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Circulatory system

The blood circulatory system is a syst em of organs t hat includes t he heart , blood vessels, and
blood which is circulat ed t hroughout t he ent ire body of a human or ot her vert ebrat e.[1][2] It
includes t he cardiovascular system, or vascular system, t hat consist s of t he heart and blood
vessels (from Greek kardia meaning heart, and from Lat in vascula meaning vessels). The
circulat ory syst em has t wo divisions, a syst emic circulat ion or circuit , and a pulmonary circulat ion
or circuit .[3] Some sources use t he t erms cardiovascular system and vascular system
int erchangeably wit h t he circulatory system.[4]
Circulatory system

The human circulatory system (simplified). Red indicates oxygenated blood carried in arteries. Blue
indicates deoxygenated blood carried in veins. Capillaries join the arteries and veins.


MeSH D002319 (


TA98 A12.0.00.000 (


TA2 3891 (


FMA 7161 (


Anatomical terminology
The net work of blood vessels are t he great vessels of t he heart including large elast ic art eries,
and large veins; ot her art eries, smaller art erioles, capillaries t hat join wit h venules (small veins),
and ot her veins. The circulat ory syst em is closed in vert ebrat es, which means t hat t he blood
never leaves t he net work of blood vessels. Some invert ebrat es such as art hropods have an open
circulat ory syst em. Diploblast s such as sponges, and comb jellies lack a circulat ory syst em.

Blood is a fluid consist ing of plasma, red blood cells, whit e blood cells, and plat elet s t hat is
circulat ed around t he body carrying oxygen and nut rient s t o t he t issues, and wast e mat erials
away. Circulat ed nut rient s include prot eins and minerals, ot her component s t ransport ed are
gases such as oxygen, and carbon dioxide, hormones, and hemoglobin; providing nourishment , help
in t he immune syst em t o fight diseases, and in maint aining homeost asis by st abilizing
t emperat ure and nat ural pH.

In vert ebrat es, complement ary t o t he circulat ory syst em is t he lymphat ic syst em. This syst em
carries excess plasma filt ered from t he capillaries as int erst it ial fluid bet ween cells, away from
t he body t issues in an accessory rout e t o ret urn t he excess fluid back t o t he blood circulat ion as
lymph.[5] The passage of lymph t akes much longer t han t hat of blood.[6] The lymphat ic syst em is
a subsyst em t hat is essent ial for t he funct ioning of t he blood circulat ory syst em; wit hout it t he
blood would become deplet ed of fluid. The lymphat ic syst em works t oget her wit h t he immune
syst em.[7] Unlike t he closed circulat ory syst em, t he lymphat ic syst em is an open syst em. Some
sources describe it as a secondary circulatory system.

The circulat ory syst em can be affect ed by many cardiovascular diseases. Cardiologist s are
medical professionals which specialise in t he heart , and cardiot horacic surgeons specialise in
operat ing on t he heart and it s surrounding areas. Vascular surgeons focus on disorders of t he
blood vessels, and lymphat ic vessels.




Clinical significance
Other animals


See also


External links

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Last edited 5 days ago by Iztwoz

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