. Semuanya karena

usahaku sendiri. Kalaupun ada yang membantu, itu ya Gusti Allah.‖

‖Yuk... Yuk... kok tega kowe ngomong kayak gitu ke ibumu ini. Ibumu yang

melakukan semuanya untukmu. Oalah... Yuk... kenapa kowe masih terus

menyiksaku seperti ini, Yuk?‖

Aku tak mampu menahan air mata. Hatiku sakit. Sudah bertahun-tahun, Yuk.

Apa aku yang salah kalau sejak lahir aku nggak kenal Gusti Allah? Apa aku

yang salah kalau dari dulu aku hanya tahu bagaimana berterima kasih pada

leluhur? Selama bertahun-tahun, setiap hari aku menghindari omongan seperti ini.

Hanya supaya tak ada pertengkaran antara aku dan anakku satu-satunya ini. Tapi

sekarang dia malah terang-terangan membuat hatiku sakit. Justru di saat aku begitu

membanggakannya.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 123 – 124).

As the Horace‘s Decorum keep applied in Entrok, the conflict would be

explained by M.W. Gellrich as he stated,

―Although the structure of such a conflict has been variously formulated,

in general it has been conceived in one of three ways: 1) as a

psychological dilemma of inner decision-making, in which the hero must

choose between opposing claims that he cannot mediate; 2) as a social

collision between agents who hold to different but often equally valid

ethical claims; 3) as a religious struggle implicating man in resistance

against a force of divine necessity, such as fate, oracles, or the gods.‖

(Gellrich, 2014).

In the last, from the entire description and prove above it might be

concluded that, Okky Madasari‘s Entrok is considered as a Tragedy.

Reviewed from the appliance of plot and character, primarily, is the very

marks of Literary Decorum as main settings as to maintain the whole

aspects and it keep literary works proper to their each genre and forms.

As Decorum used as matter of measurement on literary creations, the

beauty of literature may perpetually keep living on.


Al Ma‘ruf, A.l (2017). Pembelajaran Sastra Multikultural di Sekolah:

Aplikasi Novel burung-Burung Rantau. Kajian Linguistik dan sastra.

Gellrich, M. (1984). Aristotle's Poetics and the Problem of Tragic

Conflict. Ramus, 13(2), 155-169.

Madasari, Oky. 2021 ENTROK. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Nurrachman, D. (2017). Introduction to Criticism. Bandung: Pustaka

Aura Semesta.

Pickering, J. et al. (1981). Concise Companion to Literature, New York:

Macmillian Publishing, Co.

Wellek, R., & Warren, A. (1963). Theory of Literature. Jakarta: PT


Muhamad Mauda Putra Utama
- Truly lack of focus
- Such an inconsistent discussion 1195030140
- Which theory is actually wanted to use? Horace? Aristotle? Wordsworth?
- Be consistent with the topic and the theory used 5D
- Lack of real critical analysis
- Lack of relevant theoretical justification/supports
- Such a poor composition, esp on the cited narratives. 60 = C


Literary works, created as a result of dialogue, contemplation, and the

author's reaction to the environment and life. As a result of all that has

been mentioned previously, literary works are miniatures of life with all

its problems (Nurholis, 2019: 182). The author's themes, ideas, and ideas

are sourced from people's lives. The adoption of the social life of the

community in the form of literary works also raises the problems and

issues that occur in society which are conveyed in an imaginative way.

Discussing about imaginative, literary work's use of imaginative images is

sort of a necessary for aesthetic purpose. Because when reading a literary

work, readers require something that move them on and able to capture

their concerns. In literary terms, borrowing Aristotle idea—readers need

Catharsis (Nurrachman, 2017: 56). Readers desire on something lovely in a

literary work, not something that is only identical to real life, which does

not always correlate to reality. Literary works can show the significance of

what happened at the time, both good and terrible, and readers may gain

both entertainment and insights by reading them.

In case there are any collision course on both literary works as social

reflection as its nature, and the usage of imaginative way as its method on

Catharsis goals, it should be a better idea to intercede these duo entities by

a statement of Wellek and Warren (1990:13), that the history of aesthetics

might almost be summarized as a dialectic in which the thesis and

counterthesis are Horace's dulce and utile: poetry is sweet and useful.

Either adjective separately represents a polar heresy with regard to the

function of poetry — probably it is easier to correlate dulceet utile on the

basis of function than on that of nature. The view that poetry is pleasure

(analogous to any other pleasure) answers to the view that poetry is

instruction (analogous to any textbook).

Once again, as a mixture of both side literary works require both utile and

dulce; literary works as the reflection of vibrant and dynamic social life

and imaginative language as the way to deliver it to readers. As Horace

said, ―He who combines the useful and the pleasing wins out by both instructing and

delighting the reader.‖(Nurrachman, 2017: 82). Yet, the writer does not

intend to bring out the theory on this study as the guidance of reference

throughout the essay. Its only purpose is to emphasize the functions of

literary works.

Entrok is the first published novel by OkkyMadasari. Published in 2010, it

was coincide with the Kartini Day on 21st of April, despite of its multi-

layer of issues that contained throughout the plot, but in general,

Entroktells a story around Marni, a living-country girl who live amidst

colonial era in Singget, a village where the story lives. Departing from her

desire to having an entrok—bra in Javanese—she started to change her

fate by breaking through old norms and prejudicial dogma in its society

which put a handicap on women.

Even though the story with the characterize tends to portray a feminism

spirit, yet it is not the focus which will be studied on this essay. The

writing will take a zoom in closer to how Marnirun her beliefs on her

ancestors worship throughout the novel. The writer suggests that as the

character ‗report in conversation what has befallen her‘ as Emerson

stated (Nurrachman, 2017:202), it depicts a basic theory of

Transcendentalism as well, on how the character run her faith—although

it comes from her mother, Simbok—when it comes to a representation of

expression on her feelings to nature.

―Simboktakberkataapa-apalagi.Diamalahmengajakkukeluarrumah, duduk di

atasbatu di


ankodoksilihberganti.Tidakbiasanya kami melakukanhalsepertiini.Biasanya,

setiapmalamsepertiini, akudanSimboksudahlelaptertidur, siap-


‖Nduk, terserahapapenginmu. Yang penting,

cobanyuwunsamaMbahIbuBumiBapaKuasa. SemuakejadianhanyaterjadikalauDia

yang menginginkan.‖Simbokmenyuruhkumemejamkanmata,


anmatasalingterpejam, kami diambeberapasaat.Saatituanginseolahberhentiberembus,


Akusebenarnyatidaktahuapa yang haruskulakukan.

SekadarmengikutiperintahSimbok, kuucapkanpermintaankudalamhati,

‖GustiMbahIbuBumiBapaKuasa, berkatilahusahaku. Akumaupunyauang,

memilikiseperti yang dimilikiNyaiWedana.Biarnggakpernahngrepoti orang lain.‖


sampaiSimbokmenyentuhbahukudanmengajakkumasukrumah.‖ (Madasari,


Feelings, as stated by William Wordsworth is the real basis of

imagination, which changing into an energy or power that grasp nature in

its completeness, and then it is implied on one‘s experience in order to it

(Nurrachman, 2017:146). Wordsworth is a father figure of Romanticism,

who branding a literary flow with a vision to have kind of unity with

nature which will encourage the more feeling on poet by the support of

that phenomenon. This thoughts of idea, which will lead us into the

writer‘s choice of theory that will be implemented on this study.

Emerson‘s Transcendentalism.

Literary works, as described in early writing, is a social reflection. As a

spectacle of our own nation, it believed that in some part of our

livinghood, there are society in certain regions that still believe on

involvement of a distant energy, an ancestors entangled on their each

foot steps. As described by ReimarSchefold (2013:17), In all traditional

Indonesian cultures, ancestors were the preeminent spiritual authorities.

They included the earliest settlers, and people memorized genealogies

that led from primeval, mythical times to their immediate forebears. Since

memories are limited and writing was generally unknown, intervening

generations were often compressed into just a few names.

A person owed everything to his or her ancestors. One‘s cultural

environment was associated with their arrival in ancient times. Later

generations were related to historical events that led up to one‘s present-

day situation. A person not only owed his or her ancestors for his or her

very existence, but also hoped for their protection and help in everyday

life. This had its more precarious side, however: it was the ancestors who

continued to watch over the cultural order they established. Especially in

egalitarian traditional societies, there were no authorities to keep order

and punish social offenses; it was mainly the ancestors who had to step in

and strike the offender with illness and misfortune.

In Entrok, the practical event of this transcendental worship on ancestors

were narrated by Rahayu—daughter of Marni, whilst the plot goes on

Rahayu part for narration throughout the story.

―Ibujugarajinselamatan.Seminggusekali, setiapharikelahirannya,


menyiapkansemuauborampe.Ada kulupan, jenangmerah,


perangkatdesa yang dipercayapunyakekuatanlebih, membacakanujub.

Bapakdan yang lainnyamembaca, ‖Amin... Amin...!‖


tumpengdanpanggangdipotong.Merekasemuamulaibancakan .Aku, Bapak,

danTonahtahu, tumpengdanpanggang yang dimakansaatselamatanbukansatu-satunya

yang dimasaksetiapharikelahiran.

Ibumenyimpansatutumpengdanpangganglagilengkapdenganuborampe-nya di

kamarnya.Ditaruh di mejasampinglemarikaca, beralasbaki, ditemanisebatanglilin.

Kata Ibu, tumpengdanpanggangitudikirimuntukMbahIbuBumiBapaKuasa.

Keesokanharinya, Ibuakanmengeluarkantumpengdanpanggangitu.

Tonahakanmemasaknyakembaliuntukmakanan kami semua.‖ (Madasari, 2010:


As it is narrated above, the habitual things that Marni always did related

to her faith, according to Rahayu‘s description on how her mother was

‗sacrificed‘ at behalf of her wealth in order to fulfill the worship activity,

is likely become an evidence on Emerson‘s theory,

―For all men live by truth and stand in need of expression. In love, in art,

in avarice, in politics, in labour, in games, we study to utter our painful

secret. The man is only half himself, the other half is his expression.‖

(Nurrachman, 2017:205).

Regardless of Rahayu point of view in the narration, focus on what Marni

did back then is give an implication as result. For the thought that has

been captured her and unconsciously conserved her mind on a relieving -

mechanism, or grateful - mechanism which reincarnate as the method to

express her feelings. According to Emerson‘s statement, it can said that

‗Marni is only half himself, the other half is her expression.‘

This part is supported by the next act that Marni has done on spending

projectile of expression on what she believes.

Still on the same chapter, in Tuyul – tuyulIbuku (1970 – 1982), our

character got offered a chance to expand his worship activity—still onto

ancestors, she was kind of exaggeratly excited as she trusts, more noble

places she visited and more act of worship she done, she gain more

endowment on what she did to ancestors.

―KohCayadimenceritakansalahsatukebiasaankeluarganya yang


tepatnyasaatiamasihkanakkanak di Surabaya,

orangtuanyarutinmengajaknyakeGunungKawi. GunungKawiada di Malang, kota di

selatan Surabaya. Merekabiasapergikesananaik bus, dengan lama perjalanandua

jam. Di gunungituadamakam, yang bisamemberikanberkatbagi orang yang





Upayabatinnyabarusebatasmemohon di tengahmalam,

membawapanggangkemakampenguasadesa, danselamatansetiapharikelahiran.‖

(Madasari, 2010: 92).

This narration implied as well, another theory of Emerson on a character

that moved by his/her own consciousness that to done something is just

grab on your conscience, despite of it is unlikely to considered as normal

on the society. It‘s called self – reliance.

Emerson's primary objective in his essay "Self Reliance" is to encourage

people to eschew conformity. Emerson thought that a man must follow

his own conscience and "do his own thing" in order to truly be a man.

Essentially, rather than blindly following society, do what you believe is


―These are the voices which we hear in solitude, but they grow faint and inaudible as

we enter into the world.Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of every

one of its members. Society is a joint-stock company, in which the members agree, for

the better securing of his bread to each shareholder, to surrender the liberty and culture

of the eater. The virtue in most request is conformity. Self-reliance is its aversion. It

loves not realities and creators, but names and customs.‖ (Emerson, 1841).

Later on, throughout the novel, OkkyMadasari showed readers how form

of Transcendentalism is depicted on Marni acts. Especially, on how she

being grateful on her faith.

―Malam pun


meskipunadapuluhan orang di situ.Merekaduduk di seluruh areal

makammenghadapmakamEyangSujodanEyangJugo.Takadasuaraapa pun,

bahkanhelaannapas pun takterdengar. Masing-masing orang



malamitusepertinyamemangmalamkeberuntungannya.Diahanyabisatirakat di tempat

yang agakjauhdarimakamkeduaeyangitu. Orang-orang yang datangterlebihdahuluatau

yang telahbermalam-malamtakpulangtelahmenempatibarisanpaling depan,

mengelilingimakamEyangSujodanEyangJugo. Di barisanpaling depanitu paling

banyakterdapatpohondewandaru. Dalamperjalananbatinnyamenemuidewa,

Ibumemanjatkanharapan agar bisamendapatkankemakmurandankejayaan.

Diamerasakanadaanginberembuslembutmengenaimukanya.Bukanangin yang

membuatmenggigiltapiangin yang hangat.Tak lama embusanhangatituterasa,

lalusemuanyakembalisenyapdandingin. Ibumerasaada yang jatuh di



Daunitudisimpandalamtasnya.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 97).

At last, as a conclusion, OkkyMadasari made Marni‘s character is a

representation of transcendental made-driven person that still believe on

her own belief, it was a hereditary which comes from Simbok, nevertheless

it everlasted even though there were a lot of pressure from society she

lived in—even from her daughter, Rahayu. As a study on Emerson‘s

transcendentalism theory, Marni is a character that well-made for its

implementation. Especially, for her acts on practicing Emerson‘s ‗Self-

Reliance‘. From Entrok, readers may see from the character that really

relied on her mind and belief, a most priviledge thing which a living

person may had is their own conscience, to decide whether is right or

wrong, to standing by their own decision and independently earned self-



Emerson, R.W. (1841). Self-Reliance: An Essay.

Madasari, O. (2010). Entrok. Jakarta: PT GramediaPustakaUtama.

Nurholis. (2019). Prose: The Short Fiction. Bandung.

Nurrachman, D. (2017). Critical Theory from Ancient Greece to Victorian

England. Bandung: Pustaka Aura Semesta.

Schefold, R. (2013).Art and Its Themes in Indonesian Tribal Traditions.

London: Yale University Press.

Wellek, R., & Warren, A. (1989).Theory of Literature. (M. Budiantara,

Trans.) Jakarta: PT Gramedia.

- Less focus analysis
Muhammad Abdel Akbar
- Too many introductory paragraphs
- Still having some retelling rather than pure analysis
- Some narrative quoted relevant with the analysis, some others not
- Some analysis relevant with the theory, some others not

70 = B
- Needs more critical-analytical arguments
- Needs more relevant theoretical supports/justifications
- Be aware of some mechanic errors



Literature has always been an art form that has always been revered for its

value. In addition, literature is also used as a tool to criticize, express

feelings, ideas or maybe just an imaginative entertainment facility. This is

accordance with the thoughts of (Abrams, 2012) which defines literature

as imaginative writing that stands out in form, expression, and emotional

strength. The word "literature" itself comes from the Latin, "Litteraturae"

which literally means, "to write." Because it is an imaginative writing, the

creative process in making a literary work requires imagination. The

meaning is the imagination still imaginative which can be defined that the

imagination itself is not purely derived from the writer or poet.

The requirement to manifest imagination into a form of work, especially

literary works, is to be sensitive or aware of the social environment, as

said by (Dobbie, 2012) which states that, "Literature is taken to be

mimetic, reflects and presents the truth about life and humans. the

condition." Surely poets imitate not only concrete things, even abstract

things such as ideological thoughts or ideas because these things enter

into nature as Plato said "Plato says that all art is mimesis by nature; art is

an imitation of life. He believed that 'ideas' were the ultimate reality. Art

imitates ideas and thus imitates reality.‖ (Team, 2012) poets imitates

nature and then create ―Artificial Realities‖ according to their will.

Talking about imitating abstract things such as ideological thought or an

understanding, certainly around us, just as in the academic field we can

find an understanding of feminism as found in Mary Wollstonecraft's

essay that talks about women's lives in a patriarchal world. Since the 18th

century, the views of men and women have been different. Men are

considered as superior while women are inferior or subordinate, this is

due to the culture that arises from the association of patriarchal ideas that

consider women only as objects to satisfy men. ―...Female education

should be directed toward one purpose: to make women pleasing to

men.‖ (Nurrachman, 2017)

―The association of our ideas is either habitual

or instantaneous, and the latter mode seems rather to

depend on the original temperature of the mind than

on the will. When the ideas, and matters of fact, are

once taken in, they lie by for use, till some fortuitous

circumstance makes the information dart into the mind

with illustrative force, that has been received at very

different periods of our lives.‖ (Wollstonecraft on

Nurrachman, 2017)

The quotation above shows that a mind filled with informative

knowledge produces a better perspective. The association of ideas above

is the fact of everyday experience around us at the time people assume

that men and women have different positions, men are in a better

position than women who are only satisfied. The existence of these

thoughts in life around or "everyday experienced" can be seen in one of

the forms of imitation found in literary works.

Researcher can find topic that are closely related to feminism in literature,

which is a imitates of life as outlined in writing, such as in Lelaki

Harimau, written by Eka Kurniawan, even though this novel wasn't

written by a women, this novel story presented the subordination idea of

women in society, for example through a character Nuraini. She is the

most subordinate female character in this story by her husband Komar

bin Syueb and the construct of patriarchy itself, other case is Nuraeni

can't choose her own desire to marry, at the age of sixteen she marry

Komar who almost thirty but nuraeni easily agreed to the matchmaking

because all she knew was that the tradition was one thing that was true

and matchmaking was what young women were waiting for the most at

her village while she didn't know that it cause by patriarchy's social


There is also other close relationship between the phenomena that occur

in the other novel yang menjadi objek kajian kali ini, the title is Entrok by

Oky Mardasari and some of idea‘s in Feminism essay ―A vindication of

the right of woman‖ by Mary Wollstonecraft.

Entrok by Okky Mardasari stories about Sumarni‘s life struggle through

social construction, similar to the title Entrok or Bra, this story begin with

Sumarni‘s dream of having an entrok, Sumarni and her mother, or what

she often calls Simbok, are poor people, this can be seen from the

condition of their house and her mother's job as a cassava peeler. One

day he saw a friend wearing an entrok, at first Sumarni did not know

what her friend was wearing, after her friend explained it was an entrok

or breast holder to hold her chest. Sumarni, who saw this for the first

time, immediately wanted it but because she was a poor, she could not

ask her mother or the person she often called Simbok. As a result, as in

her previous daily routine, Sumarni went to the market with Simbok but

this time she did not help Simbok for peeling cassava, but she wanted to

become a labour because labour were a man's job at that time and were

paid money, while cassava peeler, which incidentally was a woman's job at

that time, was only paid for cassava. The story continues on the life of

Sumarni who struggles through her faith such as working, getting married

and having children.

After reading carefully the Novel, Researcher found similarities regarding

the issue of subordination. Therefore, this research using a mimetic

approach which place literary works as a product of reality and a

representation of society and culture. (Emzir, 2018:83), to scope feminist

theory of Mary Wollstonecraft by focused on Sumarni‘s character.

―The severest sarcasms have been levelled

against the sex, and they have been ridiculed for

repeating ‗a set of phrases learnt by rote,‘ when nothing

could be more natural, considering the education they

receive, and that their ‗highest praise is to obey,

unargued‘- the will of man.‖ (Wollstonecraft in

Nurrachman 2017)

In the statement above Wollstonecraft argued that the subordination of

women are caused by the lack of education women receive in their life.

She also argued that subordination exist with the gap of knowledge and

understanding between women and men.

― Nyai Dimah memang benar. Kepada siapa pun aku

bekerja di pasar ini, aku akan diupahi dengan bahan makanan.

Lagi pula tak banyak pedagang yang butuh buruh seperti Nyai

Dimah. ― (Madasari, 2010:27)

In this novel first of subordination issue fall to Sumarni. It can be seen

Sumarni as uneducated women because of her profession, and also the

the reward for women working there is food or goods not with money,

this also makes Sumarni a subordinated figure because her work is in

accordance with the work of uneducated women so that the reward is

"banefull" namely poverty in accordance with Wollstonecraft said; ―The

habitual slavery, to first impression, has a more baneful effect on the

female than the male character, because bussiness and other dry

employments of the understanding, tend to deaden the feeling and break

associations that do violence to reason. (Wollstonecraft in Nurrachman


Worse than that, even when women try to increase their bargaining price

by working like men, they are subordinated to myth-like concepts.

―Teja terbahak-bahak mendengar permintaanku.

Sungguh bukan jawaban seperti itu yang kuinginkan. Aku

menunggu agak lama untuk mendapatkan jawaban yang

sebenarnya.‖Ni, kamu ada-ada saja. Nggak ada perempuan

nguli. Nggak akan kuat. Sudah, perempuan itu kerja yang

ringan-ringan aja. Ngupas singkong.‖

‖Aku kuat, Kang. Biasanya aku juga nggendong

tenggok, nggendong goni. Bakul-bakul itu juga banyak yang

mengangkat sendiri dagangannya dari rumah ke pasar. Hanya

priyayi-priyayi saja yang nggak kuat ngangkat goni.‖

(Madasari, 2010)

Teja who underestimate Sumarni by laughing out loud and calling

Sumarni weak is the result of an association of constructed ideas that

considers what Sumarni wants to do as a taboo. Just like Wollstonecraft

explained; ―this cruel association of ideas, which everything conspires to

twist into all their habits of thinking, or, to speak with more precission, of

feeling, receives new force to begin to act a little for themselves‖

(Nurrachman, 2017).

Another issue of subordination is Sumarni, who was forced into marriage

with Teja without Simbok's knowledge or her mother's knowledge.

―Ternyata tanpa sepengetahuanku, Mbah Noto

menyampaikan keinginan Teja untuk mengawiniku pada

Simbok. Malam itu, di belakang rumah, saat kuulangi

permintaanku pada Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapa Kuasa, Simbok

berbisik pelan,‖Nduk, anak perempuan itu harus punya suami,

punya anak. Kalau sudah ada yang melamar tidak boleh

ditolak, bisa kualat, jadi perawan tua.‖

―Aku tak membantah omongan Simbok. Tak

mengiakannya. Tapi hanya tiga hari setelah itu, kami telah

berada di rumah Kamituwo.‖ (Madasari, 2010).

This shows that Simbok's desire for approval for the marriage of her

daughter Sumarni is shamefull because she does not think about

Sumarni's future and only follows existing cultural patterns without

thinking logically, this is in accordance with what Wollstencraft said,


―Women subjected by ignorance to their

sensations, and only taught to look for happiness in

love, refine on sensual feelings, and adopt metaphysical

notions respecting that passion, which lead them

shamefully to neglect the duties of life, ...‖

(Wollstonecraft in Nurrachman 2017)

Wollstonecraft also condemned women who neglect their duty in the

pursue of happiness in love and adopt metaphysical notions, this is also a

case where uneducated woman tend to pursue what they love while

neglecting their duties, this case was also happened with Sumarni by

Simbok. In the sequel, Teja becomes a bastard who only cares about his

own enjoyment and ignores his status as Sumarni's husband, this is

illustrated by his story with Kledek or mistress.

‖ Dasar Teja, lanangan nggak tahu diuntung. Susah

payah aku cari duit, dia malah enak-enakan kelonan sama

kledek.‖ Ibu sudah tidak lagi memaki Tonah. Kini dia

mengumpat Bapak. Padahal orang yang dimaki entah sedang di

mana. Teja yang pemalas. Teja yang tidurnya seperti kerbau.

Teja yang hanya mau enaknya sendiri. Teja yang sekarang

sedang gandrung dengan kledek.. ― (Madasari, 2010:53)

―The virtues of a husband are thus thrown by

love into the background, and gay hopes, or lively

emotions, banish reflection till the day of reckoning

comes; and come it surely will, to turn the sprightly

lover into a surly suspicious tyrant, who

contemptuously insults the very weakness he fostered.

Or, supposing the rake reformed, he cannot quickly get

rid of old habits. When a man of abilities is first carried

away by his passions, it is necessary that sentiment and

taste varnish the enormities of vice, and give a zest to

brutal indulgences; but when the gloss of novelty is

worn off, and pleasure palls upon the sense,

lasciviousness becomes barefaced, and enjoyment only

the desperate effort of weakness flying from reflection

as from a legion of devils. Oh! virtue, thou art not an

empty name! All that life can give- thou givest!‖

Like Wollstonecraft explained above a loving man can transform into a

tyrant or something horrible if he can‘t control his desire and emotion

and in this case Teja showed this side to Sumarni by cheating with


More than that, Sumarni's bad faith marrying a rogue man continues

when Teja's or her husband dies, his death not only brings sorrow but

also disaster. For Sumarni, Teja's death makes him have to deal with what

Teja has done without her know.

‖Ini anak Kang Teja, Bu,‖ kata Endang sambil

menyentuh kepala anak itu. ‖Dia mau tahu bapaknya siapa.

Ya saya bawa ke sini to, wong ini rumah bapaknya.‖ ‖Aku

ndak tahu Teja punya anak.‖ ‖Ya, Bu. Kami tidak pernah

bilang-bilang. Tapi kan sekarang anaknya sudah segede ini.

Sudah empat tahun. Dia yang pengin banget tahu tentang

bapaknya. Walaupun bapaknya sudah tidak ada, ya paling

tidak biar dia tahu peninggalan bapaknya apa.‖ ‖Lha

bagaimana aku tahu ini memang anaknya Teja?‖ (Madasari,


This is in accordance with what Wollstonecraft said regarding choosing a

husband as a lover;

― But one grand truth woman have yet to learn, though

much it imports them to act accordingly. In the choice

of husband, they should not be astray by the qualities of

a lover-for a lover the husband, even supposing him to

be wise and virtuous, cannot long remain. Were woman

rationally educated, could they take a more

comprehensive view ‖ (Wollstonecraft on Nurrachman,


Later, Sumarni had to fight to defend her property; her screams, her

sweats from Teja's illegitimate child. In conclucion, of course, her

marriage with Teja is not her fault but the association of cruel ideas,

Simbok as her mother who abandoned her mind and her condition as a

subordinated woman that made him live a baneful fate.


Abrams, M.H. & Harpham, G.G. 2012. A Glossary of Literary Terms.

Boston: Wadsworth.

Dobbie, Ann B. 2012. Theory into Practice: An Introduction to Literary

Criticism. Boston: Wodsworth.

Emzir, R. (2018). Tentang Sastra (Orkestrasi Teori dan Pembelajarannya) Ed.1.

Yogyakarta: Garudhawaca

Madasari, O. (2010). Entrok. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Nurrachman, D. (2017). Introduction to Criticism. Bandung: Pustaka Aura


Team, L. P. (2012). Literary Criticism and Theories. New Delhi: USI


- Quite nice and interesting discussion
- You tried to be consistent with the discussion yet some still got the
the lacks
- Still having some jumped-up ideas Muhammad Bayu Aji Munggaran
- Some analysis are relevant with the theory used, some others not
- Needs more theoretical justification on the analysis 1195030142
- Still lack of relevant supporting sources

punctuation. etc. 70 = B
- Be aware of some mechanic errors: paragraphing, capitalization,



In many literary works, the social issue that thrive in society sometimes

become the discussion that the author put on it. The authors put the

issue to acknowledge the readers to fix that problem and to invite the

readers to find the solution so the social life will be better. One of many

issues that always discuss in many literary works is feminism. Feminism is

a movement of women demand the same right as men. This movement

appear because of the inequality between the men and women in public

order. So feminism is not a movement that claim women is better than

men but equal. Both men and women must have the same right. In many

works, this issue is always discussed.

Among many theories about feminism, here we will take one theory by

Mary Wollstonecraft. She discussed this issue in her book ―A Vindication

of The Rights of The Women‖ at the late 19th century. In his homeland

England, Wollstonecraft saw that women is not as free as men to do

various things. She saw that women is an oppressed because the women

is not allowed to get the same education as men. The people thought that

women is only a passion satisfaction so the women in that era got their

education by only reading book such as romance novel in heir home.

This association of idea is actually made by men but he women admit it

so before Wollstonecraft delivered her thought about feminism, there is

no any women who want to change their life. This is what Wollstonecraft

criticized about the women in her era. She wanted women get the same

right as men, she wanted the women get the same education as men so

they can develop themselves and do many things not only a passion

satisfaction. And she didn‘t want men ruling about everything, she want

women to contribute also in various things.

One of many works that discuss about feminism is a novel Entrok By

Okky Madasari. This novel is tell the story about two women Sumarni

and rahayu, mother and daughter. It tells us how they facing their life

with their own way. Both of them has different point of view about life

where Sumarni the mother still believe in ancestral spirits because she

never school and Rahayu the daughter believes in Islam because she

school. And of course this novel has a feminism issue. The inequality

between men and women exist in novel.

―Aku tak bicara tentang entrok kepada Simbok. Aku hanya berkata ingin

membantunya mengupas singkong, siapa tahu bisa dapat uang. Simbok

berkata, aku tak akan mendapat uang. Kebiasaan di pasar, buruh-buruh

perempuan diupahi dengan bahan makanan. Beda dengan kuli laki-laki

yang diupahi dengan uang.‖ (Madasari, 2010, p. 22).

From this narration that told by Sumarni, we know that women has

different treatment where women only paid by food and men paid by

money. What I got from this scene is women described as if their job is

only take care of household things. Food is one of the stuff that should

be in a house, so it is represent a household job like cooking where

people think that job should only do by women. This is scene is same

with what Wollstonecraft saw about the women in her age where women

only doing their work in their house such as cooking, and cleaning. It

seem in that era in Singget, the village where Sumarni Lives, that thought

where women only paid by food has been embedded in their thought

hereditary so it is difficult for Sumarni if she want to change that habit if

it has become culture.

―Pernah suatu kali kuberanikan diri meminta upah uang pada Nyai

Dimah, tapi langsung ditolak oleh Nyai Dimah. Kata Nyai Dimah, ia

tidak mampu mengupahi uang. Lagi apula di pasar ini semua buruh

perempuan diupahi dengan bahan makanan. Dia menyuruhku bekerja di

tempat lain jika tidak percaya.‖ (Madasari, 2010. p, 30)

It is obvious that it has become a culture in that village. When Sumarni

ask to paid by money after she has finished spilling cassava, her request is

rejected by Nyai Dimah and wherever she ask to paid by money she will

be rejected because all women just paid by food. We can say that peeling

food is a women job and kind a women‘s skill so the paid is women paid,


―Kutimang-timang upahku hari ini, delapan singkong. Simbok mendapat

sepuluh singkong. Aku berpikir upah yang didapat Teja, si kuli pasar,

setiap hari. Teja mendapat satu rupiah untuk setiap barang yang

diangkatnya. Kalau sehari dia bolak-balik mengangkat sepuluh kali, dia

sudah mendapat sepuluh rupiah. Lima hari bekerja, uang Teja cukup

untuk membeli satu entrok. Kenapa aku tidak bekerja seperti Teja?‖

(Madasari, 2010. p. 33)

It is definitely that women cannot working like men. Sumarni cannot get

money by doing the women job. It is obvious made her irritated by this

inequality. From this narration, it seem Sumarni wanted to break this

culture and this same as Wollstonecraft did in 19th century in her country.

She want to brake the idea that applied in that time where women not

allowed to study and learn the science in school just like the men did. In

Sumarni case maybe it is not school matter but about the job where

women cannot do the men job even if they able to do that. This is the

same scenario where both of Wollstonecraft and Sumarni wanted to

brake this inequality and show the people that women also has right to do

what men do in that era.

‖Ni, kamu ada-ada saja. Nggak ada perempuan nguli. Nggak akan kuat.

Sudah, perempuan itu kerja yang ringan-ringan aja. Ngupas singkong.‖

‖Aku kuat, Kang. Biasanya aku juga nggendong tenggok, nggendong

goni. Bakul-bakul itu juga banyak yang mengangkat sendiri dagangannya

dari rumah ke pasar. Hanya priyayi-priyayi saja yang nggak kuat ngangkat


‖Tapi tetap nggak umum, Ni. Di pasar ini, nggak ada perempuan nguli.‖

(Madasari, 2010. p, 34).

In next conversation between Sumarni and Teja, it shows us that Teja

confirm that nguli the job that require strength and physical is not

common for women even if Sumarni able to do that. This is what makes

nguli become the men job and no women doing that job. This idea has

been embedded in everybody‘s mind. And men also believe that women

are weak confirmed from Teja‘s Words. That is another reason why

women cannot nguli. But that is not true because Sumarni said that she

can do that, she can pick weight stuff. From this I think that women

weakness is not naturally but it is made by the culture and tradition and

the women admit it.

It same with Wollstonecraft‘s era where the idea that women only a

passion satisfaction for men has been embedded in everybody‘s mind and

the women admit it so women only learn how to satisfy men and bring

them a happiness. And because that idea has been embedded, no women

try to break that idea even if they do that it will benefit them, the women

could go to school and learn what men do and become anything not only

a passion satisfaction. Same with women in Singget, if they do the men

job it will benefit them they will get money to buy anything.

‖Bukan masalah kuat-nggak kuat, Nduk. Ini masalah ilok-ra ilok—pantas-

nggak pantas. Nggak ada perempuan nguli.‖ (Madasari, 2010. p, 35).

This conversation between Sumarni and her mother show us why women

cannot nguli just like men it because does not look good if women nguli.

This reason that make women only paid by food. In Wollstonecraft case,

the women not allowed to study in school because their job only in home

and make a happiness to the men so what for studying in school if their

job only in home. This is everybody‘s thought in that era. In Sumarni case

maybe until now it still apply that everybody think women is not look

good nguli but I think there is no harm if women nguli if they want

because it is the job that everyone could do either men or women.

Simbok berbisik pelan, ‖Nduk, anak perempuan itu harus punya suami,

punya anak. Kalau sudah ada yang melamar tidak boleh ditolak, bisa

kualat, jadi perawan tua.‖ (Madasari, 2010. p, 48)

This conversation between Sumarni and her mother remind me to

Wollstonecraft words that women is an object of desire. This

conversation tells us if a woman should marry and has a husband as if

women only exist to fulfill men happiness, as if women always depend on

men, if they are not marry they will get bad luck and hard life because

they will not have income for their life. If we see to this novel yes,

women will not have income because their job is restricted, there are

some job that cannot do by women.

Orang yang dari tadi berbicara paling banyak segera mengambil

tumpukan uang itu. Menghitung, lalu tertawa lebar.

‖Begini kok dibilang seret to Yu, seret apanya?‖

‖Seret ya seret, Ndan. Cuma setoran buat sampeyan aja yang nggak boleh

seret, iya to?‖

‖Lha ya iya. Ini kan buat keamanan sampeyan dan keamanan lingkungan.

Iya, to? Kalau bukan kami, siapa lagi yang ngatur!‖. (Madasari, 2010. p,


From this scene when Sumarni is asked money by the soldiers for the

security, it is show us the effect of the inequality in education. Sumarni is

willing to give her money to those soldiers because she did not know that

they already paid by the government. This is what Wollstonecraft said

about the different between men and women. If men think with their

logic because their mind sharpened due to studying in school while

women think with their heart because they just study at home reading

some romance novels. Sumarni did not study in school so she did not

know many things and just give her money to those soldiers.

In her struggle, Wollstonecraft tried to make women could study in

school as well as men do so women can think with their logic and they

cannot be fooled just like the soldiers did to Sumarni.

―Kita dulu kerja memeras keringat seharian, diupahi telo, bukan uang,

hanya karena kita perempuan. Lihatlah sekarang, anakmu yang

perempuan ini, berdiri tegak di sini mengupahi para laki-laki.‖ (Madasari,

2010. p, 102).

―Sayangnya tidak ada buruh perempuan di sini, betapapun ingin aku

mengupahi mereka dengan uang sebesar buruh lakilaki. Upah yang

besarnya sama, tidak lebih kecil hanya karena dia perempuan, lebih-lebih

hanya diupahi dengan telo.‖ (Madasari, 2010. p, 103).

From this narration seems like Sumarni happy because she has succeed in

her business and got a lot of money. In this narration also show us that

Sumarni want to make equality between men and women by pay the

women as much as the men do, not by food or other stuff. From this

narration we know that both Sumarni and Wollstonecraft wanted the

equality between man and women.

―Perawan-perawan sengaja mengarang berbagai alasan untuk datang ke

rumah. Mau beli dagangan atau minta utangan. Lalu sambil lirak-lirik

melihat ke wong ganteng itu.‖ (Madasari, 2010. P, 163).

This scene is when Amri, and Rahayu came from Yogya to Singget. In

this scene women described as Wollstoncraft said that they are thinking

with their heart, all inside their mind is just love. It seen when the women

in Singget came to Sumarni‘s house deliberately just to see Amri, an

Arabian man. We call it as bucin or budak cinta in Indonesia. This is what

will happen if women think with their heart not their logic.

‖Ini untuk kami semua. Lha aku malah rela mengorbankan anakku.

Anakku rela tubuhnya dipakai untuk keselamatan orang-orang di sini. Lha

sampeyan, apa yang sudah sampeyan lakukan? Prek! Kyaimu malah pamit

mau pulang. Prek!‖ (Madasari, 2010. p, 252).

This scene is actually a vile and barbaric act. In this scene a father willing

to give his 12-year-old daughter to the soldiers he willig to give his

daughter body to them just to stop what will the soldiers do next day.

This is confirm that women is a desire object, a passion satisfaction just

like Wollstonecraft said.

What I got from Entrok is inequality between men and women is came

from the culture and tradition for example men believes that women is

weak and cannot do the job that require strength but it is not true,

women could do that if they want just like Sumarni did when she nguli in

Ngranget store. That weakness does not come naturally but made by the

ideas and women admit it.


Nurrachman, D. (2017). Introduction To Criticism. Bandung: Pustaka Aura


Madasari, O. (2010). Entrok. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Hidayati, N. (2018). Teori Feminisme: Sejarah, Perkembangan, dan

Relevansinya Dengan Kajian Keislaman Kontemporer. Jurnal Harkat:

Media Komunikasi Gender. 14(1), 21-29.

Muhammad Bukhari M. H.

100% plagiarism detected for 1195030143

the whole analysis 5-D



Sociocultural understanding is a common understanding of an

inherited habit in an area that is created by the relationships between

communities are built with each other. Society as a whole is something

built and produced in a community site (Keith Jacobs). Whereas culture is

the ideas and feelings, actions and also works that are the results created

by people in social life which later become theirs through learning


The inclusion of gender in socio-cultural life finally reveals injustice in

socio-cultural life. Both men and women feel threatened by pre-existing


These values, for example, men as the head of the family bear the

responsibility as breadwinners, while women take care of the household.

The emergence of movements that voiced gender equality by women

activists was then underestimated by some people who did not

understand the real concept of gender, even from other women who

grew up in a conservative environment. Men who grew up in a

conservative environment who have felt that they have an important role

as decision makers in Indonesian culture then see gender equality

movements as women's resistance that should not appear. In fact, gender

does not have to be seen from the side of women as those who ask for

and want "equality" while men are the givers of "equality". Gender in

socio-cultural life must be seen from their respective roles in building

equal values. Equal in getting opportunities and equal in getting awards.

If gender issues are still viewed from a conservative side, gender equality

will forever be a wishful thinking and a one-sided struggle for women

who feel intimidated by cultural rules and values. Gender equality is a

joint effort between men and women. Men must take part in efforts to

provide justice for women. In many sectors, the presence of women is

still underestimated. Intimidation and discrimination arise from various

parties, as well as from women themselves.

Entrok by Okky Madasari is a novel about a patriarch's life, as told

from the perspective of Sumarni and her daughter Rahayu. At the start of

the story, they were poor people, and it happened when Rahayu was

younger, but after a difficult life fight, Sumarni was able to alter her fate

for the better, as evidenced by their next scenario, in which they had a lot

of money and were able to send Rahayu to school. Rahayu is a little girl

who despises her mother because they hold opposing views on matters

like as religion, economy, and culture. Rahayu, who was educated and

taught Islam, has more modern ideas, but her mother, Sumarni, had not

know Islam since she was a child, Sumarni was raised to revere the earth's

mother and father, not other gods, yet despite not having studied, she

possessed rational reasoning. Of course, there are many twists and turns

in their life, especially because they live in a patriarchal world.

