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Putri Anggarani SG.


Exercise 3
1. I saw the man who closed the door.
2. The book which I read was good.
3. The student sits next to me is from Bandung
4. I like the woman whom I met at the party.
5. The meeting in which I went was interesting.
6. The man called the police whose wallet was stolen.
7. The man who I was telling you about is standing over there.
8. The scientist whom we met yesterday is well-known for his research.
9. I’m reading a book which was written by Jane austen.
10. Mrs. Anderson responded to my letter right away, which I appreciated.
11. I apologised to the woman whose coffee I spilled.
12. The city where we spent our vacation was beautiful.
13. Monday is the day we will come.
14. Max is not home yet, which worries me.
15. 1960 is the year when the revolution took place.

Exercise 4
1. It is important to be polite to people who live in the same building.
2. She lives in a hotel, which is restricted to senior citizens.
3. My sister has two children, whose names are Nancy and Nola.
4. He comes from Venezuela, which is a Spanish-speaking country.
5. I would like to write about several problems that I have faced since I came here.

Exercise 5
1. The man who lost the game was disappointed.
2. I saw the singer whose singing I admire the most
3. This is the store whose products are highly recommended.
4. I visited the country where my best friends were born.
5. The day when she left me for another girl was unforgettable.

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