Broadly speaking, this novel tells about a woman who grew up in

Magetan named Marni and her daughter, Rahayu. Marni is a strong village

woman. Since childhood, she was abandoned by his father. Eventually

she and simbok wrestled with the market for money, helping peel cassava

to get food. However, Marni is not an ordinary woman who is obedient

to manners. He was jealous of the cool man. They are not paid with

cassava like she and simbok, but with money. She wants to earn money

too, so she can buy entrok (bra). When expressing her desire to join as a

the porters like a man, of course Marni had met resistance from simbok.

He said it was not good for women to do men's work. In fact, Marni

thought, if we just carry goods, we are definitely strong women. Finally,

Marni started to become the first and only female porter at that time.

This novel does not end with Marni's story, Okky Madasari writes this

novel using two points of view. The first point of view he took from the

character Marni as the main character, and told the life of Marni. She still

tells the same life, but she takes this second point of view from the point

of view of Rahayu, Marni's daughter.

In writing this Entrok story, the author uses the first person point of

view or 'I'. However, what is different from the use of Entrok's point of

view is that the main character with 'I' is not just one character, but two,

namely Marni and Rahayu. In other words, this novel tells the story of

two main characters from their respective perspectives. Even in the

writing, it is felt that these two characters present the story in their own

style. The diction, language style, and point of view used are different

between Marni and Rahayu.

The discrimination experienced by Marni's character as a woman

can be seen when she really wants to get money to buy entrok. She made

various efforts until she was against her nature as a Javanese woman to be

able to fulfill her desire. This can be seen in the following quotes.

Aku tak bicara soal entrok kepada Simbok. Aku hanya berkata ingin

membantunya mengupas singkong, siapa tau bisa dapat uang. Simbok berkata, aku

tak akan mendapatkan uang. Kebiasaan di pasar, buruh-buruh perempuan diupahi

dengan bahan makanan. Beda dengan kuli laki-laki yang diupahi dengan uang.

(hlm. 22)

The quote shows the injustice between women and men, namely in

working a woman gets paid only for food/cassava, in contrast to a man

who is paid with money.

Aku terdiam setengan kecewa. Tapi aku tetap memaksa ikut ke pasar. Aku

bilang pada Simbok, tak apalah kita kupas singkong diupahi singkong. Paling

tidak kalu ikut membantu, singkong yang kita bawa pulang bisa semakin banyak.

Gaplek yang kita punya bisa makin banyak. Kita bisa makan lebih banyak dan

jadi kenyang. Simbok mebiarkan aku ikut ke pasar. Aku berpikir bagaimana

caranya menukar upah dengan entrok. (hlm. 23)

The quote shows Marni's disappointment when she wants to go to

work but is not allowed by her Simbok. Simbok Marni advised that

women work in the market to trade or help out in the market such as

peeling cassava and will not be paid money.

Kutimang-timang upahku hari ini, delapan singkong. Simbok mendapat

sepuluh singkong. Aku berpikir upah yang didapat Teja, si kuli di pasar, setiap

hari. Teja mendapat satu rupiah untuk setiap barang yang diangkatnya. Kalau

sehari dia bolak-balik mengangkat sepuluh kali, dia sudah mendapat sepuluh rupiah.

Lima hari berkerja, uang Teja cukup untuk membeli satu entrok. Kenapa aku tidak

bekerja seperti Teja? (hlm. 33).

The quote shows when Marni got tired of working peeling cassava

and only got cassava. Marni thinks of working as a coolie like Teja so she

can earn money. Teja laughed out loud at my request. That's not really

the answer I wanted. I waited quite a while to get the real answer.

―NI, kamu ada-ada saja. Nggak ada perempuan nguli. Nggak ada yang akan

kuat. Sudah, perempuan itu kerja yang ringan-ringan aja. Ngupas singkong. (hlm.


The quote shows that the locality of women working is only as a

cassava peeler. This can be seen when Teja laughs at Marni who wants to

work as a porter in the market.

―Aku kuat, Kang. Biasanya aku juga nggendong tenggok, nggendong goni.

Bakul-bakul itu juga banyak yang mengangkat sendiri dagangannya dari rumah ke

pasar. Hanya priyayi-priyayi saja yang nggak kuat ngangkat goni.‖

The quote shows Marni's seriousness in getting money. Marni is

willing to fight her nature as a woman by working as a coolie in the


Waktu kuceritakan ren-canaku pada Simbok, dia angsung menolaknya.

―Nduk, semua itu sudah ada jatahnya. Orang kayak kita bagiannya ngoceki telo,

nguli itu berat. Sudah jatah orang lain.‖

―bukan masalah kuat—nggak kuat, Nduk. Ini masalah ilok-ra ilok pantas

nggak pantas. Nggak ada perempuan nguli.‖

The quote shows when Simbok Marni refused his son to become a

coolie. This is because being a coolie is an inappropriate thing for women

or in Javanese it is ora ilok. From this quote, it can be seen that the

locality of women in work is very limited.

Pagi itu kami berangkat ke pasar, tanpa menyinggung rencanaku nguli.

Simbok sudah yakin aku tak akan melakukan hal yang ra ilok. Padahal dalam

hati aku tetap bertekad akan nguli. Akan ku tinggakan Simbok saat dia sibuk

mengupas singkong-singkong Nyai Daimah. Aku akan pergi sebentar. Setiap selesai

ngangkat barang, aku akan kembali sebentar mengupas singkong. Simbok lalu akan

mengira aku kebelet atau bermain dengan anak-anak. (hlm. 35).

The quote shows when Marni was eager to get money to buy

Entrok. He plans to become a coolie in the market together with Teja.

This shows Marni's resistance to the locality of Javanese women who can

only work according to their nature.

Aku tertawa dalam hati saat mendengan nasihat Mbah Noto. Memang benar,

di pasar ini tidak ada perempuan yang nguli, pekerjaan berat yang menggunakan

tenaga besar. Di pasar ini, buruh perempuan mengerjakan pekerjaan yang halus dan

enteng, seperti mengupas singkong, menumbuk adi, atau menumbuk kopi. Tapi coba

lihat, begitu buruh-buruh perempuan itu sampai di rumah. Mereka harus

mengerjakan semua pekerjaan yang ada, mengambil air dari sumber dengan

menempuh perjalanan naik-turun. Berat satu jun yang berisi penuh air sama saja

dengan satu goni berisi singkong. Tidak ada laki-laki yang mengambil air, katanya

itu urusan perempuan. Yang jelas lebih enak nguli daripada ngambil air. (hlm. 37).

The quote shows when public protests began to occur when they

saw Marni, who was a woman, had to be a coolie in the market. This is an

action that according to Mbah Noto is against the nature of being a

woman because coolies are jobs for men.

Aku yang satu-satunya perempuan di antara kuli-kuli langsung merasa wanita

itu memanggilku. Inilah kiranya orang yang akan pertama kali memberiku uang

(hlm. 38).

The quote shows that it is very clear that none of the women

worked as coolies in the market, because this was related to ilok-ra ilok

which meant it was inappropriate for a woman to work hard like a coolie.

Aku harus mengambil gaplek belanjaan perempuan itu di tempat Nyai

Daimah. Melihatku nguli, Nyai Daimah menyapa setengah mengejek, ―Wah, dapat

duit ya sekarang‖. Sementara Simbok hanya diam, pura-pura tidak tahu (hlm. 38)

The quote above shows the treatment from around Marni that puts

her down when she sees her working in the market because the work she

does is not proper for a woman to do.

Sayangnya tidak ada buruh perempuan di sini, betapapun ingin aku

mengupaih mereka dengan uang sebesar buruh lelaki. Upah yang besarnya sama,

tidak lebih kecil hanya karna dia perempuan, lebih-lebih hanya diupahi telo. (hlm.


The quote shows when Marni, who has been successful, wants to

equalize women's wages with men's wages, namely both being paid

money, not telo/cassava.

Kalau Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapa Kuasa mengizinkan, semoga rezekiku

dilancarkan, aku punya duit untuk membeli tanah lagi yang kutanami padi dan

kacang. Akan aku pekerjakan perempuan-perempuan itu dan kuberi upah tak

kurang daripada yang diterima suami-suami mereka. (hlm. 103)

The quote above shows that the women at that time were given

wages that were far from the income of their husbands. Marni prays to

her ancestors that she will be given sustenance to buy land so that women

can also work in the fields and earn money, no longer working and

getting food and that's all.

The quotes above are a description of the locality of a woman,

especially in work. Women are too limited, which is certainly unfair when

done, for example, women only get wages for food ingredients, not

money like what men get.


Barker, C. (2016). Cltural Studies. Yogyakarta: Kreasi Wacana.

Fakih, M. (2008). Analisis Gender dan Transformasi Sosial. Yogyakarta:

Pustaka Pelajar.

Madasari, O. (2010). Entrok. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Ratna, N. K. (2013). Teori, Metode, dan Telaah Penelitian Sastra.

Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Sihite, R. (2007). Perempuan, Kesetaraan, keadilan Suatu Tinjauan

Berwawasan Gender. Jakarta: Raja Grafinda Persada.

Sugihastuti dan Suharto. (2002). Kritik Sastra Feminis Teori dan

Aplikasinya. Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar.

Sugihastuti, Saptiawan, I. H. (2007). Gender dan Inferioritas Perempuan

(Praktik Kritik Sastra Feminis). Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Winarni, R. (2009). Kajian Sastra. Salatiga: Widya Sari

- Lack of focus
- lack of consistency
- Some still merely retelling Muhammad Fajar Ismail
- Some narratives and the analysis made relevant with the theory
used, some others not
- Lack of critical-analytical arguments
- Lack of relevant theoretical supports/justifications
- Be aware of mechanic errors: paragraphing, citation, punctuation,
capitalization, etc 65 = C V-D



Literary works, there are many literary works that exist in our lives with

various different genres, and of course literary works have its beauty and

lessons that can be applied in our life, for the example is literary works

that contain feminism. According to Najmah and Khatimah Sai'dah in

their book entitled Revisi Politik Perempuan (2003:34) she stated that

feminism is an awareness of the protection and exploitation of women

that occurs both in the family, at work, and in society as well as conscious

actions against men. Whom Both men and women to change the

situation lexically. In social reality, feminism is still remain a hot topic in

literary works, because in some places there are still those who apply a

traditions which these traditions threaten women's justice indirectly. This

tradition occurs because women are still shackled by the tyranny of men.

As Wollstonecraft stated out that, the beginner and the trigger of female

follies are from the tyranny of man (Wollstonecraft, 1792, p. 160)

In addition, Mary Wollstonecraft has also discussed feminism in her work

entitled "A Vindication of the Right of Woman" as a movement for

women's movements against injustice in Gender Equality. In her

discussion, Mary wrote that the woman was not weak, but it's all because

Women didn't get an education and given a cultural pattern that make

them became weak characters.

In Entrok's Novel, written by Okky Madasari, We could learn into how

the culture blinding the society where Sumarni lives. It happens because

of the old tradition implying that women are not worthy to earn money

because of their easy working.

Entrok tells many story, from the ancestor to the main character about

how the life without education which bring them to the conflict to their

family because of the differences in bealiefs. And here, about the

feminism topic In Entrok, Chapter 2 "Entrok"

Which the main character is Sumarni, a female character who is in the

spotlight in this chapter. There is also many another female characters

and they are all submissive to men, and men seems dominate their lives.

And all of this explained and written by Mary Wollstonecraft that a long

tradition of men is contributed to make "weak-characters" of women

(Nurrachman, 2017, p. 133).

― Di tengah kepanikan, tiba-tiba seorang laki-laki tua muncul dari

kerumunan penonton, mendekati dua perempuan yang sedang pada puncak
amarah. Tubuh laki-laki itu kurus, dengan tinggi di atas kebanyakan laki-
laki di pasar ini. Seluruh rambutnya putih, begitu juga kumis tipis yang
melekat di wajahnya. Ketika berjalan, punggung laki-laki itu melengkung,
entah karena usia atau karena badannya yang terlalu tinggi.
Laki-laki itu Pak Suyat. Suami Yu Parti sekaligus Yu Yem.
Laki-laki yang menjadi sumber perkelahian dua pedagang Pasar Ngranget.
‖Ti, sudah, Ti. Sudah!‖ Pak Suyat meraih tangan kiri Yu
Parti yang sedang menjambak rambut Yu Yem. ‖Sudah, ayo pulang!‖ Pak
Suyat menarik tangan istrinya.
Yu Parti yang sebelumnya kelihatan penuh semangat, kini lemas tanpa tenaga.
Ditariknya tangan kanannya yang tengah mencakar muka Yu Yem. Tanpa
bantahan, Yu Parti mengikuti tarikan suaminya. Mereka pulang. Melihat Yu
Parti pergi, Yu Yem menggulung rambutnya yang tergerai awut-awutan dan
membenahi kainnya yang berantakan akibat ditarik-tarik. Ia memungut satu
per satu cabe-cabe yang berserakan di lapaknya. Perlahan-lahan orang mulai
meninggalkan los tempat keramaian pagi ini terjadi. Mereka kembali
melanjutkan pekerjaan sebelumnya. Tontonan selesai.‖ (Madasari, 2010, p.
This story refers to Pak Suyat, one of the side characters in this story. It is

written that Pak Suyat even he is an old man and not rich, he could stop

two women that having great anger and also after that no one blame Pak

Suyat after what his done for having mistress, and his wife and his
mistress still love this old man and submissive to him. Even also Yu Parti

and Yu Yem are women who still can get money frome their business,

and for Yu Parti, her food stall (pecel) isn't belonging to Pak Suyat at first.

―Yu Parti berjualan pecel di pasar ini sejak belum bertemu Pak Suyat. Mereka
bertemu saat Pak Suyat mulai nguli di pasar ini. Sejak menikah, Pak Suyat
berhenti nguli dan membantu istrinya berjualan pecel. Mencari daun untuk
pincuk dan membuatkan kopi untuk pembeli. Pecel itulah sumber penghasilan
mereka.‖ (Madasari, 2010, p. 28).
And then, because men are better in the story, having mistress isn't

something taboo anymore.

―Yu Parti bukan tidak mengetahui hal itu. Kata Nyai Dimah, Yu Parti
pernah berkata, ‖Namanya juga laki-laki. Asal mbaliknya tetap ke kandang
ya nggak apa-apa.‖.‖ (Madasari, 2010, p. 27).

As Wollstonecraft said regarding to the "weak character" of women,

Okky Madasari recounts the figure of Bu Jujuk, the wife of the sub-

district office keeper, Pak Jujuk. In the middle of the story chapter 2, Bu

Jujuk is told as a woman who only could cry when scolded and share her

sad story about her husband to Sumarni because she can do nothing."

―Pada Hari itu, misalnya, Bu Jujuk tiba-tiba menangis di depanku.

‖Jangan bilang siapa-siapa ya, Ni. Aku percaya sama kamu.‖
Aku, yang baru anak ingusan ini, hanya mengiyakan permintaan Bu Jujuk.
Lagi pula Bu Jujuk tidak butuh apa-apa dariku, hanya minta didengarkan.

Dia tak mungkin bercerita ke tetangga-tetangganya, malu. Kalau dipendam
terus, lama-lama makan hati. Bu Jujuk memilihku. Barangkali karena aku
sudah dipercayai, atau mungkin hanya sekadar karena aku bocah ingusan yang
tidak mungkin bercerita kepada siapa-siapa.
‖Suamiku itu lho, Ni. Dia gendakan sama kledek. Sudah lama, Ni. Tapi aku
diam saja. Aku nggak mau ribut, nggak mau cari masalah. Tapi aku nggak
kuat, Ni. Hatiku diiris-iris.‖
Tangis Bu Juju meledak. Hanya kami berdua yang ada di rumah itu.
Tentu tak ada yang bisa kukatakan pada Bu Jujuk. Menikah saja aku belum,
apalagi tahu bagaimana rasanya suami punya gendakan. Tapi Bu Jujuk
memang tak pernah bertanya padaku. Setiap ceritanya hanya ditutup dengan
tangisan. Begitu terus berulang kali.
Suatu hari, suami Bu Jujuk pulang saat Bu Jujuk untuk kesekian kalinya
menceritakan lakon Pak Jujuk dan kledek gendakan-nya. Bu Jujuk yang tak
menyadari kehadiran suaminya terus menumpahkan perasaan sambil menangis.
Semuanya langsung berhenti saat terdengar teriakan suaminya. Bu Jujuk
langsung menghapus air matanya, lalu buru-buru masuk rumah. Dari luar
kudengar umpatan-umpatan suami Bu Jujuk.
‖Istri nggak tahu diri! Kerjaannya rasan-rasan14 terus!‖ Tak ada jawaban dari
mulut Bu Jujuk. Lenyap semua umpatan yang sebelumnya dikatakan padaku.
Bu Jujuk kembali ke dunianya, dunia yang penuh kepatuhan dan ketakutan.‖
(Madasari, 2010, p. 46-47).

It is clearly described that Bu Jujuk as the figure or character that

submissive to his husband even after what her husband have done for

having a mistress. Regadless of her position, women hve the right thing to

fight the injustice of being betrayed of their married and those who

betraying their partner life, have no right thing to angry and even more to

scolded their partner life (Husdband / Wife).

As Marry Wollstonecraft said, It is not uncommon for a society's old

traditions to have a significant influence on women's position. Women

being a weak character due to circumstances that degrade them

(Wollstonecraft, 1792, p. 45). Some women's life are being controlled by

villages and are still shackled by a patriarchal conscience, which still lacks

gender equality. Due to Indonesia's traditional norms, social values,

religion & bealiefs, and patriarchal ideology, gender equality between

men and women cannot balance. Justice in gender equality is still less

used in Indonesia (Haryanti, 2014, p. 237).

‖Aku kuat, Mbok. Lha wong kita tiap pulang dari pasar juga nggendong goni.
Malah jaraknya jauh, naik-turun.‖
‖Bukan masalah kuat-nggak kuat, Nduk. Ini masalah ilok-ra ilok—pantas-
nggak pantas. Nggak ada perempuan nguli.‖ (Madasari, 2010, p. 35).

―Aku harus mengambil gaplek belanjaan perempuan itu di tempat Nyai

Dimah. Melihatku nguli, Nyai Dimah menyapa setengah mengejek, ‖Wah,
dapat duit ya sekarang.‖ Sementara Simbok hanya diam, pura-pura tidak
tahu.‖ (Madasari, 2010, p. 38).

And now, here the main female character in this story chapter 2,

Sumarni. Sumarni is the girls on puberty / adolescent from poor familly.

She is the woman who fight for feminist and ignore the culture that stop

her reaching her dreams for Entrok / bra.

‖Nduk, entrok itu mahal. Mbok mending duitnya buat makan,‖ kata Paklik.
‖Wong aku nggak pernah pakai entrok juga nggak apa-apa,‖
kata istrinya..‖ (Madasari, 2010, p. 19).

‖Aku yang satu-satunya perempuan di antara kuli-kuli itu langsung merasa

wanita itu memanggilku. Inilah kiranya orang yang akan pertama kali
memberiku uang. Aku ikuti langkah perempuan itu kembali ke dalam pasar.
Dia menyuruhku mengambil belanjaannya yang ada di los-los, sesuai jenisnya.
Cabe, bawang, bayam, sawi, tomat, singkong, juga gaplek. Ternyata priyayi
seperti dia masih makan gaplek juga, bukan beras." (Madasari, 2010, p. 38)

From the context above, it seems the place & times setting are from

previous / old era, which entrok or bra is so expensive, even to someone

who have husband that still working for money couldn't buy another

entrok, and also cassava as the main food because rice is also expensive

and only for rich people. And it's the reason why injustice of women are

something common because they have no right thing to do for their life

which everything dominated by men, most of old culture don't have

balance on gender equality .

And it is confirmed by Rousseau that women no need to be

independent. They have to maintain great fear, eventually becoming

enslaved by the men to please them (men) (Wollstonecraft, 1792, p. 25).

Women's status is still looked down upon in old culture, or as "weak

character," because of the patriarchal culture that still inherent in

people's mindset. On the story cited above, it is explained like if women

are born is only for biological and sociological needs for men, and the

women have to be ―prepared‖ and have no choice except to be married

to a man.

―Tapi cerita-cerita itu juga menimbulkan ketakutan. Takut pada laki-laki,

takut kawin. Lha buat apa kawin, kalau jadinya cuma sengsara. Inilah yang
kukatakan pada Teja waktu dia memintaku jadi istrinya. Dia melamarku di
depan pasar, saat matahari baru mengintip malu-malu, saat aku menunggu
kedatangan petani yang membawa berbagai sayur-sayuran.
‖Aku belum mau kawin, Kang.
‖Kenapa, Ni? Kita saling cocok. Apa kamu tidak pengin punya suami, punya
anak seperti Tinah?‖
Punya anak? Bagaimana jika aku punya anak nanti? Mau jadi apa anakku
nanti? Tukang kupas singkong atau bakulan
keliling desa kalau perempuan? Anak laki-laki ikut bapaknya nguli?
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu hanya tersimpan dalam hati.‖ (Madasari, 2010, p.

―Ia Nduk, anak perempuan itu harus punya suami, punya anak. Kalau sudah
ada yang melamar tidak boleh ditolak, bisa kualat, jadi perawan tua.‖
Aku tak membantah omongan Simbok." (Madasari, 2010, p. 48).

Hari itu, Teja pulang ke rumah Simbok. Jadilah kami tinggal bertiga di gubuk
itu. Simbok memasang papan yang membagi gubuk kami menjadi dua bagian.
Bagian depan dari pintu masuk sampai cagak, menjadi tempat untukku dan
Teja. Simbok menempati bagian sisanya, yang dekat dengan pawon."
(Madasari, 2010, p. 48).

In the end, although Sumarni afraid and don't want married, she still

can't reject the culture and tradition, which having husband is a great

oppertunity and if she reject the proposal marriage, she will got karma.

From the story above The tradition from an old tradition are the factor

in gender inequality where women only can surrender to the situation

because they are not allowed to do much. The role of parents is also

very influential, the old rules, usually more followed by women. So it

makes women weaker than men (Wollstonecraft, 1792, p. 126).

It was evident that women' weakness, is not by nature, but because of

the culture and traditions which also made the women became that

way. As Wollstonecraft said, the mind is not gendered. The role of

women is always stupid because they do not get a decent education.


Sa'idah, N. Iskandar, A, B. Khatimah, H. (2003). Revisi politik perempuan :

becermin pada Shahabiyat. Bogor: Idea Pustaka Utama

Haryanti, A. (2014). The Construction of Feminism in Indonesian Film:

Arisan 2! Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 236-241.

Madasari, O. (2010). Entrok. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Nurrachman, D. (2017). Introduction to Criticism. Bandung: Pustaka Aura


Wollstonecraft, M. (1792). A Vindication of the Rights of Woman: With

Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects. London: J. Johnson Publishing.

- Truly lack of focus Muhammad Guntur Aghni
- Too many introductory paragraphs
- Too many unnecessary informations
- Which theory do you want to apply actually? Choose one and be 1195030146
consistent with it
- Too many narratives quoted yet lack of real analysis
- Lack of relevant theoretical supports/justifications

60 = C
- Use the references to support the analysis, not only to be cited in the
- Be aware of some mechanic errors


Literature is a social reflection that conceived by language as the medium.

Since literature is derived from the Latin littera, which has meaning ‗a

letter of alphabet‘, it referred as the written of human expression which

highly regarded in a given language and society. According to Eagleton

(1996 : 15), the criteria of matter than can be mentioned as literary works,

were honestly ideological; the values and ‗tastes‘ of particular social class.

Consequently, the face of literary work never can be established without

its reflection, society. In short, it is inseparable. In rhymed with the

statement, Wellek and Warren (1953:110) argued, society is the main

source expression of literature. Besides of the assimilation beyond both

the entities, literary works may have done great communication and

commentary on the reality of human being and their interaction for many

centuries. This connection, later, probably has aroused another approach

on defining literature, as Damono (1979:3) explained, since the literary

creations may have portrayed the part of society dimension through the

plot, and consecutively talking about the criticize and commentary, or

even only on purpose to show it as a reveals to readers in order to engage

its consciousness, on what has befallen the society. Then, literature is

considered as one of social institution which conduct language as the


Despite of the nature, or as described by the expert on by social

perspective, furthermore literary works required to be imaginative. In

order to amuse and gain reader‘s gaze on the topic that presented in the

literature, the authors must encourage their ‗creative power‘ so that the

message could be received as they amused and earned knowledge.

According to Horace, "it is not enough poems to be beautiful; they must

be affecting and must lead the heart of the hearer as they will. As people's

faces smile on those who smile, in a similar way they sympathize with

those who weep.‖ (Nurrachman, 2017: 75).

Speaking of imaginative—creative, Matthew Arnold possessed his own

perception on how literature should bear the amount of creative power.

As he loved the way Wordsworth‘s put beauty on poet by the movement

of criticism, he bravely put commentary on it as he also adore it. He


―more then one rejoinder declared that the importance I here assigned to

criticism was excessive, and asserted the inherent superiority of the

creative effort of the human spirit over its critical effort.‖ (Nurrachman,


Arnold put focus on how Wordsworth‘s embraced the idea for

expressing their mind that it had to be done by feeling as it is a basis of

imagination. As it quoted, ―feeling becomes the real basis of imagination,

which become to grasp nature in its totality and to order one‘s

experience.‖ (Wordsworth on Nurrachman, 2017: 146). He later has its

critique, regarding to the manner of criticism as movement has neglected

the behalf of literary works nature, which it requires social reflection.

At the development, relating to the society amidst 18 th century, where

industry revolution sparked and made social issues as the consequents.

Romanticism, regarding to Arnold‘s viewpoint, rather than elaborate their

beauteous combined with surroundings reality, on the contrary it only

aroused the nature, and left the society behind. On Arnold‘s thought,

literary works suppose to able maintain both of powers; critical power

and creative power.

‖Wordsworth holds the critical power very low, infinitely lower than the inventive; and

he said today that if the quantity of time consumed in writing critiques on the works of

others were given to original composition, of whatever kind it might be, it would be

much better employed; it would make a man find out sooner his own level, and it

would do infinitely less mischief. A false or malicious criticism may be much injury to

the minds of others, a stupid invention, either in prose or verse, is quite harmless.‖

(Arnold on Nurrachman, 2017: 227).

As the critique continued throughout The Function of Criticism at The Present

Time, Matthew Arnold emphasized his argument on how critical power

should being equal to creative power.

Entrok,the first published novel presented by Okky Madasari. The book

set out the story around Sumarni, a woman who has been lived among

patriarchal society. Set place in Singget, Sumarni whose really eager to have

entrok—bra in Javanese—while her effort is going through hard paths, as

the place she live in is at prejudicial patterns towards women. As an

educational woman, who urges to prevail on her destiny when she step

on at her life little by little, she already meets the obstacles; from the

cultural view on working woman, the unreasonable claims on her belief,

until get blackmailed by military.

The large picture above, may implied how many multi layer issues that

occurred upon the story of Madasari‘s Entrok. Furthermore, as the essay

has put focus on the Matthew Arnold‘s Critical Power, the writer intend

to dissect and identify some narration that related towards the theory.

This profound research will deliberately use objective approach thal also

well-known as pragmatic. According to Abrams (1953; 1999), Pragmatic

is the approach that put an outlook to literary works as something which

is constructed in order to achieve certain effects on the audience, and

tends to judge the value of the work according to its success in achieving

that aim.

It is also has the similar aim on criticism as rhymed as Arnold‘s theory of

disinterestedness. The word disinterestedness does not imply a mere lack of

interest. On the contrary, it explained that Matthew Arnold's ideal critic is

disinterested. The critic must be from the ―interests‖ which in any way

tend to obstruct the attainment of the intellectual and moral perfection.

―And how is criticism show to show disinterestedness? By keeping aloof

from what is called ―the practical view of things‖; by resolutely following

the law of its own nature, which is to be a free play of the mind on all

subjects which it touches. By steadily refusing to lend itself to any of

those ulterior, political, practical, considerations about ideas, which plenty

of people wiil be sure to attach to them, which perhaps ought often to be

attached to them, which in this country at any rate are certain to be

attached to them quite sufficiently, but which criticism has really nothing

to do with.‖ (Nurrachman, 2017: 237).

As the topics, to connect furthermore with the presented theory, despite

of take review on the characters, the writer would like to try to assert and

identify the representation of prejudicial society throughout the novel, as

it is related issue and quite compatible with the real society events.

In Entrok, the building of society which developed by Okky Madasari is

vibrantly awful when it comes to public amenities and private life. As a

coping mechanism, respond to the social gap and sensitive financial

outlook, people tend to prepossess the negative idea about the person at


Orang-orang bilang, Ibu memelihara tuyul. Makhluk halus berkepala gundul yang

bisa membuat orang yang memeliharanya kaya. Setiap malam tuyul keluar rumah,

mencuri harta orang lain untuk diberikan pada majikannya.

Kata mereka, ‖Bagaimana mungkin Marni kere bisa jadi sekaya ini kalau tidak

punya tuyul?‖ Bagaimana orang yang dulunya makan saja tidak bisa sekarang

punya rumah megah, roda empat, dan berhektar-hektar tanah kalau bukan karena


Kata orang-orang, tuyul Ibu disembunyikan di kamar paling belakang, di samping

kamar mandi. Rumah kami terdiri atas empat bangunan rumah Jawa. Satu

bangunan untuk tamu, kami menyebutnya omah ngarep. Di belakangnya ada omah

mburi, tempat kami biasanya tidur bersama di atas tikar, padahal ada dua kamar

di sana. Keluarga ini memang tidak terbiasa tidur di kamar. Begitu juga aku.

Kamar-kamar itu hanya untuk menyimpan berbagai barang. Selebihnya, itu hanya

mengikuti model bangunan yang kata orang bangunan modern. Di sebelah omah

mburi ada dapur besar dengan empat pawon. Di depannya ada bangunan yang kami

sebut toko. Di situ Ibu biasa menaruh semua barang dagangan yang dijualnya di

pasar.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 54).

Later on, as it represents the cultural habit of prejudice. It shifting its

form into a sort of weapon to blackmailed a person by a handicap on

individual manner, and then it will used to earn what the perpetrator

want, or even in order to degrading someone‘s name. in Singget, it could

happened to anybody who do not bow down on this negative notions.

Begitu tentara-tentara itu pergi, Bapak dan Ibu bertengkar hebat.

‖Kamu jangan seenaknya, Ni. Mau kamu dicap PKI, dipenjara kayak Pak

Tikno?‖ ‖Halah! Aku bukan PKI! Aku cuma mau cari makan. Tidak mencuri.

Tidak merampok. Apa aku salah? Terus mereka seenak udele meras orang. Dulu

ngambil panci. Sekarang datang minta duit!‖

‖Tapi mereka petugas, Ni. Orang yang mengamankan kita!‖ ‖Hasyah! Prek!‖

‖Kowe prak-prek-prak-prek terus! Mau nanggung kalau kita nanti dicap PKI?

Mau kalau nanti kita semua dipenjara?‖ ‖Terserah! Yang penting aku bukan

PKI.‖ Hari itu berakhir dengan pertengkaran antara Bapak dan Ibu. Pertengkaran

yang berakhir mengambang. Masing-masing ngotot pada apa yang dipercayainya.‖

(Madasari, 2010: 71).

After this event, in sequel, other things occurred with similar substance.

The different is, it comes from a matter of leaders echelon. Which in this

case, the form of the deeds occured in form of pressure that injured the

private rights that people should have. It showed, that the depiction of

this negative notions had infiltrated the wisdom of leadership. And of

course, it is a complete representation of how civil is have degrade

themselves in front of authority.

Keesokan harinya, pagi-pagi sekali, saat aku belum berangkat sekolah dan Bapak-

Ibu belum berangkat ke pasar, Pak RT datang ke rumah kami. Dia datang

mengenakan sarung yang digunakan tidur, dengan mata yang masih merah menahan

kantuk. Pak RT menyapa Bapak dan Ibu yang tengah bersiap-siap di depan pintu

rumah. Dia mengucapkan salam. Bapak mempersilakan Pak RT masuk rumah,

duduk di kursi rotan yang sehari sebelumnya diduduki tentara-tentara itu.

‖Yu Marni, Kang Teja, kemarin ada komandan mampir ke rumah saya. Katanya

habis dari sini. Komandan bilang... emmm... sampeyan tidak tahu pentingnya


‖Ya bukan begitu, Pak RT. Saya itu cuma bingung, wong saya tidak punya musuh

kok mesti diamankan.‖

‖Itu sudah normal, Yu. Sudah aturan negara, semua orang harus menjaga

keamanan. Kalau harus bayar, ya bayar!‖

‖Ya saya agak berat to, Pak RT. Wong saya kerja meras keringat siang-malam

buat cari makan. Ini bisa bangun rumah kayak gini dari mengumpulkan sedikit

demi sedikit.‖

‖Huss, Ni! Maaf, Pak RT, memang Marni nggak ngerti apa-apa soal keamanan.

Dia tahunya cuma bakulan di pasar,‖

Bapak memotong jawaban Ibu.

‖Ya sudahlah. Itu urusan kalian. Saya cuma mau meng ingatkan, kita butuh

tentara. Mereka itu yang bisa buat kita aman. Saya tidak mau gara-gara kalian,

ada goro-goro di kampung kita. Kalian ingat to, kejadian Tikno? Gara-gara orang

yang sakpenake dewe seperti dia, orang sekampung direpotkan. Sekarang malah

anak-istrinya keleleran, kita juga yang repot. Saya tidak mau kejadian seperti itu

terjadi lagi di kampung kita. Ngerti, to?‖

Bapak mengiyakan dengan lirih, nyaris tak terdengar. Ibu hanya mengangguk lemah.

Tak ada bantahan dari mereka berdua. Pak RT pamit pulang. Bapak dan Ibu

mengantarnya sampai halaman.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 73).

According to Arnold, this kind of issue in literature is what needed in

every author‘s works. They were expected to be able to bring out the

reality, so just not focus on beauty of nature which is tend to

transcendent and neglect the real life, because society is essentially part of

nature. As it is alluded by Arnold,

―Presently these new ideas reach society, the touch of truth is the touch

of life, and there is stir and growth everywhere; out of this stir and

growth come to creative epochs of literature. Or, to narrow our range,

and quit these considerations of the general march of genius and of

society—considerations which are apt to become too abstract and

impalpable—everyone can see that a poet, for instance, ought to know

life and the world before dealing with them in poetry; and life and the

world being in modern times very complex things, the creation of

modern poet, to be worth much, implies a great critical efford behind it;‖

(Arnold on Nurrachman, 2017: 229).

At final, as it has been described and explained throughout the novel and

theories, it can be concluded that; the society which has been depicted in

Okky Madasari‘s Entrok is a great representation of prejudicial society, as

it is reviewed along the quotes, on how much the society—through

negative aspects—is reapetedly affected the characters in terrible ways.

The picture of blackmail, social pressure, and prejudice was well-done

representated in the novel. And is it a good proof on how critical power

should be applied in accordance of Matthew Arnold.


Abrams, M. (1979). The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic Theory and The

Critical Tradition. New York: Oxford University Press.

Damono, S. D. (1979). Sosiologi Sastra: Sebuah Pengantar Ringkas. Jakarta:

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia.

Eagleton, T. (1996). Literary Theory: An Introduction. London: Basil Blackwell

Madasari, O. (2010). Entrok. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Nurrachman, D. (2017). Critical Theory from Ancient Greece to Victorian

England. Bandung: Pustaka Aura Semesta.

Wellek, R., & Warren, A. (1989). Theory of Literature. Jakarta: PT


- Too many introductory paragraphs
- Lack of focus
Name: Muhammad Ichsan Shaefulloh
- Jumped-up ideas
- Some analysis are still irrelevant with the theory used
- Lack of real critical analysis Student‘s ID: 1195030147
- Lack of theoretical justifications

60 = C
- Lack of sources cited
- Inconsistent sources/references Class: 5D
- Be aware of mechanic errors

Literary works divided into 3, namely poetry, prose, and drama.

Novel is one of kinds of Prose. According to Maskurun, novel is a story

that tells conflicts of actors so that there is a change in path or fate of the

main character and there is also another definition of novel stated by

Laelasari and nurlaela, ―novel is long prose essay that contains a series of

stories of a person‘s life with the people around him by highlighting the

character and the nature of each actor (Amri, 2018).

Literary works are closely related to the social life of society. This

is because literary works are the result of the author's imagination and

reflection on social phenomena that occur in society and are poured into

writing. In line with that, according to the book Theory of Literature by

Dr. I made Suarta and Kadek Adhi Dwipayana (Suartata & Dwipayana,

2016), argued that literature is always created from a creative process by

the author which departs from the social problems of society. From the

explanation above, we know that literary works are based on reality and

can‘t be separated with reality. it is called mimetic. Mimetic is a word that

come from Greek which means ―representation‖ or ―imitation‖.

Literary works is a combination between entertainment and

education as stated by Rene Wellek & Austin Warren (Kanzunnudin,

2012) , ―Literature has a function of entertaining as well as educating. In

line with the function of literature as education, Nurholis (Nurholis,

2018), stated that there are some functions of literature and one of them

is didactive function which means that literature must be able to direct

or educate its readers because of the truth values contained in it.

From the explanation above, we can now that literature can be an

education tool.

As an education tool, literary works should contain

something good or only contain good content, either in language or

in action. In language, writer should filter, and select only good

words and in action, writer should provide good action only and

avoid bad things or bad contents in order to avoid negative effects

of literary works on readers. Literary works are called as a tool or

media for education because it can include life‘s value explicitly or

implicitly and literary works are such great tools for teaching
children because Literary works are believed to be capable of being

used as a media for instilling, cultivating, developing, and even

preserving values that are believed to be good and valuable by

family, community, and nation (Anafiah, 2015) and indirectly can

shape children‘s character. According to Tarigan (Kanzunnudin, 2012),

literary works play important role in children‘s education, namely

languange development, cognitive development, character development,

and social development. In line with literary works as character forming,

Plato states that the beginning is the most important part of any work,

especially in the case of a young and tender thing; for that is the time at

which the character is being formed and the desired impression are more

readily taken (Nurrachman, 2017).Therefore, literary works are really

expected to contain something good so that they can give good impact

for reader especially for children and expected to avoid bad things.

However, there are still many literary works that contain bad things or

inappropriate things that we can find today and one of them is a novel

entitled Entrok by Okky Madasari.

Entrok is A Novel written by Okky Madasari, an Indonesian

novelist that was published in April 2010 on Kartini's Day. This novel is

the first novel of Okky Madasari and is inspired by life experiences that

are often told by his grandmother as stated by Okky.

“Ide novel ini lahir dari keluarga besar saya di Magetan, tempat

saya pertama kali belajar tentang kesetaraan dan toleransi”

(Madasari, 2010).

Entrok is a novel set in the time of new order that tells a story of 2

Javanese woman, namely Sumarni and Rahayu and their struggling

against injustice caused by gender construction in patriarchal culture.

This story begins with sumarni, a poor girl who has desire to buy an

entrok for herself but she doesn‘t have money. For this reason, Sumarni

determines to work as cassava peeler like her mother so that she can get

money and buy an entrok but in reality, she doesn‘t earn money. Instead,

she gets cassavas. She begins to work as a porter to earn money and

break a stereotype that porter job is only for men and finally, she can buy

an entrok.

In this novel, there are many inappropriate or bad contents. This

is something that is not good because it can produce a bad impact on the

reader and what can be done is to do censorship as proposed by Plato

(Nurrachman, 2017), ―Then the first thing will be to estabslish a

censorship of the writers the writers of fiction, and let the censors

receive any tale of fiction which is good, and reject the bad‖. Censorship

itself is a process of filtering out something that is not good in a literary

work by eliminating it because it should not be consumed by the public.

In Okky Madasari‘s Entrok, bad contents appear are Inappropriate

language and maybe lead to a vulgar one, sexual content, violence. The

following are bad contents in Okky Madasari‘s Entrok.

“Aku bandingkan dadaku dengan dada

Simbok yang besar, kendor, dan

menggelantung seperti pepaya. Kata Simbok

saat bayi aku selalu mencari-cari dadanya

yang kewer-kewer2 itu. Setiap saat aku

menangis dan berteriak, Simbok akan segera

memasukkan dadanya ke mulutku. Lalu aku

akan berhenti menangis dan mengisapnya

dengan lahap.” (Page 16)

“Saat itu aku menyadari ada sesuatu yang

berbeda di dadaku. Ada gumpalan yang

lembut dan terlihat menyembul dari balik

baju yang kupakai. Simbok bilang aku sudah

mringkili” (Page 15-16)

“Di rumah, Simbok biasa mengumbar

dadanya. Dia hanya memakai kain yang

dililitkan di perutnya, bagian atas perut

dibiarkan terbuka” (Page 16)

“Dadanya tidak nglawer-nglawer, tapi

menyembul dengan indah. (Page 17)

“Dadaku kian membesar dan mengencang

setelah aku mengeluarkan darah pertama

kali” (hal. 33)

“Kupasang entrok pada dua gunungku.

Rasanya pas dan kencang. Aku meloncat dan

berlarian. Dadaku seperti terikat kencang,

tidak nglawer-nglawer lagi. Malam harinya

aku” (hal. 40)

Sumarni is a girl who has just grown up and is in her puberty. One of

the female puberty periods is marked by the appearance of breasts and

this is something natural. However, this is not appropriate to be told

explicitly in literary works. Besides that, Okky also wrote about Marni

comparing her breasts with her mother's breasts and also told about her

mother's habit of never wearing a breast cover when at home. the

narratives written by Okky are very likely to make the reader imagine

something sexual and this can have a bad impact on readers, especially

children. In these quotations, there are many inappropriate words,

phare or sentence such as “dada Simbok yang besar, kendor, dan menggelantung

seperti papaya‖, ―menyembul‖, ―ngalawar ngelewer‖. because in my opinion,

these words are still considered taboo in Indonesia. According to

Cambridge dictionary, taboo is a subject, word, or action that

is avoided for religious or social reasons and in ―Simbok akan segera

memasukkan dadanya ke mulutku‖, ―mengisapnya dengan lahap‖ , I think it can

be something vulgar, so that it need to be censored.

In this novel, Okky also presents sexual activity as Sumarni and Teja are

getting married. Okky describes the sexual activity between Sumarni and

Teja with ―Kesakitan & Kegirangan‖. ― ―Mengerang & Senang‖

―Menangis & Tertawa‖ and even though Okky doesn‘t present it very

vulgar, it still can make the reader imagine something sexual and still have

bad impact on readers. so, it must be censored and not be presented.

Here‘s the narration:

“Aku kesakitan, dia kegirangan. Aku

mengerang, dia senang. Aku menangis, dia

tertawa penuh kemenangan. Aku

menerawang, dia telah pulas” (hal. 49)

This novel also contains violence. This is showing a fight between Yu

Yem and Yu Parti. Even though the fight between Yu Yem and Yu Parti

is not too dangerous because it‘s just by pulling hair but still it is not

appropriate to show it explicitly on the novel and it also can cause bad

impact on reader. So, this must be censored and this also contains a harsh

word like ―Sundal‖.

” Dasar sundal, perebut suami orang.” Yu

Parti mulai kehilangan kesabaran. Dia

bergerak mendekati tempat Yu Yem berdiri.

Dagangan cabe yang ada di los disapu dengan

tangannya. Cabe-cabe itu berhamburan ke

seluruh los.

Emosi Yu Yem memuncak melihat

dagangannya diobrakabrik. Ditariknya rambut

Yu Parti yang tergelung. Yu Parti menjerit,

kali ini jerit kesakitan. Tapi dia tetap tidak

mau kalah, rambut Yu Yem yang tergerai

sampai pinggang ditariknya dengan kasar.

Jadilah dua perempuan itu saling menjambak.

Teriakan dan makian silih berganti keluar dari

mulut kedua perempuan itu.” (hal. 25).

There are also other violence shown in this novel. Amri is trying

to help rickshaw drivers who are being tortured by soldiers but it

ends up with fighting. This scene is very inappropriate to show,

especially this scene shows violence against women when Rahayu

tries to break up their fight. Rahayu got slapped in her cheek.

these scenes can also make readers think that being a soldier

allows one to do anything. this has a bad impact on the readers

and this scene must be censored.

“ Pukulan melayang di wajah Amri. Iman

bergerak cepat membalasnya. Mereka berempat

kini terlibat perkelahian. Aku dan Arini hanya

diam, tak tahu mau berbuat apa. Pak Amin

diam di sampingku. Lirih kudengar dia

berzikir, suaranya bergetar. Kedua petugas itu

kini menggunakan senapannya. Tidak, dia

tidak menembak. Dengan popor senapan Imran

dan Amin digebuk, di muka, punggung, dan

perut. Aku sudah tidak tahan...”Berhenti...

berhenti...!” Plak... kurasakan pipiku panas,

perih. Popor senjata itu mengenai pipiku.

Kedua petugas itu menghentikan serangannya.

Amri dan Iman sudah meringkuk di tanah.

(Page 148)

” Lalu... petugas itu marah. Kami dibawa ke

Kali Manggis.Di pinggir kali kami dihajar...

dipukul, ditendang... lalu disuruh nyebur ke

sungai... Saya kedinginan... Rasanya seperti

masuk es... Wong tengah malam seperti itu...”

(Page 154).

Once again, Okky presents violence in this novel. Being beaten,

beaten, kicked are things that are not very good to be presented in

a work explicitly. Besides violence, Okky also shows bad content,

namely silencing.

Surat itu tiba. Surat pemecatan dari rektorat.

Amri dipecat sebagai dosen. Aku, Iman, dan

Arini dikeluarkan sebagai mahasiswa. Kami

dianggap telah menyebabkan terjadinya

kerusuhan. Tak ada sedikit pun yang

menyinggung tentang peristiwa di Kali

Manggis atau kematian Mehong. Taufik juga

dipecat dari pekerjaannya. Dia dituduh

mengarang berita. Kami orang-orang kalah.

(Page 161)

Amri, Rahayum, Iman, Arini, and Taufik are fighting for justice

for Mehong. They demanded an investigation of the case of the

strange death of Mehong. However, they were all silenced. They

are considered as rioters even though they want to demand justice.

This is not a good thing to show.

From the explanation above, Entrok, a novel written by Okky

Madasari which tells the story of 2 Javanese women and their

struggle against injustice, is a novel that contains bad content. In

this novel, the bad content is about the use of inappropriate

words, sexual activities and silencing and all the contents of this

bad content are exposed explicitly by Okky. this should not be

exposed in a novel because it can have a bad effect on readers,

especially children. Therefore, we need to censor the bad content.

This bad content also makes Okky Madasari's work categorized as

bad literature because good literature is a literary work that

contains something good that can have a good impact on its




KARYA SIRIN M.K. Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia,


Anafiah, S. (2015). Pemanfaatan Sastra Anak Sebagai Media Mitigasi

Bencana. Humaniora, 15(1), 10–15.



Madasari, O. (2010). Entrok. PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Nurholis. (2018). Introduction to literary analysis (2018th ed.).

Nurrachman, D. (2017). Introduction to Criticisn: Critical Theory from Ancient

Greece to Victorian England (Revised Ed). Pustaka Aura Semesta.

Suartata, D. I. M., & Dwipayana, K. A. (2016). Teori Sastra (1st ed.).

Rajawali Press.

- Less focus analysis
Muhammad Ilham Akbar
- Having more retelling than real analysis
- Having some jumped-up ideas
- Still lack of consistency
- Needs more real critical-analytical arguments
5– D
- Still lack of relevant theoretical justifications/supports
- Inconsistent references
- Be aware of mechanic errors 60 = C


Literature is a creative and productive activity that results in a work that is

both aesthetic and socially relevant. Wellek (1993: 3), stated that

―Literature is a creative activity of a work of art‖. Literary works emerge from

the author's desire to express his or her existence through the expression

of certain ideas, messages, and concepts inspired by the author's

imagination and socio-cultural reality. Make use of language as a means of

communication. Literature itself has the same discipline qualification with

the other diciplines such as body of knowledge than can studied

systematically (Nurachman, 2017 , p. 1). The works of literature are

human creativity-related socio-cultural phenomena. ―Literary works are born

from the expression of the sediment of experience that has existed in the soul of the

author in a deep way through the process of imagination‖ (Aminuddin, 1990: 57).

In literary criticism those are opinion that supported by evidence in

relating genre, theme, setting and also political or historical contex.

Literary criticism that also includes about work‘s discussin content and

upgrade ideas with the other and gained by research. There is not

summary, bioghrapy of the author, or looking for the mistake in

literature. There are some types of literary criticism such as bioghrapical

criticism, comparative criticism , ethnical, textual, feminist, historical,

mimetic, pragmatic, expressive, social, psychological, theoretical, and

sociological criticism (WAIDNER-SPAHR LIBRARY, 2020). A good

literary work is one that is able to leave the viewer with a statement and a

general feeling. In this case, readers can enjoy a literary work while also

gaining valuable knowledge from it. As a result, the reader will be satisfied

with literature if they can obtain both of these topics. As wisely told by

William Wordsworth, who advised that ―For all poetry, good poetry is a

spontaneous overflow feeling‖ (Nurachman, 2014).

Feminism is a term used to describe women's movements that seek to

eliminate gender inequality as a result of discrimination, violence,

inferiority, and arbitrary power. The feminist movement aims to improve

women's status by removing them from their position of helplessness.

Issues arising from gender differences resulting in a societal appreciation

imbalance as well as Inequity in men's and women's rights and

opportunities Embarrassment, neglect, exploitation, and even sexual

harassment are all common experiences for women violence. The

existence of gender gaps in various aspects of life, particularly in terms of

access to education and economic resources, causes gender inequality,

which primarily affects women. This is a serious issue. It's possible that

this is due to the negative stereotype that women are weak. Feminist

criticism is one of the kind of literary criticism. Generally feminist is

person who fight for gender equality in social context, economic context,

and political context this action or movement called feminism. Feminist

criticism is influence and reflected of women‘s situation by themselves in

a long term and achievement of their specific and practical action (Guo,


Because the old tradition of women's position still threatens women in

some areas, feminism is still frequently discussed in novels. Because

women are still enslaved by male tyranny, this tradition severely restricts

their freedom of movement. It is mentioned, ―the beginner and the trigger of

female follies are from the tyranny of man‖ (Wollstonecraft, 1792, p. 160). In her

book 'A Vindication of the Rights of Woman,' Mary Wollstonecraft also

discusses this feminism debate. It was written as a call to action for

women to achieve gender equality. Mary also stated in this book that

women are not born weak. Wollstonecraft's retort is an integral element

in her feminist strategy: "What nonsense!" Not only Rousseau but also most of

the male writers who have followed in his footsteps have argued that the whole tendency

of female education should be directed toward one purpose: to make women pleasing to

men‖ ( Nurachman, 2014). Departing from the arguments and idea of

Feminism Movement which views literary works as such, scienters study

continiously with the novel that will be criticized. Entrok novel written by

Okky Madasari, elucidate a woman's struggle. Sumarni, a Javanese

woman, came from a low-income family. When Marni, who lives alone

with her mother or simbok, reaches puberty, she has issues. Something

was growing in her chest, namely enlarged breasts, she felt mringkili

(breasts begin to grow). Marni was bothered by the appearance of breasts,

which made her unable to move freely. Marni, like her cousin Tinah,

wants entrok (BH or bra). However, at the time, entrok was a luxury item

with a high price tag. Simbok, whose daily wages consist solely of cassava,

is unable to purchase Marni Entrok. Marni began to wrack her brains

about how to get her to have encroachment as a result of her desire,

marni attempted to improve the existing social order.

Marni's physical appearance and age is mentioned in the early novel to

that of a young adolescent, as evidenced by the following changes in body


―Aku masih sangat muda.‖ And in line ―Saat tinggiku sudah sepundak Simbok

dan tangan kananku bisa meraih kuping dengan mudah. Saat itu aku menyadari

ada sesuatu yang berbeda di dadaku. Ada gumpalan yang lembut dan terlihat

menyembul dari balik baju yang kupakai. Simbok bilang aku sudah mringkili.

Kataya itu hal biasa yang akan dialami semua perempuan. Kataya mringkili adalah

salah satu tanda aku sudah bukan anak-anak lagi. Aku bandingkan dadaku

dengan dada Simbok yang besar, kendor, dan menggelantung seperti pepaya. Kata

Simbok saat bayi aku selalu mencari-cari dadanya yang kewer-kewer2 itu‖

(Madasari, 2010, p.15-16). So Marni is a teenager who is entering puberty.

Marni is a hardworking woman who is determined to change her life by

improving her family's financial situation. Since Marni's adolescence, she

has been thinking about this. Starting when Marni joined Simbok and

assisted her in peeling Nyai Dimah's cassavas.

Marni had a stronger desire to work. She was willing to work as a butler,

which was traditionally a man's job. Marni was dissatisfied with her job as

a cassava peeler and demanded cassava in exchange. She aspired to be

paid in the same way that men were.

‖Nyi Dimah mau ngangkat apa?‖

‖Bukan, Kang. Aku nggak disuruh Nyai. Aku yang butuh bantuan, Kang.‖

‖Kamu mau ngangkat apa, Ni?‖

‖Bukan, Kang. Bukan minta dibantu ngangkat. Aku mau ditolong, aku mau ikut

nguli kayak Kakang.‖

‖Ni, kamu ada-ada saja. Nggak ada perempuan nguli. Nggak akan kuat. Sudah,

perempuan itu kerja yang ringan-ringan aja. Ngupas singkong.‖

‖Aku kuat, Kang. Biasanya aku juga nggendong tenggok, nggendong goni. Bakul-

bakul itu juga banyak yang mengangkat sendiri dagangannya dari rumah ke pasar.

Hanya priyayi-priyayi saja yang nggak kuat ngangkat goni.‖

‖Tapi tetap nggak umum, Ni. Di pasar ini, nggak ada pe-rempuan nguli.‖

‖Tapi aku mau, Kang. Aku butuh duit, Kang. Nggak mau lagi diupahi singkong.‖

‖Ya terserah. Kalau mau nguli ya monggo,‖ Kata Teja lirih.

‖Caranya gimana, Kang?‖

‖Nggak ada caranya. Asal ada tenaga saja. Kamu tunggu di sini kalau ada orang

yang butuh,‖ kata Teja sambil menunjuk kuli-kuli lain yang bergerombol di bangku

kayu depan pasar.‖ (Madasari, 2010, P. 34)

Okky Madasari describes Bu Jujuk, the wife of Pak Jujuk, the sub-district

office keeper, in the same way that Wollstonecraft described women's

"weak character." Bu Jujuk is described as a woman who could only cry

when scolded and share her sad story about her husband with Sumarni

because she couldn't do anything.

―Pada Hari itu, misalnya, Bu Jujuk tiba-tiba menangis di depanku.

‖Jangan bilang siapa-siapa ya, Ni. Aku percaya sama kamu.‖

Aku, yang baru anak ingusan ini, hanya mengiyakan permintaan Bu Jujuk. Lagi

pula Bu Jujuk tidak butuh apa-apa dariku, hanya minta didengarkan. Dia tak

mungkin bercerita ke tetangga-tetangganya, malu. Kalau dipendam terus, lama-lama

makan hati. Bu Jujuk memilihku. Barangkali karena aku sudah dipercayai, atau

mungkin hanya sekadar karena aku bocah ingusan yang tidak mungkin bercerita

kepada siapa-siapa.

‖Suamiku itu lho, Ni. Dia gendakan sama kledek. Sudah lama, Ni. Tapi aku

diam saja. Aku nggak mau ribut, nggak mau cari masalah. Tapi aku nggak kuat,

Ni. Hatiku diiris-iris.‖

Tangis Bu Juju meledak. Hanya kami berdua yang ada di rumah itu.

Tentu tak ada yang bisa kukatakan pada Bu Jujuk. Menikah saja aku belum,

apalagi tahu bagaimana rasanya suami punya gendakan. Tapi Bu Jujuk memang

tak pernah bertanya padaku. Setiap ceritanya hanya ditutup dengan tangisan. Begitu

terus berulang kali.

Suatu hari, suami Bu Jujuk pulang saat Bu Jujuk untuk kesekian kalinya

menceritakan lakon Pak Jujuk dan kledek gendakan-nya. Bu Jujuk yang tak

menyadari kehadiran suaminya terus menumpahkan perasaan sambil menangis.

Semuanya langsung berhenti saat terdengar teriakan suaminya. Bu Jujuk langsung

menghapus air matanya, lalu buru-buru masuk rumah. Dari luar kudengar

umpatan-umpatan suami Bu Jujuk.

‖Istri nggak tahu diri! Kerjaannya rasan-rasan14 terus!‖ Tak ada jawaban dari

mulut Bu Jujuk. Lenyap semua umpatan yang sebelumnya dikatakan padaku. Bu

Jujuk kembali ke dunianya, dunia yang penuh kepatuhan dan ketakutan.‖

(Madasari, 2010, p. 46-47).

Bu Jujuk is clearly depicted as a figure or character who is submissive to

her husband, despite what her husband has done for having a mistress.

Regardless of their position, women have the right to fight injustice when

their marriage is betrayed, and those who betray their partner life have no

right to be angry or even scolded by their partner life (husband / wife).

As Marry Wollstonecraft said, ―It is not uncommon for a society's old traditions

to have a significant influence on women's position. Women being a weak character due

to circumstances that degrade them‖ (Wollstonecraft, 1792, p. 45). Villages have

control over some women's lives, and they are still shackled by a

patriarchal conscience that lacks gender equality. Gender equality

between men and women cannot be achieved in Indonesia due to

traditional norms, social values, religion and beliefs, and patriarchal

ideology. Justice in gender equality is still less used in Indonesia (Haryanti,

2014, p. 237).

She aspires to improve the current social order. "Women work peeling

cassava and are paid for cassava," Simbok says. Marni, understandably,

became enraged. She believes that women, like men, have the right to be


― Aku kuat, Mbok. Lha wong kita tiap pulang dari pasar juga nggendong goni.

Malah jaraknya jauh, naik-turun.‖

‖Bukan masalah kuat-nggak kuat, Nduk. Ini masalah ilok-ra ilok—pantas-nggak

pantas. Nggak ada perempuan nguli.‖ (Madasari, 2010, p. 35).

Paying no heed to Simbok's words, Marni stopped peeling the cassava

and joined him. Little by little, Marni's money was collected. Until

finally, Marni was able to buy the entrok she wanted. After that, Marni

realized that if she didn't develop her business, she would still be poor.

Therefore, Marni also took the initiative to start bakulan. Every day, he

buys some goods at the market, then sells them by traveling around the

village. In the end, Marni has managed to change her life. He was also

known as a wealthy skipper.

Because of the patriarchal culture that still exists in people's minds,

women's status is still looked down upon, or as "weak character."

According to the story cited above, women are born solely to meet the

biological and sociological needs of men, and women must be "prepared"

and have no choice but to marry a man. Women no need to be

independent. They have to maintain great fear, eventually becoming

enslaved by the men to please them (men) (Wollstonecraft, 1792, p. 25).

‖Aku belum mau kawin, Kang.

‖Kenapa, Ni? Kita saling cocok. Apa kamu tidak pengin punya suami, punya anak

seperti Tinah?‖

Punya anak? Bagaimana jika aku punya anak nanti? Mau jadi apa anakku nanti?

Tukang kupas singkong atau bakulan

keliling desa kalau perempuan? Anak laki-laki ikut bapaknya nguli?

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu hanya tersimpan dalam hati.‖ (Madasari, 2010, p. 47).

The role of parents is also very influential, the old rules, usually more followed by

women. So it makes women weaker than men (Wollstonecraft, 1792, p. 126).

Women are only able to surrender to the situation because they are not

permitted to do much. From that on we know that she has no chance to

speak up her minds. this case is similar with the case in Mary

Wollstonecraft‘s essay A Vindication of The Right of Woman chapter VI.

She says that ―woman have to learn in choise of husband should by theirselves and

don‘t became fool on their partner‖ (Wollstonecraft in Nurachman, 2017: 138).

Woman should have equal rights and opputunities as man. Mary

Wollstonecraft has teories in facing about feminism issue, one of these is

the concept woman as rakes. In this theory Wollstonecraft tells that

woman became a slave to love often dishonest.

As a result, Entrok depicts Marni's struggles as a woman. She tries to

dispel the stereotype that women are helpless creatures. Marni was able to

collect money from work associated with Adam, as proof. Finally, Okky

was able to bring up one point: Indonesian women face challenges.

Despite the fact that women like Marni try to break the patriarchal

culture as individuals.


Nurrachman, D. (2017). Introduction to Criticism. Bandung: Pustaka Aura


Wollstonecraft, M. (1792). A Vindication of the Rights of Woman: With

Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects. London: J. Johnson Publishing.

Nurachman, D. (2014). Classical Theory: From Ancient Greek to Victorian

England. Bandung: Pustaka Aura Semesta.

Rene Wellek & Austin Wareen. (1995). Teori Kesusastraan. Jakarta: PT

Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Duman, F. (2012). The Roots of Modern Feminism : Mary Wollstonecraft and the

French Revolution. 2(9), 75–89.

WAIDNER-SPAHR LIBRARY. (2020, August 25). Retrieved from Criticism

: Literature, Film & Drama : Literature Criticism:

70 = B
- Supposed to be a good one reading the title, yet still I'm mistaken
- Less focus analysis
- Still having jumped-up ideas
- Too many introductory paragraphs
- Some still retelling than real analysis
- Some narratives and analysis are still irrelevant with the theory used
- Needs more critical-analytical arguments 1195030151
- Needs more relevant theoretical justifications/supports
- Be aware of mechanic errors: paragraphs, capitalization, punctuation, 5-D
citation, etc




In the life of literature to qualify science, literature can be disciplined

to have its own knowledge and can be studied systematically. In people's

lives, literature is like an expression that is in itself that can be appreciated

and surpassed in everyday life to be more valuable. Because of that,

literary works always have self-reliance to be able to support all things,

both good and bad.

The most important thing is how literature can sustain itself so as not

to be influenced by anything. That way literature will be able to actualize

all the potential in his work, such as being able to accept reality, think

positively, be self-aware, have independence, and have the ability to

achieve it. Moses, Plato, and Milton in Emerson's book interpret that:

―That they set at naught books and traditions, and spoke not what men but what

they thought. A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which

flashes across his mind from within, more than the lustre of the firmament of bards

and sages. Yet he dismisses without notice his thought, because it is his.‖

(Emerson 1841)

In literary works such as novels, poetry, short stories, dramas, they

often use self-reliance as part of transcendentalist thinking. This is

because some authors consider that self-reliance is important. So that

they often apply these ideas in their works through characters, plots, and

narratives, one of the author's works that implies self-reliance is Okky

Madasari in his work entitled Entrok.

Talk about self-reliance, a culture in society is an important part of

that. Entrok is one culture that is sufficient to represent human life.

Where people can believe in themselves to step on the goals they want to

realize. As (Nurrachman 2014) argues that nature is a movement or

change that can be regulated by itself and nature does everything with its

own hands, and does not leave other people to be able to baptize it, but

by baptizing using itself.

Entrok tells the story of a woman's struggle, starting with Marni who

wanted to have Entrok which is now better known as a Bra or Bra. Marni

is trying very hard to boost the existing social order. Ecording to

Simbok‘s opinion ―Perempuan yaa hanya bisa bekerja mengupas singkong dan di

upahi dengan singkong‖ With those words, Marni rebelled and believed

herself that women deserved to be rewarded with money, not only men.

Don't pay attention to what Simbok says, Marni stopped peeling cassava

and went over to Teja to join her coolies. While working, little by little

Marni earns money and collects it. Finally, Marni was able to buy the

entrok that she really wanted. Thus, Marni also took the initiative to

support her family by bakulan, if she does not expand his business then

she will remain poor. Every day Marni buys things at the market and then

goes around the village to sell them. Until finally, Marni has managed to

change her life, and is known as a rich skipper. Behind its success is

thanks to the help of Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapak Kuasa. Therefore, Marni

never left the ritual of prayer and offerings to "Her God". After Marni

married Teja, they had a child named Rahayu. In her growth Rahayu

became a smart child, and she learned about religious knowledge, but

from her intelligence Rahayu stated that her mother was a sinner because

her mother had believed in Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapak Kuasa. Meanwhile,

Rahayu believes that only Gusti Allah has the right to be worshiped. The

feud is getting hotter, even Rahayu hates her mother openly. Until we

finally find out why they have their own beliefs.

As has been told above. I will begin to analyze the human beliefs they

highlight in this novel. In this attitude will bring up self-reliance in it, as

the following quote:

―Kutinggalkan Teja setelah mendapat jawaban yang kuinginkan. Aku pulang

dengan puas dan penuh semangat. Bahagia, hanya karena aku mempunyai

harapan lagi. Hari itu waktu seperti berjalan lambat. Sudah tidak sabar

rasanya untuk kembali ke pasar, nguli, dan mendapat upah. Aku akan segera

mempunyai entrok, Waktu kuceritakan rencanaku pada Simbok, dia langsung

menolaknya. ‖Nduk, semua itu sudah ada jatahnya. Orang kayak kita

bagiannya ngoncek telo . Nguli itu berat. Sudah jatah orang lain. ‖Aku kuat,

Mbok. Lha wong kita tiap pulang dari pasar juga nggendong goni. Malah

jaraknya jauh, naik-turun.‖ ‖Bukan masalah kuat-nggak kuat, Nduk. Ini

masalah ilok-ra ilok—pantas-nggak pantas. Nggak ada perempuan nguli.‖.

(Madasari 2010, 34)

The quote above, shows positive beliefs in individuals. Marni, who is

known as a villager and has a poor family, is very confident and persistent

that she can achieve what she wants with her hard work. As mentioned

(Emerson 1841) ―that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of

nourisihing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowedon that plot of ground

which is given to him till‖ . Likewise with confidence, it does not mean that

every belief in oneself is able to do everything by itself, but confident to

feel capable and believe that she can do it because of the experience,

achievements, and hopes that are in her. For every form of image there

will be an expression and there is no body without the spirit or with its

genius. All forms of image effects of a meaningful character, condition

and quality of life. Likewise harmony which is based on health. So beauty

only deserves good, as well as Marni is one of those things. As Spenser

taught in (Nurrachman 2014, 209) :

So every spirit, as it is more pure,

And hats in it the more of heavenly light,

So it the fairer body doth procure

To habit in, and it more fairly dight.

For, of the soul, the body form doth take,

For soul is form, and doth the body make.

The depiction of the characters in Marni is an art that contains self-

reliance. It can also be found in the quote:

―Emosi Yu Yem memuncak melihat dagangannya diobrakabrik. Ditariknya

rambut Yu Parti yang tergelung. Yu Parti menjerit, kali ini jerit kesakitan. Tapi

dia tetap tidak mau kalah, rambut Yu Yem yang tergerai sampai pinggang

ditariknya dengan kasar. Jadilah dua perempuan itu saling menjambak.

Teriakan dan makian silih berganti keluar dari mulut kedua perempuan itu.

Orang-orang yang menonton tidak melakukan apa-apa. Mereka hanya berusaha

menghentikan perkelahian dengan mulut, tapi tidak melangkahkan kaki untuk

menghentikan perkelahian dua warga Pasar Ngranget itu. Nyai Dimah,

misalnya, orang yang sudah dianggap sesepuh karena paling lama berjualan di

pasar ini, hanya bisa berteriak meminta Yu Parti dan Yu Yem menghentikan

apa yang dilakukan. ‖Gusti! Sudah, Yu. Sudah. Sabar!‖ teriak Nyai Dimah

berulang kali. Namun, entah karena teriakan Nyai Dimah yang terlalu lirih

sehingga tidak terdengar atau memang Yu Parti dan Yu Yem yang sudah tidak

peduli lagi dengan orang-orang di sekelilingnya, bukannya menghentikan jambak-

menjambak, mereka kini mulai cakar-mencakar. (Madasari 2010, 26-27)

The quote above shows the belief in two perpetrators with a problem

that can be handled with each wish. Like the case, Yu Yem and Yu Parti

quarreled over one issue, causing a fight between them. They have no

definition, but they are ordered by nature with a life force that they feel

and present themselves.

There are no limitations or games from the fight so that some of

them feel satisfied and don't care about the people around them. As

Lynceus said in (Nurrachman 2014, 212):

―Were to see through the eart, so the poet turns the world to glass, and shows us

all things in their right series and procession. For through that better perception he

stands one step nearer to things, and sees the flowing or metamorphosis; perceives

that thought is multiform; that witin the form of every creature is a force impelling

it to ascend into a higher form; and following with his eyes the life, uses the forms

which express that life, and so his speech flows with the flowing of nature‖

After going through self-confidence regardless of the people around

him, there are also quotes that are familiar to the public, namely:

―Ibu menyerah. Dia keluar dari kamarku, menuju halaman belakang,

melakukan apa yang telah sejak dulu dilakukannya. Melanjutkan apa yang

telah bertahun-tahun dijalaninya. Ia sama sekali tak mau meninggalkan apa

yang dia percaya. Sementara aku, hari demi hari mendengar apa yang dikatakan

Pak Waji tentang dosa dan neraka. Tentang cara berdoa yang tak pernah

dikenal Ibu sepanjang umurnya. Aku dan Ibu seperti berada di dunia yang

berbeda. Tentu saja duniaku yang benar. Aku mendapatkannya di sekolah, yang

kata Ibu sendiri tempat kumpulnya orang pintar. Siapa yang lebih benar, Pak

Waji yang guru terpelajar atau Ibu yang tidak mengenal satu huruf pun?

Aku membenci Ibu. Dia orang berdosa.

Aku membenci Ibu. Kata orang, dia memelihara tuyul.

Aku membenci Ibu, karena dia menyembah leluhur.

Aku malu, Ibu.

Aku tak pernah lagi berdoa di bawah pohon asem saat tengah malam. Aku juga selalu

menolak makan panggang dan tumpeng yang dibuat untuk selamatan. Ibu tak pernah

lagi membangunkanku saat tengah malam. Aku tahu Ibu marah, tapi kami tak

pernah membicarakannya. . (Madasari 2010, 58)

Religion is a system that governs a belief and how to organize

worship to each of His Gods, as well as rules that are indeed related to

culture and connect humans with the order of life from the worldview.

Likewise, God and the universe are like spirits that can run continuously

in a person's life. Rahayu who believes in Islam always believes that only
worshiping the gusti of Allah is right, as well as Marni who believes that

only Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapak Kuasa who believes in her presence and

helps in every situation. As said (Nurrachman 2014, 205) the poet is the

sayer, the namer, and the represents beauty. He is a sovereign, and stands

on the centre. For the world is not paintedor adorned, but is from the

beginning beautiful; and God has not made some beautiful things, but

beauty is the creator of the universe. Therefore the poet is not any

permissive potentate, but is imperor in his own right. So, as said

(Emerson 1841) that ―Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept

the place the divine providence has found for you, the society of your contemporaries, the

connection of events. Great men have always done so, and confided themselves childlike

to the genius of their age, betraying their perception that the absolutely trustworthy was

seated at their heart, working through their hands, predominating in all their being.

And we are now men, and must accept in the highest mind the same transcendent

destiny; and not minors and invalids in a protected corner, not cowards fleeing before a

revolution, but guides, redeemers, and benefactors, obeying the Almighty effort, and

advancing on Chaos and the Dark‖

Genius is intuition, a man who can hear the private heart is by

guessing his heart or soul to be able to be spoken. That way genius is

called truth. And if the heart says for sure then that's called self-reliance.

In the novel entrok itself the application of self-reliance itself is described

at the time when Marni and her daughter Rahayu have differences in

religious beliefs between them. Like a philosophy that says that God and

the universe are like spirits that can run continuously in a person's life.

That way, there is a difference between them caused by differences in

beliefs that cause each of them to be firmly clean for what they consider

to be true. That is the thought as a moral value in this entrok as literary

work. Just as Emerson quotes : ―Nothing can bring you peace but

yourself. Nothing can bring you peace buth the triumph of principles‖.

(Emerson 1841)


Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Essays, First Series[1841]. 1841.


Madasari, Okky. Entrok . Jakarta : PT. Gramedia Pustaka, 2010.

Nurrachman, Dian. Intoduction To Criticism . bandung: Pustaka Aura

Semata, 2014.

75 = B Nabila Fahrunnisa
- Nice and interesting discussion actually; you see what others didn't
- Some analysis are yet miss 1195030152
- Some still merely retelling
- Too many introductory paragraphs
- Too many unnecessary informations included
- Needs more critical-analytical arguments
- Needs more theoretical supports/justifications
- Be aware of some mechanic errors



Talking about literature, it can not be separated from the face of society.

As stand in front of mirror, literary works reflects what it can be seen as it

happened in social life. As Wellek and Warren stated (1953:110), literature

is an expression of society. The connection between individual with

public is a one thing that intertwined and emerged on its surface. Surface,

as it said, is an figurative language which in essential forms, society is

reflected in literature, yet it distorted. In accordance of Damono (1979:2),

literary creations are separated of social surroundings, but the imagery can

be really portrayed through the plot.

The content that literature carry on its writing might be used to preserve

particular manners in social life or arouse specific social phenomenon.

Therefore, literary works may spark or criticize issue of society such as

norms, symbols, myths, legends, conventions, until traditions which are

lie down beneath its surface. Appeared as its nature, literary works

revolved its entity to become sort of social institution which stated

language as its medium.

Furthermore, literary works have its substance while it established itself as

a creation of art. Literature has an obligation to keep imaginative.

Imaginative as Jeff Riggenbach (1975) argued, a work of imaginative

literature is a verbal presentation of an imaginary world in which

imaginary beings engage in imaginary acts and processes, all of which is

useful to humans by allowing them to make certain kinds of

abstractions—abstractions about the nature of the world and the ways in

which the conceptual faculty can be used to describe and understand it.

The goal of imaginative language is to create images of characters,

settings, and circumstances using words in a creative way. The language

of imagination employs sensory-stimulating detail, emotive vocabulary,

strong verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and figures of speech. By the way it

goes on, imaginative has it aim. It encourage to have it Catharsis.

According to Aristotle, Catharsis is a literary term that refers to the

discharge of emotions such as pity, sadness, and terror via the viewing of

art. Catharsis is the transformation of intense emotion into interior

healing and rejuvenation. Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, was the first

to associate catharsis to theatre, particularly tragedy. The theory was that

by watching tragedies, people learned to express their emotions in a

healthy way and to control their emotional outbursts in everyday life.

―The tragic fear and pity may be aroused by the spectacle; but they may also be aroused

by the very structure and incidents of the play-which is the betterway and shows the

better poet. The plot in fact should be so framed that, even without seeing the things

take place, he who simply hears the account of them shall be filled with horror and pity

at the incidents; which is just the effect that the mere recital of the story in Oedipus

would have on one.‖ (Nurrachman, 2017: 56).

But it should be emphasized beforehand that in this study the author

does not use Aristotle's theory. The statement above is only to emphasize

the function of literary works.

Consequently, this writing will take focus on engaging identification on

how much Mary Wollstonecraft‘s concept of love is affected the story of

characters in Entrok.

Okky Madasari's first published novel is Entrok. Despite its multi-layer of

concerns that run throughout the tale, Entrok offers a story about Marni,

a living-country girl who lives amidst colonial era to post-colonial in

Singget, the village where the story takes place. She began to improve her

fate by breaking through outdated rules and unfair notions in its society

that put a disadvantage on women, departing from her aim to have an

entrok (bra in Javanese).

Set out with the tale of woman‘s life, indeed this novel was contained by

feminism contents throughout multi-layer issues regarding to its society

that the characters had lived in. Since Mary Wollstonecraft‘s Vindication of

the Rights of Woman (1792) well deserves its rank as the first great feminist

work, it is the most related writing discourse that capable of being

compared appeal to appeal to the story of Entrok.

In Entrok, the writer found interesting topic on our main characters as the

detailed outlook of research, it took focus on Marni and Teja—her

husband, on how the relationship scene at novel was represented by the

content of how the assessment of love and the way it wade through the

theories that occurred on Mary Wollstonecraft‘s essay.

The writer employs Wollstonecraft's idea in her 1792 essay, A Vindication

of the Rights of Woman, to demonstrate women's lack of comprehension

rights. Wollstonecraft outlines how women should understand the

concept of love and self-freedom in chapter six of her text. As a result of

this hypothesis, the author will condemn the actions of Okky Madasari's

female character in her story. An objective method will be taken in order

to comprehend this novel. The pragmatic approach emphasizes the

intrinsic value of literary works, yet it considered as objective approach as

well. This refers to the structural aspects of a literary work, such as

themes, characterizations, settings, and plots. In a nutshell, this method

emphasizes the study of literary works while ignoring sociohistorical

variables that are unrelated to the literary work being researched. To put

it another way, the objective method is an inherent approach, akin to the

structural approach (Abrams, 1979: 3-29).

Focus on Marni‘s experience throughout the book, in the earlier chapter

readers may see the first spark of affection regarded to her dream. In

page 40,

―Sorot mata Teja tidak sama dengan Tinah, perawan-perawan itu, atau pedagang-

pedagang pasar. Mereka semua memandang iri. Pandangan mereka mengutarakan

penyesalan karena tidak memiliki apa yang kupunyai. Tapi Teja lain.

Pandangannya... aku tak tahu seperti apa... tapi membuatku bahagia sekali. Sorot

mata Teja mengantarkanku ke kerajaan yang indah, megah, dikelilingi taman

bunga.‖ (Madasari, 2010:40).

It may seem at first, the scene of it may presumably kind of sweet and

tender since it was visualized by the narration. Later on, the reality on the

story that related to Wollstonecraft‘s idea of love may prevail one by one.

―Kutinggalkan Teja yang masih berdiri di tempatnya. Entah apa yang masih

dipikirkannya. Sekarang malah aku terus memikirkannya. Sebenarnya Teja laki-

laki yang baik. Mau menolong orang kapan saja. Tanpa pamrih. Diam-diam

sebenarnya aku suka padanya. Aku teringat mimpiku malam itu. Tentang sorot

matanya yang membahagiakan, yang membawaku ke tempat yang begitu indah. Ah,

jangan-jangan mimpi itu berasal dari angan-anganku sendiri.

Tapi aku tak sepenuhnya menyukai Teja. Aku juga membencinya. Benci atas

kesabaran dan penerimaannya pada nasib. Benci atas ketidakberdayaannya

mengubah hidupnya. Apakah Teja tak pernah bermimpi saat tidur? Apakah dia

tak pernah membayangkan punya emas dan berlian? Tidakkah ada rasa malu jika

sampai tua dia akan terus nguli seperti bapaknya? Relakah dia kalau nanti

anaknya ikut menjadi kuli?‖ (Madasari, 2010: 44).

Consequently, Marni realized that even sense of affection have its

contrary side. Marni, as she wroted as an active and eagerful figure of

woman, who put contrast on major fate of woman around the society,

the character may figured out that it does not enough to make a

relationship that demand modal while they unlikely well enough to build

an household.

This consciousness that Marni had, presumably is the effect on how she

feels unwealthy and unable to have something she want while she did not

that the abilty to afford that, it is implied on the quote below,

―Entrok memang terlalu mewah untuk aku dan Simbok. Apa yang masih

dipikirkan seorang perempuan kere buta huruf dengan tanggungan seorang anak

selain hanya makan?‖ (Madasari, 2010: 18)

A word regarding education: Marni's mother does not attend school, as

evidenced by the sentence above. The fact that Marni's mother couldn't

read was proof enough that she didn't go to school. This is apparently

what failed to create the ideal concept of love in the home, trapping him

in the habitual slavery described by Wollstonecraft in her work. The

following quote then confirms this once further.

―Love is, in a great degree, an arbitrary passion, and will reign, like some other

stalking mischiefs, by its own authority, without deigning to reason; and it may also be

easily distinguished from esteem, the foundation of friendship because it is often excited

by evanescent beauties and grace …‖ (Wollstonecraft in Nurrachman, 2017:


In sequel, this scene of love was infiltrated by emerging unwanted force,

that roughly encourage Marni to get married with Teja, despit of her

hatred on Teja‘s principal life on only being a transport worker. Which

later, it might be related to Wollstonecraft‘s commentary on the

association of ideas related to women subordination.

Marni, who was pushed into marriage with Teja without Simbok's or her

mother's knowledge, is an example of subordination.

―Ternyata tanpa sepengetahuanku, Mbah Noto menyampaikan keinginan Teja

untuk mengawiniku pada Simbok. Malam itu, di belakang rumah, saat kuulangi

permintaanku pada Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapa Kuasa, Simbok berbisik pelan,‖Nduk,

anak perempuan itu harus punya suami, punya anak. Kalau sudah ada yang

melamar tidak boleh ditolak, bisa kualat, jadi perawan tua.‖

―Aku tak membantah omongan Simbok. Tak mengiakannya. Tapi hanya tiga hari

setelah itu, kami telah berada di rumah Kamituwo.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 48).

This occured event is in accordance with what Wollstencraft said, namely

―Women subjected by ignorance to their sensations, and only taught to

look for happiness in love, refine on sensual feelings, and adopt

metaphysical notions respecting that passion, which lead them shamefully

to neglect the duties of life, ...‖ (Wollstonecraft in Nurrachman 2017).

It‘s quite enough for the evidence that the concept of love that Marni

embraced is being smudged by the cultural patterns. Hereover, marriage

was attained by the outdated society‘s outlook and unfair norms on


It was proven by the prior quote that showed by Marni unwillingness on

marriage idea that Teja offered.

―Tapi cerita-cerita itu juga menimbulkan ketakutan. Takut pada laki-laki, takut

kawin. Lha buat apa kawin, kalau jadinya cuma sengsara. Inilah yang kukatakan

pada Teja waktu dia memintaku jadi istrinya. Dia melamarku di depan pasar, saat

matahari baru mengintip malu-malu, saat aku menunggu kedatangan petani yang

membawa berbagai sayur-sayuran.

‖Aku belum mau kawin, Kang.‖ ‖Kenapa, Ni? Kita saling cocok. Apa kamu

tidak pengin punya suami, punya anak seperti Tinah?‖ Punya anak? Bagaimana

jika aku punya anak nanti? Mau jadi apa anakku nanti? Tukang kupas singkong

atau bakulan keliling desa kalau perempuan? Anak laki-laki ikut bapaknya

nguli?‖ (Madasari, 2010: 47).

The quote above, has showed the readers that despite of Marni‘s

unwillingness on marriage by the reasons that has been described in

previous quotes, it is ensure that Marni‘s choice as woman is prisoned

and controlled by the idea that associated by the social surroundings in

Singget, an it has been considered as culture and normal notions instead of

judge it as prejudicial. As Wollstonecraft argued,

―The association of our ideas is either habitual or instantaneous, and the

latter mode seems rather to depend on the original temperature of the

mind than on the will. When the ideas, and matters of fact, are once taken

in, they lie by for use, till some fortuitous circumstance makes the

information dart into the mind with illustrative force, that has been

received at very different periods of our lives.‖ (Nurrachman, 2017:134).

―Malam ini, tidur tak lagi sekadar rutinitas penutup hari, melainkan saat pelepasan

seluruh keinginan dan kepemilikan. Tidur kini menjadi simbol bagaimana

pencapaian manusia dalam mendapatkan apa yang diinginkan.

Aku kesakitan, dia kegirangan. Aku mengerang, dia senang. Aku menangis, dia

tertawa penuh kemenangan. Aku menerawang dia telah pulas.‖ (Madasari, 2010:


The marital life of Marni and Teja appears to be hollow. Marni's negative

narrative expression suggests that she does not like it. Sexual activity that

should be filled with love is depicted solely as an outlet for Teja's lust;

there is no shared delight. This episode was also directly mentioned by

Wollstonecraft by John Dryden.

―'Where love is duty, on the female side, 'On theirs mere sensual gust and sought with

surly pride‖ (Wollstonecraft in Nurrachman, 2010: 138).

Finally, it can be concluded throughout this essay, after being reviewed

and compared by Wollstonecraft‘s theory it shows the result that, Marni‘s

thoughtful consciousness was correctly be littered by the idea that

occurred in the society—which have been stated by Wollstonecraft,

which unfair and quite prejudicial, not only for Marni, as well for any

women in the society. The relationship between Marni and Teja, is

considered as unhealthy relationship, since it is a certainty one-sided and

get biased by the nature of its marriage, which is not including Marni‘s

willingness to done the deed.


Abrams, M. (1979). The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic Theory and The

Critical Tradition. New York: Oxford University Press.

Damono, S. D. (1979). Sosiologi Sastra: Sebuah Pengantar Ringkas. Jakarta:

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia.

Madasari, O. (2010). Entrok. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Nurrachman, D. (2017). Critical Theory from Ancient Greece to Victorian

England. Bandung: Pustaka Aura Semesta.

Riggenbach, J. (2017). An Introduction on Imaginative Literature Pt. 1.

Libertarianism. org.

Wellek, R., & Warren, A. (1989). Theory of Literature. (M. Budiantara,

Trans.) Jakarta: PT Gramedia.

65 = C
- Lack of focus
- Too many introductory paragraphs
- Too many unnecessary informations included
- Much of this are merely retelling Name : Nabilla Fitriani
- Lack of real critical analysis
- Still lack of relevant theoretical justifications/supports
- Inconsistent references ID : 1195030153
- Be aware of mechanic errors
Class : 5D

Women’s Discrimination in “Entrok” by Okky Madasari

Literature is the experience of the overflow of human personal emotions

in the form of thoughts, feelings, ideas, passion, faith, in images that

evoke beauty with language tools. Literary works are beautiful writings

with language structures and language deepening that make writing

aesthetic. Literary works become a place for writers to share their views,

criticisms, opinions, and others. And literature is not only limited to

inventions either (inanimate objects), literature is a living being. As a

living entity, literature develops dynamically with other forms, such as

economics, politics, art, and culture. Literature is considered capable of

being a guide to the truth because good literature is literature written with

a sense of clarity, honesty, wisdom, sincerity, and the nobility of human

conscience. Good literature can awaken, remind, and redirect people to

the proper path, namely the path of truth in carrying out life's tasks.

Literature can be seen as a social phenomenon (Luxemburg, 1984). This

is because literature was written at a certain time which is directly related

to the rules and customs of that time, literary authors are also part of

society or can be said to place themselves as members of that society.

Literature has existed for a long time, from ancient Rome to the present,

namely modern literature. In the course of literature in England, there

was a period called the Enlightenment period, Enlightenment is a general

term applied to the intellectual liberation movement that developed in

Western Europe from the late 17th century to the late 18th century (this

period is called the 'Age of Reason'). The notion of enlightenment spurs

rational scientific inquiry, human tolerance, and the idea of universal

human rights. In understanding religion, it naturally involves a skeptical

rejection of dogmas, superstitions, and revelations in favor of 'deism' i.e.

beliefs that are limited by universal doctrines supposedly common to all

religions, such as the existence of God.

Enlightenment proponents put more faith in human progress propagated

by the gradual spread of rational principles, although their great

proponent, Voltaire, was more militant and less optimistic, they launched

a bitter campaign against the abuses of the ancient regime under a

completely untranslatable slogan. Enlighteenment first took place in

England in the late 18th century, in the work of historians Edward

Gibbon and political writers Thomas Paine and William Godwin, and in

the feminist work of Mary Wollstonecraft.

Feminist is part of one of the existing ideologies. Ideology is a collection

of normative beliefs and values that individuals or groups have for

reasons other than purely epistemic. There are many well-known

ideologies, which include various human activities related to characters in

literary works (Honderich, quoted from Widya, 2019). Feminists are

different from emancipation, Sofia and Sugihastuti (in Sugihastuti and

Itsna Hadi Saptiawan, 2007: 95) say that emancipation is more in control

and gives a narrow space for women's participation in development

without questioning the rights and interests of women which is

considered unfair, if feminism is to view women as having their activities

and initiatives to use their rights and interests in various movements.

The definition of feminist itself is a social, political, idealistic movement

that has the same goal, namely definition, building, achieving gender

equality in political, economic, personal and social reach. Society more

often prioritizes the point of view of men than women, women are

treated unfairly as a society. Efforts to change gender stereotypes and

open wide opportunities for professional education so that they can be

equal to men. Feminist is not about resistance to men, but about

demands for equality (patriarchy) Freedom of expression, politics,

education, socio-economics to men.

The feminist approach in literary studies is often known as feminist

literary criticism. The opinion of experts on feminist literature is that

feminism is a literary study that directs the focus of its analysis on

women. The analysis of the novel using feminist literary criticism is

related to the perception of reading as a woman, with this criticism there

is a renewal of the recognition that there are female readers too.

If all this time it is considered that men who substitute readers and

creators in western literature are men, feminist literary criticism shows

that women also have views and hopes for the experience of their

literature. Feminist literary criticism according to Yoder (in Sugihastuti

and Suharto quoted from Iqbal) is like a quilt that is sewn and formed

from square pieces of cloth on the bottom covered with soft cloth. This

metaphor illustrates that feminist literary criticism has an image as a

strong foundation to unite its stance if a woman can consciously read

literary works as a woman.

Like in the novel "Entrok" by Okky Madasari, this novel emphasizes the

feminist side of the story experienced by the main character, Marni.

Marni is an illiterate woman who wants to fight for her future life to be

better than her life when she was a child. She is a woman who is

oppressed and has limited mobility in her life because she is a woman.

Marni in the novel ―Entrok‖ is one of the victims of the New Order era

where she felt injustice and equality as a woman. As a Javanese woman

who is full of limitations in movement, Marni wants to rise from these

limitations, one of which is in terms of work. She tried to dismiss the

perception of the people of Singget, Central Java, which said that heavy

work and high wages were the rights of men, women who existed at that

time only received very low wages compared to men. In addition, it is

also about injustice against women because of the superiority factor of


Seeing from the background that has been described above, the author is

interested in analyzing using a mimetic approach with the aim of seeing

the reasons and solutions for women's discrimination in the novel

"Entrok" with Mary Wollstonecraft's Feminist theory which requires

women to be able to overcome themselves and be able to fight for their

rights and position in society.

Mary Wollstonecraft is a British writer, philosopher, and advocate for

women's rights. Although he died before the age of 40, he published

many works, from novels to history books and even behavioral books.

Her most important philosophical work, Defending the Rights of

Women, was a call for better education of women and a call for reason to

be the foundation of society at large.

The ideas in her book were truly revolutionary at the time and caused

tremendous controversy. In her book, Mary says that she wants women

to have a high rationality that can equalize women's rights with men, and

to just not be a man who satisfies men.

To analyze the theory in a literary work requires the right approach, the

author uses a mimetic approach to find out the discrimination against

women and feminists contained in the novel "Entrok" by Okky Madasari

where this literary work represents the truth of the real life of women at

that time whose life was not fair.

1. ―Ni, Kamu ada-ada saja. Nggak ada perempuan nguli. Nggak akan kuat.

Sudah, perempuan itu kerja yang ringan-ringan aja. Ngupas singkong‖

(page 36)

2. ―Bukan masalah kuat-nggak kuat, Nduk. Ini masalah ilok-ra ilok __

pantas-nggak pantas. Nggak ada perempuan nguli.‖ (page 37)

In the book ―A Vindication of the Rights of Woman‖, Mary describes the

decline of European society where women are confined at home and

denied the opportunity to enter the labor market and do household

chores. Meanwhile, men are given the freedom to develop themselves as

optimally as possible. This described in ―Entrok‖ where Marni as the

main character cannot take a job that pays money, this is because

Javanese culture upholds ―ilok-ra ilok‖. At that time, The injustice against

women is very clear, men get money in the form of money while women

are only paid by cassava. Where men seem to have superior power than


3. ―Wah, dapat duit banyak ya sekarang. Sementara Simbok hanya diam,

pura-pura tidak tahu‖. (page 40)

This quote is a negative response from the surrounding community that

occurs naturally because Marni is against the existing culture. But also this

is proof that Marni can fight the feminism that is happening around her.

4. ―Aku berdiri di tengah mereka yang semuanya laki-laki. Dan aku

sekarang akan mengupahi mereka. Simbok, lihatlah anakmu ini sekarang.

Kita dulu kerja memeras keringat seharian, diupahi telo, bukan uang, hanya

karena kita perempuan. Lihatlah sekarang, anakmu yang perempuan ini,

berdiri tegak di sini mengupahi para laki-laki‖. (page 104)

In this quote, Marni proves that she can equalize the wages or rights she

wants with men's wages. This is what Mary means, Mary wants every

woman to take, voice, and do her rights as women.

5. ―Ternyata tanpa sepengetahuanku, Mbah Noto menyampaikan keinginan

Tejs untuk mengawiniku pada Simbok. Malam itu, dibelakang rumah, saat

kuulangi permintaanku pada Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapa Kuasa, Simbok

berbisik pelan ―Nduk, anak perempuan itu harus punya suami, punya

anak. Kalau sudah ada yang melamar tidak boleh ditolak, bisa kualat, jadi

perawan tua.‖

This quote shows subordination to women, where women cannot express

their opinions and suffer from the choices that others have made for

them. This quote is very representative of most women today who are

still forbidden to voice their opinions on their life choices.

6. ―Kenapa, Ni? Kita saling coocok. Apa kamu tidak pengin punya suami,

punya anak seperti Tinah?‖ (page 49)

7. ―Sejak Rahayu tinggal di Jogja, rumah iini terasa sepi. Teja makin sering

keluar malam. Aku sudah malas bertanya atau menegur‖ (page 127)

8. ―Ku perhatikan anak itu.Terlihat tak terurus dibandingkan ibunya yang

mukanya penuh bedak dan gincunya merah. Duh, Gusti, matanya dan

hidungnya adalah milik Teja. Aku Mengenalinya‖ (page 192)

These three quotes show very clearly about the superiority that men have,

they do arbitrary things to women. They want to get a good return while

they give something painful to women.

It seems little absurd to expect women to be more reasonable thsn men

in their likings. And still to deny them the unctrolled use of reason.

When do men /all-in love with sense? When do they, with their superior

powers and advantages, turn from the person to the mind? And how can

they then expect women, who are only taught to observe behaviour, and

acquire manners rather than morals, to despise what they have been all

their lives labouring to attain? Where are they suddenly to find judgment

enough to weigh patiently the sense of an awkward virtuous man, when

his manners, of which they are made critical judges, are rebuffing and his

conversation cold and dull, because it does not consist of pretty repartees,

or well-turned compliments? In order to admire or esteem anything for a

continuance, we must, at least, have our curiosity excited by khowing, in

some degree, what we admire; for we are unable to estimate the value of

qualities and virtues above our comprehension. (Nurrachman,2017)

9. ―Tiba-tiba aku menyesal kenapa aku hanya punya satu anak. Coba kalau

aku punya dua, atau empat seperti Tonah, pasti rumah ini menjadi ramai ...

Dulu, waktu Rahayu masih SD, Pak RT dan Pak Lurah menyuruhku ke

kantor desa. Semua perempuan yang sudah menikah dan punya anak

katanya harus ke sana. Ya sudah, nggak tahu ada apa di sana, daripada

buat masalah sama aku datang ke sana. ... mereka menyuruh orang-orang

ikut KB. Katanya biar desa tidak tampak sumpek..‖ (page 128)

In the long quote, Marni's regret can be seen who had to follow orders

from the government for family planning or KB with the lure so that the

village would not be overcrowded. Even though the family planning or

KB program is good for keeping the population in check, it can also be a

psychological burden for women who are forced or voluntarily to use

family planning or KB. In this case, women are cornered because until

now women are considered as controllers of population growth, even

though men also take part in it. This happens because of the superiority

of men who seem to blame women for this.

10. ―Tiap Jumat pagi, saat kami semua baru saja selesai salar Amri bergegas

meninggalkan tempat ini. Disandangnya ransel hitam itu. Malam

sebelumnya, aku telah memasukkan tiga baju putih panjang ke tas itu.

Dengan motornya, dia menuju ke selatan, menembus kabut Merapi yang

menghalangi pandangan. Dia akan menemui anaknya. Juga istrinya. Dia

pulang. Ke rumahnya. Di Jogja sana.

Lalu pada Senin pagi, bunyi motor yang sudah kunantikan itu terdengar.

Aku turun dari kamarku di lantai dua, berjajar dengan kamar-kamar

guru-guru lainnya. Kucium tangannya. Lalu kubawa jaket yang baru saja

dilepaskannya. Kami naik bersama-sama. Dia tidur sebentar, sebelum mulai

masuk ke- las. Setiap minggu, semuanya berulang dalam urutan yang pernah

berubah. Dalam kedamaian dan keikhlasan yang sama. Tak adakah yang

masih kurisaukan ketika aku telah berjalan lurus menuju kebahagiaan

abadi itu?‖ (page 214)

In this long quote, Rahayu looks very happy to live her day as the second

wife of an ustadz. They got married of their own choice, they had

thought carefully about what they would do. This happened because

Rahayu was a woman who was highly educated at one of the universities.

Rahayu prioritizes rationality and the right to his own choices. And this is

what a lot of women should be doing.

Were woman rationally educated ould they take a more comprehensive

view of things, they would be contented to love but once in their lives;

and after marriage calmly let passion subside into friendship-into that

tender intimacy, which is the best refuge from care; yet is built on such

pure, still affections, that idle jealousies would not be allowed to disturb

the discharge of the sober duties of life, or to engross the thoughts that

ought to be otherwise employed. This is a state in which many men live;

but few, very few women. (Nurrachman, 2017).

From the analysis that has been done by the author, it can be concluded

that the Novel "Entrok" is in accordance with Mary Wollstonecraft's

theory which states that women must be able to overcome themselves, be

able to fight for their rights and position in gender equality rationally.

Women have the right and must get an education or at least learn to

make themselves able to think rationally so that the life that women lead

is not destroyed and oppressed arbitrarily by other people, especially men.

Women also have high self-esteem equal to or more than men.


Nurrachman, D. (2017). Introduction to Critisism. Bandung: Pusaka Aura
Mandey, W.A. (2019). Cerminan Feminisme Dalam Novel The Best Of Me

Karya Nicholas Sparks. Manado

Andestend (2020). Feminisme Dalam Novel Cinta Suci Zahrana Karya

Habiburrahman El Shirazy. Bogor.

Gora, R. Representasi Feminisme Dalam Karya Sastra (Kajian Semiotika Sosial

Novel ―Eks Parasit Lajang‖ Karya Ayu Utami). Jakarta Timur

- Lack of focus 65 = C
- What do you want to discuss actually by saying women's fate?
Nabillah Farrah
- Needs a more specific topic
- Too many introductory paragraphs
- Having jumped-up ideas 1195030154
- Some still retelling
- Lack of critical-analytical arguments
- Lack of relevant theoretical supports/justifications 5–D
- Be aware of mechanic errors



A literary work that is present in the midst of our lives is a work

that is born from the results of creativity, thoughts, ideas, or even

someone's imagination which is then poured into written form.

According to Semi (Semi, 1984) Sebagai karya kreatif, sastra harus mampu

melahirkan suatu kreasi yang indah dan berusaha menyalurkan kebutuhan

keindahan manusia. Di samping itu, sastra harus pula mampu menjadi wadah

penyampaian ide-ide yang dipikirkan dan dirasakan oleh sastrawan tentang

kehidupan umat manusia. In this approach, literature serves as a space for a

writer to reflect on what is going on in his surroundings. The novel is a

sort of literary work that is frequently employed as a vehicle for

transmitting literary ideas. Of course, the novel raises the issues that

symbolize the writer's thoughts that are incorporated inside it. Feminism

is a literary subject that has been addressed.

Feminisme itself in Cambridge (Cambridge Dictionary) has

meaning as ―the belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power, and

opportunities as men and be treated in the same way, or the set of activities intended to

achieve this state.‖ Feminism is an awareness of gender inequity that affects

women in the home and in society, as well as conscious activities taken by

women and men to rectify this condition. (Ilyas, 1997) Literary criticism

of feminism means studying how writers present women in their works.

According to Ruthven in (Sofia, 2009) The work of literary criticism is to

examine literary works by tracing the ideologies that shape them and

pointing out the differences between what the work says and what

appears from a careful reading. Thus, Feminism is a movement based on

the awareness of both men and women to fight for equal rights and

gender of a woman in a society.

Mary Wollstonecraft, with a book titled A Vindication of the

Woman, which is widely regarded as the first feminist work, criticizes

women who are too precious in their sentiments and advocates for

women to have the same feelings and rights as men. (Nurrachman, 2017,

hal. 132).

According to Mary, the old tradition of male writers has a very big

contribution in giving a bad image or decreasing the value of women in

literary works, ―Artificial, weak characters‖ (Nurrachman, 2017, hal. 133).

This occurs when male writers represent female characters as objects of

passion, implying that a woman must be able to satisfy males. ―Is it

surprising, when we consider what a determinate effect an early association of ideas has

on the character, that they neglect their understandings, and turn all their attention to

their person?‖ (Nurrachman, 2017).

Mary's notion of Feminism began when she witnessed the

situation of European society in the 18th century, when women were

exclusively concentrated on males and constantly thought instantly not

based on desire but based on sentiments. According to him, this could

not be separated from the lack of education for women in that century,

which was created by the patriarchal society that existed at the time.

―Were women more rationally educated, could they take a more comprehensive view of

things...‖ (Nurrachman, 2017) By comparing women's education with

men's education, we may transform a woman into a "independent

woman," rather than merely a doll and a toy for men. (Arivia, 2003).

Okky Madasari's novel Entrok narrates the story of the world

through the eyes of two opposing women. Okky Madasari recounts a

woman's battle against her fate to break free from the weak perspective of

a woman in her environment through Marni and Rahayu. It is anticipated

that by employing these two alternating points of view, the reader would

be able to understand and absorb the sentiments of each character. Marni

and Rahayu are mother and child figures with extremely different origins,

Marni as a mother who cannot experience education, and Rahayu, her son

who attends school from elementary school to college. As a result, the

difficulties they encounter in fighting for their life are unquestionably


‖Mbok, aku mau punya entrok.‖

‖Oalah, Nduk, seumur-umur tidak pernah aku punya entrok.

Bentuknya kayak apa aku juga tidak tahu. Tidak pakai entrok

juga tidak apa-apa. Susuku tetap bisa diperas to. Sudah, nggak

usah neko-neko. Kita bisa makan saja syukur,‖ kata Simbok.

(hal. 17)

The dialogue excerpt above is the beginning of the debate in this Entrok

novel, Marni, who wants to utilize Entrok since her chest has begun to

develop but is hampered by their current economic position.

Kutimang-timang upahku hari ini, delapan singkong. Simbok

mendapat sepuluh singkong. Aku berpikir upah yang di dapat

Teja, si kuli pasar, setiap hari. Teja mendapat satu rupiah untuk

setiap barang yang diangkatnya. Kalau sehari dia bolak-balik

mengangkat sepuluh kali, dia sudah mendapat sepuluh rupiah.

Lima hari bekerja, uang Teja cukup untuk membeli satu entrok.

Kenapa aku tidak bekerja seperti Teja? (Madasari, 2010, hal.


Marni started to wonder about gender equality in the Ngranget

community. Teja, a male porter, may obtain earnings in the form of

money; why doesn't she labor like Teja to earn money to purchase

Entrok? Marni's desire was restricted in the following quotations due to

societal beliefs that perceive women differently than they do males.

‖Ni, kamu ada-ada saja. Nggak ada perempuan nguli. Nggak

akan kuat. Sudah, perempuan itu kerja yang ringan-ringan aja.

Ngupas singkong.‖ (Madasari, 2010, hal. 34)

Gender inequalities are highlighted here, with males viewing

women as weak and incapable of doing the labor that men perform.

‖Tapi tetap nggak umum, Ni. Di pasar ini, nggak ada

perempuan nguli (hal. 34)

‖Bukan masalah kuat-nggak kuat, Nduk. Ini masalah ilok-ra

ilok—pantas nggak pantas. Nggak ada perempuan nguli.‖

Omonganku dan Simbok berakhir tanpa ujung yang jelas. Aku

malas melanjutkan omongan karena merasa tidak akan ada

gunanya. Kalau Simbok sudah menyebut ilok-ra ilok, itu berarti

pakem yang sudah tidak bisa dibantah lagi. ‖Bisa kualat kalau

nggak dituruti,‖ kata Simbok. (hal. 35)

In the following remark, they no longer have an issue with gender

since they believe women are not as strong as males to work as coolies,

but Marni now has to deal with society's unwritten custom or societal

conventions that assume women work like men. Things that are

forbidden will be met with karma.

But, in the end, Marni was able to overcome all of the challenges.

Marni determined to covertly follow her wishes with perseverance and

strong goals. This also shatters the viewpoint of women who have

notions based on the moment, which might alter depending on the mood

of women. She may earn money as a coolie in the market, demonstrating

that women can be equally as powerful as men.

‖Mau buat bakulan, Mbok. Buat beli dagangan lalu nanti

dijual lagi. Kayak Nyai Dimah.‖

‖Oalah, Nduk, Nyai Dimah itu memang bakat dagang.

Bakulan laris terus.‖

‖Aku juga bisa kok, Mbok. Sedikit-sedikit saja.‖ (hal. 42)

Marni continued to try to be more advanced when one request was

granted, especially the purchase of Entrok. She wants to demonstrate that

she is capable of accomplishing everything she likes, as well as that she is

the same as Teja, but Marni has tremendous hopes and ambitions to alter

her fate, even though it began because she wanted to acquire Entrok.

Teja, aku juga bukan siapa-siapa. Hanya anak wong kere, yang

tiap hari menggantungkan hidup dari singkong. Menukar tenaga

untuk mengupas singkong, diupahi dengan singkong. Tak pernah

ada cita-cita lain yang diturunkan orangtuaku selain bisa makan

hari ini. Tapi aku menyimpan harapan dan mimpi. Setidaknya

untuk entrok. (Madasari, 2010, hal. 45)

Samar-samar dalam ingatanku, terbayang Bapak memukul Simbok yang sedang

sakit panas dan tidak bisa ke pasar. Kalau Simbok tidak ke pasar, kami tidak

akan punya makanan. Dan laki-laki itu dengan seenaknya hanya menunggu

makanan. (hal. 18)

The sentence above clearly demonstrates patriarchal society, with Mr.

acting arbitrarily on behalf of the family's "chief." Simbok, as a wife, must

be meek and obedient to her husband at all times, accepting his severe

treatment without protesting. When Marni saw this, she knew she

couldn't rely on anyone for her fate; she needed to be able to stand on her

own, as illustrated in the clip below.

Hari itu aku sadar, tak ada seorang pun yang bisa kuharapkan untuk memberi apa

yang kuminta, meskipun masih punya hubungan darah. (hal. 19)

Menurut Mary Wollstonecraft, perempuan seharusnya tidak terlalu

terpaku akan urusan cinta dan menjadi budak dari cinta itu sendiri. Dalam

memiliki hubungan dengan laki-laki tetap harus menyertakan sense supaya

tidak terlalu jatuh dan diperbudak oleh laki-laki. Seperti pada kutipan di

bawah ini. Pada akhirnya Yu Parti tetap harus membiarkan suaminya,

menikah lagi dengan Yu Yem.

Yu Yem, yang terlihat takut, terpancing dan mulai marah. Dengan suara tak kalah

kencang, dia membalas kata-kata Yu Parti. ‖Enak saja, nyebut aku sundal.

Sampeyan sendiri yang tidak bisa ngladeni suami. Bukan salahku kalau suami

sampeyan mau kawin sama aku.‖

‖Dasar sundal, perebut suami orang.‖ Yu Parti mulai kehilangan kesabaran. (hal.


Simbok's remark that being a virgin meant being a businessman alludes to

society's attitude toward women of inferior rank. Women are regarded as

commodities that may be negotiated for and purchased by males. This is

similar to what Rousseau and many male writers in general started, that

female education is geared at making women acceptable to males

(Nurrachman, 2017).

Kata Simbok, kalau aku minum kunir tiap hari, perutku tak akan sakit lagi saat

keluar darah nanti. ‖Biar singset juga. Kamu perawan sekarang, jadi dagangan,‖

kata Simbok soal jamu kunir. (hal. 33)

Tidur kini menjadi simbol bagaimana pencapaian manusia

dalam mendapatkan apa yang diinginkan.

Aku kesakitan, dia kegirangan. Aku mengerang, dia senang.

Aku menangis, dia tertawa penuh kemenangan. Aku

menerawang, dia telah pulas. (Madasari, 2010, hal. 49)

Women as objects of want are described as if marriage is simply in men's

minds to satisfy their passion; even in partnerships, they do not think

about the woman; instead, they prioritize their selfishness and


Men of wit and fancy are frequently rakes (Nurrachman, 2017),

men who use their brains to put words together in order to craft

seductions and jokes that attract women. They are particularly skilled at

instilling hope in women in order to coerce them into obedience.

‖Kalau umurku lebih muda sedikit, Ni, sudah kuajak kawin

kowe, terus kita hidup di Jakarta sana,‖ kata si Bagong, saat

kami sedang duduk di ruang tamu rumahku. Di meja sudah

kusiapkan secangkir kopi kental dan sekaleng emping melinjo.

‖Kalau kita di Jakarta, Ni, hidup kita bakal enak. Kita jadi

orang kota, punya duit banyak, mau beli apa-apa tinggal tunjuk.

Kowe ndak usah lagi ke pasar, aku juga gak perlu panas

panasan di sawah, mengawasi orang-orang tebang tebu.‖

Ya seperti ini salah satu yang kusukai dari Marijo. Saat dia

mulai berandai-andai, memberiku harapan-harapan dan mimpi-

mimpi. Orang-orang menyebutnya tukang umuk. (hal. 201)

Marni, who is portrayed as a strong lady, favors realism over her feelings

and remains subject to Marijo's seduction and beautiful promises. Marijo

has the ability to make Marni forget her senses for a short period of time

and force her to express her emotions in the manner of 18th century


Dua hari sekali atau kadang setiap hari. Ndari tidak hanya

dirogoh-rogoh. Di hari-hari berikutnya dia juga disuruh

mengisap-isap burung paklik nya itu. Lalu laki-laki itu

memaksa memasukkan burungnya yang besar ke lubang

kewanitaan Ndari. Ndari yang masih berumur dua belas tahun

itu meringis kesakitan. Paklik-nya mengambil bantal untuk

menutup mulut keponakannya. Hingga tadi malam. Laki-laki

itu kembali melakukannya disaat darah haid deras mengucur

dari lubang yang biasa dimasukinya. Ndari menangis kesakitan.

Laki-laki itu tak peduli. Tapi siang ini Ndari mengubah sendiri

nasibnya. Dia menceritakan semua yang dialaminya kepadaku.

Cukup. Apa yang telah terjadi tak boleh diulangi lagi. Laki-

laki itu harus masuk penjara. Kalau perlu biarlah dibunuh

ramai-ramai oleh orang sedesa. (Madasari, 2010, hal. 238)

Rahayu, as a girl with a strong educational background,

understands the value of preserving a woman's dignity. Rahayu, as a

fellow woman, determined to aid her pupils with all her heart in order to

obtain justice. Rahayu urged that the perpetrator of the sexual harassment

face proper consequences.

Aku menolak semua tawaran Kyai Hasbi. Ajakan untuk

pulang dan untuk menikah. Aku akan tetap di desa ini. Demi

nyawa Amri dan demi kehormatan Ndari. Biarlah aku menjadi

bagian dari mereka. Menantang kematian yang dalam satu

putaran matahari akan datang. Besok aku akan berdiri bersama

mereka memegang kata-kata yang ingin kami sampaikan.

Biarlah aku mati bersama mereka. (Madasari, 2010, hal. 252)

Rahayu can once again demonstrate that she can choose logic over the

promise made by Kyai Hasbi when battling for justice in a village. Be a

brave lady, even if her life is on the line.

The conclusion is, Okky Madasari's Entrok Novel depicts the

feminism of the two main female characters, Marni and Rahayu. It started

with Marni who had aspirations to have an Entrok, thus requiring her to

join in the work and justify all means so that it could be realized even

though she had to go against the unwritten tradition norms that existed in

society. From being a cassava peeler, a porter, selling vegetables around

the village, selling furniture, to becoming a moneylender, Marni has gone

through to improve her economic life and that of her family.

Then there is her daughter, Rahayu, who is also worthy of being

called one of the feminists in this Entrok novel. If her mother struggles

against the social traditions prevailing in her environment because of

gender inequality, then Rahayu fights for the rights and upholds the

dignity of a woman. Rahayu defended one of her students, Ndari, who

was traumatized by the treatment of irresponsible men against her,

sexually harassing Ndari, who was a minor. Rahayu fights for this

problem so that the perpetrator is given the appropriate punishment.

Works Cited

Arivia, G. (2003). Filsafat Berperspektif Feminis. Jakarta: Yayasan Jurnal

Perempuan. Retrieved December 2021

Cambridge Dictionary. (n.d.). Feminism. Retrieved December 2021, from

Ilyas, Y. (1997). Feminisme dalam kajian tafsir Al-Qur'an :klasik dan

kontemporer. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Retrieved December

2021, from

Nurrachman, D. (2017). Introduction to Criticism (3rd ed.). (M. Purwanto, &

P. Priyawan, Eds.) Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia: Pustaka Aura

Semesta. Retrieved December 2021

Semi, M. A. (1984). Anatomi Sastra. Padang: Sridharma. Retrieved

December 2021, from


Sofia, A. (2009). Aplikasi Kritik Sastra Feminis. Yogyakarta: Citra Pustaka.

Retrieved December 2021

- Interesting discussion actually
- Just be consistent with Arnold's concept learned in the class
- Still having some jumped-up ideas Nafila Su‘da Alsa Mabrukah
- Some narratives and analysis are relevant with the theory,
some others not
- Needs more critical-analytical arguments

70 = B
- Needs more relevant theoretical justifications
- Be aware of mechanic errors: paragraphing, punctuation, 5D
italicization, citation, etc


Literary work is a person's thoughts and ideas that are poured in

writing. According to Sumardjo & Saini, ―Karya sastra adalah sebuah usaha

merekam isi jiwa sastrawannya. Sastra adalah bentuk rekaman dengan bahasa yang

akan disampaikan kepada orang lain‖. Literary work itself can reveal a

various of issues in human life, whether experienced by the author, what

the author hears or reads. Out of so many, there are literary works in

which describes human nature. The idea of beauty and of a human nature

perfect on, all its sides (Arnold, 1869: p. 23). This is also stated by

Nyoman Kutha Ratna in ‗Metode Penelitian Sastra‘: ―Manusia dijadikan

objek sastrawan sebab manusia merupakan gambaran tingkah laku yang dapat

dilihat dari segi kehidupannya. Tingkah laku merupakan bagian dari gejolak jiwa

sebab dari tingkah laku manusia dapat dilihat gejala-gejala kejiwaan yang pastinya

berbeda satu dengan yang lain. Pada diri manusia dapat dikaji dengan ilmu

pengetahuan yakni psikologi yang membahas tentang kejiwaan. Oleh karena itu,

karya sastra disebut sebagai salah satu gejala kejiwaan‖ (Ratna, 2004: 62).

Alongside human nature, as we know that the literary work

contains cultural values that have been created by the author through

their artistic language. Literature cannot be separated from culture.

According to Arnold (1869: p. xvi, ), Culture, which is the study of

perfection, leads us, as we in the following pages have shown, to conceive

of true human perfection as a harmonious perfection, developing all sides

of our humanity; and as a general perfection, developing all parts of our

society. As a form of art and culture, literature is the embodiment of life.

The object studied is not far from the characters and characterizations

contained in the literary work. These characters display various

characteristics and behaviors (human nature) related to experiences or

conflicts that human have experienced in real life. Based on this, literary

works can be viewed from a sociological perspective. Literary works can

be seen from a sociological perspective by considering social activity,

concerning humans and their environment.

One of a popular form of literary work which describe people‘s

daily life is novel. Yudiono (1986: 125) conveyed that, ―Novel merupakan

jenis sastra yang sedikit banyak memberikan gambaran tentang masalah

kemasyarakatan. Novel tidak dapat dipisahkan dari gejolak atau keadaan

masyarakat yang melibatkan penulis dan pembacanya‖. There are many novels

in Indonesia that tells humans life. The novel Entrok by Okky Madasari

is one of the reflection of the social life. Politics, economy, belief, and

knowledge are the basis of this novel. Also the cultural elements, where

the setting located in Singget Village, Magetan, East Java.

As stated by Oxford Learners Dictionaries, human nature is the ways

of behaving, thinking and feeling that are shared by most people and are

considered to be normal. Okky Madasari conveyed human nature of the

character and the social cultural surroundings in Entrok interestingly.

Arnold (1869: p. 8) stated that there is a view in which all the love of our

neighbor, the impulses towards action, help, and beneficence, the desire

for stopping human error, clearing human confusion, and diminishing the

sum of human misery, the noble aspiration to leave the world better. As a

social creature, people need to show their concern to each other

especially for the closest one. In the novel Entrok there are the behave,

the actions from one of the main character, Rahayu, who tell her parents

to do the right thing. The quotation as follow:

―Kata Pak Waji, guru agamaku di SD, Ibu berdosa. Di depan kelas
dia berkata, ibuku tak beragama. Ibuku sirik. Masih menyembah
leluhur, memberi makan setan setiap hari. Pak Waji juga bilang
ibuku punya tuyul. Aku malu dan marah. Begitu sampai di rumah,
aku masuk ke kamar Ibu. Kuambil baki berisi tumpeng dan
panggang itu lalu kubuang di halaman belakang rumah. Tonah
yang melihatku berteriak-teriak. Dia ketakutan. Takut pada Ibu,
juga takut kualat pada Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapa Kuasa. Aku masuk
kamar, menunggu Ibu pulang dari pasar. Sampai kudengar teriakan
Ibu dari kamarnya. Dia memanggil Tonah, bertanya ke mana
tumpeng dan panggang di kamarnya. Aku keluar kamar. ―Aku
buang. Itu sirik, dosa. Ibu tidak beragama,‖ kataku sambil
menangis.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 75)
For all of her life, Rahayu‘s mother, Marni has been asking or

Nyuwun to the ancestors. We can tell that animism, believe in mysticism is

still exist here. Tylor in (Harvey, 2005: 6) stated that animism represented

the earliest form of religion, being situated within an evolutionary

framework of religion that has developed in stages and which will

ultimately lead to humanity rejecting religion altogether in favor of

scientific rationality. However, because of Rahayu‘s love for her mother,

she told her that what she has been doing is wrong. Nyuwun from the

ancestors is prohibited by religion, in this case is Islam. Another

quotation example of Rahayu‘s action as follow:

―Bu Lastri menunjukkan kertas warna kuning bergambar beringin,

sama seperti umbul-umbul yang dipasang di gapura perbatasan
dan di depan balai desa. Apa yang dikatakan Bu Lastri kukatakan

pada Ibu dan Bapak. Mereka berdua, orang buta huruf yang hanya
tahu pasar, harus tahu pemilu. Mereka harus ikut, dan tidak salah
pilih. Kalau bukan aku yang orang sekolahan, siapa lagi yang akan
memberitahu mereka?‖ (Madasari, 2010: 61)

Here we can see that Rahayu does not want her parents to choose

the wrong choice, so that they are not labeled as PKI─―[…] Jangan lupa

yang gambarnya pohon. Kalian bukan PKI, to?‖ (Madasari, 2010: 85).

From the two quotations above, it can be seen that there is the difference

between the parents and the child. The child understands knowledge

better, but the child, Rahayu shows a good human nature.

There is a good human nature, but there is also a bad one, the

quotation as follow:

―Ini untuk kami semua. Lha aku malah rela mengorbankan

anakku. Anakku rela tubuhnya dipakai untuk keselamatan orang-
orang di sini. Lha sampeyan, apa yang sudah sampeyan lakukan? Prek!
Kyaimu malah pamit mau pulang. Prek!‖ (Madasari, 2010: 252)

How can a father sacrifice his daughter just like that? His daughter

is a school girl but she has to do such thing for everyone‘s safety. Not

only the father, but the people who use her also a bad people. The last is

the quotation shows a good human nature, but on the other side it is also

bad, as follow:

―Ha ha ha...! Mau sedikit, mau banyak, namanya tetap potang.
Sampeyan itu rentenir, lintah darat! Orang-orang seperti sampeyan
ini yang bikin susah orang banyak.‖ ―Lho, Ndan. Wong saya itu
malah mau membantu orang. Mereka butuh pinjaman uang, ya
sudah saya kasih. Kalau mereka butuhnya panci, ya saya juga
dagang panci.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 70)

What Marni did was good, helping her neighbors in need by

lending a money. But to give loan interest to them is bad. This act is also

prohibited by religion (Islam).

A literary work feels less interesting if there is no conflict in it.

Joubert in (Nurrachman, 2017: 233) said that force and right are the

governors of this world; force till right is ready. […] The way in which for

us it may change and transform force, the existing order of things, and

become, in its turn, the legitimate ruler of the world, will depend on the

way in which, when our time comes, we see it and will it. Therefore for

other people enamoured of their own newly discerned right, to attempt to

impose it upon us as ours, and violently to substitute their right for our

force, is an act of tyranny, and to be resisted. The conflict between the

villagers and the authorities who act arbitrarily is depicted in this novel.

The quotations as follow:

―Pak Tikno sekarang ada di penjara. Tentara menahannya sejak
enam bulan lalu. Gara-garanya, Pak Tikno menolak memberikan
kebunnya yang hanya sepetak pada tentara. Tentara ingin
membangun gardu di kebun itu. Katanya untuk pos keamanan.‖
(Madasari, 2010: 63)

―Sementara Pak Tikno ada di penjara, tentara-tentara itu telah

mengambil tanah sepetak tempat cikal bakal leluhur Pak Tikno
berasal.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 64)

Pak Tikno does not afraid of the soldiers, he sticks to his stance in
order to protect the inherited land. He can be labelled as the
nonconformist, who deviate from the applicable rules, or being called
PKI. The term ―nonconformist‖ was used first in criminal acts after the
Restoration of the monarchy (1660) and the Uniformity Act (1662) to
describe the convent (place of worship) of a congregation that had
separated from the Church of England. As written in (Arnold, 1869: 202)
Nonconformist is not in contact with the main current of national life.
Another example of the villagers who against authorities is Wagimun, the
quotation as follow:

―Sampeyan kira aku bertahan di sini karena harta? Harta yang mana,
Kang Lurah? Sawah sudah dipatok, mau makan saja susah. Tinggal
rumah dan tanah ini saja yang punya saya. Ini juga sebentar lagi
dikeruk seperti itu.‖ ―Lho... lha kowe juga sudah tahu ini nanti
bakal dikeruk semua. Ya sudah mau apa lagi? Yang penting
sekarang semuanya selamat. Ingat anakmu, Mun... Masa semuanya
mau terkubur di sini?‖ ―Ya, kalau memang sudah nasib kami

terkubur di sini... saya ikhlas... yang penting tidak malu sama
leluhur...‖ (Madasari, 2010: 218)

Just like Pak Tikno, Wagimun does not want to leave his house, he

feels that the things left only the house. He chose to be buried with his

house rather than having to leave it. Something that we have to fixed in

our minds that a more full and harmonious development of the

―nonconformist‖ humanity is what they most want, that narrowness, one-

sidedness, and incompleteness is what they most suffer from. They have

a reason to against the order.

The opposite of the nonconformist is conformist, people who

follow the applicable rules. People who follow the rules either they really

feel the rules are good or because they are afraid for being punished. The

example quotation as follow:

―Lha Bapak sama Ibu katanya mau ke pasar, kok malah ke sini?‖
―Tadi dicegat pak tentara, katanya yang nggak ke sini berarti nggak
patuh sama negara. Ya sudah to... daripada dipenjara, kami ke sini
saja. Nyoblos, terus bakulan di sini.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 62)

―Tapi nanti kalau balik lagi diberi saja, Bu. Jangan cari penyakit.
Jangan sampai kita nanti kayak Pak Tikno,‖ jawab Bapak dengan
muka ketakutan. Ibu diam tak menjawab. Tapi aku bisa melihat

raut mukanya berubah begitu mendengar nama Pak Tikno disebut.
Ia juga ketakutan. (Madasari, 2010: 63)

From the quotations above we can tell that Marni and Teja are
afraid of the authorities. Rather than oppose the army, it is better to just
do what they want.

Culture, in like manner, places human perfection in an internal

condition, in the growth and predominance of our humanity proper, as

distinguished from our anitiality, in the ever-increasing efficaciousness

and in the general harmonious expansion of those gifts of thought and

feeling which make the peculiar dignity, wealth, and happiness of human

nature (Arnold, 1986: 12-13). As the author mention earlier, this novel

has cultural elements in it, which is the culture in Desa Singget. The

example quotations as follow:

―Aku dan Simbok bukan satu-satunya orang yang menyusuri

jalanan pagi ini. Di depan kami, di belakang, juga di samping,
perempuan-perempuan menggendong tenggok5 menuju Pasar
Ngranget.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 22)

―Kebiasaan di pasar, buruh-buruh perempuan diupahi dengan

bahan makanan. Beda dengan kuli laki-laki yang diupahi dengan
uang.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 22)

―Kata Simbok, kalau aku minum kunir tiap hari, perutku tak akan
sakit lagi saat keluar darah nanti.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 33)

―Paling depan terlihat seorang laki-laki berpakaian seperti pemain
ketoprak dengan baju warna hijau mencolok dan hiasan kepala
warna emas. Dia menjadi cucuk lampah, pemandu langkah orang-
orang yang ikut dalam iring-iringan. Cucuk lampah menari-nari
dalam setiap langkahnya, mengikuti irama gamelan dari bagian
belakang iring-iringan. Di belakang cucuk lampah ada empat laki-laki
mengusung tandu. Mereka berpakaian jawa, beskap dengan kepala
ditutup blangkon. Tandu itu dihiasi dengan janur dan melati, persis
seperti tandu pengantin. Tapi yang ada di dalam tandu bukan
manusia, melainkan dua tebu yang juga dihias dengan kantil dan
melati. Itulah Temanten Tebu.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 104)

―Mereka akan tirakat di sekitar makam Eyang Sujo dan Eyang

Jugo. Sesajen dan dupa yang sudah disiapkan dari Madiun
diletakkan di samping makam. Ada tumpeng lengkap dengan
panggang dan ubo rampe-nya, buah-buahan, dan rokok. Selama
tirakat mereka tidak akan berbicara dan makan-minum. Mereka
juga dilarang memikirkan hal-hal yang tidak baik. Satu-satunya
yang mereka lakukan adalah berdoa memohon berkah. Selama
tirakat itu, mereka juga akan menunggu jatuhnya bagian pohon
dewandaru.‖ (Mandasari, 2010: 95)

―Sudah sejak dari dulu orang-orang Tionghoa dikenal suka ke

Gunung Kawi setiap Jumat Legi untuk mencari pesugihan. Orang-
orang juga mengira Ibu telah melakukan hal yang sama, mencari
pesugihan ke Gunung Kawi.‖ (Mandasari, 2010: 97)

There are many cultures that mention in the novel, from Javanese

to Chinese. The writer of the novel writes it by her own experience as she

is a Javanese.

For the conclusion, the human nature can be a culture if done

repeatedly and accepted by the environment. As stated by Arnold in

(Nurrachman, 2017: 242) truth and culture themselves can be reached by

the processes of this life. One of the literary work which has element of

culture is novel. The Entrok novel is a great work that portray human‘s

daily life with its aspects.


Arnold, M. (1869). Culture and Anarchy: An Essay in Political and Social

Criticism. London. p. xvi, 8, 23, 12-13, 23, 202, 242

Harvey, G. (2005). Animism: Respecting the Living World. p. 6

Madasari, O. (2010). Entrok. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Nurrachman, D. (2017). Introduction to Criticism. Bandung: Pustaka Aura

Semesta. p. 233, 242

Ratna, N.K. (2004). Teori, Metode, dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra. Yogyakarta:

Pustaka Pelajar. p. 62

Yudiono, K.S. (1986). Sastra, Psikologi, dan Masyarakat. Bandung: Penerbit.

Alumni. p. 125

- This could be better if you are consistent with just one aspect to discuss 75 = B
- Some still having jumped-up ideas and tend to be inconsistent discussion
- Some narratives and analysis made are relevant with the theory used, some
Naida Rahma Tania
others not
- Needs more relevant critical-analytical arguments 1175030188
- Needs more relevant theoretical justification/supports
- Be more aware of mechanic errors: paragraphing, punctuation, font size,
italicization, citation, etc 5D


An Analysis - Entrok‘s Novel by Okky Maddasari

Imbalance of system education and economic in Indonesia post-

colonialism give massive impact to inhabitant. People is not available to

go to school and people prefer to work for survive. Also, patriarchy of

man has different and superior position front of woman even in power,

strength, education, and work highly dominant by men. Such as on

Entrok novel written by Okky Madasari describe 1950 reflection.

However, this novel shows feminist against patriarchy but still consist

slave love element. Therefore, Mary Wollstonecraft‘s thought attempt to

this Novel analysis. By her literacy great feminist literacy work ‗A

Vindication of The Right of Woman‘ (1792).

In the beginning Mary asking ―is it surprising that woman everywhere

appear a defect in nature?‖ (Nurrachman, 2017). Woman apparent inferiority

as society fault which give impact to them a moral character by the

association of ideas. Her thinking ―Education thus only supplies the man of

genius with knowledge to give variety and contrast to his associations; but there

is a habitual association of ideas, that grows "with our growth," which has a

great effect on the moral character of mankind; and by which a turn is given to

the mind, that commonly remains throughout life. ‖ (Nurrachman, 2017: 134-

135). It consists critic on woman who accepting the association idea

impacted to the moral character on woman by men, but neglect and

accepting without denying. Then, genius men as association ideas figure

get assumed education. In addition, in context that woman doesn‘t get

any education whereas woman will be the first teacher for her child then

woman educated is a must. As Wollstonecraft said that only men get

education which present imbalance between men and woman. It shows

that men have more chance than woman which refers to patriarchy

ideology. Reasoning patriarchy ideology is hegemony of men that

justifies the major of one group such power can occur between groups

based on differences between gender, religion, race, or economic

class(Darwin, 2018). Then, as a form of resistance to this thought, there

are feminists who oppose all forms of injustice against women. Feminist

comes from the word femme which means woman. According to

Sugihastuti that feminism is movement equality between men and women

in all aspect such as politics, economic, educational, social, and organized

through woman‘s right and interest (Milleniawati, 2019). Also, based to

Marxisme feminism is a way that looks at women's problems in

capitalism, it is related to the system of power (Milleniawati, 2019).

Sumarni as main character deny the association ideas. She is poor,

a daughter of a cassava peeler, and uneducated person. She has optimistic

and willed (Prawira, 2018). The rejection of ideas begin with her will to

have some Entrok ―Paklik yang duduk Bersama istrinya tertawa terbahak

mendengar kata-kataku. Sama seperti reaksi Simbok saat aku minta entrok.

‗Nduk, entrok itu mahal. Mbok mending duitnya buat makan‘ kata Paklik‖

(Madasari, 2010: 19). From the quote sugge sts that Marni did not have

the opportunity to buy the entrok she wanted. which leads to a woman's

inability to give up before taking action. but this did not dampen his

desire and give more motivation in. She started to follow his mother to

the traditional market and pay attention to the people around her. She

found the way by her observation, ―Kenapa aku tidak bekerja seperti Teja?‖ It

means that Marni wants to work earning money as Teja do. Indirectly

refers to gender equality toward feminism that woman works like a man.

Marni one step ahead.

Once more patriarchy appears on Teja utterances ―Ni, kamu gak

ada perempuan nguli. ada-ada saja. Nggak akan kuat. Sudah, perempuan itu kerja

yang ringan-ringan aja. Ngupas singkong.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 34). There are two

association of ideas on woman, first no one woman work hard as ‗nguli‘,

and second woman do a simple work activity. Those thoughts give an

interpretation that female can not work like men, connotates woman is

weak and men is strength in power aspect regarding patriarchy as the

opposite of femin ist. Mbah Noto makes a clearness about patriarchy

social in Singget ―Mbah Noto hanya mengingatkanku untuk tidak terlalu ngoyo

dan tahu diri. Katanya sudah dari sononya tenaga perempuan itu kecil dan tidak bisa

bekerja berat.‖ (Maddasari, 2010: 37). Comparing strength between woman

and men in aspect power and remembering to the ideas of habitual

slavery of character. She reje cted by comparing household activities with

carrying sacks in the market ―Berat satu jun (wadah air dari tanah liat) yang

berisi penuh air sama saja dengan satu goni berisi singkong. Tidak ada laki-laki

yang mengambil air, katanya itu urusan perempuan. Ya jelas lebih anak nguli

daripada ngambil air. Nguli diuppahi duit, sementara mengambil air tidak pernah

mendapat apa-apa‖ (Maddasari, 2010: 37). That‘s may Wollstonecraft wants.

Marni was thinking more critically than before which proving woman are

able to think critically and more rationally with the present the thought

‗better work as nguli than carrying water‘. Marni one step more ahead.

―Wah, sudah kaya kamu sekarang, Ni. Sudah punya modal. Tidak nguli

lagi sekarang?‖ (1) ―Ah, wong sampeyan tiap hari nerima duit kok. Tinggal niat-

nya bagaimana to….‖(2) (Maddasari, 2010: 44) For quote (1), Teja noticed

Marni and acknowledge her efforts which indicates that Teja claimed that

woman are able to work and same chance of gender in economic and

work aspect. One victory received Marni as woman against patriarchy in

society. Turn to quotes (2) as direct resistance to patriarchy in context of

‗will‘. Both of them, give interpretations will‘s Marni being active

participant in society as realization of statement Wollstonecraft that ‗So,

ductile is the understanding‘ (Nurrachman, 2017: 135). His tenacity to

realize his desire as understanding. Marni continues to apply this

understanding as evidenced by changing jobs as ‗bakulan‘. Her thinking

―Siapa yang masih memilih jauh-jauh berjalan ke pasar kalua ada yang mengantar

dagangan sampai ke pintu rumah?‖, comprehensive thinking.

As previously mentioned, that woman will be the first teacher for

her child. Visionary thinking as the development on Marni character

reflected Wollstonecraft values about the importance of education,

rationally thinking, and ductile fir woman. In context marrying, Teja asks

Marni to marry with him and have a child like Tinah (Marni‘s childhood

friend) she reply with visionary, prospect in future, responsibility, and

hiding hopes for her child like her who should work in childhood age

―Tukang kupas singkong atau bakulan keliling kalua perempuan? Anak laki-laki

ikut bapaknya nguli?‖ (Maddasari, 2010; 47). From the way Marni struggle

to survive, her thinking is rationally. Worrying about a child's future

experiencing the same thing is a very deep and critical decision. This is

because of the rationality, and responsibility on her moral character.

Here‘s, the association ideas of moral character and judgment hierarchy

on woman has reduced by Marni‘s characterization through changes in

Marni who are increasingly educated through observation, critical

thinking, deep thinking, visionary, responsible, and knowledgeable since

her first wish (Entrok).

However, Marni is not perfect in Wollstonecraft's eyes because

Marni still yearns for love ―Pandangannya… aku takt ahu seperti apa… tapi

membuatku Bahagia sekali. Sorot mata Teja mengantarkanku ke kerajaan yang

indah, megah, dikelilingi taman bunga.‖ (Maddasari, 2010:41). His dream leads

to sentimentality which Wollstonecraft considers a weakness. She state

that ―Another instance of that feminine weakness of character, often

produced by a confined education, is a romantic twist of the mind, which

has been very properly termed sentimental.‖ (Nurrachman, 2017: 140)

She adding that woman should controlled her love sensational which

towards imaginations. Cause it will referring to ―how foolishly and

ridiculously they caricatured human nature, just opinions might be

substituted instead of romantic sentiments.‖ (Nurrachman, 2017: 143).

Wollstonecraft criticized that woman should not be ridiculed as adults

because they act incompatible with the values prevailing in society and the

experiences gained. This also relates to stories about "gendakan" that are still

being carried out by the Singget community. Therefore, the importance of self-

control and emotions about love. ―Dan biarkan saja aku menikmati malam ini.

Mengulang apa yang kami lakukan tadi malam. Merasakan lagi nikmat dan

bahagia yang kami cicipi dalam gelap desa ini. Kyai Hasbi bergerak lebih cepat

dan tangkas sekarang. Tidak ada ragu dan malu seperti sebelumnya. Sepertinya

dia sudah yakin aku juga menginginkannya. Dia bergerak cepat mencumbu bibir

dan dada. Gusti, aku hampir lupa kalau laki-laki ini tiga puluh tahun lebih tua

dari aku‖ (Madasari, 2010: 249 - 250). Which makes Marni as an 18th

century woman longing for love which according to Wollstonecraft is

stupid and ridiculous.

Thus, in Okky Madasari's novel Entrok is a reflection of a fictional

story that has a background in19th century. Where is the post-

independence year, the hierarchical level still views men as rulers, leaders,

and with a higher degree than women. However, based on an analysis

using Mary Wollstonecraft's theory of thought in the Entrok Novel, the

Patriarchy is opposed through the characterization of Sumarni as the

main character. A strong desire and motivation to become a reality is a

tenacity for Marni herself. From his thoughts on how to make money, he

led to success which indirectly led to the feminism movement. Where the

movement is fighting for the rights and opportunities for women. but in

her case, she is categorized as feminism for the individual. This can be

concluded as a reflection of the values and things that a woman must

strive for according to Wollstonecraft. Finally, it could be due to social

factors and cultural communities that still have illicit relationships which

are the benchmarks for the value of love. So in practice, love is still a

common thing and the practice of sexual relations in the 19th century.


Darwin, M. (2018). Maskulinitas: Posisi Laki-Laki dalam Masyarakat

Patriarkis. Center of Population and Policy Studies Gadjah Mada University,

4(02), 1–7.

Milleniawati, S. K. (2019). PERLAWANAN TOKOH PEREMPUAN

PADA NOVEL ENTROK. Seminar Nasional Bahasa Dan Sastra,

3(Nomor 2), 898–906.

Prawira, S. D. (2018). Karakter Tokoh Utama Pada Novel Entrok Karya

Okky Madasari (Kajian Psikologi Sastra). Jurnal Ilmiah FONEMA :

Jurnal Edukasi Bahasa Dan Sastra Indonesia, 1(1), 1.

- Too many introductory paragraphs Nari Suryani Aghnyanawati
- Tooooo many unnecessary informations included
- Truly lack of real analysis 1195030157
- Lack of critical-analytical arguments
- Lack relevant theoretical justification/supports V-D
- Lack of sources cited
- Be aware of mechanic errors
60 = C


Literary work is a sort of rhetoric that portrays countless aspects

of people's lives and society. Meanwhile, feminist theory is a concentrated

idea of criticism of the investigation of women's concerns in works of

literature in literature on its own. Throughout mankind's life, females

have really been unfairly represented by social imbalance. Women who

are already positioned in domestic and reproductive responsibilities face

significant barriers to advancement throughout the public and

professional spheres. Gender is viewed as more than just a cultural notion

that has been used to differentiate the roles, actions, mindset, and

emotional qualities of men and women which it develops in society, as

well as non-biological elements (Rokhmansyah, 2016). So far no one has

established a comprehensive definition of the term "feminist criticism."

Even before applied in the context of literary works, it is also being used

in a variety of contexts to help hide a wide range of activities, which

include (1) each and every critical analysis written by a woman, regardless

of the subject matter; (2) a certain criticism written by a woman about

something like a man's book which then continues to treat this certain

book from either a "political" or "women's rights" perspective; as well as

(3) any criticism written by a woman about a woman's book but rather

about female authors in broad sense (Kolodny, 2017). The different kinds

of studies should include under those same last two broad headings have

helped us better define the portrayal of and attitudes forward into female

characters in a wide range of authors, as well as, where appropriate,

exposed the ways in which gender stereotypes bias and/or stereotyped

formulations of women's roles in the society are becoming written into

law throughout literary works.

I believe that it is important to emphasize that what women had already

expressed throughout literary works thus far has been only what they

have been capable of expressing as nothing more than a result of the

complex dynamic interaction among both inherent biological causal

factors, individual personal skills and abilities and opportunities, and also

the significantly bigger effects of primary socialization, that further, in

some case scenarios, might very well rule the country a limits of

expression or perhaps even perception and experience its own. I am

particularly concerned that, because the concept of something like the

artist woman is still unfamiliar to the significantly bigger academic world

(if it has already been acknowledged what so ever), and because other

groups within the women's liberation movement are all still trying to

discuss this same relationship among both human physiology and societal

norms, we would then subconsciously authorize ourselves to just be

forced to put up with the potentially futile public discussion over genetic

and environmental factors. But unless we confront the argument at all, it

should only be to acknowledge the possibility of based on biology causal

factors behind some of these clearly evident literary similarities and


As I have mentioned above, women had already expressed their

concerns on gender discrimination throughout literary works through

decades. Women are an intriguing subject that they usually always offer

elements that often included objects to be examined in certain way; even

issue of hatred of women in a small rural town can be depicted in the

context of mobile media, such as in Okky Madasari's Entrok. This book

narrates Sumarni's life story is shrouded with gender injustice, which I

would address in this paper.

Entrok's novel, set in the Madiun between 1950 and 1999, tells the story

of a woman's struggle to meet her demands as a woman who wishes to

have entrok. Sumarni's life revolves around struggle, hard effort, as well as

a strong spirit. The novel's themes of injustice, authority, and despair

provide us the readers with information and insight into life at the

moment. Marni, in particular, is just a really interesting character created

by the author. Marni actually started as a porter having to carry women's

grocery shopping at the market because she really wanted to have entrok

(bra), then advanced to shopping carts around, lease money (lenders),

lease a pickup, and eventually was becoming an owner of sugarcane

enterprise and the wealthiest woman in Singget, her village, thanks to

perseverance and determination, and her life principles. Her daughter,

Rahayu, who was raised in sufficiency, was able to go to college in

Yogyakarta. She, then, became an activist who defends residents whose

land has been displaced due to development of a reservoir. The character,

Sumarni, described by Okky Madasari is what will become a material for

this analysis by tracing the gender inequality that they naturally through

the influence of patriarchal culture.

The term patriarchy refers to male dominance both in public and

private realms. Feminists frequently use the term "patriarchy" to describe

the power imbalance between men and women (Sultana, 2010). As a

result, patriarchy is more than simply a term; feminists accept it as an

idea, and, like some of the other notions, it is a way of understanding

feminist challenges. Various scholars view the concept of patriarchy

differently. Walby, for example, defines "Patriarchy" as "a kind of public

organizations and actions within which males govern, oppress, and take

advantage of women." She describes patriarchy as a framework that

rejects gender essentialism (the belief that men and women are

biologically or physically distinct and consequently assigned separate

duties) or "the assumption that every individual male is constantly in a

dominant position and every woman in a subservient one." She describes

patriarchy as a framework that rejects gender essentialism (the belief that

men and women are biologically or physically distinct and consequently

assigned separate duties) or "the assumption that every individual male is

constantly in a dominant position and every woman in a subservient one

(Walby, 1990)."

Meanwhile, Mary Wollstonecraft yearned for more. She went so far as to

declare war on patriarchy. She demanded nothing other than a

"revolutionary in feminine etiquette." This was not a breakthrough about

how to set up or sit at the dining room table. Its aim was to abolish the

indoctrination system that rendered men and women prisoners of one

other's cruelty, rather than just the moral companions they were intended

to be. Before declaring a war against patriarchy, she already had published

fiction to answer Edmund Burke‘s Reflection on the Revolution in

France with her A Vindication of the Rights of Man. In A Vindication of the

Rights of Man, she went beyond her Dissenter friends, whose views

remained strictly patriarchal. A continuous heritage of male writers has

contributed to women being reduced to "artificial, weak figures.", said

Wollstonecraft (Nurrachman, 2017). Wollstonecraft recognized education

as the underlying cause of male-female inequities. Education really does

have an impact on almost every aspect of life since it began in the

nursery, long before anyone even acquired a language or attended school.

Parents supplied toys and mirrors to young females while enabling young

boys to run around outside free. Wollstonecraft noticed that these

substantial disparities in early children's upbringing also had much

impacts. 'The tremendous difficulty is that they both acquire manners

before morals, and an understanding of life, before they can have, from

reflection, any connection with the big ideal shape of human behaviour,'

she soberly observed. Likewise, they acknowledged the difference in

behavior that education created between both the sexes. Women learned

to think and portray themselves as weak and submissive, which made

them more desirable to males. She also points out in chapter 6 of her

book that what individuals learn when they are young is seldom

unlearned later in life, especially if they are not taught how to challenge it.

She discusses how, as children, women are told to admire dashing but

dishonest guys and to absorb facts by rote. That is why, if there is a

difference in behavior generated by education between men and women,

inequity concerns will always exist. This issue is one of the main problems

in Entrok novel by Okky Madasari. Hence, I am going to analyze some

narratives that really portray this issue in the novel.

The Entrok novel by Okky Madasari is actually flooded with a lot

of patriarchal and gender inequality issues. The injustices that appear in

Entrok occur in various aspects life. Girls are dominated by their family

members since they are perceived as a weak creature. One of the most

related to Wollstonecraft theory about gender inequality is when Marni

wants to work and become a porter in the traditional market. She was

being laughed at after she stated her ambition to work as a porter.

―Aku kuat, Kang. Biasanya aku juga nggendong tenggok, nggendong

goni. Bakul-bakul itu juga banyak yang mengangkat sendiri dagangannya

dari rumah ke pasar. Hanya priyayi-priyayi saja yang nggak kuat

ngangkat goni.‖

The quote shows Marni's seriousness in getting money. Marni is willing to

go against her nature as a woman with work as a porter in the market.

From the quote above, it can be seen that the workload is made into a

rule and a habit that cannot be broken, women have been allotted to peel

cassava and men nguli. Marni felt that the distribution was unfair and that

women were ready to do heavy work and were able to use force. In the

novel, it is stated that every day women fetch water from a river that is far

away and have to carry heavy loads. That part really speaks volumes that

women actually can do what men do. Another narrative that shows how

messed up the society by seeing women as the weakest creature in the

Entrok novel is shown by this quote:

―Nduk, semua itu sudah ada jatahnya. Orang kayak kita bagiannya

ngoceki telo, nguli itu berat. Sudah jatah orang lain.‖ ―bukan masalah

kuat—nggak kuat, Nduk. Ini masalah ilok-ra ilok, pantas nggak pantas.

Nggak ada perempuan nguli.‖

When Simbok rejects her kid willing to work as a porter, as seen in the

statement, this is due to the fact that being a porter is considered

unsuitable for women. According to the quotation, women's employment

in the area is extremely limited. This proves that Wollstonecraft's theory

about women who tend to be seen as weak is real. Marni is considered

unable to do the job just because she is a woman. In addition, the quote

above proves that women do not have many choices in life, even to work,

we are faced with the irrational limitations of patriarchy.

―Sayangnya tidak ada buruh perempuan di sini, betapapun ingin aku

mengupaih mereka dengan uang sebesar buruh lelaki. Upah yang

besarnya sama, tidak lebih kecil hanya karna dia perempuan, lebih-lebih

hanya diupahi telo.‖

The quote shows when Marni who has been successful wants once

equalized women's wages with men's wages, that is, equally paid money is

no longer just a cassava. This system is quite similar to slavery because

getting paid just by a cassava is not enough and it does not represent

equality or even justice. According to Wollstonecraft, this continual

subjugation has a more harmful influence on the female character than

on the male, because industry and other dried forms of employment of

the mind tend to dull the emotions and sever bonds that harm reason.

This corruption ranges from the presentation of fake manners to the

cultivation of a culture of luxury, which eventually leads to power abuses.

―Nduk, anak perempuan itu harus punya suami, punya anak. Kalau

sudah ada yang melamar tidak boleh ditolak, bisa kualat, jadi perawan

tua." Aku tak membantah omongan Simbok, tak juga mengiyakan. Tapi

hanya tiga hari setelah itu, kami berada di rumah kamituwo.‖

The quote above shows that Marni cannot express her opinion in

rejecting Teja's proposal to marry her. Women are considered to have to

always accept men's proposals even though women want to reject them.

This problem gives the assumption that women cannot express their

opinions. Marni is hesitant to marry Teja because she is bound by the

cultural norm that women must accept a man's proposal. This indicates

that before becoming husband and wife, men already have the privilege

to dominate and make women the recipients of all their decisions.

Reinforced by noble opinions about women's leadership. In society,

women tend to be seen as unfit to be leaders because their bodies are

very weak and their hearts are soft, and their minds are short, besides

having soft feelings that make women considered unable to make firm

decisions. This is also consistent with Wollstonecraft's opinion, as stated

in her book, that a married woman had no property, no vote, no money

of her own, and no rights to her children in the eyes of the law.

In conclusion, the depiction of gender discrimination, particularly

in the workplace, is plainly obvious in the quotations above. During that

time, a woman, particularly a Javanese woman, did light labor and was

solely responsible for the kitchen. Marni's heavy job, such as becoming a

porter, is against nature and improper. Women are also treated unfairly

when it comes to finding jobs. It all happened due to the lack of

education, as Wollstonecraft describes the real culprit is the education

system. That is why she campaigned for women's right to education, also

was arguing that they were largely responsible for the teaching of the



Walby, Sylvia (1990. Theorising_Patriarchy.

Kolodny, A. (2017). Some Notes on Defining a " Feminist Literary Criticism ".


Nurrachman, D. (2017). Introduction to Criticism: Critical Theory from Ancient

Greece to Victorian England (M. D. Purwanto & P. Priyawan (Eds.)).

Pustaka Aura Semesta.

Rokhmansyah, A. (2016). Pemahaman Awal Kritik Sastra Feminisme.

Penerbit Garudhawaca.



Sultana, A. (2010). Patriarchy and W omen ‘ s Subordination : A Theoretical


70 = B
- Less focus analysis
- State the specific topic what is this about and be consistent with it
- Still having jumped-up ideas
- Some narratives and analysis are relevant with the theory, Natasya Mega Putri
some others not
- Still needs more critical-analytical arguments
- Still needs more relevant theoretical justifications/supports 1195030158
- There's still an inconsistent references
- Be aware of mechanic errors: paragraphing, citation, punctuation, VD
capitalization, italicization, etc



―In the fact the female mind has been totally neglected‖ (Nurachman,

2017). That words were came out from 4 century ago, but why that fact

in reality is still remained? Those words were written down by Marry

Wollstonecraft in her book in ―A Vindication of the Rights of Woman‖

1792 which triggering a movement that nowadays call as feminism, and

the people who stick on this movement called as feminist.

The genuine idea of feminism is the movement to end social construction

which dominated by man. The vivid idea in my opinion about this

movement is based on the fact that human when they born has no choice

to select their sexuality, whether to be woman or man, it is undetermined

by the people, yet it is natural order of destiny. Meanwhile, the social

relation and its activities in life has the area to be discussed in the first

place, therefore it is lies the chance to choose. Therefore, the status of

sexuality does not determine the limitation access, chance, and choice to

live the life in society. But the fact is not so humble as I said in this

foundation. So many forms of social construct which unfair and creating

inequality among gender, and so mesmerizing and ridiculous that such a

certain thing reasoned because sexuality like the family decision

dominated by man, works recruitment dominated by man, and so on

which full taken on masculine power. This situation is defined as

patriarchy system, as stated by Guo that ―patriarchy is a social structure in

which males are the primary authority figures in charge of social

organization, property ownership, moral authority, political leadership,

and other aspects of life. where males in the family have power over

women and children household‖ (Guo, 2018).

Moreover, I propose that feminist movement representation can be

appeared in literary work, this because literary has the capacity to reveal

everything and imitate the reality, no matter what, even the immaterial

things like imagination and emotion of the author. As followed the

reference from ―the nature of literature does present a large part of life,

while real world life is a social condition of society‖ (Rene Wellek &

Austin Wareen, 1995). Afterwards, the analysis of feminist movement can

use the literary work as its object.

This humble essay, therefore, will analysis the portrayal of feminist

movement as regarded the imitation from reality in the novel‖ Entrok‖

2010 by Okky Madasari. This novel was being chosen because it contains

several depictions about feminist movement from the character in the

novel. As modest synopsis which follow this interest that the story tells

about Marni as a young girl who possess and obsess about bra or entrok in

java language, following her ambition to have fulfil her needs by working

as a merchant by walking around, and day by day she succeeded with the

addition job as moneylender, the story also moves in the story about

Rahayu, Marni‘s daughter who become a mistress and accused of being a

PKI sympathizer.

In analyzing feminist movement in literary works, then it is mandatory to

use literary criticism and approach. In this gold opportunity, I will use the

approach of mimetic which is understood to treat literary woks as the

reflection of reality. This also agreed by Abrams in Nurachman that

―Mimetic criticism views the literary work as an imitation, or reflection,

or representation of the world and human life, and the primary criterion

applied to a work is the "truth" of its representation to the subject matter

that it represents, or should represent‖ (Nurachman, 2017).

The first movement is played by Sumarni in the novel where she manages

to fight the common view of women who can't work as casual laborers,

and don't go back to following the women's work followed by their

mothers which doesn't make them develop either financially or creatively,

because cutting cassava is a very repetitive job.

―Teja melihat, dan langsung berdiri menghampiriku. ‖Nyi Dimah mau ngangkat

apa?‖ ‖Bukan, Kang. Aku nggak disuruh Nyai. Aku yang butuh bantuan, Kang.‖

‖Kamu mau ngangkat apa, Ni?‖ ‖Bukan, Kang. Bukan minta dibantu ngangkat.

Aku mau ditolong, aku mau ikut nguli kayak Kakang.‖ Teja terbahak-bahak

mendengar permintaanku. Sungguh bukan jawaban seperti itu yang kuinginkan.

Aku menunggu agak lama untuk mendapatkan jawaban yang sebenarnya. ‖Ni,

kamu ada-ada saja. Nggak ada perempuan nguli. Nggak akan kuat. Sudah,

perempuan itu kerja yang ringan-ringan aja. Ngupas singkong.‖ ‖Aku kuat, Kang.

Biasanya aku juga nggendong tenggok, nggendong goni. Bakul-bakul itu juga banyak

yang mengangkat sendiri dagangannya dari rumah ke pasar. Hanya priyayi-priyayi

saja yang nggak kuat ngangkat goni.‖ ‖Tapi tetap nggak umum, Ni. Di pasar ini,

nggak ada perempuan nguli.‖ ‖Tapi aku mau, Kang. Aku butuh duit, Kang. Nggak

mau lagi diupahi singkong.‖ ‖Ya terserah. Kalau mau nguli ya monggo,‖ Kata Teja

lirih. ‖Caranya gimana, Kang?‖ ‖Nggak ada caranya. Asal ada tenaga saja. Kamu

tunggu di sini kalau ada orang yang butuh,‖ kata Teja sambil menunjuk kuli-kuli

lain yang bergerombol di bangku kayu depan pasar.‖ (Madasari, 2010)

From here I can see, the novel imitates in reality where feminist

movement can be started any woman, this also imitates regardless

feminist movement is social movement, in the practice it can be done

personally. I also familiar where the feminist movement in the action in

reality trough Instagram Influencer such as Agri Merinda with her

Instagram account @agrimerinda or such as woman artist like Tara Basro

when she acknowledge on the issue ―woman body is woman choice‖ in

2020, they are individually use what they can to act feminist movement.

Starting from that this imitation is the fight against the stupid idea which

constructed by Man domination is social about the understanding work

access is for everyone not determinate by sexuality. Then, I understand

the imitation is what Wollstonecraft ever provoked to be fight that ―This,

habitual slavery, to first impressions, has a more beneful effect on the

female than the male character, because bossiness and other dry

employments of the understanding, tend to deaden the feelings and break

associations that do violence to reason‖ (Nurachman, 2017)

The next feminist movement which imitates from society in the novel is

ho Marni keep going on to fight what she belief right, even at the end was

persecuted by her husband. This is what the challenge of feminist

movement to fight the inequality is hard, because every inequality is exist

in everywhere as long there is corrupted man who ac stupid and afraid.

As followed by the foundation challenge by Marry Wollstonecraft that

―The severest sarcasms have been levelled against the sex, and they have

been ridiculed for repeating ‗a set of phrases learnt by rote,‘ when nothing

could be more natural, considering the education they receive, and that

their ‗highest praise is to obey, unargued‘- the will of man.‖ (Nurachman,

2017). As presented here.

―Ibu tidak dapat menutupi kejengkelannya. Dia sudah tahu orang-orang ini hanya

mau meminta uang. Padahal, bagi Ibu, setiap sen uangnya didapat dengan kerja

keras, dan hanya akan digunakan untuk hal-hal yang menurutnya berguna.

Tentara-tentara itu sudah sampai di puncak amarah. Bapak yang selalu takut pada

tentara, seperti biasanya, langsung menengahi. ‖Mohon maaf, Ndan. Istri saya ini

memang tidak tahu mana yang benar mana yang salah. Maaf, Ndan. Beribu maaf,

Ndan. Monggo datang lagi saja minggu depan, Ndan. Nanti kami siapkan jatah

buat keamanannya.‖ ‖Hei, Kang! Kowe kok kurang ajar begitu! Kami ini petugas.

Ke sini bukan mau minta jatah. Kami hanya mau menjaga keamanan!‖ kata

Sumadi dengan keras. Jarinya menunjuk-nunjuk muka Bapak. Bapak pucat pasi,

tak mampu lagi bicara‖ (Madasari, 2010).

But Marni as the imitation of feminist will never silence when she faces

the subordination of her subject. This fight is to end the circle that

woman is neglected on her mine as the beginning introduction in the first

paragraph. As quoted below.

―Begitu tentara-tentara itu pergi, Bapak dan Ibu bertengkar hebat. ‖Kamu jangan

seenaknya, Ni. Mau kamu dicap PKI, dipenjara kayak Pak Tikno?‖ ‖Halah!

Aku bukan PKI! Aku cuma mau cari makan. Tidak mencuri. Tidak merampok.

Apa aku salah? Terus mereka seenak udele meras orang. Dulu ngambil panci.

Sekarang datang minta duit!‖ ‖Tapi mereka petugas, Ni. Orang yang

mengamankan kita!‖ ‖Hasyah! Prek!‖ ‖Kowe prak-prek-prak-prek terus! Mau

nanggung kalau kita nanti dicap PKI? Mau kalau nanti kita semua dipenjara?‖

‖Terserah! Yang penting aku bukan PKI‖ (Madasari, 2010)

Despite this imitation referring about political issue, here I see Marni is

struggling to fight what her truth that she is not pro on Indonesia

Communist Party. That is a grand truth. From here, I could say that

Marni is not blinded by her husband where many woman are majority

blinded by her husband, throwing away her mind and truth as subject

being, as warned by Mary Wollstonecraft that ―for they then perceive that

is only through their address to excite emotions in men, that pleasure and

power are to be obtained‖ (Nurachman, 2017)

The next feminist imitation on Sumarni is how she managed to be

conscious and full of reasoning to choose a partner, so many

considerations that very well to be thought. Thinking about more

complex possibility in the future such as provision of abilities, beliefs, and

assets to start a family and live as a marriage couple with Teja, shortly

Sumarni is being realistic to decide, The imitation from Sumarni even did

not judge any physical or social class about Teja, yet she question

objectively on how Teja‘s effort in dealing life. Sumarni consideration is

very imitating and related to in current situation in society where woman

is needed to be more reasoning something rather than following blinded

feeling about couple, such as popular term in relationship like bucin, cinta

mati while her partner is a playboy and crock for example. This related to

Mary Wollstonecraft about the truth lof love relationship and it decision

to live as couple ―But one grand truth woman have yet to learn, though

much it imports them to act accordingly. In the choice of husband, they

should not be astray by the qualities of a lover-for a lover the husband,

even supposing him to be wise and virtuous, cannot long remain. Were

woman rationally educated, could they take a more comprehensive view‖

(Nurachman, 2017). The imitation is very clear over here.

―Kenapa, Ni? Kita saling cocok. Apa kamu tidak pengin punya suami, punya anak

seperti Tinah?‖ Punya anak? Bagaimana jika aku punya anak nanti? Mau jadi

apa anakku nanti? Tukang kupas singkong atau bakulan keliling desa kalau

perempuan? Anak laki-laki ikut bapaknya nguli? Pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu hanya

tersimpan dalam hati. Tak tega kusampaikan pada Teja, karena aku memang

menyukainya. Aku hanya takut kalau cerita-cerita yang setiap hari ku dengarkan

suatu hari nanti akan kualami. Takut kalau anakku nanti mengalami seperti apa

yang kualami, punya bapak tapi minggat. Punya ibu tapi bodoh dan melarat.‖

(Madasari, 2010)

As the end of this humble essay. I will conclude and suggest that feminist

movement from the imitation in Entrok in Sumarni as a woman, this

regarded by Andestend ―Women‘s life can be counted to the feminism

matter in the literary movement. Feminism‖ (Andestend, 2013). It is very

beneficial to understand that feminist movement can be start whether its

socially or individually to acknowledge the society about the inequality,

but the challenge is everywhere even the man of the loves one can be on

the side of the opposite feminist movement, the second conclusion of

feminist imitation is that Marni stick to defend what is the truth about the

identity, the conscious and strong reasoning about decision and

consideration of taking marriage.

Finally, the suggestions from this genuine essay are that woman as the

imitation of literary work shall be more presented in the worst possible

imagination of how inequality, because the feminist movement is more

dealing with extreme man domination and more structural, deeper, and

not even felt and unseen. Therefore, I hope, the imitation in literary

works shall more beyond than reality to trigger and gain the

consciousness that woman condition is not ok.


Andestend. (2013). Feminisme Sosialis Di Dalam Novel Mencari

Perempuan Yang Hilang Karya Imad Zaki. Jurnal Ilmiah Korpus

Vol.4 No.2, 2020 ISSN. English Language and Education Departmen,

Bengkulu University.

Guo, R. M. (2018). Brief Analysis of Feminist Literary Criticism. Beijing: The

Drama Publishing House of China.

Madasari, O. (2010). Entrok. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Nurachman, D. (2017). Introduction to Critica Theory. Bandung: Pustaka

Aura Semesta.

Rene Wellek & Austin Wareen. (1995). Teori Kesusastraan. Jakarta: PT

Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

- Truly lack of focus
- What do you want to discuss actually? What reality?
- There's no specific topic to discuss
- There's no specific theory chosen to be applied
60 = C
- Blurred and jumped-up ideas Nazlah Khadijah Salim
- Inconsistent discussion
- Lack of critical-analytical arguments 1195030159
- Lack of relevant theoretical supports
- Be aware of mechanic errors 5D


Reality has a close relationship with literary works. literary works

are believed to be a reflection of reality. A literary work created by the

author will usually reflect the social conditions or conditions of the

community when the work was made. Literary work is considered as an

imitation of nature or a representation of the world and human life.

Then, the poets and all artists are imitators (Nurrachman, 2017). Quoted

from Muzakki (2011), according to Atmazaki (1990) literary work is not a

tool to convey ideas, a reflection of the reality that exists in society, or the

incarnation of truth values that are difficult to understand. However

literary work is reality itself, and it would be wrong to see it as an

expression of the author.

Mimetic is the approach that views literary works as an imitation,

or reflection, or representation of the world and human life

(Nurrachman, 2017). Talking about mimetic identically has a relationship

with Plato and Aristotle. According to Plato, mimesis was strongly

influenced by the concept of ideas (Sanjaya, 2017). Plato said that the

world of ideas is the world of the Divine. Plato's view then concludes that

what is beautiful is the truth, because the true truth only exists in God's

world. The truth of reality always refers to the world of God (Muzakki,

2011). On the other side, quoted from Aristotle (in Aminuddin, 2004)

argues that mimesis is not just an imitation, not just a portrait and reality,

but has gone through the inner personal awareness of the author. The

authors are considered to be doing mimetics not merely copying reality,

but through a creative process to produce novelty.

The novel is one of the literary works. The story that showed in a

novel is considered a reality. Also, Entrok by Okky Madasari is a novel

that reflected the world and reality. Okky Madasari wisely describes reality

through her novel. Okky said that the ideas of the novel are from her

family in Magetan. Okky indirectly said that the novel idea comes from

the life around her. The setting of the novel is about the life of Marni and

her daughter Rahayu. Okky also nicely packs several social realities in her

work. Social reality contains the meaning of social realities around a

certain community environment (Mei, 2017). Through Okky‘s novel, we

could see the reflection of realities, including the social reality that

appears in Java‘s people. Here is the writer would be quoted and analyze

several social realities that appear in Entrok.

The first reflection of a reality that the writer chooses to analyze is

a woman‘s puberty. A woman who is going through puberty will

experience several changes in herself. Puberty is marked by menstruation.

Besides that, there are also some changes in her, especially the upper

body, in this case, the breasts.

Saat itu aku menyadari ada sesuatu yang berbeda di dadaku. Ada gumpalan
yang lembut dan terlihat menyembul dari balik baju yang kupakai. Simbok
bilang aku sudah mringkili.
Aku membuka kainku lalu menunjukkan noda-noda merah itu. Ada yang
kering, ada yang masih basah. Simbok melihatnya, lalu tertawa.
‖Ini bukan mau mati, Nduk. Ini tandanya kamu sudah anak perawan.
Sudah bukan bocah. Sudah bukan bocah.‖ (Madasari, 2010)

From the novel quotes above, it can be seen that every woman who

is in a period of growth will experience things that happen to Marni, such

as menstruation and growing breasts. A woman also sometimes lacks

knowledge about puberty, so they are sometimes confused about what

happened to herself when she entered puberty. In the quote above, it can

be seen that her mother, who had experienced this, told Marni about

what had happened to her.

Next, the writer chooses one of the realities, namely social reality.

One kind of social reality is working. People generally start their activities

in the morning to work. The purpose of work is to earn salaries to meet

the necessities of life.

Aku dan Simbok bukan satu-satunya orang yang menyusuri jalanan pagi ini.
Di depan kami, di belakang, juga di samping, perempuan-perempuan
menggendong tenggok menuju Pasar Ngranget. Kami semua seperti kerbau yang
dihela di pagi buta, menuju sumber kehidupan. (Madasari, 2010)

Based on Plato's theory of mimesis, this quote shows that the

events described in the quote above are a reflection of reality. After

experiencing puberty, Marni needs a lot of new things for her life and one

of them is an entrok or a bra. Entrok was not an easy item to get at that

time because it was expensive, so Marni tried to make money. Marni

works as a cassava peeler with her mother.

The culture that grows in society is the result of the stereotypes of

society itself. As well as in terms of work. Society assumes that women

cannot do heavy work. It then becomes a social reality that occurs in

society. Society tends to conclude that any heavy work is only suitable for


‖Ni, kamu ada-ada saja. Nggak ada perempuan nguli. Nggak akan kuat.
Sudah, perempuan itu kerja yang ringan-ringan aja. Ngupas singkong.‖
(Madasari, 2010)

From the quote above, it is illustrated that the social reality is

happening. Marni's character is a woman, so she is considered unable to

do heavy work, such as nguli. She should do women's work, in this case

peeling cassava.

Ancient Javanese people tend to believe in the existence of myths,

as well as in the case of proposals. The myth says that if a girl is proposed

to by a boy and then it is rejected and does not get their soul mate then

creates the perception that if the girl refuses the first proposal it will be

difficult to get a mate (Mutmainnah, 2018). After a man arrives, a woman

must accept and then marry. Marriage is one of the social realities where a

person gets married to maintain the continuity of life on this earth.

Ternyata tanpa sepengetahuanku, Mbah Noto menyampaikan keinginan Teja

untuk mengawiniku pada Simbok. Malam itu, di belakang rumah, saat
kuulangi permintaanku pada Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapa Kuasa, Simbok berbisik
pelan, ‖Nduk, anak perempuan itu harus punya suami, punya anak. Kalau
sudah ada yang melamar tidak boleh ditolak, bisa kualat, jadi perawan tua.‖
Aku tak membantah omongan Simbok. Tak mengiakannya. Tapi hanya tiga
hari setelah itu, kami telah berada di rumah Kamituwo. Kamituwo menyuruh
Teja menirukan ucapannya. Paklik berada di samping Kamituwo. Aku
sendiri duduk di dapur, bersama Simbok, Bulik, dan istri Kamituwo
(Madasari, 2010).

From the quote above, Simbok, Marni‘s mother still believes that a

woman who refuses a proposal will difficult to find a mate. So that, Marni

could not refuse Teja's proposal. After that, they are having a marriage.

because a woman must have a husband and have children. The quote

above can be seen as a reflection of the customs of Javanese society

during the colonial period in real life.

Praying is one reflection of reality. When someone wants

something, they tend to ask the Almighty. like that in reality, apart from

trying to make ends meet, one will pray to the Almighty to make things


Dulu sekali, aku juga melakukan apa yang Ibu lakukan. Ibu
membangunkanku, lalu kami berdua duduk di bawah pohon asem. Kata Ibu
itu namanya berdoa, tirakat. Ibu mengajariku untuk nyuwun. Katanya, semua
yang ada di dunia milik Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapa Kuasa. Dialah yang punya
kuasa untuk memberikan atau tidak memberikan yang kita inginkan.
‖Nyuwun supaya jadi orang pintar. Bisa jadi pegawai,‖ kata Ibu. (Madasari,

The quote above is a narrative quote about the ―I‖ character,

namely Rahayu and her mother Marni about how Marni's character

guides Rahayu to ask for her wishes. This often happens in the real world,

where people will pray to worship and ask for their wishes to come true.

School is another example of social reality. Every parent has high

expectations of their children. Like a term that is widely heard in the

community that children must be smarter than their parents.

Rahayu memilih kuliah di Jogja. Orangtuanya yang tidak tahu apa-apa hanya
menyetujui. Aku dan Teja sudah cukup bahagia hanya dengan melihat anak
kami satu-satunya akan berangkat ke kota untuk kuliah. Dia nanti akan
pulang menjadi sarjana. (Madasari, 2010)

From the quote above, the social reality of school can be seen.

Every parent wants their child to be an educated person. like the

character Marni in the novel Entrok who wants her son to become a


Crying is an activity that a person does to express his feelings, one

of which is when the pain is unbearable. when someone experiences such

a deep heartache then crying is one way out. a mother has so much love

for her child when she finds out her child hates her so much, she will feel

a very deep heartbreak.

Aku tak mampu menahan air mata. Hatiku sakit. Sudah bertahun-
tahun, Yuk. Apa aku yang salah kalau sejak lahir aku nggak kenal Gusti
Allah? Apa aku yang salah kalau dari dulu aku hanya tahu bagaimana
berterima kasih pada leluhur?
Selama bertahun-tahun, setiap hari aku menghindari omongan seperti
ini. Hanya supaya tak ada pertengkaran antara aku dan anakku satu-
satunya ini. Tapi sekarang dia malah terang-terangan membuat hatiku sakit.
Justru di saat aku begitu membanggakannya.
Tak masalah kalau semua orang omong aku memelihara tuyul atau cari
pesugihan, tapi aku selalu sangat sakit ketika yang omong seperti itu anakku
sendiri. Dan ini telah berulang kali terjadi. Hanya karena rasa kasih, ikatan
sebagai ibu dan anak, yang membuat rasa sakit dan benci ini selalu kembali
mengendap. (Madasari, 2010)

Some of the quotes above prove a clear picture of reality. If a

person experiences heartache usually they will cry. As happened to the

character in the novel Entrok, Marni. In addition, the quotes above

illustrate how great a mother's love for her child is in the real world. It

doesn't matter if the whole world hates a mother like Marni, but if her

child hates her then it will hurt her heart a lot.

A mother's love is unquestionable. Despite having conflicts with her

daughter, her heart will never be able to lie that she also loves her. A

mother will still worry about her child if something bad happens to her

even though she is neglected by her child. As can be seen in the quote


Rahayu Ningsih. Ada rasa getir saat mendengar nama itu. Rasa kecewa
seorang ibu yang telah diabaikan anak kandungnya bertahun-tahun lamanya.
Tapi juga ada rasa haru. Haru karena rindu. Dan ketika nama itu
diucapkan seorang yang tak kukenal, ada rasa kecut sekaligus takut. Berita
buruk apa yang hendak mereka katakan? (Madasari, 2010)

From the quote above, it can be understood how easily a mother's

heart melts when hearing the name of her child. Marni, who is

disappointed with her daughter, Rahayu, is still excited to hear the news

of her daughter.

A mother is willing to sacrifice anything for her child. Even though

she had to lose the precious things in her life. Because for a mother her

child is far more valuable than all that she has.

Semuanya berjalan begitu membahagiakan bagiku. Biarlah aku tak punya

pikap. Biarlah tebu-tebu itu hanya bisa dijual tak jauh lebih mahal daripada
singkong. Biarlah uangku hanya memberi untung lima persen. Yang penting
bagiku, selalu ada uang setiap aku ingin berangkat ke Semarang. Yang
penting bagiku, setiap hari aku punya sesuatu yang diharapkan. Harapan
agar bisa segera bertemu anakku lagi. (Madasari, 2010)

From the quote from the novel above, we can see how much

sacrifice a mother is willing to give to her child. Despite losing valuable

things in her life, Marni is willing to do it for the sake of meeting her

child. Marni was happy as long as she could meet her son. The quote is a

reflection of how much a mother's love for her child is in real life.

Based on the views of Plato and Aristotle on literary works, the

mimetic theory is a literary theory that sees literary works as a reflection

of real-world life. the writer finds a real-life relationship with the novel

Entrok by Okky Madasari. The author analyzes the novel Entrok by

Okky Madasari by citing several narratives in the novel, then identifies the

social aspects that exist in literary works, and finds the relationship of

social aspects in literary works with social aspects that exist in real life.

Such as menstruation and the growth of breasts in women during

puberty, working to meet the needs of life, working according to gender,

marrying to produce offspring, praying to the Almighty, going to school

to become a scholar, crying when feeling hurt, loving children deeply,

making sacrifices parents do for their children.


Aminuddin. (2004). Pengantar Apresiasi Karya Sastra. Sinar Baru Algenindo.

Atmazaki. (1990). Ilmu Sastra: Teori dan Terapan. Angkasa Raya.

Madasari, O. (2010). Entrok. PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Mei, T. Y. (2017). Realitas Sosial Pada Novel Impian di Bilik Merah

红楼梦(Hónglóumèng)Karya 曹雪芹 (Cáo Xuěqín). Mandarin Unesa,


Mutmainnah. (2018). Persepsi Masyarakat tentang Mitos Sangkal

Perempuan Penolak Lamaran di Desa Penagan Sumenep Madura.

Pamator, 11(1).


MITOS? LiNGUA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Dan Sastra, 2(1).

Nurrachman, D. (2017). Introduction to Criticism. Pustaka Aura Semesta.

Sanjaya, A. (2017). Analisis Pendekatan Mimesis Dalam Novel ―Semusim, Dan

Semusim Lagi‖ Karya Andina Dwifatma.

- Nice and interesting discussion actually, I like the topic you choose to discuss
- Yet some still got random thoughts Nilam Salsabila Surya
- Just avoid some unnecessary statements as an effect of random thoughts
- Some narratives and analysis are relevant with the theory, some others not
- Personal judgement bias
- Needs more critical-analytical arguments based on the theory used
- Needs more relevant theoretical supports, despite of some unnecessary sources
- Be aware of citation technique esp for the narratives quoted 75 = B 5D




Literary works are compositions provided by people as a mirror of the

sociological phenomenon surrounding them that would never expire; he

will permanently remember what happened at that time, and will most

likely have a similar relationship with comparable social phenomena at

later periods. Furthermore, literary works are significantly linked to the

distribution of humans to what they feel. As a result, the finished work

may be very subjective. According to Setyorini, a literary work is a

product that has its own, independent existence and exists as a complete

totality (2017). Literary works already have potential of conveying the

message even if it is not explicitly like condescending, using novels as the

platform (Gora, 2015). Seeing the same, it is quite evident how a novel

Entrok depicts the narrative of women in the established order who still

have the same social symptoms as now, where they have been compelled

to be moulded to bow to the requirements of males as superior and

served human beings. Okky Mandasari's novel Entrok reflects her

thoughts on this situation via the character of Rahayu, a daughter of

Marni who became one of the many women whose lives are filled with

tales that confine the mind that should be free. Okky Mandasari depicts

how and why the character Rahayu, who now is more educated than his

mother, develops into a more limited and traditional individual. This is

how Rahayu referred to Marni as a sinner based on the beliefs of her

religious teacher at school. Also, when he loves the husband of yet

another lady and becomes engrossed in amorous ideas.

Wollstonecraft examined such view of occurrences in his work A

Vindication of the Rings of Woman from either a liberal feminist

standpoint (1792). Wollstonecraft emphasizes on justice for women in

order for them to have the same rights in the private and public realms as

men, but with women's reason (rationality) since doing so. In plenty of

other regards, this style of feminism strives for women to attain legal,

social, and political equality. Such as equal educational opportunities,

political representation, and the ability to work fairly and equitably.

Capable of bringing equality between the sexes to all public institutions in

order to enhance knowledge creation for women so that women's

problems are no continuously disregarded.

In literary criticism, the feminist perspective is commonly referred to as

feminist literary critique. According to Nyoman Kutha Ratna (2005: 226),

the term feminism derives from the word femme, which means

"woman." This notion is supported by Sugihastuti's (2002:18) view of

feminism as an equal and fair movement between men and women in all

domains, including politics, economics, education, social and organized

actions that protect women's rights and libertiesFeminism, as per

Sugihastuti, is a knowledge of oppression against women and extortion in

society, both at home and in the workplace. Thus, the two points of view

may be combined to provide an overview of feminism as a movement

that works for women's rights and eradicates anything that oppresses

women. This is due to the fact that violence and injustice are on the

increase in many regions of the world. In truth, many women have been

ensnared by this societal construct.

Due to the obvious power of this patriarchal culture, it appears that

Wollstonecraft was the first to explore women's deceit through print

media, such as novels. Nurrachman (2017) supports this viewpoint with

his analysis that women are purposefully supplied with narratives packed

with romantic notions, restricting the mind with information, such that

their logical thinking talents are buried so deeply that they are no longer

human beings with that side. Women are purposefully designed to have

even a sentimental side of feeling, which Wollstonecraft refers to as

'stupidity.' Andestend (2020) concurred, stating that this tactic was a

political plan to reduce women's positions in the social order. It's similar

to what's written in the following statement:

―Ya, kami memang sedang pengajian. Tak pernah ada larangan untuk
mengaji dan beribadah. Juga tak ada larangan untuk tertarik dengan
seseorang kan, meskipun dia sudah beristri?‖

Rahayu has become a student in this statement from Okky Mandasari's

novel Entrok, on page 136. The statement that appears also reveals what
narrative he has heard, indicating that Rahayu has love sentiments but a
limited way of thinking. If explored, students will undoubtedly gain a
different perspective from the campus group. This quotation reflects
what he read and heard on campus. This is odd, because Rahayu can't
perceive Amri as a lecturer with whom she (ostensibly) simply has an
intellectual connection. Furthermore, the setting that encourages her to
continue doing what men desire. What Rahayu reads appears to have led
him to his life's decision, as evidenced by the following passage from
Rahayu and Marni's conversation on page 165:

‖Bu... nggak bisa, Bu. Kami nggak mau ramai-ramai. Yang penting sah
agama saja. Yang penting kami tidak dosa, Bu. Nggak usah ramai-ramai,
‖Sudahlah, pokoknya kalian diam saja. Biar aku dan bapak-mu yang
ngurus semuanya.‖
‖Bu, Amri sudah punya istri...‖

According to Nurrachman (2017), if women have a higher degree of

sensible education, they will think deeply about anything, such as the
quotation on page 237 below. Could women reject such a narrative if they
were a little wiser with their logic? But it appears to be an overly broad
issue. In reality, there are very few public narratives that are not
patriarchal. This occurs because women are regarded as less deserving of
the right to vote or even to speak out. Can we count the number of roles
males play in practically every area of public narrative, including
entertainment like novels and short story collections?

―Pernikahan kami hanya akan pernah ada bagi mereka yang percaya. Tak
ada surat, tak ada gambar, tak ada perayaan‖.

Men and the patriarchal culture have invaded women's brains to the point
that women who have been imprisoned by this heinous system believe
that their lives are merely to meet the standard of life of men. Men,
according to Nurrachman (2017: 137), believe that women are a source of
beauty that men cannot live without. Women are like glass glasses, statues
posed with typical masculine decorum. Furthermore, this becomes a
realization for women; that his life is spent seeking it. Nothing would
make her happier than to be recognized as a lady deserving of praise for

her beauty and romanticism. They are shown imaginations that are
shaped by their own emotions.

‖Kita menikah saja, Yu,‖ kata laki-laki yang kukagumi itu.

‖Menjadi istri keempat?‖

‖Apa salahnya? Tidak dilarang dalam agama kita.‖

Gusti Allah. Apakah anugerah jika seseorang yang ku-kagumi akan

menjadikanku istri keempat? Apakah dosa jika seseorang yang kukagumi
membuatku bahagia di tanah lapang tanpa menjadi istrinya?

What the character Kyai Hasbi stated to Rahayu is a depiction about just

how men may exploit women's emotions and the ability to get him to

comply with some of what men desire. Rahayu's thoughts responded to

the offer as you can see. Worse, this idea is connected with religion, and

if you reject it, you will be regarded to be disloyal to religious precepts.

This appears to be a real-life scenario in which hegemonic masculinity has

invaded the margins of Religious principles. This appears to be how the

particular religion Syarh Uqûd al-Lujjayn (Ethics of the Household) by

Al-Nawawi presents it, as stated by Muhammad Ibn Uma Al-Nawawi

(2000). According to Nurmila (2015), the Islamic society's thinking

construct is that males can perform any essential function regardless of

their gender. Men can become religious leaders, and they frequently

conduct religious studies that include both men and women. Men can

also be seen to be leaders because they perceive women's IQ is inferior.

There are several gender prejudices that are poisonous social

constructions. Especially, as described in Okky Mandasari's novel Entrok,

how they begged the wife of a recently departed colleague to marry him,

as well as the title of a religious person who manages a boarding school.

A man's persona like this might simply persuade a lady to agree with just

about everything he says. Furthermore, if it is wrapped in religion, males

have an easier time manipulating women. Men exclusively regard women

as objects to be dominated, and they are deemed to be incapable of

thinking and deciding for themselves. Men believe that women's lives are

nothing more than a means to an end.

Kami meniru semua yang ada padanya. Mengikuti semua yang

dilakukannya. Tiga istrinya tinggal di sini. Masing-masing dengan kelebihan
yang berbeda. Istri pertamanya begitu indah membaca kitab. Ditularkannya
keahlian itu pada seluruh perempuan yang ada di sini. Istri keduanya
kadang mengingatkanku pada Ibu. Begitu lincah, begitu sigap, mengatur
segala kebutuhan padepokan. Istri ketiganya baru dinikahinya dua bulan
lalu. Dia temanku sendiri. Arini. Aku dan Amri yang memperkenalkan
mereka. Arini yang sedang sebatang kara dan butuh tempat berlabuh. Kyai
Hasbi me-minangnya. Sekarang Arini, sebagaimana aku dan Amri, me-
lengkapi apa yang perlu diketahui santri-santri ini. Berhitung, berpolitik,

hingga mengerti bahasa selain yang ada di kitab dan selain yang setiap hari
mereka gunakan.

Consider how the women' capabilities serve solely to reinforce the

pesantren system maintained by their husbands. Men may readily exploit

women's strengths by marrying them. What guys seek from women might

be comical at times. They search for women who have an advantage in a

sector, but not to promote gender equality. Sepertinya, This seems to

have been a worry for Mardiasih (2019), where Muslims appreciate

Khadijah for her independence and commercial acumen, but they dislike

women who follow the same aspirations. Aisyah's brilliance is normally

praised in such an Islamic community, but she does not enjoy it when she

sees brilliant women, dares to break through injustice, or is just wiser

than males. This has been my bewilderment and concern, if the Muslim

society just romanticizes female figures that are regarded excellent, or

whether it is just a stale fiction with no adoption of any essence for life. Is

society of the opinion that outstanding women can only be associated

with the names of the personalities mentioned above? Furthermore, this

story has frequently been offered at every chance for Islamic religious

occasions, even in casual conversation. Is it possible to comprehend how

ladies acquire such a dreadful narrative?

As a result, this will always be a battle between women who just want to

obey the system that punishes them and those who choose to be free.

Dengan hati hancur, kutemui perempuan dan laki-laki se-tengah baya itu.
‖Saya istri sah Amri,‖ kataku kepada me-reka.

‖Itu istri Amri. Itu anaknya.‖ Laki-laki itu menunjuk perem-puan dan
anak laki-laki yang duduk di sebelah tubuh Amri.

‖Kami sudah menikah. Saya istrinya.‖

‖Amri tak pernah bilang dia menikah lagi,‖ jawab perem-puan itu.

When you fulfill men's desire to control women, women really get

nothing. This remark may be examined further to see how Rahayu feels,

who has been severely damaged. But, once again, women who are

exposed to this type of narrative choose to continue living it and even

feel bad when they resist. The problem that complicates matters more

than anything is how this patriarchal way of life is maintained not just by

men who are eager for adoration, but also by women who become the

soldiers' collaborators. In my perspective, the women who embrace the

monster's story are women who fall into the trap of being fooled and

become part of the killers of other people in an attempt to exist in a

gender-biased and patriarchal environment. The women compete to see

who can be the most subservient to men.


Gora, R. (2015). Representasi feminisme dalam karya sastra (Kajian

semiotika sosial novel ―Eks Parasit Lajang‖ karya Ayu Utami).

Jurnal Cakrawala, 15(2), 78-84.

Nurmila, N. (2015). Pemahaman Agama Dan Pembentukan Budaya.

Karsa, 23, 1, 1-16.

Nurrachman, D. (2017). Introduction to Criticism. Bandung: Pustaka Aura


Mardiasih, K. (2019). Muslimah yang diperdebatkan. Yogyakarta: Buku


Ratna, N. K. (2013). Teori, Metode, dan Telaah Penelitian Sastra.

Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.



FEMINISME. Jurnal Desai, 04, No. 03, 291-297.

Sugihastuti dan Suharto. (2002). Kritik Sastra Feminis Teori dan

Aplikasinya. Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar.

45 = E Name: Nina Fitria Sumartini
- What's this... ???
- There's no real analysis even for one narrative ID: 1195030161
- There's no citation even for one source
- There's no discussion of the topic stated even for one sentence Class: 5D
- Please be nice to yourself



Yubahar Ilyas defines feminism as an awareness of the inequality of

gender division experienced by women, covering various perspectives, both in

the family environment and in the social environment, thereby encouraging

awareness by both women and men which is then manifested in actions with

the aim of changing this inequality. Feminism is a women's movement in

fighting for emancipation or full equality of rights without distinguishing

between women and men, without being accompanied by restrictions or acts of

violence or discrimination. The essence of the Feminism movement is the equal

opportunity between women and men in self-development. Feminism basically

covers various fields of life, including education, economics, social, culture, and

politics. Understanding the meaning and implications of feminism in life, needs

to be deepened by looking at the development of feminism studies. In the work

Vindication of the Right of Woman, Mary Wollstonecraft argues that men and

women both have the same mindset, so they should both get equal rights and

treatment. Viewed from a historical point of view, this liberal feminist

movement focuses on the struggle of women in obtaining equal education

rights with men. The unfortunate thing about this manifesto is that many

people do not know what feminism is, many people actually misunderstand the

meaning and intent of feminism.

Entrok novel by Okky Madasari is a novel that contains the life journey

of two women from different generations, namely Marni and Rahayu. Okky

Madasari herself is a woman born in Magetan. Entrok is her first novel, which

was printed on April 21, 2010, taken from the Javanese language Entrok means

brassiere. In this novel tells the struggle of two feminists who are trying to

achieve justice and equality between men and women. If we look at history

there are many feminists struggles in Indonesia, some of the famous feminist

figures in Indonesia are Raden Ajeng Kartini, L.A Lasminingrat, Raden Dewi

Sartika, Raden Siti Jenab, Ema Poeradiredja, and others.

The feminist criticism approach actually comes from the feminist

movement in the Western world which is rooted in the struggle for equal rights

for women. The struggle to eradicate gender subordination began in the late

eighteenth century, especially with the publication of Mary Wollstonecraft's A

Vindication of Women's Rights (Justification for Women's Rights, 1792). Then,

following John Stuart Mill's The Subjection of Women, and American female

writer Margaret Fuller wrote Women in the Nineteenth Century. The suffrage

movement (women in England in the early 20th century who demanded

women's right to vote) continued its struggle. Feminist criticism is a

development and movement in theoretical criticism and study that took place in

the late 1960s and since then this feminist criticism has been increasingly

established. Feminist criticism is a (literary) criticism that seeks to describe and

interpret (and reinterpret) the experiences of women in various literary works,

especially in novels. This feminist criticism questions the protracted 'ideology'

which is dominated and centered on (gender) men coupled with a male

'conspiracy' with its patriarchal attitude and male interpretation in literature and

literary criticism. This feminist criticism attacks the record of the value of men

in literary works by offering a critique of male authors and the role of men in

literary works. This feminist critique prioritizes female authors. In addition,

feminist criticism challenges and challenges men's traditional and established

ideas and views about the basic nature of women and how women feel, think,

and act and how women in general respond to this life and existence. This

feminist critique questions the prejudices and prejudices against women that are

shaped by men. This feminist critique does not in the slightest allow the

tendency of men to push women into the role of belittled figures.

In the novel Entrok by Okky Madasari, Marni is described as having the

soul of a feminist, but people at that time did not know the term feminist or

feminism. As explained above, feminism is a movement that fights for gender

equality between women and men. in this novel too depicted the figure of

Marni who always tries to realize all her wishes with her hard work, as well as

her daughter, Rahayu, she also has a passion who is the same as her mother in

fighting for equality and justice for all the people, but there is quite a difference

between the two of them. One of which is Rahayu is too easy to judge

something, such as when he judges that his mother is a sinner for worshiping

ancestors, Rahayu's figure is also described as too rash in taking action. In

addition, this novel also shows a lot of inequality between genders, such as

when working in the market, female workers are only paid for food, while male

workers are paid money, as if female workers will not need anything else but

food. In this novel, it is described how very important the role of men in a

leadership is, there are no women who have positions, women only follow what

men say. Because of the thick patriarchy in this novel, we can see how unfair

the life lived by women at that time. as we know at that time are the years after

independence, the author argues that this happened because men felt that they

had succeeded in resisting the invaders with their hard work, while women who

were considered as 'weak creatures' were only objects that had to be protected

at that time, besides that this could also be because of the influence of the

colonizing invaders. Indonesia at that time. In history the leaders of the

Netherlands or Japan were led by a man. Things like feminism at that time were

considered to be against nature, such as when Marni wanted to be a coolie in

the market to get paid money. Marni‘s mother this is violated nature because

she thought that menial work like that was only done by men, also the case with

Teja who was Marni's husband, before they got married, Teja also had forbade

Marni to be a coolie with him. even though behind that all women are also able

to do the same work as men do, even much better. like when Marni was selling

around with her husband, namely Teja. Marni always thinks how to get money

in a faster way, while her husband only helps Marni carry her wares, as if there

is no desire to provide for his wife, because most men have big egos in this

matter, many men feel lose their self-esteem when he has to live from the

results of his wife's sweat. but what Teja does is different, this proves that not

all men have a patriarchal spirit which must always be above women. Apart

from feminist issues, this novel also describes the many inequalities that

occurred at that time. The struggle of women in gender equality is also not only

happening in Indonesia, many countries are still struggling to fight for the rights

of gender equality. In one of the books the author reads, namely A Feminist

Manifesto by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, a woman from Africa also tells of

her difficult times when fighting for gender equality, one simple example that

men are more valued than women is when Chimamanda gave parking money to

the parking guard, but the parking guard actually thanked the man who was

with Chimamanda, and not only that Chimamanda also had an argument with

his male friend when he was a teenager, they argued about something and there

he still maintained his opinion, then his friend named Okolama said that he was

a feminist with a tone he said that Chimamanda is a supporter of terrorists.

There are still many people's misconceptions about women who try to equalize

themselves with men, they think that it is inappropriate, violates nature, violates

religious orders, and so on.

There are too many things that limit women from getting to the things they

want, and if such misunderstandings continue to be nurtured and passed down

then the struggle of women in equality must never be extinguished, and This

thinking needs to be corrected through education. In the novel, in my opinion

the figure of Marni succeeded in leading herself, even her husband, to success

where success here according to Marni is measured by how much wealth she

has. Marni was even able to pay the men to work in her fields, and this was a

matter of pride for her, because in her childhood she was underestimated by the

people around him, especially the men.

And then when the president's leadership changed many social problems

occurred. The apparatus, which is supposed to protect the community, actually

extorts the community by promising to provide security and protection as long

as they are willing to pay. It just shows them as criminals in the name of the

state, and when they easily judge someone as PKI when their requests are not

obeyed, this actually makes people's lives difficult and like there is no difference

with the colonial period, it's just changing people. In addition to social

problems that occur because of the authorities, social problems also occur

between neighbors, according to the author, neighbor problems in this novel

still occur a lot until now. Although Indonesia is known as a friendly country,

likes to help others, the fact is that in neighborly life, the opposite is true. In

this novel it is described that people will not help if no feedback they receive.

And even though we have done good to our neighbors, it is not necessarily that

the neighbors will respond by being kind, on the contrary they even talk about

bad things about people who help them. In my opinion, Marni's character in

this novel is quite good, even though she gets a lot of slander from her

neighbors, she still wants to help her neighbors who are in trouble even though

it's not free. Things that happen in the novel Entrok are still happening in

Indonesia today, such as patriarchal thinking, many Indonesian people have

men in their families with patriarchal thoughts. In addition, those who have

patriarchal thoughts are also strongly against what is called feminism, many

think that feminism means opposing men and means women can live alone

without men. people with patriarchy usually don't like to be rebutted when it

comes to gender issues. Then the problem of officers who become criminals in

the name of the state, this still happens a lot today, not a few officers who

abuse their power. There has also been a lot of bad news lately, there have been

many cases of rape against women, such as the one that occurred in West Java,

where unscrupulous Islamic School teachers raped their students. This make

people angry because the authorities are very slow in handling this case, but the

thing to be grateful for at this time is the development of technology such as

social media, where rape cases like this can be quickly identified by the

community quickly and in this way the community can demand the authorities

to quickly follow up on the case. Different from the past, in the novel Entrok

depicts the figure of Rahayu who is the daughter of Marni, when she tries to

uncover the truth to the public, she did not get any response from state officials

and instead got into trouble, besides that the witness of the incident was found

dead with stab wounds, this was really ironic because Indonesia at that time was

not truly independent, people were still being colonized by the nation itself. The

problem of injustice between men and women is also still a problem until now,

there are still many men who think that women do not need higher education

because in the end women will only serve their husbands and take care of their

children, whereas in terms of taking care of children, women need to have

extensive knowledge, not only about feeding children, dressing children, a

mother must also be knowledgeable in order to be able to give understanding to

her child, so that a much better generation of the nation is formed, such as a

quote " providing education to men will create a great person, and give

education of women will create a great nation ".


(Sosiologi, 2020)

(Nurrachman, 2017)

(Adichie, 2019)

(Madasari, 2010)

Adichie, C. N. (2019). A Feminist Manifesto. Yogyakarta: Odyssee Publishing.

Madasari, O. (2010). Entrok. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Nurrachman, D. (2017). Introduction to Criticism. In D. Nurrachman, Introduction

to Criticism (pp. 132-133). Bandung: Pustaka Aura Semesta.

Sosiologi, D. (2020, April Monday). Feminism according to experts. Retrieved from

Yubahar Ilyas:

- Lack of focus
- Too many introductory paragraphs
- Too many unnecessary informations/statements included Nirwana Bentang Nopember
- Jumped-up ideas/random thoughts/inconsistent discussion
- Some narratives and analysis are relevant with the theory used,
some others not 1195030162
- Still lack critical-analytical arguments
- Still lack of relevant theoretical supports
- Be aware of mechanic errors 65 = C 5-D



Literary works cannot be separated from society, it is like an

inseparable part of each other. According to Damono (1979: 2), literary

works are not part of society, but social images can be fully conveyed

through stories. This is because the literature can contain ideas that might

be used to foster certain social attitudes or even spark certain social

events. Then Wellek and Warren (1990: 109) have the same concept as

Damono. They mention that literary works have an impersonal social

function or "benefit". So literary problems imply or are social problems

such as tradition, conventions, norms, symbols, and myths.

The characteristics of literary works are imaginative. But even so, it can

also explain the fact of life or reality in the real world in an imaginary way.

In other words, this imaginative literary work can be called ―perfecting‖

reality with the intention that humans better understand and can properly

apply it to the reality of their life (Juwati, 2018: 2).

The use of imaginative depictions in this literary work is not without

reason. Because readers need cathartic media when reading a literary

work. Readers want something beautiful in a literary work and not the

same as real-life which sometimes never corresponds to reality. Socially,

literary works can show the meaning of what happened at that time, both

bad and good, so readers can see events by reading a literary work

(Mahayana, 2015: 3).

Furthermore, the author "borrowed" Horace's statement which stated

that "it is not enough poems to be beautiful; they must be affecting and

must lead the heart of the hearer as they will. As people's faces smile on

those who smile, in a similar way they sympathize with those who weep.‖

(Nurrachman, 2017: 75). But it should be emphasized beforehand that in

this study the author does not use Horace's theory. The statement above

is only to emphasize the function of literary works. Imron (2017: 8) also

asserts that the task of literature as an art is to offer a unique experience

of various models of life. Literature is not just a historical document, a

report of life, moral perception, philosophy, and religion. Literature is an

explanation of life itself. Therefore, the main purpose of reading it is to

add to the inner experience.

The inner experiences described by Imron as well as the effects and

lead the heart described by Horace can be found in almost every literary

work. This kind of thing is usually experienced by readers through

descriptions of events, descriptions of events, as well as the choice of

diction presented by the author. For example, when the author narrates a

loving event between characters in a story. If the reader feels an inner

experience or remembers something in his life, then the literary work is

successfully called a beautiful, delightful work if I borrow Horace's

statement once again.

Such things are what the author finds in the novel Entrok by Okky

Madasari. In general, the novel tells about the struggle of women against

the injustice of society. More specifically, all the injustices experienced by

several female characters in the novel Entrok come from men. It can be

said that men are told to be the dominant class in society. Entrok presents

two narrative stories from different characters. The first is from the point

of view of Marni, who is a woman who was born during the colonial era

so that her life can be said to be difficult. Marni at the beginning of the

story has the dream of having an entrok or a bra in Javanese. At that time

the bra was considered a luxury that only the aristocrats had. Marni's

desire finally led her to try to work in the market, starting from cassava

peelers to goods transport workers. With the efforts she lived, Marni was

finally able to improve her life little by little. She also met Suteja, who

became her husband when he was a porter at the market. After getting

married, Marni and Suteja started a new business, trading vegetables and

utensils by traveling around the village before becoming moneylenders.

Unlike Marni, Rahayu, who is Marni's son, can be said to have a better

life. He was born into the wealth of the already successful Marni. But the

conflict that Rahayu experienced was with her mother because she had

the assumption that her mother was just an infidel (animist), which was

different from Rahayu's view of religion.

The conflict in the novel Entrok, as the title used by the author, tells

more about the domination of men over women, so that it intersects with

the struggles of women that the author is trying to build. Even though

the struggle as far as the writer sees it is only based on equality in society,

both in economic and social terms. But there is one thing that some

female characters miss in this novel, which is about love. The women in

the novel, although very loudly defending equal rights, are not yet rational

enough in terms of love. They are still "fooled" by something that only

appears from the outside.

To see the lack of understanding of love by women, the writer uses

Wollstonecraft's theory in her work entitled A Vindication of the Rights of

Woman which was published in 1792. In chapter six of her work,

Wollstonecraft explains how the concept of love— or love should be

understood by women. So armed with this theory, the author will criticize

the behavior of the female character described by Madasari in her novel.

The approach that will be used to understand this novel is an objective

approach. The objective approach emphasizes the value of literary works

autonomously. This means that a literary work is studied structurally such

as themes, characterizations and characterizations, settings, and storylines.

In short, this approach prioritizes the study of literary works without

connecting with sociohistorical factors outside the literary work to be

studied. In other words, the objective approach can be said to be an

intrinsic approach which is similar to the structural approach (Abrams,

1979: 3-29).

After reading the novel Entrok, the writer then finds an outline of the

concept of love that is shared by several of the characters involved. Some

of the existing concepts of love have more or less relevance to what

Wollstonecraft has said in her work, whether they are compatible or

contradictory. In the following, the author will describe the concept of

love through the quotes contained in the novel in the quotes below.

―Samar-samar dalam ingatanku, terbayang Bapak memukul Simbok

yang sedang sakit panas dan tidak bisa ke pasar. Kalau Simbok tidak ke
pasar, kami tidak akan punya makanan. Dan laki-laki itu dengan
seenaknya hanya menunggu makanan. Dia seperti anjing gila yang
kelaparan. Iya, dia memang anjing gila. Hanya anjing gila kan yang
menggigit istrinya yang sedang sakit.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 18)
Seen at the beginning of the novel Madasari tells how Marni was

abandoned by her father when she was little. And the reason is a trivial

thing is because his wife is sick and there is no food available at home. In

a marriage, life should be filled with love and compassion, not anger. But

that thing—love was not found in Marni's parents' marriage. When

physical needs are not met, and one partner leaves the other, it means

that their marriage is not based on love, only the fulfillment of desires.

This kind of thing is alluded to by Wollstonecraft in the following quote.

―This habitual slavery, to first impressions, has a more baneful effect on

the female than the male character …‖ (Wollstonecraft in
Nurrachman, 2017: 135)
Although the context of the quote above refers to education, the two

things are related to each other. Because education in practice can affect

all aspects, including love.

―Entrok memang terlalu mewah untuk aku dan Simbok. Apa yang
masih dipikirkan seorang perempuan kere buta huruf dengan tanggungan
seorang anak selain hanya makan?‖ (Madasari, 2010: 18)
A little mention about education, Marni's mother is indeed someone

who does not go to school, it can be proven from the quote above. The

inability to read was enough to prove that Marni's mother did not attend

school. This is what presumably failed to build the ideal concept of love

in the household so that he was trapped in the habitual slavery that

Wollstonecraft said in his work. Then this is confirmed again by the

following quote.

―Love is, in a great degree, an arbitrary passion, and will reign, like some
other stalking mischiefs, by its own authority, without deigning to reason; and
it may also be easily distinguished from esteem, the foundation of friendship
because it is often excited by evanescent beauties and grace …‖
(Wollstonecraft in Nurrachman, 2017: 137)
The writer feels that Wollstonecraft in the quote above inserts a little

satire for the understanding of love. That the concept of ideal love is not

like that. Love is not arbitrary from men.

―Malam ini, tidur tak lagi sekadar rutinitas penutup hari, melainkan
saat pelepasan seluruh keinginan dan kepemilikan. Tidur kini menjadi
simbol bagaimana pencapaian manusia dalam mendapatkan apa yang
Aku kesakitan, dia kegirangan. Aku mengerang, dia senang. Aku
menangis, dia tertawa penuh kemenangan. Aku menerawang dia telah
pulas.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 48-49)
In the novel quoted above, it can be seen that Marni and Teja's

married life seems empty. Sexual activity that should be filled with love is

depicted only as an outlet for Teja's lust, there is no mutual enjoyment, as

evidenced by Marni's negative narrative expression which shows that she

does not like it. John Dryden also quoted this incident directly by


―'Where love is duty, on the female side, 'On theirs mere sensual gust and
sought with surly pride‖ (Wollstonecraft in Nurrachman, 2010: 138)

But even so, Marni still did not ask for a divorce with Teja, not for

reasons of love, Marni did not believe or did not know about love, as he

said directly.

―Apa itu cinta? Prek! Cinta itu kan omongan orang-orang zaman
sekarang setelah menonton TV. Mereka Cuma ikut-ikutan ngomong,
padahal juga nggak tahu apa itu cinta.‖
―Aku tidak minta pegat karena tidak mau semua yang sudah kumiliki
ini dibagi dua. Kok enak banget. Semuanya ini aku yang kerja keras, aku
yang mikir semuanya,‖ (Madasari, 2010: 114-115)
The only reason Marni didn't get divorced was not because of love,

but because she didn't want the property she had to be divided equally if

they divorced. Marni thinks that so far, she is the one who works hard, so

he is also the one who deserves to own all of his wealth.

―Iya, Pak. Maaf. Istri saya ini tidak paham. Maklum, kami orang buta
huruf. Jadi kami harus membayar uang keamanan berapa, Pak?‖
―Tentara-tentara itu mengambil dagangan Ibu. Masih ada empat ember
dan enam panci, semuanya ludes. Mereka juga mengambil setengah jaring
beras. Bapak dan Ibu hanya diam tak berbuat apa-apa.‖ (Madasari, 2010:
The two quotes above refer to the incident when Marni had her goods

taken by the army. Even though in reality Marni had protested against the

soldiers who were about to take her wares, it was just a futile act. Teja

immediately interrupted Marni's protest with his male power and then

made his decision unilaterally. This is also stated by Wollstonecraft which

states that the superior nature of men tends to never listen to women's

arguments. As in the following quote.

―When do men /all-in-love with sense? When do they, with their superior
powers and advantages, turn from the person to the mind? And how can they
expect women, who are only taught to observe behavior, and acquire manners
rather than morals, to despise what they have been all their lives labouring to
attain? Where are they suddenly to find judgement enough to weigh patiently
the sense of an awkward virtuous man, when his manners, of which they are
made critical judges, are rebuffing and his conversation cold and dull, because
it does not consist of pretty repartees or well-turned compliments?‖
(Wollstonecraft in Nurrachman, 2017: 136)
What kind of marriage is based on male authority? Wouldn't a

marriage base on love listen to each other? I don't see this in the married

life of Teja and Marni. Even Marni, who has logical arguments, doesn't

get a sound that is rational enough for Teja. That's what happens if the

concept of love is not built in a marriage. What will happen in the end is

only about who leads and is led.

From some of the quotes that the author has described above, it can

be concluded that the concept of love experienced by several characters

in the novel is in line with what Wollstonecraft focuses on in defining the

concept of love that is often experienced by women. Often the marriage

experienced by women, in the end, is not based on love, thus making

matrimony only as a fulfillment of physical desires or even to fulfill the

stigma of society. The habitual slavery.

Abrams, M. (1979). The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic Theory and The
Critical Tradition. New York: Oxford University Press.
Damono, S. D. (1979). Sosiologi Sastra: Sebuah Pengantar Ringkas.
Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bahasa dan Sastra
Imron, A. A.-M., & Nugrahani, F. (2017). Pengkajian Sastra Teori dan
Aplikasi. Surakarta: CV. Djiwa Amarta Press Surakarta.

Juwati. (2018). Sastra Lisan Bumi Silampari: Teori, Meode, dan

Penerapannya. Yogyakarta: Budi Utama.
Madasari, O. (2010). Entrok. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Mahayana, M. S. (2015). Kitab Kritik Sastra. Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor


Nurrachman, D. (2017). Critical Theory from Ancient Greece to Victorian
England. Bandung: Pustaka Aura Semesta.

Wellek, R., & Warren, A. (1989). Theory of Literature. (M. Budiantara,

Trans.) Jakarta: PT Gramedia.

85 = A Nisa Nurjannah

- This is good and nice discussion. I like it.

- You tried to be consistent with the topic and theory used 1195030163
- The narratives and analysis presented also relevant with the theory
- Yet in some parts still found of jumped-up ideas 5D
- This is also having too many introductory paragraphs
- Just avoid some unnecessary informations/statements
- Still needs more other relevant supporting sources to support the analysis



Discourse, introspection, and the author's reaction to the surroundings

and life are results in literary creations. As a result of everything that has

gone before, works of literature are representations of life, complete with

all of its flaws. The incorporation of communal social life in the form of

literary works also produces societal obstacles and problems that are

portrayed in a creative manner.

Literary works are closely intertwined to society; they are intricately

bound. Literary is an expression of society, even in distorted form,

according to (Wellek, R., & Warren, 1989), but social pictures can be

adequately transmitted through stories. Because the literature might

contain concepts that can be used to create particular social dispositions

or even trigger specific social engagements, this is the case.

The main attributes of literary works are imaginative. The creative

process in creating a literary piece necessitates imagination because it is

imaginative writing. The point is that the imagination is still imaginative,

which means that it is not solely derived from the authors.

According to (Dobbie, 2012), "Literature is taken to be mimetic, reflects

and presents the truth about life and humanity‖. the condition, the

prerequisite to manifest imagination into a form of labor, especially

literary works, is to be sensitive or aware of the social surroundings.

Surely, poets imitate not just real objects, as (Abrams & Harpham, 1999)

said on ‗Archetype‘, a literary archetype is a character or theme that recurs

frequently. Since it is the original type which others imitate, it is including

abstract objects such as ideological beliefs or ideas, because these things

exist in nature, as Plato stated: "Plato states that all art is mimesis by

nature; art is an imitation of life." 'Ideas, he believed, were the ultimate

reality. Art is a reflection of ideas, and consequently of reality."

When it comes to replicating abstract things like ideological thought or

understanding, we can find an understanding of feminism all around us,

just as we can find an understanding of feminism throughout Mary

Wollstonecraft's essay about women's experiences in a patriarchal world.

Men and women have had opposing viewpoints since the eight-teenth

century. Because of the culture that comes from the association of

patriarchal notions that treat women primarily as things to fulfill males,

women are regarded as subordinates or inferior while men are regarded as


―A long tradition of male writers, says Wollstonecraft, has contributed to

this degradation of women into ‗artificial, weak characters‘. The ‗whole

purport of those books‘, she exclaims, tends to ‗degrade one - half of the

human species, and render women ―useless members of society‘.‖

(Nurrachman, 2017).

As we talking literary works as imitation, it requires the association of

ideas which is the results of elaborating mind with everyday experiences

at surroundings while people in majority presupposed that in society men

and women are not equal when it comes to measure social positions.

Wollstonecraft offered an idea on her statement, that when informative

insights has been put on mind it will cause an better perspective. As it

quoted below,

―The association of our ideas is either habitual or instantaneous, and the

latter mode seems rather to depend on the original temperature of the

mind than on the will. When the ideas, and matters of fact, are once taken

in, they lie by for use, till some fortuitous circumstance makes the

information dart into the mind with illustrative force, that has been

received at very different periods of our lives.‖ (Wollstonecraft on

(Nurrachman, 2017))

Such things are discovered by the writer in Okky Madasari's novel

Entrok. The novel, in general, is about women's struggle against societal

injustice. All of the injustices encountered by numerous female characters

in the novel Entrok are perpetrated by men. It may be claimed that men

are shown as the dominant social class. Entrok tells two stories from the

perspectives of two separate protagonists. The first is from the

perspective of Marni, a woman born during the colonial era, whose life

can be described as challenging. Marni's dream at the start of the novel is

to have an entrok, or bra in Javanese. At the time, wearing a bra was

considered a privilege reserved for the aristocracy.

Marni's passion eventually drove her to seek employment in the market,

where she worked as a cassava peeler and then as a commodities

transport worker. Marni was ultimately able to change her life slowly but

surely as a result of her efforts. She also met Suteja, who became her

husband while working as a market porter. Marni and Suteja launched a

new business after getting married, traveling around the hamlet trading

vegetables and housewares before becoming ‗businesspeople‘.

Rahayu, Marni's daughter, can be regarded to enjoy a better life than

Marni. He was born into the already prosperous Marni family. Rahayu, on

the other hand, had a problem with her mother because she assumed her

mother was an infidel (animist), which was contrary to Rahayu's religious


After attentively reading the novel, the writer discovered parallels in the

subject of inequality. As a result, this study employs a mimetic method, in

which literary works are viewed as a product of reality and a reflection of

society and culture (Abrams & Harpham, 1999). to explore Mary

Wollstonecraft's feminist ideology through Sumarni's figure.

The conflict in the novel Entrok, as the author's title suggests, is primarily

about men's dominance over women, intersecting with the author's

attempt to depict women's hardships. Even if, in the writer's opinion, the

conflict is solely focused on societal equality, both economically and

socially. However, there is one aspect of this tale that some female

characters overlook: inferiority. The women in the narrative are not yet

sensible enough in terms of it, despite their outspoken support for equal

rights. They are still driven astray by something that is only visible from

the outside.

Marni is the subject of the novel's first inferiority issue. Her figure can be

seen as an uneducated woman because of her field of work, and because

the incentive for women working there still is food or goods rather than

cash. This also makes Marni an inferior figure because her work is similar

with those of uneducated women, and the reward is "baneful," i.e.

poverty, as Wollstonecraft stated,

―The habitual slavery, to first impression, has a more baneful effect on

the female than the male character, because bussiness and other dry

employments of the understanding, tend to deaden the feeling and break

associations that do violence to reason.‖ (Nurrachman, 2017).

― Nyai Dimah memang benar. Kepada siapa pun aku bekerja di pasar ini, aku

akan diupahi dengan bahan makanan. Lagi pula tak banyak pedagang yang butuh

buruh seperti Nyai Dimah. ― (Madasari, 2010)

The suffering is extended, when Marni try to raise her bargaining power

by working like men, women are subjected to old conceptions as it

embodied to the society.

―Teja terbahak-bahak mendengar permintaanku. Sungguh bukan jawaban seperti itu

yang kuinginkan. Aku menunggu agak lama untuk mendapatkan jawaban yang

sebenarnya.‖Ni, kamu ada-ada saja. Nggak ada perempuan nguli. Nggak akan

kuat. Sudah, perempuan itu kerja yang ringan-ringan aja. Ngupas singkong.‖

‖Aku kuat, Kang. Biasanya aku juga nggendong tenggok, nggendong goni. Bakul-

bakul itu juga banyak yang mengangkat sendiri dagangannya dari rumah ke pasar.

Hanya priyayi-priyayi saja yang nggak kuat ngangkat goni.‖ (Madasari, 2010)

Teja, who dismisses Marni by laughing aloud and labeling her as weak, is

the outcome of a conglomeration of manufactured notions that views

Sumarni's desires as taboo.

From this narration, then comes the irony which occurred in Marni‘s

perception. Whose connecting the undefined viewpoint in society which

considered as injustice. Regarding to men with money as their work

incentive, and women which actually has done many similar deeds as

men, in terms of particular job as a housewife. But did not earn anything

that worth the hardship.

―Aku tertawa dalam hati saat mendengar nasihat Mbah Noto. Memang benar, di

pasar ini tidak ada perempuan yang nguli, pekerjaan berat yang menggunakan tenaga

besar. Di pasar ini, buruh perempuan mengerjakan pekerjaan yang halus dan enteng,

seperti mengupas singkong, menumbuk padi, atau menumbuk kopi. Tapi coba lihat,

begitu buruh-buruh perempuan itu sampai di rumah.

Mereka harus mengerjakan semua pekerjaan yang ada, mengambil air dari sumber

dengan menempuh perjalanan naik-turun. Berat satu jun yang berisi penuh air sama

saja dengan satu goni berisi singkong.

Tidak ada laki-laki yang mengambil air, katanya itu urusan perempuan. Ya jelas

lebih enak nguli daripada ngambil air. Nguli diupahi duit, sementara mengambil air

tidak pernah mendapat apa-apa.‖ (Madasari, 2010)

Just like Wollstonecraft explained; ―this cruel association of ideas, which

everything conspires to twist into all their habits of thinking, or, to speak

with more precission, of feeling, receives new force to begin to act a little

for themselves‖ (Nurrachman, 2017).

Another issue that consequently happened, related to the lack of

education is, when Marni was forced to being married with Teja while at

prior statement she was unable to see the future prospects of being in

marriage with Teja—an transport worker.

―Tapi cerita-cerita itu juga menimbulkan ketakutan. Takut pada laki-laki, takut

kawin. Lha buat apa kawin, kalau jadinya cuma sengsara. Inilah yang kukatakan

pada Teja waktu dia memintaku jadi istrinya. Dia melamarku di depan pasar, saat

matahari baru mengintip malu-malu, saat aku menunggu kedatangan petani yang

membawa berbagai sayur-sayuran. ‖Aku belum mau kawin, Kang.‖ ‖Kenapa, Ni?

Kita saling cocok. Apa kamu tidak pengin punya suami, punya anak seperti

Tinah?‖ Punya anak? Bagaimana jika aku punya anak nanti? Mau jadi apa

anakku nanti? Tukang kupas singkong atau bakulan keliling desa kalau

perempuan? Anak laki-laki ikut bapaknya nguli?‖ (Madasari, 2010)

despite of her tought of this condition, at the face of societal

surroundings and its prejudicial subconscious of how women are seems

to comply its greed. Ironically, it comes from Simbok—her mother.

―Ternyata tanpa sepengetahuanku, Mbah Noto menyampaikan keinginan Teja

untuk mengawiniku pada Simbok. Malam itu, di belakang rumah, saat kuulangi

permintaanku pada Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapa Kuasa, Simbok berbisik pelan, ‖Nduk,

anak perempuan itu harus punya suami, punya anak. Kalau sudah ada yang

melamar tidak boleh ditolak, bisa kualat, jadi perawan tua.‖

Aku tak membantah omongan Simbok. Tak mengiakannya. Tapi hanya tiga hari

setelah itu, kami telah berada di rumah Kamituwo.‖ (Madasari, 2010).

The reality that Marni faced, is parallely go straight with Wollstonecraft

statement. Marni‘s figure is a sort of completed representation of how it


―The severest sarcasms have been levelled against the sex, and they have

been ridiculed for repeating ‗a set of phrases learnt by rote,‘ when nothing

could be more natural, considering the education they receive, and that

their ‗highest praise is to obey, unargued‘- the will of man. If they be not

allowed to have reason sufficient to govern their own conduct-why, all

they learn –must be learned by rote!‖ (Nurrachman, 2017).

In other hand, Simbok‘s desire of approval is marking the embodiment of

women inferiority vision in society, while Simbok is only following the

cultural patterns rather than considering it first, toe to toe on the

happiness and future of Marni‘s life. This condition is also alluded by

Wollstonecraft, as she said,

―Women subjected by ignorance to their sensations, and only taught to

look for happiness in love, refine on sensual feelings, and adopt

metaphysical notions respecting that passion, which lead them shamefully

to neglect the duties of life, ...‖ (Nurrachman, 2017).

In the next stage, as a husband, Teja no longer had any reasoning on what

he doing later, neglect his rensposibility to accompany his wife. It showed

that, Marni as a wife is losing her influence on Teja consideration on

every deeds he does. It made Marni—as a woman, become real inferior

even on his independent issue such as marriage.

‖Dasar Teja, lanangan1 nggak tahu diuntung. Susah payah aku cari duit, dia

malah enak-enakan kelonan sama kledek.‖ Ibu sudah tidak lagi memaki Tonah.

Kini dia mengumpat Bapak. Padahal orang yang dimaki entah sedang di mana. Teja

yang pemalas. Teja yang tidurnya seperti kerbau. Teja yang hanya mau enaknya

sendiri. Teja yang sekarang sedang gandrung dengan kledek...‖ (Madasari, 2010)

this situation is in accordance with Wollstonecraft commentary on

arbitrarily husband,

―The virtues of a husband are thus thrown by love into the background,

and gay hopes, or lively emotions, banish reflection till the day of

reckoning comes; and come it surely will, to turn the sprightly lover into a

surly suspicious tyrant, who contemptuously insults the very weakness he

fostered. Or, supposing the rake reformed, he cannot quickly get rid of

old habits. When a man of abilities is first carried away by his passions, it

is necessary that sentiment and taste varnish the enormities of vice, and

give a zest to brutal indulgences; but when the gloss of novelty is worn

off, and pleasure palls upon the sense, lasciviousness becomes barefaced,

and enjoyment only the desperate effort of weakness flying from

reflection as from a legion of devils. Oh! virtue, thou art not an empty

name! All that life can give- thou givest!‖ (Nurrachman, 2017).

In the end, as a conclusion, Marni‘s character throughout the novel is a

massive representation of Wollstonecraft statement, that women tend to

considered at inferior position rather than men. Its fact affected the

whole life of women, as readers may seen through Entrok, that hardship

life of women is accepted sobconsciously as the real reality by the society,

where it has to live as it lived before.


Abrams, M. H., & Harpham, G. . (1999). A Glossary of Literary Terms.

Boston: Thomson Wadsworth.

Dobbie, A. B. (2012). Theory into Practice: An Introduction to Literary Criticism.

Boston: Wodsworth.

Madasari, O. (2010). Entrok. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Nurrachman, D. (2017). Introduction to Criticism. Bandung: Pustaka Aura


Wellek, R., & Warren, A. (1989). Theory of Literature (M. Budiantara,

Trans). Jakarta: PT Gramedia.

- Huft... Supposed to be the best one when reading the title, but I'm
mistaken for that
- This is good actually; good in terms of the interesting ideas NISRINA AZMIL MUNA
- Yet this still lack of consistency
- Too many personal arguments without subjected the narratives 1195030164
- Lack of real analysis based on the narratives cited
- This is also having inconsistent references: you didn't cite the
sources at all inside the essay
- Be aware of mechanic errors 75 = B 5D



Almost all aspects of life in society are appointed as the

phenomena of literary works by poets or authors, including the

phenomena in family scopes such as the relationship among them. The

relationship between mother and her children is definitely intense.

Mother is the first love of the children, she will always do the best for

them, even she could sacrifice herself in everything: her happiness,

serenity, interest, strength, and so on, for her children. The role of

mother is very close to the children, she always be with them in all phases

of the growth of children. She is who brought them to the earth,

educated them, protected them, and give them all her affection. However,

mother is also an ordinary human who has feelings and can be hurt,

especially by the one whom she loves, her children. She hurts, but she will

keep in her heart, because her affection and love for her children are

greater than her hurt. Likewise in the novel Entrok by Okky Madasari,

one of stories in it which caught my attention is when the mother, Marni,

was hurt by her daughter, Rahayu. She was hurt by Rahayu‘s words, she

felt that her daughter did not respect her hard work and sacrifice, Rahayu

also did not respect to Marni‘s faith, but it did not make her to stop

loving her daughter. The relationship of mother-daughter is linked in her

heart, so that she only kept it in her heart. She was hurt, but she could


It is real evidence and exists in real life, mothers always do that

and do the best for her children. But sometimes, there is also exists the

opposite of it. Children do the best for making their mother proud in

education and so on, but the mother did not respect it and even she will

hurt the children heart by her words. In other case there is a mother who

injures their children violently, or she does not give the full rights to the

children, or even they force their children to do something they want

without caring about her children. At this time, there are so many cases

like that. The reasons which probably happen are because they do not

ready yet to have a child, or they are hit by economic condition in

pandemic phase so that they cannot control what they do.

The critical theory used is the theory stated by Horace, it is Utile et

Dulce which means that a good literary work is a literary work that

contains elements of fun and benefits. Further than that, Horace said in

his work Art of Poetry in Nurrachman‘s book,

―The aim of the poet is to inform or to delight, or to combine together, in what he says,

both pleasure and applicability to life. In instructing, be brief in what you say in order

that your readers may grasp it quickly and retain it faithfully. Superfluous words

simply spill out when the mind is already full. Fiction invented in order to please

should remain close to reality.‖

―Selama bertahun-tahun, setiap hari aku menghindari omongan seperti ini. Hanya

supaya tak ada pertengkaran antara aku dan anakku satu-satunya ini. Tapi

sekarang dia malah terang-terangan membuat hatiku sakit. Justru di saat aku begitu

membanggakannya. Tak masalah kalau semua orang omong aku memelihara tuyul

atau cari pesugihan, tapi aku selalu sangat sakit ketika yang omong seperti itu

anakku sendiri. Dan ini telah berulang kali terjadi. Hanya karena rasa kasih,

ikatan sebagai ibu dan anak, yang membuat rasa sakit dan benci ini selalu kembali


From the quotation above, it proved that the aim of Entrok is to

inform about the affection of mother is real and she will always loves her

children. There is also a little delight for readers when read it, especially

who has become a mother, because they will feel supported and corrected

from it. It is also applicable to life and will be useful for the readers‘ life

because every literary works are definitely provides some messages in it.

Okky was also brief in instructing it, so that the readers can grasp it in

one time.

In Nurracman‘s book, it is claimed that Horace is more interested

in the practical question of how the poet may delight and instruct an

intelligent reader than he is defining what a poem is or what literature is.

Because of that, I chose Horace theory which I think it is suitable to the

topic. Entrok is a novel which contains something delight and beneficial if

we look for it further. On the other hand, Horace emphasizes decorum.

Okky also used the appropriate vocabulary and diction in her writing

style. Entrok described as taking place in Singget, Central Java, therefore

she described her work in some Singget words. She also used appropriate

vocabulary in the topic I chose described ―a mother‘s little heart‖ which

can hurt the readers‘ heart.

According to Horace in Nurrachman‘s book, ―poetry is like

painting in that some works are best viewed up close, some farther away,

some in the shadow, and some in the light.‖ In Entrok, we can also view

it in close when we see the pure script of the novel, the quotation I

brought, it can bring the perspective out. Besides, we can also view it in

some farther away, the viewpoint of Rahayu, we can know and

understand the reason why Rahayu did it because we will try to be further

looking to it. Furthermore, we can also view it in the shadow or the light,

we will look for the real reason and evidence why the problem happen,

we will bring it into our deep mind and heart. That is poetry is like


There is poetic license which Horace stated that painters and

poets have always had a privilege to do anything they wish. Likewise in

Entrok, Okky try to convey something she want or wish. She speaks for

women‘s rights, she gave all stories in Entrok all she wanted, she had a

privilege to do it because she is the poet.

However Horace also stated that the poetic license or the freedom

of expression in art/literature should meet the five special standards:

responsibility, novelty, suitability, beautiful, and affecting. Therefore,

Okky can be said that she would have a privilege to do something they

wish or she would have the poetic license if she includes the five special

standards to Entrok.

The first standard is responsibility. Horace stated that you who

write, take a subject equal to your powers, and consider at length how

much your shoulder can bear. Neither proper words nor lucid order will

be lacking to the writer who chooses a subject within his powers. In

Entrok, Okky took a subject equal to her powers, the relationship

between mother and daughter, also the women rights. Because she is a

mother and woman, she experienced it in her life, further than that, the

condition of the relationship between mother and daughter when she

write it may be the same, also the respect to the mother and women

rights are not too good. Besides, she used the proper words to express

her feeling because she chose the right subject within her power.

Especially in this sentence, ―Justru di saat aku begitu membanggakannya.‖ It is

really hurt the readers‘ heart. She good at chose the proper words and she

did it.

The second standard is novelty. Horace said that you will express

yourself most effectively if you give novelty to a familiar word by means

of a skilful setting. Okky made it in the sentence ―Hanya karena rasa kasih,

ikatan sebagai ibu dan anak, yang membuat rasa sakit dan benci ini selalu kembali

mengendap.‖ The word ―mengendap‖ is a familiar word, but it given a skilful

setting by her in the context, so that it became most effective in

expressing her feeling.

The third standard is suitability. Horace said that both comedy and

tragedy have adopted this meter as best fitted for dialogue, able to drown

out the noise of the audience, and suitable for action. It means that the

poetry have to adopted material which best fitted for dialogue in it so that

it can suit to the audiences or the readers. Also it applied to Entrok, the

word and everything in it is suitable for its genre. The moan of the

mother‘s heart is suitable perfectly to the action.

The fourth and last standard is beautiful and affection. It is unity,

best fitted when put together, like Horace said in Nurrachman‘s book

that it is not enough for poems to be beautiful; they must be affecting,

and must lead the heart of the hearer as they will. If you wish me to weep,

you must first feel grief yourself. Likewise the topic above, I cried and felt

sad when I read it. Okky succeed to convey the sadness she has to the

readers. She leads the heart of the readers. The other topics in Entrok also

succeed making the readers feel the same with the role or figure of the


Horace claimed in his work in Nurrachman‘s book that in all good

writing the source and fountain is wisdom. Okky used the wisdom for the

source and fountain of the novel, it is proved with the wisdom of the

mother‘s act to her daughter. Even though her daughter did not listen to

her words and respect her, she was always wise. She continued to work

hard and even harder for making her daughter successful after getting a

higher education. If we look further, we can also see the wisdom of her

daughter, Rahayu. She tried to protect her mother from getting lost in her

religion or faith, and she tried to avoid talking to her mother so they do

not fight.

Regardless of the hidden act of Rahayu to Marni, she also had a

fault. She acted like she did not respect her mother. But according to

Horace in his work, you have enough judgment and good sense not to do

it. It means that the readers have their own judgment and good sense, so

that they can filter what they can practice in their own life. But the

readers cannot judge the writer or the poets if the story is not what the

readers want, because the poets have the rights to do something in their

works such as sadness, pain, happiness, pleasure, and so on. It is stated by

Horace in his work that you must allow poets to have the right and ability

to destroy themselves. Like in the topic, Okky destroyed the roles or

figures in the story. She destroyed Marni with the act of Rahayu which

did not respect her. Besides, the conditions and all struggles that Marni

got was destroyed her and it is the rights and ability of the poets to

destroy the roles or figures and characters in their literary works.

In the end, Marni and Rahyu were reunited because the bond

between the mother and the children is definitely strong. Regardless of it

all, the topic is very interesting to discuss because it described the

relationship in everyone‘s scope. We all know that our mother will do

everything for our life, and the children will always be thankful to their

mother for it, like in the Entrok novel by Okky Madasari.

The Entrok novel also gives us the lessons which we can apply in

our life, because the novel is one of literary work which created by the

poets, and according to Horace that the aim of the poet is to teach and to

delight, so that the novel Entrok by Okky Madasari gives us it all.


Madasari, O. (2010). Entrok. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Nurrachman, D. (2017). Introduction to Criticism. Bandung: Pustaka Aura


Surahman, B. (2019). ―Peran Ibu terhadap Masa Depan Anak.‖ Jurnal

Hawa, 1(2), pp.201-208.

Rizky, A. & Larasati, AY. (2020). ―Konsep Horace Dalam Novel Laskar

Pelangi Karya Andrea Hirata Kajian Kritik Sastra.‖ Jurnal Ilmiah Pend.

Bahasa, Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah, 10(1), pp.54-60.

Akbar, S., Winarni, R. & Andayani. (2013). ―Kajian Sosiologi Sastra dan

Nilai Pendidikan dalam Novel Tuan Guru Karya Salman Faris.‖ Jurnal

Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, 1(1), pp.54-68.

- Less focus analysis
- Too many introductory paragraphs Nizar Asy Syauqi
- There's no specific topic to discuss
- Having jumped-up ideas
- Some narratives and analysis are relevant with the theory, some others,
mostly, not
- Romanticism is not simply related to that feeling 5D
- Lack of critical analytical arguments
- Lack of relevant theoretical justifications
- Be aware of mechanic errors: paragraphing, capitalization, citation, etc 65 = C


In a literary works narrative, the form of beauty becomes a very

supportive aspect in the establishment or existence of a literary works.

The beauty is dominated in the form of language style, diversity of

diction, and word play. Since a literary works is a product of beauty so

that it is considered similar to art, such as painting and sculpture, the

aesthetic value becomes the benchmark for the beauty of the literary


In the essence, according to Plato, literary works or 'poet' are considered

as imitations. Imitation of reality. He emphasized that reality actually

exists in the form of 'ideas' and that artists are imitators of that idea,

―Plato has Socrates locate reality in what are called ideas or forms rather

than in the world of appearances or phenomena experienced through the

senses. He regards objects that we perceive as them copies of their ideas.‖

(Nurrachman, 2017:12).

However, in the period of its development, the frame of mind which

linked to the definition of literature has changed. Or increase. In the mid-

18th century period, literature is actually a branch of imagination, with

imitation as its initial effort. According to Gary Day (2008:163) the

imagination is a symptom because it exalts the mind, dulled by the

routines of production, with fantasies.

In the Romantic era in the mid-eighteenth era, the beauty of a literature

depends on the ability of a poet to imagine. As with the political-

economic situation in that era, imitation, we might say, is the literary

equivalent of the financial argument that the form of money should

coincide with the content of its value. From that statement, some early

theories of the imagination contained an element of imitation.

On that certain period, which stated under early enlightenment and early

romantic era, the idea about it became massive and became mainstream

since the problems of human life are no longer only about art and

language, but involve the lives of many people, talking about economics,

politics, and humanity. The changes caused by the industrial revolution,

caused many people to leave the simple lifestyle in the village—close to

nature—to change their direction as slaves to corporations and factories.

Departing from that anxiety, Wordsworth as an activist at that time

sparked a movement, the romanticism movement. That in the depths of

the human heart yearning for simplicity, with which there will be a sense

of connectedness with nature. Which means that life like that will last a

long time, and is sweeter to taste. (Nurrachman, 2017:149)

this consecutive whole events ignited a new idea about literature, as in

Charlotte Smith's poem, "the beauteous rather than the true".

Turning to the Romantic discourse by wordsworth, he begins by

redefining what literature is.

―He approaches the idea of a poem by first discussing the idea of a poet: ―a man

speaking to men: a man, it is true, endowed with more lively sensibility, more

enthusiasm and tenderness, who has greater knowledge of human nature, and a more

comprehensive soul, then are supposed to be common among mankind.‖

(Nurrachman, 2017: 145).

Furthermore, in terms of the traces and background of the emergence of

romanticism, according to Wordsworth, nature is the main source of

imagination. Beauty will be seen in how a poet is able to image something

through the glass, what is invisible but can be felt, beyond the reach of

the senses, which can only be accepted by the feelings of the heart.

(Mahayana, 2015: 39)

This will later become the writer's reference in writing his critique of

Okky Madasari's Entrok book.

Entrok, as given the title by its author, is Madasari's first published novel.

Published in April 2010 to coincide with Kartini's Day, the book tells

stories about women's lives. Marni, a woman who lived during the

colonial era before independence, had to feel the bitter reality of life for a

woman in her day. The fact that a woman can only be paid food for the

work she does, in a narrow context makes this woman break the social

system that is bound to post-colonial norms and dogma of Javanese

society at that time for women, in order to fulfill her desire to have an

Entrok. (bra – in Javanese).

This book has in its way of speaking, has various layers of conflict with

various issues. However, but it should be emphasized beforehand that in

this essay, the writer does not discuss this further.

What the author tries to focus on in this writing, related to the

introduction above, is to try to dissect the extent to which the content of

Romanticism is embedded in the way Entrok tells the story. As nature is

the main source of the element of beauty in this flow, the experience of

Marni—the main character—related to the feelings she expresses with

that element, will be raised one by one, as Wordsworth stated that

―Feeling becomes the real basis of imagination, which becomes the

power to grasp nature in its totality and to order one's experience.‖

(Nurrachman, 2017:146).

On the first chapter of Entrok, we will find the undefined opening on the

book which quite unrelated to the next chapter of it. But, consequently it

will connected to the final of the story. Here on 99‘s of January, a

character believed as Rahayu—daughter of Marni—is having her


―Lima tahun aku menunggu hari ini datang. Pagi – pagi aku sudah mandi lalu

berdandan. Hari ini aku akan lahir kembali. Aku akan kembali menjadi manusia

yang punya jiwa. Tidak hanya raga kosong yang menunggu kematian.‖ (Madasari,


The way rahayu talked about life and death on it, was how the author try

to express the character‘s feeling of reborn and become ‗life again‘ which

quite related on how Romanticism really emphasize feeling on nature.

Which part of nature is a cycle of life and death.

Later, on the next part, Rahayu monologue was continued.

―Hari ini sedikit dosaku akan tertebus. Utangku memang tak akan pernah impas.

Tapi setidaknya biarkan aku membuatmu sedikit saja bahagia. Lima tahun ini,

kulakukan segalanya untuk membuatmu kembali lagi merasa berarti. Setiap pagi

aku mengajakmu menyusuri jalanan yang telah puluhan tahun kau lewati. Agar kau

kembali ingat kau adalah manusia hebat yang telah mengalahkan kerasnya nasib.‖

(Madasri, 2010:11)

The course of intention that Rahayu tried on his mother in this narration

implied that by bring back the feeling of walking on the same street and

repeat the similar experience which she has done in entire her mother‘s

life, is sort of the Romanticism method on emphasize feeling, by speak a

plainer and more emphatic language (Nurrachman, 2017:149).

More specific events on how romantic way was told on Marni‘s life

throughout Entrok, is located in next chapter.

When the plot was going far backward on little puberty Marni

experienced her rejection by her uncle, while she tried to kind of asking

him to purchase her an Entrok.

‖Aku tak langsung ke rumah, tapi mampir ke sungai tempat aku dan orang – orang

kampung ini biasa mandi. Di balik batu besar, kutuntaskan tangisku.

Kutumpahkan rasa kecewa dan amarah ke dasar sungai. Kulihat arus membawanya

pergi, menjauh. Sayup – sayup kudengar bisikan, ajakan. Kupertajam

pendengaranku. Makin terdengar sayup , ada suara yang tidak bisa didengar, tapi

hanya bisa dirasakan. Suara yang mengajakku berlari ke pasar, mendatangi penjual

entrok, memilih entrok yang kusuka.‖ (Madasari,2010: 20).

The feeling that Marni expressed here was the same way on how

wordsworth encourage authors while writing their poems and stories, is

throughout imagination by the nature expressed itself, unpredictable.


―… to throw over them a certain colouring of imagination, whereby ordinary things

should be presented to the mind in unusual aspect…‖ (Nurrachman, 2017 : 148).

the ‗unusual aspect‘ which Wordsworth stated above, was practically

implemented by Okky Madasari, in order that she depicted Marni‘s

expression of her disappointment and sadness by throw out the nature on

its place settings, and the way she carry the character feeling throughout

Marni contemplated her sorrow and then drag her to encourage herself

by the transcendental whisper of nature.

Consequently, the whisper brought Marni on other events of

Romanticism afterby.

―Aku mengikuti suara itu. Kususuri jalan yang biasa dilewati Simbok setiap hari.

Kalau simbok biasa melewati jalan ini di pagi buta lalu pulang saat matahari

sepenggalah, kini aku melaluinya saat matahari tepat di atas kepala.Terik. Kaki

yang tak beralas terasa perih.

Pasar Ngranget ada di desa lain. Untuk ke sana aku harus berjalan kaki melewati

tiga desa, lewat jalanan naik -turun yang penuh batu dan debu. Aku tiba di pasar

saat matahari sudah bergeser ke barat.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 20)

How Marni intends to follow the whisper to the market, despite of her

lack of ability to purchase Entrok is a perfect depiction of the

spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling which is another Wordsworth

thoughts on the way of characters in his term is encouraged by their own

exaggerated feeling of desires.

This part as well, was succeed to give readers a good description on a

point of view that Wordsworth desired on. The humble and rustic life.

―Humble and rustic life was generally chosen, because, in that condition, the essential

passion of the heart find a better soil in which they can attain their maturity, are less

under restraint, and speak a plainer and more emphatetic.‖ (Nurrachman, 2017:


The place settings in Entrok—in this case, Singget—was played a large

role in a bigger frame while the story goes on throughout the years where

the main caharacters spent most of their life in that village. Singget

represents a sort of thing that keeping the characters connected with its

implicit power of tight-knit that implied on how the place was described.

Furthermore, Singget as well, has became the romantic power on its

story, especially for Rahayu—daughter of Marni. more accurately in the

fifth chapter , chapter Kentut Kali Manggis (1984-1985).

―Masuk di Bandongan, makin tak berbekas sisa kemajuan Magelang. Desa ini tak

ubahnya seperti Singget. Sawah dengan padi menguning yang siap dipanen

membentang luas. Rumah gedek di mana – mana. Di jalanan beberapa anak yang

seharusnya sekolah tampak sedang memanggul rumput, apalagi kalau bukan untuk

makan ternak.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 152).

Throughout this event, Rahayu experienced the place that she has been

entered was just similar like the place she was grew up, Singget. The

representation of condition around her, where there were ready-to-

harvest paddyfield, and kids that were carrying wild grass instead of go to


―…because the manners of rural life germinate from those elementary feelings, and,

from the necessary character of rural occupations, are more easily comprehended, and

are more durable; and, lastly, because in that condition the passions of men are

incorporated with the beautiful and permanent forms of nature,…‖ (Nurrachman,

2017: 149).

However, since the story used ‗rural life‘ as its place settings, the

representation of its nature becoming an influential structure of the

novel. It will shifting into a general patterns, as the writer quoted on

Garry Day (2008:251),

―This perfection comes from form which, by giving shape to things, reveals their beauty.

It also intensifies our experience of them.‖

Switch over from the rustic and rural things, hereover the author was

adding an extended parts of romantic ‗feeling‘. Again, narrated by

Rahayu—daughter of Marni, located on the third chapter, Tuyul – tuyul

Ibuku (1970 – 1982).

―Aku dan Ibu seperti makin menjauh. Bukan raga, karena aku dan Ibu bukan

orang yang betah marah berlama – lama. Ibu memaki dengan suara tinggi saat

marah, dan diakhiri dengan tangisan. Aku tak mau kalah. Tapi pertengkaran

kami tidak tidak berlanjut dengan tak saling bertegur sapa selama berhari – hari.

Kami berbicara lagi, layakna pertengkaran itu tidak pernah ada.

Tapi di dalam hati, kami seperti dua manusia yang sedang berjalan di tebing tinggi,

di mana masing – masing berjalan hati – hati. Sedikit salah langkah, kami akan

jatuh ke dasar jurang. Tapi, toh, bagaimanapun kami saling berhati – hati,

perbedaan di antara kami semakin menjadi.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 59)

the exploration that Okky Madasari did in this part of story, is go hand in

hand with Wordsworth theory. The background of issues where occurred

on the quote above and the way its conflict happened were attached

parallely with ‗the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings‘ that has been

described by Wordsworth on his statement in Preface to The Second of Lyrical


―For all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings; and though this be

true, poems to which any value can be attached were never produced on any variety of

subjects but by a man who, being possessed of more than usual organic sensibility, had

also thought long and deeply.‖ (Nurrachman, 2017: 150).

From all the theories and the quotes which has been consecutively

described above, it can concluded that, there are some narration that

implied Romanticism course of method on how the characters connected

to the nature around them and how much their feeling were influenced

by it. There are many Wordsworth‘s vision as well, on how nature and

feeling were aroused on the story of Entrok. Lastly, similar to how

bloodline and reality bonded Marni and Rahayu that lead them on every

events, it can not be denied that the effect of nature and feeling will

always contained and become much influential in every section of story,

of tales, and of life.


Day, G. (2008). Literary Criticism: A New History, Great Britain: Edinburgh

University Press

Madasari, O. (2010). Entrok. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Mahayana, M. S. (2015). Kitab Kritik Sastra. Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor


Nurholis. (2019). Prose: The Short Fiction. Bandung.

Nurrachman, D. (2017). Critical Theory from Ancient Greece to Victorian

England. Bandung: Pustaka Aura Semesta.

- Lack of focus Nizar Ulhaq
- Too many introductory paragraphs with unnecessary informations
- Jumped-up ideas 1195030166
- Inconsistent discussion
- Much of this retelling only
- Lack of real analysis 5D
- Lack of critical-analytical arguments
- Lack relevant theoretical justifications/supports
- Be aware of mechanic errors: spacing, paragraphing, citation, etc 60 = C


Although literary works are not part of society, stories can effectively

express societal images. Because the literature might contain concepts

that can be used to create particular social attitudes or even trigger

specific social events, this is the case. Then there's Damono's notion,

which is shared by Wellek and Warren (1990: 109). They mention that

literary works have a societal role or "benefit" that is impersonal.

Tradition, traditions, norms, symbols, and myths are all examples of

literary issues that imply or are social problems.

The material that literature contains in its composition can be utilized

to perpetuate certain social customs or to stimulate certain social

phenomena. As a result, literary works may elicit or critique societal issues

such as norms, symbols, myths, legends, conventions, and traditions that

lie beneath society's surface. Literary works, by their very nature, have

evolved into a type of social institution that uses language as its platform.

Nonetheless, the author's goal is not solely his or her own; there is, of

course, entanglement with nature, which supplies the author's impulse.

Mursal Esten (1978) exclaims that literature is the manifestation of

creative and imaginative facts as a manifestation of human life and society

in general, using language as platform and having a good impact on

people's lives. As Horace said,

"it is not enough poems to be beautiful; they must be affecting and

must lead the heart of the hearer as they will. As people's faces smile on

those who smile, in a similar way they sympathize with those who weep.‖

(Nurrachman, 2017: 75).

Horace's innermost sensations, as well as their repercussions and how

they guide the heart, may be found in practically every literary work.

Readers are typically exposed to this type of item through descriptions of

events, descriptions of events, and the author's choice of diction. When

the author describes a romantic incident between characters in a tale, for

instance. The work of literature is successfully considered a lovely,

pleasant work if the reader has an internal experience or remembers

something from his lifetime.

Sort of things are what the writer figures out throughout the story

Entrok by Okky Madasari. The novel, in general, is about women's

struggle against societal injustice. All of the injustices encountered by

numerous female characters in the novel Entrok are perpetrated by men.

It may be claimed that men are shown as the dominant social class. The

first is from the perspective of Marni, a woman who was born during the

colonial era and has had a rough existence. Marni's dream at the start of

the novel is to have an entrok, or bra in Javanese. At the time, wearing a

bra was considered a privilege reserved for the aristocracy. Marni's

passion eventually drove her to seek employment in the market, where

she worked as a cassava peeler and then as a commodities transport

worker. Marni was ultimately able to change her life little by little as a

result of her efforts. She also had the opportunity to meet Suteja. Here is

the main outlook, when male is representated as superior than woman.

The conflict in the novel Entrok, as the author's title suggests, is

primarily about men's supremacy over women, merging with the author's

attempt to depict women's challenges. Even if, in the writer's opinion, the

conflict is solely focused on societal equality, both economically and

socially. Despite their outspoken support for equal opportunities, the

characters of the novel aren't quite socially reasonable.

To see throughout the narration, the writer uses Wollstonecraft's

theory in her work entitled A Vindication of the Rights of Woman which was

published in 1792. In chapter six of her work, Wollstonecraft explains

how the male supremacy and abusive behavior of men should be

challenged. As a result of this hypothesis, the author will condemn the

actions of Madasari's female character in her story. An objective method

will be taken in order to comprehend this novel. The objective approach

emphasizes the intrinsic value of literary works. This refers to the

structural aspects of a literary work, such as themes, characterizations,

settings, and plots. In a nutshell, this method emphasizes the study of

literary works while ignoring sociohistorical variables that are unrelated to

the literary work being researched. To put it another way, the objective

method is an inherent approach, comparable to the conceptual

framework (Eagleton, T. 1996).

After reading the novel Entrok, the writer then finds an outline of the

male supremacy that is shared by several of the events occured. In the

following, the author will describe the concept of love through the quotes

contained in the novel in the quotes below.

―Sedulur-sedulur , si Iyem ini sundal. Suami orang direbut juga,‖ teriak

Yu Parti dengan penuh amarah. Yu Yem, yang terlihat takut, terpancing
dan mulai marah. Dengan suara tak kalah kencang, dia membalas kata-
kata Yu Parti. ‖Enak saja, nyebut aku sundal. Sampeyan sendiri yang
tidak bisa ngladeni suami. Bukan salahku kalau suami sampeyan mau
kawin sama aku.‖ ‖Dasar sundal, perebut suami orang.‖ Yu Parti mulai
kehilangan kesabaran. Dia bergerak mendekati tempat Yu Yem berdiri.
Dagangan cabe yang ada di los disapu dengan tangannya. Cabe-cabe itu
berhamburan ke seluruh los. Emosi Yu Yem memuncak melihat
dagangannya diobrakabrik. Ditariknya rambut Yu Parti yang tergelung.
Yu Parti menjerit, kali ini jerit kesakitan. Tapi dia tetap tidak mau
kalah, rambut Yu Yem yang tergerai sampai pinggang ditariknya dengan
kasar. Jadilah dua perempuan itu saling menjambak. Teriakan dan
makian silih berganti keluar dari mulut kedua perempuan itu. Orang-orang
yang menonton tidak melakukan apa-apa. Mereka hanya berusaha
menghentikan perkelahian dengan mulut, tapi tidak melangkahkan kaki
untuk menghentikan perkelahian dua warga Pasar Ngranget itu. Nyai
Dimah, misalnya, orang yang sudah dianggap sesepuh karena paling lama
berjualan di pasar ini, hanya bisa berteriak meminta Yu Parti dan Yu
Yem menghentikan apa yang dilakukan.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 26)
Seen at the later of the novel Madasari tells how at market there were a

fight that happened. Because of male, two women fight each other. Then

there is an occurance that represented male supremacy,

Di tengah kepanikan, tiba-tiba seorang laki-laki tua muncul dari kerumunan

penonton, mendekati dua perempuan yang sedang pada puncak amarah. Tubuh laki-

laki itu kurus, dengan tinggi di atas kebanyakan laki-laki di pasar ini. Seluruh

rambutnya putih, begitu juga kumis tipis yang melekat di wajahnya. Ketika berjalan,

punggung laki-laki itu melengkung, entah karena usia atau karena badannya yang

terlalu tinggi. Laki-laki itu Pak Suyat. Suami Yu Parti sekaligus Yu Yem. Laki-

laki yang menjadi sumber perkelahian dua pedagang Pasar Ngranget. ‖Ti, sudah, Ti.

Sudah!‖ Pak Suyat meraih tangan kiri Yu Parti yang sedang menjambak rambut

Yu Yem. ‖Sudah, ayo pulang!‖ Pak Suyat menarik tangan istrinya. Yu Parti yang

sebelumnya kelihatan penuh semangat, kini lemas tanpa tenaga. Ditariknya tangan

kanannya yang tengah mencakar muka Yu Yem. Tanpa bantahan, Yu Parti

mengikuti tarikan suaminya. Mereka pulang. Melihat Yu Parti pergi, Yu Yem

menggulung rambutnya yang tergerai awut-awutan dan membenahi kainnya yang

berantakan akibat ditarik-tarik. Ia memungut satu per satu cabe-cabe yang

berserakan di lapaknya. Perlahan-lahan orang mulai meninggalkan los tempat

keramaian pagi ini terjadi. Mereka kembali melanjutkan pekerjaan sebelumnya.

Tontonan selesai. (Madasari, 2010:27).

Meanwhile two woman was fighting, the source of problem whose the

husband of both women is coming, and stop the fight just by nothing.

Without any sorry, he just came and didn‘t solve the real issue.

This kind of thing is alluded to by Wollstonecraft in the following


―This habitual slavery, to first impressions, has a more baneful effect on

the female than the male character …‖ (Wollstonecraft in
Nurrachman, 2017: 135)
Although the context of the quote above refers to education, the

quoted things are related to each other. Because education in practice can

affect all aspects, including love.

Yu Parti dan Yu Yem seolah telah lupa mereka harus berbagi suami.
Yu Parti seperti tak ingat lagi, suami yang sebelumnya hanya miliknya,
kini juga telah dimiliki orang lain. Yu Yem pun seperti tak peduli lagi
bahwa di depan orang banyak dia pernah disebut sundal dan perebut
suami orang. Meski Yu Parti dan Yu Yem saling tak bertegur sapa sejak
peristiwa itu, di Pasar Ngranget ini mereka masing-masing menjalani
kehidupan dengan semangat yang sama, dengan gairah mencari uang
sebanyak-banyaknya. Di pasar ini, Yu Parti dan Yu Yem menjadi
manusia seutuhnya, tanpa harus diembel-embeli suami. Madasari, 2010:
This is what presumably failed to build the ideal concept of love in the

household so that he was trapped in the habitual slavery that

Wollstonecraft said in his work. Then this is confirmed again by the

following quote.

―Love is, in a great degree, an arbitrary passion, and will reign, like some
other stalking mischiefs, by its own authority, without deigning to reason; and
it may also be easily distinguished from esteem, the foundation of friendship

because it is often excited by evanescent beauties and grace …‖
(Wollstonecraft in Nurrachman, 2017: 137)
The writer feels that Wollstonecraft in the quote above inserts a little

satire for the understanding of love. That the concept of ideal love is not

like that. Love is not arbitrary from men.

Hari itu, misalnya, Bu Jujuk tiba-tiba menangis di depanku. ‖Jangan

bilang siapa-siapa ya, Ni. Aku percaya sama kamu.‖ Aku, yang baru
anak ingusan ini, hanya mengiyakan permintaan Bu Jujuk. Lagi pula Bu
Jujuk tidak butuh apa-apa dariku, hanya minta didengarkan. Dia tak
mungkin bercerita ke tetangga-tetangganya, malu. Kalau dipendam terus,
lama-lama makan hati. Bu Jujuk memilihku. Barangkali karena aku
sudah dipercayai, atau mungkin hanya sekadar karena aku bocah ingusan
yang tidak mungkin bercerita kepada siapa-siapa. ‖Suamiku itu lho, Ni.
Dia gendakan sama kledek. Sudah lama, Ni. Tapi aku diam saja. Aku
nggak mau ribut, nggak mau cari masalah. Tapi aku nggak kuat, Ni.
Hatiku diiris-iris.‖ Tangis Bu Juju meledak. Hanya kami berdua yang ada
di rumah itu. Tentu tak ada yang bisa kukatakan pada Bu Jujuk.
Menikah saja aku belum, apalagi tahu bagaimana rasanya suami punya
gendakan. Tapi Bu Jujuk memang tak pernah bertanya padaku. Setiap
ceritanya hanya ditutup dengan tangisan. Begitu terus berulang kali. Suatu
hari, suami Bu Jujuk pulang saat Bu Jujuk untuk kesekian kalinya
menceritakan lakon Pak Jujuk dan kledek gendakan-nya. Bu Jujuk yang
tak menyadari kehadiran suaminya terus menumpahkan perasaan sambil
menangis. Semuanya langsung berhenti saat terdengar teriakan suaminya.
Bu Jujuk langsung menghapus air matanya, lalu buru-buru masuk rumah.
Dari luar kudengar umpatan-umpatan suami Bu Jujuk. ‖Istri nggak tahu
diri! Kerjaannya rasan-rasan14 terus!‖ (Madasari, 2010: 47)
In the novel quoted above, it can be seen that culture outlook married

life seems just an formal deed. Married couple activity that should be

filled with love is depicted only as an men dominance over woman, who

don‘t cares what they do, they have responsibility towards their wife.

John Dryden also quoted this incident directly by Wollstonecraft.

―'Where love is duty, on the female side, 'On theirs mere sensual gust and
sought with surly pride‖ (Wollstonecraft in Nurrachman, 2010: 138)

―Apa itu cinta? Prek! Cinta itu kan omongan orang-orang zaman
sekarang setelah menonton TV. Mereka Cuma ikut-ikutan ngomong,
padahal juga nggak tahu apa itu cinta.‖
―Aku tidak minta pegat karena tidak mau semua yang sudah kumiliki
ini dibagi dua. Kok enak banget. Semuanya ini aku yang kerja keras, aku
yang mikir semuanya,‖ (Madasari, 2010: 114-115)
Marni didn't get divorced because she didn't want their
possessions to be shared evenly if they divorced, not because she
was in love. Marni believes that because she has worked hard thus
far, he is the one who deserves to own all of his fortune.
―Iya, Pak. Maaf. Istri saya ini tidak paham. Maklum, kami orang buta
huruf. Jadi kami harus membayar uang keamanan berapa, Pak?‖
―Tentara-tentara itu mengambil dagangan Ibu. Masih ada empat ember
dan enam panci, semuanya ludes. Mereka juga mengambil setengah jaring
beras. Bapak dan Ibu hanya diam tak berbuat apa-apa.‖ (Madasari, 2010:

The two quotes above refer to the incident when Marni had her goods

taken by the army. Even though in reality Marni had protested against the

soldiers who were about to take her wares, it was just a futile act. Teja

immediately interrupted Marni's protest with his male power and then

made his decision unilaterally. This is also stated by Wollstonecraft which

states that the superior nature of men tends to never listen to women's

arguments. As in the following quote.

―When do men /all-in-love with sense? When do they, with their superior
powers and advantages, turn from the person to the mind? And how can they
expect women, who are only taught to observe behavior, and acquire manners
rather than morals, to despise what they have been all their lives labouring to
attain? Where are they suddenly to find judgement enough to weigh patiently
the sense of an awkward virtuous man, when his manners, of which they are
made critical judges, are rebuffing and his conversation cold and dull, because
it does not consist of pretty repartees or well-turned compliments?‖
(Wollstonecraft in Nurrachman, 2017: 136)
What kind of relationship is built on male dominance? Wouldn't a love

marriage listen to each other? This does not appear to be the case in Teja

and Marni's marriage. Marni, who is a logical thinker, can't come up with

a sound that is rational enough for Teja. That's what occurs when a

marriage isn't based on the foundation of love. In the end, it will all come

down to who leads and who is led.

The society of male superiority experienced by various characters in the
story is in accordance with what Wollstonecraft concentrates on in her
essy, as evidenced by several of the passages mentioned above. In the
end, many women's marriages are not founded on love, making
matrimony just a satisfaction of sensual cravings or even a fulfillment of
societal stigma.


Eagleton, T. (1996). Literary Theory: An Introduction. London: Basil Blackwell

Damono, S. D. (1979). Sosiologi Sastra: Sebuah Pengantar Ringkas. Jakarta:
Madasari, O. (2010). Entrok. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
Nurrachman, D. (2017). Critical Theory from Ancient Greece to Victorian
England. Bandung: Pustaka Aura Semesta.
Wellek, R., & Warren, A. (1989). Theory of Literature. (M. Budiantara,
Trans.) Jakarta: PT Gramedia.

- Nice and interesting discussion actually, and this could be better if you
consistent in the discussion Novia Dwi Alviana
- Still having some jumped-up ideas
- Too many introductory paragraphs with unnecessary informations
- Needs more critical-analytical arguments
- Needs more relevant theoretical supports
- Just avoid quoted too much narratives without real analysis on it
- Be aware of mechanic errors: capitalization, italicization, punctuation, etc 75 = B 5D



Talking about literature, of course, will not be separated from the

values contained in it, besides that these values are a benchmark for

whether or not a work is expressed by the author according to the literary

function said by Edgar Allan Poe who said that the function of literature

is didactic heresy: Entertaining as well as teaching something (Al-Ma‘ruf,

2007: 31) From the quote above, it can be said that the author of a work

is able to convey thoughts, ideas to beliefs, meaning that there are

intentions and values conveyed by him.

However, in expressing an intention, it is not purely of the author

itself, of course, there is interference with nature which provides the

source of the author's inspiration. Mursal Esten argues that literature is

the expression of artistic and imaginative facts as a manifestation of

human life and society in general, through language as a medium and

having a positive effect on human life. (Esten, 1978) The readers could

take the teaching value from it.

Apart from the teaching value of a work, there is also

entertainment value in the work. The author‘s method for delivering what

they have to the reader contains so much value that we can apply to our

lives as a lesson, as well as providing an entertaining side that we can

enjoy as readers. This is the job of literature. Utile et Dulce means that we

can obatained the teach value in the literature, Johnson stated that poetry

is the unity pleasure and truth, which mean that we can enjoy the

literature as the medium to find entertaining contents as well as we can

get a tech value for our better life. (Johnson, 2006)

Taking or conveying moral values lies in how the author conveys

it through an event or depiction of a story and then the reader reads it,

such as when we read his work, for example, in Tere Liye's novel Tentang

Kamu, which tells the story of Sri Ningsih's life struggles of having

nothing to success, at the end of the story, it is told that she died, but her

death was still useful for people who had helped her life because she left a

large legacy and indeed the inheritance was intended for people who had

helped her life. From the depiction of the story we can take a teaching

value, while to achieve the teaching value we also enjoy the plot it is in

accordance with Utile et Dulce where we can take the teaching from the

incident and enjoy the work from the plot. Larasati and Rizky explained

that Dulce is the esthetic way from the plot or the figurative language.

(Larasati and Rizky, 2020)

Entrok by Okky Madasari is a novel about a patriarch's life, as told

from the perspective of Sumarni and her daughter Rahayu. At the start of

the story, they were poor people, and it happened when Rahayu was

younger, but after a difficult life fight, Sumarni was able to alter her fate

for the better, as evidenced by their next scenario, in which they had a lot

of money and were able to send Rahayu to school. Rahayu is a little girl

who despises her mother because they hold opposing views on matters

like as religion, economy, and culture. Rahayu, who was educated and

taught Islam, has more modern ideas, but her mother, Sumarni, had not

know Islam since she was a child, Sumarni was raised to revere the earth's

mother and father, not other gods, yet despite not having studied, she

possessed rational reasoning. Of course, there are many twists and turns

in their life, especially because they live in a patriarchal world.

Entrok by Okky Madasari is also inseparable from the Utile et

Dulce rule, we can see how it is contained using a pragmatic approach

which is an approach that views literary work as something which is

constructed in order to achieve certain effect on the audience (effects

such as aesthetic, pleasure, instruction, or kinds of emotion) and tends to

judge the value of the work according to its success in achieving that aim.

(Abrams, 1953). In researching this work, the writer is also interested in

examining this work using the theory of Utile et Dulce by Quintus

Horatius Flaccus, popularly known as Horace.

In principle, Horace alludes to the responsibility of a writer in the

embodiment of his ideas, he said that in embodiment of ideas and in

order for readers to be taught and entertained the writer must "take a

subject equal to your powers", and consider at length how much your

shoulders can bear. Neither proper words nor lucid order will be lacking

to the writer who chooses a subject within his powers. The excellence

and charm of the arrangement, I believe, consists in the ability to say only

what needs to be said at the time, deferring or omitting many points for

the moment. The author of the long promised poem must accept and

reject as he proceeds.‖ (Horace in Nurrachman, 2017)

―Lima tahun aku menunggu hari ini datang. Pagi-pagi aku

sudah mandi lalu berdandan. Hari ini aku akan lahir kembali. Aku

akan kembali menjadi manusia yang punya jiwa. Tidak hanya raga

kosong yang menunggu kematian. Hari ini sedikit dosaku akan

tertebus. Utangku memang tak akan pernah impas. Tapi setidaknya

biarkan aku membuatmu sedikit saja bahagia. Lima tahun ini,

kulakukan segalanya untuk membuatmu kembali merasa berarti.

Setiap pagi aku mengajakmu menyusuri jalanan yang telah puluhan

tahun kaulewati. Agar kau kembali ingat kau adalah manusia hebat

yang telah mengalahkan kerasnya nasib.‖ (Madasari, 2021)

The quote above tells about regret, about trying to atone for

sins as illustrated by the excitement of a character there. That is the

first lesson, this is in accordance with what Horace said, illustrated that

its consist the ability to say what must be said about the depiction of

penance as his effort to do everything for it Further teaching in the

intro story can also be obtained from the depiction of different points

of view about the two main characters in this story, such as the parts

of Rahayu and Sumarni;

―Aku bilang, ‖Aku berdoa lima kali sehari. Itu cara yang

benar, bukan dengan cara yang dosa.‖ Ibu marah. ‖Aku nyuwun

pada Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapa Kuasa sejak lahir. Aku tidak

mengganggu orang lain. Dosa apa yang kulakukan?‖ ‖Yang kuasa

itu Gusti Allah, Bu. Bukan Mbah Ibu Bumi,‖ kataku dengan suara

keras, membalas teriakan Ibu. ‖Sampai setua ini, sampai punya

anak sebesar kamu, Nduk, aku tidak pernah tahu Gusti Allah.

Mbah Ibu Bumi yang selalu membantuku. Mbah Ibu Bumi yang

memberiku semua ini. Apanya yang salah?‖ (Madasari, 2017)

And Sumarni‘s part:

―Sungguh atas pertolongan Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapa Kuasa

semua yang kudapatkan saat ini. Memang aku mendapatkan daun

dewandaru dari Pesarean Gunung Kawi. Tapi kan daun itu hanya

mau jatuh kalau Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapa Kuasa menjatuhkannya.

Aku juga kerja keras, memeras keringat, mengelilingi Pasar

Ngranget dan dari rumah ke rumah di desa-desa. Semua kulakukan

hanya agar aku dan keluargaku bisa makan, tidak merepotkan

orang lain, dan punya kemuliaan dalam hidup. Lha kok yo masih

ada saja yang bilang aku dosa. Yang dosa itu ya orang kayak Mali

itu, seharian tidur di langgar, istri dan empat anaknya tiap hari

kelaparan.‖ (Madasari, 2021)

At his stand point Horace said that Praiseworthy poem is the

product of Nature or of conscious Art (Nurachman, 2017) it can be

means about how the author manifests the ideas he gets. This is also in

accordance with the quotation above which separates the two points of

view, this is judged as a work based on conscious, which makes this work

a praiseworthy work by writing two different points of view to

contrasting two different thoughts. We can also take the message from

the two points of view as an appreciation for differences, we must not

judge a difference first because being different does not mean harming


The next lesson, can also be taken from several characters who are

present in the story of entropy, there are many characters who are present

who also make the story of Entrok a praiseworthy, but not only good

characters, of course, because antagonist characters are needed in a story,

the point is for contrasting as well as the axis or fuel for the story.

‖Ibunya Rahayu itu contohnya lintah darat. Dia ngutangi

orang, menarik bunga sepuluh persen. Wong susah malah ditekek.‖

Mukaku terasa panas. Mataku memerah, air mata berdesakan ingin

dikeluarkan, mengingat bagaimana Pak Waji pernah mengatakan

itu di hadapanku dan kembali akan mengulangnya esok pagi. Aku

merasa waktu berhenti dan semua temanku sedang memandangku,

berbisik-bisik dan mengatakan aku anak lintah darat. Tiap hari

makanan yang kumakan adalah keringat orang-orang susah. Aku

bisa sekolah karena ibuku mengisap darah orang lain.‖ (Madasari,


Pak Waji is an example of an antagonist character in an entrok

story, we can get a lesson from the quotation above about someone who

easily judges others without paying attention to the feelings of the other

person. The incident and description also provided consolation for the

reader, feeling irritated or sympathizing with Pak Waji's cruelty in

accordance with one of Horace's rules which states.

―it is not enough for poems to be beautiful; they must be affecting, and

must lead the heart of the hearer as they will. As people‘s faces smile on

those who smile, in a similar way they sympathize wih those who weep. If

you wish me to weep, you must first feel grief yourself.‖ (Horace in

Nurrachman, 2017)

Further, in the story of Entrok we can feel a more intense affection.

‖Kamu kentut di depan petugas, ya!‖ bentak petugas yang

lain tiba-tiba. Petugas itu berbadan tinggi besar, berkumis tebal.

‖Tidak sengaja, Pak. Saya sudah tahan, tapi ndak bisa,‖ jawab

orang yang dituduh kentut. Kami berlima tertawa cekikikan. Ssst!

Amri memberi isyarat agar jangan sampai suara tawa kami terlalu

keras. Keenam orang itu meninggalkan pos jaga. Dua tentara

mengawal mereka sambil membentak. Mereka keluar gerbang lalu ke

jalan di samping markas. Itu jalan setapak. Mereka tidak pulang.‖

(Madasari, 2021)

―Siapa yang kedinginan?‖ terdengar suara dari arah dua orang itu. Kini

kami tahu enam orang lainnya berendam dalam sungai. Dalam dingin

udara yang membuatku terus menggigil. Kini pandangan kami ke sungai

di depan batu besar itu. Sekarang baru kami sadari ada bayang-bayang

enam kepala di sungai itu. Lalu sekarang ada bayangan tangan yang

diangkat ke atas. Salah satu orang itu mengacungkan tangan. Sepertinya

jawaban dari pertanyaan, ‖Siapa yang kedinginan?‖ (Madasari, 2021)

The description of the incident above such as farting and holding

back laughter as well as the way the soldiers scolded the pedicab driver

who farted in front of them was enough without showing any expression

from them according to Rahayu's point of view because the incident was

night and dark. Furthermore, the story continues in the incident that six

pedicab drivers there were punished by entering the river, only on the

basis of farting. We can feel the anger here at the arbitrariness of the


In this part there are also good writing rules, a simple storytelling

style but full of meaning, familiar material such as the behavior of the

apparatus, as well as messages about the arbitrariness and rights, this is in

accordance with what Horace said.; ―For me, the ideal of poetic style is to

mould familiar material with such skill that anyone might hope to achieve

the same feat. And yet so firmly would the material be ordered and

interconnected (and such is beauty that one may draw out in that way

from the familiar) that he would work and sweat in vain to rival it.‖

(Horace in Nurachman, 2017)

In conclusion, Okky Madasari's Entrok is a work that has many

moral messages by showing two different points of view of the two main

characters, as well as depictions of other characters and events. Of

course, this work can also win the hearts of readers, Okky Madasari as the

author can give pleasure to readers because of the plot or description of

the story by paying attention to good storytelling rules. The concept of

Utile et Dulce in this novel is considered with properly according to the

researcher because of its conformity with the concept of to teach and to

delight. Okky Madasari and her work are in line with the goals of the poet

according to Horace who said that aim of the poet is to inform or delight,

or to combine together, in what he says, both pleasure and applicability to

life‖ furthermore, he said that "he who combines the useful and pleasing

wins out by both instructing and delighting the reader." (Horace in

Nurachman, 2017)


Abrams, M.H. 1953. The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic Theory and Critical

Tradition. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Al Ma‘ruf, A.l (2017). Pembelajaran Sastra Multikultural di Sekolah:

Aplikasi Novel burung-Burung Rantau. Kajian Linguistik dan sastra.

Esten, Mursal. (1978). Kesusastraan (Pengantar, Teori, dan Sejarah).

Bandung: Angkasa.

Johnson, S. (2006). Lives of the poets. V. I. New York: Clarendon Press

Larasati, A. & Rizky, A. (2020). Konsep Horace Dalam Novel Laskar

Pelangi Karya Andrea Hirata Kajian Kritik Sastra. LITERASI, Jurnal

Ilmiah Pend. Bahasa, Sastra Indonesia dan NDaerah

Madasari, Oky. 2021 ENTROK. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Nurrachman, D. (2017). Introduction to Criticism. Bandung: Pustaka Aura


Name: Novita Wahidah
- Lack of focus
- Inconsistent discussion NIM: 1195030168
- Too many retelling rather than real analysis
- Lack of real critical analysis
- Lack of relevant theoretical justifications Class: 5D
- Having some inconsistent references
- Be aware of mechanic errors: citation, punctuation, paragraphing,
capitalization, etc 60 = C


The term woman is given to a girl who has reached a certain age.

Meanwhile, according to Kartono (1992) that a woman must have several

distinctive feminine traits that are widely demanded and highlighted by

the wider community, including: beauty, humility and nurturing. It can be

concluded that a woman is a girl with the achievement of certain ages, if

she is 20-40 years old, she can be said to be an adult woman, while if she

is under 20 years she is called a teenage woman. Women are synonymous

with beauty, have an attraction with their beauty. However, this cannot be

assessed on the one hand, because everyone has a different view of

women, there is a view that women are weak creatures who have many

limitations, talking about women is closely related to feminism.

―Rousseau, whom Wollstonecraft otherwise admires, suggest that woman

should exercise cunning and coquetry to make herself ―a more alluring object of

desire‖ ; her cultivation of ― truth and fortitude‖ must be sharply restricted

since ― obedience is the grand lesson which ought to be impressed‖ on women.‖

(Nurrachman, 2017: 133)

Not a few women are always seen as weak and life depends on a man. But

also not a few women who try to fight these views, and this is what is

meant by feminism. Feminism is a movement of women to gain

autonomy or freedom to determine themselves. In the form of the

women's emancipation movement, namely the process of detachment and

low socio-economic position, which curbs progress.

―In A Vindication of the Rights of Woman she went beyond her

Dissenter friends, whose views remained strickly patriarchal.‖

(Nurrachman, 2017: 132)

The issue of feminism has been widely discussed in several works, one of

which is A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792) by Mary

Wollstonecraft which raises the issue of women in the chapters of each of

her writings, she explains at length about the character, role and education

of women. Likewise, in Okky Madasari's novel Entrok, the novel raises

many issues of feminism, equality and tolerance, arbitrariness, injustice,

and violence. The following are the characters and characteristics that

raise Feminist issues in the entrok novel.

―Pasar ngaret ada di desa lain. Untuk kesana aku harus berjalan kaki

melewati tiga desa, lewat jalanan naik turun yang penuh batu dan debu, aku

tiba dipasar saat matahari sudah bergeser ke barat.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 20)

The story quote above is a quote from Mirna, she is the main character in

this novel who has a brave, decisive, and hardworking character. Marni is

the main character who raises feminist issues the most, she always tries to

prove that women also deserve to have a decent education and job.

―Nduk, semua itu sudah ada jatahnya. Orang kayak kita bagiannya

ngoncek telo. Nguli itu berat. Sudah jatah orang lain.‖ (Madasari, 2010:


In the quote above, there is a mbok character who is the mother of mirna

and is a hard worker who works in the ngaret market, she has good

character and always obeys existing customs and traditions.

―Tidak, pak,‖ jawab bapak cepat. ―Bukan begitu maksudnya. Nanti kami

sediakan duitnya. Dua atau tiga hari lagi sudah bisa diambil, pak,‖ kata

bapak penuh yakinan. Ia tidak memedulikan lirikan tajam ibu. Bapak

merasa sudah berbuat paling benar‖ (Madasari, 2010: 80)

The quote above is a quote that shows one of the characters named Teja,

he is the husband of mirna, his character is polite and obedient to the

government, but he has a arbitrary character to mirna, takes advantage of

his wealth to commit an affair behind mirna.

―aku malu dan marah. Begitu sampai di rumah, aku masuk ke kamar ibu

kuambil baki berisi tumpeng dan panggang itu lalu kubuang di halaman

belakang rumah. Tonah yang melihatku langsung berteriak-teriak. Dia

ketakutan. Takut pada ibu juga takut kualat pada Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapa

Kuasa.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 57)

This quote describes one of the characters, the only child from mirna

named Rahayu, Rahayu has a responsible character, is quick to face

problems, Rahayu really hates her mother, because of differences in

beliefs, but at the end of the story, after several incidents, Rahayu

becomes a dear child. and polite to mirna.

―Namanya Amri Hasan. Dosen di fakultas hukum. Masih muda, tampan,

dengan muka keakrab-akraban, belum pernah kulihat orang setampan ini.

Putih, mata lebar, alis tebal, dan hidung yang mancung agak besar, selalu

memakai baju putih dan seringkali celananya diatas mata kaki, terutama

saat ada pengajian. Semuanya terlihat serasi dan pas.‖ (Madasari, 2010:


In the quote above it is clear, there is a character named Amri Hasan, he

is a Koran teacher who becomes Rahayu's husband, his character is firm,

brave, Rahayu is his second wife.

―Marijo adalah pegawai bagian pembayaran dipabrik gula. Saat ada tebang

tebu, dia ke sawah-sawah, mengawasi tebu-tebu yang diangkur ke lori,

menghitung, lalu menyerahkan uang pembelian pada pemilik sawah.‖

(Madasari, 2010: 201)

The quote above is one of the quotes that describes Marijo's character as

an employee at a sugar factory, Marijo is Marni's husband after a long

time Marni was left by her first husband Tejo, Marijo has a good

character, is hardworking, and also cunning, because after Marni

experienced a decline in effort he left Marni just like that without news.

In the explanation of the characteristics above, it can be seen that men

have arbitrary characteristics towards women, Marni and Rahayu are one

of the victims. There are so many incidents in this novel that show how

men have a higher degree of inequality and status than women.

―Aku kuat, Mbok. Lha wong kita tiap pulang dari pasar juga nggendong

goni. Malah jaraknya jauh, naik-turun‖, ―bukan masalah kuat ngga kuat,

Nduk. Ini masalah ilok ra ilok- pantas nggak pantas. Nggak ada

perempuan nguli.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 35)

The quote from the novel above illustrates that the gap in the degrees of

women and men is so different, men are always considered to have a

higher degree than women, this seems to have been widely recognized by

many people, as well as by Marni's mother in this Entrok novel, said ilok

ra ilok which means it is patented and cannot be contested, until now

there are still many people who think like this. Therefore, feminists are

also becoming more widespread because of cases like this, like what

Marni did.

―Ni, kamu ada-ada saja. Nggak ada perempuan nguli, nggak akan kuat.

Sudah, perempuan itu kerja yang ringan-ringan saja ngupas singkong.‖

(Madasari, 2010: 34)

The quote above is a conversational dialogue between Mirna and her

mother. When in the market, Mirna asked and wanted to work as a

coolie, but because this work is usually done by a man, so his mother said

so, besides that because women are widely known as someone who is

weak and cannot work like a man. This assumption seems to have stuck

in the souls of everyone.

―Mbah Noto hanya mengingatkanku untuk tidak terlalu ngoyo dan tahu

diri. Katanya sudah dari sononya tenanga perempuan itu kecil dan tidak bisa

bekerja keras‖ (Madasari, 2010: 37)

The quote above is Mbah Noto's advice to Mirna regarding female

workers, but Mirna is adamant about this.

―Dipasar ini, buruh perempuan mengerjakan pekerjaan yang alus dan

enteng, seperti mengupas singkong, , menumbuk padi atau menumbuk kopi.

Tapi coba lihat, begitu buruh-buruh perempuan itu sampai dirumah. Mereka

harus melakukan pekerjaan yang ada, mengambil air dari sumber dengan

menempuh perjalanan naik turun. Berat satu jun yang berisi penuh air sama

saja dengan satu goni berisi singkong. Tidak ada laki-laki yang mengambil

air, katanya itu urusan perempuan. Ya jelas lebih enak nguli daripada

ngambil air. Nguli diupahi duit, sementara mengambil air tidak

mendapatkan apa-apa.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 37)

In the long quote, it shows the reality that men don't hear, and it seems as

if the blind don't see that the fact is that women are able to do their jobs,

but injustice still happens, in this quote it can be seen how a woman does

more work without pay. while the men only get cool jobs but earn

enough money.

―Aku sudah tidak lagi membagi waktu dengan bekerja di tempat Nyai

Dimah. Simbok diam saja, tak menanyakan atau melarang. Saat Bersama,

kami tidak pernah menyinggung urusan nguli. Simbok juga tidak pernah

bertanya tentang upah yang kudapatkan dari nguli‖ (Madasari, 2010: 39)

Basically the purpose of feminism is to equalize the position or degree of

women and men. Feminism fights for the humanity of women, fights for

women as independent human beings as a whole. (Setyorini: 2017). The

quote above shows how Marni fought for her rights as a woman. In

Setyorini (2017) feminism is a movement of women to gain autonomy or

freedom to determine themselves. Likewise with Marni who shows that

women are not weak creatures who are considered unfit to work like

men, she proves that by working as a nguli even though she is the only

woman, she tries to be free from thoughts like her mbok.

―Kalau Mbah Ibu Bumi Bapa Kuasa mengizinkan, semoga rezekiku

dilancarkan, aku punya duit untuk membeli tanah lagi yang kutanami padi

dan kacang. Akan aku pekerjakan perempuan-perempuan itu dan kuberi

upah tak kurang daripada yang diterima suamisuami mereka.‖ (Madasari,

2010: 103)

The quote above shows how the position of women is below men in

terms of economy, they get lower wages than their husbands, Marni as a

feminist pleads with her ancestors so that she gets more sustenance so

that she can employ the women in her village.

―Entrok memang terlalu mewah untuk aku dan simbok. Apa yang masih

dipikirkan seorang perempuan kere buta huruf dengan tanggungan seorang

anak selain hanya makan?‖ (Madasari, 2010: 18)

This quote shows that women will be inferior if they are not educated,

this is said by Marni, that yes, someone who is illiterate so that it is only

worth thinking about eating, he feels unworthy and will not be achieved if

his expectations are higher. But in reality, education is still widely

discussed among outsiders, because not a few when women are educated

there are also many limitations with men.

―Not only Rosseau but also most of the male writers who have follewes in his

footsteps have argued that the whole tendency of female education should be

directed toward one purpose: to make woman pleasing to men‖

(Nurrachman, 2017: 133)

In this case, it seems as if everything women do is aimed at serving men,

as well as in terms of education aimed at the interests of the husband.

―This habitual slavery, to first impressions, has a more baneful effecton the

female than the male character. Because business and other dry employments of the

understanding, tend to deaden the feelings and break associations that do violence to

reason.‖ (Nurrachman, 2017: 135)

Slavery and injustice against women continues to occur both in terms of

business, work or other things. Indirectly, this injustice can turn off

women's feelings. Injustice between a husband and a wife has happened

very often, this happened in addition to rahayu and also mirna, but many

other characters suffered the same fate.

―Yu Parti yang sebelumnya terlihat begitu semangat, kini lemas tanpa

tenaga. Ditariknya tanga kanannya yang tengah mencakar muka yu yem.

Tanpa bantahan yu parti mengikuti mengikuti tarikan suaminya.‖

(Madasari, 2010: 18)

In the quote above, it tells about yu party and yu yem, yu yem is an affair

with yu party's husband. a long time later the husband from the yu party

came and pulled him, this is where the yu party's powerlessness emerged

as a woman even though she was a victim, she obeyed orders and

instructions from her husband without scolding and being annoyed at her


―Ini anak Kang teja bu, kata ending sambil menyentuh kepala anak itu.

―Diam au tahu bapak nya siapa, ya saya bawa kesini to, wong ini dalah

rumah bapaknya.‖ (Madasari, 2010: 190)

In this quote explains the arrival of a new character named Endang

sulastri, then suddenly brings a small child and says that he is the son of

Tejo. What's worse is that he asked for an inheritance for his son, isn't

this unfair, that Marni is a hard workers who managed to buy rice fields

and others using their own sweat, which even her husband has been

playing behind her all this time.

―Bukan berebut suami tapi semua ini bersumber dari laki-laki. Apakah

memang seperti ini nasib seorang perempuan?‖ (Madasari, 2010: 193)

The quote above illustrates how tired Marni is with her position as a

woman, injustice has hit her successively, starting from Tejo, who is like a

parasite, living, eating, living and others, then at this time he always gets

reprimands from his superiors because of his reckless attitude towards

Tejo, to even if he dies, it still ruins his life. Even this also happened to

his son Rahayu.

―Orang tua Amri membawa mayat anaknya Kembali ke padang.

Perempuan itu bersama mereka. Sedikitpun taka da pertanyaan kepadaku,

apakah aku setuju atau apakah aku menginginkan hal lain. Arini yang

menyampaikan hal ini padauk‖ (Madasari, 2010: 235)

In this case, Rahayu experienced a slump over the departure of her

husband Amri, but it was even more painful because her husband's body

was brought by her mother and also his first wife, they didn't even glance

at and greet Rahayu, even this injustice happened again, polygamy

becomes painful if one party is harmed and also isolated.

Perempuan seharusnya dibiarkan menjadi dirinya sendiri di mana pun ia

berada, tanpa harus terkotak-kotak pada ruang publik atau domestik.

Pemilahan secara dikotomis justru sangat kontraproduktif terhadap

kemandirian perempuan itu sendiri. (Wibowo, 2011)

Naomi Wolf, mengatakan bahwa upaya untuk memperbaiki kehidupan

perempuan membutuhkan keberanian untuk secara terus-menerus

mensosialisasikan gagasan feminis secara rasional dan simpatik. ―Menjadi

feminis‖ bagi Wolf harus diartikan ―menjadi manusia‖, karena feminis

adalah sebuah konsep yang mengisahkan harga diri pribadi dan harga diri

seluruh kaum perempuan (Wolf, 1997: 10)

In this quote it can be concluded that women deserve to have equal

degrees, look for jobs that they can afford, have the freedom to choose

everything they want, that women are not fully servants for their



Edi, D. (2011). Peran Ganda Perempuan dan Kesetaraan gender. Kajian

Gender, 362.

Hasan, B. (2019). Gender dan Ketidak Adilan. Signal , 74.

Madasari, O. (2010). Entrok. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Nurrachman, D. (2017). Introduction to Criticism. Bandung: Pustaka Aura


Setyorini, R. (2017). Diskriminasi Gender. Desain, 292.


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